Sphingolipids affect fibrinogen-induced caveolar transcytosis and ...

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May 14, 2014 - 1Department of Physiology and Biophysics, School of Medicine, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky; 2Kidney. Disease Program ...
Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 307: C169–C179, 2014. First published May 14, 2014; doi:10.1152/ajpcell.00305.2013.

Sphingolipids affect fibrinogen-induced caveolar transcytosis and cerebrovascular permeability Nino Muradashvili,1* Syed Jalal Khundmiri,2* Reeta Tyagi,1 Allison Gartung,4 William L. Dean,3 Menq-Jer Lee,4 and David Lominadze1 1

Department of Physiology and Biophysics, School of Medicine, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky; 2Kidney Disease Program, Department of Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky; 3Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, School of Medicine, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky; and 4Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan Submitted 26 September 2013; accepted in final form 8 May 2014

Muradashvili N, Khundmiri SJ, Tyagi R, Gartung A, Dean WL, Lee MJ, Lominadze D. Sphingolipids affect fibrinogen-induced caveolar transcytosis and cerebrovascular permeability. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 307: C169 –C179, 2014. First published May 14, 2014; doi:10.1152/ajpcell.00305.2013.—Inflammation-induced vascular endothelial dysfunction can allow plasma proteins to cross the vascular wall, causing edema. Proteins may traverse the vascular wall through two main pathways, the paracellular and transcellular transport pathways. Paracellular transport involves changes in endothelial cell junction proteins, while transcellular transport involves caveolar transcytosis. Since both processes are associated with filamentous actin formation, the two pathways are interconnected. Therefore, it is difficult to differentiate the prevailing role of one or the other pathway during various pathologies causing an increase in vascular permeability. Using a newly developed dual-tracer probing method, we differentiated transcellular from paracellular transport during hyperfibrinogenemia (HFg), an increase in fibrinogen (Fg) content. Roles of cholesterol and sphingolipids in formation of functional caveolae were assessed using a cholesterol chelator, methyl-␤-cyclodextrin, and the de novo sphingolipid synthesis inhibitor myriocin. Fg-induced formation of functional caveolae was defined by association and colocalization of Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase and plasmalemmal vesicle-associated protein-1 with use of Förster resonance energy transfer and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, respectively. HFg increased permeability of the endothelial cell layer mainly through the transcellular pathway. While M␤CD blocked Fg-increased transcellular and paracellular transport, myriocin affected only transcellular transport. Less pial venular leakage of albumin was observed in myriocin-treated HFg mice. HFg induced greater formation of functional caveolae, as indicated by colocalization of Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase with plasmalemmal vesicle-associated protein-1 by Förster resonance energy transfer and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. Our results suggest that elevated blood levels of Fg alter cerebrovascular permeability mainly by affecting caveolae-mediated transcytosis through modulation of de novo sphingolipid synthesis. cholesterol; protein leakage; Förster resonance energy transfer microscopy; total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy; functional caveolae BLOOD PLASMA PROTEINS can cross the endothelial cell (EC) layer via transcellular and paracellular transport pathways. While paracellular transport of proteins occurs via EC junction proteins, transcellular transport involves formation of functional

* N. Muradashvili and S. J. Khundmiri contributed equally to this work. Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: D. Lominadze, Dept. of Physiology & Biophysics, School of Medicine, Univ. of Louisville, Bldg. A, Rm. 1115, 500 South Preston St., Louisville, KY 40202 (e-mail: [email protected]). http://www.ajpcell.org

caveolae. Caveolae are distinct flask-shaped, invaginated structures present at the surface of many cell types, including ECs (57). Their walls are enriched with sphingolipids and cholesterol (50). Therefore, caveolae are defined as specialized, morphologically distinct sphingolipid- and cholesterol-rich microdomains. It has been suggested that caveolar mobility can be affected by sphingolipids or cholesterol (46). However, a specific role of one or the other is not well established. For example, it was shown that caveolae movement can be increased in the absence cholesterol (48, 62), while in another study, it was found that cholesterol stimulated endocytosis of caveolae markers (54). Exogenous addition of glycosphingolipids was shown to dramatically induce caveolar endocytosis (54). However, the underlying mechanism, as well as the role of other sphingolipids, in caveolar motility remains to be elucidated. Caveolae have more sphingomyelin (SPM) and other sphingolipids than the bulk plasma membrane (44). Caveolae are defined by the presence of caveolin-1 (Cav-1), a main building component of the caveolar wall (58, 63). Another marker of caveolae is plasmalemmal vesicle-associated protein-1 (PV-1). PV-1 is an integral membrane-associated protein, and its expression is associated with caveolae formation (8, 22, 57). It is also considered a functional biomarker for altered vascular permeability following disruption of the blood-brain barrier (55). It has been shown that Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase is associated with caveolae (7, 49) and is involved in regulation of blood-brain barrier function (1). Recent evidence suggests that cells contain two functionally different pools of Na⫹K⫹-ATPase, an ion-pumping pool and a signaling pool (29). Moreover, the nonpumping Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase has been shown to colocalize in caveolae and interacts directly with multiple proteins, such as protein kinases, ion transporters, and structural proteins, to exert its nonpumping functions, including regulation of Cav-1 membrane trafficking (7). The combination and the functional balance of transcellular and paracellular pathways govern the net transvascular transport of substances in the microcirculation. Since both processes are associated with filamentous actin formation, the two pathways are interconnected. Therefore, it is difficult to differentiate the prevailing role of one pathway or the other during various pathologies causing an increase in vascular permeability. Consequently, it is not clear which of these pathways has a prevailing role during certain pathologies. Caveolae-mediated transcytosis and paracellular transport may be interconnected (5), which makes differentiation of their function difficult. We developed a dual-tracer probing method to differen-

