Peter McVerry Trust Services âPrevention Services, Homeless and Housing Services, .... Welcome to our latest edition o
Marking 30 years
openingdoors Spring 2013 Volume 8, Issue 1
Inside this issue:
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Note from CEO Service Development Homelessness Policy Statement Welcome Home Calcutta Run 15th Anniversary Fundraising News and Events
opening doors for homeless people
Peter McVerry Trust’s 30th Anniversary
This year Peter McVerry Trust marks its 30th anniversary having been formally registered in 1983 by Fr Peter McVerry. The charity has grown significantly over that period and now provides a wide range of services and supports to vulnerable young people.
Fr Peter McVerry photographed in the late 1990s outside the original 3 bedroom flat he set up for young homeless children in Ballymun.
Peter McVerry Trust launches first ever Action Day 10th October 2013 We have decided to organise our first ever charity ‘Action Day’, which will fittingly take place on World Homeless Day – Thursday 10th October. Our charity day will include a mix of appeals to highlight the issue of homelessness, to promote the work of Peter McVerry Trust and to raise much-needed funds to help us continue to respond to people in need. Our campaign will call on the public to recognise and respond to the growing problem of homelessness in our society so that together we can make a positive impact on the lives of those on the margins. There will be a number of ways you can help - call 01 823 0776 or visit our website for further information – Funds raised through our Action Day will go directly to providing housing and support services for young homeless people. What will you do to help?
Through our newly launched website which is available at we hope to better communicate the vision and work of Peter McVerry Trust to the public and our supporters in this historic year. The improved website will provide a platform for visitors to learn about the complex issues surrounding homelessness and how the services we provide address those issues. Visitors will also be able to keep up to date with latest news and events that have been organised to raise funds and help ensure that Peter McVerry Trust continues to support those on the margins of society.
Homelessness Policy Statement
On the 21st February the Minister for Housing and Planning Jan O’Sullivan launched the Homelessness Policy Statement. The statement includes a commitment to end long term homelessness by 2016 through the implementation of a Housing First model and greater emphasis on prevention strategies. For more on the homelessness policy statement see page 2.
Peter McVerry Trust Services –Prevention Services, Homeless and Housing Services, Drug Treatment Services and Under 18 Residential Services
Note from Pat Doyle CEO
Welcome to our latest edition of Opening Doors newsletter, the first of two special editions marking our 30th anniversary.
Fr Peter McVerry has worked tirelessly over the last 40 years to highlight the issues of social exclusion and injustice. Nowhere is his commitment more obvious than through Peter McVerry Trust, formally known as the Arrupe Society, which was founded by Fr Peter in 1983. PMVT continues to respond where it can to the demand and changing needs of homeless people in Dublin, and I wish to thank you for your
‘PMVT continues to respond where it can to the demand and changing needs of homeless people in Dublin ...’ Prevention Services
Peter McVerry Trust is in the process of establishing a new Drug Stabilisation and Recovery Service in Swords, North County Dublin. This service will support those living in the area who are attempting to address their problematic drug use. Staff have already been deployed to engage with participants in oneto-one keyworking and group support. This service will provide much needed support to those living outside the city centre for whom travel to existing services has been either too expensive or impractical. Like PMVT’s Stabilisation Service in the north inner city, this service will offer a psycho-educational group work programme that will support participants in early recovery and equip them with the skills required to sustain the recovery process and reduce the risk of relapse. Programme modules include topics such as the wheel of change, relapse prevention, triggers, health education, refusal skills, dealing with cravings and relaxation techniques.
10th Anniversary of the Camino de Santiago walk by UCD
Students and staff from University College Dublin will be taking part in their 10th walk along the Camino de Santiago in May 2013. They have taken many different routes over the years including the Camino Frances, Camino Portugues and the Via de la Plata routes. Those participating in the event have raised funds each year for the work of Peter McVerry Trust and we are extremely grateful to the organisers and all those that have participated in this event.
continued support and to draw your attention to three new areas of development in 2013.
Housing Services:
PMVT is committed to a Housing First model. In partnership with Fingal County Council we will commission two projects in North County Dublin, consisting of 19 apartments which will see a number of homeless people move beyond homelessness and will open the door to their own long term tenancy. This is a very welcome development.
Prevention Services:
PMVT will be running a new Drug Stabilisation and Recovery Service in Swords, which assists young people to reduce their drug intake and therefore reduce the risk of homelessness. PMVT is embarking on this project as a homeless preventative measure, as research shows an ever increasing number of those with addiction issues end up homeless.
