Spring 2010 | President's Report - The Baptist College of Florida

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Choice for those who are committed to lives of service for our Lord. ... Provider, perspective, and .... for classes via
2 • ECHOES / Spring 2010 - President’s Report

Volume 65 (USPS) 041-960

From the PRESIDENT...

Number 1 Spring 2010


Twenty Years: A Study in Perspective

Thomas A. Kinchen, President


Sandra K. Richards, Director of Marketing

Lead Graphic and Web Designer Matthew J. LeHew

Photographer and Graphics J. J. Lain

Thomas A. Kinchen President

When I was a much younger man, I would listen to older people Echoes is published quarterly by The Baptist College of Florida, 5400 College Drive, Graceville, FL 32440-1898. Periodical Postage paid at Graceville, Florida.

If you would like to receive Echoes, please send name and address to BCF Echoes Editor, 5400 College Drive, Graceville, FL 32440-1898 POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CORRECTIONS TO: BCF 5400 COLLEGE DRIVE GRACEVILLE, FL 32440-1898 Statement of Mission The Baptist College of Florida shall operate within the context of a Christian worldview to promote, provide for, operate and control a program of education and training for ministers and other religious workers through awarding certificates and associate and baccalaureate degrees in a coeducational post-secondary setting. To fulfill its mission, the college seeks to develop those qualities in students that contribute to effective ministry. In the area of personal growth, we seek to foster a desire for knowledge; develop cultural awareness by introducing students to a wide range of knowledge; nurture the ability to acquire, evaluate, assimilate, and use information; and promote personal and social maturity. For spiritual growth, we provide the resources for gaining biblical and religious data; we also assist students in learning and living the Christian life. In terms of professional growth, students are enabled to gain the credentials that enhance opportunities for ministry, and they learn to master a specialized body of knowledge. At the same time, we encourage positive attitudes toward ministry and foster both an awareness of and a loyalty to the Southern Baptist heritage.

as they talked about things that had happened twenty years before. I remember wondering how they could possibly remember that far back. Now that I am not a much younger man, the last twenty years seem to be but a short season in my life and that of the College. In 1990, Ruth Ann and I came to the College with a daughter who was about to begin her junior year in high school and a son who had completed his freshman year in college. Today our son is a pastor in Lexington, Kentucky with a wonderful wife and two fine children. Our daughter lives in Orlando where she works in the apartment industry and pursues a master’s degree in voice. She has a fine husband and three wonderful children. Ruth Ann is more beautiful than ever, and I am older.

20 Years of Strong, Visionary Leadership...

1990 March 9

FBTC Trustees elect Dr. Thomas A. Kinchen to succeed Dr. Joseph P. DuBose Jr. as President.

June 1

Kinchen assumes Presidency.



BCF President and First Lady August 27

Kinchen writes first editorial The New Orleans Baptist FBTC starts the fall letter in the summer edition semester with a record 443 Theological Seminary of ECHOES. Looking ahead, Extension Center at FBTC students. he writes: “Truly, I believe opens its doors for the first that there is no way that time, taking in 35 students. we can imagine the blessings that God has ahead for this great school.”

October 8

October 20

Construction on Smith Hall, a male dormitory, is completed. The building is dedicated in honor of Jean Smith Chandler and Lena Smith.

Kinchen inaugurated as FBTC’s sixth President.

ECHOES / Spring 2010 - President’s Report • 3

Spring 2010 - President’s Report Contribution... “People Gave so they Could Go”

Matthew 9:37 “He said to the disciples, ‘The harvest is great, but the workers are few.’”


n twenty years at the College much has changed and much has stayed the same. Programs have changed. Personnel have changed. Property has changed. Point of reference has never changed. Today we offer numerous degrees in a wide variety of fields of study. The numbers of faculty and staff members have grown with many retirements and some folks going home to be with our Lord. Many new faces can be seen working faithfully across the campus. We have added over 100 acres of property to the College holdings. Scores of buildings have been constructed or renovated. While change has been the order of the day for the College, our point of reference has remained the glory of our Lord and the study of His word. All of our study must be immersed in a Christian worldview, and all of our service must be energized by our Lord’s Great Commission.


pon arrival at Florida Baptist Theological College I was quoted as saying that, “I intend for Florida Baptist Theological College to become the College of Choice for those who are committed to lives of service for our Lord.” When I made that statement it was a hope and a goal. Twenty years later, there is still an element of hope, but the statement has become a reality for thousands of individuals who have attended this great school. I am more convinced of the statement’s importance today than I was in 1990. As we pursue our trademark statement of “Changing the World Through the Unchanging Word®” we have an absolutely unique opportunity to educate and train that army of Christian servants who will lead our churches and serve as Godly leaders throughout our communities.

In 1990, I was told that I had eighteen months to

affect a pattern of growth in the life of the College. January

Kinchen makes his first faculty appointment: Dr. Don Odom, Assistant Professor of Voice.


Kinchen elected to serve on the Board of Directors of the Graceville Area Development Council. That board elects Kinchen to serve on the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce board. Kinchen states, “The growth of our school and the community are vitally linked.”



Construction begins on the Ezell Street townhouse, blueprints are made for the expansion of the Ida J. McMillan library, and the organizational chart for the college is revamped naming Dr. R.C. Hammack Administrative Vice-President.


1992 1993

FBTC breaks previous fall enrollment record with 456 students. Kinchen uses special donations to purchase a house on Ezell Street for missionaries on furlough.


FBTC again shatters enrollment records with 462 enrolled for the Spring semester. Dr. Buford Cox joins the BCF faculty.


Ground is broken on the new library expansion. Kinchen is elected to serve as Florida’s representative on the Education Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention.


The ECHOES gets a new look as it changes to a magazine format with a distinct cover. Kinchen announces plans to change baccalaureate degrees to Bachelor of Arts degrees. Chapel services greet Bobby Bowden as a guest speaker.

4 • ECHOES / Spring 2010 - President’s Report

Otherwise it would be closed. There was no doubt in my mind that our Lord was not finished with the work that He had begun in 1943 with the school’s establishment. The last twenty years have been a continuing testimony to our Lord’s faithfulness and provision. We have seen developments that we had never dreamed might happen. There is still much to be done: people to be reached, lives to be touched, programs to be developed, and ministries to be strengthened. With the leadership of our Lord we have seen this great school make giant strides, and following that same leadership our greatest days are still ahead.

of the marketplace to reach the world in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.


needs around us are monumental. The costs of providing the institution and instruction that are needed will be astounding. We stand at a crossroad in the life of our culture. Standing as an unapologetically conservative, Christian is increasingly costly. It is costly for individuals and institutions. But the costs of Christians doing nothing in the face of our world’s needs would be devastating and unthinkable. Therefore, the future course for The Baptist College of Florida is set: to stand as a beacon sentinel in a dark world with the singular purpose of “Changing the World through the Unchanging Word®.”

The support that we receive for the work of the Col-

lege has come through a myriad of sources. Being a part of the family of the Florida Baptist Convention has brought financial support through the Cooperative Program, and more importantly it has brought the prayer and service support of over a million Florida Baptists. Many of the churches have given me the great privilege of preaching from their pulpits. This is my greatest joy, and I am grateful for the opportunities. Our trustees have provided consistent, Godly leadership for which I am thankful. The faculty members of the College continue to be a blessing to me as well as to generations of students who pass through their classes. A whole army of friends of the College have supported us through their prayers and financial support. Without them we simply could not do the work that has been given to us.

Twenty years ago my perspective was all focused on

the future. Today, I am pausing for a moment to reflect on the past. Reflection is great if it is exercised only for a moment and then serves as a catalyst for the future. The opportunities that I see for the future remind me of that song from childhood, “Deep and Wide.” I want to walk deeper with my Lord and dig deeper for the growth and the good of this great institution. I want to have a wider horizon as I seek the ways in which we can develop more areas of study to prepare the ministers of the pulpit and the ministers Summer

FBTC welcomes the first missionary family in residence at the Happynest home. Kinchen announces plans to construct a new dormitory in early 1994.


September 7



FBTC sets another record FBTC celebrates Founder’s with 488 students regisDay and the 50th Anniversary of the college. tered. The Baptist Sunday School Board publishes a Kinchen gives an inspirational speech: “Always report stating that FBTC has remembering our purpose, the highest enrollment of Provider, perspective, and ministerial seeking students among the 47 Southern prospects, by the grace of Baptist Colleges and God, we shall not forget, Universities in the US. and by the grace of God, we shall not fail.”

