Spring 2017 Newsletter - High Prairie Arts & Science Complex

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Apr 22, 2017 - An elegant event showcasing Cantus, CDCC's high school mixed choir. Cantus will perform repertoire from t

Inspirin g Tomorrow’s Voices

Mayor’s Ball for the Arts & Humanities

The Mayor’s Ball for the Art and Humanities was specifically created to recognize, support and promote those organizations that contribute to the culture of our community. For more information and to buy tickets, visit mayorsballnd.com or call the choir office at 258-6516.

2017 3 Spring Vol. 17, Issue

ComewithSing Us! Now accepting singers presently in grades 2-11 for our 2017-2018 Season

Central Dakota Children’s Choir has been selected to receive funds from the 2017 Mayor’s Ball for the Arts and Humanities. Each year, two organizations will be chosen to receive funds raised at the event. This year’s recipients are Bismarck Arts and Galleries Association and Central Dakota Children’s Choir. We invite each of you to attend this inaugural event and show your support for CDCC and the arts! The Mayor’s Ball will be held Friday, May 5 at 7:00 pm at the North Dakota Heritage Center. There will be a cash bar, hors d’oeuvres, music and, yes, a little bit of fundraising.

Auditions will be held: Wednesday, May 3 Thursday, May 4

5-8 p.m. 5-8 p.m.

Frances Leach High Prairie Arts & Science Complex

Audition brochures and registration information can be found at www.aboutcdcc.org. Advance registration is recommended for auditions. Walk-ins are welcome; however, a lengthy wait is a possibility. If you miss auditions or are unable to make it to auditions, please call the choir office to set-up an alternative audition time.

Cantus Unabridged Sunday, May 7, 2017

7:00 pm Legacy United Methodist Church Sponsored by


An elegant event showcasing Cantus, CDCC’s high school mixed choir. Cantus will perform repertoire from throughout the year, as well as solo and ensemble pieces that have been performed at competition. They have worked hard all year honing their skills and this is their night to shine. Hors d’oeuvres and punch will be served at intermission.

Tickets Adult $23 Child $13 Tickets purchased on or before May 2 will receive a $3 discount. Tickets available at the CDCC Office, online at aboutcdcc.org, and at the door the night of the concert.

Inspiring Tomorrow’s Voices

Central Dakota Children’s Choir Board of Directors Gary Hansen, President Doran Schwartz, Vice President Michelle Nyhus, Treasurer Carolyn Fogarty, Secretary Maurice Cook Teri Fay Katherine Henjum Marci Narum Maria Roll-Schlecht Tamara Rector Krislyn Thompson

Central Dakota Children’s Choir Staff Teri Fay, Artistic Director [email protected] Tammy Rector, Executive Director 701-258-6516 [email protected] Amy Miller, Operations Director 701-258-6516 [email protected] Jennifer Bender, Admin Assistant 701-258-6516 [email protected]

Vision Statement Central Dakota Children’s Choir has been formed to inspire children to a lifelong love of singing through the performance of fine choral music.

Artistically Speaking

by Teri Fay, Artistic Director

On March 28th at 12:00 noon I was honored to direct a performance of Bel Canto. We were asked by the North Dakota Council on the Arts (NDCA) to sing at the Capitol in Memorial Hall as part of the 50th Anniversary Celebration of NDCA. This was an incredible honor for us and even though it was not a convenient time of day, I did say ‘yes’ and hoped for the best. I certainly was not disappointed. Very few of our singers missed the performance, which meant that parents, grandparents, class carpools etc. all chipped in to see that the children could get from school and to the performance and back while dressed in “the whole monkey suit” (as I lovingly call the uniform). The children not only sang like professionals, but also conducted themselves perfectly. It was fun to see the faces on the proud parents and families (and Lieutenant Governor Brent Sanford) as the children sang. Participants of the NDCA conference came over from the Heritage Center to view the performance. Many of the ND Legislators stopped in their tracks to listen to these marvelous children sing beautiful music. If this doesn’t speak to the urgency of keeping the arts funding intact I certainly don’t know what does. I would like to tell you about what the arts do for our communities and our country; however, I can’t use this entire newsletter for my column, therefore I will just touch on a few points and hopefully, you can then read what so many others have eloquently written about the importance, and positive influences the arts have on all of us. Some points to remember (These are taken directly from the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA)): * The arts enrich the American economy * The arts offer solutions for rural America * The arts offer cost-effective health treatments that work * The arts improve schooling * The arts offer a net gain for government The NASAA website explains the facts behind these 5 Essential Arts Arguments. I hope you will take the time to check it out. There is also an informative page titled “Fact vs. Fiction: Government and the Arts Funding.” Any discussion on the role of government in supporting the arts must have discussion fueled by the facts. “Support of the arts is pan-partisan. Democrats and Republicans alike have track records of supporting the arts because they know it is wise economic policy...,” is one of my favorite statements on the page. (continued on page 3)

