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Mountain spotted fever, epidemic typhus, Mediterranean spotted fever or ... first described rickettsiae as causative agents of Rocky Mountain spotted fever in.
Chapter 15

Spotted Fever Rickettsiae and Rickettsioses in Germany Gerhard Dobler and Martin Pfeffer

Abstract Rickettsiae are gram-negative vector-borne bacteria which exclusively replicate intracellularly. They cause a number of important diseases, like Rocky Mountain spotted fever, epidemic typhus, Mediterranean spotted fever or African tick bite fever. Rickettsioses are classified as emerging infections; however, they are neglected diseases in many parts of the world. Two decades ago, there was only one Rickettsia species known in Germany, and the available data on the occurrence of rickettsial species and their medical importance are still very limited. Nevertheless, six different Rickettsia species could be meanwhile detected in Germany. Five of them are transmitted by ticks, while one rickettsiosis seems to be primarily transmitted by fleas. This chapter reviews the little that is known about the distribution, vector association, abundance and medical impact of these Rickettsia species in Germany, thereby identifying knowledge gaps and research needs. Keywords Germany • Imported • Rickettsia • Spotted Fever • Tick



Among the diseases which changed the history of mankind, several vector-borne diseases are of exceptional importance. Among them are rickettsioses, whose causative agents are transmitted by fleas, lice, ticks and mites. Especially lice and fleas are well known for transmitting epidemic and endemic typhus which are

G. Dobler (*) Department of Virology and Rickettsiology, Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology, Neuherbergstrasse 11, 80937 Munich, Germany e-mail: [email protected] M. Pfeffer Institute of Animal Hygiene and Veterinary Public Health, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany H. Mehlhorn (ed.), Arthropods as Vectors of Emerging Diseases, Parasitology Research Monographs 3, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-28842-5_15, # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012



G. Dobler and M. Pfeffer

Fig. 15.1 Phylogenetic relationships between important Rickettsia species

infectious diseases that are little known nowadays. The epidemic typhus is of considerable historical importance and has probably helped to decide the outcome of more wars than weapons have (Stephenson 1944; Raoult et al. 2004). Only recently, the detection of several new species of rickettsiae transmitted by ticks has shown the medical importance in different continents in the world of another group of rickettsioses, the spotted fever group. It is recognized that tickborne rickettsiae have a rather limited geographic distribution while the louse- and flea-borne rickettsioses show a worldwide distribution. Rickettsiae are named after Howard Ricketts, an American microbiologist who first described rickettsiae as causative agents of Rocky Mountain spotted fever in 1906 (Rickets 1906). Rickettsiae are gram-negative bacteria with an obligate intracellular replication. The organisms today are classified as alphaproteobacteria and together with ehrlichiae and anaplasmae form the biological order Rickettsiales (Dumler et al. 2001). Using serological and molecular techniques, rickettsiae are classified into three large groups. The group of tick-borne rickettsiae (tick-borne spotted fever group) consists of more than 30 different species. The typhus group is formed from two species (R. prowazekii and R. typhi), and the so-called ancestral group also consists of two species (R. canadensis and R. bellii) (Fig. 15.1). All rickettsial species known so far are transmitted by vectors in the natural environment.


Spotted Fever Rickettsiae and Rickettsioses in Germany

Table 15.1 Known Rickettsia species in Germany Rickettsia Vector (prevalence) Possible or suggested species vertebrate reservoir R. helvetica Ixodes ricinus (3–10%) Cattle, game animals, rodents R. monacensis Ixodes ricinus (0.5%) Lizards, other reptiles R. massiliae Ixodes ricinus (1.7%) Rodents R. felis Ixodes ricinus (?) Cats Ctenocephalides felis R. raoultii Dermacentor reticulatus Rodents (20–50%) R. slovaca Dermacentor marginatus Sheep, goat


Human illness Aneruptive fever, endocarditis (?) Spotted fever Spotted fever Flea-borne spotted fever TIBOLA (?) TIBOLA