Twenty years ago I came to the position of Presi-

dent of Florida Baptist Theological College with a

ECHOES gets its first color cover. The cover features the new stained glass windows donated to the R.G. Lee Chapel.




Kinchen announces weekend classes, a new teacher education program, and the construction of what would become Lakeside Hall. Daniel Plaza, in the center of the campus, is dedicated.

ECHOES publishes a commemorative issue looking back on the milestones reached during the first five years of Kinchen’s Presidency.

FBTC celebrates another milestone with 535 students registered. This marks a 40% increase in enrollment in the five years since Kinchen took office. Dr. Robin Jumper joins the faculty as Assistant Professor of Evangelism and Missions. Groundbreaking ceremonies are held for Heritage Village.



ECHOES / Spring 2010 - President’s Report • 5

trustees at our last meeting that I see this 20th anniversary as a “Milestone in my career; not a Tombstone.” I thank God and each of you for where we have come. I trust God and each of you for where we are going. God Bless,

great deal of awe for the task and wonder for the future. Today both of those qualities are still present in abundance. Some other things have been added. First is a deep sense of humility for the great blessing that our Lord has given to me to serve in this wonderful place. In addition I feel a great sense of the power of prayer as God’s people have prayed for the work of this great school. I feel a renewed energy from the deep commitment of generations of students who have come through this place to go out and change the world. Without any doubt I feel a greater excitement than I did twenty years ago as I anticipate what our Lord has in store for the days ahead of us. I look forward to showing up, standing up, and speaking up for our Lord and this wonderful College with all of the strength, energy and vision that He can and will give to me.

Thomas A. Kinchen President


owe a great debt to those five men who served as President of this school before me. Each gave unique leadership in difficult times. Without their service this great school would not have survived. I am grateful for the friendship and support of the two past presidents whom I have had the privilege of knowing personally.


s we move forward in the life of the College there have been some who have asked me about my plans for the future. Yes, I am 63 years old. Yes, I know that at that age one can retire. As to whether or not I have any plans to retire in the near future, “Not on your life!” Now I realize that I serve as President of The Baptist College of Florida at the pleasure of our Lord, Ruth Ann, and the Board of Trustees. As long as all of them are willing to let me show up for work I am absolutely ecstatic about the work that lies ahead of us. I told the Fall


FBTC is inducted into the National Association of Schools of Music Ground is broken on the new Student Life Assembly Center. FBTC Trustees unanimously vote in favor of establishing a cooperative partnership with Barbados Baptist College in the West Indies.


Editor’s Note: Our President received many notes of congratulations and praise acknowledging his 20th Anniversary at BCF, but it was the two that came from his children that I wanted to use in this edition of the Echoes. For I know, among all of their accomplishments, it is their children and grandchildren that bring the greatest joy. Here is what Alex and Lisa had to say about the past twenty years...





FBTC confirms the reaffirmation Construction on the Asof its accreditation through SACS. sembly Center is completed, The addition of the Florida Baptist and the center is opened Historical Collection expands during a special ceremony. the collection of the library Dr. Mark Rathel and Dr. significantly. FBTC goes digital, Rick Freeman join the adding servers, networking, and faculty. T1 communication lines to the facilities.

1998 1996 1997


Construction begins on what will become Napier Hall, a women’s dormitory. Professor William Stuart McArthur and Dr. Jack Cunningham join the faculty. The ECHOES’ current logo is used for the first time.

FBTC adds online classes and opens up extension centers in Miami and Orlando, which was shortly followed by extension centers in Pensacola and Jacksonville.


Kinchen celebrates his 10th year as President. A vote by the Florida Baptist Convention Board of Missions officially changes the school’s name to “The Baptist College of Florida.”

6 • ECHOES / Spring 2010 - President’s Report

Dad’s 20 Years at BCF

One of the great visionary prayers of history is attributed to Sir Francis Drake, the well-known 16th century English explorer. The words resonate as much today as they must have when they were originally spoken: “Disturb us, Lord, when we are too well pleased with ourselves. When our dreams have come true because we dreamed too little. When we arrive safely because we have sailed too close to the shore. Disturb us, Lord.” I have been privileged to see the life and ministry of my father as God has “disturbed” him on numerous occasions to move him in the needed direction at the appropriate time. When God called Dad to The Baptist College of Florida, then Florida Baptist Theological College, I truly thought he was disturbed (more clinically than theologically)! To a nineteen year old raised in New Orleans, Graceville, Florida was not the ideal location. Four years in West Virginia had seemed somewhat removed from the technological advancements of the rest of the world; Graceville appeared poised to welcome in the nineteenth century with open arms! The college was like so many small-town churches I had witnessed growing up: begun with good intentions, a vault of saintly efforts, a museum that housed the memory of the “good ole days” which were whispers barely audible to modern ears. Again, to a fairly self-absorbed college sophomore-to-be it was not exactly awe-inspiring. How could this be career advancement? I remember offering this short-sighted assessment, “Dad, are you sure God is in this?” No statement could have been more myopic. God was not only in the college, He had overseen every day leading up to the hiring of a still young albeit enthusiastic president from Thomasville, Georgia. God was in the work of the men and women who, decades before, helped establish the core values of training men and women for the work of the ministry. God was in the vision it took to convince an entire institution to dream again when recent dreams had been more nightmarish than sweet. I have yet to meet a man gifted in looking at a currently discouraging situation and seeing the potential to honor God quite like my Dad. For that I am indebted and inspired—he encourages and equips others


Interior renovations in the R.G. Lee Chapel are completed. Professor Ron Branning joins BCF faculty.



to see what they could not, or would not, previously, and perhaps that is the greatest gift God has given him. God being sovereign means that He could have accomplished everything that BCF has seen in the last 20 years with someone else at the helm. Yet my faith in that same sovereignty convinces me that He put in place the perfect man Southeastern PhD. recipient Alex Kinchen to lead His people to accomplish with Dad, BCF President Thomas A. Kinchen His will. Henry Kissinger once said, “The task of the leader is to get people from where they are to where they have not been.” I believe Dad, and his tenure at BCF, epitomizes that statement. I’ll never know exactly how God brought the “disturbing” revelation that Graceville would be our new home some twenty years ago—but I am grateful He did. Praise God for Tom Kinchen being “disturbed” enough to forego other paths, consider other avenues, and invest himself, his family, his gifts in a little town with a small college in need. Praise God for all the people who have been “disturbed” along with him over the last two decades to turn that small college into an institution that can boast, arguably, the best undergraduate theological education in the SBC. The path was not always safe, nor the circumstances comfortable, but the Most High has been honored as a result. Praise God for the opportunity we have for God to disturb us in the same manner so that His will is accomplished and His name glorified—disturb us, Lord. Dad, stay faithful, keep loving Mom (who deserves far more credit than I have given her in this tribute), and keep being disturbed, even if your son is too short-sighted to see God in it. I love you, Alex Kinchen



Dr. Mark Long and Dr. Retired Navy Captain Several sections of the WFBU, BCF’s Radio Station, David Coggins become (Chaplain) Charles Parker campus receive facelifts, is announced with plans BCF’s newest faculty. BCF is named as Vice President including Solomon Hall to begin broadcasting adds the ability to register of Institutional Advanceand the commons area in August. Kinchen and for classes via the Internet. ment. BCF celebrates its in the middle of campus. the trustees reaffirm the school’s Baptist ties 60th Anniversary. Professor Extensive renovations to Cedilia Raley joins BCF the exterior of the chapel through a resolution of faculty. commence, and plans are commitment. Construction made for the demolition of begins on the Shepherds’ Ray Hall. Cottages.


Dining facilities, residence halls, and apartments receive upgrades and renovations. Dr. James Newell joins the BCF faculty. Shepherd’s cottages receive their first residents.


The R.G. Lee Chapel renovations are completed. The dedication ceremony features faculty, students, alumni, and leaders in the Florida Baptist Convention. BCF announces a partnership with LINC-UP Ministries, allowing Leadership Certificates to be earned by students in Cururupu, Brazil.

2002 2004 2006 2001 2003 2005

ECHOES / Spring 2010 - President’s Report • 7

Twenty Years...