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tiate the relative involvement of transcellular and paracellular transport pathways in protein crossing the EC layer and vascular wall under pathological conditions (43). To test for inflammation-induced changes in transcellular and paracellular transport, we used hyperfibrinogenemia (HFg), an elevated blood level of fibrinogen (Fg), as the experimental pathology. Elevated blood content of Fg is a biomarker of inflammation and a risk factor for many cardiovascular (14) and cerebrovascular disorders (16). While normal blood concentration of Fg is ⬃2 mg/ml (32), it reaches 4 mg/ml during various inflammatory diseases (33). HFg accompanies many inflammatory diseases, such as hypertension (28, 33), diabetes (25), stroke (13, 16, 17), and traumatic brain injury (9, 45, 60). It has been shown that enhanced blood Fg content increases permeability of brain pial venules, involving transcellular and paracellular transport but mainly affecting transcytosis (43). In the present study, we hypothesized that, at elevated levels of Fg, protein crossing of pial venules increases mainly via caveolar transcytosis. To address this hypothesis, we used a dual-tracer probing method (43) that allows differentiation of paracellular and transcellular transport of proteins and evaluated the role of Fg in formation of functional caveolae. To define the mechanism of Fg-induced caveolar transcytosis, we tested if chelation of cholesterol by methyl-␤-cyclodextrin (M␤CD) or inhibition of sphingolipid de novo synthesis by myriocin can alter Fg-induced permeability of cultured mouse brain ECs (MBECs) and pial venular macromolecular leakage. The effect of increased Fg content on levels of sphingolipids such as SPM, ceramide (Cer), sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), dihydrosphingosine, dihydro-S1P, sphingosin, and glucosylceramide (GlcCer) in MBECs and in mouse plasma samples was assessed using a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)-based lipidomics method. The results of the study confirm our hypothesis and suggest that elevated levels of Fg increase EC layer permeability mainly by affecting levels of sphingolipids and, to a lesser extent, cholesterol. Moreover, our results suggest that Fg-generated sphingolipid metabolites stimulate the formation of functional caveolae and, thus, exacerbate the Fg-mediated transcytosis. METHODS

Reagents and antibodies. Human Fg (FIB-3, depleted of plasminogen, von Willebrand factor, and fibronectin) was purchased from Enzyme Research Laboratories (South Bend, IN); Alexa Fluor 647-conjugated BSA (BSA-647) from Invitrogen (Carlsbad, CA); Lucifer yellow (LY), M␤CD, and myriocin from Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO); and Cer, GlcCer, and SPM from Cayman Chemical (Ann Arbor, MI). Animals. In accordance with National Institutes of Health Guidelines for animal research, all animal procedures were reviewed and approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of the University of Louisville. Black C57BL/B6 wild-type (WT) mice were obtained from Jackson Laboratories. HFg transgenic mice were purchased from the Mutant Mouse Regional Resource Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. For genotyping of HFg mice, DNA was extracted from the tail tip of mice and amplified by PCR using specific primer sequences according to the protocol described previously (43). EC culture. MBECs (American Type Culture Collection, Manassas, VA) were cultured in complete DMEM according to the recommendations of the American Type Culture Collection at 37°C with 5%

CO2-air in a humidified environment and used for the experiments at passage 5 or 6. EC layer permeability by the dual-tracer probing method. In cultured MBECs, the roles of transcellular and paracellular transport during HFg were studied using a dual-tracer probing method (43). The method is based on comparison of transport of a low-molecularweight molecule (i.e., LY) with that of a high-molecular-weight molecule (i.e., BSA-647) through the cell layer (43). Since lowmolecular-weight molecules leak mainly via paracellular transport (between EC junctions) and high-molecular-weight molecules move through paracellular (only when gaps between the cells are wide enough) and transcellular (caveolar transcytosis) pathways, the difference in transport rates of these molecules would indicate the prevailing transport pathway involved in overall protein crossing of a vascular wall (43). MBECs were grown on Transwell permeable supports (Corning, Corning, NY) with polycarbonate membranes (Nuclepore TrackEtched membrane, 6.5 mm diameter, 0.4-␮m pore size, 108/cm2 pore density) coated with fibronectin until they formed a complete monolayer, as described previously (43). Cell confluence and the presence of an intact monolayer on the membranes were confirmed in each series of experiments (47, 64). Hirudin (0.1 U/ml) was added to each well in all experiments to inhibit possible effects of thrombin. Cells were washed with PBS and treated with 4 mg/ml Fg, 4 mg/ml Fg ⫹ 100 ␮M M␤CD, 100 ␮M M␤CD, or the same volume of PBS as Fg in medium (control) in the presence of LY (0.3 mg/ml) and BSA-647 (0.2 mg/ml). In another set of experiments, besides treatment with 4 mg/ml Fg and PBS in medium (control), cells were treated with 4 mg/ml Fg ⫹ 500 nM myriocin and with myriocin alone. Media samples (50 ␮l) were collected from lower chambers of the Transwell system after 20, 40, 60, and 120 min and replaced with the same volume of the sample added to each respective upper well. Fluorescence intensity of each dye was measured by a microplate reader (SpectraMax M2e, Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, CA) with excitation at 488 nm and emission at 520 nm for LY and excitation at 650 nm and emission at 668 nm for BSA-647. Thus we tested a concentration gradient-induced movement of tracers through the EC layer, which can be defined by Fick’s law: J ⫽ ⫺PS(Co ⫺ Ci), where P is membrane and endothelium permeability to the substance, S is permeable surface area, Ci is concentration of substance in the upper chamber, and Co is concentration of substance in the lower chamber. The variables P, S, and Ci did not change in our experiments. Therefore, changes in EC layer permeability are presented as a ratio of fluorescence intensity of each dye in the lower chamber to fluorescence intensity of the respective dye in the original sample at the end of the experiment. Cerebrovascular permeability. Twelve-week-old HFg mice (26–29 g body wt) were treated with myriocin (0.5 mg/kg body wt ip) every 12 h for 3 days. The same volume of PBS was used for the control group. Mice were anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium (70 mg/kg ip). A heating pad was used to maintain body temperature of the mice at 37 ⫾ 1°C. Mean arterial blood pressure and heart rate were monitored through a carotid artery cannula connected to a transducer and a blood pressure analyzer (CyQ 103/302, Cybersense, Lexington, KY). Cranial windows were prepared and changes in pial venular permeability were observed as described previously (41). After surgical preparation, following a 1-h equilibration period, a mixture of 100 ␮l of FITC-BSA (300 ␮g/ml) and 20 ␮l of myriocin or PBS in the respective control group was infused through the carotid artery cannula and allowed to circulate for 10 min (34, 41). Brain pial circulation was observed with a microscope (model BXG61WI, Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) equipped with a ⫻10/0.40 (UPlanSApo, Olympus) objective. After the baseline reading was obtained, images of the selected venular segments were recorded at 10, 20, 40, 60, and 120 min. An epi-illumination system was used to observe intravascular and extravascular FITC-BSA. The area of interest was exposed to blue