Localisation of Services:
As part of a reconfiguration of services across Dublin, PMVT supported the idea of localising homeless services so that homeless people
would not have to visit the city centre in order to access services. One of the final actions of this plan was the localisation of homeless services in South County Dublin. This will see a 15-18 bed Supported Temporary Accommodation (STA) service opened in South County Dublin. I am pleased to say that PMVT has been chosen as the provider on behalf of South Dublin County Council and the HSE under the office of the Dublin Region Homeless Executive to run this facility. PMVT is fully committed to providing the highest quality service from this facility and I will update you on this and the other initiatives mentioned above in our winter edition of Opening Doors. We rely on your continued support for much of what we do and without this support over the years we would not have been in a position to respond to homeless people to the extent that we have. Whether you have supported us for the first time this year, or whether you have been supporting us for the thirty years, again many thanks. Pat Doyle CEO
Calcutta Run
The 15th annual Calcutta Run
takes place on 25th May. The 10km run through Phoenix Park is organised by A&L Goodbody and the Law Society of Ireland. The funds raised through the event benefits the work of Peter McVerry Trust and GOAL. This year the organisers hope to raise €200,000 to go towards the work of the two charities. The event has grown significantly since the first run in 1999 with 1,000 people taking part last year. The run starts and finishes at the Law Society’s headquarters at Blackhall Place. The organisers put on a fantastic BBQ and music afterwards so that participants can relax and celebrate their achievement.
Gonzaga Union Green and White Dinner
The Green and White Dinner took place on Friday 22nd February 2013 at Gonzaga College SJ. This extremely popular event is organised by Gonzaga Union. Peter McVerry Trust has been extremely fortunate to receive continued support from this event and would like to offer a sincere thank you to past and present alumni and staff.
Belvedere College’s Annual Sleep-Out
The annual sleep-out began on 22nd December, finishing on Christmas Eve, with the students facing freezing conditions and the threat of a falling Christmas tree! Peter McVerry Trust received the outstanding sum of €52,800 from their efforts. Thanks to everyone associated with this long-standing event for their unwavering commitment. The Sleep-Out will also mark its 30th anniversary in 2013.
Homelessness Policy Statement
On the 21st February the Minister for Housing and Planning Jan O’Sullivan made a commitment to end long term homelessness by 2016 by adopting and implementing a Housing First model. Peter McVerry Trust welcomes such a policy statement and has in practice been implementing a Housing First policy for the last number of years. This is an ambitious target but one that is worthy of all our collective efforts. It involves a shift of emphasis from the provision of emergency accommodation to the supply of long term housing. The mark of success in this strategy will be the supply of housing and this will determine whether the strategy is successful or not. The Housing First model reduces the stay of those who are homeless in emergency services and puts the emphasis on housing with support. PMVT has its own Housing with Support team and is currently supporting over 100 residents through a Housing First/ Housing-led service across three local authorities in Dublin. This is in addition to a joint PMVT/ Focus Ireland SLI (support to live independently) service, which is a visiting support service to those securing their first independent accommodation after leaving homeless services. PMVT also welcomes the Minister’s underlining of the need for a greater emphasis to be placed on prevention strategies including the identification of those at risk of homelessness. At the launch of the statement, PMVT called on the Minister to ensure a greater monitoring and tracking of children leaving care be put in place as they are clearly at risk of homelessness and the latest census had pointed 641 cases of youth homelessness being recorded. PMVT has called for a prevention strategy to reduce the risk of young people transferring from residential care centres into adult homeless services.
Welcome Home
Welcome Home fundraising committee was set up in 1990 to raise funds for Fr Peter McVerry to enable him to provide accommodation and services for young homeless people in Dublin. In order to raise funds Welcome Home organises a number of events which take place throughout the year including the Wexford Cycle which reaches 24 years in existence this year. Around 400 cyclists take part in the event each year, including one cyclist that has completed every cycle! This year’s cycle will take place on Saturday the 14th of September.
The second largest event on the Welcome Home calendar is the Golf Classic which takes place on Friday 10th May at Milltown Golf Club. The event saw 38 teams participate in 2012. Welcome Home’s Business Lunch, is a bi-annual event that took place on March 8th at the Fire Restaurant at the Mansion House in Dublin. The event was attended by 180 guests with special guests Matt Cooper, Leinster Rugby’s Head Coach Joe Schmidt and comedian Barry Murphy.
