Located near Granite Hills High School. Bus Route 874 (last service 6:00 pm). Office Hours: Monday â Thursday 8:00 am
Registration starts Fall classes begin JANUARY 3, 2017 SEPTEMBER 6, 2016
CAMPUS DIRECTORY GROSSMONT ADULT EDUCATION Foothills Adult Education Campus 1550 Melody Lane, El Cajon, CA 92019 (619) 588-3500 adultedworks.org Located near Granite Hills High School Bus Route 874 (last service 6:00 pm) Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:00 am – 8:30 pm Friday 8:00 am – 3:30 pm Principal Academic Programs: Kim Bellaart Principal CTE & LLE: Jeff Wood
El Cajon Adult Campus 1075 E. Madison Ave., El Cajon, CA 92021 (619) 401-9750 elcajonadult.guhsd.net Located adjacent to El Cajon Valley High School Bus Route 873 Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:00 am – 8:30 pm Friday 8:00 am – 3:30 pm Principal ESL Programs: Sam Lund
Health Occupations Center 9368 Oakbourne Rd., Santee, CA 92071 (619) 956-4300 hoc.guhsd.net Located adjacent to West Hills High School Bus Route 834 (day service only) Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:00 am – 6:30 pm Friday 7:00 am – 3:30 pm Director of Programs: Carol Otjens
East County Career Center 924 E. Main St., El Cajon, CA 92021 (619) 590-3950 eccc.guhsd.net America’s Job Center – East Region Bus Routes 815 and 874 Center Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Tuesday 8:00 am - 7:30 pm Manager: Jeff Meredith
GROSSMONT-CUYAMACA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Grossmont College 8800 Grossmont College Drive El Cajon, California 92020 (619) 644-7000 Cuyamaca College 900 Rancho San Diego Parkway El Cajon, California 92019 (619) 660-4000
Santee 52
El Cajon
To San Diego 8
La Mesa
Spring Valley
Lemon Grove
94 125 94
Career Technical Education
• Medical Careers • 21st Century Manufacturing • Welding • Automotive • Real Estate • Floral Design • Cosmetology • Food Safety • Computer Basics • Business and Education Technologies • Finance • Home and Small Business
6 11 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 15 17 18
Academic Programs
English as a Second Language / Citizenship 22 Career Readiness and Job Search
Lifelong Education
Community Super Saturday
For all registration and course start dates, please check the respective program websites. January 16 February 17 February 20 April 10 – 21 May 29
MLK Day Lincoln’s Birthday Washington’s Birthday Spring Break Memorial Day
ACCREDITATION Grossmont Adult Education is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Accreditation is an assurance of quality and a guarantee that courses taken for credit will be accepted by other educational institutions. Teachers are certified in their teaching area by the State Commission for Teacher Preparation and Licensing. PUBLISHER STATEMENT The catalog is published by Grossmont Adult Education, a member of East Region Adult Education. DISCLAIMER Every effort has been made to ensure that all information in this catalog is accurate. However, the information in this publication is subject to change without notice. Students should consult the website (adultedworks. org) and the appropriate campus for updates, most recent information, and special requirements or regulations.
DEAR STUDENT Thank you for your interest in Grossmont Adult Education. Our mission is to enrich the lives of our community members by providing high quality, affordable, lifelong learning opportunities; fulfilling personal, academic, and workplace goals for an increasingly diverse population. Our fall class schedule announced some exciting changes coming to Grossmont Adult Education. I hope you like our new look! We are adding courses to support you in reaching your current goals. We have more classes than ever helping you earn your high school diploma or pass the equivalency test, learn English, get a job or advance in your current job, or introduce exercise or a new hobby into your life. We can even help get you to college! I sincerely hope your experience at Grossmont Adult Education exceeds your expectations, and I encourage you to share with me any suggestions and ideas that will assist our efforts to provide you with the best experience possible. Sincerely,
Robyn Wiggins Director, Adult Education East Region Adult Education
REGISTRATION AND ENROLLMENT Enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis. Many courses are open entry/open exit format. Registration is required for all programs and courses. Materials and book fees vary for each course and are subject to change. Lifelong Education courses are self-supporting, fee-based courses. Checks, VISA, MasterCard, or Discover are accepted except where noted. Students can register for Grossmont Adult Education courses in person, or online. 1. For registration and enrollment information about Medical Career courses, go to www.hoc.guhsd.net or call the Health Occupations Center at (619) 956-4300. For HOC refund policies, go to www.hoc.guhsd.net. 2. For walk-up registration, go to any Grossmont Adult Education campus. 3. For registration online, go to www.adultedworks.org and click on the “Registration” tab. • You must have an account before registering for a course. If you are a new student, please create a unique username and a unique password. Please do not create more than one account. If you have forgotten your username or password, please contact the Foothills Adult Education Campus. • On the registration site, www.its2.guhsd.net/ newonlinereg/, you may type a section number or key word into the search box to locate a course. You may also browse by subject area in the menu to the left. • After you have located your course, click on “Add to Cart” to register for the course. If a fee is associated with the course, you will be required to pay by VISA, MasterCard or Discover. Your credit card statement will reflect a charge from A.S.A. Online Registration. 4. Courses may be closed due to low or lack of continued enrollment. A full refund will be made if Grossmont Adult Education cancels a course. 5. Refund Policies • Please request all refunds through Grossmont Adult Education. Contact the Foothills Adult Education office at (619) 588-3500 • No refunds for fee-based courses are made after the second course meeting. • For refunds requested before the second course meeting, there will be $5 processing fee for all courses $149 or less. • There will be a $25 processing fee for all courses $150 or more. • There will be a $25 processing fee for customer-initiated reverse charges on a credit card. To avoid this fee, please contact the office for a refund. 6. There will be a $25 charge for returned checks.
STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES Student Transition Services • Orientations and introduction to adult education in general and to specific programs • Development of education maps and other specialized tools to ensure retention and successful program completion • Field trips organized in collaboration with the Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College District • Assistance with overcoming barriers
Academic Advising • Review of assessment results and transcripts • One-on-one discussion of educational plans, goals, and courses with an academic program advisor • Ongoing support through academic coursework Career Services • Work Readiness and Resume Writing Workshops • Interview preparation and job coaching • Job fairs and employer/ employee support
STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Students will be self-directed lifelong learners who • Demonstrate a commitment to the pursuit of lifelong learning • Acquire knowledge and skills appropriate to their stage of life • Seek continuing academic, career training, and/or employment opportunities • Utilize critical thinking and problemsolving skills
Students will be effective communicators who • Express themselves in a variety of social, academic, and workplace settings • Utilize technology and social media to communicate effectively • Develop an increased understanding of and appreciation for our diverse community Students will be productive, involved citizens, parents, and workers who • Achieve personal, academic, and workplace goals • Participate in civic activities to contribute to the well-being of the community
Think College (a collaboration with GCCCD) • College Readiness Workshops • Field trips • Special workshops and oneon-one meetings with student ambassadors • Discussion of available college support and financial aid services • Help with smooth transitions to college and expanded educational opportunities
EDUCATION AND CAREER EXPO Celebrating Learning and Living in East County Keep your eyes open for special events March 16, 17, and 18, 2017. Students, business and community partners, regional employers, and the East County community will join in a celebration of learning, working and living in East County.
INFORMACIÓN GENERAL INSCRIPCIÓN Y MATRÍCULA La inscripción se realiza por orden de llegada. Muchos cursos son de entrada y salida abiertas. La matrícula es requerida para todos los programas y cursos. Los costos de los materiales y libros varían según el curso y están sujetos a cambios. Los cursos de Educación Permanente están basados en estos costos para auto-financiarse. Se aceptan pagos con cheques, tarjetas; VISA, MasterCard o Discover excepto que se indique lo contrario. Los estudiantes pueden registrarse en los cursos del Departamento de Educación para Adultos de Grossmont, ya sea en forma presencial o en línea. 1. Para obtener mayor información sobre la inscripción y matricula de los cursos de Carrera Médica, visite hoc.guhsd.net/ o llame al Centro de Carreras Médicas (HOC –por sus siglas en Inglés) al (619) 956-4300. Para conocer las políticas de reembolsos de HOC, visite hoc.guhsd.net/. 2. Para inscribirse de forma presencial, visite cualquier campus del Departamento de Educación para Adultos de Grossmont. 3. Para inscribirse en línea, visite adultedworks.org y presione en la pestaña “Registration.” • Usted debe tener una cuenta antes de inscribirse en un curso. Si es un estudiante nuevo, por favor cree un nombre de usuario y una contraseña únicos. Por favor no cree más de una cuenta. Si ha olvidado su nombre de usuario o contraseña, comuníquese con el campus de Educación para Adultos de Foothills. • En el sitio de inscripción its2.guhsd. net/newonlinereg/, usted podrá encontrar un curso escribiendo un número de sección o una palabra clave en el cuadro de búsqueda. También puede navegar por temas en el menú de la izquierda. • Después de haber encontrado su curso, presione en “Add to Cart” para inscribirse en el curso. Si su curso tiene costo, se le pedirá que pague con tarjeta de crédito VISA, MasterCard o Discover. Este cargo aparecerá en su estado de cuenta, a nombre de “A.S.A. Online Registration.”
4. Los cursos pueden ser cerrados debido a la baja o falta de inscripción o matrícula. En ese caso, se realizará un reembolso completo de la tarifa, si el Departamento de Educación para Adultos de Grossmont decide cancelar un curso. 5. Políticas de reembolso • Por favor solicite todos los reembolsos a través del Departamento de Educación para Adultos de Grossmont. Comuníquese con la oficina de Educación para Adultos de Foothills al (619) 588-3500 • No se realizarán reembolsos de tarifas después de la segunda reunión del curso • Para los reembolsos solicitados antes de la segunda reunión del curso, habrá un cobro por procesamiento de $5, para todos los cursos cuya tarifa sea de hasta $149. • Habrá un cobro por procesamiento de $25 para todos los cursos cuya tarifa sea de $150 o más. • Habrá un cobro de procesamiento de $25 por devolución de cobros iniciados por el cliente, en una tarjeta de crédito. Para evitar esta cobro, comuníquese con la oficina para solicitar un reembolso. 6. Habrá un cargo de $25 por cheques devueltos.
DECLARACIÓN DE NO-DISCRIMINACIÓN El Directorio está comprometido con la igualdad de oportunidades para la educación de todos los individuos. Los programas y actividades del distrito estarán libres de discriminación ya sea por: género, raza, color, religión, origen, grupo étnico, estado civil, discapacidad física o mental, orientación sexual o cualquier otra consideración ilegal, ya sea esta real o de percepción. Para cualquier pregunta o inquietud, por favor comuníquese con los oficiales del distrito, encargados del cumplimiento: TÍTULO IX No-Discriminación por Género Randy Montesanto, Director I de Recursos Humanos P.O. Box 1043, La Mesa, CA 91944 (619) 644-8009 SECCIÓN 504 No-Discriminación por Discapacidad Kathy Burton, Administradora Intervenciones Académicas y Programas Alternativos P.O. Box 1043, La Mesa, CA 91944 (619) 593-2760
ةما ع تامول عم بيان املنطقة التعليمية املتعلق بعدم التمييز يجب أن تخلو كافة البرامج و النشاطات التابعة الى منطقة كروسمنت التعليمية ألحتاد املدارس األعدادية من أي متييز يستند على أساس جنس الشخص أو مذهبه العرقي ،لون بشرته َ ،ن َسبه ،أصله القومي ،أو يستند على أساس الدين ،حتديد املجموعة العرقية ،احلالة الزوجية أو األجتماعية للوالدين ،اإلعاقة البدنية أو العقلية ،التوجه اجلنسي أو املفهوم املتعلق بخاصية .واحدة أو أكثر من هذه اخلصائص للمزيد من األسئلة و األستفسارات ،يرجى االتصال :مبوظف املديرية امللتزم على املعلومات التالية / TITLE IXالباب التاسع / SECTION 504البند 504 عدم التمييز على أساس اجلنس عدم التمييز على أساس اإلعاقة راندي مونتيسانو ،املديراالول كاثي بيرتون ،املسؤولة اإلدارية شعبة املوارد البشرية شعبة البرامج األكادميية املتداخلة و البديلة P.O. Box 1043, P.O. Box 1043, La Mesa, CA 91944 La Mesa, CA 91944 )619( 644-8009 )619( 593-2760
/ keyأو الكلمة الرئيسية / section numberالقسم للوصول الى / searchفي مربع البحث word البرنامج أو الدورة التي ترغب التسجيل فيها ،كما بإمكانك التصفح والبحث في الدليل الرئيسي املوجود .في يسار الصفحة بعد التوصل الى البرنامج الذي ترغب به ،انقر على معناها «إضافة الى السلة») لكي( ” “Add to Carعبارة تبدأ بعملية التسجيل .إذا مت إرفاق دفع رسوم التسجيل بالدورة أو البرنامج ،فسيتطلب منك دفعها أما عن طريق بطاقة الفيزا أو ماستركارد أو ديسكوفر. معناه( “ ” A.S.A. Online Registrationسيظهر أسم برنامج دفع تكاليف تسجيل الطالب ألكترونياً) في .تقرير كشف حساب بطاقتك االئتمانية/كردت من املمكن ان يتم إلغاء بعض الدورات أو البرامج بسبب قلة نسبة التسجيل فيها أو عدم مواصلة الطلبة بالدوام فيها ،وسيتم إسترجاع املبلغ املدفوع بأكمله إذا كان قرار إلغائها قد اتخذ من قبل مركز كروسمنت التعليمي للبالغني . سياسة و قواعد إسترداد املبالغ : يرجى طلب إسترداد جميع املبالغ والرسوم املدفوعة عبر مركز كروسمنت التعليمي للبالغني من خالل اإلتصال مبكتب مركز فوتهيلز التعليمي للبالغني على الهاتف التالي 619-588-3500 . ال ميكن إسترداد املبالغ والرسوم املدفوعة بعد حضور الطالب احلصة الثانية من الدورة او البرنامج .يجب .املطالبة بإستردادها قبل موعد احلصة الثانية بالنسبة الى أسترداد املبلغ املدفوع قبل حضور احلصة الثانية ،سيتم إستقطاع مبلغ قدره 5دوالرات من رسوم البرامج التي ال تتعدى رسومها 149دوالرا او اقل و / processing fee.أعتبارها رسوم متشية املعاملة سيتم إستقطاع مبلغ قدره 25دوالرا من رسوم البرامج .التي تتعدى رسومها 150دوالرا او أكثر سيتم استقطاع مبلغ قدره 25دوالرا من اي مرسوم تدفع بأستخدام بطاقات االئتمان الطالب بأعتبارها رسوم متشية املعاملة للبدأ بعملية التراجع عن حضور البرنامج ،ولتنجنب هذه الرسوم يرجى االتصال .باملكتب اخلاص بعملية استرداد الرسوم سيتم استقطاع مبلغ قدره 25دوالرا في حال استرجاع .الصك من البنوك
التسجيل و األلتحاق تتم عملية التسجيل على أساس أولوية قدوم األشخاص الى املركز .تكون العديد من الدروس و الدورات بصيغة األلتحاق املفتوح /اخلروج من البرنامج املفتوح أو الغير مقيد .يعتبر التسجيل املسبق هو أمر مطلوب وأجباري بالنسبة الى كافة الدورات والبرامج .تختلف رسوم و تكاليف الكتب و اللوازم التعليمية من برنامج الى آخر وتكون معرضة للتغيير في أي وقت من األوقات .أن الدورات التعليمية الطويلة األمد هي دورات معتمدة على الدعم الذاتي اي تدفع الرسوم و التكاليف من قبل الشخص نفسه .نقبل دفع الرسومات من خالل الشيكات وبطاقات االئتمان مثل الفيزا واملاستركارد ،بأستثناء عندما يعلن البرنامج .خالف ذلك بإستطاعة الطالب التسجيل في الدورات التعليمية التابعة الى مركز كروسمنت التعليمي للبالغني أما بالقدوم الى املركز شخصي ًا أو عن طرق الهاتف أو عبر .األنترنت للحصول على املزيد من املعلومات حول التسجيل واأللتحاق في دورات احلقل الطبي ،يرجى الدخول الى أو اإلتصال مبركز hoc.guhsd.net/املوقع االلكتروني املهن الصحية على الهاتف التالي 619-956-4300 .أما بشأن قواعد أسترداد املبالغ املدفوعة اخلاصة مبركز يرجى الدخول الى املوقع /HOC ،املهن الصحية hoc.guhsd.net/.األلكتروني للتسجيل باحلضور الى املركز ،يرجى الذهاب شخصيا .الى أي مركز من مراكز كروسمنت التعليمي للبالغني للقيام بالتسجيل عبر األنترنت يرجى الدخول الى والضغط على كلمة adultedworks.org “Registration”. قبل التسجيل في اي دورة أو برنامج ،يجب ان يكون لديك حساب خاص بك ،إذا كنت من الطلبة اجلدد يجب عليك إنشاء إسم املستخدم و الكلمة السرية اخلاصة بك ،يرجى عدم إنشاء أكثر من حساب واحد. إذا كنت قد نسيت إسم املستخدم أو الكلمة السرية اخلاصة بك ،يرجى اإلتصال مبركز فوتهيلز التعليمي .للبالغني للحصول على املساعدات الالزمة its2.في املوقع األلكتروني املخصص للتسجيل ميكنك كتابة رقم guhsd.net/newonlinereg/
CAREER TECHNICAL EDUCATION n Medical Careers n 21st Century Manufacturing
Setting the Standard in Healthcare Education Excellence
n Welding
9368 Oakbourne Road, Santee, CA 92071 | 619.956.4300 | www.hoc.guhsd.net
n Automotive n Real Estate n Floral Design n Cosmetology n Food Safety n Computer Basics n Business and Education Technologies n Home and Small Business Career-focused courses introduce students to opportunities that will provide access to jobs in high demand work sectors. Courses are designed to be short and in-depth. Completion of courses enables students to successfully transition to the workplace, to advanced training or apprenticeships, or to college opportunities.
