Sponsorship Package - startts

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Oct 9, 2013 - SYDNEY. Sponsorship ... displacement – but often they need support. ... ongoing specialist support, we n



Sponsorship Package

ABOUT THE EVENT STARTTS holds a ball every year to raise vital funds for and awareness of the work that the Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors (STARTTS) does to assist people who have survived torture and trauma. Without the funds raised at the Ball, STARTTS could not provide the range of programs and services that it does to the community. The STARTTS Refugee Ball has established itself over the past three years as a key event in the social calendar of the community services sector.

ABOUT STARTTS STARTTS helps torture and trauma survivors deal with the often unimaginable experiences that they have faced, helping them to overcome their past experiences so that they can build a new life. STARTTS provides specialised clinical interventions, including counselling, group therapy, programs for children and young people, physiotherapy and community development. Last year we provided clinical and community development services to more than 6000 individuals and families, and we are one of Australia’s leading organisations assisting torture and trauma survivors.

THE 2013 BALL Where your money goes

The 2013 STARTTS Refugee Ball will take place on the 9th of October at Dockside in Darling Harbour, and is set to be even bigger and better than last year’s Ball! This year all funds raised at the Ball will go towards STARTTS’ School Liaison program. Our School Liaison Program provides counselling for individuals and groups and specialist advice and training for staff, helping refugee students and families better engage with their school community and improve the resilience of students who have experienced trauma.

Why a School Liaison Program? Schools play a vital role in the recovery of children and young people from refugee backgrounds, many of whom have experienced high levels of trauma as a result of political persecution, violence, and displacement – but often they need support.

“This school is their only link to happiness, yet many of the welfare concerns fall out of my professional sphere leaving me and other staff members feeling quite helpless. We definitely need the School Liaison Program to assist the boys on an emotional and psychological level.”

- High school teacher

There are now over 6000 children and young people from refugee backgrounds in NSW public schools. While STARTTS’ School Liaison Program has made a positive impact to many students and schools so far, the growing numbers of refugee students means resources are highly stretched. To better help schools and provide ongoing specialist support, we need funds to develop the program and to reach more traumatised young people in more schools. Funds raised at the 2013 STARTTS Refugee Ball will be hugely important in making this happen.

Can you help us expand our program to reach more young refugees? Read on to find out how…

How can you help? Your support will help us to raise funds to put towards STARTTS programs. In 2013, your support will benefit the School Liaison Program and the traumatised young people that it assists. Supporting the STARTTS Refugee Ball is also a valuable opportunity to have your brand seen by a diverse community of people. Guests at the Ball include politicians, members of various government departments, people from the business and legal community, members of not for profit organisations, volunteers, community leaders and others.

donate a prize Our charity auctions and raffle raise much needed funds on the night of the Ball – can you help us by donating a prize?

Major Prize Sponsor (Prizes Valued at over $2000) acknowledgement by mc on the night recognition in startts’ refugee transitions magazine


corporate identif ication on sponsored table

...and attend the Ball! Join us for an evening of entertainment and fun, and help support kids overcoming trauma.

corporate logo prominently displayed on multimedia screens throughout the night

Prize Sponsor (Prizes Valued at up to $2000) corporate logo prominently displayed on multimedia screens throughout the night recognition on the startts website company logo appearing in the startts refugee ball program

recognition on the startts website

‘Major Sponsor’ Table $2500

‘Supporter’ Table $1500

one table for ten guests

one table for ten guests

premium table placement

corporate identif ication on sponsored table

acknowledgement by mc on the night recognition in startts’ refugee transitions magazine corporate identif ication on sponsored table corporate logo prominently displayed on multimedia screens throughout the night recognition on the startts website company logo appearing in the startts refugee ball program

corporate logo prominently displayed on multimedia screens throughout the night recognition on the startts website company logo appearing in the startts refugee ball program

company logo appearing in the startts refugee ball program

or simply make a donation If you can’t come to the Ball or donate a prize, simply making a donation is a great way to support us. Your money will go directly to the School Liaison Program to support traumatised kids, and your donation is tax deductible.

THE 2012 BALL 340 guests enjoyed the celebrations our largest attendance ever “Thanks for yesterday’s fabulous event. We all really enjoyed ourselves and wanted to congratulate the crew at STARTTS for pulling off a great night. The prizes, entertainment and guest speakers were great!”

“…a fantastic night that ran seamlessly with excellent speakers, wonderful entertainment, great auction, delicious food and wine and great company… you gave us a great insight into the wonderful

Keynote speaker Dr David Corlett

work STARTTS does… it will be very hard to top next year!”

Oscar Jimenez got everyone up and dancing to Latin grooves until late into the night

STARTTS client Evelyn Agripa moved many in the room to tears with her story To see photos or video of the 2012 STARTTS Refugee Ball go to


Booking Form I WOULD LIKE TO:

7pm, 9 October 2013 Dockside Darling Harbour BSB: 032-072 Account Number: 28-6454 Account Name: FRIENDS OF STARTTS

Purchase a ‘Major Sponsor’ table for $2500 Purchase a ‘Supporter’ table for $1500 Make a donation

Name Company Address Postcode Email I enclose a cheque or money order payable to friend of startts for: $ I will make an eftpos payment to friends of startts for: $ please debit my visa / mastercard Card Number


the amount of $ Expiry Date (mm / yy)

Cardholder’s Name Signature