Jay L. Devore. Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, 8th Ed
(Jan 1, 2011). Brooks/Cole,. Belmont ... to homework problems and careful
solution of the homework problems is thus the best preparation for a quiz. Mid-
Spring 2013 MATH 3800: Probability and Statistics for Engineers University of Colorado Denver College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences course time: TueThu 11:00-12:15 pm
instructor: Florian Pfender, Ph.D.
course location: NC1313
phone: 303-556-8461
office location: CU Building Room 618
[email protected]
office hours: by appointment
website: http://math.ucdenver.edu/~fpfender
assoc. chair: Lynn Bennethum, Ph.D.
[email protected], phone: 303-556-4810
Course description This course will offer an introduction to the theory and application of probability and statistics for engineers and scientists. Core topics covered will include: elements of probability, random variables and expectation, probability distributions, marginal and joint random variables, parameter estimation, hypothesis testing, regression and analysisof-variance (ANOVA).
Course book Jay L. Devore. Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, 8th Ed (Jan 1, 2011). Brooks/Cole, Belmont, USA. ISBN-10: 0538733527, ISBN-13: 9780538733526.
Prerequisites Prerequisite: MATH 2411; coreq: MATH 2421, (Note: no cocredit with MATH 4810)
Required Material Please bring a scientific calculator (for example, TI 89) to every lecture. Note: PDAs, iPad, iPhone, Blackberry and other mobile devices are not permitted on exams.
Grading policy The final grade will be based on quizzes, homeworks, a midterm and a final exam. • 20% Quizzes • 20% Mid-term • 60% Final Exam (covering material from entire semester) Grades will be awarded according to the following table: 95–100
A final score below 45 will result in an F. This table may be adjusted to the students benefit according to the distribution of final scores in the class.
Quizzes To provide timely feedback and help students keep up with lectures, weekly quizzes will be given. Each quiz problem will be awarded 0-2 points (0 - no relevant progress, 1 - some relevant progress, 2 - minor mistakes or correct). At the end of the semester, the two worst quizzes will be dropped. There will be no makeup quizzes, unless sufficient reason is given. It is the students’ responsibility to notify the instructure before class that they will miss the quiz and explain why.
Homework Homework will be assigned but not graded. However quiz problems will typically be picked out from or very similar to homework problems and careful solution of the homework problems is thus the best preparation for a quiz.
Mid-term Mid-term will be given in-class early in the semester to provide quick feedback to students. The exam will be closed-book, but students will be allowed the use of one 8” by 11” card (single side only) that they have created themselves. Scientific calculators will be permitted on the exam. Tentatively, the exam will be held on 2/21/2013.
Final exam The final exam will cover the material of the entire semester and will also be closed-book. Refer to the exam calendar for the date, time and location of the final.
Academic Integrity Students are required to know, understand, and comply with the CU Denver Academic Dishonesty Policy as detailed in the Catalog and on the CLAS website, also see the Academic Honesty Handbook. Academic dishonesty consists of plagiarism, cheating, fabrication and falsification, multiple submission of the same work, misuse of academic materials, and complicity in academic dishonesty. University procedures will be followed if academic dishonesty is discovered.
Disability Accomodations The faculty at the University of Colorado system have both a legal and moral obligation to provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities. To be eligible for accommodations, students must be registered with the UC Denver Office of Disability Resources and Services (DRS) - North Classroom 2514; 303-556-3450, 303556-4766 TDD). The DRS staff has experience to assist faculty in determining reasonable accommodations and to coordinate these accommodations. If a student is given accommodations, they must be followed. If a student chooses not to accept the accommodations set forth by the DRS, they MUST complete all assignments and do all course work in the same manner as all other students. No exceptions or alternate forms of evaluation can be used except those mandated by the DRS. Faculty cannot arbitrarily decide to give a student extra time, extra assistance or other forms of aid unless it is formally mandated by the DRS.
Student grievances Student complaints about course or instructor: 1) meet with the instructor face-to-face; 2) if not satisfied, meet with the associate chair of the department; 3) if not satisfied, appeal to the Associate Dean. No step in this process may be skipped. See ”Procedures for Student Grievances about Courses or Faculty, CLAS.”
