Spontaneous R-Parity Breaking in SUSY Models

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Jun 23, 2009 - arXiv:0904.2213v2 [hep-ph] 23 Jun 2009. Spontaneous R-Parity Breaking in SUSY Models. Pavel Fileviez Pérez and Sogee Spinner.
Spontaneous R-Parity Breaking in SUSY Models Pavel Fileviez P´erez and Sogee Spinner

arXiv:0904.2213v2 [hep-ph] 23 Jun 2009

Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA (Dated: June 23, 2009) We investigate a mechanism for spontaneous R-parity breaking in a class of extensions of the minimal supersymmetric standard model with an extra Abelian gauge symmetry which is a linear combination of B − L and weak hypercharge. Both U (1)X and R-parity are broken by the vacuum expectation value of the right-handed sneutrinos which is proportional to the soft SUSY masses. In these models the mechanism for spontaneous R-parity violation can be realized even with positive soft masses. In this context one has a realistic mechanism for generating neutrino masses as well as a realistic spectrum. We briefly discuss the possible collider signals which could be used to test the theory, the contributions to proton decay and the possibility of a gravitino as a dark matter candidate. I. INTRODUCTION

There are several ideas in physics beyond the standard model for protecting the Higgs mass but Supersymmetry (SUSY) is perhaps the most appealing. It is well-known that in order to make predictions in the context of the minimal supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) one has to understand the origin of SUSY breaking and the R-parity violating terms. For a review on Supersymmetry see Ref. [1]. The so-called R-parity discrete symmetry is defined as R = (−1)3(B−L)+2S = (−1)2S M , where the B, L, and S stand for the baryon number, lepton number and spin, respectively. Here M is the so-called matter parity which is −1 for any matter superfield and +1 for any Higgs or Gauge superfield. See Ref. [2] for the studies of R-parity conservation in SUSY models at the low-scale and Ref. [3] in the context of SO(10) models. For studies of the phenomenological aspects of SUSY models with R-parity violation see Ref. [4]. In order to understand the origin of the R-parity violating operators present in the MSSM one has two possibilities: i) one can look for an extension of the MSSM where B − L is a global symmetry [5], but one has to face the Majoron problem [6]. ii) study this issue in a framework where B−L is a local symmetry. In this case the Majoron is eaten by the new gauge bosons in the theory and a simple consistent framework exists. Recently, this latter option was studied in the context of left-right symmetric models [7] and in a simple extension of the MSSM where one has an extra B − L Abelian gauge symmetry [8]. In this paper we want to study this approach to spontaneous R-parity breaking in the simplest most general extension of the MSSM where the new Abelian symmetry is a linear combination of the weak hypercharge and B−L. In this way all anomalies are canceled by adding only right-handed neutrinos. We discuss the full spectrum of the theory and the possible signals at the LHC. In this context the mechanism for spontaneous R-parity violation is possible even with positive soft-terms, in contrast with the results in Ref. [7] and Ref. [8] where one needs negative mass soft terms for the “right-handed” sneutrinos. This paper is organized as follows: In Section II we discuss the mechanism for Spontaneous R-parity Breaking in a simple

extension of the MSSM. In Section III we discuss the R-parity violating terms obtained and the full spectrum of the theory, while in Section IV the possible collider signals are pointed out. In Section V we discuss the possibility of gravitino cold dark matter and the proton decay constraints. Finally, we summarize our findings in Section VI.


The well-known R-parity violating terms in the MSSM are ˆkC ˆj E ˆ iL ˆ u + λijk L ˆ iH WRpV = ǫi L ′ ˆ kC + λ′′ijk U ˆiC D ˆ jC D ˆ kC ˆj D ˆ iL + λijk Q ′′



where λijk = −λikj and λijk = −λjik . In the above equation the first three interactions violate lepton number, while the last term violates baryon number. The main goal of this paper is the investigation of the mechanism for spontaneous R-parity violation in simple local Abelian extensions of the MSSM, which contain B − L. Then, in this context the new hypercharge will be defined as X = a Y + b (B − L) ,


where Y , B and L stand for the weak hypercharge, baryon number and lepton number, respectively. We stick to this simple linear combination since one can easily show that only three right-handed nuetrinos are necessary for anomaly cancelation.