This project is supported in part by a grant from the North Dakota Council on the Arts, which receives funding from the state legislature and the National Endowment for the Arts.


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Inspiring Tomorrow’s Voices

Spring Concert will Feature Alumni Choir

2016-2017 Season Highlights

Central Dakota Children’s Choir Alumni will join together to sing at CDCC’s spring concert. Over 70 men and women will come from all over the United States to reminisce about their years singing together, catch-up with old friends, and rediscover a love of choral music. On Friday, May 19 and Saturday, May 20 at 7:30 pm at the Belle Mehus Auditorium, CDCC will hold their 19th annual spring concert. The concert will feature individual performances by each of the five choirs and CDCC’s Alumni Choir with a special performance by CDCC’s pre-choir, Singing for 2nd Graders, during Saturday’s concert. Each concert will conclude with Paul Caldwell and Sean Ivory’s “Hope for Resolution” performed by all the choirs. We hope you can join us and rejoice in the songs of spring.

Civic Chorus Concert Jubilate April 22, 2017 • 7:30 pm Belle Mehus Auditorium 2nd & 3rd Grade Educational Concert Bel Canto April 26, 2017 9:00 am, 10:30 am & 1:30 pm Simle Middle School 2017-2018 Auditions May 3 & 4, 2017 • 5:00-7:30 pm • FLHPASC Cantus Unabridged Cantus May 7, 2017 • 7:00 pm Legacy United Methodist Church Spring Concert All Choirs May 19 & 20, 2017 • 7:30 pm Belle Mehus Auditorium Super Summer Singing Class June 5-9, 2017 • 1:00-3:00 pm FLHPASC

A big thanks to Starion Bank for sponsoring these concerts. Tickets are available at the choir office, online at www.aboutcdcc.org, and at the door.

Artistically Speaking con’t

We can do so much together. Our choirs are made up of children from home schools, private schools and public schools. They hail from Mandan, Bismarck and the surrounding communities of central North Dakota. CDCC brings children, families and the collective community together to accomplish, not compete. Every rehearsal and performance is another building experience for the children in our organization. CDCC has had 17 years of support from the North Dakota Council on the Arts, directly benefitting from the NEA. This has been crucial to the management and funding of our organization. What these children have accomplished for themselves in musicianship, dignity and friendship, for their families in pride and accomplishment, for their communities in education and performance, and for their state as ambassadors conveying the importance of the arts, BY SINGING TOGETHER, speaks (or shall I say ‘sings’) volumes. Next season marks the 20th season of Central Dakota Children’s Choir, and we have every intention of making it our best yet. We hope your support of CDCC and the arts continues. Never underestimate the power of singing together.  Watching the singers in Memorial Hall at the North Dakota Capitol was definitely one of the highlights of my year. I am once again honored and humbled to be the director of Bel Canto and Artistic Director of CDCC.


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2017 Summer Choir Camps Jubilate August 9-11, 2017 • 9:00 am-noon • BSC Bel Canto August 14-17, 2017 • 9:00-11:30 am FLHPASC Kantorei August 15-17, 2017 • 1:00-4:00 pm Simle Middle School Angelica August 2-4, 2017 • 1:30-4:30 pm • BSC Cantus August 14-16, 2017 • 6:30-9:30 pm Legacy High School

Other Important Dates New Parent Meeting May 24, 2017 • 7:00 pm • FLHPASC Choir Registration May 25-June 16, 2017 Mondays-Thursdays 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Choir Office

Used Uniform Sales

June 1 @ 6:30 pm June 7 @ 5:30 pm June 7 @ 7:00 pm

7th-12th grade girls* (Kantorei, Angelica & Cantus) 5th-6th grade boys & girls* (Bel Canto boys & girls) 7th-12th grade boys* (Kantorei & Cantus boys) 3rd-4th grade boys & girls* (Jubilate boys & girls)

*singer’s grade for the 2017-2018 school year Uniforms you would like to put in our consignment sale may be dropped off at the choir office during office hours May 22 thru noon on June 1.

