Jun 3, 2005 - arXiv:gr-qc/0506017v1 3 Jun 2005. Current version: 7 February 2008. Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits.
Current version: 7 February 2008
arXiv:gr-qc/0506017v1 3 Jun 2005
Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits Donato Bini∗§¶ , Fernando de Felice† , Andrea Geralico‡§ and Robert T. Jantzen⋄ § ∗
Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo “M. Picone”, CNR I-00161 Rome, Italy International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics, University of Rome, I-00185 Rome, Italy ¶ INFN - Sezione di Firenze, Polo Scientifico, Via Sansone 1, I-50019, Sesto Fiorentino (FI), Italy † Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit` a di Padova, and INFN, Sezione di Padova, Via Marzolo 8, I-35131 Padova, Italy ‡ Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit` a di Lecce, and INFN - Sezione di Lecce, Via Arnesano, CP 193, I-73100 Lecce, Italy ⋄ Department of Mathematical Sciences, Villanova University, Villanova, PA 19085, USA §
Abstract. We study the behavior of nonzero rest mass spinning test particles moving along circular orbits in the Schwarzschild spacetime in the case in which the components of the spin tensor are allowed to vary along the orbit, generalizing some previous work.
PACS number: 04.20.Cv
1. Introduction The equations of motion for a spinning test particle in a given gravitational background were deduced by Mathisson and Papapetrou [1, 2] and read DP µ 1 = − Rµ ναβ U ν S αβ ≡ F (sc)µ , (1.1) dτU 2 DS µν = P µU ν − P ν U µ , (1.2) dτU where P µ is the total four-momentum of the particle, S µν is the antisymmetric spin tensor, and U is the 4-velocity of the timelike “center of mass line” used to make the multipole reduction. In order to have a closed set of equations, Eqs. (1.1) and (1.2) must be completed by adding supplementary conditions (SC) whose standard choices in the literature are the 1. Corinaldesi-Papapetrou [3] conditions (CP): S tν = 0, where the index ν corresponds to a coordinate component and t is a timelike slicing coordinate, 2. Pirani [4] conditions (P): S µν Uν = 0, 3. Tulczyjew [5] conditions (T): S µν Pν = 0.
Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits
Only solutions of the combined equations for which both U and P are timelike vectors are considered, in order to have a meaningful interpretation describing a spinning test particle with nonzero rest mass and physical momentum. Not much is known about actual solutions of these equations in explicit spacetimes which satisfy the Einstein equations. In a previous article [6], we considered the simplest special case of a spinning test particle moving uniformly along a circular orbit in the static spherically symmetric Schwarzschild spacetime, but because these equations are still complicated, we looked for solutions with constant frame components of the spin tensor in the natural symmetry adapted static frame, i.e., coinciding with a static tensor field along the path. Such a static spin tensor is a very strong restriction on the solutions of these equations of motion, leading to special solutions in which the spin vector is perpendicular to the plane of the orbit, and contributes to an adjustment in the acceleration of the orbit. Here we consider the slightly less restrictive case where the spin components are not constant, but the motion is still circular. However, in this case it is clear that if the spin tensor has time-dependent components, its feedback into the acceleration of the test particle path will break the static symmetry of that path unless the spin precession is very closely tied to the natural Frenet-Serret rotational properties of the path itself. Indeed we find that only the Pirani supplementary conditions permit such specialized solutions since they allow the spin tensor to be described completely by a spatial spin vector in the local rest space of the path itself. By locking spin vector precession to the Frenet-Serret rotational velocity of the path, solutions are found with a spin vector Fermi-Walker transported along an accelerated center of mass world line. The remaining choices for the supplementary conditions have no natural relationship to the Frenet-Serret properties of the particle path and do not admit such specialized solutions. With the assumption of circular motion, one can solve the equations of motion explicitly up to constants of integration. By a process of elimination, one can express them entirely in terms of the spin components and particle mass as a constant coefficient linear system of first and second order differential equations. By systematic solving and backsubstitution, one gets decoupled linear second order constant coefficient equations for certain spin components, which are easily solved to yield exponential or sinusoidal or quadratic solutions as functions of the proper time, from which the remaining variables may be calculated. Imposing the choice of supplementary conditions then puts constraints on the constants of integration or leads to inconsistencies. The details of the decoupling and solution of the equations of motion are left to the Appendix, leaving the imposition of the supplementary conditions to the main text. 2. Circular orbits in the Schwarzschild spacetime Consider the case of the Schwarzschild spacetime, with the metric written in standard coordinates −1 2M 2M 2 2 dt + 1 − dr2 + r2 (dθ2 + sin2 θdφ2 ) , (2.1) ds = − 1 − r r and introduce the usual orthonormal frame adapted to the static observers following the time lines 1 1 etˆ = (1 − 2M/r)−1/2 ∂t , erˆ = (1 − 2M/r)1/2 ∂r , eθˆ = ∂θ , eφˆ = ∂φ , (2.2) r r sin θ
Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits
with dual frame ˆ
ω t = (1 − 2M/r)1/2 dt , ω rˆ = (1 − 2M/r)−1/2 dr , ω θ = rdθ , ω φ = r sin θdφ ,
where {∂t , ∂r , ∂θ , ∂φ } and {dt, dr, dθ, dφ} are the coordinate basis and its dual, respectively. In order to investigate the simplest special solutions of the combined equations of motion, we explore the consequences of assuming that the test particle 4-velocity U corresponds to a timelike constant speed circular orbit confined to the equatorial plane θ = π/2. Then it must have the form U = Γ[∂t + ζ∂φ ] = γ[etˆ + νeφˆ],
γ = (1 − ν 2 )−1/2 ,
where ζ is the angular velocity with respect to infinity, ν is the azimuthal velocity as seen by the static observers, γ is the associated gamma factor, and Γ is a normalization factor which assures that U · U = −1. These are related by −1/2 = (−gtt )−1/2 γ , (2.5) ζ = (−gtt /gφφ )1/2 ν , Γ = −gtt − ζ 2 gφφ
so that ζΓ = γν/(gφφ )1/2 , which reduces to γν/r in the equatorial plane. Here ζ and therefore ν are assumed to be constant along the world line. We limit our analysis to the equatorial plane θ = π/2; as a convention, the physical (orthonormal) component along −∂θ which is perpendicular to the equatorial plane will be referred to as “along the positive z-axis” and will be indicated by the index zˆ when convenient: ezˆ = −eθˆ. Note both θ = π/2 and r = r0 are constants along any given circular orbit, and that the azimuthal coordinate along the orbit depends on the coordinate time t or proper time τ along that orbit according to φ − φ0 = ζt = ΩU τU ,
ΩU = γν/r ,
defining the corresponding coordinate and proper time orbital angular velocities ζ and ΩU . These determine the rotation of the spherical frame with respect to a nonrotating frame at infinity. Among all circular orbits the timelike circular geodesics merit special attention, whether co-rotating (ζ+ ) or counter-rotating (ζ− ) with respect to increasing values of the azimuthal coordinate φ (counter-clockwise motion). Their time coordinate angular velocities ζ± ≡ ±ζK = ±(M/r3 )1/2 , which are identical with the Newtonian Keplerian values, lead to the expressions 1/2 1/2 r − 2M M , γK = , (2.7) νK = U± = γK [etˆ ± νK eφˆ] , r − 2M r − 3M where the timelike condition νK < 1 is satisfied if r > 3M . At r = 3M these circular geodesics go null. It is convenient to introduce the Lie relative curvature [7, 8] of each orbit 1/2 1 2M ζK √ k(lie) = −∂rˆ ln gφφ = − 1− , (2.8) =− r r νK and a Frenet-Serret intrinsic frame along U [9], defined by E0 = U ,
E1 = erˆ ,
E2 = γ[νetˆ + eφˆ] ,
E3 = ezˆ
satisfying the following system of evolution equations along the constant radial acceleration orbit DE1 DE2 DE3 DU ≡ a(U ) = κE1 , = κU + τ1 E2 , = −τ1 E1 , =0, (2.10) dτU dτU dτU dτU
Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits
where in this case 2 γ 2 (ν 2 − νK ) ζK , νK 1 dκ γ2 γ2ν τ1 = − 2 ζK . (2.11) = −k(lie) 2 ν = − 2 2γ dν γK γK νK The projection of the spin tensor into the local rest space of the static observers defines the spin vector by spatial duality 1 (2.12) S β = ηα βγδ (etˆ)α Sγδ , 2 √ where ηαβγδ = −gǫαβγδ is the unit volume 4-form constructed from the Levi-Civita alternating symbol ǫαβγδ (ǫtˆrˆθˆφˆ = 1), leading to the correspondence 2 κ = k(lie) γ 2 [ν 2 − νK ]=−
(S rˆ, S θ = −S zˆ, S φ ) = (Sθˆφˆ, −Srˆφˆ , Srˆθˆ) .