II. A. Anomaly Cancellation

As it is well-known once we extend the SM gauge group one introduces constraints on the particle charges based on anomaly cancelation. For the MSSM particle content with an nN additional right-handed neutrinos, the (SU (2)L , U (1)Y , U (1)X ) charge assignment is: ˆ= Q

ˆ U ˆ D

1 ˆ= ∼ (2, , XQ ), L 3

ˆ N Eˆ

∼ (2, −1, XL ),

2 ˆu = H

ˆd = H

ˆ u+ H ˆ0 H u

ˆ0 H d ˆ Hd−

Therefore, nN = 3, and this value will be used from now on. A similar substitution into Eq. (6) reveals no new constraints. Further constraints are contributed from the couplings in the superpotential. Since

∼ (2, 1, XH ),

∼ (2, −1, −XH ),

ˆ C, ˆu N ˆ T iσ2 H W = WMSSM + YνD L


where ˆC U

4 ˆ C ∼ (1, 2 , XD ), E ˆ C ∼ (1, 2, XE ), ∼ (1, − , XU ), D 3 3


ˆC ˆ dD ˆ T iσ2 H ˆ C + Yd Q ˆuU ˆ T iσ2 H WMSSM = Yu Q C T T ˆ d , (15) ˆ + µH ˆ u iσ2 H ˆd E ˆ iσ2 H + Ye L the Higgs X-charge is:

ˆ C ∼ (1, 0, XN ). N

XH =

In this case the following anomaly constraints must be satisfied: 2

2XQ + XU + XD = 0,


3XQ + XL = 0,


3 2YQ2 XQ + 2YL2 XL

U (1)X [SU (3)C ] : U (1)X [SU (2)L ] : U (1)X [U (1)Y ] : U (1)2X [U (1)Y ] : U (1)3X


U (1)X :

+ +


(3) (4)



= 0,


2 + YU XU2 + YD XD 3 2YQ XQ 2 + 2YL XL2 + YE XE = 0,  3 3 3 + 3Ng 2XQ + XU + XD  3 3 + Ng 2XL + XE = 0,



3 nN X N


3Ng (2XQ + XU + XD ) + nN XN + Ng (2XL + XE ) = 0, (8)

where the hypercharge of a field φ is given by Yφ . The first five equations are mixed gauge anomalies, while the last one is a gauge-gravity anomaly. These are similar to equations derived before, for example in [9, 10]. In the above conditions Ng is the number of generations and Ng = 3 will be assumed for the rest of this Letter. Higgs charges cancel in the above automatically because of their opposite charges. It is straightforward to show that if the new Abelian symmetry is a linear combination of the weak hypercharge and B −L all anomalies cancel. Using the equations linear in the X-charges (Eqs. (3) - (5) and (8)) it is possible to express XQ , XL , XU and XD in terms of XE and XN : 1 XQ = (3XE + nN XN ) , 18 1 XL = − (3XE + nN XN ) , 6 1 XU = (−6XE + nN XN ) , 9 1 XD = (3XE − 2nN XN ) . 9

(9) (10) (11) (12)

Substituting these into Eq. (7) yields: 1 nN − n3N = 0. 9


1 (XE − XN ) . 2


All superpotential interactions are consistent with Eqs. (9) - (12) and (16). At this point it is illuminating to state all the conditions on the charges in terms of a ≡ XH and b ≡ XN : 1 1 a + b, 3 3 XL = −a − b, 4 1 XU = − a − b, 3 3 1 2 XD = a − b, 3 3 XE = 2a + b, XQ =