AJP-Cell Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajpcell.00305.2013 • www.ajpcell.org


light (488 nm) for 10 –15 s with a power density of 3.5 ␮W/cm2. The microscope images were acquired by an electron-multiplying chargecoupled device camera (Quantem 512SC, Photometrics, Tucson, AZ) and image acquisition system (SlideBook 5.0, Intelligent Imaging Innovations, Philadelphia, PA). The lamp power and camera gain settings were held constant during the experiments. Images of the pial venular circulation were analyzed by image analysis software (ImagePro Plus 7.0, Media Cybernetics, Bethesda, MD). In each image, a 30-␮m-long line profile probe was positioned in the interstitium adjacent to the venule (parallel to the vessel) and then in the middle of the venule, parallel to the bloodstream. Leakage of FITC-BSA was assessed by changes in the ratio of fluorescence intensity in the interstitium to that inside the vessel. The results were averaged and are presented as percentage of baseline. Fg effect on level of sphingolipids in vivo and in vitro. MBECs grown in 100-mm-diameter petri dishes were treated in triplicates with 2 mg/ml Fg, 4 mg/ml Fg, or PBS in phenol-red free medium (control) for 2 or 24 h. The treatment medium was collected and kept at ⫺80°C until analysis. Also, to define plasma content of sphingolipids, blood samples were collected from anesthetized WT and HFg animals, and the plasma samples were kept at ⫺80°C until analysis. Content of sphingolipids in cell media and plasma samples was assessed by LC-MS/MS, as described elsewhere (6). Briefly, samples were fortified with 5 ng of a mixture of internal standards: C17 base D-erythrosphingosine, C17 base D-erythrosphinganine, C17 base Dribophytosphingosine, C17-Cer, C17-S1P, and C17-SPM. Samples were extracted into an organic solvent system [85:15 (vol/vol) ethyl acetate-isopropanol], evaporated, and reconstituted in 1 mM ammonium formate and 0.2% formic acid in methanol. Extracted lipids were resolved by a reverse-phase HPLC using C8 columns (100 ⫻ 2.1 mm, 2.4 mm; BDS Hypersil, Thermo Scientific). The HPLC eluent was directly introduced to a mass spectrometer (QTRAP 5500, AB SCIEX, Framingham, MA) equipped with an electrospray ion source (ESI) that is used for ESI-MS/MS. The ESI-MS/MS test was carried out in the positive-ion mode with ESI. Chromatographic data were analyzed by MultiQuant (AB SCIEX) to integrate the chromatograms for each multiple reaction-monitoring and/or selected reaction-monitoring transition. Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase activity. MBECs were treated with Fg (2 or 4 mg/ml) or PBS in medium (control) and then washed with PBS. Protease inhibitor cocktail in PBS was added to the cells on petri dishes, which were kept on ice, and the cells were scraped and collected. The cells were counted, suspended in PBS-protease inhibitor cocktail at 106 cells/ml, and the sonicated five times, for 10 s each, on ice. The samples were centrifuged at 1,000 g for 10 min, the sediment was discarded, and the supernatant was centrifuged at 100,000 g for 30 min at 4°C. The cell membrane fraction was suspended in 200 ␮l of PBS-protease inhibitor cocktail and frozen in liquid nitrogen for further analysis. Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase activity was measured as ouabain-sensitive ATP hydrolysis, as described previously (15). Briefly, Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase activity was measured by addition of membrane material isolated from MBECs to a buffer containing 100 mM NaCl, 5 mM KCl, 40 mM histidine, 3 mM MgCl2, 1 mM EGTA, and 11 mg/ml alamethicin. The reaction was started by addition of 5 mM MgATP and carried out in the presence or absence of 1 mM ouabain (Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase activity inhibitor). The amount of phosphate released was measured by a colorimetric procedure described by Taussky and Shorr (61). Ouabain-inhibited ATPase activity was expressed as nmol Pi released·min⫺1·mg protein⫺1. Plasmids and cell transfection. mCherry-tagged rat Na⫹-K⫹ATPase ␣1-subunit was provided by Dr. Thomas A. Pressley (Texas Tech University). Yellow fluorescence protein-tagged Cav-1 was provided by Dr. Zijian Xie (University of Toledo). Green fluorescence protein (GFP)-labeled PV-1 (a marker for caveolae) was purchased from OriGene Technologies (Rockville, MD). MBECs were trans-