...A long space of time where someone can accomplish many things. A long marriage, a business career or an impact on something that could change your life forever. I, like my brother, could not see the “forest for the trees” when I was told we were moving to Graceville. I remember Mom looking at black and white pictures of the house in Graceville and “decorating” from our home in West Virginia. I did not want to leave my friends and as a High School sophomore, thought it was the end of the world. I could not have been more wrong! My Dad went down several weeks before the rest of the family and lived in the dorms at the college. Now that’s dedication! He literally got to meet the students “where they lived” and got to know them on a more BCF President Thomas A. Kinchen personal level. Anyone that knows Dad knows that his door is always open and he treats you just like family. with daughter, Lisa God works in the hearts and lives of those that trust Him and nothing could be shown more than in my Dad. Dad hit the ground running with work and I was happy to have him home more (and I know Mom was!). He faced the “well that’s not been done before” with a hearty “why not” and “let’s go!” He worked tirelessly traveling the state to share about the then “Florida Baptist Theological College” whether it was in a local church or a quail hunt. In his words he had “to kill a few snakes” but faced everything with a smile. The landscape of the college changed as well. Dad loves nothing more than to see something growing or being built. I remember countless trips in the car to go see a jobsite in the communities that we lived in. Under his leadership many buildings have received “facelifts” as well as having the gym and new Administration Building being built, meal programs and sports teams. Churches and houses were brought in to establish Heritage Village where parts of the past could inspire the leaders of the future. What an awesome feeling to be able to preach or sing where others have for hundreds of years! “Growing” of a different sort came to me at the college. I was a senior at Graceville High School when I met my now husband of 16 years at the college (with my Dad at the back door with a shotgun no less!). What a day when my Dad was able to perform the ceremony and give me away in the R.G. Lee Chapel. My first child attended the McRae-Morrow Preschool. I had always said “I’ll never go to a college where my Dad is President.” I quickly learned not to tell God never! My Dad handed me my diploma in May of 1996 when I graduated from Florida Baptist Theological College with a degree in Music. I’ve never been prouder than that day when I could say “I did graduate from a college where my Dad is President!” Through it all Dad loved our family. I saw his heartbreak as my brother, mother and I struggled with the move and when we moved so far away from my brother who was in college. I saw his joy as Mom “settled in” with the house and made countless curtains for all his new buildings, making chili and crafts for the Village Christmas, establishing scholarships and making cookies for all the students every semester. Who could forget all the receptions that she made all the food for! I saw his love for Mom with “date nights,” special lunches and phone calls. When she could no longer travel by plane, Dad packed her and everything in the car and drove to all his engagements across the country. I saw dedication as he worked the snack bar at football games at the high school as Band Booster President. I also saw his dedication to God and what He wanted Dad to do. There could have been no better example for me! Not only did he love our family but the “family” at the college. Many times I saw him cry tears of both joy and sorrow with both students and faculty. He was and continues to be concerned with the well-being of those he works with and comes into contact with. They are constantly in his prayers. I don’t know a person with a larger heart! Twenty years... A long time to some but in the service of God it is as a blink of an eye. May the next twenty years be as fruitful as your journey and vision continue. “Keep on keeping on!” Your impact on my life and the life of The Baptist College of Florida is priceless. I love you Daddy! Lisa (Ron, Neal, Brianna, Evan and even Scooby)


Dr. Edwin Scott joins the BCF faculty. BCF adds a degree in Contemporary Worship Ministry. Dr. Rich Elligson joins the BCF faculty. Construction begins on a new administration building on campus.




Dr. Roger Richards joins the BCF faculty and is appointed Director of Student Services. Professor Jonathan Erp joins BCF faculty.

Construction begins on a new prayer chapel on campus. BCF continues to graduate and recruit record numbers.

The BCF Prayer Chapel is dedicated in a special ceremony. Professor Cathy Bugg joins the BCF faculty full-time. Dr. Geraldine DeFelix and Dr. Donna Kincaid join BCF faculty.




BCF confirms the reaffirmation of its accreditation, securing its status as a SACS accredited school for another decade. BCF announces new church certificate programs offered all over Florida.

BCF celebrates the completion of its new administration building. In a major new step for the college, BCF announces the addition of intercollegiate athletics starting with men’s golf and women’s volleyball.





The Eagle is announced as the athletic mascot for BCF. Construction begins on a new Center for Evangelism and World Missions. BCF First Lady Ruth Ann Kinchen is honored with the Clyde Maguire Minister’s Wife Award at the Florida Baptist Convention. BCF leads Worship and assists with registration at the convention.

8 • ECHOES / Spring 2010 - President’s Report

Memorial Day 2010


ince the Civil War, our Nation has honored our military men and women who have served our country during times of war and peace. The day to honor these men and women is May 31, 2010 - Memorial Day! The Baptist College of Florida invites you to honor those family members, relatives, or friends who have or are currently serving our country with a memorial or honor gift to the college. We will write a letter to the person or family you designate to inform them that a gift has been received by the college in honor or memory of their military service. Far too many of our Veterans have never received a proper “Thank You” for their service to our country. Your contribution would assure that this year they receive a letter showing a gift of appreciation. If the individual is deceased, the letter will be sent to the family member you designate. Please provide the Veteran’s information with your contribution in the envelope enclosed. A letter will be sent to the Veteran or Veteran’s family acknowledging your gift in their honor or memory. Your contribution is tax deductible. For more information contact the Development Office 800.328.2660 ext. 416.


The 2009 Supporters’ Tribute

The following is an annual report of gifts to The Baptist College of Florida. All gifts received during the preceding calendar year are included. The purpose is to express appreciation to those who have shared on behalf of students, faculty, staff, and trustees. Extreme care is exercised to ensure accuracy. Your assistance in this regard is greatly appreciated. Please call (800) 328-2660 ext. 416 for questions or to provide additional information. Gifts to BCF are an investment in the preparation of men and women for Christian service. Supporters are recognized in categories on the following pages for their faithfulness! BENEFACTOR’S CIRCLE Gifts of $10,000 & above

Alfred I. duPont Foundation, Inc. Winifred C. Allen Christ for the World Community Foundation of South GA Mark Courtney Jerry & Pam Hickox Mary C. Harris Herrington Family Trust Pick Hollinger Trust Ray & June Howard Thomas A. & Ruth Ann Kinchen R. C. & Lois Mills Mary C. Ogletree Charles R. & Betty Parker Bill W. O. Salter Jerry A. & Bobbie Wyrick


Gifts of $2,000-$4,999 Earl J. & Helen Barfield James Michael & Nancy Burns James David & Connie Coggins Coulliette’s Auto Mall, Inc. H. Jefferson & Ernestine Davis, Jr. Roy M. & Carol Dowdy Donald R. & Anne Graham Charles M. & Patricia Grimsley R.C. & Barbara Hammack Jean D. Hancock William Stuart & Frances McArthur Jerry E. Oswalt Roger C. & Sandra Richards Road Mart of Florida, Inc. Thomas K. & Joyce Septer Summit Wealth Management, Inc. Charles N. Suttles Larry E. & Frances Taylor Charles & Barbara Tomlinson Judson & Linda Vaughn Lawrence D. & Donna Worth


Gifts of $5,000-$9,999 Sammy Bailey Charles L. Burns Shirley J. Bussey Jacqueline P. Draughon Art & Pat Garrett Jeffrey L. Howard Dwight W. Kelley Richard M. Reasoner Wiley & Betty Richards William E. & Teresa Sheffield

FOUNDER’S CIRCLE Gifts of $1,000-$1,999

Baptist Foundation of Alabama Lillian L. Barineau Daniel J. & Jane Bayse Karen J. Beauchamp Melissa Thurman Cauley Staff & Gwen Childs Buford E. & Judith Cox, Jr. Tom Crutchfield Terence D. & Emilee Cutler Elaine & Chet Dean Bill & Polly Floyd William H. & Gail Floyd Government Services Group Inc Mark & Melanie Hall Helen M. Holcomb R. W. Bob & Marie Hutcherson Stanley J. & Janis Jarrett Thomas B. & Lori Jones Gena L. Keszthelyi Max L. & Sue Laseter Guy E. Laton Charles A. & Dorothy Litzell

ECHOES / Spring 2010 - President’s Report • 9 James Alton & Joan Marshall Philip & Charlene Martin Kimberle Moon McKee Ron Moore Donald R. & Sarah Odom Homer Jack Roddenberry James M. Scott Cecil W. & Peggy Seagle Helen Touchton Hugh & Julie Troyer Houston A. & Muriel Watson Richard F. & Linda Wheatley Laurita H. Woodham Pamela C. Zavada

PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL Gifts of $500-$999

Jeanette H. Bailey BCF Faculty Wives Aux R. Luther & Vera Beauchamp Catherine D. Bugg James T. & Billie Cantrell Richard Earl Carroll Curtis & Angela Cattrett Rose Marie Chapman Jimmy & Sue Clanton Evelyn M. Collier Lawrence E. De Rousse Billye & Joe Dowdy James Leon & Kay Foster Joe Franklin Jerry A. & Carolyn Glass Graceville Arts League Joey D. & Kathy Graham James S. Hallford James Kevin & Kimberli Hargnett Jim B. & Jeanette Henry Harry L. & Ruby Holmes Angus S. & Anne Hudspeth Jay Patrick & Kathy Hurley C. Paul Jones Martha G. Kennon Donna & Danny Kincaid Christopher B. & Stephanie King Ed & Willetta Kleinschmidt James H. & Patricia Lewis Mark T. & Stephanie Long Rebecca Ann Lucas Gail D. Mann Daniel T. & Carol Martin Francis J. & Martha Martin Robert L. McMillian Douglas L. & Noveta Nellums James O. & Roberta Newell Norman T. & Wilma Parrish Richard V. & Sue Phelps C. D. & Emma Phillips Cecilia L. Raley Mark A. & Angela Rathel Norman & Lagrande Renfroe Dale E. Rice Jim W. & Nancy Robinett Helen S. Sanders Jack & Donna Sangster Lynwood & Brenda Seay Gwenn Sellars Elaine W. Smith

Charles Allen & Jane Thornhill Christine & James Tice William A. & Joan Timmons Larry Scott Ulm Woodham Plumbing Co, Inc. Leon & Jewell Zalenski

SUSTAINER’S CIRCLE Gifts of $250-$499

Doyle Bell Eddie & Beth Blalock Marshall M. & Laura Blick Shaun & Alison Braley Ronald Wade & Judith Branning Lynn & Annie Lois Bridges Howard A. & Margaret Budden John Burley Bob L. Christie Ann J. Courson Dorothy B. Crowell Hugh Edwin & Shirley Dampier Elizabeth Davis Richard L. & Angela Elligson Charles E. & Mylinda Eure Bartlett H. Ford Josephine C. Garrett Darwin & Cheri Gilmore Angela & Albert Glover Lee E. & Ollie Godwin Rachel J. Godwin John Roy Gough Louis Anthony & Shelia Hayden Ernest & Sherri Hooper Bruce Harry & Robin Litzell Quinn McAlister Ralph C. & Betty Meloon Edward & Lillian Morris Glen E. Owens Willie B. Parker Rebekah & Christopher Phillips Richard W. & Jill Reichert Laura B. Robinett Eula Saylor Hunt & Elesha Scheuerman Edwin & Lea Scott Southern Baptist Foundation Thomas C. Speck Olan & Rose Ann Strickland Laura L. Tice David H. & Dianna Troyer Joyce & Cliff Troyer Robert H. & Susan Wellner Michael D. Wiggins Fred & Cathy P. Williams

TEN-A-MONTH CLUB Gifts of $120-$249

Percival C. & Marie Andrews Lynne T. Bangert James N. & Hilda Barnes Wendell Elwin Beall Michael David & Sharon Beck Franklin J. & Carline Bodiford Bush Paint & Supply Meroe S. Camp

Zack Daniel & Sybil Chapman Lettie A. Chinaris Joseph T. & Jean Ducanis Lawrence T. Fitzgerald Florida Baptist Convention Howard J.& Robbie Floyd Travis Rick & Dawn Freeman Veronica Freeman Judy O. & Henry Fullington Thomas William Gage Kenneth H. & Betty Geren Elouise S. Green Greenville Tea Party Assn Sharon & George Grunwell Dennis Scott & Dorothy Hall Gerald & Mason Harris J. Frank & Dixie Hay Jackie E. Hayes Edward & Geraldine Heptinstall Alvin C. Hernandez Karen T. Higginbotham Max & Shirley Hildebran Elbert & Ann Johnson Thomas N. Kight Jack W. Kinley Robert K. Kirkland Joyce Lee John D. & Peggy Linn James T. Lusk Arthur & Jean McDougal Lamar B. & Faye Miller Donald & Carol Minshew Noel F. & Peggy Morris Dennis L. & Avis Newton Stephanie & Mike Orr Elinor E. Roberts Marcus D. & Linda Shackelford John & Amy Shaffett Donald E. Smith Irene & Rocky Smith Billy D. & Sharon Smitherman Susanne S. Stimson John L. & Elizabeth Thomas R. John Unkefer Todd C. vonNieda Alice C. Becky Wheeler Robert I. & Susan Wilson S. Adrian & Charline Wingate

FRIEND’S CIRCLE Gifts up to $119

Mary Christine Adams Joseph C. & Rhonda Alain Kay S. Albritton Bruce Allen Matthew & Melanie Allen Robert E. Allen William F. Allen Elizabeth K. Anderson Willard L. Anderson Mary K. Andreu Allison Rae Archey-Hardy Daniel R. & Cindy Baker David L. & Jo Baker Phala V. Baker Betty M. Ball Thomas L. Bankston Ann T. Barineau Agnes E. Barrett

Claudia L. Bateman James K. & Louise Baucom Roy & Sue Beard Johnnie F. Beauford Morris C. & Janet Beck Warren Beck Jayne D. Bibb James C. Bird R. T. Blackstock Cynthia Bouressa Gail Bowen Trap Bowen Kernal R. & Eleanor Brasher Neil I. Brohm Bobby M. & Tracy Bromlow Richard & Elizabeth Broome Julie J. Brown Duane Broxson Geneva Burch Lucile J. Burgess Mary & Christopher Burghoff Alton Butler Joseph Matthew & Ainee Butler Donald H. & Jan Calvert Robert T. Carr Bob & Florence Castle James R. & Constance Cawthon Vivian Cerione George David & Linda Chestnut Maureen C. & Yung Shen Chuang David M. & Peggy Cissna John A. & Mary Clark Cobb Funeral Chapel, Inc. Charles A. & Karen Coffman Johnny H. Collins Joann Cone David Craig & Karen Conner Alfred Lee Conniff Norris & Patsy Cook Robert J. & Virginia Cook Roy Lamar & Susan Cordle W. R. Cotton Daniel L. Coulliette Henry O. & Phyllis Cox Ross Cramer Daun Crews Thomas D. Crisp G. Albert Cullen Bruce Roy & Debra Davis Jerry W. Davis Ellen C. De Villiers H. W. Dekle Donald Demont Charles W. & Diane Dick Edward E. & Linda Dordon John Brent Dowis Mary Dukes Virginia Dunty H. Marcus & Jean Edwards Emerald Coast Auto Salvage Jonathan B. Erp Claudia Everage Ronett Fairweather William H. & Brenda Faulkner Deanna H. Faurot Bill & Pamela Ferrand Joseph Jay Finn Eloy & Luci Flores Florida Campers On Mission Timothy Alan & Melissa Folds D. Stephen Foster Michael W. & Tammy Fox Michael J. & Audrey Frazier Ginny Lou Barrow Fulkerson Patrick W. & Laura Ann Fuller J. Eddie Gandy Trent Joshua Gann

10 • ECHOES / Spring 2010 - President’s Report Mavis C. Garrett Billy J. & Frances George Georgeanna & Larry Geyer Linnie L. Gibson Robert Gilley William M. & Hilda Goodson Lewis H. & Debbie Gould Clyde L. & Murl Gracey William ‘Bill’ & Sherriah Graff Kathy S. Gray Charles E. Griffith Clifford H. Grow Carol Jean & Larry Haire Charles & June Haire Michael J. & Brooke Hallman G. Ben Hammett Ray O. & Ann Hammons Dorothy H. Hanselman-York Paul Harbison Joseph V. & Beverly Harris Kenneth Harsey Alyce B. Hartsfield Archie N. & Glenda Hatcher Virgil B. Hay Janie H. Helland Beverly H. Helms Walter W. & Mary Herndon Frank Hickman William H. & Sue Holcombe Christin J. Hollenbach William C. & Cynthia Horne Gregory Lee Hyatt James H. & June Ingoldsby John M. & Barbara Jackson Kenneth Earl Jackson Russell & Dee Ann Jackson Judith A. Jennings Jim Whaley’s Tires, Inc. Barbara L. Johnson Dozier Johnson Gary L. & Joyce Johnson Gary S. & Lourdes Johnson Douglas Lee & Sharon Johnston Betty Jones Larry Allan Jones George Robin Jumper Stephen D. & Janis Kelley Sarah Beth Kemeness Mazie J. Ketner KIDD Group Jerry & Brenda Kilgore Donald A. & Lillie Faye King Darlene & Gerald Kirby William D. Kirby James M. & Cynthia Kirkland Kenneth R. & Gertrude Langdon Larry Latta Charles F. & Rhonda Law Matthew John LeHew Cleota B. Lenert Dorothy P. Lewis Vincent & Susan Loiacono Harold Mabrey Rachel Lyn Maddox Richard Allen Maddox Helen Mahs Patrick R. & Jackie Malone James Richard Manning J. T. Manry Maranatha Christian Ministries Ovie B. Martin Mildred B. Massey Joseph & Elaine McClenney Ladon McDowell Leonard & Kathryn McGowan Steve Bryan & Jan McHargue James R. & Marcie McKinney