(17) (18) (19) (20) (21)

or simply stated: X = a Y + b (B − L). Since both Y and X will be separately conserved, B − L will also be conserved making R-parity an exact symmetry as well. Therefore, the most general charge assignment possible is also consistent with the goal discussed in the introduction. Some interesting cases are: a = 0 and b = 1, which corresponds to B − L; a = 1 and b = −5/4 which is the GUT normalization for this group and allows it to be embedded in SO(10). Note that b = 0 is just a scaled version of hypercharge and does not constitute a new charge. It is possible to ˆ [9], but here we are interested have different charges for the N in the case where B − L is part of the symmetry. II. B. Symmetry Breaking

The particle content, charge assignment and superpotential (Eq. (14)) where all given in the previous section. Symmetry breaking is achieved through the right-handed sneutrinos, which have a non-trivial X-charge. Once one of these fields acquire a vacuum expectation value (VEV), it spontaneously breaks both the gauge symmetry, U (1)X , as well as R-parity and forces left-handed sneutrino, through mixing terms, to acquire a VEV. Since B − L is part of the gauge symmetry the Majoron [6] (the Goldstone boson associated with spontaneous breaking of lepton number) becomes the longitudinal ′ component of the Z and does not pose a problem, thus allowing for a general, simple mechanism for spontaneous R-parity breaking.

3 In addition to the superpotential, the model is also specified by the soft terms: Vsof t

2 2 2 2 ˜C 2 ˜C 2 ˜ = MN ˜ C E ˜ C N + ML ˜ L + ME  1 2 2 MX B˜′ B˜′ + m2Hu |HU | + m2Hd |HD | + 2 ˜ C + Bµ H T iσ2 HD ˜ T iσ2 Hu N + AD L ν


+ h.c.) + ...


where the terms not shown here correspond to terms in the soft MSSM potential. Now, we are ready to investigate the predictions of this mechanism for spontaneous R-parity violation. Here, symmetry breaking through √ the VEVS of √ is achieved C i i ν i = v / sneutrinos (hν˜i i = vL /√2 and h˜

i R √2) and the Higgs doublets ( Hu0 = vu / 2 and Hd0 = vd / 2). The scalar potential in this theory is given by S V = VF + VD + Vsof t,


S where the relevant terms for Vsof t are given in Eq. (22). Once one generation of sneutrinos, ν˜ and ν˜C , and the Higgses, acquire a VEV, the potential reads

 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 vR vu + vR vL + vL vu YD 4 ν  1 1 + µ2 vu2 + vd2 − √ YνD µ vR vL vd , (24) 2 2 h   1 2 2 2 2 hVD i = g22 vu2 − vd2 − vL + g12 vu2 − vd2 − vL 32 2 i 2 2 2 − (a + b)vL + avu2 − avd2 , (25) bvR + gX hVF i =

S 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 v + M 2 v2 + M 2 v2 Vsof t = ML˜ vL + MN 2 2 ˜ c R 2 Hu u 2 Hd d   1  D † vR vL vu + √ AD ν + Aν 2 2 − Re (Bµ) vu vd , (26) where g1 , g2 and gX are the gauge couplings for SU (2)L , U (1)Y and U (1)X respectively. Minimizing in the limit vR , vu , vd ≫ vL : vR =


2 − ab g 2 (v 2 − v 2 ) −8MN u ˜c X d

, 2 b2 gX Bν vR , vL = 2 1 2 2 − D2 ML˜ − 8 gX (a + b) b vR ew

(27) (28)

2  M 2 tan2 β − MH 1 1 2 d , |µ|2 = − m2Z − a2 gX vu2 + vd2 − Hu 2 2 8 tan β − 1 (29)  sin 2β b= 2µ2 + m2Hu + m2Hd , (30) 2

where we make use of the following definitions:  1 Bν ≡ √ YνD µ vd − AD ν vu , 2   2 1 2 2 2 Dew ≡ vu − vd2 , g1 + g22 + a (a + b) gX 8 1 2 2 2 MHu ≡ m2Hu + a b gX vR , 8 1 2 2 2 MH ≡ m2Hu − a b gX vR . d 8