The Health Occupations Center (HOC) specializes in courses in the medical field. At times when workers in doctor’s offices, hospitals, and clinics are in high demand, HOC graduates are ready to enter the job force, because they have the skills needed to be a vital component to any healthcare team. HOC strives to be an educational facility with high standards to meet student goals. • Many HOC medical programs receive county, state, or industry certificates. • Credentialed instructors are knowledgeable about the field and passionate about sharing their expertise. • Many HOC instructors are employed in the healthcare field, which further ensures student success and employability. HOC instructors are passionate about sharing information. • Industry standard equipment supports a relevant and rigorous curriculum. • Hands on program-specific labs simulate real world medical environments to engage all students. • Internships are used extensively to ensure “On-the-job” experience. • Business partners from healthcare organizations advise on keeping up with current industry standards and emerging trends. • Course work is supplemented by field trips and conferences.
MEDICAL CLASSES AT-A-GLANCE Administrative Medical Assistant Advanced Airways (EMT Certification) Advanced Cardiac Life Support Basic Life Support for the Healthcare Provider Continuing Education Units for CNAs (CEUs for CNAs) Dental Assistant (RDA Eligible) Electronic Medical Records Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) EMT Refresher English Review for the Healthcare Professional Healthcare Interpreting Home Health Aide Intravenous Therapy/Blood Withdrawal Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology Introduction to Health Science Math Review for the Healthcare Professional Medical Assistant Medical Billing and Coding Medical Terminology Nurse Assistant (CNA) Pharmacy Technician Phlebotomy Technician & Medical Lab Assistant Physical Rehabilitation Aide Refresher/Reentry Education for Nurses Understanding Cardiac Arrhythmias Veterinary Assistant Vocational Nursing
SPRING 2017 CLASSES HAVE STARTED. The next opportunity for enrollment in most of HOC classes will be in Fall 2017. Please note that HOC programs are on a semester schedule. Visit the website for detailed schedules: hoc.guhsd.net To enroll in HOC classes, please follow the 3 steps below: Step 1 Attend an orientation at HOC. At orientation, students will receive all information and registration requirements for the course in which they wish to enroll. Any student wishing to register for any of the courses to the left must first attend an orientation. Step 2 Take the HOC Entry Screening Test. While attending orientation, students will sign up for an Entry Screening Test. This is a basic test that covers 7th and 8th grade levels of English and math. Step 3 Register at HOC. Come at your appointed registration time. Visit our website for detailed schedules hoc.guhsd.net
Introduction to Health Science
This introductory course includes an overview of medical terminology, body structure and functions, medical math, and exploration on a wide variety of healthcare career opportunities. No High School Diploma or equivalent required. Course fee is $100.00.
Medical Terminology
The course provides instruction in basic medical terminology with an emphasis on body systems. Students learn root words, prefixes, abbreviations and more to understand the meaning of medical terms used in different healthcare settings and to master the language used in a medical office. No High School Diploma or equivalent required. Course fee is $100.00.
Administrative Medical Assistant
The Administrative Medical Assistant sets the tone in any healthcare facility. This course prepares students to keep a medical office running smoothly. Topics covered include front office procedures such as communication, scheduling appointments, ethics in the workplace, and computer technology as it applies to a medical office. No High School Diploma or equivalent required. Course fee is $100.00.
Dental Assistant (RDA Eligible)
Dental Assistants perform a variety of patient care. Duties in dental offices include working chair-side; sterilizing instruments; preparing trays; instructing patients on post-operative and general oral healthcare; preparing materials for making impressions and restorations; processing x-rays; removing sutures; cleaning and polishing removable appliances; and making temporary crowns. The course covers these responsibilities and also includes instruction on some front office duties. Upon successful completion of the course, students are eligible to test with the Dental Board for State Certification. 240 hours of internship required for course completion. Prerequisites: United States High School Diploma or equivalent, immunizations, certification with the American Heart Association BLS for the Healthcare Provider. Course fee is $1050.00. Additional fees for Student Kits and handouts.
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
The course provides entry-level training for emergency medical care situations. Students learn to assess a patient’s condition at the scene of an accident, and to manage medical conditions and trauma emergencies while transporting patients to the hospital. Instruction covers the state curriculum and includes skills labs and an additional 24 hours of ride-along training. Upon successful course completion, graduates are eligible to take the National Registry exam for nationwide certification as an EMT. Course completion meets the minimum requirements for firefighters and emergency room technicians. No High School Diploma or equivalent required. Prerequisites: Current TB clearance, immunizations, certification in American Heart Association BLS for the Healthcare Provider. EMT students must be prepared for this physically strenuous job. Course fee is $300.00.
Healthcare Interpreting
The course introduces theories and practical aspects of healthcare interpreting. Students become knowledgeable about interpreting in a healthcare environment, and learn about the role of the interpreter and ethical decisionmaking. Techniques and skills gained can be applied in healthcare, mental health, and social services environments. No High School Diploma or equivalent required. Course fee is $100.00.
Medical Assistant
Medical Assistants play a crucial role in medical offices. In this program, students learn to perform back office procedures such as charting patient medical history, taking vital signs, preparing medications, administering injections, performing laboratory procedures, assisting with minor office surgery, preparing patients for examinations, and use and care of equipment found in medical offices. The course also prepares students for some front office duties. The 300+ hour program consists of classroom/lab instruction and 120 hours of internship. No High School Diploma or equivalent required. Prerequisites: Certification with the American Heart Association BLS for the Healthcare Provider, physical exam, immunizations. Program fee is $500.00.
Nurse Assistant
With their caring, compassion and expertise, Certified Nurse Assistants (CNA) are a vital key to their patients’ health and wellbeing. This state-approved course combines classroom instruction, labs, and clinical training, and prepares students for California certification as a Certified Nurse Assistant. No High School Diploma or equivalent required. Prerequisites: Physical exam, immunizations, and certification with the American Heart Association BLS for the Healthcare Provider. Course fee is $400.00.
Pharmacy Technician
Pharmacy technicians prepare medications under the direction of a pharmacist. Duties include receiving prescription requests; verifying accuracy of information; maintaining patient profiles; measuring, mixing, counting, labeling, and recording dosages; preparing insurance forms; and stocking and taking medication inventory. The program provides a thorough introduction to these duties and consists of 300+ hours of classroom/lab instruction and an additional 150 hours of internship where students gain on-the-job experience in a pharmacy setting. Upon successful completion of the course, students receive the State certification and are prepared for National Certification. Prerequisites: United States High School Diploma or equivalent, immunizations, certification with the American Heart Association BLS for the Healthcare Provider. Program fee is $500.00.
Veterinary Assistant
Veterinary Assistants work with veterinarians and veterinary technicians to care for sick and injured animals and to provide well-pet care in veterinary clinics, animal shelters, and biomedical research and other animal care facilities. Duties include giving medicines, assisting with examinations and surgery, performing lab tests, taking vital signs, and performing some front office work. The program runs for the full school year and consists of 180 hours of classroom instruction and 120 hours of internship. Enrollment fall semester only. No High School Diploma or equivalent required. Prerequisites: Verification of tetanus immunization within the last 10 years. Ability to lift 40-50 pounds. Program fee is $300.00.
Phlebotomy Technician & Medical Lab Assistant
In this program, students learn how to draw blood and process lab samples. Responsibilities include drawing blood from patients or donors; labeling and storing blood samples and other specimens collected; plating microorganisms; loading specimens onto analyzers; making blood smears; staining specimens; using various test kits; and patient data entry. The program consists of 300+ hours of classroom/lab instruction and an additional 120 hours of internship. Internship work sites may include hospitals, blood banks, clinics, doctors’ offices and laboratories. Upon successful completion of the course students are eligible to take the National Certification Exam. Prerequisites: United States High School Diploma or equivalent, certification with the American Heart Association BLS for the Healthcare Provider, immunizations, physical exam. Program fee is $550.00.
Refresher/Reentry Education for Nurses – RNs ONLY
This course is open to RNs who are thinking about returning to the field, and have a fully active license without probationary status, current attached reports, or filed accusations. The course consists of 135 hours of nursing content (theory) and 150 hours of clinical experience. Students must be available for day and evening shifts. The course is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider No. 00446, for 30 contact hours. Prerequisites: Active RN license, Malpractice Insurance and intermediate keyboard/ computer skills. Course fee is $525.00.
MED IC AL C AR E E RS Physical Rehabilitation Aide / Sports Medicine
This course focuses on the role of a Physical Rehabilitation Aide. Instruction includes the specific medical needs of athletes and other physically active individuals, and covers anatomy and physiology, prevention of injuries related to sports and exercise, the many types of athletic injuries, as well as the treatment and management of those injuries. No High School Diploma or equivalent required. Course fee is $400.00.
Vocational Nursing
This program is one of the best in the county. It is accredited by the Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians and facilitated by a team of professional nursing faculty from a variety of areas in the nursing field. Vocational nurses (VN) are vital members of any health team, providing direct patient care in acute and long-term care, and in convalescent hospitals. Licensed VN administer medications, provide bedside care and treatments, and perform other technical nursing skills under the direction of a physician and/or a registered nurse. The program is 3 semesters in length (excluding summers) and includes didactic lessons (classroom theory), nursing lab (on campus), clinical rotations (numerous group assignments in various hospitals and clinics in San Diego), and web-based instruction for enhanced learning. Students have access to nursing supplies, equipment, nursing labs, computer labs, and many other resources to help them attain their goals. Graduates will be eligible to take the NCLEX (National Council Licensure Examination for the Licensing of Nurses in the United States). Graduates may also take advantage of the “Step Up” program, which qualifies them for one year of credit toward a registered nursing program at local community colleges and some universities. Prerequisites: United States High School Diploma or equivalent; must be a California Certified Nurse Assistant (C.N.A.) and18 years old by program start date; must have passed TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) and completed the Anatomy and Physiology course (offered at HOC to qualified applicants). Current program fee is $4,200.00.
Vocational Nursing (Continued) Fees are subject to change annually, and will be confirmed at orientation. Additional fees of approximately $2,200.00 are due during the 18 month program for textbooks, scrubs, online curriculum, Live Scan fingerprinting, background check, drug screen, etc. ** All program fees are subject to change**
Advanced Airways
This course is designed for students who want to earn EMT Advanced Certification. The course is approved by San Diego County EMS provider No. 37-0503, for 8 CEUs. Prerequisites: Must be an EMT. Course fee is $75.00. Fee does not include skills validation fee. There is a $25.00 processing fee for all refunds prior to 48 hours of the course. No refunds after that time.
Advanced Cardiac Life Support
The course enhances students’ ability to manage a cardiac emergency. The course is approved by the BRN, for 8 renewal contact hours or 16 first time contact hours. Upon completion of the course, students receive an ACLS course certification card. Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of arrhythmias; must be a licensed medical professional (LVN, RN or paramedic). Course fee is $100.00.
Basic Life Support (BLS) for the Healthcare Provider
This course meets the guidelines of the American Heart Association. Students learn to recognize several life threatening emergencies, provide CPR, and use an AED within a medical setting. No High School Diploma or equivalent required. Course fee is $50.00. Includes a BLS certification card. There is a $5.00 processing fee for all refunds prior to 48 hours of the course. No refunds after that time.
Maria Guilarte When Maria learned the community Carousel she had managed for 13 years would close down, a new door was opened to a career in the medical field, an opportunity she had always dreamed about. Maria enrolled in a Vocational ESL class specializing in Medical Careers. Maria spoke English very well but lacked confidence about her comprehension of medical terminology, medical math, writing patient reports in English, and using a computer. The “VESL” class helped her prepare to test for and enroll in the CNA program at the Health Occupation Center in Santee. Maria began her CNA class in January 2016. Most students in her class were younger, “tech savvy”, and English was their first language. Maria was nervous but determined to prove herself, knowing she had the advantage of maturity and the willingness to study hard! At the end of June 2016, Maria successfully completed her class and passed her certification exam, becoming a CNA. Maria received multiple employment offers and in just a couple weeks, on July 7th, 2016, she started her new career as a CNA. She plans to study again at HOC as she moves towards her next goal of becoming an LVN.
In this course, Certified Nursing Assistants earn continuing education credits as they learn about a variety of issues affecting patients in their care. Each hour of instruction equals one CEU. The course meets on the second Saturday of each month. No High School Diploma or equivalent required. Prerequisites: Must be a Certified Nurse Assistant. Course fee is $20.00. There is a $5.00 processing fee for all refunds prior to 48 hours of the course. No refunds after that time.
EMT Refresher
The course is designed to help students refresh EMT skills and earn continuing education credits. Instruction focuses on medical/trauma assessment, airway/breathing emergencies, AED, circulatory, neurological, soft tissue, musculoskeletal, and obstetrical emergencies. The course is approved by San Diego County EMS provider No. 37-0503, for 24 CEUs. Prerequisites: Must be an EMT. Course fee is $100.00. Fee does not include skills validation fee. There is a $25.00 processing fee for all refunds prior to 48 hours of the course. No refunds after that time.
Electronic Medical Records
The medical field has progressed to the world of digital record keeping. In this course, students learn the technology associated with electronic patient records to better serve their patients. Students navigate training software to learn how to create electronic patient history, electronic scheduling and appointments, enter vital signs, enter doctor’s notes, track immunizations, reminders, and more. The course helps students in allied health courses (Pharmacy Tech, Dental Assistant, Medical Assistant, etc.) or in the nursing program. No High School Diploma or equivalent required. Course fee is $100.00.
English Review for the Healthcare Professional
Math Review for the Healthcare Professional
No High School Diploma or equivalent required. Course fee is $25.00. There is a $5.00 processing fee for a refund if a student does not attend any of the classes.
No High School Diploma or equivalent required. Course fee is $25.00. There is a $5.00 processing fee for all refunds if a student does not attend any of the classes.
Home Health Aide
Understanding Cardiac Arrhythmias
This course aids success in any HOC program and is designed for students who are fluent in English and interested in the medical field. Students improve their grammar, spelling and reading skills in a friendly, supportive learning environment, and build their confidence as they prepare for tests such as the Vocational Nursing pre-entrance exam, or the Health Occupations Center Entry Screening Test. Please note: This course in not intended for English language learners.
The knowledge of a CNA’s role in home health is crucial to their career. This course supports students in learning to use their CNA skills in the home environment. No High School Diploma or equivalent required Prerequisites: Must be a Certified Nurse Assistant. Course fee is $150.00.
Students learn basic interpretation of EKGs and the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias. The course provides excellent preparation for ACLS and for those interested in working in telemetry. This course is approved for 21 contact hours for RNs and LVNs, and open to all medical professionals. Course fee is $75.00.
Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
** All program fees are subject to change**
This basic course offers an introduction to the structures and functions of the human body. Course content is presented via classroom instruction, lab exploration, and web-based A&P curriculum. The course is designed for students who need to show competency in A&P for the Medical Coding certification and for those interested in learning more about anatomy and physiology to better succeed in the healthcare industry. This course does not meet the VN program A&P prerequisite. No High School Diploma or equivalent required. Course fee is $100.00.
Intravenous Therapy/Blood Withdrawal
The course is designed for LVNs and RNs with an active license who wish to learn or enhance venipuncture skills. The California BVNPT approves this course for State Certification of Intravenous Therapy. The course is approved for 30 contact hours for LVNs and 4 contact hours for RNs. Prerequisites: Must be a LVN, RN, paramedic, or other healthcare professional. Course fee is $150.00.
This course aids student success in any HOC program. It supports students who are fluent in English and interested in the medical field, and who want to review their math skills in a friendly, supportive learning environment. Students build their confidence as they prepare for tests such as the Vocational Nursing preentrance exam or the Health Occupations Center Entry Screening Test. Please note: This course in not intended for English language learners.
2 1 s t C ENTURY MA NUFACTURING CA RE E RS The manufacturing workshop has changed dramatically in the 21st century. The modern shop infuses state-of-the-art technology with its machines to improve efficiency, quality and safety. In addition to offering traditional high demand training such as welding, adult education has also expanded to manufacturing courses including the newest shop technologies. Our new digital fabrication, introducing CNC (computer numeric control operations), and CADD (computer-aided design and drafting) courses provide a hands-on, fast-paced opportunity to learn and experience the modern workshop. Additionally, these two new courses will be team-taught by a manufacturing instructor and an academic teacher. This team-teaching approach provides the necessary student support for these highdemand, high-wage jobs.
Introduction to Digital Fabrication
This intensive 9-week course is an introduction to digital design and fabrication, as well as architectural techniques. Students will make the connections between computeraided-design / computer-aided-manufacturing (CAD/CAM) software, digital fabrication technologies and terminologies used. Digital models will be made physical through additive and subtractive fabrication technologies including 3D printing, CNC routing, and laser cutting. In conjunction with new fabrication machines, use of standard woodworking tools (various saws and drill press) will be discussed and practiced.
Introduction to Digital Fabrication (364600)
Santana High School, Room 801 9915 N. Magnolia Ave, Santee, CA 92071 01/10 – 03/09/17 Tuesday, Thursday 6:00 – 9:30 pm
Introduction to Digital Fabrication (364610) Santana High School, Room 801 9915 N. Magnolia Ave, Santee, CA 92071 03/14 – 05/25/17 Tuesday, Thursday 6:00 – 9:30 pm
Materials used for projects include wood, paper, composite materials (MDF) and modeling base. End products created using learned skills will be tables, chairs and various digital and physical models. A thorough understanding of workplace and shop safety will be a key component of the class. Students successfully completing this manufacturing course with a 90% attendance rate and a satisfactory assignment completion rate are eligible for a FREE work-readiness workshop.
Introduction to CADD
Computer systems are now the driving force for product development. Systems build threedimensional models of everything from medical equipment to office build design and landscape that increase efficiency and quality before actual construction. This 8-week course provides an introduction to such computer-aided design and drafting. Autodesk Suite programs are used as the learning system. Students successfully completing this manufacturing course with a 90% attendance rate and a satisfactory assignment completion rate are eligible for a FREE work-readiness workshop. Prerequisite: Fundamental English language and basic computer skills Course fee is $75.00.
