sponsorship, advertising trade show - Parks and Recreation Ontario

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Educational Forum and Trade Show

March 28 - 31, 2017 Deerhurst Conference Centre Huntsville, ON

Build your brand and connect with Ontario and beyond



Our sponsorships are customized to your needs and budget. We build packages based on our client’s individual marketing goals. Bring us your needs!

2016 Attendee Demographics

Welcome The 2017 PRO Educational Forum and Trade Show takes place from March 28 - 31 at Deerhurst Conference Centre in Huntsville, Ontario. This Educational Forum brings together more than 500 leaders in recreation and parks, health and physical activity from across Ontario and Canada. More than 80% of our delegates play a role in purchasing decisions for their organization. Take this opportunity to build your brand and introduce your products and services to this dynamic group. PRO has designed a flexible sponsorship package that can help increase your visibility and maximize your time with delegates. Whether you are interested in taking a leadership role as a sponsor, reserving your space at our high-energy trade show or becoming an advertiser, you’ll find all the information you need in this guide.

90% play a role in the purchasing and recommendation process for their organization

What you’ll find inside...

40% hold management

Sponsorship Opportunities 3

29% have a department spending budget over $2.5 million

Advertising Opportunities 6

roles in their organization

32% make the final purchasing decision for their agencies

Trade Show Opportunities 7 Registration Forms




Sponsorship Opportunities Levels for Every Budget Title Sponsor: $15,000 The Title Sponsorship is your ultimate opportunity to place your company top of mind with delegates and PRO members. Through this comprehensive package, you will be able to show your commitment to the recreation and parks industry and make valuable personal connections with delegates. Recognition Highlights: • Acknowledgement on all 2017 PRO Forum communications • Address delegates at the opening and closing ceremonies • Premium Forum signage • Four complimentary full Forum registrations • Two premium Trade Show spaces with four additional Trade Show registrations • Logo on delegate name tags and registration confirmations • Complimentary one-year PRO Membership including priority for 2017 sponsor and exhibitor opportunities • Invitation to special events and receptions

Gala Banquet Sponsor: $10,000 Celebrate with delegates and maximize your visibility when you share your message and showcase your company at the Gala Banquet. Recognition Highlights • Exclusive host of the Gala Banquet • Address delegates at the Banquet • Exclusive event signage • Three complimentary full Forum registrations • Premium exhibit space at Trade Show with one additional Trade Show registration • Invitation to select special events and receptions

Platinum Keynote Sponsor: $7,500 Some of the most memorable conference moments come from our engaging and inspirational keynote presentations. Make your own lasting impression by sponsoring one of these popular events. Recognition Highlights: • Address delegates and introduce keynote speaker • Two complimentary full conference registrations • Exclusive event signage • Premium exhibit space at Trade Show with one additional Trade Show registration

? Why Sponsor? This powerful marketing opportunity will enable your company to:

1. Benefit from exclusive market exposure to meet your sales objectives 2. Gain a competitive edge in the market place 3. Elevate the impact of your presence at the Trade Show with new and existing clients 4. Build corporate image 5. Be positioned as an industry leader 6. Display your company’s commitment to recreation, parks and health promotion industries

ALL Sponsors receive the following benefits:

Gold Event Sponsor: $5,000 LIMITED AVAILABILITY Gold Sponsorship is a flexible package that puts you in the spotlight at one of the meeting or networking events listed below. You and colleagues will have the opportunity to showcase your company and meet personally with delegates. Recognition and Benefits: • Address delegates at sponsored event • Three complimentary daily registrations • Exclusive event signage • Premium exhibit space at Trade Show with one additional Trade Show registration

Gold Sponsor Events (choose one): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Leadership Roundtable SOLD Thank you to the Government of Ontario Wednesday Luncheon SOLD Thank you to HIGH FIVE® Ontario Thursday Luncheon Trade Show Dinner SOLD Thank you to Environics Analytics PRO Awards and Youth Friendly Recognition Ceremony SOLD Thank you to PerfectMind


1. Ad or logo in Forum brochure and delegate handbook 2. Recognition (logo and link) on PRO Website 3. Recognition (link) in PRO NewsBrief 4. Special introduction at sponsored event 5. Printed delegate listing (name, title and organization)