In Germany, only limited data on the prevalence of rickettsiae in ticks have been available so far, and research on rickettsioses in ticks has been started rather recently (Hartelt et al. 2004; Dautel et al. 2006; W€olfel et al. 2006). In the available studies, mainly molecular detection methods are used to detect rickettsial DNA in ticks. All studies we have identified through a literature review together are patchwork, and only spotlights of the spatial distribution of the particular rickettsial species are possible. Neither a framework of systematic sampling of ticks in Germany nor a nationwide screening for pathogens they may harbour is existing at the moment. But based on these data, the rickettsiae of the spotted fever group transmitted by ticks seem to play a major role. A total of six Rickettsia species have been identified in Germany so far. R. helvetica and R. raoultii were detected in Ixodes (I.) ricinus and in Dermacentor (D.) reticulatus, respectively. A very recent study identified DNA of R. felis and R. helvetica in fleas from various animals (Gilles et al. 2008). The detection of R. felis is supported by the description of two human cases of flea-borne spotted fever (Richter et al. 2002). In 2002, a so far unknown rickettsial species was detected in I. ricinus, collected in a city park in Munich, southern Germany, and was named R. monacensis (Simser et al. 2002). Another rickettsial species, R. massiliae or a closely related species was detected in one single Ixodes ricinus tick from south-eastern Germany (Dobler and W€olfel 2009). Already more than 30 years ago, the isolation of a Rickettsia species, later to be identified as Rickettsia slovaca from D. marginatus ticks, was reported (Reha´cek et al. 1977). Here, we intend to provide an overview of the current knowledge of each of the Rickettsia species described in Germany thus far (Table 15.1).

15.1.1 Rickettsia helvetica

Prevalence in Ticks

Several studies in different parts of Germany confirm the presence of R. helvetica. In the federal state of Baden-W€ urttemberg in south-western Germany, adjacent to Bavaria in the West, 13% of I. ricinus were found positive for R. helvetica


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(Hartelt et al. 2004), and in various public parks in Bavaria, an average of about 7% of the I. ricinus ticks carried R. helvetica (Schorn et al. 2011). In eastern Germany, 18.8% of adult I. ricinus were positive in Thuringia (Hildebrandt et al. 2010), in Saxony this percentage was 12.7% (Silaghi et al. 2011), while in Berlin only 14.2% of I. ricinus nymphs were reported positive (Pichon et al. 2006). Assuming that R. helvetica is the rickettsial species most frequently found in I. ricinus, this species would account for the majority of rickettsiae found in studies which do not distinguish between the species because a generic PCR (e.g. targeting the gltA gene, W€olfel et al. 2008) is used; the overall prevalence of R. helvetica is above 10%.

Seroprevalence in Animals

No detailed data on the seroprevalence rates of antibodies against R. helvetica in animals are available. In a study in Myodes (M.) glareolus and Apodemus (A.) flavicollis, only 1/110 transudates of M. glareolus and 0/98 transudates of A. flavicollis were found positive for R. helvetica antibodies, while 14/110 sera of M. glareolus and 11/98 transudates of A. flavicollis showed antibodies against R. conorii (Dobler and W€ olfel 2009).

Natural Transmission Cycle

There is some evidence that larger game animals and larger farm animals may play a role for the transmission of R. helvetica. However, systematic studies are lacking. There is, however, good evidence that transovarial transmission may play a major role for the maintenance of R. helvetica in nature. In a study testing I. ricinus of different developmental stages from eastern Bavaria for R. helvetica, 7/136 unengorged tick larvae were found positive, implicating that the larvae had been infected via transovarial transmission.

Seroprevalence in Humans

Seroprevalence data of antibodies against R. helvetica in humans in Germany are missing so far. In a serosurvey in France, 9.2% of tested forest workers in the Alsace region were found positive for IgG against R. helvetica (Fournier et al. 2000). In a seroprevalence study in Poland, none of 129 analysed sera showed clear positive reactivity against R. helvetica (Podsiadly et al. 2011).