Sarah McMickin Thomas E. & Bonnie McMillan John R. & Jan McNeil Scott McQuigg Martha Kay McRae R. C. Meloon Brenda Mercer Rae & Gene Miles James & Sherry Mitchem Byron W. Mixson Harold D. & Harriett Mock Carmen Albarran Moreno Ann W. Morton Stephen & Stephanie NeSmith Louis L. & Carla Nester Richard J. & Gina Newnum Judith Owens Louise D. & Henry Owens Rudolph Padgett Jimmie D. Parrish James R. & Virginia Patrick Benjamin & Marinelle Peacock Drew & Rachel Peacock Homer W. Peacock William E Gloria Peacock Thomas C. & Jackie Pennell James Ronnie & Johnnell Pepper Ralph C. & Joann Perdue Amanda Leigh Perrone Adolph & Shirley Phares Jake & Judy Phillips Corean Pick James Jeffery Pike Rosemarie & Edward Pilarczyk David S. Pittman Wanda G. Powell Michael A. & Layne Prescott Jerry & Cherlyn Presnall W. R. Bob Pullen Daniel Clyde & Barbara Quincey Jim & Jane Raker Paul L. & Jeanne Raper George H. & Audrey Rennard Cathy Brock Revell Donna & Davis Rexford Roy L. & Lea Reynolds John E. & Susan Richards Gary & Pam Richerson Joyce Riley William R. ‘Bill’ Roberts W. S. & Carolyn Robertson Paul D. & Laura Robinson Danny W. & Joy Rogers Denny R. & Nancy Rogers Malissa E. Romack Wallace & Lorette Russell Lonnie J. Salimone Mitchell G. & Carolyn Sampson Iris Scurlock James T. & Barbara Sealy A. Norman & Anita Segler Donald R. Setterberg William E. Sexton Faye & Marcus Shackelford Daisy N. Sheridan Lois Shotwell Brenda & Jimmy Singletary Christopher Jerome Smith George E. Claire Smith Gregory P. & Judy Smith Harold B. Smith Jewel D. Smith W. Herbert & Pamela Smith Wanda Sons Walter Jack & Evelyn Sosby John Michael Souma Collean H. Stokes

William S. & Brenda Strickland Laverne H. Suber Ermel L. & Janet Suddarth Makoto Sugishita Russell I. & Elizabeth Sullivan Roger L. & Robin Sumner Billy E. & Frances Taylor Clifton Thompson Judith Thompson Doris M. Tolson Armour M. & Marian Treadwell Fred S. & Adrianna Truby United Way of NW Florida Barnie L. Vanzant Janice Lee & Phillip Waites Charles H. & Lois Walker Curtis Walker Vernon L. Whitehead Steve Whittington Hayes P. Wicker James H. & Patricia Williams Jeff & Sylvia Williams Calvin A. & Martha Winter David & Heidi Wisher S. K. Ken & Mary Wood Roger D. & June Woodard Ollie W. Woodworth Robert Neal & Kittye Wyatt Yokohama Tire Corp. Richard L. & Mantha Young

HONOR GIFTS REV. JIM BEAVERS Mr. Charles Grimsley MRS. ALBERTA BOURN 90th Birthday Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Parker MRS. PATRICIA CARMICHAEL Mr. Ross Cramer DR. DAVID COGGINS Mr. & Mrs. Lynwood Seay MRS. JACKIE DRAUGHON Mrs.Ginny Barrow Fulkerson Mr. and Mrs. Staff Childs MRS. POLLY FLOYD Kay S. Albritton KENNETH AND GERRI GRAHAM Rachel Godwin MR. MARK HALL Community Foundation of S. Georgia Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Williams III PATRICK HAM Michael Beck REV. DAVID AND MAXIE HECHT Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ducanis MICHAEL HOAGLAND Michael Beck BRITTANY HUSTON G. Ben & Iris Hammett DR. AND MRS. THOMAS A. KINCHEN Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Bowen DR. ROBIN JUMPER G. Ben & Iris Hammett REV. H. WALTER MARKHAM Ft. King Baptist Church, Ocala MR. & MRS. CHARLES R. PARKER Kay S. Albritton Dr. & Mrs. Ray Hammons MRS. LAURA ROBINETT Rev. and Mrs. Jim W. Robinett DR. AND MRS. CECIL SEAGLE Rev. and Mrs. Jim W. Robinett

DR. DAN SPENCER Howard & Robbie Floyd REV. AND MRS. EUGENE STRICKLAND Joyce and Cliff Troyer DR. AND MRS. JOHN SULLIVAN Glen and Susan Owens DR. AND MRS. JUDSON VAUGHN Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Parker BECKY WHEELER Rebecca Ann Lucas MR. AND MRS. H.R. WIGGINS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bodiford MR. & MRS. JOE WOOD 50th Anniversary Gail Mann


DR. J.D. ALLEN Mr. Tom Crutchfield Gerald, Karen and Ginger Tanton Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Kinchen Dr. and Mrs. R.C. Hammack Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Parker Thomas N. & Hilary Kight MR. HENRY ARNOLD Dr. and Mrs. Wiley Richards Martha Kay and Finley McRae MR. RAYMOND A. ASHUR Mr. & Mrs. Russell Sullivan JUSTIN AND GLADYS BAYSE Rev. and Mrs. Daniel J. Bays MR. J.C. BERNARD Mr. and Mrs. Danny Kincaid Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Kinchen Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Parker Mr. and Mrs. William Stuart McArthur MRS. CAROLYN BOWMAN Rev. & Mrs. Jim Robinett CHARLES "TREY" BRANTLEY Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sullivan MARY ALICE BRITT Gail Mann BRENTWOOD BRYAN Rachel Godwin MRS. PATRICIA CARMICHAEL Ross Cramer FAYE CARR Joyce M. & Cliff Troyer DOYLE AND MILDRED CARLTON John Roy Gough MRS. MARTHA CARLTON Dr. & Mrs. Wiley Richards FRONIA CARROLL Rev. & Mrs. Jim Robinett MRS. ELINOR S. CASON Dr. & Mrs. Wiley Richards MR. STEVE CLAYTON Dr. and Mrs. Wiley Richards REV. W. HARRISON CONLEY John Roy Gough MR. TOM CONRAD Ann T. Barineau AUDREY CORNELIUS Joyce M. & Cliff Troyer MR. WILLIS COULLIETTE Friends at ConnectivHealth Mrs. Malissa E. Romack Norman & Anita Segler Dr. Stephen Foster, CPA & Staff Gwen Sellars Hunt & Alesha Scheuerman Bill, Pris, Paige & Lydia Graff Maureen & Yung Chuang

ECHOES / Spring 2010 - President’s Report • 11 Ronnie & Johnnell Peppr William H. & Sue Holcombe Emerald Coast Auto Salvage Jim Whaley's Tires, Inc. Douglas L. & Sharon M. Johnston Willard L. Anderson Coulliette's Auto Mall, Inc. Road Mart of Florida, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gilley David L. & Jo T. Baker Clearview Baptist Church Kenneth Harsey Yokohama Tire Corp. Greg & Judy Smith Marlon & Cindy Kirkland Daniel L. Coulliette, Jr. United Way of NW FL, Panama City Lynne Bangert May Andreu Judith Thompson Gary S. & Lourdes C. Johnson Vincent & Susan C. Loiacono Vivian Cerione Elena C. DeVilliers Harold & Harriett B. Mock Judith A. Jennings Fred S. & Adrianna P. Truby Sarah Beth Kemeness Pamela C. Zavada Stan & Brenda Strickland Jayne D.Bibb KIDD Group, Tallahassee Rick & Gina Newnum First Baptist Church, Lynn Haven -Coulliete SS Class Christin Hollenbach Betty M. Ball Charles & Diane Dick Edward & Linda Dordon Robert T. Carr Charles & Karen Coffman Billy J. & Frances George Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Glass MARY LEE COX Gail Mann MRS. CAROLYN CRENSHAW Rachel Godwin MR. LEONARD D. CROY R. W. Bob & Marie Hutcherson JAMES EDDY DAVIS James N. Barnes MINNIE MAE DAVIS Joyce M. & Cliff Troyer NITA DAVIS Martha G. Kennon MR. RAYMOND LUTHER DEEN R. E. Bob & Marie Hutcherson KATHERINE DENNIS Angela Rathel AARON CONNER DEON Gail Mann BOB DeWESTER Dr. & Mrs. Wiley Richards Gail Mann DR. WALTER D. DRAUGHON, JR. Dr. John & Barbara Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Hallman Dr. & Mrs. Paul D. Robinson Kathy & Jordan Gray Thomas N. & Hilary Kight Josephine Garrett Byron Mixson Mrs. Jackie Draughon Staff and Gwen Childs Mr. Guy E. Laton Quinn McAlister