(31) (32) (33) (34)

Now, Eq. (27) indicates two possible scenarios for spontaneous R-parity violation: 2 • MN ˜ C < 0. This case has been studied before in Ref. [7] and Ref. [8] in the context of left-right symmetric models and in the minimal gauged U (1)B−L extension of the MSSM. 2 • MN ˜ C very small and ab < 0. In this case one should satisfy the condition  2 2 (35) vu2 − vd2 > 8 MN |ab| gX ˜C . 2 This is possible for a very small MN ˜ C , as may arise in gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking without Xcharged messengers.

Using the constraint: MZ ′ /gX ≥ 1 TeV one arrives at the condition 1 |ab|1/2 v 2

tan2 β − 1 1 + tan2 β


≥ 1 TeV.


Then, for large tan β, |b| ≥ 66/|a|. This is the main constraint that we find for this class of models. Notice that we are using the same normalization for both U (1) couplings in the theory and neglecting the mixing kinetic terms. Therefore it is possible to realize this mechanism for spontaneous R-parity violation even with positive soft mass terms for the right-handed neutrinos. This possibility is quite appealing in our opinion.


The effective MSSM-like theory will contain R-parity vioˆ ˆC ˆ T iσ2 H lating bilinear terms. For example, the YνD L √ uN D ˜ term in the superpotential, leads to Yν√l Hu vR / 2 (the ǫi ˜ 0 ν C vL / 2. The kinetic term term in Eq. (1)) and YνD H u of the lepton doublet produces mixing√between the√neutri˜ 30 ν vL / 2, B ˜ ν vL / 2 and nos and neutral gauginos: W √ ′ ˜ B ν vL / 2. While the kinetic term √ for right-handed neutri˜ ′ ν C vR / 2. Other R-parity violatnos contains the term B ing interactions between the charged leptons and the charged components of the gauginos and Higgsinos can be found in a

4 similar fashion. It is important to emphasize that all the Rparity violating terms will be defined by two VEVs: vL and vR , where vR ≫ vL . Notice that in this context one generates only bi-linear R-parity violating terms which violate lepton number.

couplings to charged leptons. In this case then, it will depend on the value of a and b. See Ref [11] for a recent study of the ′ Z at the LHC and Ref [12] for a review. The Z-Z ′ mixing is also constrained and must be of order 10−3 . Its value can be found by projecting out the zero-mode photon from Eq. (37) and is given by:

III. A. Mass Spectrum

tan 2ξ = 2 III.A.1. Gauge Bosons

The gauge sector consists of the SM gauge bosons and ′ an extra neutral gauge boson, the Z . In the gauge basis  B, W 0 , B ′ , the mass matrix reads as   1 2 2 1 2 − 41 g1 g2 v 2 4 g1 v 4 a g1 gX v 1 2 2 − 41 a g2 gX v 2  . M20 =  − 41 g1 g2 v 2 4 g2 v 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 − 4 a g2 gX v 4 gX b2 vR + a2 v 2 4 a g1 gX v (37) Here v 2 = vu2 + vd2 = (246)2 GeV2 . To satisfy the experimental constraint coming from the rho-parameter, ρ ∼ 1, the Z mass should not be significantly modified from its MSSM expression. Therefore, aside from the zero eigenvalue corresponding to the photon, the eigenvalues of the above matrix are:   1 2 g1 + g22 v 2 1 − ǫ2 + O(ǫ4 ) 4  1 2 2 2 = b gX vR 1 + ǫ2 + O(ǫ4 ), 4

m2Z =


m2Z ′


where ǫ2 =

2 2 2 gX a v 2 b2 v 2 − g 2 +g 2 gX 1 2 R

≪ 1. The most stringent


0  1 D √ Y  ν vu  1 2 − 2 (a + b)gX vL  = − 21 g1 vL  1  2 g2 vL   0 √1 Y D vR 2 ν