Introduction to CADD (364601) Santana High School, Room 801 9915 N. Magnolia Ave, Santee, CA 92071 01/09 – 03/06/17 Monday, Wednesday 6:00 – 9:30 pm
Introduction to CADD (364611)
Santana High School, Room 801 9915 N. Magnolia Ave, Santee, CA 92071 03/13 - 05/24/17 Monday, Wednesday 6:00 – 9:30 pm
Prerequisite: Fundamental English language and basic computer skills Course fee is $75.00.
These courses are designed to prepare welders to pass American Welding Society (AWS) qualification tests. Welding certifications may be earned concurrent to the course depending on the student’s ability.
GTAW: Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (TIG)
Instruction in this course covers safety, personal protection equipment, welding and electrical theory, basic equipment set up and repair, methods and techniques in GTAW in preparation for testing to AWS D1.3 structural or AWS D9.1 sheet metal welding criteria. Optional processes may include AC aluminum welding and tube notching/welding. Course fee is $500.00.
GTAW Welding (364301)
El Cajon Valley High School, Room 602 1035 E. Madison Ave, El Cajon, CA 92021 01/10 – 05/25/17 Tuesday, Thursday 5:00 – 8:00 pm
GMAW: Gas Metal Arc Welding
Instruction covers safety, personal protection equipment, welding and electrical theory, basic equipment set up and repair, methods and techniques in GMAW in preparation for testing to AWS D1.1 structural welding criteria. Course fee is $500.00.
GMAW Welding (364300)
El Cajon Valley High School, Room 602 1035 E. Madison Ave, El Cajon, CA 92021 01/09 – 05/24/17 Monday, Wednesday 5:00 – 8:00 pm
Welding Certification
This course is only open to East Region Adult Education students. Students test to American Welding Society (AWS) criteria. Testing processes include GMAW, S FCAW-G, FCAW-S, SMAW and GTAW in AWS codes D1.1, D9.1 or D1.3. Certificate fee is $40.00 for each. Prerequisites: Enrollment in GMAW; Gas Metal Arc Welding or SMAW; Shield Metal Arc Welding or GTAW; Gas Tungsten Arc Welding courses through East Region Adult Education. (8 hours)
Auto Body Repair
Automotive body technicians repair damage from vehicle collisions and make vehicles look and drive like new. Students will learn how to remove dents, straighten metal panels, and replace parts that cannot be fixed. Although repair of all types of vehicles is covered, most work will be done on cars, sports utility vehicles, and small trucks. Course fee is $150.00.
Auto Body Repair (360100)
Santana High School, Auto Body Shop 9915 N. Magnolia Ave, Santee, CA 92071 01/10 – 05/24/17 Tuesday, Wednesday 11:15 – 2:15 pm
Auto Body Repair (360101)
Santana High School, Auto Body Shop 9915 N. Magnolia Ave, Santee, CA 92071 01/10 – 05/25/17 Tuesday, Thursday 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Commercial Truck – Class B Licensing Program
This course follows a mandatory, free orientation during which interested students are introduced to all details and the schedule of the program. The course provides instruction and behind the wheel training necessary to become a professional Commercial Class B Driver with Passenger and Tanker endorsements. Instructions cover vehicle inspection, air brake systems, Title 13 California Code of Regulations, Federal Motor Safety Regulations, log books, map reading, passenger transport, defensive driving skills, backing, parallel parking, precision turning, proper shifting techniques, use of snow chains, emergency procedures, and CPR. Students will learn how to operate a 40-foot Class B vehicle with air brakes, and have the
opportunity to take the California DMV road test. Upon completion of the program students will be issued a Certificate of Achievement and a list of competencies. Prerequisites: No online registration. Orientation is mandatory (no fee). Must be 18 years old to participate in this program. All paperwork must be submitted to Foothills Adult Education Campus prior to the first class meeting. Class is limited to 30 students. Current course fee is $600.00. Fees are subject to change and will be confirmed at orientation.
Orientation Commercial Truck Class B License (361200)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 5 01/13/2017 Friday 5:00 – 6:00 pm
Orientation Commercial Truck Class B License (361200)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 5 01/14/2017 Saturday 9:00 – 10:00 am
Bus Driver Certification Renewal Training
Course dates will be determined based on instructor’s schedule and community interest. Check the website at adultschool.guhsd.net or call 619.588.3500 for class dates, times and location. Course fee is $35.00.
Bus Driving Re-Certification (361000)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 6 TBA Monday, Wednesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm
R E AL ESTATE CA Legal Aspects of Real Estate
The course introduces students to California Legal Aspects of Real Estate. Topics include legal descriptions, how ownership is acquired and conveyed, California license law, fair housing law, consumer protection law, contract law, and real estate contracts and disclosures. Students will also discuss how California laws affect the real estate industry. The course meets the California Bureau of Real Estate class requirement. Course fee is $110.00 (book included).
CA Legal Aspects of Real Estate (367300)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 12 01/10 – 05/23/17 Tuesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Real Estate Principles
This course prepares students to pass the California Real Estate Exam. Topics covered include the nature of real estate, ethics, law, contracts, finance, taxation, appraisal, and property management. Meets the California Bureau of Real Estate (B.R.E. file #1598-96) class requirement. Course fee is $110.00 (book included).
Real Estate Principles (367000)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 13 01/11 – 05/24/17 Wednesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Real Estate Practices
This course prepares students for a “Career in Real Estate.” It covers aspects of buying and selling a home, product knowledge, filling out contracts and disclosure, marketing listings, financing the purchase, and completing and closing the transaction. Meets the California Bureau of Real Estate B.R.E. file #2209-05 class requirement. Course fee is $110.00 (book included).
Real Estate Practices (367100)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 12 01/12 – 05/25/17 Thursday 6:00 – 9:00 pm
F LO RA L DESI G N The course is developed for students who wish to design everyday and holiday floral arrangements made of fresh and silk flowers. Students successfully completing this course are prepared to assist professional florists. Course fee is $67.00.
Everyday and Holiday Floral Arrangements (366000)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 7 01/12 – 03/09/2017 Thursday, 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Everyday and Holiday Floral Arrangements (366010)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 7 03/16 – 05/25/2017 Thursday 6:00 – 9:00 pm
FOOD SAFETY All persons employed in any job where food is served are required to take Food Handlers Training and pass the test for the Foodhandler Certificate. Study booklet may be viewed or downloaded from the County of San Diego website (sandiegocounty.gov), under Foodhandler Program, Additional Resources. Preregistration required. Register online or in office at least 30 minutes before the course. Cash only if registering in person. Picture ID Required. Enrollment is limited. Course fee is $20.00 (certificate included).
Foodhandler Training (362500)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 11 01/17/2017 Tuesday, 5:30 – 8:30 pm
Foodhandler Training (362501) COSME TOLOGY The program prepares students for the Cosmetology Licensing exam. The1600-hour program follows a mandatory, free orientation during which interested students are introduced to all details and the schedule. Prerequisites: No online registration. Free Orientation is mandatory. United States High School Diploma, GED, or HiSet certificate is required. Must be 18 years of age and receive a passing score on the basic skills test. Limited enrollment. Tuition is paid in full for scholarship recipient. There is a textbook and supply kit fee of approximately $1900.00, due at time of enrollment. Fees are subject to change and will be confirmed at orientation.
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 11 02/07/2017 Tuesday 5:30 – 8:30 pm
Foodhandler Training (362502)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 11 03/14/2017 Tuesday 5:30 – 8:30 pm
Foodhandler Training (362503)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 11 04/04/2017 Tuesday 5:30 – 8:30 pm
Foodhandler Training (362504)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 11 05/09/2017 Tuesday 5:30 – 8:30 pm
Cosmetology Orientation (361100) Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 6 01/13/2017 Friday 4:30 – 6:00 pm
Cosmetology Orientation (361100) Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 6 01/14/2017 Saturday 9:00 – 10:00 am
COM P UTER BA SICS Intro to Intro to Macintosh (Apple) Computers (Continued) and tricks to help students get the most out of their Mac computer. Students explore Apple’s productivity apps (Pages, Numbers, and Keynote) as well as Apple’s creative apps (iTunes, GarageBand, iMovie), and basic functions in Calendar, Contacts, and Photos. The course runs for five (5) weeks. Course fee is $36.00.
Intro to MAC (061500)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 4 02/27 – 03/27/17 Monday 5:30 – 8:00 pm
Introduction to iPad & iPhone
This course is for the novice iPad (iPhone) user who would like to learn to do more with their device. The course focuses on basic navigation, settings, downloading apps, as well as simple tips and tricks to help you get the most out of an Apple iOS device (iPad or iPhone). The course runs for four (4) weeks.
This course is designed for all levels of competency. Students learn to type or improve their typing speed and accuracy. Course fee is $55.00. Students are required to provide their own USB thumb drive.
Keyboarding (065200)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 4 01/09 – 03/08/17 Monday, Wednesday 9:00 – 10:30 am
Keyboarding (065210)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 4 03/13 – 05/24/17 Monday, Wednesday 9:00 – 10:30 am
Windows 10
Students learn to master file and folder management; multitasking; shortcuts; control panel; Internet browsers; to customize their desktop and start menu; and to update Windows. Course fee is $55.00
Windows 10 (062700)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 1 01/09 – 03/08/17 Monday, Wednesday 10:00 – 12:00 noon
Windows 10 (062710)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 1 03/13 – 05/24/17 Monday, Wednesday 10:00 – 12:00 noon
Prerequisites: A fully charged device. Optional: Students can bring their own $20 iTunes gift card to allow for app purchases. Course fee is $30.00.
Intro to PC Computers
Intro to iPad & iPhone (065600)
Intro to PC (061600)
Google Suite I – Introduction to the Google Platform
This hands-on course is recommended for beginners with little or no experience using computers. Course fee is $55.00 Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 1 01/10 – 03/09/17 Tuesday, Thursday 10:00 – 12:00 noon
Intro to PC (061610)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 1 03/14 – 05/25/17 Tuesday, Thursday 10:00 – 12:00 noon
Intro to Macintosh (Apple) Computers
This course is designed for the novice Mac users who are just starting out with a Mac computer and macOS, or have had their iMac/MacBook for a while and are not sure what to do with it. The course focuses on basic navigation, settings, downloading apps from the App Store, as well as simple tips
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 4 04/24 – 05/15/17 Monday 5:30 – 8:00 pm
This course is for new or beginning Google users who would like to learn how to get the most out of their Google account. This course will focus on Google basics including Gmail, Chrome browser, Google Drive, and Google Calendar. This course runs for four (4) weeks. Prerequisites: Students should have a Google account (Gmail email address and password). Students who do not have an account are asked to arrive 30 minutes before the first course meeting to set up accounts with the help of the instructor. Course fee is $35.00.
Google Suite I: Introduction (063600)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 4 01/11 – 02/01/17 Wednesday 5:30 – 8:30 pm
COM P UTER BA SICS Google Suite II – Exploring Google Apps
This course is for learners looking for ways to increase their productivity and creativity with a free alternative to MS Office, and who are ready to go beyond the basics with their Google account. Students learn how to use Google Docs, make presentations, create spreadsheets, and administer polls and surveys. Explore the power of Google’s integrated apps including Drive, Docs, Slides, Sheets, Forms, Drawing and more. The course is structured to allow novice Google users to extend their learning beyond what is offered in “Google Suite I – Introduction to the Google Platform.” This course runs for four (4) weeks. Prerequisites: Students must have a Google account (Gmail email address and password). Course fee is $35.00.
Google Suite II: Apps (063610)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 6 02/08 – 03/01/17 Wednesday 5:30 – 8:30 pm
WordPress powers millions of blogs and websites worldwide. Students learn to set up and manage their own self-hosted WordPress website, create and publish posts and pages, customize websites using themes, widgets, and custom menus, add functionality with plug-ins, and more. The course runs for five (5) weeks. Course fee is $55.00. Students are required to purchase web hosting at an additional cost and to provide their own USB thumb drive.
WordPress (062600)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 3 01/09 – 02/13/17 Monday, Wednesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Photoshop Elements
This course is designed for students to become familiar with Photoshop Elements, a graphics editor that is used by hobbyists, as well as photographers and contains most of the features of the professional version but with fewer and simpler options than Adobe Photoshop. Topics for the course include organizing photos and editing capabilities to retouch photographs such as resizing, removing red eye and remove someone from photos. This course runs 4 weeks. Course fee is $55.00.
Photoshop Elements (063200)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 3 04/24 – 05/17/17 Monday, Wednesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm
BUSI N ESS A N D E DU CATI ON TECH N OLOG I ES Technologies for Careers and Administrative Assistant courses incorporate the business mindset of adaptability and flexibility, and introduce the fundamentals of working with Google tools and Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook). Accounting and Bookkeeping serve as the foundational skill building courses for higher level, technology-based finance courses. Fundamental computer and tablet courses help students learn basic computer skills. Accordingly, East Region Adult Education offers a variety of technology-focused business and finance courses, taught by qualified instructors, in computer labs that feature up-to-date business program software.
Basic computer skills are required for the following business technologies and finance courses. Google Drive will be utilized as storage for student documents and projects. Students who do not have a Google account will learn how to set up an account during the first day of the course.
Technologies for Careers
This course provides technology training for skills needed in entry-level business and office workplaces. The skills acquired will adapt into a variety of industry sectors, such as manufacturing, hospitality, transportation and others. Students will be introduced to Microsoft Windows and Office Suite (Word, Excel, & PowerPoint) as a foundational program and to Google Drive as an alternate system. Independent learning and adaptability skills are emphasized for successful transition into the modern office environment. Students successfully completing this business technology course with a 90% attendance rate and a satisfactory assignment completion rate are eligible for a FREE work-readiness workshop. Course fee is $50.
Technologies for Careers (066000) Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 3 01/10 – 03/09/17 Tuesday, Thursday 9:00 – 11:30 am
Technologies for Careers (066001) Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 3 01/10 – 03/08/17 Monday, Wednesday 2:00 – 4:30 pm
Technologies for Careers (066002)
Technologies for Careers (066010) Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 3 03/14 – 05/25/17 Tuesday, Thursday 9:00 – 11:30 am
Technologies for Careers (066011) Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 3 03/14 – 05/24/17 Monday, Wednesday 2:00 – 4:30 pm
Advanced Technologies for Careers
This course expands on skills introduced in Technologies for Careers. Additionally, this advanced course will focus on business simulation projects and presentations. Students successfully completing this business technology course with a 90% attendance rate and a satisfactory assignment completion rate are eligible for a FREE session with an employment specialist. Course fee is $50.00. Prerequisite: Completion of Level I Technologies for Careers, or evidence of adequate technology experience
Advanced Technologies for Careers (066012) Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 4 03/14 – 05/25/17 Tuesday, Thursday 6:00 – 8:30 pm
The course prepares students for the ever-changing, technology-centered office environment. Using Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint & Outlook), students gain the skills necessary to perform office tasks encountered on a daily basis such as keyboarding, electronic filing, letter formatting, and presentations. Independent learning and adaptability skills are emphasized for successful transition into the modern office environment. Students successfully completing this business technology course with a 90% attendance rate and a satisfactory assignment completion rate are eligible for a FREE work-readiness workshop. Testing is available for a typing certificate at no additional charge. Prerequisite: Basic computer knowledge. Home technology and Internet access are strongly recommended. Course fee is $50.00. Students are required to provide their own USB thumb drive.
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 4 01/10 – 03/09/17 Tuesday, Thursday 6:00 – 8:30 pm
BUSINESS AND E DUCATION TECH NOLOG I ES Administrative Assistant I (065000)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 4 01/10 – 03/09/17 Tuesday, Thursday 10:00 – 12:30 pm
Administrative Assistant I (065001)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 3 01/10 – 03/09/17 Tuesday, Thursday 2:00 – 4:30 pm
Administrative Assistant I (065002)
Typing Certification
Students successfully completing this business technology course with a 90% attendance rate and a satisfactory assignment completion rate are eligible for a FREE session with an employment specialist.
Typing Certification (065301)
This course builds on the skills developed in Administrative Assistant I. Additionally, Level II focuses on project-based learning and presentation and portfolio development for work in the technology-driven office environment.
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 1 01/10 – 03/09/17 Tuesday, Thursday 6:00 – 8:30 pm
Prerequisite: Completion of Level I, or evidence of adequate technology experience. Course fee is $50.00.
Administrative Assistant I (065010)
Administrative Assistant II (065012)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 3 03/14 – 05/25/17 Tuesday, Thursday 10:00 – 12:30 pm
A typing certificate is an office skill measure that can open the doors to employment and advancement. Students can take the test on a first-come/first-served basis. Course fee is $10.00. Cash only. Testing begins promptly at the time listed and is offered on space available basis. Please arrive 20 minutes early to warm up. Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 3 01/11 – 03/10/17 Wednesday, Friday 8:30 – 9:30 am
Typing Certification (065300)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 4 01/10 – 03/09/17 Tuesday, Thursday 5:00 – 6:00 pm
Typing Certification (065311)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 1 03/14 – 05/25/17 Tuesday, Thursday 6:00 – 8:30 pm
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 3 03/15 – 05/26/17 Wednesday, Friday 8:30 – 9:30 am
Administrative Assistant I (065011)
Typing Certification (065310)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 3 03/14 – 05/25/17 Tuesday, Thursday 2:00 – 4:30 pm
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 3 03/14 – 05/25/17 Tuesday, Thursday 5:00 – 6:00 pm
Finance Pathway
Administrative Assistant Pathway
Technologies for Careers (8 weeks/2 day/2.5 hrs.)
Bookkeeping & Accounting (8 weeks/2 day/2 hrs.)
Administrative Assistant II (8 weeks/2 day/2.5 hrs.)