Medical and Veterinary Importance

R. helvetica seems to play a minor role in human pathogenicity. An earlier report on its role in aetiology of myocarditis has not been confirmed so far (Nilsson et al 1999). However, it seems to play a role as cause of undifferentiated flu-like disease


Spotted Fever Rickettsiae and Rickettsioses in Germany


with fever and constitutional symptoms (“aneruptive fever”) during the time of activity of I. ricinus (Fournier et al. 2000). Rather recently, a case of meningitis was traced to R. helvetica in a patient in Sweden (Nilsson et al. 2010). Seroprevalence rates of 5–10% imply that infections of R. helvetica in humans may be more frequent than thought but that, in many cases, symptoms may be lacking or mild. There is no evidence that R. helvetica is causing animal disease.

15.1.2 Rickettsia monacensis Rickettsia monacensis is a rickettsial species which was detected in ticks (I. ricinus) several years ago in a city park in Munich, southern Germany (Simser et al. 2002). Furthermore, two additional strains of R. monacensis could be isolated from ticks (I. ricinus) in the district of Amberg, north-eastern Bavaria, about 200 km north of the original location of isolation. Further characterization showed that several genes of the two new isolates showed highest homologies with R. monacensis and R. sp. IRS4/IRS3 (Dobler et al. 2009).

Prevalence in Ticks

While no data on the prevalence of R. monacensis in ticks of the original isolation are available, additional data on the detection of this rickettsial species in ticks in north-eastern Bavaria resulted in a prevalence of 0.55% (8/1,450) for R. monacensis in I. ricinus. In Thuringia, 12 out of 64 rickettsiae-positive I. ricinus of which the species could be determined (147 out of 1,000 tested I. ricinus were positive for Rickettsia spp.) were R. monacensis (Hildebrandt et al. 2010). The detection in this region constitutes the most northern detection of this rickettsial species so far. Rickettsia monacensis since then has been detected in additional European countries. A recent study found R. monacensis in Hungary with a prevalence rate of 0.9% (Sreter-Lancz et al. 2005). The area where R. monacensis had been detected is close to the former Czechoslovak Republic, where R. sp. IRS4/IRS3 was detected (Sekeyova et al. 2000). Further studies also detected R. monacensis or a very closely related strain in Bulgaria (Christova et al. 2003). Molecular studies comparing the two Bavarian strains of R. monacensis showed that R. monacensis is closely related or identical to R. sp. IRS4/IRS3 (Dobler et al. 2009). These results are supported by similar results from a Hungarian group (Sreter-Lancz et al. 2005). Further studies in humans and molecular comparisons of German and Spanish strains have to show whether R. monacensis could also exhibit pathogenicity in humans in Germany and to determine the genetic homogeneity or plasticity of this rickettsial species over its wide geographical range.


G. Dobler and M. Pfeffer

Prevalence in Animals

There are no data available on the seroprevalence rates of antibodies against R. monacensis in animals. In this context, it should be stated that antibodies within the spotted fever-group and the typhus-group rickettsiae are cross reacting, but there is currently no species-specific serological test available that would allow the allocation of a particular sero-reactivity to a particular Rickettsia species within any of the two groups. This in turn means that any seroprevalence data can only be judged as group-specific antibodies.

Natural Transmission Cycle

There is increasing evidence that R. monacensis is circulating within a transmission cycle of ticks of the genus Ixodes and reptiles, mainly lizards (de Sousa et al. 2010). This host preference may explain the relatively low prevalence rates in ticks which have been found so far. On the other hand, a higher prevalence would be expected in climatic warmer regions, for example, the Mediterranean countries, with a yearround activity and higher abundance of reptiles in comparison to our regions north of the Alps. Further data on transovarial or transstadial transmission are not available. It is also not clear to what extent Ixodes ticks serve as vectors and as reservoirs for R. monacensis.