√1 Y D vu 2 ν

0 gX vR 0 0 0 √1 Y D vL 2 ν 1 2b

Mν =


MνR ,

where q 1 a gX g12 + g22 v 2 4 1 2 2 MZ = (g1 + g22 ) v 2 4 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 MZ ′ = a gX v + b gX vR 4 4

2 MZZ ′ =

Keeping up to first order in

v2 2 vR

(41) (42) (43)

∼ ǫ2 yields:

p g12 + g22 v 2 ξ= 2 , b2 gX vR a


which can easily satisfy the bound.

Once R-parity isbroken the neutralinos and neutrinos mix.  ˜ ′ , B, ˜ W ˜ 0, H ˜ 0, H ˜ u0 their mass Defining the basis ν, ν c , B L d matrix is given by

 √1 Y D vR − 21 (a + b)gX vL − 21 g1 vL 21 g2 vL 0 2 ν 1 √1 Y D vL  0 0 0  2 b gX vR 2 ν  MX 0 0 − 21 a gX vd 21 a gX vu   1 . 0 M1 0 − 21 g1 vd 2 g1 vu  1 1 0 0 M2 − 2 g2 vu  2 g2 vd  − 12 g1 vd 21 g2 vd 0 −µ  − 21 a gX vd 1 1 − 21 g2 vu −µ 0 2 a gX vu 2 g1 vu

In order to understand the neutrino masses we focus on the simple case vL → 0 and YνD small. Then, in this limit the neutrino mass matrix is given by



III.A.2. Neutralinos and Neutrinos

( ) bounds on the Z ′ mass comes from LEP2 and depend on its v2

2 MZZ ′ 2 MZ ′ − MZ2


where MνI is the type I seesaw contribution [13] and MνR is


due to R-parity violation. These contributions are given by 1 D −1 D T 2 vu , Y Mν C Yν 2 ν T = m Mχ˜−1 0 m ,

MνI =




√  where m = diag 0, 0, 0, 0, YνD vR / 2 . Therefore, it is possible to generate the neutrino masses in a consistent way. No˜ ′ and the Higgsinos. tice the possible strong mixing between B

5 III. A. 3. Higgses and Sleptons

√  Defining the basis 2 Im ν˜, ν˜c , Hd0 , Hu0 for CP-odd √  scalars, 2 Re ν˜, ν˜c , Hd0 , Hu0 for CP-even scalars and for


vR vL Bν

Bν vL vR Bν

 Bν  = 1 − √ YνD µ vR − √1 YνD µ vL  2 2 − √12 AD − √12 AD ν vR ν vL

while for the CP-even scalars one finds  2  Sν2 SνH 2 T MS = , 2 2 SνH SH


2 2 where Sν2 , SνH and SH are given in the appendix. It is wellknown that in the MSSM the tree level upper bound on the lightest CP-even Higgs is MZ and one can satisfy the experimental bound on the Higgs mass once the radiative corrections are included. In the case of the charged Higgses the mass matrix is given by  2  Ce2 CeH  . (51) MC2 = T 2 2 CeH CH

2 2 See the appendix for the definition of Ce2 , CeH and CH . It is important to show that the spectrum of the theory is realistic and the expected Goldstone bosons exist. Here, we analyze the spectrum in the very illustrative limit of zero mixing between the left- and right-handed sneutrinos, i.e. YνD , AD ν → 0. In this limit, Eq. (27) indicates that vL → 0 as well and Bν → 0, by definition. In this limit, the ν˜ component of the CP-even mass matrix decouples as does the same component in CP-odd mass matrix. This complex left-handed sneutrino then has the mass:

 1 2 2 b vR + a vu2 − a vd2 (a + b) gX 8   1 2 − g1 + g22 vu2 − vd2 . (52) 8

m2ν˜ =ML˜2 −

The remaining three-by-three CP-even mass matrix has potentially large mixing between the right-handed sneutrino and Higgses. An approximate solution can be attained in the limit of large tan β. Here the heavier MSSM Higgs decouples leaving a mixing between the up-type Higgs and the right-handed sneutrino. The resulting trace and determinant are identical to those of the the neutral gauge bosons, Eq. (37), demonstrating that the lightest Higgs in this case, as in the MSSM, is bounded by the Z mass at tree-level. The mass of the mostly right-handed sneutrino in this limit is that of the Z ′ , Eq. (39).

 the charged scalars e˜∗ , e˜c , Hd−∗ , Hu+ the mass matrices are given by Eq.(49), Eq.(50) and Eq.(51), respectively. The mass matrix for the CP-odd neutral Higgses reads as

− √12 AD ν vR − √12 AD ν vL

− √12 YνD µ vR − √12 YνD µ vL

vu vd Bµ


YνD µ √

vL vR 2vd

vd vu Bµ

AD v v ν √ L R 2vu

  ,  


Applying the zero sneutrino mixing limit to the CP-odd and charged Higgs sector shows that those matrices decouple into three values: two eigenvalues representing the left- and righthanded slepton masses and the MSSM two-by-two mass matrix for the up- and down-type Higgs. We will focus on the former since the latter only reproduces the results of the MSSM. Apart from the left-handed sneutrino mentioned above, the ′ CP-odd matrix contains the Goldstone boson eaten by Z (the Majoron). It is completely made up of the imaginary part of the right-handed sneutrino, Im ν˜c . Finally, the masses of the charged sleptons are:  1 2 2 b vR + a vu2 − a vd2 (a + b) gX 8  1  1 2 + g2 − g12 vu2 − vd2 + Ye2 vd2 , (53) 8 2  1 2 2 =ME2˜ c + (2a + b) gX b vR + a vu2 − avd2 8  1 1 2 2 (54) + g1 vu − vd2 + Ye2 vd2 . 4 2

m2e˜L =ML˜2 −


A closer examination of these approximate masses for the MSSM fields indicates that these values are the MSSM mass values modified appropriately by the X D-term contributions. All of these masses are realistic given ML˜2 >  1 2 2 2 2 8 (a + b) gX b vR + a vu − a vd . Of further interest is the ′ prediction of the degeneracy between the Z gauge boson and the physical right-handed sneutrino. Corrections to the approximate masses presented here would be suppressed by neutrino masses, making this discussion relevant even in the nonlimit case.

III. A. 4. Charginos and Charged Leptons

Mixing between the charged leptons and  will  the charginos ˜ +, H ˜ + and occur in the charged fermion sector, ec , W u L


 ˜ −, H ˜ − . In this basis the mass matrix is given by e, W L d − √12 Ye vd  MC˜ =  √12 g2 vL − √12 YνD vR 

0 M2 √1 g2 vu 2

√1 Ye vL 2 √1 g2 vd  . 2



Since the mixing between the MSSM charginos and the charged leptons is proportional to vL and YνD small corrections to the charged lepton masses can exist once the charginos are integrated out. However, this contribution is always small once we impose the neutrino constraints. IV. COLLIDER SIGNALS