Advanced Tech for Careers (8 weeks/2 day/2.5 hrs.)
EXCEL (8 weeks/ 2 day/2 hr)
Quickbooks (8 weeks/ 2 day/2 hr)
Administrative Assistant II (8 weeks/2 day/2.5 hrs.)
Advanced Courses
Grossmont CC - Business Office Technology (degree & certification programs)
WordPress (8 weeks/2 day/3 hrs.)
Work-Readiness / Customer & Client Service (4 weeks/1 day/2 hrs.)
MS Outlook (8 weeks/2 day/2 hr)
F INANC E Bookkeeping and Accounting I & II
Fundamental knowledge of bookkeeping and accounting practices are the cornerstone of most businesses. Students with an accounting background are in demand for all sectors of business, including sales, finance, and marketing. This course is developed for self-paced study of the basic and intermediate principles of double-entry accounting. Additionally, the course meets the prerequisite requirement for the QuickBooks course. Bookkeeping and Accounting I and II is designated as a 16-week course. Course fee is $65.00. An additional purchase of approximately $140.00 for textbook and workbook is required.
Bookkeeping and Accounting I & II (060300) Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 12 01/09 – 05/17/17 Monday, Wednesday 6:00 – 8:30 pm
Excel I & II
The introductory course (Excel I) introduces students to basic skills, such as selecting cells, using AutoCorrect, creating relative and absolute formulas and functions, formatting cell contents, changing the structure of worksheets, using proofing tools, and applying spreadsheet themes. Course fee is $55.00. Excel II provides further introduction to customizing charts, sorting and splitting windows, using preload templates, creating custom templates, applying worksheet protection, creating hyperlinks, and hiding detail data using the outline and grouping commands. Course fee is $55.00.
Excel I (061300)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 3 01/10 – 03/09/17 Tuesday, Thursday 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Excel II (061310)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 3 03/14 – 05/25/17 Tuesday, Thursday 6:00 – 9:00 pm
QuickBooks 2015
This course is for beginning and intermediate students. The course first offers an introduction to QuickBooks 2015 that includes setting up a new company, customers, vendors, and banking, and correcting common QuickBooks errors. During the second half of the course, students deepen their understanding of QuickBooks. Topics covered include inventory, payroll, estimates, time tracking, job costing, and customization. The course runs for 13 weeks. Prerequisite: Bookkeeping or accounting experience; computer knowledge (including MS Windows) Course fee is $75.00. Students are required to purchase a textbook (estimated cost $115.00) and to provide their own USB thumb drive. Textbook is used for the beginning and for the advanced course.
QuickBooks (062300)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 1 01/09 – 05/10/17 Monday, Wednesday 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Students learn how to use their speaking voice for commercials, films, and videos, and study a unique and outside the box way to cash in on one of the most lucrative full or part-time careers available. One (1) session only. Course fee is $25.00.
Voiceovers – Now is Your Time (103800)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 15 03/15/17 Wednesday 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Grossmont Adult Education offers several courses that address the needs of homebased or small business ventures that can serve as a potential income source. The following courses require registration and a fee.
01/12 – 03/09/2017 Thursday 8:30 – 12:00 noon
01/12 – 03/09/2017 Thursday 5:30 – 9:00 pm
This course is designed for who are interested in upholstery of items such as chairs, pillows, cushions, ottomans, etc. Specialty tools are required; a list is available on the website adultschool.guhsd.net. Prerequisites: Participants must bring their own items (no love seats or sofas) and specialty tools. Course fee is $70.00
01/13 – 03/10/2017 Friday 8:30 – 12:00 noon
03/14 – 05/23/2017 Tuesday 8:30 – 12:00 noon
03/14 – 05/23/2017 Tuesday 12:30 – 4:00 pm
Upholstery, Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 9 (364500)
03/15 – 05/24/2017 Wednesday 5:30 – 9:00 pm
01/10 – 03/07/2017 Tuesday 8:30 – 12:00 noon
03/16 – 05/25/2017 Thursday 8:30 – 12:00 noon
01/10 – 03/07/2017 Tuesday 12:30 – 4:00 pm
03/16 – 05/25/2017 Thursday 5:30 – 9:00 pm
01/11 – 03/08/2017 Wednesday 5:30 – 9:00 pm
03/17 – 05/26/2017 Friday 8:30 – 12:00 noon
ACADEMIC PROGRAMS Courses in the academic programs help students improve basic skills, and/or earn a high school equivalency certificate or complete a high school diploma. For all academic courses, orientation is required as a first step. An assessment (Test of Adult Basic Education) and academic advising appointment ensure that students are enrolled in courses that fit their needs and support them in achieving their goals. All courses are free and require orientation and assessment.
AC A D EM IC PROGRA M O R IENTAT IONS Orientations are free. Online registration is required to attend. Register online at http://www.adultedworks.org ORIENTATIONS TAKE PLACE AT FOOTHILLS ADULT EDUCATION CAMPUS First Monday of each month from 1 - 2:30 pm Third Tuesday of each month from 4 - 5:30 pm Dates and times may change. Please check the website for the most current information. If unable to attend at these times, please ask about other options. For all questions, or for assistance with the online registration, call 619 588-3500, or come by the front office at Foothills Adult Education Campus during regular office hours.
A DU LT BA SI C E DU CATI ON The Adult Basic Education (ABE) program focuses on strengthening basic skills in reading, writing, math, critical thinking, and problem solving. It includes small group, whole group, and individualized instruction.
Beginning Academic Foundations
This beginning level course helps adults improve reading, writing, and math skills in order to be successful in the workplace, on placement exams, and/or in High School Equivalency or High School Diploma programs. It is also a transition course for English-as-a-Second Language students who wish to further their education. Courses start every six weeks. Foothills Adult Education Campus Monday – Friday 8:30 – 11:30 am El Cajon Adult Education Campus Monday – Thursday 6:00 – 9:00 pm
HIGH SCHOOL EQUIVALENCY PREPARATION The High School Equivalency (HSE) preparation program includes a variety of courses to prepare students to take either the HiSET or GED exams. Assessment and academic advising will help determine which course is the best starting point. Students in the HSE program who earn a high school equivalency certificate will have the opportunity to participate in the graduation ceremony in May.
Advanced Academic Foundations HSE
This course builds college and career readiness skills in reading, writing, and math, and includes preparation for the high school equivalency exam (GED or HiSET). New courses at Foothills and El Cajon Adult start every six to eight weeks. East County Career Campus and Helix Adult Campus courses are open year round for enrollment. Foothills Adult Education Campus Monday – Friday 9:00 am –1:00 pm East County Career Center Monday – Friday 8:00 – 12 noon El Cajon Adult Education Campus Monday – Thursday 6:00 – 9:00 pm Helix Adult Education, Room 1490 (materials also available in Spanish) 7323 University Ave, La Mesa, CA 91942 Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 12:30 pm Monday – Thursday 2:00 – 5:00 pm
This course provides intensive review and practice of college and career ready skills that are measured by both the GED and HiSET exams. The course is designed for students whose placement assessment indicates high school level reading and/or math skills. Instruction covers Language Arts (Reading and Writing), Math, Science, and Social Studies. Enrollment is open all year. Foothills Adult Education Campus Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 – 12:00 noon Foothills Adu lt Education Campus Monday and Wednesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm
HIGH SCHOOL EQUIVALENCY EXAMS California has approved the use of high school equivalency tests for students 18 years old and older (and 17 years old in some instances) for the purpose of receiving a California High School Equivalency Certificate. Foothills Adult Education Campus is a testing site for both GED and HiSET exams. Passing these exams demonstrates academic knowledge and proficiency equivalent to those of a high school graduate. Costs and procedures vary by test. For more information, please come by the Foothills Adult Education Campus or call (619) 588-3500.
Math Fundamentals
The Math Fundamentals course meets once a week and focuses on building confidence and competence in math. The course has been developed for students who have struggled with math in the past. Students can take this course as part of HiSET or GED preparation, but it is also open to any students interested in strengthening math skills. Foothills Adult Education Campus Monday only 9:00 – 12:00 noon
HSE Distance Learning
For students who prefer a more flexible schedule, this course includes independent work using online materials and/or workbooks designed to teach the skills measured by GED or HiSET. Students attend in person once a week to review work and participate in small and large group instruction. Students must demonstrate high school level reading and/or math skills to enroll in this course. Enrollment is open all year. Foothills Adult Education Campus Wednesday only 9:00 – 12 noon Thursday only 5:00 - 9:00 pm Helix Adult Education Campus, Room 1490 7323 University Ave, La Mesa, CA 91942 Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 12:30 pm Monday - Thursday 2:00 - 5:00 pm Spring Valley Library 836 Kempton St., Spring Valley, CA 91977 Tuesday only 10:00 - 11:00 am and 5:30 – 8:00 pm
The GED includes four computer-based tests: Reasoning through Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and Math. To register for the GED, pay, and schedule a test, go online to www.GED.com or call 1-877-392-6433. Students will need to bring a valid picture ID on the day of the test. Advance registration is required. Testing times: • Mondays 4:00 – 9:00 pm • Tuesdays 9:00 am – 2:00 pm • Wednesdays 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
The HiSET includes five tests: Language Arts, Reading; Language Arts, Writing; Math; Science; and Social Studies. The pencil and paper version of the test is currently offered at this testing site. To obtain an ID number, go to www.HiSET.ETS.org and create an account. Bring this HiSET ID number and a valid government issued identification to Foothills Adult Education Campus to register and pay for a test. Advance registration is required. Testing times: • Thursdays 10:00 am, 12:30 pm, and 6:00 pm • Fridays 10:00 and 12 noon
ONLINE COURSES Courses are designed for independent students who are interested in gaining needed skills at their computer, in the comfort of their own home or office. Information and courses can be found at www.ed2go.com/grossmontadult. Frequently asked questions: • What are online courses? Online courses are courses that can be taken on a computer. Students access a website for course information, lessons, and teacher help. • What are the requirements for taking online courses? Basic computer literacy and access to a computer with internet access and an e-mail address. • When are these online courses offered? Courses start every month. • How do I sign up and pay for the courses? - Go online to: www.ed2go.com/grossmontadult - Find the course you want. - Enroll online and pay with a credit card. • What can I expect once I sign up? All courses run for six weeks. Any course can be accessed at any time, day or night, during the six-week period. Each course is accompanied by short, multiple-choice quizzes and an interactive discussion area. When you need help with lessons, just post your question in the discussion area and the teacher or one of your fellow students will respond.
HIGH S C HOOL DIPLOMA In the High School Diploma (HSD) program, students improve college and career readiness skills and earn credits toward completing a high school diploma. Students interested in earning a high school diploma should bring a high school transcript, if possible, to the orientation course. (Students who attended Grossmont Union High School District schools can request a transcript at Foothills Adult Education Campus. Questions or concerns about obtaining transcripts will be addressed in orientation as well.) Assessment and transcript evaluation will help determine the right course to get started. Graduates of the HSD program will have the opportunity to participate in the graduation ceremony in May.
Advanced Academic Foundations HSD: Language Arts
This course builds foundational skills needed to succeed in high school coursework with a strong focus on developing critical reading and writing skills. Instruction includes large group and small group activities. Students are able to earn credits for one high school English or elective course. New courses start every 6 weeks, and regular attendance is mandatory for course credit. Foothills Adult Education Campus Monday – Friday 12:00 – 3:00 pm
Independent Learning Lab
The learning lab provides students with individualized instruction and coursework needed to complete a high school diploma. Students can also complete individualized academic enrichment programs to meet specific college or career preparation goals. In addition, learning lab students participate in targeted large and small group instruction
E DU CATI ON SUPPO RT Independent Learning Lab (Continued) modules, as well as supplemental math and reading activities, to build essential skills for success. Students can also complete individualized academic enrichment programs to meet specific needs. Enrollment is open all year. Foothills Adult Education Campus Textbook-based curriculum with online supplements offered at this site.
Academic Engagement Training 4 & 5 Year Olds
Times may vary depending on instructor. Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 1:00 pm Monday – Thursday 12:30 – 2:30 pm Monday – Thursday 6:00 – 9:00 pm
This course is offered in partnership with K-12 schools, and focuses on subject-specific learning strategies, tools, and skills, and includes hands-on practice in the classroom. Adult students rotate as assistants on campus. Childcare is available for younger siblings.
Helix Adult Education, Room 1490 7323 University Ave, La Mesa, CA 91942 Both textbook-based curriculum with online supplements, as well as fully online Edgenuity curriculum offered at this site.
Academic Engagement Training 4 & 5 Year Olds (179001)
Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 12:30 pm Monday – Thursday 2:00 – 5:00 pm
HSD Independent Study
This course is tailored for students who are able to work independently and prefer a more flexible schedule. Students meet once a week with an instructor for at least an hour, and work independently for a minimum of 15 hours per week. Independent Study meeting times are offered at a variety of times throughout the week. Enrollment is open all year. Prerequisite: Students must demonstrate high school level reading and/or math skills, and be at least 19 years old and a year out of high school to be eligible to enroll in this course.
HIGH S C HOOL GRA DUATION REQUIRE ME N TS English 40 Credits Mathematics 30 Credits (including one semester of Algebra 1C2) Science 20 Credits (including Biological and Physical Sciences) Social Science 35 Credits (including United States and World History, World Geography, American Government, and Economics) Fine Arts or World Language 10 Credits Electives 65 Credits TOTAL REQUIRED
These courses are designed for adult students who are interested in developing classroom skills and knowledge that assist elementary and secondary school children to succeed academically in school. Courses are offered in partnership with K-12 schools, and focus on subject-specific learning strategies, tools, and skills, and include hands-on practice in the classroom. Courses are free.
Glenn E. Murdock School, P 16 4354 Conrad Dr., La Mesa, CA 91941 01/09 – 03/06/17 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 – 12:00 noon
Academic Engagement Training 4 & 5 Year Olds (179010) Glenn E. Murdock School, P 16 4354 Conrad Dr., La Mesa, CA 91941 03/13 – 05/19/17 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 – 12:00 noon
Spanish for Adults Supporting Child School Success
This course is offered in partnership with K-12 schools, and focuses on Spanish language learning strategies, tools, and skills, and includes hands-on practice in the classroom. Childcare is available for younger siblings.
Spanish for Adults Supporting Child School Success (179100) Bostonia Language Academy, Room 35 1390 Broadway, El Cajon, CA 92021 01/10 – 05/15/17 Tuesday 4:00 - 6:00 pm
200 Credits
Credits may also be awarded for military training, work experience, and documented life experiences. Academic advising appointments will provide specific requirements.
ESL PROGRAMS ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE / CITIZENSHIP Programs prepare all students for college, careers, and citizenship, and are offered morning, afternoon, and night at different locations. For many multilevel courses, daycare is available. For details go to elcajonadult.guhsd.net. All courses are free and require orientation and assessment. Levels are recommended by office/teacher. Placement into course level is based on assessment and teacher recommendation.
Foundational Literacy
This level is designed for students with little or no experience in English. Students become familiar with the English alphabet and acquire basic reading and writing skills, including learning basic word and phrase grammar. The level is appropriate for anyone who cannot read in his or her first language or never had the chance to go to school. El Cajon Adult Campus, Room 5 Monday – Friday 8:20 – 11:30 am Monday – Friday 12:20 – 3:30 pm Monday – Thursday 6:00 – 9:10 pm
Beginning Low
Students at this level continue to develop basic reading, writing, and speaking skills. Students gain competencies needed for filling out forms and applications that require personal information. El Cajon Adult Campus, Room 1 Monday – Friday 8:20 – 11:30 am Monday – Friday 12:20 – 3:30 pm Monday –Thursday 6:00 – 9:10 pm
Beginning High
Beginning Literacy
This level is developed for students who understand and speak some English, know the English alphabet, and are able to provide basic written information, such as their name and address. Students gain Basic English language skills to maintain simple daily interactions
Many students who find success at this level have plans to continue their education for career and college. Students learn how to read, comprehend, and write paragraphs, and focus on gaining the communicative skills needed on a daily basis.
Beginning High (Conversation & Pronunciation)
El Cajon Adult Campus, Room 2 Monday –Thursday 8:20 – 11:30 am Monday –Thursday 12:20 – 3:30 pm
El Cajon Adult Campus, Room 3 Monday – Friday 8:20 – 11:30 am
El Cajon Adult Campus, Room 200 Monday –Thursday 6:00 – 9:10 pm
Beginning High
(This course includes additional work with online language software, Burlington English.) El Cajon Adult Campus, Room 6 Monday – Friday 8:20 – 11:30 am
El Cajon Adult Campus, Room 204 Monday –Thursday 6:00 – 9:10 pm
El Cajon Adult Campus, Room 3 Monday – Friday 12:20 – 3:30 pm
Beginning High
El Cajon Adult Campus, Room 206 Monday – Thursday 6:00 – 9:10 pm
Beginning High
El Cajon Adult Campus, Room 208 Monday – Thursday 6:00 – 9:10 pm
Beginning Literacy/Low/High
This level is designed to develop basic reading and writing, and listening and speaking skills appropriate to everyday life. Courses support students in developing the skills necessary to reach their career and college goals. Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 10 Monday – Friday 9:00 – 12:10 pm East County Career Center, Room 5 Monday – Friday 9:15 – 12:25 pm El Cajon Library, Room COMR 201 E. Douglas Ave., El Cajon, CA 92019 Monday – Friday 8:30 – 11:40 am El Cajon Adult Campus, Room 205 Monday – Thursday6:00 – 9:10pm
E N G LISH AS A SECOND L A NGUAGE / CI TI Z E N SH I P Intermediate/Advanced
This level is designed to prepare for employment and/or entering college or career technical training. Students develop skills to engage in conversation and communicate in writing in medical, educational, and social environments with minimal assistance.
Vocational English as a Second Language (VESL)
Students prepare for to taking a variety of medical courses through learning general medical terminology, lab practice, mathematics, and English for healthcare careers.