GLEN EASON Dr. & Mrs. Wiley Richards REV. DOYLE RHETT EVERAGE Mrs. Claudia Everage JUDGE CLINTON FOSTER Leon, Kay, & Melanie Foster GWYN FERGUSON Martha G. Kennon MR. RUFUS FRAZIER James T. Lusk, Jr. RONNIE GISTON Gail Mann EDITH L. GOLDEN Gail Mann MR. A.B. GREEN Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cook IVOR GROVES Ann J. Courson MR. JOHN GRUVER Edward L. & Lillian Morris WILLIAM "BILL" HALL Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sullivan REV. DAVID B. HALSTEAD, JR. Mr. & Mrs. Marlon Kirkland MR. JOHN WESLEY HAMM Dr. & Mrs. Wiley Richards Gail Mann MR. STEVE HANEY Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grimsley RUTH ADAMS HENDERSON Joyce M. & Cliff Troyer PENEY HENLEY Joyce M. & Cliff Troyer DAVEY C. HOFFMAN Mr. & Mrs. Chet Dean MRS. IRENE HOLLIS Mrs. Joyce Lee MRS. RUTH H. HUNTER Dr. and Mrs. R.C. Hammack Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Parker Polly and Bill Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Buford Cox Miss Laura Tice Dr. and Mrs. Roger Richards Florida Baptist Convention Mr. and Mrs. Danny Kincaid Mr. and Mrs. Ray Howard Mrs. Joyce Lee Tom Crutchfield Dr. and Mrs. Wiley Richards Gerald, Karen and Ginger Tanton Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grimsley Mr. & Mrs. William Stuart McArthur JAMES BRYAN JACOBS Rev. & Mrs. Adrian Wingate GARY MICHAEL JOHNSON Jerry and Bobbie Wyrick MRS. CAROLYN KELLEY Dwight Kelley REV. JESSE C. KENNON Martha G. Kennon DR. J.W. LEE Janice Lee Waites Julie Brown SHIRLEY LEVINS Gail Mann STACY MARSHALL Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Parker REV. BEN T. MARTIN Mrs. Ovie B Martin CLAUDE MARTIN Cliff and Joyce M. Troyer LOLA McCART Joyce M. & Cliff Troyer REV. EARLDENE McCORVEY Dr. and Mrs. Wiley Richards Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Cobb

The BCF Development Office: Mr. Charles Parker, Mrs. Jan Martin, and Dr. Bill Floyd

WILMA McDANIEL Mrs. Mazie Ketner JUDY McLENDON Joyce M. & Cliff Troyer SONNY MEGEHEE Mrs. Joyce Lee MRS. ALICE MESSER Cathy Williams Dr. & Mrs. Wiley Richards Polly & Bill Floyd Mrs. Joyce Lee Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Kinchen Dr. & Mrs. R.C. Hammack Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Parker Gail Mann Dr. & Mrs. Roger Richards John & Peggy Linn Johnnie Jr. & Veronica Messer Messer Grandchildren Messer Great-Grandchildren MR. BOB MILLER Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grimsley MARY EVELYN MITCHELL Janie Helland MR. CONRAD MOORE Mr. & Mrs. Russell Sullivan JIMMY MOORE Joyce M. & Cliff Troyer FRANCES MOTT Jim & Nancy Robinett BARBARA ANN NOLAN Dr. and Mrs. Roger Richards Dr. and Mrs. Wiley Richards JOEL NORMAN Joyce M. & Cliff Troyer REV.WAYNE OEFFLER Rev. and Mrs. Bob L. Christie DR. J. T. OWENS Byron Mixson Mr. Guy E. Laton EUGENE PANSLER Joyce M. & Cliff Troyer MR. R. D. PATTERSON Adrian & Charline Wingate MUSETTE PELHAM Dr. & Mrs. Wiley Richards MRS. MARTHA PLEDGER

Mr. & Mrs. Ray Howard Dr. & Mrs. Wiley Richards MRS. ELIZABETH PORTER Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Morris MRS. MARY E. PORTER Bill and Gloria Peacock REBECCA McLAIN PRUITT Patrick & Laura Fuller GEORGE RAMSARAN Gail Mann MR. JAMES RAYBURN, SR. Dawson St. Baptist Church-Burgess SS Class Dawson St. Baptist Church-Victory SS Class JOE CRAWFORD REGISTER Gail Mann R.H."BOB" ROBERTS Mrs. Elinor Roberts BOB RYKEN Dr. & Mrs. Wiley Richards BILL SANDERS Helem S. Sanders JEAN SANFORD Joyce M. & Cliff Troyer LUCILLE SCROGGINS Joyce M. & Cliff Troyer DR. & MRS. E. L. SCRUGGS Charles & Marjorie Griffith MR. TOMMY SCZCEKOT Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Walker MARTY SECKEL Gail Mann MARY JOYCE SEGERS Jerry and Bobbie Wyrick TEXIE SILLS Rachel Godwin Mary Ogletree MR. GERALD SLOAN Annie Lois Bridges MR. FRANK SMITH Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Kinchen Dr. and Mrs. R.C. Hammack Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker Dr. and Mrs. Wiley Richards Dr. and Mrs. Roger Richards Mrs. Joyce Lee DR. SID SMITH Rachel Godwin

12 • ECHOES / Spring 2010 - President’s Report

OUIDA SNELLGROSE Joyce M. & Cliff Troyer MRS. MARGIE SPEES Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Kinchen Dr. and Mrs. R.C. Hammack Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Parker J.S. STEELE Cliff and Joyce M. Troyer JACK TATE Joyce M. & Cliff Troyer MR. RALPH TIPTON Geneva Burch WILLIAM E. TOUCHTON, JR. Karen Higginbotham MR. RAYMOND A. USHER Mr. & Mrs. Russell Sullivan MR. JOE VENNING Florida Campers on Mission LOUISE WATFORD Bill and Polly Floyd BRO. CHARLIE WEBB First Baptist Church-Live Oak MISTY DAWN WELLS Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jackson MR. THOMAS T. WHEELER Rebecca Ann Lucas BRYAN WHITE Jerry, Bobbie, Todd, Dan and Mark Wyrick REBEKAH WIGGINS Dr. and Mrs. Roger Richards MR. AND MRS. DOUG WILLIAMS Elaine W. Smith MRS. VERA WILLIAMS Dr. & Mrs. Wiley Richards Laurita H. Woodham MEREL & WILLO DEAN YORK Dorothy Hanselman-York

ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIPS Alabama BCF Alumni Charles F. & Willa Albright Rev. Timothy I. Alexander Ben and Barbara Amlong Anderson Family Endowed Angus Lane Anderson & Mary Shy Anderson Sara Lucile Anderson Memorial A. B. & Hilda Andrews Family Peggy Ange Apalachee/Gadsden County Baptist Association Hispanic Helen C. Argo Carl Arant Memorial Agnes P. Axson Memorial Judge W. L. Bailey Memorial Bailey-Cox Music BCF Alumni Association Christopher M. Barber June Esther Bateman W.O. Beauchamp, Jr. Memorial Leroy Benefield Dr. & Mrs. Leroy Benefield Jeff & Mina Bloodworth T. S. Boehm Irene S. Boman Olene Braxton J. Walter & Missouri Brewer Homer A. & Irma W. Brinkley Rev. & Mrs. Howard C. Browning Timothy & Christopher Burns Mr. and Mrs. W.O. Byrd Robert Edward Chapman, Sr. Thomas Perkins Clifford Jesse W. Clopton, Sr. Julian & Cammie Cole