As a consequence of R-parity violation, the lightest neutralino will be unstable and will decay via lepton number violating interactions. These type of interactions will also exist for the charginos and the new gauge boson: Sleptons decays and production at the LHC: It is important to emphasize the lepton number violating decays of sleptons: − ν˜ → νν, e+ ˜i → ej νk , e˜ci → ej ν¯kc and ν˜c → e˜ ec . These i ej , e D decays are proportional to vL or Yν vR and are crucial for the test of the model. The Z ′ allows for a new production mechanism for sleptons at the LHC: ′

pp → Z, Z → ν˜ν˜∗ Therefore, channels with four leptons in the final state are possible: eeee, eµµµ, eeµµ, eeeµ, µµµµ and also with several tau’s. Then, one could test the existence of R-parity violation and lepton number violation in this way. See Ref. [14] for the study of this production mechanism at the LHC. ′ ′ Z decays: The Z decays will be dependent on the values of a and b. Determination of these values would be crucial to understanding the nature of the abelian symmetry. In ad′ dition to the typical Z decays, new lepton number violating ′ decays will be possible. These include Z → e± ˜∓ j χ j which are suppressed by vL . Also possible are the very interesting ′ decays Z → ν C ν C , where the right-handed neutrinos can decay mainly to an electron and a selectron. These decays are lepton number violating and proportional to vR . Neutralino decays: As it is well-known in the case of Rparity violation the lightest neutralino is unstable. These fields will decay as χ ˜0i → Z 0 ν¯ and χ ˜0i → W ± e∓ . In the case when the neutralino is the up-like Higgsino, these decays are proportional to vR , while in the rest of the cases are suppressed by vL . For a recent study of these decays in SUSY models with R-parity violation see for example [15]. L-violating Higgs decays: The Higgses now has lepton number violating decay channels open such as MSSM-like Higgs into a slepton and a W or Z if kinematically allowed. More interesting is its mixing with the right-handed sneutrino. This could change the Higgs decay into two gammas branching ration over its decay to matter branching ratio.

Chargino decays: In this case new decays into charged leptons and a Z or W exist. In this case all these decays are suppressed by vL or YνD once we impose the constraints coming from neutrino masses. It is important to emphasize that in order to test this model ′ at the LHC one should discover the Z , the right-handed neutrinos crucial to cancel anomalies, and understand the lepton number and R-parity violating decays of the sneutrinos.


As it is well-known in this context the gravitino can be a dark matter candidate1 . Here we discuss the issue of proton decay.

V.II. Proton Stability

Let us discuss the possible constraints coming from proton decay. See Ref. [17] for a review on proton decay. There are several operators which are relevant for proton decay in this context. One has the so-called LLLL dimension five contributions ˆ l /ΛB , ˆk L ˆj Q ˆi Q OLLLL = αijkl Q


and the RRRR contributions ˆC D ˆC U ˆC E ˆ C /ΛB . ORRRR = βijkl U i j k l


See Ref. [18] for the possibilities to suppress these contributions. Now, in this context one has an extra operator due to the existence of the right-handed neutrinos ν ˆC D ˆC D ˆC N ˆ C /ΛB . ORRRR = γijkl U i j k l


Here γijkl = −γikjl . In this case when the “righthanded” sneutrino gets a VEV, baryon number violating interactions present in the MSSM are generated. Then, C C ˜C C ˜C one finds uC i dj dk vRl /ΛB , ui dj dk vRl /ΛB , and C C C u ˜i dj dk vRl /ΛB . Using the new interactions in the superpotential proportional to YνD and the above operator one


It is a common misbelief that once R-parity in broken in supersymmetric theories one does not have a cold dark matter candidate. Fortunately, it is not always the case since if the gravitino is the lightest supersymmetric particle it still can be a good cold dark matter candidate since its decay rate will be suppressed by the Planck scale and the R-parity violating couplings. A naive estimation gives us “ ǫ ”−2 „ m3/2 «−3 , (56) τ3/2 ∼ 1026 s 10−7 10 GeV where m3/2 is the gravitino mass. ǫ defines the amount of R-parity violation, and it is proportional to the ratio between the R-parity violating coupling and the soft mass. See Ref. [16] for the study of gravitino dark matter in R-parity violating scenarios.