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 54 Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 12:10 pm
Prerequisite: Must be advanced ESL student. VESL El Cajon Adult Campus, Room 4 Monday – Thursday 9:30 am – 1:30 pm
East County Career Center, Room 6 Monday – Friday 8:20 – 11:30 am
Avondale Elementary School, Room 26 – Daycare available 8401 Stansbury St., Spring Valley, CA 91977 Monday – Friday 8:20 am – 12:30 pm This course includes additional work with online language software (Burlington English). El Cajon Adult Campus, Room 6 Monday – Friday 12:20 – 3:30 pm El Cajon Adult Campus, Room 3 Monday – Thursday 6:00 – 9:10 pm El Cajon Adult Campus, Room 202 Monday – Thursday 6:00 – 9:10 pm
Transitional English
This level focuses on the development of learning strategies, language functions, and cultural awareness necessary for reading and understanding Academic English. Students prepare for college and career readiness by receiving instruction in reading, writing, speaking, and listening to Academic English.
Transitional English
Avondale Elementary School, Room 26 – Daycare available 8401 Stansbury St., Spring Valley, CA 91977 Monday – Friday 8:20 am – 12:30 pm
Multi-level courses are held at off site locations throughout East County. Multi-level courses bring together students at each level of English language competencies (Foundational Literacy, Beginning Literacy, Beginning Low, Beginning High, Intermediate and Advanced Literacy). Anza Elementary School, Room 32 1005 S. Anza St., El Cajon, CA 92020 Monday – Friday 9:15 – 12:25 am La Mesa Dale Elementary, Room 22 Daycare available 4370 Parks Ave., La Mesa, CA 91941 Monday – Friday 8:20 – 11:20 am San Miguel Elementary, Room EDP 7059 San Miguel Ave., Lemon Grove, CA 91945 Monday – Friday 8:20 – 11:20 am La Presa Elementary School, Room 22 519 La Presa Ave., Spring Valley, CA 91977 Monday – Friday 8:20 – 11:20 am Santana Adult Center, Room A3 9915 N. Magnolia Ave., Santee, CA 92071 Monday- Friday 8:20 – 11:20 am Cajon Valley Middle School, Library 550 E. Park Ave., El Cajon, CA 92020 Monday – Friday 8:20 – 11:20 am Kempton Elementary School, Room 30 740 Kempton St., Spring Valley, CA 91977 Monday – Friday 8:20 – 11:20 am Anza Elementary School, Room 5 Daycare available 1005 S. Anza St., El Cajon, CA 92020 Monday – Thursday 4:00 – 6:00 pm Blossom Valley Elementary School, Room 4 Daycare available 9863 Oakmont Terrace, El Cajon, CA 92020 Monday – Thursday 4:30 – 6:30 pm Bostonia Language Academy, Room 39 Daycare available 1390 Broadway Ave., El Cajon, CA 92021 Monday – Thursday 4:00 – 6:00 pm
Chase Elementary School, Room 41 Daycare available 195 E. Chase Ave., El Cajon, CA 92020 Monday – Thursday 4:00 – 6:00 pm Emerald Middle School, Room 605 Daycare available 1221 S. Emerald Ave., El Cajon, CA 92020 Monday – Thursday 4:00 – 6:00 pm Hall Elementary School, Room 14 Daycare available (auditorium) 1376 Pepper Drive, El Cajon, CA 92020 Monday – Thursday 4:00 – 6:00 pm Johnson Elementary School, Room 25 Daycare available 500 W. Madison, El Cajon, CA 92020 Monday – Thursday 5:00 – 7:00 pm Hillsdale Elementary School, Room 909 Daycare available 1301 Brabham St., El Cajon, CA 92019 Monday – Thursday 5:00 – 7:00 pm Kempton Elementary School, Room 30 740 Kempton St., Spring Valley, CA 91977 Monday – Thursday 5:00 – 7:00 pm Lexington Elementary School, Room 504 Daycare available (504) 1145 Redwood Ave., El Cajon, CA 92021 Monday – Thursday 4:00 – 6:00 pm Naranca Elementary School, Room 22 Daycare available 1030 Naranca Ave., El Cajon, CA 92021 Monday – Thursday 4:00 – 6:00 pm Torrey Apartments 228 Chambers St, El Cajon, CA 92020 Monday - Thursday 4:00 - 6:00 pm
Distance Learning
This course is developed for learners to study English in their homes using videos and other materials. East County Career Center, Office Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 3:30 pm (Tuesday/Thursday off-site) Thursday 5:00 – 8:00 pm
English as a Second Language for Citizenship This course is designed for students who prepare to become U.S. citizens. Citizenship El Cajon Adult Campus, Room 203 Monday and Tuesday 6:00 – 9:10 pm
Career and Job Search SERVICES East County Career Center is a vital part of Grossmont Adult Education and ERAE. In partnership with America’s Job Center of California, the center offers career services and career preparation (Job Search Foundations, Resume Instruction, Career Exploration, and Interview Skills workshops) are offered to all adult job seekers, at no cost. For additional services, students and adult job seekers may want to consider becoming a member of the Career Center. For all offerings, please register online at adultedworks.org. Go to “Online Registration,” click “East County Career Center,” and find your program, workshop, or course. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @ AJCEastCounty.
Introduction to Career Center Services – Becoming A Member
The Introduction is the first step in becoming a member at the Career Center. As a member of the Career Center you may qualify for additional services such as 1-on-1 employment advising, paid vocational training and supportive services, use of research lab, career assessments, job fairs, employer recruitments, networking opportunities and resume assistance. No fee. Prerequisites: Participants need to bring to the introduction printed CalJOBS resume created using the “Resume Builder” tool on the CalJOBS website (www.caljobs.ca.gov), right to work documentation, completed ECCC membership form. Every Monday 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm Every Tuesday 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Every Friday 9:00 am – 11:00 am
America’s Job Center-East Region East County Career Center 924 East Main St. El Cajon, California 92021 619-590-3950 Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Tuesday 8:00 am – 7:30 pm
Career Exploration Workshop A
Through a variety of classroom assessments, activities, online and print research, students explore new job interests. Students discover their personality preference, communication and learning styles, and how this information can help in moving towards a new career. Classroom discussion includes goal setting strategies and informational interviewing techniques. Course is offered weekly and runs for two full days with a one-hour lunch break. Register online to view and select start days and dates. No fee. 8:30 am – 4:00 pm, Room 2
Career Exploration Workshop B
Through a variety of classroom assessments, activities, online and print research, students explore new job interests. Students discover their personality preference, communication and learning styles, and how this information can help in moving towards a new career. Classroom discussion includes goal setting strategies and informational interviewing techniques. Course is offered once per month and runs for four evenings. Register online to view and select start days and dates. No fee. 5:30 – 8:30 pm, Room 2
C A R EER AND JOB SE A RCH SE RVICES Job Search Foundations
The workshop provides an overview of information, skills and techniques needed for improving prospects when seeking employment in today’s competitive job market. Participants gain insight into how to present themselves more effectively while networking, completing applications, writing resumes, interviewing and negotiating salary. No fee. Offered weekly, hours vary. Register online to view and select start dates.
Interview Preparation
This two-day, six-hour workshop introduces detailed information on questions to use when researching companies, and on interview strategies and mistakes to avoid before, during and after interviews. The workshop also provides opportunities to informally practice answering interview questions. No fee. Offered weekly, hours vary. Register online to view and select start dates.
Resume Writing
This one-day, three-hour workshop covers valuable resume formatting guidelines. Students review sample resumes, participate in group critiquing of sample resumes, and discuss mistakes to avoid when preparing a resume. The workshop also includes a brief discussion of cover letters and how to email and upload documents in the right file format. Students have the opportunity to schedule a future critique after completing the class. Appointments depend on each week’s workshop schedule. No fee. Offered weekly, day and evening hours vary. Register online to view and select start dates.
Microsoft Office Computer Lab
This course facilitates instructor-assisted, selfpaced, independent learning in a lab setting. Primary focus is Microsoft Office 2010. Certificate programs are currently available for beginning level Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access. Lab is open entry-open exit. No fee. Monday – Friday 8:00am – 12:00 noon, Lab
Social Media for the Job Seeker
Participants learn how to do job searches with current media and social networking systems such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Blogging and Personal Branding. No fee. Register online. Tuesday 5:00 – 7:00 pm, Lab
Lifelong Learning Education PROGRAMS As a member of East Region Adult Education, Grossmont Adult Education strives to serve all members of the community. Grossmont Adult Education offers numerous courses that promote Lifelong Education and strengthen the whole community. The following courses are fee-based and require registration.
PAR ENT AND GUA RDIA N PA RTICIPATI ON Grossmont Adult Education and East Region Adult Education understand the importance of adult involvement in a child’s learning process. Our courses are facilitated by teachers who are experienced in supporting the social and academic growth of children. Prerequisites: TB tests within one month of enrollment for all adult students participating in parent/child classes.
Effective Parenting Techniques
Please email the instructor with any questions. Anne Jones
[email protected] Jo Ellen Panzarella
[email protected] Suzane Duhala
[email protected] Teresa Verduzco
[email protected] Bernadett Cutforth
[email protected]
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 6 01/09 – 05/15/2017 Monday 6:30 – 8:30 pm L. Ledbetter
Parenting classes are offered at the following locations: Foothills Adult Educatio n Campus 1550 Melody Lane, El Cajon, CA 92019 Glenn E. Murdock School 4354 Conrad Drive, La Mesa, CA 91941 Health Occupations Center 9368 Oakbourne Road, Santee, CA 92071 Santana Adult Center 9915 N. Magnolia Avenue, Santee, CA 92071
The course uses a CPS approved curriculum and focuses on topics such as co-parenting, positive parenting, child development and family management. Court referrals are accepted. Certificate issued after completing 12 classes. Continuous enrollment. Course fee is $75.00. Cash only.
Effective Parenting (272200)
Enjoy meeting other parents, making precious keepsakes, singing songs and participating in informative parent discussions. Watch your young child grow through interaction and age appropriate activities with other children in the same age range.
Bring a stroller to class Course fee is $66.00.
Infant: Newborn to Walking (071000)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 50 01/12 - 03/02/17 Thursday 8:45 – 11:45 am A. Jones
Infant: Newborn to Walking (071010)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 50 03/16 - 05/18/17 Thursday 8:45 – 11:45 am A. Jones
Independent walkers through 2 years old. Course fee is $66.00.
Toddler – Walking (072100)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 50 01/10 - 02/28/17 Tuesday 8:45 – 11:45 am A. Jones
Toddler – Walking (072110)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 50 03/14 - 05/16/17 Tuesday 8:45 – 11:45 am A. Jones
Toddler (17 months to 23 months)
Independent walkers through 23 months old. Course fee is $66.00.
Toddlers (072101)
Santana Adult Center, PE Room 1 9915 N. Magnolia Avenue, Santee, CA 92071 01/13 – 03/03/17 Friday 9:00 – 12:00 noon J. Panzarella
2 & 3 Year Old Combo (072613)
TODDLER: MUSIC & MOVEMENT (17 months to 23 months)
Santana Adult Center, PE Room 1 9915 N. Magnolia Avenue, Santee, CA 92071 03/17 – 05/19/17 Friday 9:00 – 12:00 noon J. Panzarella
Get ready for some moving and grooving to music, playing instruments, enjoying organized physical activity, and more. Your child acquires new learning and social interaction skills, and experiences physical and mental development benefiting growth. Children must be 17 months of age or older. Course fee is $66.00.
Toddler: Music & Movement (077400)
Santana Adult Center, PE Room 1 9915 N. Magnolia Avenue, Santee, CA 92071 01/12 – 03/02/17 Thursday 9:00 – 12:00 noon J. Panzarella
Toddler: Music & Movement (077410)
Santana Adult Center, PE Room 1 9915 N. Magnolia Avenue, Santee, CA 92071 03/16 – 05/18/17 Thursday 9:00 – 12:00 noon J. Panzarella
YOU AND YOUR 2 – 3 YEAR OLD This course is designed to support adults in gaining effective parenting techniques for children ages two to three years old. Course fee is $66.00
2 & 3 Year Old Combo (072601)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 51 01/13 – 03/03/17 Friday 9:00 – 12:00 noon T. Verduzco
2 & 3 Year Old Combo (072603)
Santana Adult Center, PE Room 1 9915 N. Magnolia Avenue, Santee, CA 92071 01/09 – 03/06/17 Monday 9:00 – 12:00 noon J. Panzarella
2 & 3 Year Old Combo (072611)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 51 03/17 – 05/19/17 Friday 9:00 – 12:00 noon T. Verduzco
Santana Adult Center, PE Room 1 9915 N. Magnolia Avenue, Santee, CA 92071 03/13 – 05/15/17 Monday 9:00 – 12:00 noon J. Panzarella
You and your child will learn Spanish in a fun, positive way through play, music, dance, crafts, and age-appropriate educational materials. Parent discussions will be in English. Course fee is $120.00.
Introduction to Spanish 2 – 5 Year Old (074501)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 51 01/09 – 03/06/17 Monday, Wednesday 9:00 – 12:00 noon T. Verduzco
Introduction to Spanish 2 – 5 Year Old (074511)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 51 03/14 – 05/18/17 Monday, Wednesday 9:00 – 12:00 noon T. Verduzco
You and Your 3 - 4 Year Old
This course is designed to prepare the preschool child for kindergarten. The child participates in age appropriate educational activities in a preschool environment. Child must be 3 years old by September 1, 2016. Course fee is $120.00.
3 & 4 Year Old Combo (074102)
Glenn E. Murdock, P 16 (Childcare is available for younger siblings.) 4354 Conrad Dr., La Mesa, CA 91941 01/10 – 03/02/17 Tuesday, Thursday 9:00 – 12:00 noon B. Cutforth
3 & 4 Year Old Combo (074112)
Glenn E. Murdock, P 16 (Childcare is available for younger siblings.) 4354 Conrad Dr., La Mesa, CA 91941 03/13 – 05/17/17 Tuesday, Thursday 9:00 – 12:00 noon B. Cutforth
3 & 4 Year Old Combo (074101) HOC, Room 1 (No childcare available.) 01/10 – 03/02/17 Tuesday, Thursday 9:00 – 12:00 noon S. DeGracia-Duhala
3 & 4 Year Old Combo (074111) HOC, Room 1 (No childcare available.) 03/13 – 05/17/17 Tuesday, Thursday 9:00 – 12:00 noon S. DeGracia-Duhala
YOU AND YOUR 3, 4 & 5 YEAR OLD The course is designed to prepare the preschool child for kindergarten. The child participates in age appropriate educational activities in a preschool environment. Child must be 3 years old by September 1, 2016. (Childcare is available for younger siblings.) Course fee is $120.00.
3 - 5 Year Old (074201)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 51 01/10 – 03/02/17 Tuesday, Thursday 9:00 – 12:00 noon T. Verduzco
3 - 5 Year Old (074211)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 51 03/13 – 05/17/17 Tuesday, Thursday 9:00 – 12:00 noon T. Verduzco
These courses are designed to help children and parents to prepare for school. Child must be 4 years old by September 1, 2016. Course fee is $176.00.
4 - 5 Year Old (074301) HOC, Room 1 01/09 – 03/06/17 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 – 12:00 noon S. DeGracia-Duhala
4 - 5 Year Old (074311) HOC, Room 1 03/13 – 05/19/17 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 – 12:00 noon S. DeGracia-Duhala
NEW: More Programs for Adults Supporting School Success are available through our Education Support Programs. Please go to page 21
Is there a story you want to tell? Whether you prefer to write a memoir, novel, or how-to book, this is the course for you. A supportive feedback group and writing instruction can help you reach your goals. Course fee is $64.00 and includes a $7 facilities fee to La Mesa Enrichment Center (LMEC).
Creative Writing (201100)
LMEC 8450 La Mesa Blvd., La Mesa, CA 91941 01/10 – 02/28/17 Tuesday 12:30 – 3:30 pm L. Smith
Creative Writing (201110)
LMEC 8450 La Mesa Blvd., La Mesa, CA 91941 03/14 – 05/16/17 Tuesday 12:30 – 3:30 pm L. Smith
These courses are designed for students who want to have fun learning Spanish for everyday use and travel. Each level runs for 16 weeks. Course fee for each level is $81.00.
Spanish Level I (200100)
Foothills Adult Education Center, Room 53 01/11 – 05/17/17 Wednesday 5:00 – 7:00 pm C. Margarito
Spanish Level II (200101)
Foothills Adult Education Center, Room 53 01/11 – 05/17/17 Wednesday 7:00 – 9:00 pm C. Margarito
This is an advanced open-lab course. Students work on their own projects with the teacher’s individual assistance. Students must have the ability to solder. Course fee is $72.00.
Jewelry – Advanced Lab (107900) El Cajon Valley HS, 704 1035 E. Madison Ave, El Cajon, CA 92021 01/10 – 02/01/17 Tuesday, Wednesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm P. Ryerson
The course is designed for students interested in learning how to take different elements of glass and fuse them together to create bowls, vessels, and panels. Course fee is $72.00.
Stained Glass – All Levels
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 7 R. Santolucito
Stained Glass (101200) 01/09 – 03/06/2017 Monday 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Stained Glass (101210) 03/13 – 05/15/2017 Monday 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Stained Glass – Fusing
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 7 R. Santolucito
Stained Glass – Fusing (101300) 01/11 – 03/01/2017 Wednesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Stained Glass – Fusing (101301) 01/09 – 03/06/2017 Monday 2:00 – 5:00 pm
Stained Glass – Fusing (101310) 03/15 – 05/17/2017 Wednesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Stained Glass – Fusing (101311) 03/13 – 05/15/2017 Monday 2:00 – 5:00 pm
This intensive, 6-week course teaches skills to create buttercream cakes with stunning and modern design. Students move from developing beginning skills to becoming awesome cake and cupcake creators for Valentine’s Day and Easter. Tools, supplies and recipes for buttercream and cakes will be de-mystified for professional results. No supplies needed for the first class. A supplies list for all tools needed will be available online at adultschool.guhsd.net. This course runs for 6 weeks. Course fee is $50.00
Cake Decorating (100000)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 10 01/25 – 03/01/17 Wednesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm C. Whipple
You don’t have to be a culinary genius to make these delicious meals at home. They are quick, easy, and satisfying. All levels are welcome.
