S. M. Barnett, L. Allen, P. C. Robert, R. G. Claire, J. P. Miles, C. S. Fiona, M. Y. Alison âOn the natures of the spin and orbital parts of optical angular momentumâ, ...
Spin Angular Momentum Induced Plasmogalvanic Effect in Nanostructured Metal Maxim Durach1, Natalia Noginova2 1. Georgia Southern University; 2. Norfolk State University Abstract. We introduce the continuity equation for the electromagnetic spin angular momentum (SAM) in matter and discuss the effects of the SAM transfer to materials. The corresponding torque can be represented using spin forces, which we describe in this manuscript. We show that the spin forces are expected to result in pinning the plasmon drag effect or plasmon-induced electromotive force to atomically-thin layer at the metal interface, which is the first prediction of a plasmogalvanic phenomenon. Introduction In the recent years the plasmonics field has experienced a considerable shift towards atomic scale features, structures [1-3], gaps or cavities [3-5], surface charge nonlinearities and photoinduced voltages [6,7] or atomic-layer 2d materials [8-10]. For example, plasmons propagating along graphene structures exhibit dispersion, electromagnetic confinement and loss properties that can be compared to those of plasmons at noble metal interfaces [11]. Main difference between plasmon excitations in these materials is that the optical response of graphene is more sensitive to electrostatic interactions in comparison to metals, due to obvious differences in electronic confinement, which can find a plethora of exciting applications [12,13]. Nevertheless, as we show in this manuscript, the sensitivity of noble-metal plasmons to the environment at the metal-dielectric interface could be considerably stronger than was previously deemed. The induced charge in the noble-metal plasmons, as in the case of graphene plasmons, is localized in an atomicallythin layer at the very edge of the metal, despite of the fact that electrons can travel into the bulk of the metal from the interface [14]. We demonstrate that, due to absorption of spin angular momentum of plasmons, most of the momentum dissipation from plasmons to one-particle electronic excitations occurs at the location of this atomically-thin induced charge layer (see Fig. 1 for schematic). This should lead to rectified surface currents, which we expect to be sensitive to the environment at the metal-dielectric interface, but which are at the same time more topologically robust than in the atomic-layer materials, due to the possibility to shift electron states into the bulk of the metal. The process of momentum dissipation from surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) to one-particle electronic excitations in the metal is called the plasmon drag effect (PLDE) and is one of the manifestations of SPP absorption [15-18]. It corresponds to the giant enhancement of photoinduced currents in the conditions of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and is a plasmonic phenomenon, attracting considerable attention due to its comprehensive nature [7,15-24], encompassing the topics of optical force distribution in matter [16,18,25], ultrafast optics [16], quantum plasmonics and hot electron kinetics [18]. Recently the subject of angular momentum of light [26] and its transfer to matter [27,28] has added to the list of topics which can be studied via PLDE, in particular by considering currents transverse to the incidence plane induced by circularly polarized light [22,29]. In general, investigation of angular momentum in electromagnetic fields has been a rapidly developing research direction. Specific topics relevant to this manuscript are separation of light angular momentum into orbital angular momentum (OAM) and spin angular momentum (SAM) parts [30,31], conservation laws for angular momentum [32] and OAM and SAM separately [33] and spin-momentum locking in evanescent waves [34-36]. In this paper we show that SAM of SPPs is absorbed by the metal plasma in the same way as energy and linear momentum and this SAM absorption leads to dramatic redistribution of SPP-induced forces on electrons toward the metal
interface and localizes them at the very surface in the thin atomic layer where the surface charges are concentrated (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Schematic of plasmon drag pinnning to the atomic layer at the metal surface due to SAM absorption. The volume spin forces practically cancel SPP pressure and most of the SPP momentum is deposited by the surface force at the metal interface