Seroprevalence in Humans

No data on the seroprevalence of antibodies against R. monacensis are available.

Medical and Veterinary Importance

More recently, R. monacensis was detected in the blood of two patients in Spain presenting with a non-pruritic macular rash. Both patients did not show any eschars but sought medical attention with a diagnosis of Mediterranean spotted fever (Jado et al. 2007). These two patients are the first patients with R. monacensis as etiologic agent and demonstrate the pathogenic potential of this rickettsial species. So far, however, no human cases with symptoms of spotted fever were described in the area where R. monacensis had been isolated in Germany. No data on the pathogenesis in animals are available.


Spotted Fever Rickettsiae and Rickettsioses in Germany


15.1.3 Rickettsia massiliae Rickettsia massiliae was detected in a brown dog tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus) near Marseille in 1992 and finally was characterized as a distinct species (Beati and Raoult 1993). Since that time, it has been detected in southern Europe (Greece, Portugal, Spain) and central Europe (Switzerland) as well as in some African countries (Central African Republic, Mali). Recently, it was also detected on the American continent, in northern Arizona and in Argentina (Babalis et al. 1994; Bacellar et al. 1995; Beati et al. 1996; Fernandez-Soto et al. 2006; Santos-Silva et al. 2006; Bernasconi et al. 2002; Eremeeva et al. 2006).

Prevalence in Ticks

Rickettsia massiliae or a closely related (according to the ompB gene) rickettsial species was detected in one I. ricinus tick in an eastern Bavarian district (Dobler et al. 2009). To our knowledge, this constitutes the first and so far only detection of R. massiliae at all in Germany and also in ticks of the species I. ricinus. The medical importance for humans could be demonstrated by isolation of this rickettsial species from a patient with a classical spotted fever in Parma, Italy (Vitale et al. 2006). In Argentina, a patient showed a severe form of spotted fever caused by R. massiliae (Garcı´a-Garcı´a et al. 2010). Ticks of the genus Rhipicephalus seem to constitute the main vector and possible reservoir of R. massiliae in the Mediterranean, in Africa and in parts of northern and southern America. Rh. sanguineus is a highly abundant ixodid tick species of the warmer climate zones worldwide. If this tick species indeed serves as the main vector, this would argue for an overlapping distribution of R. massiliae with the corresponding geographical range of Rh. sanguineus. Because of high infestation rates of dogs with this particular tick species in the Mediterranean and the large number of dogs that travel from there, Rh. sanguineus is frequently imported into yet non-endemic countries, for example, Germany. Travelling infested dogs thus might also be carrying R. massiliae into different parts of the world. Due to the non-existence of Rh. sanguineus in Germany, the detection of this rickettsial species in I. ricinus is somewhat surprising. However, a former detection in ticks (Rh. sanguineus) in the Tessin in Switzerland seems to make a distribution north of the Alps at least possible. Furthermore, Czech scientists recently also reported on the detection of rickettsial DNA closely related or identical to R. massiliae in I. ricinus in the Slovak Republic (Derda´kova´ et al. 2011). These results imply that R. massiliae or a closely related Rickettsia species may be distributed in east-central and maybe central Europe. Further studies in ticks will have to show to what extent R. massiliae is circulating in Germany and whether it could be of importance as a human pathogen in the respective area.


G. Dobler and M. Pfeffer

Prevalence in Animals

Data on prevalence of rickettsiae in animal hosts other than ticks are not available. Also no information on seroprevalence of R. massiliae antibodies in animals is available.

Natural Transmission Cycle

No information on the transmission cycle of R. massiliae is yet available. It may, however, be speculated that dogs may play a potential role as vertebrate hosts as they may constitute important vertebrate hosts for the brown dog tick, Rh. sanguineus, which is the main vector of R. massiliae in the Mediterranean and in Africa. In Slovak Republic, R. massiliae was detected in ear biopsies of rodents. However, the potential role of rodents for R. massiliae has not been elucidated so far. As with the R. massiliae sequence detected in I. ricinus from eastern Bavaria, Rh. sanguineus is not present in Slovak Republic. Hence, another tick species than Rh. sanguineus, maybe I. ricinus, has to serve here as a vector and potentially also as reservoir.