Inspiring Tomorrow’s Voices


by Dawn Hagerott, Director

It feels like we just started our year together but here we are, already planning for our final concerts. Our Limited Edition Concert was so much fun. It was wonderful to sing a few new songs we started on in January. We’ve really been enjoying working on some summertime music with “In the Arms of an Oak” and “On Silver Tipped Wings.” Music is so much fun because it allows us to use our imaginations and escape to different places. That is especially fun when it is wintery and cold outside. We pictured ourselves climbing beautiful oak trees on a sunny day and spending the evening, looking up to the sky as we star gaze and make wishes upon shooting stars. We really enjoyed having one last performance on a few of our favorites, “Winter Troika Ride” and “Put a Little Love in Your Heart.” On April 22 Jubilate will have the amazing experience of singing with the Bismarck Mandan Civic Chorus. We will be joining them at the Belle Mehus for their spring concert. We are honored to be a featured choir in their performance, but for sure our favorite part is getting on the risers with them and singing music together. What an amazing opportunity for these young singers to perform with such a wonderful adult community chorus. Singing really is something they can do the rest of their life. Jubilate will get to experience that first hand.

A fun summer music class for kids going into 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade! June 5-9, 2017 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Frances Leach High Prairie Arts & Science Complex Class Fee: CDCC Members: $80 NonMembers: $100

Join us for a super fun summer class! Super Summer Singing! is a fun and unique class that will center around singing, with activities that include games, songs, dancing, and creating. This is a class for children who love to sing and will include vocal artistry, sight-singing, musicianship through movement, music theory, and choral artistry. The class is taught by Teri Fay and is open to all children going into grades 3, 4, and 5 - CDCC members and nonmembers alike. No previous vocal training or experience is needed!

Register online at www.aboutcdcc.org

May 19 and 20 are our final performances of the season as we join our fellow CDCC singers for two evenings of wonderful music. We will be adding two more new selections “Rattle My Rattle” and “Shades.” It will be a special weekend with the CDCC Alumni returning to join us for our finale on “Hope for Resolution.” My biggest wish for our fourth graders is that I get to see you continue in CDCC for many more years. It is sad to say goodbye for the summer, but I look forward to the fall and the opportunity to hear your beautiful voices again and see your bright faces. Thank you for being a part of Jubilate. You are amazing.


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Inspiring Tomorrow’s Voices


by Dawn Hagerott, Director

What an amazing year it has been with the young ladies of Angelica. It is hard to believe that we only spend six hours together each month. I am so appreciative of those who make the commitment to get to rehearsal and are willing to roll up their sleeves each week. On February 25 we celebrated women’s voices at our Midwinter Warmth event. We especially enjoyed sharing the event with the BSC Women’s Ensemble and the River Rhapsody Chorus of Sweet Adelines, Intl. It is great to see women of all ages singing and having fun. Singing truly is something we can do our entire lives. It was so beautiful when all of the women joined voices on our final selection. To collaborate and work together is one thing, but to come together as one voice is a truly magical thing. Angelica is currently working on some very difficult music and they are doing fabulous. In lieu of our final rehearsal, we will again visit some nursing homes and share our music with the residents. As a community chorus, we feel it is important to share music with those in our community who are home bound and can’t attend our CDCC concerts. It has been a fabulous year and I can’t believe it is coming to a close already. I hope to see all of you in Angelica next year. Angelica is the smallest ensemble in CDCC and as a result, it requires so much more from each singer. It requires so much more accountability as a musician. You have grown tremendously and I am really looking forward to seeing you share your hearts and your music with our audiences in May. Thank you for your being a part of Angelica and for making such beautiful music.


