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... En–1 + x2 (n),where the window h (n), is defined as h (n) = anu(n), x (n) is. the speech signal, and 0 < a

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II Semester M.E. (Electronics & Communication) Degree Examination, January 2015 (2K9 Scheme) EL 215 : SPEECH AND AUDIO SIGNAL PROCESSING Time : 3 Hours

Max. Marks : 100

Instruction : Answer any five full questions. 1. a) With a neat block diagram, explain the speech production mechanism in terms of i) excitation along with the type of speech sounds produced and ii) system (filter). b) Write a note on : Articulators.

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c) Explain the following : i) Formants, ii) Pitch, and iii) Spectrograms.


2. a) Define short time autocorrelation function. Discuss the clipping autocorrelation pitch detector algorithm.


b) Explain the significance of short time energy and short time average zero crossing rate in the context of speech signal processing.


c) Show that the short time energy can be expressed recursively as, En = a2 En–1 + x2 (n), where the window h (n), is defined as h (n) = anu(n), x (n) is the speech signal, and 0 < a < 1. Draw a digital network diagram of this equation.


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3. a) Explain short time Fourier transform. Discuss the Fourier transform interpretation of STFT, specifically in terms of i) periodicity, ii) & recovering the signal x (n) from its STFT.


b) Discuss the filter bank summation method of short time synthesis and derive the expression for necessary constraints.


STFT c) Let x(n) ←⎯ ⎯ ⎯→ Xn (e jω)

i) If v(n) = x (n) + y (n), then show that

( )

( ) ( )

Vn e jω = Xn e jω + Yn e jω .

ii) If v (n) = x (n – k), then show that

( )

( )

Vn e jω = e−jωkXn e jω .


4. a) Define complex cepstrum and real cepstrum of a sequence x (n). Show that the complex cepstrum of a sequence can be computed as,

xˆ (n) =

−1 2πnj

1 xˆ (0) = 2π




x′(e jω ) jωn e dω, n ≠ 0 & x(e j ω )

log X(e jω ) dω


where symbols have usual meanings.



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b) Find the cepstrum of the sequence whose Z-transform is V(z) =

1+ 0.98z−1

π π j −j −1 6 6 (1 − 0.9e z )(1 − 0.9e z−1)



c) Explain with a block diagram steps involved in computing the real cepstrum of a speech signal. Draw block diagram to explain how pitch of the speech signal is estimated from the computed cepstrum and justify the steps.


5. a) Define a pth order linear predictor. Show that the following relation holds for a pth order linea predictor s (n)


∑ k =1αks(n − k) + e(n),

where { α k} are LP

coefficients and e (n) is the prediction error.


b) Explain the autocorrelation method of LP analysis and show that i)


∑ k =1α k Rn ( i− k ) = Rn (i),

1 ≤ i ≤ p, and

assuming p = 4, write the above equation in the matrix form. ii) minimum mean squared prediction error En = Rn(0) − ∑ pk =1 αkRn (k) .


c) Using Durbin’s recursive algorithm compute the transfer function of 2nd order LP model for a speech signal having autocorrelation coefficients R (0) = 1, R (1) = 0.5 and R (2) = 0.25.


6. a) Explain the following : i) JND, ii) frequency masking and iii) temporal masking. b) Discuss two broad classes of speech quality measures.

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7. a) With a block diagram explain ADPCM system with feed-forward adaptive quantization.


b) Discuss the salient features of the LD_CELP G.728 speech compression standard.


c) With a block diagram explain MPEG audio compression algorithm.


8. a) Explain the following in the context of speech signal processing. i) Dynamic time warping and ii) Hidden Markov model. b) Write a short note on Text to speech synthesis.


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