fected with the indicated plasmids using Lipofectamine 2000 (Invitrogen) in Opti-MEM, as described previously (24). Sensitized Förster resonance energy transfer. Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) imaging experiments were performed in living cells. MBECs were transfected with GFP-PV-1 (donor) and mCherry-Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase ␣1-subunit (acceptor) for 24 h and then viewed and analyzed by an Olympus microscope with FRET and total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) capabilities before and after treatment with 4 mg/ml Fg. FRET image acquisition and analysis were performed as described previously (12) using SlideBook 4.2 software (Olympus, Center Valley, PA), which is based on the three-filter “micro-FRET” image subtraction method described by Jiang and Sorkin (23). Briefly, three images (100- or 250-ms exposure sets, 2 ⫻ 2 binning) were obtained: a mCherry excitation/mCherry emission image, a GFP excitation/GFP emission image, and a GFP excitation/mCherry emission image (raw, uncorrected FRET). After this initial imaging, background images were obtained. Background mCherry and GFP images were fractionally subtracted from raw FRET images based on measurements for GFP bleed-through (0.50 – 0.56) and mCherry cross-excitation (0.015– 0.02). This fractional subtraction generates corrected FRET images. The corrected FRET images are represented in pseudocolor (gated to mCherry acceptor levels) showing sensitized FRET within cells. Pearson’s coefficients for the subtraction were rounded up from average cross-bleed values determined in cells expressing GFP- or mCherry-tagged constructs alone. Thus these coefficients result in underestimation of corrected FRET signals for true FRET partners but prevent false-positive detection of FRET. Sensitized donor- or acceptor-normalized FRET was calculated using SlideBook 4.2 software. TIRF microscopy. Membrane TIRF microscopy was performed as described by Blaine et al. (6a) with slight modifications. Briefly, MBECs were grown to 60% confluence in a dish with a collagencoated coverslip bottom (no. 1.5, MatTek, Ashland, MA). Cells were transfected with the indicated plasmids (see RESULTS). Samples were observed using an Olympus TIRF microscope equipped with a ⫻60/ 1.45 numerical aperture objective under the control of SlideBook 4.2 software. Laser excitation was derived from a multiline argon ion laser (458/488/515 nm) run at the same current setting for all experiments. The power at the sample was controlled by a neutral density filter wheel. Excitation and emission wavelengths were selected using filter sets for mCherry and GFP. The laser was aligned according to the manufacturer’s instructions to achieve TIRF illumination. Images were taken using a Hamamatsu camera operating with 2 ⫻ 2 binning. O2 was provided by the ambient air, which was supplemented with 5% CO2 and warmed to 37°C in an environmental chamber surrounding the specimen. Association between Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase and PV-1 was calculated by Pearson’s coefficient using SlideBook 4.2 software. Caveolae were quantified using ImageJ software as the number of GFP (PV-1) and mCherry (Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase) particles. Data analysis. Values are means ⫾ SE. The experimental groups were compared by one-way ANOVA with repeated measures. If ANOVA indicated a significant difference (P ⬍ 0.05), Tukey’s multiple comparison test was used to compare group means. Differences were considered significant if P ⬍ 0.05. RESULTS

Fg-induced transcellular vs. paracellular transport. We tested a concentration gradient-induced movement of tracers through the endothelial layer. The solution levels in the upper and lower chambers were kept equal. The tracers’ concentrations in the upper chambers were maintained during the experiment. Therefore, the process of diffusion can be defined by a simplified Fick’s law of diffusion. It can easily be defined by changes in tracers’ concentrations in the lower chambers relative to those in the respective upper chambers. To present an

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example of actual permeability of the EC layer to the test tracers under control and treatment conditions, amounts of tracers in the lower chambers at 10, 20, 40, 60, and 120 min were calculated and are presented in Table 1. Fg-induced leakage of LY (a marker of paracellular transport) through the MBEC layer was greater than that through MBECs treated with PBS in medium (control) at 20 and 40 min (Fig. 1A). However, it was no longer different from the control at 60 and 120 min (Fig. 1A). On the other hand, EC layer crossing of BSA-647 induced by 4 mg/ml Fg was greater than that in the control group starting from 40 min and continued to increase steadily over the observation period (Fig. 1B). M␤CD ameliorated the effect of high Fg content on leakage of both dyes (Fig. 1, A and B). M␤CD alone did not have a significant effect on MBEC layer permeability (Fig. 1, A and B). In contrast to the effect of M␤CD, myriocin did not affect leakage of LY induced by 4 mg/ml Fg (Fig. 1C). However, it blocked Fg-induced BSA leakage (Fig. 1D). Myriocin alone did not affect permeability of MBECs (Fig. 1, C and D). Cerebrovascular permeability. Body weight of animals used in the study varied from 26 to 29 g. Mean arterial blood pressure alterations were minimal (⫺3 ⫾ 0.5 mmHg) and pial venular diameters (40 ⫾ 5 ␮m) did not change after FITC-BSA and its mixture with myriocin infusions. We found a robust time-dependent increase in FITC-BSA leakage in HFg mice, which was ameliorated in the presence of myriocin (Fig. 2). Effect of Fg on sphingolipid levels in vitro and in vivo. Myriocin is a highly selective inhibitor of serine palmitoyltransferase (SPT) (27, 51), the first and rate-limiting enzyme in the de novo sphingolipid biosynthesis pathway that condenses

Table 1. Amounts of tracers in lower chambers of the Transwell system at 10, 20, 40, 60, and 120 min Amount of Tracer, ␮g 10 min