Soups and Sandwiches
Come join us for restaurant-style soups and sandwiches...easy dinner alternatives for those on the go! Course fee is $54.00.
Soups and Sandwiches (109200) Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 10 01/10 – 01/31/17 Tuesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm T. Fusco
Breakfast for Dinner
Don’t have time in the morning for those great breakfast treats? Make them your dinner fun and fast with a dinner twist. Course fee is $54.00.
Breakfast for Dinner (109201)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 10 02/07 – 02/28/17 Tuesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm T. Fusco
Easy Italian
Learn how to prepare favorite classics with ease. Hands-on instruction includes easy, simple, and delicious sauces and how to properly cook pastas. Students also learn to cook some familiar, baked dishes like Parmesan and Lasagna. Each week features an entire meal, including dessert! Come hungry, leave full! Course fee is $54.00.
Easy Italian (109210)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 10 03/14 – 04/04/17 Tuesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm T. Fusco
Easy Mexican
Students learn to get the best ingredients and how to put them together, starting with simple street foods and moving on to whole meals. Students practice how to prepare fast, easy and inexpensive meals found in their favorite Mexican restaurants. Students prepare entire meals each week. Come hungry, leave full! Course fee is $54.00.
Discover World Cuisines (100500) Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 10 01/10 – 02/28/17 Tuesday 1:00 – 2:30 pm L. Cheng
Discover World Cuisines (100510) Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 10 03/14 – 05/16/17 Tuesday 1:00 – 2:30 pm L. Cheng
Students learn to prepare authentic recipes from throughout Asia, drawing from Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, and Philippine cuisine. Each course menu includes an appropriate beverage preparation. Course fee is $44.00.
Chinese & Asian Cooking (100200) Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 10 01/12 – 02/02/17 Thursday 6:00 – 8:30 pm L. Cheng
Easy Mexican (109211)
Chinese & Asian Cooking (100210)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 10 04/25 – 05/16/17 Tuesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm T. Fusco Students make beautiful holiday-themed chocolates and goodies to amaze family and friends. Join with a friend for even more fun and creativity! Students take home their creations to share. No previous chocolate experience is necessary. All supplies are provided. Course fee is $35.00.
Chocolate Workshop (109100)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 10 04/05/17 Wednesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm V. Lindsley
Students learn about international cuisines by touring ethnic restaurants. The first meeting is an orientation at Foothills Adult Education. The following 7 weeks will take place at the selected restaurant. Restaurants will be announced one week prior to the visit date. Students pay for their own meals. Course fee is $28.00.
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 10 03/16 – 04/06/17 Thursday 6:00 – 8:30 pm L. Cheng
Students learn to cook with foods that heal. A superfood diet is essentially plantbased, although fish and turkey are often listed as superfoods. The course’s recipes show influences from cuisines from around the world. Each class menu includes an appropriate beverage preparation. Course fee is $44.00.
Around the World Superfoods (100100)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 10 02/09 – 03/02/17 Thursday 6:00 – 8:30 pm L. Cheng
Around the World Superfoods (100110)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 10 04/27 – 05/18/17 Thursday 6:00 – 8:30 pm L. Cheng
This course is designed to introduce students to site assessments, low water use, great plant choices, and easy techniques, ultimately resulting in less work, lower costs, and more success. Course fee is $45.00 and includes a $7 facilities fee to La Mesa Enrichment Center (LMEC).
Gardening (104200)
LMEC 8450 La Mesa Blvd., La Mesa, CA 91941 01/19 – 03/02/17 Thursday 8:30 – 10:30 am C. Beck
Gardening (104210)
LMEC 8450 La Mesa Blvd., La Mesa, CA 91941 03/19 – 05/18/17 Thursday 8:30 – 10:30 am C. Beck
Experience the joy of playing the piano. Course topics include identifying notes on the keyboard and the music staff, intervals and sight-reading, rhythm, harmony, chords, and playing songs with both hands. Intermediate students will learn songs written in different keys and arrangements. Each course is limited to 12 students. Keyboards and headphones are provided during course instruction. Visit instructor’s website at yip. mysite.com for more information. Course fee is $57.00.
Piano – Beginning (103700)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 13 01/13 – 03/03/17 Friday 8:30 – 10:00 am S. Yip
Piano – Beginning (103710)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 13 03/17 – 05/19/17 Friday 8:30 – 10:00 am S. Yip
Piano – Intermediate (103701)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 13 01/13 – 03/03/17 Friday 10:00 – 11:30 am S. Yip
Piano – Intermediate (103711)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 13 03/17 – 05/19/17 Friday 10:00 – 11:30 am S. Yip
Students are introduced to the basics of guitar playing, music, and fundamentals by learning fun, contemporary songs. Classical, jazz, and rock ensemble playing will be incorporated to foster group interaction and communication skills. Topics include tuning, chord strumming, blues, and the fundamentals of note and rhythm reading. Course fee is $40.00.
Guitar – Beginning (103601)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 54 01/09 – 03/06/17 Monday 6:00 – 7:30 pm T. Williamson
Guitar – Beginning (103611)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 54 03/13 – 05/15/17 Monday 6:00 – 7:30 pm T. Williamson
Guitar – Intermediate (103602)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 54 01/09 – 03/06/17 Monday 7:30 – 9:00 pm T. Williamson
Guitar – Intermediate (103612)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 54 03/13 – 05/15/17 Monday 7:30 – 9:00 pm T. Williamson
N E E D LE ARTS CROCHET Crochet I (102000)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 9 01/09 – 03/06/17 Monday 5:30 – 8:30 pm A. Vanderstaay Course fee is $58.00.
Crochet I (102001)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 9 01/11 – 03/01/17 Wednesday 12:30 – 3:00 pm A. Vanderstaay Course fee is $51.00.
Crochet II (102100)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 9 01/11 – 03/01/17 Wednesday 12:30 – 3:00 pm A. Vanderstaay Course fee is $51.00.
Crochet II (102110)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 9 03/15 – 05/17/17 Wednesday 12:30 – 3:00 pm A. Vanderstaay Course fee is $51.00.
Crochet Workshop (102200)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 9 01/09 – 03/06/17 Monday 6:30 – 9:00 pm A. Vanderstaay Course fee is $51.00.
Crochet Workshop (102201)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 9 01/11 – 03/01/17 Wednesday 9:00 – 12:00 noon A. Vanderstaay Course fee is $58.00.
Crochet Workshop (102210)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 9 03/13 – 05/15/17 Monday 6:30 – 9:00 pm A. Vanderstaay Course fee is $51.00.
Crochet Workshop (102211)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 9 03/15 – 05/17/17 Wednesday 9:00 – 12:00 noon A. Vanderstaay Course fee is $58.00.
Beyond Crochet I (102010)
Knitting II (102412)
Beyond Crochet II (102011)
Knitting Workshop (102500)
Knitting Workshop (102501)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 9 03/13 – 05/15/17 Monday 5:30 – 8:30 pm A. Vanderstaay Course fee is $58.00. Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 9 03/15 – 05/17/17 Wednesday 12:30 – 3:00 pm A. Vanderstaay Course fee is $51.00.
Knitting I (102300)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 9 01/10 – 02/28/17 Tuesday 5:30 – 8:30 pm A. Vanderstaay Course fee is $58.00.
Knitting I (102301)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 9 01/11 – 03/01/17 Wednesday 2:00 – 4:30 pm A. Vanderstaay Course fee is $51.00.
Knitting II (102402)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 9 01/11 – 03/01/17 Wednesday 2:00 – 4:30 pm A. Vanderstaay Course fee is $51.00.
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 9 03/15 – 05/17/17 Wednesday 2:00 – 4:30 pm A. Vanderstaay Course fee is $51.00. Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 9 01/09 – 03/06/17 Monday 9:00 – 12:00 noon A. Vanderstaay Course fee is $58.00. Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 9 01/13 – 03/03/17 Friday 11:30 – 2:30 pm A. Vanderstaay Course fee is $58.00.
Knitting Workshop (102502)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 9 01/10 – 02/28/17 Tuesday 6:30 – 9:00 pm A. Vanderstaay Course fee is $51.00.
Knitting Workshop (102510)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 9 03/13 – 05/15/17 Monday 9:00 – 12:00 noon A. Vanderstaay Course fee is $58.00.
N EED LE ARTS QUILTING Quilting (106000)
Steele Canyon A-102 12440 Campo Rd, Spring Valley, CA 91978 01/11 – 03/01/17 Wednesday 8:00 – 12:00 noon S. Thompson Course fee is $78.00.
Quilting (106001)
Steele Canyon A-102 12440 Campo Rd, Spring Valley, CA 91978 01/12 – 03/02/17 Thursday 8:00 – 12:00 noon S. Thompson Course fee is $78.00.
Quilting (106002)
Steele Canyon A-102 12440 Campo Rd, Spring Valley, CA 91978 01/11 – 03/01/17 Wednesday 12:30 – 3:30 pm S. Thompson Course fee is $59.00.
Knitting Workshop (102511)
Machine Knitting I & II (102600)
Knitting Workshop (102512)
Machine Knitting I & II (102610)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 11 03/17 – 05/19/17 Friday 11:30 – 2:30 pm A. Vanderstaay Course fee is $58.00. Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 9 03/14 – 05/16/17 Tuesday 6:30 – 9:00 pm A. Vanderstaay Course fee is $51.00.
Beyond Knitting I (102310)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 9 03/14 – 05/16/17 Tuesday 5:30 – 8:30 pm A. Vanderstaay Course fee is $58.00.
Beyond Knitting I (102311)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 9 03/15 – 05/17/17 Wednesday 2:00 – 4:30 pm A. Vanderstaay Course fee is $51.00.
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 53 01/10 – 02/28/17 Tuesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm K. Rainey Course fee is $61.00. Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 53 03/14 – 05/16/17 Tuesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm K. Rainey Course fee is $61.00.
Machine Knitting Workshop (102800)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 53 01/09 – 03/06/17 Monday 9:00 – 12:00 noon K. Rainey Course fee is $61.00.
Machine Knitting Workshop (102810)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 53 03/13 – 05/15/17 Monday 9:00 – 12:00 noon K. Rainey Course fee is $61.00.
Quilting (106003)
Steele Canyon A-102 12440 Campo Rd, Spring Valley, CA 91978 01/13 – 03/03/17 Friday 8:00 – 12:00 noon S. Thompson Course fee is $78.00.
Quilting (106010)
Steele Canyon A-102 12440 Campo Rd, Spring Valley, CA 91978 03/15 – 05/17/17 Wednesday 8:00 – 12:00 noon S. Thompson Course fee is $78.00.
Quilting (106011)
Steele Canyon A-102 12440 Campo Rd, Spring Valley, CA 91978 03/16 – 05/18/17 Thursday 8:00 – 12:00 noon S. Thompson Course fee is $78.00.
Quilting (106012)
Steele Canyon A-102 12440 Campo Rd, Spring Valley, CA 91978 03/15 – 05/17/17 Wednesday 12:30 – 3:30 pm S. Thompson Course fee is $59.00.
N EED LE ARTS Quilting (106013)
Steele Canyon A-102 12440 Campo Rd, Spring Valley, CA 91978 03/17 - 05/19/17 Friday 8:00 – 12:00 noon S. Thompson Course fee is $78.00.
Quilting Potpourri (106205) West Hills HS HE-2 8756 Mast Blvd., Santee, CA 92071 01/12 – 03/02/17 Thursday 6:30 – 9:30 pm E. DeMars Course fee is $61.00.
Quilting Potpourri (106215) West Hills HS HE-2 8756 Mast Blvd., Santee, CA 92071 03/16 – 05/18/17 Thursday 6:30 – 9:30 pm E. DeMars Course fee is $61.00.
Quilting with Aunt Lizzie (106203)
Quilting Potpourri (106202)
West Hills HS HE-2 8756 Mast Blvd., Santee, CA 92071 01/21; 02/04; 02/18/17 Saturday 9:30 am – 4:00 pm E. DeMars Course fee is $52.00.
Quilting Potpourri (106200)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 11 01/10 – 02/28/17 Tuesday 12:30 – 3:30 pm K. Green Course fee is $61.00.
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 53 01/10 – 02/28/17 Tuesday 9:00 – 12:00 noon A. Lancia Course fee is $61.00.
Quilting with Aunt Lizzie (106213)
Quilting Potpourri (106201)
Quilting Potpourri (106204)
Quilting Potpourri (106210)
Quilting Potpourri (106212)
Quilting Potpourri (106211)
Quilting Potpourri (106214)
West Hills HS HE-2 8756 Mast Blvd., Santee, CA 92071 03/25; 04/08; 06/06/17 Saturday 9:30 am – 4:00 pm E. DeMars Course fee is $52.00.
Quilting Holiday (106700)
Steele Canyon A-102 12440 Campo Rd, Spring Valley, CA 91978 01/11 – 03/01/17 Wednesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm E. DeMars Course fee is $61.00.
Quilting Holiday (106710)
Steele Canyon A-102 12440 Campo Rd, Spring Valley, CA 91978 03/15 – 05/17/17 Wednesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm E. DeMars Course fee is $61.00.
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 11 01/12 – 03/02/17 Thursday 9:00 – 12:00 noon K. Green Course fee is $61.00. Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 11 03/14 – 05/16/17 Tuesday 12:30 – 3:30 pm K. Green Course fee is $61.00. Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 11 03/16 – 05/18/17 Thursday 9:00 – 12:00 noon K. Green Course fee is $61.00.
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 11 01/11 – 03/01/17 Wednesday 9:00 – 12:00 noon A. Lancia Course fee is $61.00. Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 53 03/14 – 05/16/17 Tuesday 9:00 – 12:00 noon A. Lancia Course fee is $61.00. Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 11 03/15 – 05/17/17 Wednesday 9:00 – 12:00 noon A. Lancia Course fee is $61.00.
N E E D LE ARTS SEWING Sewing – All Levels (107100)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 11 01/09 – 03/06/17 Monday 6:00 – 9:00 pm N. Jones Course fee is $61.00.
Sewing – All Levels (107110)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 11 03/13 – 05/15/17 Monday 6:00 – 9:00 pm N. Jones Course fee is $61.00.
Sewing – Beginning & Beyond (107000)
This course – “Spindling” – is designed for students to create their own special handspun yarn, dye it wild, or leave it naturally colored. Each semester has a different emphasis. Beginners are welcome.
Spinning (101600)
Steele Canyon A-101 12440 Campo Rd, Spring Valley, CA 91978 01/11 – 03/01/17 Wednesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm M. Tyler Course fee is $66.00.
Spinning (101601)
Steele Canyon A-101 12440 Campo Rd, Spring Valley, CA 91978 01/11 – 03/01/17 Wednesday 9:00 – 12:00 noon M. Tyler Course fee is $66.00.
Spinning (101610)
Steele Canyon A-101 12440 Campo Rd, Spring Valley, CA 91978 03/15 – 05/17/17 Wednesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm M. Tyler Course fee is $66.00.
Spinning (101611)
Steele Canyon A-101 12440 Campo Rd, Spring Valley, CA 91978 03/15 – 05/17/17 Wednesday 9:00 – 12:00 noon M. Tyler Course fee is $66.00.
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 11 01/10 – 02/28/17 Tuesday 9:00 – 12:00 noon N. Jones Course fee is $61.00.
Sewing – Beginning & Beyond (107001)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 11 01/11 – 03/01/17 Wednesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm N. Jones Course fee is $61.00.
Sewing – Beginning & Beyond (107010)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 11 03/14 – 05/16/17 Tuesday 9:00 – 12:00 noon N. Jones Course fee is $61.00.
Sewing – Beginning & Beyond (107011)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 11 03/15 – 05/17/17 Wednesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm N. Jones Course fee is $61.00.
Course fee is $64.00 and includes a $7 facilities fee to La Mesa Enrichment Center.
Calligraphy (100800)
LMEC 8450 La Mesa Blvd., La Mesa, CA 91941 01/13 – 03/03/17 Friday 8:00 – 11:00 am P. Roeder
Calligraphy (100810)
LMEC 8450 La Mesa Blvd., La Mesa, CA 91941 03/17 – 05/19/17 Friday 8:00 – 11:00 am P. Roeder
Students in this course are introduced to creative approaches to hand building using coil, slab, pinch, slump, and decorative techniques on green ware and bisque. Low fire clay and glazes are provided. The instructor helps with projects of choice. All levels are welcome. Course fee is $69.00 and includes a $7 facilities fee to La Mesa Enrichment Center. Extra fee charged for kiln use.
Ceramics (108000)
LMEC 8450 La Mesa Blvd., La Mesa, CA 91941 01/12 – 03/02/17 Thursday 8:00 – 11:00 am C. Lockwood
Ceramics (108010)
LMEC 8450 La Mesa Blvd., La Mesa, CA 91941 03/16 – 05/18/17 Thursday 8:00 – 11:00 am C. Lockwood
DRAWING Drawing (108100)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 7 01/10 – 02/28/17 Tuesday 1:00 – 4:00 pm A. Bandish Course fee is $62.00.
Drawing (108110)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 7 03/14 – 05/16/17 Tuesday 1:00 – 4:00 pm A. Bandish Course fee is $62.00.
Drawing (108101)
Santee Civic Center 01/10 – 02/28/17 Tuesday 9:00 – 12:00 noon E. Whitman Course fee is $71.00 and includes $9 facilities fee.
Drawing (108111)
Santee Civic Center 03/14 – 05/16/17 Tuesday 9:00 – 12:00 noon E. Whitman Course fee is $71.00 and includes $9 facilities fee.
PAINTING Painting – All Media (Intermediate/ Advanced (108200) Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 7 01/11 – 03/01/17 Wednesday 12:30 – 3:30 pm A. Bandish Course fee is $62.00.