Sponsorship Opportunities Levels for Every Budget Silver / Bronze Event Sponsors: $3,500 / $2,500 With all of the activities during the Forum, there are many opportunities to increase your brand visibility by sponsoring specific events. Recognition Highlights: Silver & Bronze • Complimentary daily registrations (2 Silver/1 Bronze) • Exclusive event signage • Opportunity to address delegates

Silver Sponsor Events 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

PRO Annual General Meeting Welcome Reception Leadership Roundtable Luncheon Wednesday Networking Social SOLD Thank you to Perkins+Will Leadership Roundtable Reception Awards Reception

Bronze Sponsor Events 1. First Timers’ Reception SOLD Thank you to the Government of Ontario 2. Leadership Roundtable Breakfast 3. Delegate Breakfast (3)

Friend / Supporter: $1,500 / $1000 Gain quick exposure to the delegation by sponsoring one of the four refreshment breaks, an individual workshop or be a Table Sponsor at the Gala Banquet.

À la carte opportunities Delegate Bags: $5,000 Every delegate will be carrying your brand on a specially-designed Forum bag. Delegates take these bags home with them, further enhancing your brand awareness in communities across Ontario and beyond.

Delegate Neck Wallet: $2,500 Worn by every delegate throughout the event, the neck wallet holds the Forum name badge and daily schedule. SOLD Thank you to Monteith Brown Planning Consultants

Delegate Bag Insert: $400 Can’t attend the Forum? Drop a flyer or fun promotional item into the delegate bags. This option is included, free of charge, for all Trade Show exhibitors and select sponsors.

Customize your Sponsorship PRO is ready to work with you to find the right sponsorship package for your company.


! NEW in 2017 the PRO Corporate Membership Recognizing that PRO could offer more to businesses and professionals that supply goods and/or services to the Parks and Recreation sector, in 2017 PRO is introducing the PRO Corporate Membership. This membership comes with all the benefits and services of the Individual option but also has many new ones yet to be offered through any current PRO membership categories. In addition to current member benefits, the Corporate Member will: • Be able to name 2 individuals as corporate member representatives • Have its name listed on the PRO website with a direct link to the corporation’s website • Enjoy enhanced Exhibitor Benefits • Advanced registration and additional discounts to all PRO Exhibiting opportunities (These rates will be honoured for 2016 individual/Group Members looking to exhibit at the 2017 PRO Educational Forum) • 2 complimentary tickets to the Welcome Reception at the PRO Forum/Aquatics Conference • 2 additional complimentary trade show floor passes for staff, clients and/or invited guests • Access to Premier booth locations • Receive an annual excel list of Senior Municipal Recreation Contacts, including their name, title, organization and address (CASL restrictions apply to email) If you are interested in the new PRO Corporate Membership, please contact Mike Hood – [email protected] or 416-426-7405.


Advertising Opportunities Say your piece and say it loud The recreation and parks sectors spend over a billion dollars every year on pools, community centres, design, maintenance, programs and training! Reach decision makers with one of these high profile advertising opportunities.

Advertising prices range from $200 to $2,600 FORUM PROGRAM BROCHURE

(5,000 print & 12,000 electronic circulation);


(500 circulation)


Program Brochure

Delegate Handbook


1/4 page

☐ $ 350

☐ $ 200 *

☐ $ 500

1/3 page

☐ $ 550

☐ $ 300 *

☐ $ 725

1/2 page

☐ $ 700

☐ $ 400 *

☐ $ 1000

Full page

☐ $ 1000

☐ $ 600 *

☐ $ 1400

Full page Inside Cover

☐ $ 2000

☐ $ 900 *

☐ $ 2600

* Black and white advertisement for Delegate Handbook

Program Brochure Space Reservation and Materials Due: December 5, 2016 Delegate Handbook Space Reservation and Materials Due: March 6, 2017

Digital File Formats To ensure high-quality reproduction, please provide digital files in one of the following formats:

• • •

Adobe Acrobat PDF (PDF/X-1A). Adobe Illustrator EPS with fonts converted to paths and all attached support files. InDesign with fonts converted to paths and all attached support files.

