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Voice Reader Software

Overview of Text to Speech with Windows The text to speech software is a program that enables people to access text in an audio format This is much more comfortable as compared to the very monotonous way of continuously reading content. In other words, Text to Speech Program transforms the computer into a text speaking machine. Unlike other text to speech programs which sound like a typical robot, this text to speech software sounds natural and gives you the option of choosing the voice and accent of your liking. Thereby, making it much easier to comprehend and grasp information. It is a simple tool that can not only read aloud MS Word documents but can also be used for PDFs, eBooks, EPUB, TXT, RTF, HTML format and even for text from websites. Advantages of text to voice reader (TTS reader), to an individual

To the visually impaired with the TTS reader The biggest use of this text to voice software is for the visually impaired as it allows them to listen to the text on screen. TTS reader - for people with learning disabilities TTS reader is also useful for those who find it difficult to read long documents due to dyslexia and other such learning disabilities. Text to speech reader for multi-taskers Text to speech reader is of big advantage to people who like to multi-task. The facility to listen to text rather than read it, allows individuals to perform an additional chore simultaneously, especially if the task doesn’t involve too much concentration. Voice reader software can absorb information on the go The voice reader software converts the text into mp3 files which can be transferred to handheld devices. Reading lengthy content on small screens is not easy for the eyes. This TTS software enables one to understand the requisite information without scrolling through the content and zooming in on the device. Windows Text to Speech reduces harmful effect on eyes As the information available online is increasing day by day, we tend to spend considerable time on our mobiles, laptops and other such screens. This adversely affects our eyesight, over a period of time. Application of the text to speech software will help us considerably reduce this screen time and strain on our eyes. Advantages of Text to Speech, to the community The TTS program for Text to Speech has many uses for different sections of society: Text to speech for writers and publishers Text to speech makes it easy for content creators to distribute their work in more than one format. The audio form of content gives them a chance to reach out to those who have difficulty reading. Foreigners in a country us Text to Speech Software

Text to Speech Software is also a very handy tool for foreigners in a country. Although it is easy for them to speak and understand a native language, it is difficult for them to read it and learn the correct pronunciation. Text to speech for training and educational institutes Text to speech helps in enhancing the accessibility of online courses and textbooks manifold. In addition, it also makes the course material more interesting and engaging. Text to speech is a user-friendly and simple software with plenty of uses. One needs to simply copy and paste a paragraph or the whole document to this text to speech tool and it transforms the text into clear spoken words. One can also pick and choose the content with its filter tool and can of course pause, rewind and forward the audio clip. You can download this software and try it out, at no cost to you! So, download it now!

Official download for Audio Reader XL      

Text to Speech Text to Speech Software Text to Voice Reader Text to Voice Software TTS Reader Text to MP3

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