From symmetry considerations one can separate photoinduced currents into two contributions (i) photogalvanic (or rectification) effect, arising in non-centrosymmetric structures and (ii) drag effect, which is due to absorption of electromagnetic quasimomentum by electrons (light pressure mechanism) [13,37]. The photogalvanic and drag effects are known for both linear and circular polarizations [37-40]. ( ) and is attributed to The circular photogalvanic effect produces currents according to the absorption of circularly polarized light [41,42]. Generation of photoinduced currents in nonabsorbing media is classified as the inverse Faraday effect [43-47] and the produced currents are given by ( ) , corresponding to rectified magnetization ( ) . The phenomenological and microscopic models, and the comparison of the surface currents due to photogalvanic and photon drag effects were considered in the situation of the anomalous skin effect by Gurevich et al [48,49]. It was suggested that the photogalvanic currents can be due to asymmetry brought in by the diffuse electron scattering at the metal interface. Generally speaking, the necessary condition for photoinduced currents is asymmetry in the hot electron distribution function, which can be achieved via asymmetry in the excitation optical fields or due to asymmetry in carrier relaxation mechanisms after the excitation as was discussed in relation to semiconductors in Refs. [37,38]. In metals, strong photoinduced currents are observed in the conditions of surface plasmon excitations (PLDE [7,15-25]). As can be seen from hydrodynamic models of metal plasma, the time scale of relaxation of photogenerated hot electrons [50] determines the magnitude of the photoinduced currents [48,51]. It has been shown recently in a combined theoretical and experimental study [18], that the timescale determining the plasmon drag effect is the thermalization time of hot-electrons, generated in the process of plasmon dephasing, such that the induced current density can be found as , where is the Lorentz force density acting on polarization charges in the metal [16]. The total Lorentz force acting on metal electrons can be split into pressure force and striction or gradient parts [16]. Since striction force is conservative and cannot produce work on electrons, pressure force is responsible for the total PLDE current [18]. In Ref. [18] the plasmonic pressure force was estimated for an electron drift along a periodically modulated film, characterized by the position-dependent angle -2-
( ) between electric current and the x-axis. Using the C-method theory [52], it was analytically shown that the work done on electrons by the PLDE pressure force over a period can be found as [18] ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ ( )
{ }̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
where bars denote averaging over a period, film thickness, and time. The first sum on the right-hand side of Eq. (1) is composed from contributions from different diffraction modes and is proportional to the energy absorption rate ̅̅̅̅ and the quasimomentum of each mode. The other two terms in Eq. (1) are not proportional to quasi-momentum and are related to the photogalvanic effect; the second term is due to non-laminar currents and includes the possible effects of surface considered by Gurevich et al. [48,49], {
whereas the third term is due to absorption of the SAM of SPPs
} and is related to
the circular photogalvanic effect of Ivchenko, Pikus and Belinicher [41,42]. We call the contributions into plasmon-generated currents corresponding to the last two terms in Eq. (1) as plasmogalvanic effects (PLGE). Below we focus on PLGE related to the absorption of SAM of plasmons. Absorption of SAM in Electromagnetic Fields In this paper we predict and describe PGDE due to absorption of SAM of SPPs. We start by deriving the electromagnetic spin conservation law in a lossy material for the first time. The conservation law in a lossless dielectric was derived in Ref. [33]. Our approach leads to an expression for the torque applied to a material by electromagnetic fields as a dissipation term in the continuity equation for electromagnetic spin. We adopt the following dual-symmetric definition of the spin angular momentum (SAM) of an electromagnetic field
, where
define our vector potentials as and
[31,53]. Note that we
, using the solenoidal nature of
. The potentials are related to the fields as
. As we show in the
Supplementary Material (Part I), the rate of the angular momentum transfer between the electromagnetic spin degree of freedom and matter can be described with the following continuity equation ̂)
where ̂ is the tensor of electromagnetic spin flux, analogous to Maxwell stress tensor for the flux of linear momentum of the electromagnetic field (compare to Eq. (3.24) of Ref. [33]) ̂
and is the torque volume density, which is composed from the torques associated with the interaction between the polarization and the electric fields and the magnetization and the magnetic fields : . (
In monochromatic fields the first terms in Eqs. (4) result in zero time-average torque, but lead to torque in narrow-bandwidth pulses according to
) ̅̅̅
) ̅̅̅̅̅
, similarly to the Brillouin
internal energy stored in electromagnetic field in media [54] or Abraham force [54,55], (we derive this torque in Supplementary Material (Part II), to our knowledge for the first time). In monochromatic fields the time-averaged torque density applied to matter is -3-
Both expressions for electric and magnetic torques can be understood as torques acting on dipole moments in electric and magnetic fields and are used, for example, in Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation to describe magnetization dynamics [56,57]. The expression for the torque applied to polarized matter has been previously used in the proposal of optical torque wrench devices [28], but has never been consistently associated with SAM absorption as we do in the current paper (see Refs. [58-62]) and has never been related to the loss of photonic SAM as we do in this manuscript. Indeed, if one assumes the material relationship of the form and the torque in Eq. (5) turns into {
