Jun 15, 2012 ...
. HISTORIAN. Shirlee Busbee. (707) 983-8482
Spring 2012 • April, May, June
IT’S SHOWTIME! Saturday, May 26 Area VII Schooling Show Clay Station Horse Park, Wilton Friday, June 15 NorCal Northern Exposure AMHR, Classic Tehama Fairgrounds, Red Bluff Saturday, July 7 Area VII/ECWC Schooling Show Heather Farm Park, Walnut Creek
Clay Station Horse Park, Wilton, CA Judge: Kim Sterchi
Open to Miniature Horses, Miniature Donkeys, and Ponies up to 46"
Premium is available at http://www.areaviiclub.com/ Pre-entries encouraged—postmark by May 18
Halter & Showmanship Lead Line Liberty Costume Driving Obstacles Hunter & Jumper
Classes begin at 9 a.m. sharp! Ribbons through 5th place Fabulous lunch available on the grounds Egg & Spoon Race—Winner splits the pot with the club
$4.95/Class or $30 all day (same horse/donkey/pony & handler) Show Secretary: Susan Browning-Wroe (916) 723-6932
[email protected]
Clay Station Horse Park end of Darr Lane Wilton, CA 95693 (916) 687-7948
2012 Officers & Committee Members PRESIDENT
Nancy Turner SECRETARY
Susan Browning-Wroe TREASURER
Michele Nelson DIRECTOR 1
Kathie Peterson DIRECTOR 2
Julie Mabie DIRECTOR 3
Linda Anastasio PAST PRESIDENT
Jim Curry
Michele Nelson HISTORIAN
Michele Nelson
Jim Curry Julie Mabie
(559) 439-3712
[email protected]
(707) 433-4346
[email protected]
(916) 723-6932
[email protected]
(510) 326-6487
[email protected]
(775) 246-5238
[email protected]
(831) 684-1555
[email protected]
(209) 838-6399
[email protected]
(209) 369-5909
[email protected]
(510) 326-6487
[email protected]
(707) 983-8482
[email protected]
(510) 326-6487
[email protected]
(209) 369-5909 (831) 684-1555
[email protected] [email protected]
Area VII Shetland Pony & Miniature Horse Assoc., Inc. http://www.areaviiclub.com/ The Area VII Shetland Pony & Miniature Horse Association, Inc., was incorporated on June 14, 1998 by the Board of Directors: President Marjorie Vliet, Director Virginia Flint and Director Jim Curry. It is and has always been member supported and driven, with a dynamic group of people volunteering to run the club. Area VII’s membership is spread across California and Nevada at this time, with members of all ages, with varied backgrounds and interests. Area VII is primarily a club for those that enjoy their Shetlands and Miniatures, with a particular interest in showing. “We are an informal group of people of all ages who gather together for the enjoyment of friendships made, and the promotion of our beautiful equine. As members of this organization, we help maintain the recognition that our fine Shetlands and Miniatures deserve at the ASPC/AMHR level.” Spring 2012
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Calendar of Events
MAY 12 & 13 Biggest Little Show in the West (AMHA) Reno Livestock Events Center, Reno NV Show Manager: Laura Mullen: (919) 499-4777 Website: www.norcalminiatures.com
19 & 20 Clay Station HDT Series Each day is an individual event. Ponies and minis welcome! Clay Station Horse Park, Wilton CA Contact: Stan & Debbi Packard: (916) 687-7948 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: www.claystationhorsepark.com 20
California Scurry #1 Sargent Equestrian Center 15757 E. Sargent Road, Lodi, CA Contact: Jeanne Williams, (650) 465-8528 cell, (209) 727-0200 office E-mail:
[email protected] Website: www.sargentequest.com
25–27 Area 8 National Show (AMHR, Classic, Modern, ASPR) Ogden, UT Contact: Laurie Villalpando, (801) 985-9720 Website: www.mwmho.com
Area VII Schooling Show
Open to Miniature Horses and Donkeys, and Ponies 46” and under Clay Station Horse Park, Wilton CA Contact: Susan Browning-Wroe: (916) 723-6932 Class list and entry form are available at www.areaviiclub.com PCMHC May Flowers (AMHR) Ingalls Park, Norco CA Contact: Earl O’Bannon: (951) 780-2308 Website: www.pcmhclub.com Valley Sierra MHC Playday Location TBA (209) 295-PONY
Western States Horse Expo Cal Expo Fairgrounds, Sacramento, CA (530) 672-7490 • (800) 352-2411 Website: www.horsexpo.com/
California Scurry #2 Sargent Equestrian Center 15757 E. Sargent Road, Lodi, CA Contact: Jeanne Williams, (650) 465-8528 cell, (209) 727-0200 office E-mail:
[email protected] Website: www.sargentequest.com
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Spring 2012
Norcal Northen Exposure (AMHR, Classic) Tehama County Fairgrounds, Red Bluff CA Contact: Laura Mullen, (919) 499-4777 Website: www.norcalminiatures.com