For the CP supplementary conditions only these components of the spin tensor remain nonzero, while in the remaining cases the other nonzero components are determined from these through the corresponding orthogonality condition. The total spin scalar is also useful 1 (2.14) s2 = Sµν S µν = −Srˆ2tˆ − Sθ2ˆtˆ − Sφ2ˆtˆ + Srˆ2θˆ + Srˆ2φˆ + Sθ2ˆφˆ , 2 and in general is not constant along the trajectory of the spinning particle. In the Schwarzschild field the total spin must be small enough compared to the mass of the test particle and of the black hole |s|/(mM ) ≪ 1 for the approximation of the Mathisson-Papapetrou model to be valid. This inequality follows from requiring that the characteristic length scale |s|/m associated with the particle’s internal structure be small compared to the natural length scale M associated with the background field in order that the particle backreaction can be neglected, i.e., that the description of a test particle on a background field make sense [10]. 3. Solving the equations of motion: preliminary steps Consider first the evolution equation for the spin tensor (1.2). By contracting both sides of Eq. (1.2) with Uν , one obtains the following expression for the total 4momentum DS µν ≡ mU µ + Psµ , (3.1) P µ = −(U · P )U µ − Uν dτU which then defines the particle’s mass m, which a priori does not have to be constant along the orbit, while Psµ = Uα DS αµ /dτU is the part of the 4-momentum orthogonal to U . Finally let Up denote the timelike unit vector associated with the total 4momentum P = ||P || Up ≡ µ Up . Backsubstituting this representation Eq. (3.1) of the momentum into the spin evolution Eq. (1.2) expressed in the static observer frame leads to dSrˆφˆ dSˆ ζK 2 2 − ν trˆ + γ (ν − νK )Stˆφˆ , (3.2) 0= dτU dτU νK dSθˆφˆ dSˆˆ γν ζK 0= − ν tθ − 2 S ˆ, (3.3) dτU dτU γK νK rˆθ dSrˆθˆ ζK − γνK ζK Stˆθˆ + γν S ˆˆ . (3.4) 0= dτU νK θφ
Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits
From (3.1), using the definition of Ps and equations (3.2)–(3.4), it follows that the total 4-momentum P can be written in the form 1 dStˆrˆ 1 dStˆθˆ ζK P = γ(m + νms )etˆ + − γν S ˆ erˆ + − γνK ζK Srˆθˆ eθˆ γ dτU νK tˆφ γ dτU + γ(mν + ms )eφˆ 1 dStˆrˆ 1 dStˆθˆ ζK = mU + ms Eφˆ + (3.5) − γν S ˆ erˆ + − γνK ζK Srˆθˆ eθˆ , γ dτU νK tˆφ γ dτU with
ζK (3.6) + γν Sˆ − γνK ζK Srˆφˆ . dτU νK trˆ Next consider the equation of motion (1.1). The Riemann tensor spin-curvaturecoupling force term is o i i h h n 2 (3.7) νStˆφˆetˆ + 2Stˆrˆ + νSrˆφˆ erˆ − Stˆθˆ + 2νSθˆφˆ eθˆ − Stˆφˆ eφˆ . F (sc) = γζK ms =
Using (3.1), the balance condition which allows a circular orbit of this type to exist can be written as ma(U ) = F (so) + F (sc) ,
(3.8) (so)
where a(U ) is the acceleration of the U -orbit and F ≡ −DPs /dτU defines the spin-orbit coupling force term, which arises from the variation of the spin along the orbit. Taking (3.5) and (3.6) into account, Eq. (1.1) gives rise to the following set of ordinary differential equations 0=ν
d2 Stˆφˆ dτU2
− 2γννK ζK
dSrˆφˆ dτU
ζK 2 2 dStˆrˆ (ν + νK ) νK dτU
dm , dτU d2 Srˆφˆ d2 Stˆrˆ γν ζK dStˆφˆ 2 2 0= + νγ 2 ζK (ν 2 − νK )Srˆφˆ − ν −2 2 2 2 dτU dτU γK νK dτU 2 2 γ ν ζK 2 2 2 − ζK (ν − νK ), + 2 Stˆrˆ − mγ 2 2 γK νK νK 2 2 − γ 2 νζK (ν 2 − νK )Stˆφˆ +
d2 Sθˆφˆ d2 Stˆθˆ ζK 2 2 dSrˆθˆ 2 2 (ν − νK ) + 2νζK Sθˆφˆ + ζK Stˆθˆ , (3.11) −ν +γ 2 dτU dτU2 νK dτU 2 2 dSrˆφˆ d2 Stˆφˆ γ ν ζK dStˆrˆ ζK 2 2 2 (ν + ν ) + 2γν − ζ − γ − 1 Stˆφˆ 0= K K 2 ν2 dτU2 νK dτU νK dτU γK K dm +ν . (3.12) dτU Note that there are two equations containing the second derivative of Stˆφˆ ; this is due to the presence of its first derivative in two different components of P (more precisely, ˆ in P tˆ and P φ , see Eqs. (3.5) and (3.6)). Once the system of constant coefficient linear differential equations (3.2)–(3.4) and (3.9)–(3.12) is solved for m and the spin tensor components, one may then calculate P . The system must be decoupled, leading to functions which are either exponentials, sinusoidals, or at most quadratic functions of the proper time along the 0=
Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits
particle world line. The elimination method for decoupling the equations is crucially different depending on whether ν has the values 0 or ±νK or none of these values, since one or the other or neither term drops out of the spin equations (3.2) and so must be considered separately. From the details of their derivations discussed in the Appendix, one sees why there are several zones approaching the horizon where the solutions change character. 4. Particles at rest: the ν = 0 case When the particle is at rest, the solutions for the components of the spin tensor and the varying mass m of the spinning particle are given by (i) 2M < r < 3M : Sθˆφˆ = c1 , νK cm 2 , ζK 2 + νK 2cm + c3 e−ω1 τ ] + 2 , 2 + νK
Stˆrˆ = c2 eω1 τ + c3 e−ω1 τ + m = − νK ζK [c2 eω1 τ
Stˆθˆ = c4 eω¯ 0 τ + c5 e−¯ω0 τ ,
(ii) r = 3M :
Stˆφˆ = c6 eω¯ 0 τ + c7 e−¯ω0 τ , Srˆθˆ = γK νK c4 eω¯ 0 τ − c5 e−¯ω0 τ + c8 , Srˆφˆ = γK νK c6 eω¯ 0 τ − c7 e−¯ω0 τ + c9 ;
Sθˆφˆ = c1 ,
(iii) r > 3M :
√ Stˆrˆ = c2 eτ /(3M) + c3 e−τ /(3M) + 3M cm , √ 3 2 m = − [c2 eτ /(3M) + c3 e−τ /(3M) ] + cm , 9M 3 Stˆθˆ = c4 τ + c5 , Stˆφˆ = c6 τ + c7 , √ h i 3 c4 2 τ + c5 τ + c8 , Srˆθˆ = 9M √ h2 i 3 c6 2 Srˆφˆ = τ + c7 τ + c9 ; 9M 2
Sθˆφˆ = c1 , νK cm 2 , ζK 2 + νK 2cm m = − νK ζK [c2 eω1 τ + c3 e−ω1 τ ] + 2 , 2 + νK Stˆθˆ = c4 cos ω0 τ + c5 sin ω0 τ , Stˆrˆ = c2 eω1 τ + c3 e−ω1 τ +
Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits
Stˆφˆ = c6 cos ω0 τ + c7 sin ω0 τ , Srˆθˆ = γK νK [c4 sin ω0 τ − c5 cos ω0 τ ] + c8 ,
Srˆφˆ = γK νK [c6 sin ω0 τ − c7 cos ω0 τ ] + c9 ,
where cm , c1 , . . . , c9 are integration constants and s s ζK M (r − 3M ) M (2r − 3M ) 2 1/2 ω0 = i¯ ω0 = = , ω1 = ζK (2 + νK ) = . (4.4) 3 γK r (r − 2M ) r3 (r − 2M ) From Eq. (3.5) the total 4-momentum P then has the value ζK c8 c9 ζK 1τ e − eφˆ S − S − P = metˆ + ω1 [c2 eω1 τ − c−ω ]e − ˆ ˆ ˆ r ˆ 3 θ rˆθ rˆφ 2 2 νK γK νK γK
