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Every day, we can transform our. work into something supernatural by offering up each difficulty we encounter for some p
Executive Speaker Series: Harry Kemp Speech Synopsis Harry Kemp, VP and Divisional Counsel at Lear Corporation, was the featured speaker at YCP Detroit's Executive Speaker Series on March 28 at St. Stephen. Kemp focused on three main areas: his background, integration of faith and work, and challenges for the audience. Kemp's background: Kemp grew up in a strong Catholic family and though he had a strong example, he sometimes took his faith for granted. As an undergrad at The University of Michigan, his faith was challenged and renewed when a Protestant from Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru) posed to him the question: "Who is on the throne of your life? Yourself, or Christ?" The question struck Kemp and made him realize that he needed to more intentionally make Christ the center of his life, because it would be then that he would be the happiest he could possibly be. Integration of faith and work: Your work is far more important than you think it is. You have a unique role and mission to play that no one else can play - your work has to be part of that. Why did Jesus work full time and very hard as a carpenter from age 12 to 30? He was demonstrating that work is an integral part of the human person. Because we are co-creators with God, the desire to create and to work is inherent in us. Work forms our character and prepares us for our unique mission. Every day, we can transform our work into something supernatural by offering up each difficulty we encounter for some prayer intention. Let your plans go - God is in control. Just do the next right thing - if you are attracted to something, it is objectively a right over a wrong, and it is giving you peace and energy, then consider it "the next right thing" and go for it. Challenges: Kemp offered three challenges to his audience: 1. Pray: All you need is perspective of time and trust. You learn trust through the school of prayer. Give God a whole chunk of time, every day (ideally in the morning), and then stay in contact with Him throughout the day. At the end of the day, ask yourself, "How did I respond to God's grace and blessing today?" Prayer resets your mind, perspective, and priorities. 2. Find friends who believe, and stay close to them: Be Christ to each other! God often speaks through the people closest to us. The people closest to us or those whom we admire attract us by the power of example: their witness of excellence, sincerity, and priorities makes us want to be like them. 3. Marry a saint if you're called to marriage: Find someone who shares a commitment with you - the commitment to help each other (and your kids) get to Heaven. Outdo each other in generosity. Kemp closed by quoting the words of Pope St. John Paul the Great, meant for all, but especially for the young: "Do not be afraid; open wide the door to Christ, and you will find true life." By giving yourself to Christ, you will make life free, beautiful, and great.

Young Catholic Professionals | Detroit Chapter 200 W 2ND ST, PO BOX 694 | ROYAL OAK, MI 48068 | ycydetroit.org 501(c)(3) non-profit