16–17 Norcal Northen Exposure (AMHA) Tehama County Fairgrounds, Red Bluff CA Contact: Laura Mullen, (919) 499-4777 Website: www.norcalminiatures.com 16
PCMHC June Jamboree (AMHR) Ingalls Park, Norco CA Contact: Earl O’Bannon: (951) 780-2308 Website: www.pcmhclub.com
22–24 Summer Driving Festival ADS Approved Clay Station Horse Park, Wilton CA Contact: Stan & Debbi Packard: (916) 687-7948 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: www.claystationhorsepark.com JULY
Area VII/ECWC Schooling Show
Open to Miniature Horses and Donkeys, and Ponies 46” and under Heather Farm Park, Walnut Creek, CA Contact: Susan Browning-Wroe: (916) 723-6932 Websites: www.areaviiclub.com, www.ecwc.org
PCMHC July Jubilee (AMHR) Ingalls Park, Norco CA Contact: Earl O’Bannon: (951) 780-2308 Website: www.pcmhclub.com
California Scurry #3 Sargent Equestrian Center 15757 E. Sargent Road, Lodi, CA Contact: Jeanne Williams, (650) 465-8528 cell, (209) 727-0200 office E-mail:
[email protected] Website: www.sargentequest.com
20–22 AMHA Western Regional Championship (AMHA) Oregon Horse Center, Eugene OR Contact: (817) 783-5600 Website: www.norcalminiatures.com 21
Whisper Equestrian Center Fun Extravaganza Playday for Minis and Ponies! Contact: Julie Mabie, (831) 684-1555 E-mail:
[email protected] Note: Event information is subject to change. For updated information, please check the the Calendar of Events at http://www.areaviiclub.com/ events/, which is updated weekly.
Spring 2012
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ASPC/AMHR News The ASPC/AMHR Spring board meeting was held in Lexington Kentucky this year. We managed to miss the tornados by a weekend, and no damage occurred in Lexington. Lexington is a beautiful area, and totally horse-and pony-friendly. The 2013 ASPC/AMHR Convention will be held in this area, and I recommend you start saving your pennies now and plan to come to that Convention. We were able to visit a local Saddlebred/Modern Shetland trainer as well as Keenland Race track, Kentucky Horse Park, and Claiborne and Calumet Farms, as well as various historical sights—and that was over a one day time period! The board meeting was very productive. The Rules Committee, chaired by Laurie Villalpando, presented the new rulebook layout. That is now available on line and is being printed at this moment. Months of work went into this project, and we hope that information will be easier to find in the future. The Board also reviewed the Bylaws for revision. That project is still in the works but is well on its way to completion. We should have a finished product for the membership in the near future. Serving on both the Bylaws and Rules Committees kept me busy from the Portland Convention to the Spring Board Meeting, but it is a pleasure to serve you great members. Finances, contracts, membership, and rule changes were also discussed at this meeting. The meeting is held over Saturday and Sunday and we definitely filled both days. On a local note, we have two new Journal correspondents. Barbra Naviaux and Carol Wiese will be jointly serving as our columnists, and I hope we will support them in getting our news to them. California is such a big area we thought we could cover the area better with a Northern and Southern California correspondent. I am sure I have missed something, so if you have any questions please feel free to contact me at
[email protected] or give me a call at 831-684-1555. —Julie Mabie Note: The 2012 ASPC/AMHR/ASPR Rulebook is now available online for download. http://www.shetlandminiature.com/member-services/rule-book.html
NorCal Northern Exposure adding AMHR and Classic Divisions The NorCal Miniature Horse Club is adding a day to their AMHA show with classes for AMHR Minis and Classic Shetlands. These classes will be held on Friday, June 15, at the Tehama Fairgrounds in Red Bluff. At press time, a premium was not yet available, but NorCal Show Chairman Bill Schmidt advises anyone interested to keep checking the NorCal website at http://www.norcalminiatures.com/. The premium will be available there soon. This is a very exciting opportunity for our members with ponies and minis. The only other ASPC/AMHR-rated show in Northern California this year is the Santa Cruz County Fair in September. We hope that our members will support this show so that NorCal will consider including our R minis and Classic ponies in future shows. Page 6