Seroprevalence in Humans

Few population-based seroprevalence studies on antibodies against R. massiliae are available. In a study on patients with fever and symptoms compatible with spotted fever, a total of 15 patients from Catalonia, Spain, exclusively reacted against R. conorii and R. massiliae with significantly higher titres against R. massiliae than against R. conorii (Cardenosa et al. 2003). In a seroprevalence study in Polish forest workers, however, 15/129 (11.6%) sera reacted against R. massiliae (Podsiadly et al. 2011). These results and the detection of R. massiliae as cause in hitherto presumably diagnosed Mediterranean spotted fever cases imply that R. massiliae might be responsible for a part of those cases in the Mediterranean and possibly in other areas in the world.

Medical and Veterinary Importance

Rickettsia massiliae may cause a severe form of spotted fever in humans, including fever, eschar, a maculopapular rash including palms and soles and a mild hepatomegaly. The clinical syndrome cannot be clinically differentiated from classical Mediterranean spotted fever. The incidence of infections with R. massiliae in humans is not known so far, but results in clinical studies show that it may be frequent at least in some areas around the Mediterranean. An important difference to other rickettsial species is the natural resistance against rifampicin


Spotted Fever Rickettsiae and Rickettsioses in Germany


(Rolain et al. 1998). This might be of importance as rifampicin constitutes an important antibiotic in the treatment of rickettsioses in childhood.

15.1.4 Rickettsia raoultii Rickettsia raoultii was detected independently several times in different parts of the world. A strain from Dermacentor (D.) nuttallii from Siberia was provisionally named as strain “DnS14” (Rydkina et al. 1999). Another strain, named “RpA4”, was detected in Astrakhan ticks of the species Rh. pumilio (Shpynov et al. 2001). Molecular studies showed that both strains were genetically closely related or almost identical (Mediannikov et al. 2007). Meanwhile, the wide geographic distribution in ticks of the genus Dermacentor is recognized. Strains or nucleic acid sequences belonging to the species R. raoultii have been detected in D. nuttallii, D. pumilio, D. reticulatus, D. silvarum, D. niveus and D. marginatus through the Eurasian continent from far eastern Russia to France, Spain, Croatia and also central Europe.

Prevalence in Ticks

Rickettsia raoultii has been shown to be identical with the former R. sp. RpA4 detected in Germany so far only in D. reticulatus (Dautel et al. 2006; Silaghi et al. 2011). Prevalence rates were found to be 32% in Dermacentor ticks from L€orrach (Baden-Wuerttemberg, Pluta et al. 2010a, b) to almost 60% in Leipzig (Saxony, Silaghi et al. 2011).

Prevalence in Animals

No data are available on the importance of vertebrate animals for the maintenance or as reservoir for R. raoultii in nature. In an ongoing study in the metropolitan area of the city of Leipzig, Saxony, rodents (bank voles and yellow-necked field mouse) were found to harbour DNA of R. raoultii in their skin (own unpublished data). Whether this reflects only residual material or a transient infection in an area with up to 80% R. raoultii-positive D. reticulatus ticks or provides evidence for an active role of the rodents in the transmission cycle of R. raoultii warrants further investigations.

Natural Transmission Cycle

So far, no detailed information is available on the natural transmission cycle of R. raoultii. Naturally infected Dermacentor ticks, mainly D. reticulatus, are infected lifelong and can transmit R. raoultii transovarially to their offspring (Samoilenko et al. 2003). Therefore, this tick species is thought to be the main


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vector and probably also the primary reservoir of R. raoultii. Whether additional vertebrate hosts are essential for the transmission cycle or whether the natural transmission cycle runs via transovarial and transstadial transmission in the ticks has not been elucidated so far.