Spring 2013 CLAS Academic Policies The following policies pertain to all degree students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS). Schedule verification: It is each students responsibility to verify online that his/her official registration is correct: verify before classes begin and prior to the drop/add deadline. Failure to verify schedule accuracy is not sufficient reason to justify a late add or drop. E-mail: Students must activate and regularly check their official student e-mail account for CU Denver business: http://www.ucdenver.edu/student-services/Pages/WebMail.aspx. Those who forward email must check CU Denver e-mail regularly for messages not automatically forwarded. Waitlists: • Students are not automatically notified if they are added to a class from a waitlist. • Students are not automatically dropped from a class if they never attended, stopped attending, or do not make tuition payments. • Waitlists are purged after the 1st week of classes, after which a paper Schedule Adjustment Form (SAF or drop/add form) is required. It is the student’s responsibility to get the form (online or at the Advising Office, NC 4002), have it signed, deliver it to the Registrar (Annex 100) or the Student Services Center (NC 1003), and verify her/his schedule online. Late adds (after 6 February)will be approved only when circumstances surrounding the late add are beyond the students control. This will require a written petition and verifiable documentation. Petition forms are available in NC 4002. The signature of a faculty member on a SAF does not guarantee that a late add petition will be approved. Late drops (after 15 April) will be approved only when circumstances surrounding the late drop have arisen after the published drop deadline and are beyond the students control. This will require a written petition and verifiable documentation. The signature of a faculty member does not guarantee that a late drop petition will be approved. Tuition: Students are responsible for completing arrangements with financial aid, family, scholarships, etc. to pay their tuition prior to Census Date (6 February). Students who drop after that date are (1) financially responsible for tuition and fees, (2) academically responsible and will receive a ”W” grade, and (3) are ineligible for a refund of COF hours or tuition. Graduation: • Undergraduate students wishing to graduate in spring 2013 must (1) first meet with their CLAS advisor; (2) then meet with their major and minor advisor(s), who will complete the electronic form required to verify eligibility to graduate; and (3), only then, apply for graduation online through UCDAccess. These steps must be completed by Census Date (6 February), which is an absolute deadline without exceptions. • Graduate students wishing to graduate in spring semester 2013 must complete the online Intent to Graduate form and have a Request for Admissions to Candidacy on file with the CU Denver Graduate School (LSC 1251) no later than 5 PM, February 6, 2013.
Important Dates and Deadlines January 21, 2013: Martin Luther King Holiday. Last day to withdraw from all classes via UCDAccess and receive a refund of the $200 advance payment and all tuition. January 22, 2013: First day of classes. January 27, 2013: Last day to add or waitlist classes using UCDAccess. After this date, a Schedule Adjustment Form (SAF) is required to change, add, or drop. January 28, 2013: Last day to drop without a $100 drop charge. No adds permitted on this day. January 29 - February 6, 2013 : • UCDAccess registration is closed; registration now requires a SAF with faculty signature. • Verify your registration via UCDAccess. You are not registered for a course unless your name appears on the official roster; conversely, your name may have been added automatically from the waitlist without notification, which means that you will be held responsible. February 6, 2013: Census date. • 2/6/13, 5 PM: Last day to add structured courses without a written petition for a late add. This is an absolute deadline and is treated as such. This does not apply to independent studies, internships, project hours, thesis hours, dissertation hours, and modular courses. • 2/6/13, 5 PM: Last day to drop a course or completely withdraw from spring 2013 using a SAF and still receive tuition refund, minus the drop fee. After this date, tuition is forfeited and a ”W” will appear on the transcript. This includes section changes. This is an absolute deadline. • 2/6/13, 5 PM: Last day to request Pass/Fail or No-Credit option for a course. • 2/6/13, 5 PM: Last day for a graduate student to register for a Candidate for Degree and last day for a Ph.D. student to petition for a reduction in hours. • 2/6/13, 5 PM: Last day to apply for spring 2013 graduation. If an undergraduate, you must make an appointment and see your academic advisor to apply. If a graduate student, you must complete the Intent to Graduate and Candidate for Degree forms. February 18-27 (estimated), 2013: Faculty can use the Early Alert system. March 25-31, 2013: Spring Break. April 1, 2013, 5 PM: Last day for non-CLAS students to drop or withdraw without a petition and special approval from the academic dean. After this date, a deans signature is required. April 15, 2013, 5 PM: Last day for CLAS students to drop or withdraw with signatures from the faculty and dean but without a full petition. After this date, all schedule changes require a full petition. Petitions are available in NC 4002 for undergraduates and in the CU Denver Graduate School offices for graduate students. May 13-18, 2013: Finals Week. No schedule changes will be granted once finals week has started–there are no exceptions to this policy. Commencement is May 18. May 22, 2013 (tentative): Due date for faculty submission of grades. May 27, 2013 (tentative): Spring final grades available on UCD Access.