8 121
The average number of new presentations of homelessness in Dublin per day The number of participants in Peter McVerry Trust’s Housing With Support Service in 2012
Peter McVerry Trust in Numbers
The number of participants supported by the Open Access Centre and the Streets to Home Team in 2012
The number of participants who were accommodated by Peter McVerry Trust at the Temporary Emergency Accommodation Service in Dublin City Centre from October to December 2012
Employee Focus
Liz Peña, Referral and Assessment Officer
‘The Referral and Assessment position is a very demanding and varied role.’ “During my time with PMVT I have gotten to know and witness the immense journeys that many individuals have taken. I see individuals coming from the trauma that is homelessness and addiction to live independently and to make huge achievements in all areas of their lives.” Liz started with us in January 2006. Initially, she held the position of project worker firstly at our service in Santry, before moving to the Streets to Home team based in the Open Access Centre, where she worked for 2 years. Following completion of her Masters Degree in Equality Studies when she continued to work as a relief work for PMVT Liz returned to work full time for PMVT within the Supported Temporary Accommodation Services. In November 2012 she then moved to PMVT’s Head Office taking up the position as Referral and Assessment Officer, a role she shares with Emer O’Grady. She will also be tasked with developing a new initiative within PMVT that includes research on pathways into and out of homelessness which will help inform future practices. “What I like about working in PMVT is that it is completely focused and responsive to the needs
of individuals and that they always come first. From starting work with PMVT in 2006 to the present day I have witnessed how services have evolved in anticipation and in response to the needs of the individual.” The Referral and Assessment position is a very demanding and varied role. One of the main focuses of the position is working with referrals to the Residential Community Detox Service. This service supports individuals to detox from methadone through a six week programme. Individuals are assessed by either Liz or Emer to understand their history of drug misuse and homelessness. The assessment ensures that the appropriate supports are built around their needs to give that person the best chance of completing the detox programme and ultimately exiting homelessness. Liz also assesses those that have been referred to other services such as Housing with Support. PMVT’s Referral and Assessment officer also plays a central role in coordinating bed lists. This involves compiling daily lists of the persons that where accommodated each night by Peter McVerry Trust in our Supported Temporary Accommodation Services and Temporary Emergency Accommodation Services. This information is then passed to the Dublin Regional Homeless Executive allowing them to monitor bed capacity within the Dublin region.
Homeless and Housing Services
Peter McVerry Trust recently made significant progress in creating more pathways out of homelessness when it secured 19 residential units through two separate agreements with Fingal County Council in late 2012. These units are extremely important in that they allow for a clear continuum of support for participants that enable them to consolidate their independent living skills in secure housing and with ongoing visiting support from staff. All new residents receive ongoing support in relation to accessing training or education, budgeting, self-care, health and hygiene, household management and appropriate boundary setting in relation to their new accommodation.
Danske Bank Irish Law Awards 2013
Peter McVerry Trust has again been chosen as a charity partner for the Irish Law Awards. The awards now in their second year are sponsored by Danske Bank and take place on 3rd May 2013, at the Four Seasons Hotel Dublin. The event will be hosted by Miriam O’Callaghan. Peter McVerry Trust wishes all those nominated for an award the very best of luck.
Fundraising News and Events Christy Moore benefit gig in aid of Peter McVerry Trust
Thanks to Christy Moore and Declan Sinnott who played to a packed Vicar Street in January and donated all proceeds from the event to PMVT. The concert was a fantastic way to launch our special 30th anniversary year. View photos at
Upcoming Events for 2013 The Long Walk Home Grand Canal Challenge (3rd – 6th May)
The Long Walk Home – Grand Canal Challenge is Peter McVerry Trust’s Irish challenge event. An information leaflet and registration form is available on our website or by calling 01 823 0776.
Welcome Home Golf Classic (10th May) The 20th annual Golf Classic takes place at Milltown Golf Club on Friday 10th May. For further information visit
Calcutta Run 15th anniversary (25th May)
A 10km run through the Phoenix Park in aid of Peter McVerry Trust and Goal. Registration is now open at
Women’s Mini-Marathon (3rd June)
Join ‘Team Peter McVerry Trust’ and raise funds for homeless women and girls, who now account for over 30% of Ireland’s homeless. See our website for more information.
Trek Camino de Santiago (September)
Our overseas challenge event for 2013 is the Camino de Santiago offering participants the authentic “Camino” experience staying in traditional auberges. You will be walking the last 130km of the famous pilgrim route from Triacastella to Santiago de Compostela. Further details are available on our website.
Welcome Home Wexford Cycle (14th September)
THE GOOD FORM CAMPAIGN Reversed Process Version
Peter McVerry Trust would like to remind PAYE donors who have given €250 or more to us in a calendar year that we can reclaim the tax on your donations at no extra cost to you. If you are a PAYE donor that has donated €250 or more in a given year to Peter McVerry Trust and you have not received a Tax Relief Form (CHY2) form from us, or if you have any questions, please contact the Fundraising Office on 01 823 0776 or email
[email protected]
The 24th Wexford Cycle takes place on 14th September 2013. This is the largest event organised by Welcome Home in aid of Peter McVerry Trust. Full details can be found online at
Dublin Marathon (28th October)
The 33rd Dublin City Marathon takes place on Monday 28th October. Anyone interested in taking part to raise funds for Peter McVerry Trust should contact
[email protected] or call 01 823 0776.
Gala Ball (9th November)
The 6th annual Gala Ball takes place in Clontarf Castle on November 9th. Tickets can be reserved through Peter McVerry Trust’s fundraising office.
Christmas Carol Concert (7th December)
Our concert takes places in St Patricks’ Cathedral on Saturday December 7th. Further information of the acts performing will be available on our website closer Reversed Process Version to the time.
A full list of all Peter McVerry Trust’s events and activities for 2013 can be found on our website
Peter McVerry Trust, 29 Mountjoy Square, Dublin 1 T: 01 823 0776 E:
[email protected] W: Reversed Process Version
Place of registration Dublin, Ireland. Registration number: 98934. Charity registration number: CHY 7256.