7 a dark matter candidate. Acknowledgments: The work of P.F.P. was supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy contract No. DE-FG0208ER41531 and in part by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation. S.S. is supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy under grant No. DE-FG02-95ER40896, and by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.

finds the following constraint coming from proton decay (as example we use p → π 0 e+ ): γ112i

i j vR (YνD )1j Ys vR . 10−30 GeV−2 . ΛB Mχ˜o Ms˜2C


Then, it is easy to show that if ΛB ∼ MP l the coupling γ112i can be of order one. See Ref. [19] for the constraints coming from different channels.


√  Using the basis 2 Re ν˜, ν˜c , Hd0 , Hu0 for CP-even scalars  and for the charged scalars e˜∗ , e˜c , Hd−∗ , Hu+ , the mass matrices for these two sectors are:  2  Sν2 SνH 2  , (61) MS = T 2 2 SνH SH


We studied a consistent and general mechanism for spontaneous R-parity violation in a class of simple extensions of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) with an extra Abelian gauge symmetry which is a linear combination of B − L and weak hypercharge. In this case we found that this mechanism can be realized even with positive soft masses for “right-handed” sneutrinos, whose VEV breaks both U (1)X and R-parity. A realistic mechanism for generating neutrino masses exists as well as a realistic spectrum. We briefly discussed the possible collider signals which could be used to test the theory, contributions for proton decay and the gravitino as


2 SνH





2 Ce2 CeH  T 2 2 CeH CH



 !  2 2 2 2 vL + vvRL Bν − 41 (a + b) b gX g12 + g22 + (a + b) gX − 4YνD2 vL vR − Bν ≡ ,  vL 1 2 2 2 2 − 14 (a + b) b gX − 4YνD2 vL vR − Bν 4 b gX vR + vR Bν 1 4

1 4

2 SH ≡

 2 g12 + g22 + a (a + b) gX vd vL −

 2 − 41 g12 + g22 + a (a + b) gX − 4YνD2 vL vu +

√1 Y D µvR 2 ν

2 − √12 YνD µvL − 41 a b gX vd vR

1 4


2 CeH

 2 2 g12 + g22 + a2 gX vd +

vu vd Bµ


1 4a

YνD µvL vR √ 2vd

 2 vu vd − Bµ − 41 g12 + g22 + a2 gX


1 4


2 b gX vu vR + YνD vu vR +

√1 AD vR 2 ν

√1 Aν vL 2


  2 − 41 g12 + g22 + a2 gX vu vd − Bµ .  2 v AD 2 ν vL vR g12 + g22 + a2 gX vu + vud Bµ − √ 2v



 2  C11 Be ≡ , 2 Be C22

2 CH ≡


1 2 1 2 D √1 4 g2 vd vL − 2 Ye vd vL − 2 Yν µvR 1 D √1 2 Ye Yν vu vR + 2 Ae vL

≡ 

1 2 g 4 2

, (64)

 2 2 vu2 − vL + Bµ vvud + 12 Ye2 vL + Bµ + 14 g22 vu vd

2 2 In the above equations C11 and C22 are given by 2 C11 =

1 2 1 2 D √1 4 g2 vL vu − 2 Yν vu vL − 2 Aν vR 1 D √1 2 Ye Yν vd vR + 2 Ye µvL

YνD µvR vL √ 2vd




Bµ + 41 g22 vu vd 1 2 4 g2

 2 vd2 + vL +

vd vu Bµ

 1 1 vR 1 2 2 2 Bν , g2 vu − vd2 + Ye2 vd2 − YνD vu2 + 4 2 2 vL

2 − 12 YνD2 vL −

AD ν vL vR √ 2vu




8 and  1  1 2 2  1 2 2 2 2 2 2 C22 = ME2˜ c + g12 vu2 − vd2 − vL b vR + a vu2 − a vd2 − (a + b) vL + (2a + b) gX + Ye vd + vL . 4 8 2


We also define for convenience:

 1 1 Bν = √ YνD µ vd − AD ν vu , and Be = √ (Ye µ vu − Ae vd ) . 2 2

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