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recognition software would work well. Any in- ... Full transcription capabilites to easily tran- scribe your voice memos
Sources If someone has a disability with their hands such as carpal tunnel or tendonitis and typing is too hard, Dragon Dictate or any speech recognition software would work well. Any inaccents!

As this software can be time consuming, it can be very frustrating. This software wouldn’t work well with children who are easily irritated or frustrated when things don’t go right. This speech impediment such at stuttering or children who don’t speak at all.

Dragon Accessibility Solutions. (n.d.). Retrieved December 8, 2014, from http://goo.gl/ zhZHLs Four ways to use speech recognition in your classroom – Canada. (n.d.). Retrieved December 12, 2014, from http://goo.gl/BKygWS Fuchs, Michelle (Photographer). (2014). Dragon Dictate Software. Fuchs, Michelle (Photographer). (2014). Emily Newton Using Dragon Dictate.

Speech Recognition

Newton, Emily (Photographer). (2014). Michelle Fuchs Using Dragon Dictate. Voice Recognition Software Reviews. (n.d.). Retrieved December 8, 2014, from http://goo. gl/5xmmQB Windows 8.1 - Microsoft Windows. (n.d.). Retrieved December 12, 2014, from http://goo. gl/PAEKTn

A tool for teachers Images Cover image courtesy of Michelle Fuchs. Inside image courtesy of Michelle Fuchs. Outside image courtesy of Emily Newton.

Dragon Dictate Dragon Dictate is a software that merges fast, accurate speech recognition and versatile tran-

Uses in the Classroom Boost productivity Enhance learning Aid students with learning disabilities

and the words appear on the computer screen. Dragon Dictate works for Mac devices.

device. Then you must activate the software in order for it to work properly. While training, you will be reading a lot of sentences and short your voice.

or amazon.com There are several different types of Dragon lines. Depending on the type of software you want, the price can range anywhere from $80 to $799.99. The payment includes all materials such as the CD, instructional booklet, and microphone headset. Practice, practice, and more practice is a must! If you annunciate and speak clearly, the software should recognize your voice better. Be authoritative when talking in your headset.

Advantages Flexible voice commands lets you get things done quickly More control: Create and edit documents, manage email, surf the web, update Facebook and Twitter status, etc. Full transcription capabilites to easily transcribe your voice memos into text Smart Format Rules automatically adapt to how you want abbreviations, numbers, and more to appear More speed: Speak and words appear on the computer screen instantly. With higher performance and faster editing, you can get more done More accuracy: Easy to master with its high percentage accuracy. Dragon understands you so you make fewer edits and gets your words on the screen the way you intended.

Disadvantages Can be very frustrating Takes some time to learn all of the proper commands Can be expensive

Windows Speech Recognition Windows Speech Recognition is a software program that allows your voice to control the computer. Speech Recognition works with Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8. The progam should already be installed on your computer so there is no extra cost of purchasing the program. However, before you get started you will need to buy a microphone and connect it to your computer. Better quality microphones are going to be more successful with recognizing your speech. The two most common types of microphones used are headset microphones and desktop microphones. Headset microphones are typically better for speech recognition because they do not pick up background noise. Dragon Dictate and Windows Speech Recogwill practice talking into your microphone reading commands and short stories that allows the program to familiarize itself with your voice.