If you are using programs or file formats other than those listed above, please call to make special arrangements. We cannot guarantee the quality of reproduction for any format not listed.

For more information or to send materials Mike Hood 416.426.7142 [email protected]



Trade Show Information


Open doors and close deals The PRO Forum offers unparalleled opportunities to reach parks and recreation decision makers from Ontario and across the country. It is also a chance for you to make personal contact and to set the stage for sales. The Forum and Trade Show have been designed to maximize contact between our delegates and you, our exhibitors.

Trade Show Hours: March 29, 2017 Trade Show Set Up:

12:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Trade Show Hours:

5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Tear Down:

8:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Exhibitor Benefits 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Two company representatives can meet delegates at the Trade Show events. Additional representatives may participate (additional cost). Representatives are invited to attend the program sessions on March 29. Recognition during the Trade Show Dinner. Additional acknowledgment through door prize draws at the Trade Show. Listing and link on the Forum website. Promotional item insert in delegate bags. Delegate listing - name, title and organization (printed copy).

See page 4 for additional benefits if you become a PRO Corporate member!

Booth Specs Number of Booths



8’ deep x 10’ wide





One 6’ skirted table Two chairs

Book your room early to get great deals. Rooms can be booked calling 1-800-461-4393 or online at http://bit.ly/2g8Ac6g and reference “PROF032717”


$879 - $1279

Exhibit Space

Location: Deerhurst Conference Centre 1235 Deerhurst Drive Huntsville, ON P1H 2E8

*Please note that PRO reserves the right to alter the floor plan without notice and to reposition booths. Shaded booths are reserved for sponsors at the Gold Level and above and PRO Corporate Members.



Registration Form:

Information and Payment

Company: Contact Name: Address: Telephone:


Email: Twitter:


Please note that any photos or videos taken during PRO-sanctioned events may be used by PRO for promotional purposes (brochures, publications and web-based media). Participants are reminded of this condition of registration and we appreciate your consent of use. By registering, you acknowledge that PRO’s Code of Ethics is in effect at this event. www.prontario.org/index.php/ci_id/6780.htm Sponsorship

Total (from page 8) Advertising Total (from page 9) Trade Show Total (from page 10)

Total Payable

Payment Options I am paying the amount of $

(FULL payment due with registration)

o Cheque Enclosed (payable to Parks and Recreation Ontario) o Visa o MC Card # ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

$ $ $

$ please return completed form and full payment to: Parks and Recreation Ontario 1 Concorde Gate, Suite 302 Toronto, ON M3C 3N6 T: 416-426-7142 F: 416-426-7371 E: [email protected]

Exp: _____/_____ Cardholder Name Signature

For sponsors, advertisors and trade show exhibitors We hereby make application complete for use at the 2017 Parks and Recreation Ontario Educational Forum and Trade Show at the Deerhurst Conference Centre in Ontario. We agree to abide by the terms and conditions stated within this brochure. We are aware that booth space, advertisement and sponsorship packages will be assigned in order of registration received with full payment and that all fees paid are non-refundable, however, fees can be transferred to other opportunities.






Registration Form:


Please mark your selections ☐ Title Sponsor

$ 15,000

☐ Gala Banquet

$ 10,000

☐ Platinum Keynote Sponsor

$ 7,000

(Keynote address = 2 available)

☐ Wednesday, March 29 ☐ Friday, March 31

☐ Gold Event Sponsor

$ 5,000

(Select one of the following)

☐ Leadership Roundtable Meeting ☐ Wednesday Luncheon

☐ Thursday Luncheon ☐ Tradeshow Dinner ☐ PRO and YFC Awards Ceremony

☐ Silver Event Sponsor

$ 3,500

(Select one of the following)

☐ PRO Annual General Meeting ☐ Wednesday Evening Networking Social

☐ Leadership Roundtable Lunch ☐ Welcome Reception ☐ Leadership Roundtable Reception ☐ Awards Reception

☐ Bronze Event Sponsor (Select one of the following)

$ 2,500 ☐ 1st Timer’s Reception ☐ Leadership Roundtable Breakfast ☐ Delegate Breakfast (3 available)

☐ Friend

$ 1,500 (Refreshment Break = 4 available)