Painting – All Media (Intermediate/ Advanced (108210) Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 7 03/15 – 05/17/17 Wednesday 12:30 – 3:30 pm A. Bandish Course fee is $62.00.
Painting – Nature Subjects (108202)
Painting – Nature Subjects (108212)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 7 03/16 – 05/18/17 Thursday 12:30 – 3:30 pm A. Bandish Course fee is $62.00.
Painting – Acrylic (108400)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 7 01/12 – 03/02/17 Thursday 9:00 – 12:00 noon A. Bandish Course fee is $62.00.
Painting – Acrylic (108410)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 7 03/16 – 05/18/17 Thursday 9:00 – 12:00 noon A. Bandish Course fee is $62.00.
Painting – Acrylic (108401)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 7 01/13 – 03/03/17 Friday 12:30 – 3:30 pm E. Whitman Course fee is $62.00.
Painting – Acrylic (108411)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 7 03/17 – 05/19/17 Friday 12:30 – 3:30 pm E. Whitman Course fee is $62.00.
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 7 01/12 – 03/02/17 Thursday 12:30 – 3:30 pm A. Bandish Course fee is $62.00.
The course has been designed for students interested in learning about pastel painting and value, composition, color, and perspective. Demos presented in pastel.
Pastel Painting (108201)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 11 01/11 – 03/01/17 Wednesday 12:30 – 3:30 pm B. Peterson Course fee is $62.00
Pastel Painting (108211)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 11 03/15 – 05/17/17 Wednesday 12:30 – 3:30 pm B. Peterson Course fee is $62.00
Why are some photos breathtaking and others are just Ho-hum? Understanding and using compositional elements makes all the difference! Students join a hands-on course as they explore the possibilities in each photographic situation. All levels are welcome. The course runs for 12 weeks. Course fee is $57.00.
Photography Composition (108500) Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 12 01/10 – 04/04/17 Tuesday 1:00 – 3:00 pm H. Segni
Watercolor – All Levels (108301)
Portraiture (108600)
Watercolor – All Levels (108311)
Portraiture (108610)
Watercolor – Beginning/ Intermediate (108302)
The course has been developed to introduce students to the art of portraiture. Course fee is $69.00 and includes $7 facilities fee to La Mesa Enrichment Center (LMEC). LMEC 8450 La Mesa Blvd., La Mesa, CA 91941 01/13 – 03/03/17 Friday 12:15 – 3:15 pm A. Bandish LMEC 8450 La Mesa Blvd., La Mesa, CA 91941 03/17 – 05/19/17 Friday 12:15 – 3:15 pm A. Bandish
Students in this course are introduced to basic techniques using watercolor and drawing materials. Course fee includes a $7 facilities fee to La Mesa Enrichment Center (LMEC).
Watercolor – All Levels (108304) Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 7 01/10 – 02/28/17 Tuesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm A. Bandish Course fee is $62.00.
Watercolor – All Levels (108305) LMEC 8450 La Mesa Blvd., La Mesa, CA 91941 01/13 – 03/03/17 Friday 8:30 – 11:30 am A. Bandish Course fee is $69.00.
Watercolor – All Levels (108314) Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 7 03/14 – 05/16/17 Tuesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm A. Bandish Course fee is $62.00.
Watercolor – All Levels (108315) LMEC 8450 La Mesa Blvd., La Mesa, CA 91941 03/17 – 05/19/17 Friday 8:30 – 11:30 am A. Bandish Course fee is $69.00.
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 7 01/10 – 02/28/17 Tuesday 9:00 – 12:00 am A. Bandish Course fee is $62.00. Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 7 03/14 – 05/16/17 Tuesday 9:00 – 12:00 am A. Bandish Course fee is $62.00.
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 7 01/13 – 03/03/17 Friday 9:00 – 12:00 noon E. Whitman Course fee is $62.00.
Watercolor – Beginning/ Intermediate (108312)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 7 03/17 – 05/19/17 Friday 9:00 – 12:00 noon E. Whitman Course fee is $62.00.
Watercolor – Intermediate/ Advanced (108300)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 7 01/11 – 03/01/17 Wednesday 9:00 – 12:00 noon A. Bandish Course fee is $62.00.
Watercolor – Intermediate/ Advanced (108310)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 7 03/15 – 05/17/17 Wednesday 9:00 – 12:00 noon A. Bandish Course fee is $62.00.
Let this course help you get on the dance floor! Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned dancer who hasn’t experienced line dancing, this is the class for you. Learn choreographed dances such as Electric Slide, Step Back and Western Electric, as well as newer steps to today’s hits. No partner needed, just get in line and start dancing! Course fee is $45.00.
Line Dancing – Beginning (093700) Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 53 01/09 – 03/06/17 Monday 4:00 – 5:30 pm D. Rojas
Line Dancing – Beginning (093702) Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 53 01/12 – 03/02/17 Thursday 10:00 – 12:00 noon D. Rojas
Line Dancing – Beginning (093710) Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 53 03/13 – 05/15/17 Monday 4:00 – 5:30 pm D. Rojas
Line Dancing – Beginning (093712) Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 53 03/16 – 05/18/17 Thursday 10:00 – 12:00 noon D. Rojas
Line Dancing – Intermediate (093701)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 53 01/19 – 03/06/17 Monday 5:30 – 7:00 pm D. Rojas
Line Dancing – Intermediate (093703)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 53 01/12 – 03/02/17 Thursday 1:00 – 3:00 pm D. Rojas
Line Dancing – Intermediate (093711)
Line Dancing – Intermediate (093713)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 53 03/16 – 05/18/17 Thursday 1:00 – 3:00 pm D. Rojas
This course is designed for students who want to learn how to dance West Coast Swing while having fun. The course is a great way to meet friends, burn calories, and master a skill to enjoy for years. The course is a Beginner Plus and covers the first series of West Coast Swing patterns, and how those patterns are put to music, including whips and variations of the basic patterns. No partner needed; partners will rotate. Course fee is $45.00.
West Coast Swing Dance (093800) Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 53 01/12 – 03/02/17 Thursday 7:00 – 8:30 pm R. Palladino
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 53 03/13 – 05/15/17 Monday 5:30 – 7:00 pm D. Rojas
E XERC IS E AND F ITNESS Aerobic Fitness (092011)
Lemon Grove Senior Center 8235 Mount Vernon St. Lemon Grove, CA 91945 03/13 – 05/17/17 Tuesday, Thursday 8:30 – 9:30 am J. Good Course fee is $40.00.
Aerobic Fitness (092000)
Santana Adult Center, A2 9915 N. Magnolia Ave., Santee, CA 92071 01/09 – 03/06/17 Monday, Wednesday 5:15 – 6:45 pm E. Jonsson Course fee is $59.00.
Aerobic Fitness (092010)
Participants increase their cardiovascular endurance with fast-paced, low-impact aerobics as well as tone and strengthen their muscles with a variety of fitness exercises. Bring a mat. Course fee includes a $7 facilities fee to La Mesa Enrichment Center (LMEC).
Aerobic Fitness Low Impact (092003)
Renette Center 935 S. Emerald Ave., El Cajon, CA 92020 01/09 – 03/06/17 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 – 10:15 am K. Horton Course fee is $74.00.
Aerobic Fitness Low Impact (092013)
Renette Center 935 S. Emerald Ave., El Cajon, CA 92020 03/14 – 05/18/17 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 – 10:15 am K. Horton Course fee is $74.00.
Aerobic Fitness (092001)
Lemon Grove Senior Center 8235 Mount Vernon St. Lemon Grove, CA 91945 01/10 – 03/02/17 Tuesday, Thursday 8:30 – 9:30 am J. Good Course fee is $40.00.
Santana Adult Center, A2 9915 N. Magnolia Ave., Santee, CA 92071 03/14 – 05/18/17 Monday, Wednesday 5:15 – 6:45 pm E. Jonsson Course fee is $59.00.
Aerobic Fitness Low Impact (092004)
LMEC 8450 La Mesa Blvd., La Mesa, CA 91941 01/10 – 03/02/17 Tuesday, Thursday 9:00 – 10:00 am K. Horton Course fee is $45.00.
Aerobic Fitness Low Impact (092014)
LMEC 8450 La Mesa Blvd., La Mesa, CA 91941 03/13 – 05/17/17 Tuesday, Thursday 9:00 – 10:00 am K. Horton Course fee is $45.00.
Boost your energy. Burn more fat. Increase your strength while building healthy bones and heart. Bring your own exercise/yoga mat for all sessions, and a stability ball on Mondays. Course fee is $47.00.
Slim & Trim (092300)
Helix HS, Room 1480 7323 University Ave., La Mesa, CA 91942 01/09 – 03/06/17 Monday, Wednesday 5:15 – 6:30 pm A. Hearing
Slim & Trim (092310)
Helix HS, Room 1480 7323 University Ave., La Mesa, CA 91942 03/13 – 05/17/17 Monday, Wednesday 5:15 – 6:30 pm A. Hearing
Cardio & Strength On The Ball
Bring your own handheld weights, stability ball, and yoga mat. Course fee is $47.00.
Aerobic Fitness – Stability Ball (092100) Foothills Auditorium 01/10 – 03/02/17 Tuesday, Thursday 4:15 – 5:30 pm S. Bruce
Aerobic Fitness – Stability Ball (092110) Foothills Auditorium 03/13 – 05/17/17 Tuesday, Thursday 4:15 – 5:30 pm S. Bruce
The course includes aerobics, strength training, walking, stretching, balancing, and relaxation exercises all in one workout. All levels are welcome. Course fee includes a $7 facilities fee to La Mesa Enrichment Center (LMEC). Course fee is $45.00.
Sit & Be Fit (093200)
LMEC 7323 University Ave., La Mesa, CA 91942 01/10 – 03/02/17 Tuesday, Thursday 10:00 – 11:00 am K. Horton
Sit & Be Fit (093210)
LMEC 7323 University Ave., La Mesa, CA 91942 03/13 – 05/17/17 Tuesday, Thursday 10:00 – 11:00 am K. Horton
Hike the local trails of San Diego. First class will be held at Mission Trails Visitor Center at 8:00 am. Other locations vary. Course fee is $38.00.
Hiking – Easy to Moderate (092701) 01/11 – 03/01/17 Wednesday 8:00 – 12:00 noon A. Mann
Hiking – Easy to Moderate (092711) 03/15 – 05/17/17 Wednesday 8:00 – 12:00 noon A. Mann
Hiking – Moderate to Difficult (092702) 01/13 – 03/03/17 Friday 8:00 – 12:00 noon A. Mann
Hiking – Moderate to Difficult (092712) 03/17 – 05/19/17 Friday 8:00 – 12:00 noon A. Mann
This course is 16 weeks long and suited for all levels of experience. Beginning students will not be enrolled into the course after the first week.
Tai Chi (092600)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Auditorium 01/11 – 05/17/17 Wednesday 1:00 – 2:30 pm K. Fleming Course fee is $60.00.
Tai Chi (092601)
First Presbyterian 500 Farragut Circle, El Cajon, CA 92020 01/11 – 05/17/17 Wednesday 10:00 – 11:30 am K. Fleming Course fee is $60.00.
Tai Chi – Advanced (092602)
LMEC 7323 University Ave., La Mesa, CA 91942 01/10 – 05/16/17 Tuesday 1:00 – 2:00 pm K. Fleming Course fee is $51.00. Course fee includes a $7 facilities fee.
Tai Chi – All Levels (092605)
LMEC 01/10 – 05/16/17 7323 University Ave., La Mesa, CA 91942 Tuesday 7:00 – 9:00 pm K. Fleming Course fee is $87.00. Course fee includes a $7 facilities fee.
Tai Chi – Beginning (092604)
LMEC 7323 University Ave., La Mesa, CA 91942 01/10 – 05/16/17 Tuesday 3:00 – 4:00 pm K. Fleming Course fee is $51.00. Course fee includes a $7 facilities fee.
Tai Chi – Intermediate (092603)
LMEC 7323 University Ave., La Mesa, CA 91942 01/10 – 05/16/17 Tuesday 2:00 – 3:00 pm K. Fleming Course fee is $51.00. Course fee includes a $7 facilities fee.
Tai Chi Qigong is a slow movement exercise for health and well-being. It is easy to learn, do, and modify, no matter what your physical condition. Students must complete at least one session of the Beginning class before enrolling in the Intermediate class. Course fee is $24.00.
Tai Chi Qigong – Advanced (093402)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Auditorium 01/13 – 03/03/17 Friday 10:15 – 11:30 am C. Endres
Tai Chi Qigong – Advanced (093412)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Auditorium 03/17 – 05/19/17 Friday 10:15 – 11:30 am C. Endres
Tai Chi Qigong – Beginning (093400)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 53 01/12 – 03/02/17 Thursday 3:30 – 4:45 pm C. Endres
Tai Chi Qigong – Beginning (093410)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 53 03/16 – 05/18/17 Thursday 3:30 – 4:45 pm C. Endres
Tai Chi Qigong – Intermediate (093401)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 53 01/11 – 03/01/17 Wednesday 3:15 – 4:30 pm C. Endres
Tai Chi Qigong – Intermediate (093411)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 53 03/15 – 05/17/17 Wednesday 3:15 – 4:30 pm C. Endres
WATER AEROBICS Water Aerobics (092910)
El Capitan HS, Pool 10410 Ashwood St., Lakeside, CA 92040 03/14 – 05/18/17 Tuesday, Thursday 6:30 – 8:00 pm S. McDonald Course fee is $57.00.
Water Aerobics (092903)
LaVida Real 11588 Via Rancho San Diego, Rancho San Diego, CA 92019 01/10 – 03/02/17 Tuesday, Thursday 11:00 – 12:30 pm M. Reilly-Rivino Course fee is $43.00.
Water Aerobics (092913)
LaVida Real 11588 Via Rancho San Diego, Rancho San Diego, CA 92019 03/13 – 05/17/17 Tuesday, Thursday 11:00 – 12:30 pm M. Reilly-Rivino Course fee is $43.00.
Water Aerobics (092911)
Mt. Miguel Covenant Village 325 Kempton St., Spring Valley, CA 91977 (enter from San Carlos St.) 03/13 – 05/19/17 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00 – 9:00 am M. Reilly-Rivino Course fee is $62.00.
Steele Canyon, A-101 12440 Campo Rd, Spring Valley, CA 91978 03/13 – 05/17/17 Monday, Wednesday 1:15 – 2:30 pm A. Hearing Course fee is $47.00.
Yoga (092815)
Helix HS, Room 1480 7323 University Ave., La Mesa, CA 91942 03/14 – 05/18/17 Tuesday, Thursday 5:15 – 6:30 pm A. Hearing Course fee is $47.00.
Yoga (092816)
Participants increase strength and flexibility while relieving stress and calming their minds. All levels are welcome.
Yoga (092801)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Auditorium 01/09 – 03/06/17 Monday, Wednesday 9:00 – 10:15 am T. Davies-Storm Course fee is $47.00.
Yoga (092802)
Steele Canyon, A-101 12440 Campo Rd, Spring Valley, CA 91978 01/13 – 03/03/17 Friday 9:00 – 10:15 am T. Davies-Storm Course fee is $24.00.
Yoga (092811)
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Auditorium 03/14 – 05/18/17 Monday, Wednesday 9:00 – 10:15 am T. Davies-Storm Course fee is $47.00.
Yoga (092812)
Steele Canyon, A-101 12440 Campo Rd, Spring Valley, CA 91978 03/17 – 05/19/17 Friday 9:00 – 10:15 am T. Davies-Storm Course fee is $24.00.
Yoga (092803)
Steele Canyon, A-101 01/10 – 03/02/17 Tuesday, Thursday 3:20 – 4:35 pm A. Hearing Course fee is $47.00.
Yoga (092804)
Steele Canyon, A-101 12440 Campo Rd, Spring Valley, CA 91978 01/09 – 03/06/17 Monday, Wednesday 1:15 – 2:30 pm A. Hearing Course fee is $47.00.
Yoga (092805)
Helix HS, Room 1480 7323 University Ave., La Mesa, CA 91942 01/10 – 03/02/17 Tuesday, Thursday 5:15 – 6:30 pm A. Hearing Course fee is $47.00.
Yoga (092806)
Steele Canyon, A-101 12440 Campo Rd, Spring Valley, CA 91978 01/09 – 03/06/17 Monday 10:15 – 11:45 am A. Hearing Course fee is $28.00.
Yoga (092807)
Helix HS, Room 1480 7323 University Ave., La Mesa, CA 91942 01/10 – 03/02/17 Tuesday, Thursday 6:45 – 8:00 pm A. Hearing Course fee is $47.00.
Yoga (092813)
Steele Canyon, A-101 12440 Campo Rd, Spring Valley, CA 91978 03/14 – 05/18/17 Tuesday, Thursday 3:20 – 4:35 pm A. Hearing Course fee is $47.00.
Steele Canyon, A-101 12440 Campo Rd, Spring Valley, CA 91978 03/13 – 05/15/17 Monday 10:15 – 11:45 am A. Hearing Course fee is $28.00.
Yoga (092817)
Helix HS, Room 1480 7323 University Ave., La Mesa, CA 91942 03/14 – 05/18/17 Tuesday, Thursday 6:45 – 8:00 pm A. Hearing Course fee is $47.00.
Yoga (092800)
Renette Center 935 S. Emerald Ave, El Cajon, CA 92020 01/10 – 03/02/17 Tuesday, Thursday 9:00 – 10:15 am A. Mann Course fee is $49.00.
Yoga (092810)
Renette Center 935 S. Emerald Ave, El Cajon, CA 92020 03/13 – 05/17/17 Tuesday, Thursday 9:00 – 10:15 am A. Mann Course fee is $49.00.
A Yoga/Pilates combination. Please provide your own yoga mat.
Yoga/Pilates (093000)
Renette Center 935 S. Emerald Ave, El Cajon, CA 92020 01/10 – 03/02/17 Tuesday, Thursday 10:30 – 12:00 noon A. Mann Course fee is $59.00.