} ̅̅̅
} )̅
} (6)
} is the Poynting vector averaged over the optical period and where ̅ ( ) { ̃ }. From Eq. (6) one can see explicitly that torque stems from the absorption of ( ) { SAM. Additionally, it appears that loss in bi-anisotropic media, or [63], can result in torque. This fact is of interest due to recent investigations of optical forces applied to bi-anisotropic particles [64-67]. Spin Force Due to Absorption of SAM The polarization leads to polarization charges with volume density ( ) and surface density ( ̂), where ̂ is the normal to the metal boundary pointing outwards. The polarization also corresponds to the volume current density
. At the same time magnetization
corresponds to the
volume current density and surface current density (̂ ) without induction of uncompensated charge. According to the Landau-Lifshitz argument [54,68] the macroscopic magnetization at optical frequencies does not retain the physical meaning it has at lower energies. Despite this, there has been a very active search for optical magnetism [69-72]. Here we retain the magnetization and until the consideration of SPPs at metal-dielectric interfaces to keep our consideration applicable to lower frequencies and to aid the hunt for macroscopic optical magnetism. Even though we aim our work at optical plasmonic structures, where (or ), one can see from our consideration that macroscopic optical magnetism should manifest itself in the PLDE. The torques of Eq. (5) can be presented in terms of forces acting in the surface and volume of the material using the following identities provided in Supplementary Materials (Part III) ∫( ∫(
) ∮(
∮( (
) ))
)} )}
(7a) ∫
) ( ̂( ̂) is the surface force density acting on surface magnetization where ( ) currents . As was shown in Ref. [16] the force densities in (7a) corresponding to the polarization torque lead to zero net force on the matter ∮
Similarly, the forces that correspond to the magnetic torque the total force on the matter:
(8a) according to (7b) do not contribute in to
∮ (
∫ (
Despite the zero overall contribution into the total force, these forces, which appear due to SAM absorption, modify considerably the spatial distribution of the linear momentum transfer between plasmonic fields and matter and pin this transfer to the atomically-thin layer at the metal surface as we show below.
Fig. 2. Channels for electromagnetic momentum transfer in media. The channel that leads to PLDE is the pressure force and PLGE is brought about by the spin force due to SPP SAM absorption.
( )( ) in free space is furnished by the Maxwell The continuity of linear momentum stress tensor ̂ describing the momentum flux in electromagnetic field [73]. In a medium the continuity ̂
is complemented by a term which describes momentum transfer between the
field and matter (represented through polarization and magnetization ), in which is the Lorentz force applied to polarization charges and currents and . The Lorentz force volume and surface densities and are given by (
) (
) )
(10) as follows (
(9a); (
( (
We partition the Eqs. (9)-(10) into (
) (
) )
(9b) (9c)
The force in Eq. (9b) is the Abraham force, which is zero in monochromatic fields, similarly to the first terms in Eqs. (4) or to the electromagnetic energy in media [54], and for pulses was considered in [55]. The electric part of the Lorentz force (Eq. (9a)) and (Eq. (10a)) in absence of magnetization were -5-
first applied to PLDE in Ref. [16]. Note that another approach to momentum transfer between electromagnetic field and matter based on Einstein-Laub force has been discussed in Refs. [60-62,74-78]. In Refs. [16,18] it was demonstrated that the first term of Eq. (9a) (which can be extended to the first term ( ) ( ) responsible for the of Eq. (9c)) can be considered as the orbital force linear momentum transfer (or OAM transfer with torque ) and is directly related to energy absorption. The rectified parts of these orbital forces can be represented as the sum of striction and pressure forces [16] ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
(| | )
(| | )
( {
)}, (
(11a) )},
The pressure force (the terms with in Eqs. (11)) is proportional to the wave vector of the electromagnetic field and is the source of the PLDE. In this paper we investigate the remaining contributions into Eqs. (9)-(10) which we classify as the spin force, whose volume density is ( ) ( ) ( ) and surface density is . The electric part of was first obtained in Ref. [16] (for ). Considering Eq. (8a-b) the results in zero net force on the material, but determine the SAM absorption torque according to Eqs. (7a-b) and results in PLGE. Note that despite of the fact that the SAM absorption torque is only proportional to (see Eq. (6)), the corresponding rectified spin forces have both and contributions ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
( {
)} ( {
The first terms of Eq. (11)
)} (
)} and
{ {
absorption of the spin part of the Poynting current
(| | )
)} can be understood as
)} from Ref. [30].