Spring 2012
President’s Page 2012 President Larry Weaver Hello to all you members. We are sorry that we had to postpone the March 31 Schooling Show. The Board all agreed that it was the right thing to do. The weather forecast was for rain. We had members who cancelled due to illness. Even though we had a covered area, the traveling and loading and unloading would have been miserable. Then there was a fire at Susan Browning-Wroe’s home the Thursday night before the show. We felt that going ahead with the show would put undo stress on Susan, so we voted to postpone it. All of these circumstances brought us to this conclusion. Please keep Susan and her family in your thoughts and prayers. We are very glad that everyone is OK! We are have rescheduled the Schooling Show for Saturday, May 26 at Clay Station.The show committee was a bit concerned with the low number of pre-entries for the March 31 date. We are thinking March may be too unpredictable weather-wise. We are also working on scheduling a schooling show at Heather Farm in Walnut Creek. The tentative date is Saturday, July 7. Let me know your thoughts. Send e-mail to gelimaddy@ sbcglobal.net or call me at (559) 439-3712. Thanks and everyone take care. Your Club needs you!—Larry
Bay Area Horse Directory 2012 ANNUAL GUIDE TO DEBUT IN MAY
The Bay Area Horse Directory, a new annual guide published by Horse Drawn Life, is launching this month. This 8-1/2" x 5" pocket guide will be “a comprehensive horse r esource packed with products, services and events for the Bay Area horse owner,” a ccording to copublisher Denice Barton. Basic text listings are available for free, and there are many other advertising options available, from 4-line extended text listings to full-page display ads. The Bay Area Horse Directory will be distributed all over the Bay Area in feed stores, tack shops, stables, veterinary clinics, shows and other horse-related events—anywhere a new horse customer may be found. Mail subscriptions will also be available. The advertising deadline for this exciting new annual directory is May 10. More information is available at http://www.bayareahorsedirectory.com, or call Denice Barton at (925) 226-8252. Horse Drawn Life is also planning to launch a quarterly magazine, Bay Area Horse Magazine, later this summer. Spring 2012
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News from Jim Curry There has not been a lot going on here lately. I am still trying to reduce numbers and looking for a smaller place with less acreage. I have had several inquiries on the horses, one from Canada, but the cost of shipping has been a problem. I have also had inquiries on Ladies Man, but he has to go to a special home where I know he will be loved and cared for. I think we all try to find the right home for our animals, but some are more special than others. I have signed judging contracts for several shows, including the AMHR Nationals. I am also judging a couple of local fun shows, one for Valley Sierra on April 21st. Roxanne says she has had many phone calls and hopes for a good show. Roxanne puts several shows on for her club and has made money for the club at each. She has a wide variety of classes for both ponies and miniatures, and even has a show photographer. There was an AMHA show at Brookside in Elk Grove on April 14th and 15th. I went over for a short time on Sunday to see friends and just visit. It was a small show but the weather was beautiful and everyone seemed to be enjoying being there. I am still getting pressure from Jennifer Radoi to move to Missouri and from Lisa Caldwell to relocate to Arkansas, but that isn’t going to happen. I was born in French Camp and have lived my life in this area and don’t intend to leave, although you can certainly get a lot more for your money in those parts of the country. I had an e-mail from an old friend and former student from my days training Arabians a couple of days ago. Some of you may remember Laurie Moore, she attended a couple of the Ranchotel miniature shows and helped prepare and show the horses way back when. It is always enjoyable to hear from old friends and I have made many through the years with the shared interest in the horses. After much thought I have decided to run for director for of ASPC/AMHR for one more term. It is time-consuming and can be stressful, but it is also an honor to represent our area. As for our area, Barbara Navauix is now the person to contact with news from Area VII for the Journal. She replaces Naomi Stacy, who replaced our long-time correspondent Shirlee Busbee. So if you have anything of interest to the membership, please contact Barbara (