in cases (i) and (iii), and # "√ # "√ 3 3 1 −τ /(3M) τ /(3M) [c2 e − c3 ]erˆ − S ˆ − c4 eθˆ − S ˆ − c6 eφˆ (4.6) P = metˆ + 3M 9M rˆθ 9M rˆφ in case (ii). At this point the supplementary conditions impose constraints on the constants of integration which appear in the solution. For a particle at rest (ν = 0), the CP and P conditions coincide and imply that Stˆaˆ = 0, namely c2 = c3 = c4 = c5 = c6 = c7 = 0 ,
cm = 0 ,
leaving arbitrary values for c1 , c8 , c9 . As a consequence, m should be 0 as well, implying that P should be spacelike and therefore physically inconsistent. The T supplementary conditions when ν = 0 imply instead dStˆφˆ dSˆˆ dSˆ 0 = Stˆθˆ tθ + Stˆrˆ trˆ + Stˆφˆ − νK ζK [StˆφˆSrˆφˆ + StˆθˆSrˆθˆ] , dτU dτU dτU dStˆφˆ dSˆˆ − νK ζK (Srˆ2θˆ + Srˆ2φˆ) − mStˆrˆ , 0 = Srˆθˆ tθ + Srˆφˆ dτU dτU dStˆφˆ dSˆ 0 = Sθˆφˆ − Srˆθˆ trˆ − νK ζK SθˆφˆSrˆφˆ − mStˆθˆ , dτU dτU dStˆθˆ dStˆrˆ 0 = Sθˆφˆ + Srˆφˆ − νK ζK SrˆθˆSθˆφˆ + mStˆφˆ . (4.8) dτU dτU By substituting the solutions given by Eqs. (4.1)–(4.3) into these equations, one finds that all the integration constants except c1 must vanish. This in turn implies m = 0, which again leads to a spacelike P . Thus a spinning particle with nonzero rest mass cannot remain at rest in the given gravitational field. 5. Geodesic motion: the ν = ±νK case When the test particle’s center of mass moves along a geodesic (the orbit has zero acceleration a(U ) = 0) with azimuthal velocity ν = ±νK , the spin-curvature and the spin-orbit forces balance each other (see Eq. (3.8)): F(so) = −F (sc) . The solution of Eqs. (3.9)-(3.12) determines the spin which leads to this balancing. In the Schwarzschild spacetime, timelike circular geodesics only exist for r > 3M . We consider separately the various cases:
Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits
(i) 3M < r < 6M : Sθˆφˆ = c3 cos ω4 τ + c4 sin ω4 τ , Stˆθˆ = c5 cos ω3 τ + c6 sin ω3 τ ±
, νK Srˆθˆ = γK νK [c5 sin ω3 τ − c6 cos ω3 τ ] , m = cm , γK c2 Stˆrˆ = c7 eω¯ 2 τ + c8 e−¯ω2 τ ± 2 2 , ζK 4 − 3γK c2 νK Srˆφˆ = ± νK [c7 eω¯ 2 τ + c8 e−¯ω2 τ ] + c1 + 2 γK 2 , ζK 4 − 3γK 2 c2 2 2 Stˆφˆ = ± (3γK − 4)−1/2 [c8 e−¯ω2 τ − c7 eω¯ 2 τ ] + c9 − 3γK 2 τ ; γK 4 − 3γK
(ii) r = 6M :
(iii) r > 6M :
√ √ 3τ 3τ + c4 sin , Sθˆφˆ = c3 cos 18M 18M √ √ 6τ 6τ Stˆθˆ = c5 cos + c6 sin ± 2Sθˆφˆ , 36M 36M " √ √ √ # 3 6τ 6τ Srˆθˆ = c5 sin , − c6 cos 3 36M 36M m = cm , Stˆrˆ = c7 τ + c8 , 1 Srˆφˆ = ± [c7 τ + c8 ] + c1 , 2√ i 2τ h c7 Stˆφˆ = ∓ τ + c8 + c2 ; 12M 2
Sθˆφˆ = c3 cos ω4 τ + c4 sin ω4 τ , Stˆθˆ = c5 cos ω3 τ + c6 sin ω3 τ ± Srˆθˆ
, νK = γK νK [c5 sin ω3 τ − c6 cos ω3 τ ] ,
m = cm ,
c2 γK 2 , ζK 4 − 3γK νK c2 = ± νK [c7 cos ω2 τ + c8 sin ω2 τ ] + c1 + 2 γK 2 , ζK 4 − 3γK c2 2 2 −1/2 2 (4 − 3γK ) [c8 cos ω2 τ − c7 sin ω2 τ ] + c9 − 3γK = ± 2 τ , (5.3) γK 4 − 3γK
Stˆrˆ = c7 cos ω2 τ + c8 sin ω2 τ ± 2 Srˆφˆ Stˆφˆ
Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits
where cm , c1 , . . . , c9 are integration constants, and three real frequencies are defined for each open interval of radial values by s 1/2 M (r − 6M ) M 2 1/2 ω2 = i¯ ω2 = ζK (4 − 3γK ) = , , ω3 = ζK = r3 (r − 3M ) r3 r M 1 2 1/2 ω4 = i¯ ω4 = ζK (3γK − 2) = . (5.4) r r − 3M Consider first the open interval cases r 6= 6M . From Eq. (3.5), the total 4momentum P is given by νK c2 2 2 etˆ P = mγK ∓ ζK Srˆφˆ − (1 − 2νK )γK c1 − 2 2 γK ζK 1 − 4νK c2 γ 2 ζK 2 2 (1 + 2νK ) Stˆφˆ + 3 ∓ K 2 τ + (1 − 4νK )c9 erˆ 2 1 − 4νK ζK 2 1/2 + S ˆ ∓ (1 + 2νK ) [c3 sin ω4 τ − c4 cos ω4 τ ] eθˆ νK rˆθ ζK νK c2 2 2 ± mγK νK ∓ eφˆ . (5.5) Srˆφˆ − (1 − 2νK )γK c1 − 2 2 νK γK 1 − 4νK We next impose the standard supplementary conditions. The CP conditions imply that Stˆaˆ = 0, namely c2 = c3 = c4 = c5 = c6 = c7 = c8 = c9 = 0 ,
(5.6) zˆ
so that the only nonvanishing component of the spin tensor is S = Srˆφˆ = c1 ≡ s, leaving arbitrary values for cm as well. From Eq. (5.5), the total 4-momentum P becomes (using ms = sγνK ζK which follows from Eq. (3.6)) P = mU± + sγνK ζK Eφˆ ,
with U± given by Eq. (2.7). Re-examing Eq. (3.7) shows that the spin-curvature force then acts radially, balancing the radial spin-orbit force. The P conditions imply Stˆφˆ = 0 ,
Srˆtˆ ± νK Srˆφˆ = 0 ,
which lead only to the trivial solution
Sθˆtˆ ± νK Sθˆφˆ = 0 ,
c1 = c2 = c3 = c4 = c5 = c6 = c7 = c8 = c9 = 0 ,
(5.8) (5.9)
with cm arbitrary, or in other words the components of the spin tensor must all be zero, which means that a non-zero spin is incompatible with geodesic motion for a spinning particle. The T supplementary conditions when ν = ±νK imply dStˆφˆ dSˆˆ dSˆ 2 2 Stˆφˆ ± mγK νK Stˆφˆ 0 = Stˆθˆ tθ + Stˆrˆ trˆ + γK dτU dτU dτU 2 Stˆφˆ[Stˆrˆ ∓ νK Srˆφˆ ]} , ∓ γK ζK {[StˆrˆStˆφˆ ± νK StˆθˆSrˆφˆ] − γK dStˆφˆ dStˆθˆ ζK 2 2 2 2 − γK [±νK Stˆrˆ − Srˆφˆ] + γK [S − νK Srˆθˆ] dτU dτU νK tˆrˆ h i 3 ζK 2 2 2 2 − γK Srˆφˆ − mγK S 2 ∓ νK (1 + νK )StˆrˆSrˆφˆ + νK [Stˆrˆ ∓ νK Srˆφˆ ] , νK tˆrˆ
0 = Srˆθˆ
Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits 10 dStˆφˆ dSˆ 2 − γK νK ζK Srˆφˆ + Srˆθˆ trˆ 0 = γK [±νK Stˆθˆ − Sθˆφˆ ] dτU dτU ζK ζK 2 + γK [Stˆθˆ ∓ νK Sθˆφˆ] m + γK Sˆ − γK [Sˆ S ˆ ± νK SrˆθˆStˆφˆ] , νK trˆ νK trˆ tˆθ dStˆφˆ dSˆˆ dSˆ 3 3 ζK 2 Srˆφˆ] + Sθˆφˆ tθ + Srˆφˆ trˆ + γK S ˆ[Sˆ ∓ νK 0 = ± γK νK Stˆφˆ dτU dτU dτU νK tˆφ trˆ ζK 2 2 + mγK Stˆφˆ − γK (5.10) [ν S ˆS ˆ ˆ + Stˆφˆ(Stˆrˆ ± νK Srˆφˆ )] . νK K rˆθ θφ By substituting into these equations the solutions given by Eqs. (5.1)–(5.3), we obtain the conditions c2 = c3 = c4 = c5 = c6 = c7 = c8 = 0 ,
implying that the only nonvanishing components of the spin tensor are and either
S zˆ = −Srˆφˆ = −c1 , c 1 , c9
Stˆφˆ = c9 ,
arbitrary ,
cm = ±γK ζK c1 ,
arbitrary ,
which implies that spin component S is proportional to the mass, locking them together by a constant of proportionality depending on the orbit velocity, or c1 = 0 = c9 ,