Seroprevalence in Humans

No data on the seroprevalence of antibodies against R. raoultii in humans are available so far.

Medical and Veterinary Importance

Rickettsia raoultii was found in several studies to cause a clinical syndrome like TIBOLA (tick-borne lymphadenitis) (Ibarra et al. 2006; Mediannikov et al. 2007). This syndrome is, however, known to be caused by R. slovaca. Nevertheless, DNA of R. raoultii could be detected in the blood of patients with similar symptoms. There are no data available on the veterinary importance of R. raoultii.

15.1.5 Rickettsia slovaca Rickettsia slovaca was isolated from the sheep tick (D. marginatus) in 1968 in an area of the former Czechoslovak Republic, nowadays belonging to the Slovak Republic (Rehacek 1984). Further strains could be detected in the former Armenian Socialist Soviet Republic (Makarova 1978). Subsequently, it has been detected in different European countries, among them are countries in western Europe (France, Spain, Portugal), central Europe (Germany, Switzerland), eastern Europe (Ukraine, Slovak Republic, Hungary) and Asia (Russia) (Sekeyova et al. 1998; Parola et al. 2005). But it took more than 20 years after its first detection that its role as a human pathogen was elucidated.

Prevalence in Ticks

R. slovaca was the first rickettsial species which was detected in Germany in recent times (Reha´cek et al. 1977). So far, it has been detected only in ticks of the species D. marginatus. The known prevalence rates of R. slovaca in D. marginatus in Germany are varying depending on the study area and the method of detection reaching from 0.9% in Karlsruhe (Baden-Wuerttemberg) to 13% in Saarland to 16% in Aschaffenburg (Bavaria) (Pluta et al. 2009, 2011; Silaghi et al. 2011). In other countries, the prevalence infection rates in ticks are ranging from 1 to 17% (Parola et al. 2009).


Spotted Fever Rickettsiae and Rickettsioses in Germany


Prevalence in Animals

There is no information available on seroprevalence rates of antibodies against R. slovaca in game animals, farm animals or pets.

Natural Transmission Cycle

So far, there are only limited data available on the natural transmission cycle of R. slovaca. Rickettsia slovaca is primarily transmitted by the sheep tick (D. marginatus). It is assumed that this tick species constitutes the primary vector and probably also the most important reservoir for the pathogen. As the sheep and other larger farm animals constitute a major host for D. marginatus, it may be speculated that these animals may support the natural transmission cycle of R. slovaca and play a role as vertebrate hosts for this rickettsial species. However, D. marginatus ticks are thought to require warmer and drier habitats as, for example, D. reticulatus or I. ricinus, and thus their occurrence within Germany is restricted to areas meeting these criteria. To the best of our knowledge, D. marginatus was not found north of the Main river, corresponding to the 50th latitude. So we assume that a natural transmission cycle of R. slovaca is currently limited in southern Germany.

Seroprevalence in Humans

There is no information available on the seroprevalence of antibodies in humans against R. slovaca.

Medical and Veterinary Importance

In 1997, R. slovaca was detected in the eschar of a patient in France with fever and enlarged cervical lymph nodes (Raoult et al. 1997). The syndrome was named TIBOLA/DEBONEL (tick-borne lymphadenitis/Dermacentor-borne necrosis erythema and lymphadenopathy). However, a similar syndrome was known already earlier from France, Bulgaria and Slovak Republic. Recently, at least two human cases could be diagnosed in Germany (Pluta et al. 2009; Rieg et al. 2011). The incubation period of TIBOLA seems to be rather short with a range from 1 to 8 days. All patients show an eschar at the site of the tick bite, predominantly at the hair transition zone of the scalp to the neck. Also 100% of patients report the occurrence of enlarged lymph nodes (Raoult et al. 2002). Fever and rash are rarely reported (5–20%). The eschar may result in a long-lasting, but reversible alopecia.