[email protected]). It is to our benefit to have as much area news in our official magazine as possible. I hope the year is going well for everyone at the shows and in the foaling barn and hope to see everyone at some time this year.—Jim
American Shetland Pony Club American Miniature Horse Registry A S P C / A M H R / A S PR / N S PPR
Be sure to check the website for the latest news • Super Gelding Sweepstakes • Registry Youth Program • Upcome Events View the latest edition of The Journal online
http://www.shetlandminiature.com/ Page 8
Spring 2012
Step-N-Stone American Shetlands Hi All: The unexciting times at Step-N-Stone continue—which can’t be all bad. :-). We woke to snow, although not much this morning. Thank goodness it’s almost gone. The ponies continue fat and furry, but I think like everyone else they’re looking forward to warmer weather. Still on the fence about breeding dear old Star. Want to, but need to get the herd smaller, a lot smaller. Been thinking of making a rule that everyone who comes to visit us has to take a pony home with them and because we don’t want the pony to be lonely, they have to take a friend for the pony, too. Think it’ll work? Excited about the Red Bluff Show put on by NorCal on June 15th. Think Howard and I will actually make the trip over the mountain. Don’t know yet whether we’ll have Regina Nelson show anything for us, but it’ll be great to see all our pony friends. Best of luck to everyone who’s lucky enough to be expecting foals and plans to breed this year.—Howard and Shirlee
Connies Itsy Bitsy Ranch Things have been pretty quiet here. We are trying to get everything together so that we can take our planned trip up to Oregon.One of our stops will be to visit Scott Creek, take a tour of the ranch and see Brewers Orion Mystic, 1987 National Champion Weanling Stallion and one of the most highly-refined miniature horses alive. He also possesses genetics to produce pinto and appaloosa color patterns. This is important to us, as he is also the sire to our stallion Scott Creek Mystic Tempo, a blue roan appaloosa who has inherited his sire’s elegant refinement and presence. We feel that he also possesses the genetics to produce pinto and appaloosa color patterns.He has sired five fillies and two colts. Six of the seven were pintoloosas or appaloosas and one black. We didn’t do any breeding last year but this year we think we will. Our one-year-old blue roan pintaloosa, Connies Mystic Spirit, we are thinking of selling some time this year as we only need one stallion. Connie is ready for another parade season with Pogo and has done two already. She is using a rare Buckeye Norena mini cart being pulled by Pogo. She will be in the State Championship Parade next month in Los Banos. Connie and Pogo are a big hit with all the people that come to the parades. Being in the parades is away of promoting the miniature horse in a big way.—Connie and Ed Hawkins
Spring 2012
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Whisper Equestrian Center Well, spring and winter have sprung on the Monterey Bay. No new babies this year, but we have several ponies in training that are for sale if you know anyone looking. It has been a busy first of they year. We have had the ASPC Spring board meeting, ASPC Rules, Bylaws and Journal committees, grass that grows taller than the ponies outside the pastures, Easter, taxes, bills to pay. In other words things are pretty normal. We are looking forward to showing in Red Bluff at the ASPC/AMHR sanctioned show sponsored by NorCal, and I hope we have many members that will support that show. We want it to continue for sure. It is a great facility with a big covered arena and the stalls are very nice. Overnight camping facilities too. Whisper’s Midnight Master (Master’s Painted Kid Ryan X Redrock Bullseye Ballerina) received an All Star Award for Classic Stallion 2 year old 41" and under. This was with limited showing and he made us proud. We hope his new owners enjoy him. We hope to hit the show ring with his half brother this