20 min

40 min

60 min

120 min

Lucifer yellow (initial amount 0.069 ␮g) Control Fg4 Fg4 ⫹ M␤CD M␤CD

0.0091 0.0138 0.0113 0.0100

Control Fg4 Fg4 ⫹ M␤CD M␤CD

0.0009 0.0026 0.0016 0.0009

0.0194 0.0302 0.0216 0.0212

0.0295 0.0396 0.0327 0.0301

0.0382 0.0429 0.0407 0.0369

0.0421 0.0457 0.0447 0.0417

BSA-Alexa Fluor 647 (initial amount 0.034 ␮g) 0.0018 0.0057 0.0036 0.0025

0.0060 0.0117 0.0077 0.0067

0.0104 0.0168 0.0124 0.0112

0.0140 0.0192 0.0145 0.0142

Lucifer yellow (initial amount 0.069 ␮g) Control Fg4 Fg4 ⫹ myriocin Myriocin

0.0067 0.0056 0.0062 0.0055

0.0097 0.0218 0.0181 0.0074

0.0247 0.0358 0.0332 0.0238

0.0390 0.0449 0.0421 0.0383

0.0452 0.0508 0.0495 0.0460

serine and palmitoyl-CoA to produce 3-ketodihydrosphingosine (21, 30). Therefore, we examined the effect of Fg on levels of sphingolipids. We have developed LC-MS/MS methods that can simultaneously quantitate ⬎40 species of sphingolipids. MBECs were treated with or without Fg (2 or 4 mg/ml) for 2 or 24 h, culture media were collected, and sphingolipid levels were measured by LC-MS/MS. While we did not observe alterations in levels of S1P, dihydrosphingosine, or dihydro-S1P, we found that Fg dose dependently increased levels of most sphingolipid species of Cer, SPM, and GlcCer in MBECs (Fig. 3). In addition, lipid profiling of plasma samples from WT and HFg transgenic mice showed higher levels of SPM, Cer, and GlcCer in HFg than WT mice (Fig. 4). Fg-induced activation of Na⫹-K⫹ ATPase. Activity of Na⫹K⫹-ATPase in MBECs treated with 2 mg/ml Fg was not different from that in cells treated with PBS in medium (control) (Fig. 5). However, 4 mg/ml Fg significantly increased Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase activity (Fig. 5). These results indicate that a high Fg content can activate Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase in ECs. FRET and TIRF. To determine if the increase in transcellular transport described above is due to caveolae in the plasma membrane, formation and motion of caveolae were measured in the presence and absence of sphingolipids or Fg by FRET and TIRF microscopy. To identify caveolae, cells were transfected with GFP-labeled PV-1 and/or mCherry-labeled Na⫹K⫹-ATPase ␣1-subunit. As shown in Fig. 6A, epifluorescence showed both proteins to be expressed in cells. To determine the association between the two proteins, FRET was performed in the cells in the presence of PBS in medium (control), and the cells were imaged after 15 min of treatment with sphingolipids or Fg. Figure 6B shows a basal association between PV-1 and Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase ␣1-subunit. The association significantly increased when the cells were treated with Cer and Fg, but not with GlcCer or sphingomyelin. Figure 6C shows three-channel sensitized FRET after photobleaching. To determine if the association is in the plasma membranes, the same cells were imaged by TIRF microscopy. In Fig. 6D, TIRF microscopy shows that Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase ␣1-subunit and PV-1 are associated with each other and are localized in the plasma membrane. Treatment with Fg, Cer, and SPM increased the number of caveolae in the plasma membrane, as shown by the increase in the number of mCherry and GFP particles in the plasma membrane (Fig. 6, E and F). GlcCer had no effect on the number of caveolae in the plasma membrane. However, the association between Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase ␣1- az’s correlation did not change with any of the treatments (data not shown). Similar results were observed in cells transfected with mCherry-labeled Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase ␣1-subunit and yellow fluorescence protein-labeled Cav-1, another marker for caveolae (data not shown). These results point to an exciting and novel singular target in Fg-induced caveolae formation.

BSA-Alexa Fluor 647 (initial amount 0.034 ␮g) Control Fg4 Fg4 ⫹ myriocin Myriocin

0.0033 0.0045 0.0028 0.0013

0.0059 0.0096 0.0071 0.0052

0.0135 0.0205 0.0158 0.0124

0.0150 0.0239 0.0185 0.0163

0.0167 0.0268 0.0204 0.0180

Amount of Lucifer yellow and BSA-Alexa Fluor 647 that crossed the mouse brain endothelial cell layer treated with PBS (control), 4 mg/ml fibrinogen (Fg4), 4 mg/ml fibrinogen in the presence of methyl-␤⫺cyclodextrin (Fg4 ⫹ M␤CD), or myriocin (Fg4 ⫹ myriocin), or M␤CD or myriocin alone.


We found that enhanced formation of functional caveolae during HFg was associated with increased content of sphingolipids, particularly SPM, Cer, and GlcCer. Inhibition of sphingolipid synthesis ameliorated the Fg-induced increase in permeability of ECs without affecting paracellular transport. Further studies indicated that the effect of Cer alone on formation

AJP-Cell Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajpcell.00305.2013 • www.ajpcell.org



Lucifer yellow leakage, relative fluorescence





0.4 Control Fg4 Fg4 + MβCD MβCD


0.0 0






BSA leakage, relative fluorescence




Control Fg4 Fg4 + MβCD MβCD




0.0 0




D * * Control Fg4 Fg4 + Myriocin Myriocin


0.0 0






BSA leakage, relative fluorescence

Lucifer yellow leakage, relative fluorescence









Fluorescence intensity, % of baseline







Time, min




0 5


Fig. 1. Fibrinogen (Fg)-induced permeability of mouse brain endothelial cells (MBECs). A and B: permeability of MBECs to Lucifer yellow (LY) and BSA tagged with Alexa Fluor 647 (BSA-647) in the presence of PBS in medium (control), 4 mg/ml fibrinogen (Fg4), 4 mg/ml Fg ⫹ 100 ␮M methyl-␤cyclodextrin (Fg4 ⫹ M␤CD), or 100 ␮M M␤CD. C and D: permeability of MBECs to LY and BSA-647 in the presence of PBS in medium (control), 4 mg/ml Fg (Fg4), 4 mg/ml Fg ⫹ 500 nM myriocin (Fg4 ⫹ myriocin), or 500 nM myriocin. Fluorescence intensity of each dye in samples collected from lower chambers of the Transwell system after 20, 40, 60, and 120 min was measured by a microplate reader (488-nm excitation and 520-nm emission for LY; 650-nm excitation and 668-nm emission for BSA-647). Results are expressed as ratio of fluorescence intensity of each dye in the lower chamber to fluorescence intensity of the respective dye in the original sample at the end of the experiment. Values are means ⫾ SE; n ⫽ 4. *P ⬍ 0.05 vs. control. †P ⬍ 0.05 vs. Fg4 ⫹ M␤CD or Fg4 ⫹ myriocin.






- HFg + PBS - HFg + Myriocin





of functional caveolae in MBECs was similar to that of HFg. These data indicate that a high level of Fg increases EC layer permeability mainly by affecting the transcellular transport pathway, which involves caveolar transcytosis. Mechanistically, our results suggest that Fg activates the sphingolipid biosynthetic pathway, and the derived sphingolipid metabolites



Control Fg4 Fg4 + Myriocin Myriocin

Time, min



Time, min

Time, min









Time, min Fig. 2. Cerebrovascular permeability to macromolecules in hyperfibrinogenic (HFg) mice. Pial venular permeability to FITC-BSA was assessed in HFg mice treated with myriocin (0.5 mg·kg⫺1·day⫺1) or PBS for 3 days. Fluorescence intensity changes in an area of interest adjacent to the venular segment were measured as described in METHODS. Venular permeability was assessed by changes in the ratio of fluorescence intensity measured in the interstitium adjacent to the venule to that inside the vessel. Values (means ⫾ SE) are shown as percent change in fluorescence compared with PBS alone (control); n ⫽ 4. *P ⬍ 0.05 vs. HFg ⫹ PBS.