G. Dobler and M. Pfeffer

Table 15.2 Published travel-imported rickettsioses Rickettsia Known Human disease species geographic distribution R. conorii Mediterranean, Mediterranean Africa, spotted fever central Asia, India R. africae Africa, African tick bite Caribbean fever islands R. rickettsii North America, Rocky Mountain South spotted fever America R. typhi Worldwide Murine (endemic) typhus R. prowazekii Africa, South Louse-borne America (epidemic) typhus

Frequency in travellers


>50 cases in Germany

Jelinek and L€ oscher (2001)

>50 cases in Germany

Jensenius et al. (2004), own data Balestra and N€ uesch (2005) Jensenius et al. (2004) Niang et al. (1999) and Zanetti et al. (1998) Jensenius et al. (2004) Jensenius et al. (2004)

1 case in Switzerland >50 cases worldwide Sporadic cases

R. sibirica

Northern Asia

Siberian tick typhus

Sporadic cases

R. australis


Queensland spotted fever

Sporadic cases


Imported Spotted Fever Rickettsioses

Rickettsioses occur in almost every area worldwide. Due to the increasing travel activities, an increasing number of imported rickettsioses should be expected. However, the number of reported rickettsioses in travellers is rare, in comparison with parasitic diseases (e.g. malaria) or viral diseases (e.g. dengue fever). Only few reports and even fewer reviews on rickettsioses in travellers are available. The reason that only few rickettsioses are diagnosed in travellers may be multifactorial. First of all, rickettsioses are not well known among physicians. Also their real importance in tropical countries is not well reported. Another reason may be that diagnostic tests for rickettsioses are not readily available and therefore only rarely inquired. Thus, we assume that under-diagnosing of rickettsioses is highly likely. Nevertheless, rickettsioses are among the most frequent causes of fever in tropical countries, mainly in Africa. Between 5% and 10% of all human diseases in humans are estimated to be caused by rickettsiae (Cleaveland 2011). The most frequently reported rickettsioses in travellers from Germany are the African tick bite fever (R. africae) and Mediterranean spotted fever (R. conorii) (Jelinek and L€ oscher 2001). There are several other rickettsioses which have been sporadically reported in travellers, among them are the cases of epidemic typhus in health-care workers (Niang et al. 1999; Zanetti et al. 1998) or Queensland typhus or Siberian tick typhus (Jensenius et al. 2004). Also, sporadic cases of endemic typhus


Spotted Fever Rickettsiae and Rickettsioses in Germany


(murine typhus), one of the few rickettsioses occurring worldwide, are diagnosed and reported occasionally (Jensenius et al. 2004) (Table 15.2). In a retrospective study on rickettsioses in German travellers returning with fever, 8/163 (5%) patients showed serological evidence of a confirmed (fourfold IgG titre increase) or probable (single IgG titre of >1:256) rickettsiosis of the spotted fever group. In the same study population, 2/163 (1.2%) patients showed evidence of an acute infection of endemic typhus (Dobler and W€olfel 2009). These unpublished data show that rickettsioses are frequently found in patients with fever. African tick bite fever may be among the most frequent rickettsioses acquired in African travellers. Studies show that up to 100% of Amblyomma (A.) hebraeum ticks in Tanzania were positive for R. africae (Dobler and W€olfel 2009). A. hebraeum is also found frequently in the national parks of various countries in southern Africa. African tick bite fever may be frequently diagnosed in travellers returning from the Kruger National Park in South Africa (Tappe et al. 2011). Mediterranean spotted fever is another rickettsiosis which may be more frequently found in travellers returning from countries around the Mediterranean Sea. The etiologic agent, R. conorii, is transmitted by the brown dog tick Rh. sanguineus. This tick species is mainly parasitizing dogs; however, it is occasionally also found on humans, especially after intense contact between humans and dogs. Exanthematous febrile illness in travellers may always induce the suspicion of a rickettsiosis and then should be confirmed or excluded.

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