Evelyn Collier Education Gerry Strawn Jerry and Shelvie Oswalt W. Harrison Conley Edward and Evelyn Owens and James and John & Nancy Sullivan Scholarship Fund Thomas B. Conrad Memorial Harold & Mary Ann Taylor Willie McCormick Memorial Bill Cook Kay S. Taylor J.T. & Charlotte Owens International Willis Coulliette Memorial Lanis E. Taylor Student Joe & Ann Courson Purvis N. Taylor Violet Pearson George E. Crowell, Sr. Thacker Family Scholarship M. G. & Ethel P. Pigg Hugh & Shirley Dampier Eugene Thompson Leonard G. Ratzlaff Memorial J. Nixon Daniel Tolson Bivocational Ministers’ Rice-Savell Harold A. Dann Memorial Austin Lavon Tomlinson Max and Laura Robinett Charles & Martha Davis William E. Touchton, Jr. Memorial Marion C. Roche John Dicks O. H. Townley Romanian Scholarship Arminta M. Donaldson Mr. & Mrs. W. B. Townley, Sr. Barbara W. Ross Jacqueline Perry Draughon International Martha P. Trotter St. Andrews Baptist Church and Mark & Walter D. Draughon, Jr. Eva Rebecca Vaughn Angela Rathel Honorarium Mattye E. DuPree C. N. Walker C. H. St. John Floyd & Lottie Dykes N. K. Walker James M. Scott Calvin & Claudia Edeker Gladys Wasdin James H. & Voncile B. Senterfill A. M. & Mae Everett and Lillian S. Nagy Serena Shutt Glen Watford Faculty Wives Auxiliary Webb Harold & Marie Smith C. W. Fambrough West Florida Associational Brotherhood Jefferson Lee Smith Memorial FBC, Eau Gallie, Melbourne, FL Pencie W. Wester Jim & Mabel Southerland FBC, Port Charlotte James W. Whitfield & Charles D. Crews Southern Baptist Foundation Shelby Foster Fisher James Whitworth Memorial Spangenberg Doris Forrest Glen and Margaret Willsey L. D. & D. M. Spivey Florida Campers on Mission Luther W. & Ruby R. Woodward Arthur Stainback James M., Jr. & Josephine C. Garrett Ken Yates Lloyd and Eva Mae Stanland Mr. & Mrs. L.V. Graham, Sr. Memorial Graves/O’Quinn Herman F. Greer Greenwood Baptist Church Dalton Hagler, Sr. Hall, Hoffman, & Leary Memorial Flora Jo Hall Memorial Lona Eloise Hallford Memorial Heritage Society members are among the faithful T.J. & Mary Frances Harris Memorial Thomas Granville Hayden who have bequest to The Baptist College of Florida Violet Hayward or have included the college in their will or estate Carlton & Lydia Herndon plan. To become a member; the college should reHickox Memorial Dr. & Mrs. J.E. Hodges ceive written notification by letter or a copy of a Grace Hudspeth part of the trust agreement, will, or codicil that lists Earl Hutto Foundation M. Dewitt & Theresa Jackson the college as a beneficiary. Jakin Baptist Church James-Hudspeth Nora Alexander Charles & Dorothy Litzell W. K. Jenkins Winifred Allen Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McDougal Dale A. Johnson Gus E. & Gena H. Johnson Benjamin S. Beach Lucius Henry McMullen J. S. Judah & Mrs. Lula Dillard Judah Marty Leitha Elkin Bell Henry Messer Dwight & Carolyn Kelley Marguerite Boman Leona B. Newman Jesse Craig Kennon Gary & Freda Crawford Charles A. & Lenore Pearson Ketner Family Verna Whitfield Crews Shoffie Riley Newton Phillips Ruth Ann Kinchen N. B. Langford Myrtle Dame Lela M. Prescott David Lauen Bertha C. Daniel Anne Rathje Dr. J.W. and Joyce Lee Jewell Davis Rev. & Mrs. John H. Reynolds M. J., P. J. and W. P. Lee Mae S. Davis Wiley & Betty Richards Philip W. Lett Martha Elizabeth Connally Davis Lewis & Mabel Rogers Archie Linderman Jacqueline Louise Perry Draughon Litzell James M. Scott N. Edward Mann Col. & Mrs. Syril Faine Dillard F. Sebastian J. G. Manuel Mary White Folks Charles D. Shore Thomas E. (Marty) Martin Doris Forrest Lois G. Shotwell Earldene McCorvey Rev. & Mrs. Clifford H. Grow Irene Hale Skinner Judson & Nellie McElroy James S. Hallford Conrad & Ruth B. St. John McRae/Knight Earl H. Merritt Violet Hayward Elmer G. "Bud" & Norma Taylor F. H. Morgan Eta J. Hilton Alice Faye Rackley Warren G. W. & Mary Frances Morrow Mr. & Mrs. Harry Holmes James H. Warren, Sr. John L. Murrell Gena Johnson Sam Weeks Bertie Nalls Memorial Thomas Tapley Jones Laurita H. Woodham F. H. Nelson J.A. & Ethel Nichols Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Kinchen Warren J. Nubern Memorial Sidney J. & Mary C. Ogletree


ECHOES / Spring 2010 - President’s Report • 13

BCF Welcomes New Faculty! Prof. Geoffrey Reiter ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OFis related ENGLISH to literature.”

The General Education Division at BCF proudly welcomed new professor Geoffrey Reiter at the beginning of the spring 2010 semester. Reiter comes to Graceville from Waco, Texas, where he taught eighth through tenth grade at a charter school while pursing a doctoral degree in English at Baylor University. Reiter earned his undergraduate

Dr. M.J. Albin

BCF announced an addition to the business concentration in the Leadership and Christian Education degree when M.J. Albin joined the faculty in January. Albin comes to BCF with over 27 years of teaching experience as well as an impressive vocational background. The son of a shipyard worker, Albin was born in New Orleans, but claims Jackson County, Mississippi, the county seat, Pascagoula, as his hometown. He and his wife, Edith, have one son, Marc, who lives in Austin, Texas, and one daughter, Molly, who lives in Ft. Walton, Fla. Albin retired after 22 years of teaching at the University of Southern Mississippi when two grandsons enticed him and his wife to move to Florida.

degree in English from Nyack College in Nyack, N.Y. in 2001 and a master’s degree in church history from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in 2005. He plans to complete his doctoral dissertation this summer through Baylor University. This is not his first teaching experience, having worked with students of all ages, from elementary, middle and high to college freshman. His courses at BCF this semester include Intermediate Composition, American Prose Writers from World War I to Present, Advanced Composition, and Studies in the Short Story. Reiter works to capture the interests of students taking English only to fulfill a core requirement. “Students need to see how reading can affect their lives and their thinking,” said Reiter. “So much of the pop culture they love

The B.A. in English is a relatively new degree program offered at BCF. “It is daunting but very exciting. It truly has an advantage because it provides the ideal teaching situation – small classes with a core group who really want to be here,” stated Reiter. “I hope to see the department expand because there are so many ways God can use someone in vocations as well as ministry who can use ideas and language effectively.” Reiter and his wife, Mary, have a two year old daughter, Greta, and a six month old son, Simon. Reiter summed up his experience at BCF this far by saying, “I don’t have to think about how to answer that, the people are all very kind and there is a genuine devotion and passion for Christ.”

PROFESSOR OF BUSINESS They reside in Ft. Walton, but spend three days per week in Florida’s Jackson County teaching at BCF. Albin earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting and a Master’s of Business Administration degree from Mississippi State University. He holds a Ph.D. in Accounting from the University of Houston and is also a Certified Public Accountant. While studying at the University of Houston, Albin taught some upper level courses and worked with an accounting firm. From there, Albin went on to teach at the University of South Alabama for two years, followed by three years at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga before transferring to Southern Miss. He enjoyed a year and a half of retirement before accepting the posi-

tion at BCF. “I really think what is being done here is worthwhile,” stated Albin. “The mission of this college is excellent. We need to put more people in the workforce who have Christian morals, ethics, and values. I am very pleased with the students I have and hope they will serve as ambassadors to bring other students here so we can develop the business program.”

14 • ECHOES / Spring 2010 - President’s Report

Alumni Updates 60

To update your Alumni information contact

Tuggle, Curtis (‘69) has retired from pastoring but teaches a senior adult SS class and does regular hospital visitations from First Baptist Church of Arley, AL. He can be reached at 6965 Helicon Rd, Arley, AL 35541; Ph: 256747-1020; Email: reyna.mk@insightbb. com.