year. With five Grands under five judges last year, we will continue showing McCall’s CB Jazzee Jet in Halter and we hope to get him driving soon so he can show off his outstanding trot. I tend to be to slow on the ground to really let him out in the halter classes. I guess I need to become Jet(t)-propelled! Joan Clements and I have been working on the Santa Cruz County Fair pony show and we are pleased to announce that we will be adding a performance-only point show for AMHR minis. This is a first and we hope it is well-supported. We need to keep this show and the State of California is no longer giving funds to the fairs. Hope to see you all soon at the ranch or in the ring.—Julie Mabie
Tomahawk Ranch My daughter and I took a trip to Norco in February to pick up a couple of my show mares from Kris Colao. Norco is an amazing town in Southern California, built just for horse lovers. On our way back we spent the night with Connie and Ed Hawkins. In the morning we looked at their lovely appy stallion, Scott Creek Mystic Tempo, and his loud black and white pintaloosa colt, Mystic Sprit. I am shopping for an appy stallion. My mares were bred to an appy and a pintaloosa, and on the first day of spring Rosy had Tomahawks Amber Rose, a 19" solid chestnut filly. Amber may be small, but she has high hopes of being a driving horse. Porcelain was field-bred and it looks like she has another month before she will foal. In March, I had two of our multi-Grand Champion stallions gelded. Now they can try to be GCH I think I need a smaller cart! geldings. Sharon Housley is taking my Shetland, Rocky, to Oregon to show and I am working on getting Not Redi ready to drive. He is going to make a great kids horse. See you at the shows.—Nancy Page 10
Spring 2012
News from the Nelsons Mark’s pony Spats is thriving in his new home. He gets lots of attention—and carrots and homemade horse cookies—and is very popular with the Judi and Peter Bank, who have been kind enough to let us use their lovely barn up in the Oakland hills. The view up there is astounding, I never get tired of it. It’s hard to believe it’s only ten miles from our house in Oakland, it feels like a different world. Judi and Peter’s grandson, JoJo, just had his first riding lesson on Spats, and they both did great! Spats has been ridden, but not much and not recently, so we worked him under saddle on the longe line a few times to let him get used to the idea. He did fine, so the next step was to put someone in the saddle. We didn’t really want to put JoJo up first, since he’s only eight years old and hasn’t ridden before, so Judi volunteered. I wish we had a photo of that! Spats under saddle—that’s JoJo in the saddle Anyway, Spats did fine with Judi up, so JoJo with his grandmother Judi Bank leading. got his first riding lesson with Judi and Mark the next day, and it was an overwheming success. Spats behaved perfectly, and JoJo has great balance and no fear—he decided he was ready to trot at the very next lesson. Well, he was ready, and Spats was ready, but I was at the other end of the leadline, and I haven’t done much trotting lately! We’re planning on bring Spats to our Schooling Show at Clay Station on May 26. We can’t wait! Mark and I went out to Clay Station Horse Park on April 21 to watch one of their Horse Driving Trials, and it was a blast! The HDT consists of three elements: Dressage, Cones, and the Marathon course. There were 20 entries the day we were there—a full house—all sizes from a 32" mini to a big warmblood and everything in between. There were pairs, a four-in-hand, and even unicorn (three ponies). Clay Station is hosting two more HDT events this year, in May and October. They also have a CDE in June and a Pleasure Driving show in October. See the Calendar of Events on pages 4–5 in this issue. We volunteered to help out as hazard observers for the marathon, and were treated to a fabulous lunch as a reward. Debbie Packard’s lunches are famous, and now I know why. BBQ chicken, four kinds of salad, and a layer cake, all of it homemade and extraordinarily delicious. Debbie is doing the lunch for our school- The HDT at Clay Station included ponies and big horses and everything in between. ing show, too, so don’t miss out!—Michele Spring 2012
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2012 Member Roster A
Alex Alaga Hawthorne Farms 8948 Leland Avenue Sacramento, CA 95829
