www.kent.ac.uk/tonbridge. SPRING 2014. SHORT. COURSES. Tonbridge.
History ... exploring a subject purely for interest, among like- minded people,
without ... successful Canterbury Campus Language Express programme. The
courses ...
History How to Avoid ‘Fornication of the Soul’: Medieval Magic Diane Heath MA Study day: Saturday 15 March 2014 Course Code: 13-TON-114
10am – 4pm* Course fee: £30
Literature Travellers in Skirts: Women Writing Empire Sarah Anthony MA 6 weeks from 26 February 2014 Wednesdays Course Code: 13-TON-115
10.30am – 12.30pm Course fee: £60
Music An Introduction to the Beethoven Piano Sonatas Peter Medhurst GRSM ARCM To fully appreciate the subject, both the study days should ideally be taken; however, either can be taken independently.
Part 1 Sonatas 1-21 Study Day: Saturday 22 February 2014 Course Code: 13-TON-116
10am – 4pm* Course fee: £30
Part 2 Sonatas 22-32 Study Day: Saturday 15 March 2014 Course Code: 13-TON-117
10am – 4pm* Course fee: £30
Psychology We are extending our range of Psychology courses. If the selection of days and times don't suit you, or there are specific subjects you would like to see offered, please contact us.
CONTACT US Please visit www.kent.ac.uk/tonbridge for the latest information about our courses. Details of our Summer 2014 short course programme will be available in the Spring term. University Centre Tonbridge Avebury Avenue Tonbridge Kent TN9 1TG T: 01732 352316 E:
[email protected] www.kent.ac.uk/tonbridge facebook.com/tonbridgecentre
Introduction to Forensic Psychology: why did they do it? Nichola Tyler MSc
NOTE: this is a repeat of the over-subscribed course held in November 2013 Study Day: Saturday 1 February 2014 10am – 4pm* Course code:13-TON-105 (B) Course fee: £30
Offender Profiling Nichola Tyler MSc Study morning: Saturday 22 February 2014 10am – 1pm Course Code: 13-TON-118 Course fee: £18
Childhood Bullying: the Role of the Bystander Sally B Palmer MSc
*please note, refreshments are not included
10am – 1pm Course Fee: £18
DPC 115941 11/13
Workshop: Friday 28 February 2014 Course Code: 13-TON-120
Be inspired to try our Spring programme
This programme of Short Courses at the University Centre Tonbridge allows you to spend time exploring a subject purely for interest, among likeminded people, without formal assessment.
Full course information is available on our website www.kent.ac.uk/tonbridge or by calling us on 01732 352316.
How to apply: 1 ONLINE BOOKING at www.kent.ac.uk/tonbridge 2 BY POST, please complete this form and return to: University of Kent, University Centre Tonbridge, Avebury Avenue, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 1TG.
These courses are usually very popular and you are advised to apply as soon as possible. Places cannot be held without payment of the course fee.
I wish to apply for:
Language Express
Course Code
We intend to continue with this exciting new series of language and culture courses at our Tonbridge Centre, in collaboration with the successful Canterbury Campus Language Express programme. The courses will introduce and develop your communication skills and cultural awareness. Languages include: French, Arabic, Italian, Spanish, Mandarin and Nordic Noir.
Course Code Course Code Dr/Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Name Surname
Full details will be available in Spring 2014, so please register your interest by contacting us.
Art History 20th Century American Art Graham Whitham PhD 8 weeks from 29 January 2014 Wednesdays Course Code: 13-TON-108
10.30am – 12.30pm Course fee: £96
How to Appreciate Art Diana Newall PhD 6 weeks from 25 February 2014 Tuesdays Course Code: 13-TON-121
1 – 3pm Course fee: £72
Exploring English Churches Moreen Biron Dip int Design, FIDDA, Cert Ed 6 weeks from 28 January 2014 Tuesdays Course Code: 13-TON-109
10.15am – 12.15pm Course fee: £72
Art History & Literature Portraying Realism in the American Civil War: literature, art and history Denyse Straker MA & Graham Whitham PhD Study Day: Wednesday 2 April 2014 Course Code: 13-TON-110
10am – 4pm* Course fee: £30
Classics Postcode
Discovering the Poetry of Virgil Christine Spillane PhD
Telephone – daytime
Study Day: Saturday 22 March 2014 Course Code: 13-TON-111
10am – 4pm* Course fee: £30
Creative Writing Payment by credit or debit card Please debit my account for the fee of £
How to Get Writing Sarah Salway MA
Card number
Workshop: Saturday 1 February 2014 Course Code: 13-TON-112
Expiry date Name and initials (as they appear on the card)
Developing Your Writing Sarah Salway MA
Signature of cardholder
4 weeks This course is offered twice: (A) Mondays March 10, 17, 24, 31 (B) Wednesdays March 12, 19, 26, April 2 Course Code: 13-TON-113 (A or B)
Sorry, we can no longer accept cheques Applicants are automatically added to the database and kept informed of new courses. This information is not released to outside organisations. Please let us know if you do not wish your details to be kept on our database.
Cancellation: If you find it necessary to cancel your place on a course, we reserve the right to retain your fee. The University of Kent reserves the right to cancel a course for whatever reason it deems appropriate, in which case fees for the course will be refunded in full.
*please note, refreshments are not included
10am – 1pm Course fee: £18
10am – 12.30pm 7 – 9.30pm Course fee: £60