SAM Absorption in SPPs and Force Pinning to the Atomic Layer at the Metal Surface. Consider a flat metal-dielectric interface with (
. The fields of a SPP in the metal (
( ̂
̂ )
) are
The last equation is the condition of SPP existence, ensuring the matching of longitudinal electric fields at the metal-dielectric interface, which leads to the dispersion ( ) of SPPs (see Fig. 3(a)). Inside the metal the volume density of the force acting on electron is a combination of the orbital and spin forces ̅̅̅̅̅ ̅̅̅̅̅̅ ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅. In the orbital force only the pressure force is doing work on electrons, while striction is a potential force and is responsible for redistribution of electron density, but not photoinduced currents [18] (see Fig. 2). The spin part of the force inside metal is ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
{ (
Compare this volume force density in the metal with the force surface density on the surface of the metal ̅̅̅̅ { }| (see Eq. (10a)). The first term in the volume spin force integrated over the crosssection of the metal perpendicular to plasmon propagation gives exactly the opposite of the surface force. The second term integrated over the cross-section of the metal in the direction of SPP propagation is equal to zero assuming fields decay out for . If the fields don’t fully decay, this part of the spin force is opposite to the surface force created at the ends of the metal in the x-direction. In any case the second term is due to the decay of SPPs in the direction of propagation and does no overall work on electrons in the case of the laminar current [18]. For this reason, below we only consider one part of the { ( )} and disregard ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ { ( )} . Together with the spin force ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ surface force ̅̅̅̅ , the volume part of the spin force corresponds to the plasmonic torque ̅ { } ̂ (Eq. (6)) according to Eq. (7a). In principle, the total force acting on electrons can be calculated using just the pressure part of the orbital force, but as we show below inclusion of the spin force completely changes the distribution of the force densities, such that most of the momentum of the SPPs is deposited in the atomically-thin surface charge layer at the metal surface (see Fig. 1). The study of the surface charge layer between metal and dielectric has been a major direction in research of metal non-locality [14,79]. Recently, it has been noted that nonlocal effects at the metal-dielectric interface be approximated by introduction of an anisotropic transition layer [80]. Here we do not pursue the goal of modeling non-locality as such, but would like to propose a toy-model of a transitional metal surface layer, which gives an idea of how the SAM-absorption torque affects the momentum transfer from SPPs to metal plasma. We first note that at a metal-dielectric interface the tangential component of electric field is continuous, while is not continuous and changes sign through the interface due to negativity of the dielectric permittivity of metal . This implies that the dielectric permittivity passes through an epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) transition at the metal-dielectric interface in the longitudinal direction. At the same time the normal component of the electric field has a discontinuity at the interface, such that is continuous. This means that the transverse to the interface dielectric permittivity exhibits an epsilon-near-pole (ENP) transition at the metal boundary. The study of ENZ-ENP metasurfaces has been started in a recent publication [81], where they were shown to represent the ultimate limit for wave plate thickness. Here we use the concept of gradient ENZ-ENP metasurface to model a transition layer at the metal-dielectric boundary. We assume that at this boundary the metal fraction ( ) is gradually changing from 0 to 1, such that a distributed ENZ-ENP metasurface has dielectric permittivities, which depend on normal ( )) and ( )). coordinate as ( ) ( ) ( ( ) ( ) ( We use the following function for ( )
( (
))), which is shown in
Fig. 3(c) for our calculations (we use and ). The TM polarized fields of SPP wave at ) , where ( ) ( the metal-dielectric boundary with such a metasurface can be written as function ( ) satisfies the following equation in the transition layer ( )
We solve this equation and match the results at the boundaries of the ENZ-ENP metasurface to get the wave vector of the resulting SPPs (see the dots in Fig. 3(a), which follow very closely the dispersion of -7-
SPPs in local model Eq. (13)). After that we obtain the magnetic field distribution given by yellow line in Fig. 3(b) and compare it with the local model (cyan dashed line), and the electric field distribution (see Fig. 3(b)-(c)) according to
. The normal to the surface component
shown on the nanometric scale in Fig. 3(b) in blue and match the local model (magenta dashed curve). In Fig. 3(c) one can see the gradual transition of from the metal value to the value in the air within the 2 Å metasurface (blue curve) and compare it to the abrupt jump in the local model. In the metasurface model the oscillating surface charge ( ) ( ) in the SPP excitation is distributed over the metasurface as seen in Fig. 3(c). Its value corresponds to the local model with .
