text the word “sport” to 767638 to try SportsSMS know b4 u go TM www.SMSnet.
ca. For additional information, visit www.SMSnet.ca or call Rick O'Connor at ...
sports text messaging
delivering the right message to the right people in the right place at the right time SMSnet is a text messaging company that provides an easy to use mobile alert platform to community and provincial sports organizations enabling the sending of text notifications to the cell phones of coaches, officials, players and parents regarding cancellations, game delays, rain-outs or whatever else is deemed important. Imagine never showing up for a cancelled game or practice again! Save your members time, money and frustration. And when you notify officials in advance, you may not need to pay them. Your savings can pay for our service. When players and parents don’t drive to a cancelled game, we save on gas which reduces our carbon footprint too! SMSnet offers a variety of text messaging services that your organization controls, creating a useful Team, Division and League communications tool. Text messaging offers teams, leagues and associations the ability to offer a unique information service in conjunction with their playing season, for Tournaments or for other special events. Members and fans can register using our online registration process or we can integrate with your online registration supplier. Fans can also opt-in at events from their cell phone using our keyword process. • never show up for a cancelled game or practice again • save members time, money and frustration • tournament service: instant information to all participants • reduce your carbon footprint by driving less For example, text the word sport to our short code, 767638 right now. (a short code is a 5 or 6 digit telephone number used to send and receive all text messages in Canada.) In seconds, you will have a response from SMSnet, regardless of your carrier. SMSnet can create and manage any number of keywords for your regular season, special event or tournament. There is no charge to receive this text message if you have a text messaging option on your cell phone plan.
We offer several distinct services including: SportsSMS, a prepaid text message service to notify coaches, players & parents of games cancellations. TourneySMS, a text messaging information service for teams participating in sports tournaments ScoreBoardSMS, an opt-in scores and updates delivery service for sports events and tournaments InfoSMS, our free, ad supported, fundraising revenue generating text messaging service EventSMS, an opt-in information delivery service for special events & charitable event attendees Our text messaging service is affordable; any sized sports group can use it for their regular season or tournament. And with some sponsors involvement, your entire text messaging service could be free. SMSnet enables you to provide relevant text message alerts from your office computer or field side from a smart phone. For additional information, visit www.SMSnet.ca or call Rick O’Connor at 905-716-6916
know b4 u go TM
text the word “sport” to 767638 to try SportsSMS
tournament text messaging delivering your information immediately to coaches, players and parents Everyone loves a Tournament. But there is one more thing parents, players and coaches would like, faster information flow. At a tournament, we want to know who’s moving on, but we would also like to know if we have time for a sit down meal or do we eat on the go again? Do we check out of the hotel early or stay another night, are games on time or running behind, can we do some visiting or shopping? TourneySMS is the fastest way of getting information to your visiting team’s coaches, players and families. We provide you with control of your own text messaging platform to deliver time sensitive information to the cell phones of tournament participants immediately. Use our service to contact officials and volunteers too! TourneySMS is easy, fast and cost effective. For about one dollar per player, you can deliver a better tournament experience by giving attendees the information they want and need in minutes, instead of hours. No needless driving back to TourneyHQ to see a Leader Board or to get answers. TourneySMS enables you to send text messsage alerts from your office computer or field side from a smart phone.
Provide instant updates on:
who’s moving on... divisional score updates game delays or cancellations tournament event reminders whatever you need your participants to know!
Text messaging can be used to inform all tournament participants about important scores, who is moving on, game delays, and providing the information teams and their parents need to know. Texting can also motivate 50/50 draw participants to buy additional tickets or to engage visitors on behalf of sponsors. This can be as easy as having a sponsor’s name at the end of every message sent or texting visitors on behalf of a sponsor and sending them to the sponsor’s booth, website, restaurant, etc. Our text messaging service is affordable; any sized sports group can use it for game cancellation notifications during their regular season or for your tournament or special event. And with some sponsors involvement, your entire text messaging service could be free.
For additional information, visit www.TourneySMS.com or call Rick O’Connor at 905-716-6916
know b4 u go TM
text the word “tourney” to 767638 to try TourneySMS