corresponding to the zero spin case where geodesic motion is of course allowed. In the former case the total spin invariant (2.14) reduces to s2 = −c29 + c21 ,
so that the condition |s|/(mM ) ≪ 1 preserving the validity of the MathissonPapapetrou model reads 1/2 |s| 1 c2 = 1 − 29 ≪1, (5.16) mM M γK ζK c1 implying either c1 & c9 or r ≃ 3M (where γK → ∞). In the limit r → 3M where the circular geodesics become null and require a separate treatment, one has a solution for which this spin component S zˆ is fixed to have a value determined by the constant mass m and the azimuthal velocity, the t-φ component of the spin is arbitrary. If one takes the limit m → 0, then the component of the spin vector out of the orbit vanishes, leaving the spin vector locked to the direction of motion as found by [11] who discussed the null geodesic case using the P supplementary conditions, the latter being the only physically relevant in such limit. Finally consider the remaining case r = 6M . Eq. (3.5) then shows that the total 4-momentum P is given by ( √ ) ) ( √ h √ i 2√ 6 6 3 3m ∓ 3Srˆφˆ − 2c1 etˆ + ∓ S ˆ+ c7 erˆ P = 3 108M 36M tˆφ 2 ( √ " √ √ #) 6 3τ 3τ 1 − c3 sin eθˆ S ˆ± − c4 cos 18M rˆθ 6M 18M 18M ) ( √ h i 1 2√ 6 3m ∓ (5.17) 3Srˆφˆ − 2c1 eφˆ . ± 2 3 108M
Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits
Imposing the standard supplementary conditions gives rise to the same result as for the general case r 6= 6M . The CP conditions imply c2 = c3 = c4 = c5 = c6 = c7 = c8 = 0 ,
(5.18) zˆ
so that the only nonvanishing component of the spin tensor is S = −Srˆφˆ = −c1 , for arbitrary values of cm , leading to constant mass m. The P conditions give only the trivial solution c1 = c2 = c3 = c4 = c5 = c6 = c7 = c8 = 0 ,
with cm arbitrary, leading to constant mass m. Finally, the T conditions imply c3 = c4 = c5 = c6 = c7 = c8 = 0 ,
so that the only nonvanishing components of the spin tensor are S zˆ = −Srˆφˆ = −c1 ,
and either
c 1 , c2
arbitrary ,
cm = ±
or c1 = 0 = c2 ,
Stˆφˆ = c2 ,
2 c1 18M
arbitrary ,
with constant mass m in both cases. In the former case the spin invariant (2.14) reduces to s2 = −c22 + c21 ,
so that the condition |s|/(mM ) ≪ 1 reads 1/2 c2 18 |s| 1 − 22 = √ ≪1, mM c1 2
implying c1 & c2 . Thus if the center of mass of the test particle is constrained to be a circular geodesic, either the spin is forced to be zero or have an arbitrary constant value of the single nonzero component S zˆ of the spin vector out of the plane of the orbit. 6. The general case: ν 6= 0 and ν 6= ±νK For general circular orbits excluding the previous cases ν = 0 and ν = ±νK , the solutions of the equations of motion for the components of the spin tensor and the mass m of the spinning particle are Sθˆφˆ = A cos Ωτ + B sin Ωτ , Stˆθˆ = C cos Ω1 τ + D sin Ω1 τ + F Sθˆφˆ ,
(6.1) F =
2 3ννK 2 ) − ν 2 (1 − ν 2 )] [ν 2 (1 + 2νK K K
2 2 γνζK (1 + 2νK )(ν 2 − νK ) 2 2 2 )] [A sin Ωτ − B cos Ωτ ] 2 ΩνK [ν (1 + 2νK ) − νK (1 − νK − νK γK [D cos Ω1 τ − C sin Ω1 τ ] , 2 2 2 2 2 ν 2 − νK νK 2 νK ν (1 − 4νK ) + νK (2 + νK ) c0 = γνcm − γK 2 )2 2 (2 + ν 2 ) ζK γν22 + νK ζK (ν 2 − νK K
Srˆθˆ = −
Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits
+ c1 eΩ+ τ + c2 e−Ω+ τ + c3 eΩ− τ + c4 e−Ω− τ , (6.4) 1 1 ν νK K 2 c0 + −γ(ν 2 − νK )cm + ν Stˆrˆ = 2 (1 + 2ν 2 ) · 2 (2 + ν 2 ) ζK γν22 + νK ζ 2ννK K K K K Ω− τ Ω+ τ 2 −Ω− τ 2 −Ω+ τ } , (6.5) + (3νK − Φ) c3 e + c4 e · {(3νK + Φ) c1 e + c2 e 2 3νK + Φ 1 νK 1 Ω+ Stˆφˆ = c1 eΩ+ τ − c2 e−Ω+ τ 2 2 (1 + 2ν 2 ) − 1 γ ζK ν 2 − νK 2νK K 2 Ω− τ 3νK −Φ −Ω− τ , (6.6) c3 e − c4 e + Ω− 2 (1 + 2ν 2 ) − 1 2νK K ζK 2 m =γ (6.7) [νSrˆφˆ − νK Stˆrˆ] + cm ; νK where A, B, C, D, cm , c0 , . . . , c4 are integration constants, and the real positive frequencies Ω and Ω1 are given by |ν| γζK , Ω1 = , (6.8) νK γK assumed to be distinct for the above equations to be valid, and the remaining abbreviations are 1/2 1/2 2 γK ν2 γ ζK 2 2 2 ν¯ − ν ± Φ , (6.9) , Φ = 3νK 1 − 2 Ω± = − γK νK 2 ν˜ 2 1/2 Ω = γζK (1 + 2νK )
ν¯2 =
2 2 γK νK 2 (1 + 2νK ), 2
ν˜2 =
2 2 νK 9 γK 2 ) . 8 (1 + 2νK
The behaviors of the azimuthal velocities ν¯, ν˜ and νK as functions of the radial parameter r/M are compared in Fig. 1. They all coincide at r = 6M , where ν¯ = ν˜ = νK = 1/2; for 2M < r < 6M it is ν˜ < ν¯, while ν˜ > ν¯ for r > 6M . The quantities Ω± also lead to angular velocities for certain intervals of values of the azimuthal velocity ν. In fact we are interested in those values for which Ω+ and/or Ω− are purely imaginary, since the imaginary parts can be interpreted as additional frequencies characterizing spin precession. One must distinguish the cases 2M < r < 6M and r > 6M , referring to Fig. 1 and to Eq. (6.9): a) r > 6M : - if ν > ν˜ (region I), the quantities Ω± are both complex; - if ν = ν˜, Ω+ = Ω− is purely imaginary, since ν˜ > ν¯; - if ν¯ < ν < ν˜ (region II), Ω− is purely imaginary, while Ω+ can be either real (even zero) or purely imaginary; - if ν < ν¯ (region III), Ω+ is purely imaginary, while Ω− can be either real (even zero) or purely imaginary; b) 2M < r < 6M : - if ν > ν˜ (region IV), the quantities Ω± are both complex; - if ν = ν˜, Ω+ = Ω− is real, since ν˜ < ν¯; - if ν < ν˜ (region V), Ω+ is real, since ν˜ < ν¯, while Ω− can be either real (even zero) or purely imaginary.
Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits
νt νb
II 0.3
III 0.2 2
r/M Figure 1. The azimuthal velocities ν¯ (νb in the plot), ν˜ (νt in the plot) and νK (dashed curve) are plotted as functions of the radial parameter r/M . The dashed vertical line corresponds to the value r/M = 6, where they all coincide. There are five different regions (explicitly indicated in the plot), depending on the relative sign of the azimuthal velocity ν with respect to ν¯ and ν˜, which correspond to intervals for which Ω± are real, purely imaginary or neither, as explained in the text.