☐ Wednesday AM ☐ Wednesday PM ☐ Thursday AM ☐ Thursday PM

☐ Supporter

$ 1,000 (Select one of the following)

☐ Table Sponsor at Gala Banquet ☐ Individual Workship Session

☐ Delegate Bags

$ 5,000

☐ Delegate Neck Wallet

$ 2,500

☐ Delegate Bag Insert*

$ 400

(*automatically included with Trade Show Booth registration and with Sponsorship packages of $3,500 or more)

Sponsorship Total $



Registration Form:


Please mark your selections

Digital File Formats To ensure high-quality reproduction, please provide digital files in one of the following formats:

• • •

Adobe Acrobat PDF (PDF/X-1A). Adobe Illustrator EPS with fonts converted to paths and all attached support files. InDesign with fonts converted to paths and all attached support files.

If you are using programs or file formats other than those listed above, please call to make special arrangements. We cannot guarantee the quality of reproduction for any format not listed.

For more information or to send materials Mike Hood 416.426.7142 [email protected]


Program Brochure

Delegate Handbook


1/4 page

☐ $ 350

☐ $ 200*

☐ $ 500

1/3 page

☐ $ 550

☐ $ 300*

☐ $ 725

1/2 page

☐ $ 700

☐ $ 400*

☐ $ 1000

Full page

☐ $ 1000

☐ $ 600*

☐ $ 1400

Full page Inside Cover

☐ $ 2000

☐ $ 900 *

☐ $ 2600

* Black and white advertisement for Delegate Handbook

Program Brochure Space Reservation and Materials Due: December 5, 2016 Delegate Handbook Space Reservation and Materials Due: March 6, 2017

Advertising Sub-Total 13% HST Advertising Total


$ $ $


Registration Form:

Trade Show

Please mark your selections I would like to reserve a booth(s) at the Trade Show ☐ PRO Member* (Early Bird Rate, Register before December 5, 2016)

$ 879 x

(# of booths) = $

☐ PRO Member* (Regular Rate, Register after December 5, 2016)

$ 979 x

(# of booths) = $

☐ Non Member* (Regular Rate, Register after December 5, 2016)

$ 1279 x

(# of booths) = $

*For 2016, individual PRO Members can register at the early bird rate. After the 2017 PRO Forum, the early bird rate discounts will only be available to PRO Corporate Members.

Booth Location Preference





Please include all 4 booth preferences and note that shaded booths in the Exhibit Space are reserved for select Sponsors*

Included in your booth registration is one 6’ skirted table and two chairs. Please confirm which of these items you will require at your booth. ☐ Table*



(*note that these items require advance booking - additional charges will apply if ordered on-site)

☐ Please check if you will have an interactive display at your booth ☐ Please check if you will bring a gift for the raffle draw Trade Show Representatives (Please notify PRO immediately of any Trade Show Personnel changes and if your Trade Show Representatives have any dietary or special needs.)

1. Name



2. Name



Additional Options:

Additional Exhibit

☐ 1.


☐ 2.

(exceeding 2 included with Trade Show Registration)