play a critical role in Fg-triggered caveolar transcytosis and EC permeability. Previously, we found that elevated levels of Fg enhance formation of functional caveolae (40), leading to increased permeability of the EC layer (42, 64) and microvessels (41). It has been shown that Fg affects EC junction proteins, increasing the cell layer permeability (42, 64). We also found that a high level of Fg increases cerebrovascular permeability mainly by affecting the transcellular transport pathway (43). This in vivo finding was confirmed for MBECs (43). However, while the mechanism of Fg-induced paracellular transport involving changes in junction proteins and formation of filamentous actin has been shown (47, 64), the mechanism of the Fg effect on caveolar transcytosis (40) was not clear. Caveolae are flask-shaped, invaginated structures present at the surface of various cell types, including ECs (57). As their walls are enriched with sphingolipids and cholesterol (50), caveolar endocytosis can be stimulated by addition of exogenous sphingolipids or cholesterol (46). SPM and other sphingolipid levels are higher in the caveolae than the bulk plasma membrane, and the density of lipids was found to be higher in the caveolae than in the plasma membrane fraction from which the caveolae were isolated (44). We used a dual-tracer probing method that allows differentiation between paracellular and transcellular transport pathways (43). LY, a well-known marker of paracellular transport (18, 35, 36), was used as a low-molecular-weight tracer (43). The Stokes-Einstein radius of LY (0.5 nm) is significantly less than that of BSA (3.5 nm) (43). Therefore, in normal conditions, low-molecular-weight substances, such as

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Sphingolipids (ng/ml)

- Control - 2 mg/ml Fg - 4 mg/ml Fg




* * *



* *


* *


** **


* *




* *

* *



B - Control - 2 mg/ml Fg - 4 mg/ml Fg

Sphingolipids (ng/ml)

Fig. 3. Fg-induced increase in sphingolipid synthesis in MBECs. MBECs were treated with PBS in medium (control) or 2 or 4 mg/ml Fg for 2 h (A) or 24 h (B). Levels of sphingolipids were assessed in cell culture medium by LC-MS/MS. Fg markedly increased levels of ceramide and sphingomyelin species in MBECs. Sphingolipids with different length and degree of saturation of fatty acids were measured. C18:2, fatty acid with 18 carbons and 2 double bonds; DH, dihydro; Sph, sphingosine; S1P, sphingosine-1phosphate. Values are means ⫾ SE; n ⫽ 3. *P ⬍ 0.05 vs. control. †P ⬍ 0.05 vs. 2 mg/ml Fg.

* * *



* *



* *




LY, traverse the EC layer via mainly cell junctions, while high-molecular-weight substances, such as albumin, hardly pass cell junction proteins and leak between the cells. In the case of an increased level of Fg, which affects EC junctions and caveolae formation (40, 47), LY should leak mainly through the cell junctions (31), while BSA should leak through the cell junctions when they open wide enough and via the transcellular pathway when caveolae become functional. It has


long been known that albumin crosses the endothelial barrier via vesicular transcytosis (37, 52). However, when EC junctional gaps open wider in response to various inflammatory stimuli (i.e., Fg), albumin can easily move between the cells. It has been shown that activation of ICAM-1 on the EC surface leads to an increase in albumin transport via the paracellular transport pathway (59). We have shown that an increased level of Fg activates ICAM-1 on the EC surface (53), suggesting

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Lipid concentration, fold increase over the WT

- SPM - Cer 1.3



- GlcCer

* *



Fig. 4. Comparison of sphingomyelin (SPM), ceramide (Cer), and glucosylceramide (GlcCer) content in plasma of hyperfibrinogenic (HFg) and wild-type (WT) mice. Plasma concentration of SPM, Cer, and GlcCer sphingolipids was measured by LC-MS/MS. Content of these lipids was higher in HFg than WT mice. Values are means ⫾ SE; n ⫽ 4. *P ⬍ 0.05 vs. WT.

that, during HFg, albumin can traverse the EC layer via transcellular and paracellular transport pathways. At elevated levels, Fg induced robust leakage of LY at the beginning of the observation period compared with cells treated with PBS. However, this leakage was no longer different between the cell groups during the last hour of observation, suggesting that HFg-mediated gap opening in MBECs is not different from that in control cells after ⬃1 h. In contrast, albumin traversing the MBEC layer was greater throughout the period of observation in the presence of a high level of Fg than in the control group. These results suggest that while junctional canals between the cells were closing after their initial robust opening, protein (albumin) crossing of the cell layer was still greater in the presence of a high Fg content. Therefore, albumin was traversing the cell layer through paracellular and transcellular pathways, but mainly via the transcellular transport pathway. Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase utilizes ⬃30% of the total cellular energy to maintain intracellular ionic concentration, which allows transport of various ions, glucose, and amino acids against their concentration gradient. An increase in Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase activity would strongly suggest an increase in overall transport activity in cells with a high Fg content. Thus our functional study, in agreement with previous work, showed that increased Fg concentration mainly induces transcellular transport while transiently activating paracellular transport (43). Transient opening of EC junctional gaps has been observed during many neuropathological disorders (e.g., central nervous system inflammation, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and epilepsy) (56). Transcellular transport during HFg may depend on how long the blood level of Fg is elevated. It has been shown that, after a moderate inflammatory stimulus, the blood level of Fg remains elevated for ⱖ15 days (19). After inflammation subsides, this prolonged elevation of Fg content can cause a lasting effect on EC activation and possible formation of functional caveolae (40). The present data confirm this notion. Moreover, formation of functional caveolae can result in caveolar transcytosis of proteins, as found in our previous studies (41– 43). To differentiate the roles of cholesterol and sphingolipids in Fg-induced caveolar transcytosis, we tested the effects of the