All of these remarks so far assume that the two frequencies Ω and Ω1 are distinct, necessary for the decoupling procedure which leads to this solution. A different result follows in the special case Ω = Ω1 . This occurs for the particular value of the azimuthal velocity s νK M (r − 3M ) 2 −1/2 (1 + 2νK ) =± ν0 = ± , (6.11) γK r(r − 2M ) which vanishes at r = 3M and is real for r > 3M , rising to its peak speed at r ≈ 3.934M and decreasing asymptotically towards the geodesic speed from below as r → ∞. The solutions for the components Sθˆφˆ, Stˆθˆ and Srˆθˆ of the spin tensor are given by Sθˆφˆ = A cos Ωτ + B sin Ωτ , 3 γ02 ν0 2 3 γ02 ν0 2 Stˆθˆ = C − ζ Aτ sin Ωτ , ζK (A − BΩτ ) cos Ωτ + D − 2 Ω 2 Ω2 K Ω2 1 ζK γ03 2 2 2 3ν ν ζ (B + AΩτ ) + 2 (ν B − ν D) cos Ωτ Srˆθˆ = 0 K K 0 K 2 νK Ω2 γ02 Ω2 2 2 2 + 3ν0 νK ζK (2A + BΩτ ) − 2 2 (ν0 A − νK C) sin Ωτ , γ0
ζK Ω ≡ Ω1 = νK
2 1 + 2νK 2 (1 + ν 2 ) 1 + νK K
√ 1/2 M r − 3M , = r r(r − 3M ) + 3M 2
(6.12) (6.13)
Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits
while that corresponding to the remaining components as well as to the varying mass m are obtained simply by evaluating the general solutions (6.4)–(6.7) at ν = ν0 . The reality properties of the quantities Ω± can be determined as done in the general case, noting that ν0 < ν˜ (corresponding to region V) always holds in the interval 3M < r < 6M . For r > 6M however, we must distinguish two different regions, a) √ 6M < r < r¯0 , with r¯0 = 6M (1 + 2/2) ≈ 10.24M such that ν0 = ν¯, where ν0 < ν¯ (corresponding to region III), and b) r > r¯0 , where ν0 > ν¯ (corresponding to region II). The behavior of S, U and P along the world line itself is completely determined by the initial conditions dSαˆ βˆ Sαˆ βˆ (0) , , (6.16) dτU τ =0
and the corresponding conditions on the mass m of the particle which follow from Eq. (6.7). Thus in the special case in which the “center of mass line” is directed along a circular orbit, the completion of the scheme for the spinning test particle is equivalent to a choice of initial conditions. In principle the components of the spin tensor which are not constants should precess with the different frequencies which appear in Eqs. (6.1)–(6.6), leading to non-periodic motion, a feature that seems to characterize the general situation in the Schwarzschild [12] and Kerr [13, 14, 15] spacetimes. However, this does not occur in practice once the CP, P and T supplementary conditions are imposed, as we will see below. It turns out that the nonvanishing components of the spin tensor are all constant in the CP and T cases, while the motion is periodic with a unique frequency in the P case. As one might expect, the particle mass m turns out to be constant in all three cases. 6.1. The CP supplementary conditions The CP supplementary conditions require Stˆrˆ = 0 ,
Stˆθˆ = 0 ,
Stˆφˆ = 0 .
From Eq. (6.5) this forces c1 = c2 = c3 = c4 = 0 ,
c0 =
Substituting these values into Eq. (6.4) then gives γν ζK S ˆ, cm = − 2 γK νK rˆφ
γ ζK 2 2 (ν − νK )cm . ν νK
so from Eq. (6.7) we get m 1 . γν νK ζK Finally, from Eqs. (6.1) and (6.3) it follows that Srˆφˆ = s =
Sθˆφˆ = 0 ,
Srˆθˆ = 0 .
However, from Eq. (3.5) it follows that P = −sνK ζK eφˆ ,
since ms = −sγνK ζK = −m/ν, a consequence of Eqs. (3.6) and (6.20). This result is unphysical since the total 4-momentum P is spacelike.
Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits
6.2. The P supplementary conditions The P supplementary conditions require Stˆφˆ = 0 ,
Srˆtˆ + Srˆφˆν = 0 ,
Sθˆtˆ + Sθˆφˆν = 0 .
Under these conditions the components of the spin vector SU in the local rest space of the particle, SUβ = 12 ηα βγδ U α Sγδ , expressed in the Frenet-Serret frame, are just (SU1 , SU2 , SU3 ) = (γ −1 Sθˆφˆ, Srˆθˆ, γ −1 Srˆφˆ) .
Comparing the first Eq. (6.23) with Eq. (6.6) we get c1 = c2 = c3 = c4 = 0 ,
so that Stˆrˆ, Srˆφˆ and the particle mass m are all constant. Eqs. (6.4) and (6.5) together with the second of the Pirani conditions Eq. (6.23) imply c0 = hence from Eq. (6.7)
2 2 γ ζK 1 + ν 2 (ν 2 − νK ) 2 2 2 (1 + 2ν 2 ) cm , ν νK γK ν 2 (2 − 5νK ) + νK K
2 ν 2 − νK 1 cm = 1 + 2 2 2 ) + ν 2 (2 + ν 2 ) m . γK ν (1 − 4νK K K
Next by substituting these values of the constants c0 and cm into Eq. (6.4), we obtain γSU3 = S zˆ = Srˆφˆ = −m
γ νK ν ζK
γ2 2 γK
2 ν 2 − νK
2 ) + 3ν 2 (ν 2 − νK K
Finally comparing the last of the Pirani conditions Eq. (6.23) with Eqs. (6.1)–(6.2) and Eqs. (6.12)–(6.13) leads to two possibilities: either case P1:
A=B=C =D=0,
which places no constraint on ν and the spin vector is constant and out of the plane of the orbit, or case P2:
C =0=D ,
F =ν ,
the latter of which (again from Eq. (6.2)) leads to the special azimuthal velocity 1/2 1/2 2 1 − νK /4 M (r − 9M/4) ν = ν(P 2) = ±2νK . (6.31) = ±2 2 1 + 2νK r(r − 2M )
The case P1 has been already considered previously [6], leaving only P2 to be considered here. The corresponding azimuthal speed ν(P 2) vanishes at r = 9/4M and is real for r > 9/4M , rising to a maximum speed of 1 at r = 3M , corresponding to the two null circular geodesics, and decreasing asymptotically towards twice the geodesic speed from below as r → ∞. The corresponding values of γ and Ω are respectively p 2 1/2 r(r − 2M ) (1 + 2νK ) = , (6.32) γ(P 2) = 2 1 − νK r − 3M
Ω(P 2) =
2 γK ζK [(4
2 νK )(1
2 1/2 2νK )]
√ √ M 4r − 9M = , r r − 3M
Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits
using Eq. (2.6). To get the anglular velocity of precession with respect to a frame which is nonrotating with respect to infinity, one must subtract away the precession angular velocity ΩU = γν/r of the spherical frame. In the case P2 one finds Ω(P 2) − ΩU = 0, so the spin does not precess with respect to a frame which is nonrotating at infinity. Substituting these values back into Eq. (6.28) then leads to m SU3 = ± . (6.34) 2Ω(P 2) The remaining nonzero spin components (6.1)–(6.3) can then be expressed in the form SU1 = γ −1 Sθˆφˆ = γ −1 [A cos Ω(P 2) τU + B sin Ω(P 2) τU ] , SU2 = Srˆθˆ SU1 (0) = γ −1 A ,
= γ −1 [A sin Ω(P 2) τU − B cos Ω(P 2) τU ] ,
SU2 (0) = −γ −1 B ,
SU3 (0) = ±
m , 2Ω(P 2)
leading to SU1 cos φ sin φ SU2 = − sin φ cos φ SU3 0 0
1 0 SU (0) 0 SU2 (0) . 1 SU3 (0)
The spin invariant (2.14) becomes in this case m2 1 1 2 2 2 . s = 2 A +B + 2 2 γ 4ζK 4 − νK
The Mathisson-Papapetrou model is valid if the condition |s|/(mM ) ≪ 1 is satisfied. From the previous equation we have that either γ → ∞ or the sum of the bracketed terms must be small, i.e., A2 B2 2 2 −1 ≪1, ≪ 1 , [4M 2 ζK (4 − νK )] ≪ 1 . (6.39) 2 2 m M m2 M 2 The latter possibility cannot occur for any allowed values of r/M , since the third term (which is dimensionless) of (6.39) is always greater than ≈ 1.88, as is easily verified. The former possibility is realized only in the case of ultrarelativistic motion, which Eq. (6.32) implies occurs only as r → 3M , where the orbits approach null geodesics and the limit m → 0 forces the component of the spin vector out of the plane of the orbit to vanish, locking the spin vector to the direction of motion exactly as discussed by Mashhoon [11]. It is well known that the spin vector SU = SUi Ei lying in the local rest space of U is Fermi-Walker transported along U in the P case, so it must satisfy 2 1 D(fw) SU dSU DSU dSU 2 1 (6.40) ≡ P (U ) = + SU τ1 E1 + − SU τ1 E2 , 0= dτU dτU dτU dτU from (2.10), where P (U )µα = δαµ + U µ Uα projects into the local rest space of U . To check this we must show that the following two equations are identically satisfied dSU1 + τ1 SU2 = 0 , dτU
dSU2 − τ1 SU1 = 0 . dτU
But these two equations follow immediately from (6.35), since τ1 = Ω(P 2) results from the direct evaluation of the expression (2.11) for τ1 , with ν given by (6.31).
Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits
Thus given the rest mass m of the test particle, the constant component of the spin orthogonal to the orbit is then fixed by the orbit parameters, while the component in the plane of the orbit as seen within the local rest space of the particle itself is locked to a direction which is fixed with respect to the distant observers, since the angle of precession with respect to the spherical axes is exactly the azimuthal angle of the orbit, but in the opposite sense. In other words the precession of the spin, which introduces a time varying force into the mix, must be locked to the first torsion of the orbit itself in order to maintain the alignment of the 4-velocity with a static direction in the spacetime, and the spin does not precess with respect to observers at spatial infinity. Furthermore, the specific spin of the test particle cannot be made arbitrarily small except near the limiting radius where the 4-velocity of this solution goes null, and the spin vector is then locked to the direction of motion. Apparently the imposition of a circular orbit on the center of mass world line of the test particle is just too strong a condition to describe an interesting spin precession. The total 4-momentum P given by Eqs. (3.5) and (3.6) can be written in this case as 2 −1 dSU P = mU + ms E2 + γ − γνK ζK Srˆθˆ eθˆ dτU 2 γν (6.42) + νK ζK SU2 ezˆ , = mU + ms E2 − r
with ν given by (6.31) and ms a constant ms = γ
ζK ζK 2 2 2 Srˆφˆ) = γ 2 (νStˆrˆ − νK (ν − νK )SU3 , νK νK
but the final term in P (out of the plane of the orbit) oscillates as the spin precesses in the plane of the orbit. Note that the radial component of P is zero. The spin-curvature force (3.7) simplifies to i o i h nh 2 2Stˆrˆ + νSrˆφˆ erˆ − Stˆθˆ + 2νSθˆφˆ eθˆ F (sc) = γζK 2 = 3γ 2 νζK (SU2 erˆ − SU1 eθˆ) ,
while the term on the left hand side of Eq. (1.1) can be written as i h DP 2 = [mκ − ms τ1 ]erˆ − γζK Stˆθˆ + 2νSθˆφˆ eθˆ dτU 2 1 = [mκ − ms τ1 ]erˆ − 3γ 2 νζK SU eθˆ .
The force balance equation (3.8) reduces to (so)
ma(U )rˆ = Frˆ
ma(U )θˆ = 0 =
+ Frˆ
(so) Fθˆ
, (sc)
+ Fθˆ
where (so)
ma(U )rˆ = mκ , Frˆ (sc)
2 3 = 3γ 2 νζK SU ,
= −ms (sc)
DEφˆ dτU (so)
= −Fθˆ
= ms τ1 ,
2 1 = −3γ 2 νζK SU .
Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits
6.3. The Tulczyjew (T) supplementary conditions The T supplementary conditions imply from (3.1) dStˆφˆ dStˆθˆ dSˆ + Stˆrˆ trˆ + γ 2 Stˆφˆ + mγ 2 νStˆφˆ dτU dτU dτU ζK 2 2 Srˆφˆ]} , StˆθˆSrˆφˆ] − γ 2 Stˆφˆ[νStˆrˆ − νK {[νStˆrˆStˆφˆ + νK −γ νK dStˆφˆ dSˆˆ ζK 2 2 2 0 = Srˆθˆ tθ − γ 2 [νStˆrˆ − Srˆφˆ ] +γ [S − νK Srˆθˆ] dτU dτU νK tˆrˆ i ζK h 2 2 2 2 − γ3 Srˆφˆ − mγ 2 [Stˆrˆ − νSrˆφˆ] , Stˆrˆ − ν(1 + νK )StˆrˆSrˆφˆ + νK νK dStˆφˆ dSˆ 0 = γ 2 [νStˆθˆ − Sθˆφˆ] − γνK ζK Srˆφˆ + Srˆθˆ trˆ dτU dτU ζK ζK Sˆ − γ [Sˆ S ˆ + νSrˆθˆStˆφˆ] , + γ 2 [Stˆθˆ − νSθˆφˆ ] m + γ νK trˆ νK trˆ tˆθ dStˆφˆ dSˆˆ dSˆ ζK 2 Srˆφˆ ] 0 = γ 2 νStˆφˆ + Sθˆφˆ tθ + Srˆφˆ trˆ + γ 3 S ˆ[Sˆ − ννK dτU dτU dτU νK tˆφ trˆ ζK 2 + mγ 2 Stˆφˆ − γ (6.48) [ν S ˆS ˆ ˆ + Stˆφˆ(Stˆrˆ + νSrˆφˆ)] . νK K rˆθ θφ By solving for the first derivatives, a straightforward calculation shows that the above set of equations simplifies to Sˆˆ ζK dStˆrˆ + m tθ − γν Sˆ, (6.49) 0= dτU Srˆθˆ νK tˆφ dStˆφˆ ζK 2 0= Srˆφˆ] , (6.50) + mν + γ [νStˆrˆ − νK dτU νK dStˆθˆ Sˆ 0= (6.51) − m trˆ − γνK ζK Srˆθˆ , dτU Srˆθˆ m (6.52) [S ˆS ˆ − SrˆθˆStˆφˆ − StˆrˆSθˆφˆ] , 0= γSrˆθˆ tˆθ rˆφ 0 = Stˆθˆ
provided that Srˆθˆ 6= 0 is assumed. Substituting Eqs. (A.30), (6.7) and then Eqs. (A.34), (A.35) into Eq. (6.50) (see the equations listed in Appendix A.3) leads to νK νK c0 0 = Srˆφˆ − . (6.53) γνcm − 2 ζK ζK ν 2 − νK Substituting Eq. (6.4) into Eq. (6.53) leads to c1 = c2 = c3 = c4 = 0 ,
1 1 γν ζK cm , 1+ 2 c0 = 2 2 γK νK γ 2 + νK
implying that Stˆφˆ = 0, and Stˆrˆ, Srˆφˆ are constant, from Eq. (6.6), and Eqs. (6.4) and (6.5) respectively. But from Eq. (6.49) it follows that Stˆθˆ = 0, or A = B = C = D = 0, from Eq. (6.2), so that Sθˆφˆ = 0 and Srˆθˆ = 0 as well, from Eqs. (6.1) and (6.3) respectively. This contradicts the assumption Srˆθˆ 6= 0 so only the case Srˆθˆ = 0 remains to be considered.
Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits If Srˆθˆ = 0, the set of equations (6.48) reduces to # " dStˆrˆ ζK m 0= Stˆφˆ , − + γν dτU νStˆrˆ − Srˆφˆ νK 0=
dStˆφˆ dτU
νSrˆφˆ − Stˆrˆ νStˆrˆ − Srˆφˆ
ζK 2 Srˆφˆ] , [νStˆrˆ − νK νK
(6.55) (6.56)
provided that νStˆrˆ − Srˆφˆ 6= 0. Substituting Eqs. (A.30), (6.7) and then Eqs. (A.34), (A.35) into Eq. (6.56) we obtain 2 2 2 2 2 2 )[Stˆrˆ−νSrˆφˆ ] .(6.57) 0 = ζK (ν 2 −νK )[νK Stˆrˆ−Srˆ2φˆ]+νK c0 [νStˆrˆ−Srˆφˆ]−γνK ζK cm (ν 2 −νK
Substituting Eq. (6.4) into Eq. (6.57) then gives c1 = c2 = c3 = c4 = 0 ,
implying Stˆφˆ = 0 ,
dSrˆφˆ dStˆrˆ =0= , dτU dτU
from Eq. (6.6), and Eqs. (6.4) and (6.5) respectively. Hence, Eq. (6.55) is identically satisfied; moreover cm γν ζK (±) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 c0 = [2 − νK (1 − 5νK )](ν 2 − νK ) + 3νK {ν 2 [3 − νK (7 − νK )] 2 ν 2 γK K νK ν 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 1/2 4 2 · + νK (4 − νK )} ± 2 2 + νK (2 + νK ) [ν (13νK + 4ν ) − 8νK ] γ ν γK 2 2 −1 ν 2 2 2 4 · + ν (2 + ν ) . (6.60) − 9ν ν K K K 2 γK Next substituting Eqs. (6.4) and (6.5) and then Eq. (6.60) into Eq. (6.7) leads to 6 2 4 2 2 ν ν − ν 2 [1 − νK (3 − νK )]}−1 m {νK 2 2 (±) 2 2 − ν 4 [1 − νK (3 + νK )] cm = − 2 2 2 ν + 2νK γK
2 2 2 4 2 + ν 2 νK [2 − νK (18 − νK )] + 4νK (2 + νK ) ν 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 4 1/2 ± {ν [1 − νK (3 + νK )] + νK (2 + νK )}[ν (13νK + 4ν ) − 8νK ] . (6.61) νK
Finally substituting Eqs. (6.60) and (6.61) into Eqs. (6.4) and (6.5), we obtain expressions for the only nonvanishing components of the spin tensor Stˆrˆ = Srˆφˆ =
2 2 2 2 4 1/2 ) + 4νK ± ννK [ν 2 (13νK + 4ν 2 ) − 8νK ] ν 2 (2 − 3νK m νK ν 2 − νK ,(6.62) 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2γ ζK ν + 2νK νK (ν − 2) − ν [1 − νK (3 − νK )] 2 2 2 m νK {νK (ν 4 − 2) − ν 2 [1 − νK (3 − νK )]}−1 2 2 {ννK [(ν 2 + 2νK )(4ν 2 − 3 − νK ) 2 2 2γ ζK ν + 2νK 2 2 2 2 2 4 1/2 − 2(ν 2 − νK ) ] ± [ν 2 (1 − 3νK ) − 2νK ][ν 2 (13νK + 4ν 2 ) − 8νK ] },
which are in agreement with the condition νStˆrˆ − Srˆφˆ 6= 0 assumed above. This solution, having constant spin components, was already found in previous work [6]. Eq. (6.59) together with the fact that Stˆθˆ = 0, Srˆθˆ = 0 show that the total 4-momentum P (see Eq. (3.5)) also lies in the cylinder of the circular orbit P = mU + ms Eφˆ ,
Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits
with ζK 2 Srˆφˆ) . (νStˆrˆ − νK νK It can therefore be written in the form P = µ Up with
ms = γ
Up = γp [etˆ + νp eφˆ] ,
νp =
ν + ms /m , 1 + νms /m
γ (m + νms ) , γp
where γp = (1−νp2 )−1/2 , provided that m+νms 6= 0. The T supplementary conditions can then be written as Stˆφˆ = 0 ,
Srˆtˆ + Srˆφˆνp = 0 ,
Sθˆtˆ + Sθˆφˆνp = 0 ,
the last condition being identically satisfied, and with the equivalent azimuthal velocity νp given by νK 1 2 2 2 4 1/2 }, (6.68) νp(±) = 2 {3ννK ± [ν (13νK + 4ν ) − 8νK ] 2 2 ν + 2νK from Eqs. (6.62) and (6.63). The reality condition of (6.68) requires that ν takes values √ √ p outside the interval (−ˆ ν , νˆ), with νˆ = νK 2 −13 + 3 33/4 ≃ 0.727νK ; moreover, the timelike condition for |νp | < 1 is satisfied for all values of ν outside the same interval. From (6.67) the spin vector orthogonal to Up is just γp −1 Srˆφˆ Eθˆ. The spincurvature force (3.7) turns out to be radially directed i h 2 (6.69) 2Stˆrˆ + νSrˆφˆ erˆ . F (sc) = γζK The term on the left hand side of Eq. (1.1) can be written as DP = [mκ − ms τ1 ]erˆ , dτU so that the balance equation (3.8) reduces to (so)
ma(U )rˆ = Frˆ
+ Frˆ
where ma(U )rˆ = mκ ,
= ms τ1 ,
i h 2 2Stˆrˆ + νSrˆφˆ . = γζK
7. Conclusions Spinning test particles in circular motion around a Schwarzschild black hole have been discussed in the framework of the Mathisson-Papapetrou approach supplemented by the usual standard conditions. One finds that apart from very special (and indeed artificially constrained) orbits where the spin tensor is closely matched to the curvature and torsion properties of the world line of the test particle or the static observer spin vector is constant and orthogonal to the plane of the orbit, the assumption of circular motion is not compatible with these equations. Indeed even in the former case, the test particle assumption is then violated except in the limit of massless particles following null geodesics, where the spin vector must be aligned with the direction of motion from general considerations. The spin-curvature force generically forces the motion away from circular orbits, so one needs a much more complicated machinery to attempt to study explicit solutions of this problem, solutions which must break the stationary axisymmetry.
Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits
Appendix A. Derivation of the solutions of the equations of motion This Appendix derives the solutions of the equations of motion alone Eqs. (3.2)–(3.4) and (3.9)–(3.12) for the spin tensor along a circular orbit without supplementary conditions imposed. Standard elimination and differentiation techniques are used to find decoupled second order linear constant coefficient equations for certain spin components, from which one may calculate the remaining spin components that do not already satisfy decoupled first order such equations. Appendix A.1. The ν = 0 case When the particle is at rest ν = 0 relative to the static observers, these equations reduce to dSrˆφˆ 0= − νK ζK Stˆφˆ , (A.1) dτU dSθˆφˆ 0= , (A.2) dτU dSrˆθˆ 0= − νK ζK Stˆθˆ , (A.3) dτU dSˆ dm + νK ζK trˆ , (A.4) 0= dτU dτU d2 Stˆrˆ 2 0= (A.5) − 2ζK Stˆrˆ + mνK ζK , dτU2 0= 0=
d2 Stˆθˆ dS ˆ 2 + ζK Stˆθˆ − ζK νK rˆθ , 2 dτU dτU d2 Stˆφˆ dτU2
2 + ζK Stˆφˆ − ζK νK
dSrˆφˆ dτU
(A.6) (A.7)
Eq. (A.2) implies that Sθˆφˆ = c1 is constant. Solving Eq. (A.3) for dSrˆθˆ/dτU , and substituting the result into Eq. (A.6) leads to the decoupled equation s d2 Stˆθˆ M (r − 3M ) ζK 2 0= = + ω0 Stˆθˆ , ω0 = . (A.8) dτU2 γK r3 (r − 2M ) Similarly solving Eq. (A.1) for dSrˆφˆ /dτU , and substituting the result into Eq. (A.7) leads to an analogous decoupled equation 0=
d2 Stˆφˆ dτU2
+ ω02 Stˆφˆ .