Electrical Outlets

☐ 1500 Watt 120 volt duplex circuit $112


☐ Additional Table and Chairs $50

$100 $100

Trade Show Sub-Total 13% HST Trade Show Total


$ $ $


Trade Show Terms and Conditions


The 2017 Parks and Recreation Ontario (PRO) Educational Forum and Trade Show will be held in Huntsville, ON, from March 28-31, 2017. The Trade Show will be held on March 29, 2017, with set up on and tear down on March 29 as well. LOCATION OF EXHIBITS All exhibits will be located in The Courts at the Deerhurst CONFERENCE CENTRE. EXHIBIT BOOTHS AND TABLES Booths are 8’ x 10’ and vary in location. Please see the enclosed floor plan for details. Booths will be provided with an 8’ high black drapery background and 3’ high black dividers. PRO will provide a 6’ draped table and 2 chair(s) if requested. Additional furnishings and equipment may be ordered at cost. Hours and dates for installing, showing and dismantling exhibits are listed on page 6. Exhibitors must adhere to the terms of their contract which state that no exhibit will obstruct the view of or hide the exhibits of adjacent booths. ASSIGNMENT OF EXHIBIT SPACE All assignments of space will be made as early as possible in accordance with the wishes and requirements of the exhibitor, although PRO reserves the right to determine all assignments and change location assignments at any time as it may, in its sole discretion, deem necessary. Booth assignments will be based on the time and date of receipt of application and full payment and on a first-come first-served basis. LIABILITY AND INSURANCE Neither PRO nor the Hotel/Conference Centre will be financially obligated or otherwise committed in the event that the show is cancelled or deferred on account of strikes, fires, casualties, Acts of God or causes beyond its control. The exhibitor will assume the entire responsibility and liability for losses, damages and claims arising out of injury or damage to exhibitors displays, equipment, and other property brought upon the premises of the exhibition facility, and will indemnify and hold harmless: Parks and Recreation Ontario, Deerhurst Conference Centre and any authorized representative, agent or employee of the foregoing of any and all losses, damages and claims. Every precaution will be taken to safeguard the exhibitor’s property, however Parks and Recreation Ontario cannot take responsibility for loss or damage to exhibits or exhibitors’ personal belongings, however caused. Exhibitors are advised that the Trade Show is taking place on hard court flooring. Parks and Recreation Ontario cannot take responsibility and remain harmless for any damages done to individuals by exhibitors products or services, however caused. Parks and Recreation Ontario cannot be held liable for any damage to goods and injury to persons. SECURITY AND SAFETY All persons entering the exhibit hall must be registered. Persons attending the Educational Forum will be given registration badges to permit admission to the Trade Show area. LOADING AREA AND SET UP All deliveries or unloading must come in through the Loading Area and must check in at the PRO registration table upon arrival. Exhibitors are responsible to provide all necessary manpower and carts when unloading and loading equipment. Loading area space are limited so please plan accordingly. OTHER REGULATIONS Exhibitors shall not use the facilities in any manner that shall cause damage to the premises or equipment. Exhibitors using electricity will provide their own power bars and/or extension cords. For electricity rates please see Trade Show Opportunities, page 10. Exhibitors who are using interactive displays must produce evidence of $5,000,000 general liability insurance and property damage insurance. Exhibitors are responsible for the replacement and cost of insurance related to participation in the Trade Show. Exhibitors providing an interactive display must indicate it on Trade Show page. STORAGE & MATERIALS HANDLING Exhibitors, that need to ship any displays to and from the Conference Centre, must contact the Deerhurst’s Conference Services Coordinator @ 705789-7113 to ensure all Way bills and other documents are properly completed. We kindly ask that all displays be brought in the day of the Trade Show Set Up (March 29, 2017), as storage space is limited. If you require storage space prior to March 29, 2017, you may send your products/displays as early as March 24, 2017. All deliveries must be labeled, with the following information: 2017 PRO FORUM – Company Name & On-site Contact, Tel #; C/O Deerhurst Conference Centre, 1235 Deerhurst Drive, Huntsville, ON P1H 2E8, Box(es) ____ of ____ . Any exhibitors sending displays, etc. in advance, or having the Conference Centre store it after the Trade Show, will be charged $25.00 per day plus applicable taxes. Deliveries must be made to the receiving/loading area of the Conference Centre. The Conference Centre will not accept deliveries to the front door. Shipments received prior to March 24, 2017 will be subject to an additional shipping and receiving charge. DELEGATE BAG INSERT All exhibitors, and select sponsors, have the right to provide a “promotional insert” in the delegate bag. Inserts should be sent directly to the Conference Centre and must arrive by March 27, 2017 and not prior to Marach 24, 2017. If shipments arrive prior to this date a $25 per item, per day holding fee will be charged. The following information must be clearly labelled on the package: 2017 PRO FORUM – Deerhurst Conference Centre, 1235 Deerhurst Drive, Huntsville, ON P1H 2E9 Box(es) ____of ____ .




1 Concorde Gate, Suite 302 Toronto, ON M3C 3N6 Tel: 416 426.7142 Fax: 416 426.7371 [email protected]

Mike Hood Trade Show, Advertising & Sponsorship 416.426.7142 [email protected]

/PROntario Health People Vibrant Communities Sustainable Environments