E XERC IS E AND F ITNESS Yoga/Pilates (093001)
Renette Center 935 S. Emerald Ave, El Cajon, CA 92020 01/09 - 03/06/17 Monday, Wednesday 4:00 – 5:30 pm A. Mann Course fee is $59.00.
Yoga/Pilates (093002)
Foothills Adult Education Center, Auditorium 01/10 – 03/02/17 Tuesday, Thursday 1:00 – 2:30 pm A. Mann Course fee is $59.00.
Yoga/Pilates (093010)
Renette Center 935 S. Emerald Ave, El Cajon, CA 92020 03/13 – 05/17/17 Tuesday, Thursday 10:30 – 12:00 noon A. Mann Course fee is $59.00.
Workouts in this course are based on interval training. Participants perform exhilarating moves and easy dance steps. Wear comfortable exercise clothing. Bring a mat and 1-3 lb. hand weights.
Zumba (093300)
Foothills Adult Education Center, Room 53 01/11 – 03/03/17 Wednesday, Friday 9:30 – 10:45 am S. Bruce Course fee is $47.00.
Zumba (093310)
Foothills Adult Education Center, Room 53 03/15 – 05/19/17 Wednesday, Friday 9:30 – 10:45 am S. Bruce Course fee is $47.00.
Zumba (093302)
Foothills Adult Education Center, Auditorium 03/14 – 05/18/17 Monday, Wednesday 4:00 – 5:30 pm A. Mann Course fee is $59.00.
Monte Vista Village 2211 Massachusetts Ave., Lemon Grove, CA 91945 01/09 – 03/06/17 Monday, Wednesday 9:00 – 10:00 am J. Good Course fee is $40.00.
Yoga/Pilates (093012)
Zumba (093312)
Yoga/Pilates (093011)
Foothills Adult Education Center, Auditorium 03/13 – 05/17/17 Tuesday, Thursday 1:00 – 2:30 pm A. Mann Course fee is $59.00.
Yoga/Pilates (093003)
LMEC 8450 La Mesa Blvd., La Mesa, CA 91941 01/09 – 03/06/17 Monday, Wednesday 7:30 – 8:45 pm A. Hearing Course fee is $54.00. Course fee includes a $7 facilities fee.
The course is designed to create skills and techniques to effectively identify anger, take steps to calm down, and deal appropriately with the situation. The course also covers several coping skills for personal care: stress reduction, conflict resolution, effective communication, goal setting, problem solving, identifying and dealing with cognitive distortions and more. Participants receive a certificate after completing 8 sessions. Court referrals accepted. Continuous enrollment. Course fee is $75. Cash only.
Anger Management (094100)
Foothills Adult Education Center, Room 13 01/12 – 05/18/17 Thursday 6:30 – 8:30 pm A. Wright
Monte Vista Village 2211 Massachusetts Ave., Lemon Grove, CA 91945 03/14 – 05/18/17 Monday, Wednesday 9:00 – 10:00 am J. Good Course fee is $40.00.
Yoga/Pilates (093013)
LMEC 8450 La Mesa Blvd., La Mesa, CA 91941 03/13 – 05/17/17 Monday, Wednesday 7:30 – 8:45 pm A. Hearing Course fee is $54.00. Course fee includes a $7 facilities fee.
Community Super S AT U R D AY March 4, 2017 Super Saturday showcases Lifelong Education and offers community interest courses in mini-format. Space is limited. Register online or at Foothills Adult Education Campus.
Chickens 101
Why raise chickens? Because they are a pet that provides breakfast? Chickens are quirky, beautiful and clever. They come in countless colors, shapes, and varieties, and there is not a culture on the planet that doesn’t raise them. More good news: they don’t break the bank. Come to this course to be introduced to the wonderful world of chickens. Learn what you need to know to be a successful chicken farmer.
Cricut Explore
Gardening – Spring Vegetable and Flower Garden Preparation
Section #228300
Foothills Adult Education Center, Room 11 Saturday 9:00 – 12:00 noon D. Heuft Course fee is $25.00.
Prerequisites: You must have a current Facebook account, a valid email address, and be able to sign into your account during the course.
Section #226400
Your Cricut can do so much more than cut paper! Come learn tips and tricks to get more from your machine. This informative course will help you become more familiar with your Explore and Cricut Design Space. Please bring your Cricut Explore, laptop, and small assortment of card stock to experiment with.
Facebook is not just for students or young people. It can be a great way of staying connected with family and friends. Bring a digital photo of yourself on a flash drive. Security precautions will be discussed in depth.
Section #229402
Foothills Adult Education Campus, Room 5 Saturday 9:00 – 12:00 noon B. Holloway Course fee is $25.00.
Facebook Made Easy
Foothills Adult Education Center, Room 1 Saturday 9:00 – 12:00 noon S. Blue Course fee is $25.00.
Spring is here. Prepare your garden for the growing season using proven organic techniques. In this course, participants discuss soil preparation, plant selection, planting, watering, fertilizer, and other related topics that are of specific interest to the course subject.
Section #229200
Foothills Adult Education Center, Room 8 Saturday 12:30 – 3:30 pm E. Gauss Course fee is $25.00.
COM M UNIT Y SUPER SATURDAY MA RCH 4 , 2017 Cooking With Lucile – Vietnamese Sugar Cane Shrimp
Participants will learn how to make Vietnamese Sugar Cane Shrimp. This popular treat involves wrapping a fresh shrimp paste around a cut stick of sugar cane. The sticks are then grilled or broiled. The shrimp is cut away from the stick to be enjoyed wrapped in rice paper and lettuce leaves. Participants will also learn how to make dipping sauce.
Section #221400
Foothills Adult Education Center, Room 10 Saturday 9:00 – 12:00 noon L. Cheng Course fee is $30.00.
Gluten-Free Baking
You are busy and follow a gluten-free diet. You need food you can quickly grab that will speed you on your way. Store-bought gluten-free muffins loaded with sugar aren’t getting the job done. Join us as we create savory “fried rice” muffins and portable omelets that will give you the power to get through your busy morning. Disclaimer and Allergens: Our kitchen is shared; so cross-contamination is a possibility. Those with Celiac disease or sensitivity to crosscontamination may want to come and learn but should avoid eating items not made in their own kitchens. Recipes may include other allergens. Be sure to let the instructor know of any other allergies or restrictions you may have.
Section #221500
Monarch Butterflies – How to Raise Them
Come find out how to attract, raise, and set free beautiful Monarch butterflies! You will learn tips on keeping them safe through the butterfly cycle on your patio or in your garden. Learn how to tell a male from a female. Everyone will take home free seeds, and be part of a drawing for a free butterfly enclosure.
Section #229400
Foothills Adult Education Center, Room 6 Saturday 12:30 - 3:30 pm S. Slaughter Course fee is $30.00.
Section #229401
Foothills Adult Education Center, Room 6 Saturday 12:30 – 3:30 pm S. Slaughter Course fee is $30.00.
Money Origami
In this fun course participants learn to make cute origami figures out of dollar bills. Delight your grandchildren or surprise a waitress with a cleverly folded monetary gift. Participants learn some simple but impressive folds, which will include a shirt and matching pants, a dove, a four-pointed ninja star, and more. Play money will be provided, but you may also bring a few bills (not crisp ones from the bank!) for practice. Come and fold your way to family fame!
Foothills Adult Education Center, Room 10 Saturday 12:30 – 3:30 pm P. Blyth Course fee is $30.00.
Section #228700
Foothills Adult Education Center, Room 4 Saturday 9:00 – 12:00 noon R. Senecal Course fee is $25.00.
Paper Crafting – Paper Flowers
Come learn how to make a variety of paper flowers, perfect for home décor or your next party or event. This step-by-step session teaches participants a variety of techniques to add color and texture to flowers as well as give ideas of how to incorporate them into a backdrop for weddings and events. Please bring scissors and glue. All other materials will be provided.
Section #223800
Foothills Adult Education Center, Room 11 Saturday 12:30 – 3:30 pm D. Heuft Course fee is $25.00.
Photo – Natural Light Basics
Are you familiar with f-stop, shutter speed, and ISO on your DSLR? Do you want to master those manual settings while using the available light? In this session, participants explore different natural lighting situations and how to capture the perfect shot in manual.
Section #222700
Foothills Adult Education Center, Room 14 Saturday 9:00 – 12:00 noon L. Sokolowski Course fee is $25.00.
iPad for Beginners
You don’t know what you don’t know about your iPad. From simple tips and tricks to downloading the most used apps, this course is for you. Bring your fully charged iPad to the course, and you will be amazed at how much you can do.
Section #226600
Foothills Adult Education Center, Room 12 Saturday 9:00 – 12:00 noon J. Mitchell Course fee is $25.00.
Section #226601
Foothills Adult Education Center, Room 12 Saturday 12:30 – 3:30 pm J. Mitchell Course fee is $25.00.
CO M M UNIT Y SUPE R SATURDAY MA RCH 4 , 2017 Social Media – Choosing the right one for your business
It seems like there is always something new in social media ... and who has time to manage it all? Join us for a workshop to learn about the various aspects of Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Google+ and YouTUBE. Participants compare and contrast each social media platform and discover what to post, when to post, and which audience each platform attracts. Learn to work smarter, not harder, with tips and tricks to market your business with social media.
Section #226800
Foothills Adult Education Center, Room 1 Saturday 12:30 – 3:30 pm S. Blue Course fee is $25.00.
Solar Power for the DIY Polymer Clay Goblet
Create your own goblet, with polymer clay techniques such as color blending, caning, texture, translucent, and beginning sculpture. Clay will be provided along with some tools. If you have your own pasta machine or clay tools please bring them.
Section #223002
Foothills Adult Education Center, Room 15 Saturday 9:00 am – 3:30 pm K. Althaus / Y. Macy Course fee is $40.00.
Section #229300
Section #229301
Reiki is a gentle, hands-on healing method you can use to heal yourself and others. Join us for an interactive presentation and hands-on practice to learn the basics of Reiki, including positions and techniques for performing a Reiki treatment. Special guest Kathy Cueva, RN, will be assisting.
Section #222400
Foothills Adult Education Center, Room 54 Saturday 9:00 – 12:00 noon B. Bowen Course fee is $25.00.
Learn how to obtain and install a solar electric power system for your home. Topics include types of solar panels, the meaning of “gridtie” and “net metering,” obtaining permits, available rebates, and tax incentives. A stepby-step presentation of an actual installation will be shown. Discover how this renewable energy really works. The instructor is an Electrical Contractor who has installed a solar electric system on his own home. Foothills Adult Education Center, Room 53 Saturday 9:00 – 12:00 noon R. Hider Course fee is $25.00. Foothills Adult Education Center, Room 53 Saturday 12:30 - 3:30 pm R. Hider Course fee is $25.00.
COM M UNIT Y SUPE R SATURDAY MA RCH 4 , 2017 STATEMENT OF NONDISCRIMINATION The Governing Board is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs and activities shall be free from discrimination based on sex, race, color, religion, national origin, ethnic group, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, or any other unlawful consideration, whether actual or perceived. For any concerns or questions, please contact the District’s Compliance officers: TITLE IX Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex Randy Montesanto, Director I Human Resources Programs P.O. Box 1043, La Mesa, CA 91944 (619) 644-8009
T-Shirt Quilt Workshop
You may have t-shirts from sporting events, concerts, or schools. Instead of keeping them hidden, make them into a quilt to show off! If you can sew in a straight line, you can turn a bunch of t-shirts into a cozy quilt. Please bring to the course: sewing machine, thread, scissors, rotary cutter, cutting mat 12 ½ x 12 ½ inch square ruler (Google the Square Up Quilt Ruler, or ask at quilting shops), 2 yards of fleece fabric (58 inch wide), and 12 to 18 t-shirts.
Section #223400
Zentangle is an easy-to-learn, fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns and relaxing and healing in the process. No art experience necessary. If you can draw a line and a circle, you can “tangle.”
Section #228100
Foothills Adult Education Center, Room 3 Saturday 9:00 – 12:00 noon J. Masey Course fee is $35.00.
Foothills Adult Education Center, Room 9 Saturday 9:00 am – 3:30 pm T. Lehman Course fee is $40.00.
Writing With Purpose – Inspiration
“What if I run out of ideas?” is the deepest fear of many writers, but it doesn’t have to be. What if there was a way to come up with great ideas that was as easy as breathing? Thankfully, there is a way, and anyone can learn it. No longer do you have to feel like you’re at the mercy of a mysterious and fickle force called inspiration. Students will leave the course with a list of great ideas that they have conjured up themselves, empowered with the knowledge of how to repeat the process any time. The course is an exciting mixture of instruction, games, and exercises designed to get the creative juices flowing. It is geared toward writers but applies to all kinds of artists.
SECTION 504 Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability Kathy Burton, Administrator Academic Interventions & Alternative Programs P.O. Box 1043, La Mesa, CA 91944 (619) 593-2760 POLICY AGAINST SEXUAL HARASSMENT It is the policy of the Governing Board to provide an educational environment free of sexual harassment. The Governing Board condemns sexual harassment of any district student by any person. The district administration will investigate and resolve all alleged complaints of sexual harassment and take disciplinary action as required and authorized to remedy the situation. Each complaint shall be promptly investigated in a way that respects the privacy of all parties concerned. There will be no retaliation against any student for filing a complaint of sexual harassment or participating in the complaint process. Complaints of sexual harassment shall be filed and processed in accordance with the complaint procedures set forth in Administrative Regulation AR5145.7. Any student who believes that he or she has been the victim of sexual harassment should report it to the principal or designee or to another district administrator and obtain a copy of AR145.7.
Section #221800
Foothills Adult Education Center, Room 13 Saturday 9:00 – 12:00 noon W. Fulkerson Course fee is $25.00.
E A S T R E G I O N A D U LT E D U C AT I O N M E M B E R S GROSSMONT ADULT EDUCATION 1550 Melody Lane, El Cajon, CA 92019 | (619) 588-3500 Grossmont Adult Education is a leading force in the consortium. The mission of Grossmont Adult Education is to enrich the lives of our community members by providing high quality, affordable, lifelong learning opportunities; fulfilling personal, academic, and workplace goals for an increasingly diverse population. Grossmont Adult Education offers programs that support adults in successfully transitioning to higher education and employment, and courses that promote Lifelong Education and strengthen the whole community. MOUNTAIN EMPIRE ADULT EDUCATION Mountain Empire Alternative Education | 31360 Highway 94, Campo, CA 91906 | Phone: (619) 478-2735, Ext.3300 FAX: (619) 478-2609 The Adult Education Program in the Mountain Empire Unified School District is a part of the Alternative Education Program, specifically Hillside Independent Study (HiSet). The program serves students who are at least eighteen years of age and have not been enrolled in any school for at least one full semester. Students meet once per week with their assigned teacher to turn in and review assigned work and receive new lessons preceded by direct instruction, guided practice, checks for understanding, and Q&A sessions. Assigned work may require textbook access, internet access, using online learning software and, always, interaction with the teacher. Formative and summative assessments include essays, unit and chapter tests and quizzes, research projects, verbal responses to teacher prompts, and more. Earning a high school diploma requires the same number of successfully completed course credits as are required at the comprehensive high school Mountain Empire Unified: English I, II, III, IV 40 Credts Integrated Math I, II, III 30 Credits Social Sciences: 40 Credits Geography/Technology, World History, US History, Government and Economics Science: Biology, Earth Science or Chemistry 20 Credits Physical Education: 20 Credits Fine Arts: 10 Credits Electives: 60 Credits
220 credits
Upon completion of the requirements stated above, students have the option to participate in the graduation ceremony in June at Mountain Empire High School, along with the comprehensive school students and all other qualifying Alternative Education students. More information can be obtained by going to http://meusd.schoolwires.net/Page/66. GROSSMONT-CUYAMACA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 8800 Grossmont College Drive | El Cajon, CA 92020 | (619) 644-7010
E A S T R E G I O N A D U LT E D U C AT I O N EAST REGION ADULT EDUCATION (ERAE) creates an extended learning system and a network of services and business partnerships that support students in reaching their goals now and in the future. ERAE has three members: • Grossmont Union High School District Adult Education • Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District Adult Education, and • Mountain Empire Unified School District Adult Education. Our partners include regional businesses and schools districts, resettlement agencies, social services, city offices and the San Diego East County Chamber of Commerce. WELCOME TO ADULT EDUCATION THAT WORKS East Region Adult Education offers purposeful programs that support those who want to improve their qualifications, bring their skills up to date, or retrain for a new line of work. Programs are designed to meet the needs of nontraditional students and working professionals.
Grossmont Adult Education A Division of GUHSD
Foothills Adult Education Campus (Main Campus — HSD/HSE+CTE+ Lifelong Education)
Grossmont — Cuyamaca Community College District Adult and Contimuing Ed
Health Occupation Center (Medical Programs)
El Cajon Adult Campus ESL and Citizenship Programs)
EAST REGION ADULT EDUCATION Director: Robyn Wiggins, GUHSD Grant Manager: Ute Maschke GOVERNING BOARD Cindy Miles, Chancellor, GCCCD John Valencia, Vice-Chancellor, GCCCD Tim Glover, Superintendent, GUHSD Theresa Kemper, Assist. Superintendent, GUHSD Kathy Granger, Superintendent, MEUSD Eric Lund, San Diego East County Chamber of Commerce
Mountain Empire Adult Education A Division of MEUSD
East County Career Center (Job Search Assistance Programs)
Steele Campus Adult Education (Re Entry Education Programs)
Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID ECRWSS San Diego, California Permit No. 2925
CHECK INSIDE FOR THESE CLASSES AND MORE! Medical Careers 21st Century Manufacturing Welding Automotive Real Estate Cosmetology adultschool.guhsd.net Computer Basics Business and Education Technologies Home and Small Business English as a Second Language Citizenship Career Readiness and Job Search