Eq. (A.4) leads immediately to m = −νK ζK Stˆrˆ + cm and substituting this into (A.5) yields s d2 Stˆrˆ M (2r − 3M ) 2 1/2 2 0= ω1 = ζK (2 + νK ) = + ω1 Stˆrˆ + νK ζK cm , .(A.10) 2 dτU r3 (r − 2M ) The three second order constant coefficient Eqs. (A.8), (A.9) and (A.10) are easily integrated, from which expressions for the remaining components of the spin tensor are then obtained from Eqs. (A.1) and (A.3). These have either oscillatory or exponential solutions depending on whether the squared frequencies in Eqs. (A.8) and (A.10) are
Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits
positive or negative, or linear solutions when zero. This distinguishes the two intervals 2M < r < 3M and r > 3M , whose corresponding solutions are given by Eqs. (4.1) and (4.3) respectively. The special case r = 3M can be easily discussed by setting √ νK = 1 and ζK = 3/(9M ) in Eqs. (A.1)–(A.7). The corresponding solution is given by Eq. (4.2). Appendix A.2. The ν = ±νK case When the particle moves along a geodesic with ν = ±νK , Eqs. (3.2)–(3.4) and (3.9)– (3.12) simplify to 0= 0=
dSrˆφˆ dτU dSθˆφˆ
dStˆrˆ , dτU dSˆˆ ζK ∓ νK tθ ∓ S ˆ, dτU γK rˆθ
∓ νK
dτU dSrˆθˆ ± ζK γK [Sθˆφˆ ∓ νK Stˆθˆ] , 0= dτU d2 Stˆφˆ dSrˆφˆ dStˆrˆ 1 dm 0= , ± 2ζK γK ∓ νK ± dτU2 νK dτU dτU dτU 0=
d2 Srˆφˆ ζK dStˆφˆ d2 Stˆrˆ 2 − 3ζK Stˆrˆ , ∓ ν ∓2 K 2 2 dτU dτU γK dτU
d2 Sθˆφˆ d2 Stˆθˆ 2 ∓ ν + ζK [Stˆθˆ ± 2νK Sθˆφˆ] , K dτU2 dτU2 dSrˆφˆ d2 Stˆφˆ dStˆrˆ dm . ± 2ζK γK ∓ νK ± νK 0= dτU2 dτU dτU dτU 0=
(A.11) (A.12) (A.13) (A.14) (A.15) (A.16) (A.17)
The difference of Eqs. (A.14) and (A.17) leads to dm/dτU = 0, so m = cm is constant, which then implies from the same equations that d2 Stˆφˆ dSrˆφˆ dStˆrˆ 0= . (A.18) ∓ νK ± 2ζK γK dτU2 dτU dτU Integration of Eq. (A.11) yields Srˆφˆ = ±νK Stˆrˆ + c1 ,
and using this to replace Srˆφˆ in Eq. (A.18) and then integrating gives dStˆφˆ dτU
ζK S ˆ = c2 . γK trˆ
Using Eqs. (A.19) and (A.20) to replace Srˆφˆ and dStˆφˆ/dτU in Eq. (A.15) then leads to the decoupled second order equation s d2 Stˆrˆ M (r − 6M ) 2 1/2 0= ω2 = ζK (4 − 3γK ) = + ω22 Stˆrˆ ± 2γK ζK c2 , .(A.21) dτU2 r3 (r − 3M ) Taking the τU derivative of Eq. (A.12) and using it and Eq. (A.13) in Eq. (A.16) leads to the second order equation 1/2 d2 Stˆθˆ M 2 2 2 0= . (A.22) + ω S + 3ζ γ ν S , ω = ζ = ˆ 3 K 3 tˆθˆ K K K θˆφ dτU2 r3
Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits
Finally using Eq. (A.22) and Eq. (A.13) in the equation obtained by taking the τU derivative of Eq. (A.12) gives a second decoupled second order equation s d2 Sθˆφˆ M 2 + ω42 Sθˆφˆ , ω4 = ζK (3γK − 2)1/2 = . (A.23) 0= dτU2 r3 (r − 3M ) Integrating the two decoupled second order equations (A.21) and (A.23), one can then integrate Eq. (A.22) too. The remaining components of the spin tensor are then determined by Eqs. (A.13), (A.19), and (A.20). Note that the frequencies ω3 and ω4 agree only for γK = 1, or νK = 0, which would imply M = 0: so this special case is not relevant. Now the two intervals 3M < r < 6M and r > 6M have differing signs for the squared angular velocities, and the corresponding solutions are given by Eqs. (5.1) and (5.3) respectively. √ The special case r = 6M can be easily handled as well, setting νK = 1/2 and ζK = 6/(36M ) in Eqs. (A.11)–(A.17). The corresponding solution is given by Eq. (5.2). Appendix A.3. The general case: ν 6= 0 and ν 6= ±νK Here we deal with the general form of Eqs. (3.2)–(3.4) and (3.9)–(3.12). Solving Eqs. (3.2)–(3.4) for their first terms and substituting these derivative terms into Eqs. (3.9)–(3.12), one finds d2 Stˆφˆ dτU2 d2 Stˆrˆ dτU2
d2 Stˆθˆ dτU2 d2 Stˆφˆ dτU2
1 dm γ ζK 2 2 dStˆrˆ 2 2 [(2νK − 1)ν 2 − νK ] − γ 2 ζK (ν 2 − νK )Stˆφˆ − , ν νK dτU ν dτU dStˆφˆ ζ2 ζK 2 2 2 2 2 [ν + νK − 2] − γ4 K = − γ 3ν 2 [(3νK − 1)ν − 2νK ]Stˆrˆ νK dτU νK ζK 2 2 2 2 (ν − νK ), − γ 4 νζK (ν 2 − νK )Srˆφˆ + mγ 3 νK γ4 2 γ 3 ζK 2 dSrˆθˆ ζ2 2 2 2 ν − 2 ζK = 2 Stˆθˆ + γ 4 ν K ˆ , 2 [(1 + 2νK )ν − 3νK ]Sθˆφ γK νK dτU γK νK
= γν
(A.25) (A.26)
dSˆ ζ2 2 ζK 2 dm 2 2 2 [ν + νK − 2] trˆ − γ 2 K . (A.27) (ν − νK )[ν 2 + νK − 1]Stˆφˆ − ν 2 νK dτU νK dτU
Solving Eqs. (A.24) and (A.27) for dm/dτU and d2 Srˆφˆ/dτU2 , one finds ζK 2 ζK dStˆrˆ dm 2 =γ (ν − νK ) − γν Stˆφˆ , dτU νK dτU νK 2 2 d2 Stˆφˆ γ ζ γν ζK dStˆrˆ 2 2 + 2 K = −2 2 ˆ . 2 (ν − νK )Stˆφ dτU2 γK νK dτU γK νK
(A.28) (A.29)
Solving Eq. (3.2) for Stˆφˆ , leads to Stˆφˆ
dStˆrˆ dSrˆφˆ 1 νK 1 ν = . − 2 γ ζK ν 2 − νK dτU dτU
Using Eq. (A.30) in Eq. (A.28) leads to m=γ
ζK 2 [νSrˆφˆ − νK Stˆrˆ] + cm . νK
Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits
Then using Eqs. (A.30) and (A.31) in Eq. (A.25) leads to 2 2 0 = [(1 − 2νK )ν 2 + νK ]
+ γ2
d2 Srˆφˆ γ2 ζ2 2 d2 Stˆrˆ 2 2 2 2 + ν[ν + ν − 2] + 2 ν K ˆ K 2 2 2 (ν − νK ) Srˆφ dτU dτU γK νK
2 ζK ζK 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 (ν − νK )[(1 − 4νK )ν + νK (2 + νK )]Stˆrˆ + γ ν (ν − νK ) cm . (A.32) νK K
Using Eq. (A.30) in Eq. (A.29) leads to d2 Srˆφˆ dτU2
d2 Stˆrˆ γ2 ζ2 2 2 − 2 K ˆ + νStˆrˆ] = c0 . 2 2 (ν − νK )[Srˆφ dτU γK νK
Then solving these last two equations for d2 Srˆφˆ/dτU2 and d2 Stˆrˆ/dτU2 gives 2 2 2 ν γ 2 ζK d2 Stˆrˆ 2 ζK 2 2 − 2 = − γ − ν (2 + ν ) S ν ˆ ˆ K K r ˆ t 2 2 2 2 Srˆφ dτU2 νK γK γK νK + γ2ν d2 Srˆφˆ dτU2
= −
2 ζK 2 ν 2 + νK −2 2 (ν − νK )cm , c0 + γ 3 2 2 ν − νK νK
2 γ 2 ζK 2 2 2 2 2 ˆ + γ νζK (1 + 2νK )Stˆrˆ 2 2 (ν + νK )Srˆφ γK νK
− γ2
2 2 ζK 2 ν 2 (1 − 2νK ) + νK 2 (ν − νK )cm , c0 + γ 3 ν 2 ν 2 − νK νK
whose solution is given by Eqs. (6.4) and (6.5). Then substituting these solutions into Eq. (A.30), one obtains (6.6). Substituting Eqs. (3.3) and (3.4) into Eq. (3.11) gives 0=
d2 Stˆθˆ 2 + Ω21 Stˆθˆ + 3γ 2 νζK Sθˆφˆ , dτU2
Ω21 = γ 2
2 ζK 2 . γK
Taking the τU derivative of Eq. (3.3) and using Eqs. (A.36) and (3.4), one gets 0=
d2 Sθˆφˆ dτU2
+ Ω2 Sθˆφˆ ,
Ω2 = γ 2 ν 2
2 ζK 2 2 (1 + 2νK ) . νK
This is easily integrated to give the solution (6.1). The remaining components of the spin can be obtained directly from Eqs. (A.36) and (3.4) yielding Eqs. (6.2) and (6.3). The frequencies Ω and Ω1 agree for the particular value of the azimuthal velocity given by νK 2 −1/2 (1 + 2νK ) . (A.38) ν0 = ± γK The solution corresponding to this special case is given by Eqs. (6.12)–(6.14) together with Eqs. (6.4)–(6.7) evaluated at ν = ν0 . References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
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