cholesterol chelator MbCD and the sphingolipid de novo synthesis inhibitor myriocin on permeability of MBECs to two tracers. Fg-induced BSA crossing of the MBEC layer was inhibited by cholesterol chelation. While M␤CD did not have an effect on LY leakage at later times, it blocked Fg-induced enhanced leakage of LY at 20 and 40 min, when cell junctional gaps were more open. This suggested its predominant effect on paracellular transport. On the other hand, myriocin did not alter Fg-induced leakage of LY, but it blocked the effect of Fg on BSA crossing of the cell layer. These results suggest that inhibition of sphingolipid synthesis has a lesser effect on cell junction openings but a greater effect on Fg-induced functional caveolae formation and the resultant caveolar transcytosis. This effect of sphingolipid synthesis inhibition was confirmed in vivo, when cerebrovascular permeability to BSA in HFg mice was ameliorated in the presence of myriocin. Thus our data indicate that while cholesterol can affect caveolar transcytosis and EC junctional gap openings, sphingolipids can affect formation of functional caveolae and their motility. Recent evidence suggests that sphingolipids and their metabolites have important roles in signal transduction (3, 4, 26, 65). These reports, together with our present data, suggest that sphingolipids can have a signaling role in Fg-induced microvascular permeability. The de novo sphingolipid biosynthesis pathway is initiated by SPT, which synthesizes 3-ketosphinganine from L-serine and palmitoyl CoA (21, 30). Subsequently, 3-ketosphiganine is converted to Cer, SPM, GlcCer, and other sphingolipids, via reactions catalyzed by a series of enzymes, including ceramide synthase. Since it was suggested that local production of Cer can increase vascular permeability leading to tissue edema (20, 38), we tested if inhibition of de novo sphingolipid synthesis by the SPT inhibitor myriocin (39) can affect MBEC layer permeability. Myriocin inhibited Fg-induced BSA leakage but did not affect leakage of LY. This exciting observation suggests that Fg activates the de novo sphingolipid biosynthetic pathway, and metabolites of the sphingolipid biosynthetic pathway play a critical role in caveolae-involved transcytosis and affect paracellular transport to a lesser degree. These results were confirmed in vivo: treatment with myriocin decreased cerebrovascular leakage in HFg mice. In combination, these data suggest that Fg activates the de novo sphingolipid Ouabain-Sensitive ATP hydrolyzed (nM/min/mg)










Fg 2mg/ml

Fg 4mg/ml

Fig. 5. Fg-induced Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase activation in MBECs. Ouabain-sensitive Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase activity was measured as an indicator of active transport across the membrane. Cells treated with PBS in medium were used as a control group. Values are means ⫾ SE; n ⫽ 3. *P ⬍ 0.05 vs. control.

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10 µm Na/K-ATPase


10 µm

10 µm Merge

10 µm



10 µm FRET


10 µm


10 µm

Cer Total FRET 10 µm Na/K-ATPase


10 µm

10 µm Merge




10 µm


10 µm


10 µm

10 µm


10 µm


10 µm


10 µm


10 µm Na/K-ATPase


10 µm

10 µm

10 µm Merge



SPM No FRET 10 µm Na/K-ATPase


10 µm

10 µm Merge



10 µm


10 µm FRET

10 µm


10 µm

10 µm


10 µm FRET

10 µm


10 µm


10 µm Na/K-ATPase


10 µm

10 µm Merge




C 10 µm


10 µm


10 µm


10 µm


10 µm


10 µm


10 µm


10 µm



10 µm


10 µm


10 µm


PV1 No Association

10 µm


10 µm

Merge Total Association




Control Cer GlcCer SPM

E 10 µm





10 µm

Number of PV-1 particles



F Number of Na+/K+-ATPase particles


Three channel sensitized (FRET)









0 Control Cer GlcCer SPM 12000

* 8000


* *


0 Control Cer GlcCer SPM


Fig. 6. Effect of Cer, GlcCer, SPM, and Fg on formation of functional caveolae in MBECs. Formation of caveolae was determined by Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) and total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy. Cells were transfected with green fluorescence protein (GFP)-labeled plasmalemmal vesicle-associated protein-1 (PV-1) and/or mCherry-labeled Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase, and live cells were imaged as described in METHODS. A, B, and D: representative images from 3 individual experiments for epifluorescence (A), FRET (B), and TIRF (D). Merged images in B are in pseudocolor (gated to mCherry acceptor levels). Color scale shows reference spectrum: blue indicates no association (FRET and TIRF), and red indicates association (FRET and TIRF). C: data for 3-channel FRET efficiency after photobleaching from 3 individual experiments. In each experiment, FRET efficiency from 30 –50 cells was calculated, averaged, and considered as 1 experimental value. E and F: expression of Na⫹-K⫹-ATPase and caveolin-1 in the plasma membrane was determined by TIRF, and the number of caveolae was counted as individual GFP (E) and mCherry (F) particles using ImageJ software. In each experiment, values from 30 –50 cells were averaged and considered as 1 experimental value. Values are means ⫾ SE; n ⫽ 3. *P ⬍ 0.05 vs. control.

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biosynthetic pathway and that metabolites of the de novo sphingolipid biosynthetic pathway play critical roles in mediating Fg-triggered cerebrovascular leakage. To define the role of a specific metabolite of the de novo sphingolipid biosynthetic pathway, we treated cells with Fg and measured levels of sphinoglipids by LC-MS/MS. Fg dose dependently increased the levels of SPM, Cer, and GlcCer in MBECs, while some other sphingolipids were unaffected. Moreover, the content of the same three sphingolipid species was elevated in blood plasma of mice treated with a high dose of Fg. Collectively, our results suggest a novel autocrine mechanism attributed to Fg-induced endothelial leakage: elevated Fg content activates the de novo sphingolipid biosynthetic pathway, leading to the local increased generation of sphingolipids (particularly Cer and SPM), which results in enhanced caveolae formation and, thus, increased cerebrovascular permeability. The role of SPM, Cer, and GlcCer in formation of functional caveolae, the caveolae that can move inside the cell and can be involved in caveolar trafficking, was further tested in MBECs. FRET and TIRF microscopy demonstrated that Fg and Cer increased the number of caveolae in the plasma membrane, as shown by the increase in the number of GFP and mCherry particles in the plasma membrane and the increase in threechannel FRET efficiency after photobleaching. Unlike Fg and Cer, SPM and GlcCer had no effect on three-channel FRET efficiency. However, the number of caveolae in the plasma membrane was increased to a lesser extent by SPM and GlcCer than by Fg and Cer. These data would indicate that, similar to Fg, Cer has a greater effect on formation of caveolae than does SPM or GlcCer and suggest that HFg activates synthesis of SPM, Cer, and GlcCer. Although Cer has a prevailing role in caveolar trafficking, the other two sphingolipids are also involved in Fg-induced formation of functional caveolae. This can be concluded on the basis of the similarity of the effect of Fg and the sum of effects of the other three sphingolipids relative to the control group. Thus our data indicate that Fg-induced formation of functional caveolae, which results in increased caveolar transcytosis, involves enhanced synthesis of SPM, Cer, and GlcCer, which subsequently results in formation of functional caveolae contributing to transcellular transport of blood proteins. Enhanced accumulation of blood proteins in the interstitium can lead to edema formation, which has devastating effects in the brain, which is enclosed in a restricted space. In addition, enhanced deposition of Fg in the interstitium can contribute to formation of amyloid plaques and result in irreversible loss of short-term memory, as in Alzheimer’s disease (2, 10, 11). Thus our study shows that, at an elevated blood level, Fg enhances EC layer permeability to proteins mainly by enhancing caveolar transcytosis. Fg-induced formation of functional caveolae can be modulated by sphingolipids and, particularly, by Cer. It is most likely that an increased Fg level enhances synthesis of Cer, which increases formation and functionality of caveolae. These effects inevitably lead to an increased permeability of the EC layer and the resultant enhanced microvascular permeability. Increased permeability of cerebral microvessels to proteins would cause significant destructive effects leading to various vasculoneuronal disorders. Therefore, our data suggest that many cerebrovascular problems leading to inflammation and the resultant increase in blood