[email protected] www.hawthornefarms.webs.com Linda & Pat Anastasio Bellota Miniature Horses 13953 Escalon Bellota Road Escalon, CA 95320
[email protected]
Robert & Susan Cushing Shaladar Miniature Horses 5337 Midway Road Vacaville, CA 95688
[email protected] www.shaladar.com/
Lois Evans Stony Ridge PO Box 699 Dixon, CA 95620
[email protected] www.stonyridgeminis.com
Jim & Valleri Bell Bell’s Miniature Horse Ranch 3411 Grover Avenue Colusa, CA 95932
[email protected] www.bellsminiaturehorses.com/
Karen Boudreau 2610 Meier Road Sebastopol, CA 95472-5205
[email protected]
Carol & John Gasparini Adiamo Miniatures 223 Alamatos Dr. Danville, CA 94526-2703
[email protected]
Susan Browning-Wroe Ravenstar Farms 7312 Antelope Rd. Citrus Heights, CA 95621
[email protected]
Anthony Gallegos Pony Dreams Ranch 4617 Midway Road Vacaville, CA 95688
[email protected]
Neva Goodwin 11128 Weigum Road Lodi, CA 95240
[email protected]
Howard & Shirlee Busbee Step-N-Stone American Shetlands 23180 Biggar Lane Covelo, CA 95428
[email protected] www.stepnstone.com/
Gail Byrnes 830 Alexander Street Livermore, CA 94550
[email protected]
Renee Hollenbeck 17465 Grand Prix Drive Morgan Hill, CA 95037-3727
[email protected]
Bob & Sharon Housley Fantasia Farm Training Center 2050 Stony Point Road Santa Rosa, CA 95407
[email protected]
Joan & Harold Clements 552-213 Bean Creek Rd. Scotts Valley, CA 95066
[email protected]
Chris & Emma Caringello 20200 Almaden Road San Jose, CA 95120
[email protected]
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Ed & Connie Hawkins Itsy Bitsy Ranch P.O. Box 1142 Columbia, CA 95310
[email protected]
Caroline & Roger Loewen P.O. Box 1228 Orland, CA 95963
[email protected]
Spring 2012
Ken & Julie Mabie Melissa Whaley Whisper Equestrian Center P.O. Box 1445 Aptos, CA 95001
[email protected] www.whisperponies.com/ Pat Michielssen Fog Ranch Classic Shetland Ponies 412 Carmel St. Watsonville, CA 95076 www.fogranch.com/ Linda Harris Moreno 575 S. Frances St. Sunnyvale, CA 95076
[email protected]
Barbara Naviaux Rodabi-J-Ranch P.O. Box 144 Placerville, CA 95667
[email protected] Mark & Michele Nelson Nelson Photography 932 60th Street Oakland, CA 94608-1325
[email protected] www.nelsonpics.com/
Linda Pereira Willowrose 12010 Quiggle Road Herald, CA 95638
[email protected] Janet Perkins P.O. Box 201 Wallace, CA 95254 Kathie Peterson Donka Miniature Horses P.O. Box 792 Dayton, NV 89403
[email protected]
Penny Radulovich Radulovich Farms 22000 N. Sowles Rd. Acampo, CA 95220
[email protected] www.radulovichfarms.com/
Marilyn Solari G-Mar Ranch 6757 Jack Tone Road Linden, CA 95236
[email protected] Spring 2012
Penny Thom Tiny Toons Minature Horses 5695 Sidehill Drive Sun Valley, NV 89433
[email protected] Nancy Turner Tomahawk Ranch 5250 Mill Creek Rd. Healdsburg, CA 95448
[email protected] www.sonic.net/~tomamini/
Marjorie Vliet, Carolyn Carroll, Gitaine Chaisson, and Honore Chaisson Deer Haven Ranch 4744 Independence Road Mokelumne Hill, CA 95245
Sherry Ward Meadowlark Barn 444 W. Bellevue Rd. Merced, CA 95348
[email protected] Larry Weaver Hidden Granite Rock Ranch P.O. Box 3712 Fresno, CA 93650
[email protected] Lee Weichert 205 Lemon Tree Circle Vacaville, CA 95687 Ed Witherly, Susan Duffy-Witherly, Danielle Duffy, and Tim Duffy The Big Enough Ranch 1570-C West Edmundson Ave. Morgan Hill, CA 95037
[email protected] www.bigenoughranch.com Dennis & Mimi Woolem Fog Ranch Classic Shetland Ponies 1770 Salinas Rd. Moss Landing, CA 95039-9619
[email protected] www.fogranch.com/
Steve and Diane Zmolek Overlook Farm 43845 NW Woollen Road Banks, OR 97106-7214
[email protected] www.overlookfarm.net/
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Spring 2012
Spring 2012
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Jerald Roadmaster Open-Wheeled Cart With Wooden Wheels
Absolutely beautiful, excellent condition pleasure driving show cart for miniature horse, small or large. Walnut stained body, pin striping, velvet wing back cushion, brass shaft tips, brass polished whip socket, large patent dash with fancy top brass rail, natural wood basket with patent leather boot, 36" wooden wheels with painted hubs. Originally paid $3,234.00 plus shipping, used only a few times in an enclosed arena, professionally stored. Will sell for $2,500.00 or first best price. For photos contact:
[email protected].