Adams, Frank (‘74) is serving as a senior pastor and can be reached at 30 Spruce Ln, Fredericksburg, VA 22406; Ph: 540-374-0505 or 703-2213911; Email: [email protected]. Shoffner, Frederick J. (‘74) can be reached at 501 East Brown Ave, Bellefontaine, OH 43311; Ph: 937-593-0973; Email: [email protected]. Sexton, William Eugene (‘75) and his wife, Martha Frances (‘75) can be reached at 5143 Henderson Road, Hephzibah, GA 30815. Gene is serving as a Law Enforcement Chaplain with NAMB. He also serves as a Chaplain to the Hephzibah Police and Fire Departments. They can be reached at Ph: 706-592-2670; Email: [email protected]. Frederick, Gerald (‘76) is retired, yet is still able to use his BBI training to serve God in music ministry. He can be reached at 436 Evans Rd, Potts Camp, MS 38659; Ph: 662-216-0055; Email: gwfrederick@ yahoo.com.


Maxson, Howard (‘80) is serving as the President of the Romans Road Riders, a chapter of the Christian Motorcyclist’s Association, located in Catskill, NY. He can be reached at 484 Rt 66, Hudson, NY 12534; Ph: 518-8284544; Email: [email protected]. Cheevers, Matt (‘81,’88) is serving the Lord and can be reached at 3995 FM 605, Hawley, TX 79525; Ph: 325-537-4640 or 325-537-9583; Email: [email protected]. Moore, Bruce (‘85) and his wife, Rhonda, are serving the Lord. Their daughter, Carrie, is 26 years old. They can be reached at 221 Sewell Rd, Lavonia, GA 30553; Ph: 706-356-4234 or 706-244-9907; Email: [email protected].

[email protected] or call 800.328.2660 (ext. 460)

Tillman, Jim (‘85) and his wife Sharon are still serving the Lord in ministry. They can be reached at PO Box 337, Williston, FL 32696; Ph: 352-528-5540; Email: [email protected].

Carpenter, Scotty (‘99) can be reached at 5924 Carolina Tr, Roanoke, VA 24019; Ph: 540-366-0136; Email: sc4jc@netzero. net.


Randall, Eric (‘99) has re-enlisted in the military as a Chaplain Assistant and is working on his graduate degree. He can be reached at 448 Martin Luther King Dr, Chipley, FL 32428; Ph: 850-676-4057 or 850-638-6305; Email: randalleric@yahoo. com.

Deese, Dennis (‘90) is serving the Lord as an itenerant evangelist. He can be reached at 1035 Austin Ridge Ct, Piney Flats, TN 37686; Ph: 423-391-7489 or 423-8952847; Email: [email protected].

Driggers, Chad (‘05) is the senior pastor of First Baptist Church Fruitland Park, FL, and is working on his M.Div. He can be reached at 501 W Berckman St, Fruitland Park, FL 34731; Ph: 352-7872091; Email: [email protected].

Cribbs, Mike (‘90) is serving the Lord and can be reached at 180 Lees Creek Rd, Asheville, NC 28806; Ph: 828216-2624; Email: [email protected].

Frazier, Michael (‘94) has changed his phone number. He can be reached at 217693-3903. Shirley, John (‘94) can be reached at 160 Johnny Shirley Road, Ramer, AL 36069; Ph: 334-562-3346 or 334-430-2247; Email: [email protected]. McDowell, Mark (‘96) is serving at FBC Linden, FL. He can be reached at 4310 State Rd 50, Webster, FL 33597; Ph: 352793-3103; Email: [email protected]. Hundley, Danny (‘98) and his wife Julie (‘99) are serving at The Vineyard Fellowship in Schertz, TX. Danny is the pastor and Julie is leading the youth and serving as the worship leader. They can be reached at 16303 Chelsea Place Apt 1015, Selma, TX 78154; Ph: 850-758-7143; Email: [email protected]. Lightsey, Rob (‘98) is serving as the Pastor of Union Hill Baptist Church in Cottonwood, AL, and has completed his eighth season as the Chaplain for the Cottonwood High School football team. He can be reached at 7197 South County Rd 33, Cottonwood, AL 36320; Ph: 334-790-7086 or 334-691-2401; Email: roblulu86@yahoo. com. Allen, Tom (‘99) is active at First Baptist Church of Jacksonville and can be reached at 7343 Wilder Ave, Jacksonville, FL 32208; Ph: 904-885-2398; Email: [email protected].


Graef, Eric (‘06) with wife Caroline, is continuing seminary at the Dothan campus of Birmingham Theological Seminary. He can be reached at 2609 Oakmont Dr, Panama City, FL 32404; Ph: 727-271-2032; Email: [email protected]. Mudd, Jay (‘06) is serving as the Student & College Pastor at FBC Leesburg, FL. He can be reached at 3639 Bream Cir, Fruitland Park, FL 34731; Ph: 352-5046212 or 352-787-1005; Email: jaymudd@ fbcleesburg.org. Davis, Amy Coates (‘07) currently serves as the Executive Director of the Sav-ALife crisis pregnancy center. She can be reached at 17895 Rockhole Bridge Rd, Andalusia, AL 36420; Ph: 334-494-8561 or 334-222-0644; Email: [email protected]. Ross, Katasha (‘09) is pursuing a Masters of Missiology and Intercultural Studies at Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary in Cordova, TN. She can be reached at 7416 South Beaman Circle Apt. 202, Cordova, TN 38016; Ph: 850-299-6122; Email: [email protected]. Turner, Carmen (‘09) is completing her Master of Arts in Christian Education at NOBTS and working alongside her fiance at The Lord’s Church in Kentwood, LA. She is getting married May 29, 2010. Clements, Laura-Leigh (‘09) is the current

ECHOES / Spring 2010 - President’s Report • 15

The Conrad House Named in honor of BCF Alumnus Thomas B. Conrad (‘68) for a lifetime of dedicated Christian service. Children and Youth Director at Lake Mystic Baptist Church in Bristol, Florida. She can be reached at 12686 NW Pea Ridge Rd, Bristol, FL 32321; Ph: 850-814-0064; Email: [email protected].


Lightsey, James (‘66) passed away in Feb. of 2009. He was a retired bivocational pastor. Rogers, Troy McClane (‘05) passed away in Dec. of 2009. His parents can be contacted at 4041 Balie Circle, Loganville, GA 30052. McCorvey, Earldene (‘74) passed away in Dec. of 2009. His wife, Betty, can be reached at 2835 Greenbriar Rd, Waycross, GA 31503.

Keough, Pete (‘99, right, pictured with Chief of Chaplains Chaplain (Major General) Doug Carver), his wife Amy, and their three children (Haden, Austin and Kaitlyn) have been stationed at JRTC and Fort Polk, LA. Pete is an active duty Army chaplain and has been assigned as the JRTC Deputy Operations Group Chaplain and is in charge of training chaplains preparing for deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan and other worldwide locations. They can be reached at 127 Lou Drive, Leesville, LA 71446; Ph: 337-238-5217; Email: [email protected].

BCF Welcomes Amazon Vision Ministries to Graceville Campus For several years The Baptist College of Florida has enjoyed a working partnership with Amazon Vision Ministries (AVM). The heartbeat of BCF is centered on missions and evangelism. AVM is a mission sending organization which operates a river boat in the Western Amazon Basin of northern Brazil. They organize, train, equip and coordinate short-term volunteer mission teams from Southern Baptist churches to minister to the people who live in the remote and isolated villages along the Amazon River. On January 1, 2010, AVM relocated their offices from Gainesville, Florida to the BCF campus in Graceville. According to Dr. Tom Kinchen, BCF President, “Our relationship with AVM has always been a strong one, and we believe that this move will make it even more effective. More students will be able to receive direct information about expanded mission opportunities, and AVM will have greater opportunity to recruit mission volunteers. While AVM operates as an independent mis-

Charles Stafford, President of Amazon Vision Ministries, on the Marco Polo.

sions organization, we are delighted to house their offices and work in partnership with them.” Charles Stafford, President of AVM, expressed excitement over what he sees as increased opportunities for both AVM and BCF in this expanded relationship.

Alumni and Friends.... Are you in the Nest? In February, BCF emailed the first issue of the “Eagle’s Nest” to BCF family, friends, and supporters. If you did not receive a copy of the “Eagle’s Nest” E-Newsletter, please send your email address to: [email protected]