Fig. 3. (a) SPP dispersion in the local model (continuous curves, Eq. (13)) and the ENZ-ENP metasurface model (dots). (b) Comparison of the field distributions in the local and metasurface models on the nanoscopic scale. (c) The fields and surface charges in the atomic metasurface region. The metal fraction function ( ) is shown in red. The normal to the interface component of the electric field is shown in blue (metasurface model) and dashed magenta (local model). The surface charge density ( ) is shown in green (metasurface model) and dashed orange (local model). (d) The effect of spin force (blue) on the total momentum transfer from SPP to electrons (dashed green) as compared to only considering the plasmon pressure force (red). For comparison the surface force in the local model is shown in orange.
Introduction of the ENZ-ENP metasurface model allows us to visualize the pinning of the plasmon drag to the atomic layer at the metal surface. In Fig. 3(d) we first plot the spin force ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ (blue) within the metasurface 0 < z < 2 Å and compare it to the surface force ̅̅̅̅ (Eq. (10a)) divided by 2 Å (orange dashed line). One can see the obvious similarity of the results of the metasurface model and the local model and at the same time more physical insight can be drawn from the calculations with the metasurface. The good correspondence between the metasurface model and the local model in calculation of the surface force -8-
means that local model can be successfully applied to include plasmonic SAM absorption in the future calculations. On the nanometric scale (shown to the right of the z-axis break after the metasurface region) the spin force is also shown in blue and multiplied by 50. Integration of the blue curve in Fig. 3(d) over z results in no overall force in accordance with Eq. (8a). Nevertheless, inclusion of the spin force considerably changes the force distribution towards the interface of the metal and pins it to the atomic metasurface region. The total PLDE can be calculated by integrating only the pressure force over the volume of the metal [18,25]. The plasmonic pressure distribution is shown in red in Fig. 3(d) and exponentially decays within the skin layer of the metal (multiplied by 50 on the nanometric scale). The total force on electrons including the spin force is shown as green dashed line and closely follows the surface component of the spin force in the atomic metasurface region, but is 4 times weaker than pressure in the metal volume (multiplied by 50 on the nanometric scale), which is the demonstration of the drag pinning phenomenon. To conclude, we have considered the SAM transfer between electromagnetic fields and matter and shown that it corresponds to spin force applied to matter. The spin forces in the fields of SPPs at metal-dielectric interfaces lead to pinning of the plasmon drag linear momentum transfer to the atomically-thin layers at the metal interface. Supplementary Material Part I. Consider the spin angular momentum (SAM) of plasmonic field (
), where (
Below we derive the continuity equation (2) (
( ( ̂
) ) {
) ( (
( )
) )
) )
)) (
Torque density acting on the medium can be written as (
) (
) )
Part II. Now we would like to consider the torque in dispersive transparent media. The second terms in Eqs. (4) do not change and we focus on the first terms, which are zero in monochromatic fields. We (
( )
In this situation
( ) and
) (
( ) are slowly varying amplitudes of the fields.
( (
( )
consider this torque in a narrow bandwidth pulse [54]. In this case
( (
)) )
) ̅̅̅
) ̅̅̅̅
Part III. Identities relating torque to the spin force (
̂( ) }
( (
) {
) ̂
( {
)} (
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