level of Fg may be counterbalanced by inhibition of sphingolipid synthesis. GRANTS This work was supported in part by National Institutes of Health Grants AG-047474 (to S. J. Khundmiri), HL-071071 (to M.-J. Lee), and NS-084823 (to D. Lominadze). DISCLOSURES No conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, are declared by the authors. AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS N.M., S.J.K., R.T., and A.G. performed the experiments; N.M., S.J.K., R.T., A.G., and D.L. analyzed the data; N.M., S.J.K., A.G., W.L.D., M.-J.L., and D.L. interpreted the results of the experiments; N.M. and S.J.K. prepared the figures; N.M. and S.J.K. drafted the manuscript; W.L.D., M.-J.L., and D.L. are responsible for conception and design of the research; W.L.D., M.-J.L., and D.L. edited and revised the manuscript; D.L. approved the final version of the manuscript. REFERENCES 1. Abbruscato TJ, Lopez SP, Roder K, Paulson JR. Regulation of bloodbrain barrier Na,K,2Cl-cotransporter through phosphorylation during in vitro stroke conditions and nicotine exposure. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 310: 459 –468, 2004. 2. Ahn HJ, Zamolodchikov D, Cortes-Canteli M, Norris EH, Glickman JF, Strickland S. Alzheimer’s disease peptide ␤-amyloid interacts with fibrinogen and induces its oligomerization. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107: 21812–21817, 2010. 3. Alvarez SE, Harikumar KB, Hait NC, Allegood J, Strub GM, Kim EY, Maceyka M, Jiang H, Luo C, Kordula T, Milstien S, Spiegel S. Sphingosine-1-phosphate is a missing cofactor for the E3 ubiquitin ligase TRAF2. Nature 465: 1084 –1088, 2010. 4. Ancellin N, Hla T. Differential pharmacological properties and signal transduction of the sphingosine 1-phosphate receptors EDG-1, EDG-3, and EDG-5. J Biol Chem 274: 18997–19002, 1999. 5. Bauer PM, Yu J, Chen Y, Hickey R, Bernatchez PN, Looft-Wilson R, Huang Y, Giordano F, Stan RV, Sessa WC. Endothelial-specific expression of caveolin-1 impairs microvascular permeability and angiogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 102: 204 –209, 2005. 6. Bielawski J, Szulc ZM, Hannun YA, Bielawska A. Simultaneous quantitative analysis of bioactive sphingolipids by high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Methods 39: 82–91, 2006. 6a.Blaine J, Okamura K, Giral H, Breusegem S, Caldas Y, Millard A, Barry N, Levi M. PTH-induced internalization of apical membrane NaPi2a: role of actin and myosin VI. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 297: C1339 –C1346, 2009. 7. Cai T, Wang H, Chen Y, Liu L, Gunning WT, Quintas LE, Xie ZJ. Regulation of caveolin-1 membrane trafficking by the Na/K-ATPase. J Cell Biol 182: 1153–1169, 2008. 8. Carson-Walter E, Hampton J, Shue E, Geynisman D, Pillai P, Sathanoori R, Madden S, Hamilton R, Walter K. Plasmalemmal vesicle associated protein-1 is a novel marker implicated in brain tumor angiogenesis. Clin Cancer Res 11: 7643–7650, 2005. 9. Chhabra G, Rangarajan K, Subramanian A, Agrawal D, Sharma S, Mukhopadhayay A. Hypofibrinogenemia in isolated traumatic brain injury in Indian patients. Neurology India 58: 756 –757, 2010. 10. Cortes-Canteli M, Paul J, Norris EH, Bronstein R, Ahn HJ, Zamolodchikov D, Bhuvanendran S, Fenz KM, Strickland S. Fibrinogen and ␤-amyloid association alters thrombosis and fibrinolysis: a possible contributing factor to Alzheimer’s disease. Neuron 66: 695–709, 2010. 11. Cortes-Canteli M, Strickland S. Fibrinogen, a possible key player in Alzheimer’s disease. J Thromb Haemost 7: 146 –150, 2009. 12. Cummins TD, Mendenhall MD, Lowry MN, Korte E, Barati MT, Khundmiri SJ, Salyer SA, Klein JB, Powell DW. Elongin C is a mediator of Notch4 activity in human renal tubule cells. Biochim Biophys Acta 1814: 1748 –1757, 2011. 13. D’Erasmo E, Acca M, Celi FS, Medici F, Palmerini T, Pisani D. Plasma fibrinogen and platelet count in stroke. J Med 24: 185–191, 1993. 14. Danesh J, Lewington S, Thompson SG, Lowe GD, Collins R, Kostis JB, Wilson AC, Folsom AR, Wu K, Benderly M, Goldbourt U, Willeit

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AJP-Cell Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajpcell.00305.2013 • www.ajpcell.org