by Mike Seil, Director

This has been a wonderful year so far for Cantus. After our performances for the Miracles of Music concert series and in the Limited Edition Concert, Cantus has been very busy, diligently preparing our latest selections of literature for our upcoming performances. We have been continuing preparation on Sara Shakliyan’s challenging arrangement of the energetic Bulgarian folk song “Sednalo e Djore dos” and the striking “To the Mothers in Brazil: Salve Regina” by Lars Jansson. We are making great strides in preparing this difficult and impressive repertoire. Cantus will conclude its individual performance series on May 7th at 7:00 pm at Legacy United Methodist Church with Cantus Unabridged. This evening concert features performances of the totality of the Cantus repertoire for the season, in addition to featuring solos and ensembles from the represented schools that have recently starred at the State Vocal Competition. While this event offers a chance to eat some delicious food, this is a great way to get to know some of the individual talents and personalities that come together to make this ensemble. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our marvelous accompanist, Carol Huck, for sharing her incredible talents with the students and I this year. Also, thank you parents for making attendance such a priority. I feel the communication has been tremendous. Thank you in advance to all parents who will help with sound equipment and risers throughout the year. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. Parents, please introduce yourself if I have not yet had the privilege of meeting you. I look forward to seeing all of you at our upcoming concerts. Again, thank you for your support of Cantus and the Central Dakota Children’s Choir.


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Congratulations! We would like to congratulate the following CDCC students who were selected to this year’s ND High School All State Choir: NDMEA All-State Choirs: Mixed Choir: Lexie Rusch Kyra Schmidt Katie Leary Hayley Schaefbauer Olivia Kost Laura DeGraw Women’s Choir: Maigan Wilmes Molly Rickert Kyra Lind

Jazz Choir: Marissa Carpenter Madelyn Schweitzer Katie Kraft

Brynn Shirley Katin Vetter Naomi Chaffee Aleisha Schock Grant Eggers Gabe Gerhardt

Connor Fogarty Sam Wolf Joe Smith Cameron Wald Noah Fettig

Emma Larson Rachel Schall Sydney White

Helen Wax Taylor Ekart

Ty Farnsworth Logan Kjos Hunter Fox

NDMEA All-State Band: Sophie Lind

Allison Bard

NDMEA All-State Orchestra:

Ashlin Schaefbauer

Inspiring Tomorrow’s Voices

2016-2017 Individual Contributions Jim Hurkes Endowment

Brad & Claudia Ballweber in memory of Alan Traeholt Da Capo ($1000 and up) Marty Black in honor of Birgen, Kennedy & Karen Traeholt in memory of Alan Traeholt Demerie Black Dr. Ted & Carolyn Fogarty Carol & Dwight Bleth in honor of Rachel & Allison Bleth Fermata ($500 - $999) Karl & Sarah Carlson Gary Hansen Julie Dahle Tim & Tammy Rector Melissa Daniele Carol Eaton Whole Note ($250 - $499) Gabe & Marlene Flores in honor of Karen daSilva Arianna Bitz Khalin & Tina Dendy Jim & Jody Hauge Bob & Lisa Koch Juanita Hocking Jay & Karen Kost Diana Hoffman Bruce & Julie Schwartz Cassie Jiras Dr. Larry Skogen Niki Joersz Mark & Claudia Thompson Jon & Jackie Klasna Rhea Klein Half Note ($100 - $249) Elizabeth Lucas Ann Ahlness in honor of Joel Crane Mary Ludwig Dave & Jennifer Bender Will MacDonald Jack & Beverly Bettenhausen Marge & Bob MacKendrick in honor of Lynn Brokaw Lillian & Giselle Kielhack Kurt & Lisa Chaffee Amy & Brett Miller Sally M. Cross Grey & Lynn Morgenson Jadranka Buzakovic, Danko Contracting, Inc. Meredith & Rylan Nichols in honor of Linda & Charlie Donlin Karen Traeholt Stacy & Dave DuToit Colleen, Steve & Amy Park in honor of Bill & Mary Ann Eckroth Mike Seil Marna & Sy Ekart Patrick & Barb Pfeifer in honor of Ava Pfeifer Janelle Erickson in honor of Isaac Erickson Jon & Janine Roaldson in honor of Teri Fay in memory of LuAnn Fay Madeline Roaldson David & Dawn Hagerott in memory of Wally & Elaine Ross Mary Werre Brian & Christi Schaefbauer Katherine Henjum Linda Schmidt Joyce Hinman Charlene Seifert Claudia Hochberger Marci & Jim Silrum Dr. Thomas & Katie Hutchens Beverly Unrath Jon & Karen Jennings in honor of Jim & Sarah Vetter Paige Billadeau Michelle Voller Loralyn Joyce Kenneth & Darlene Weigel in memory of Pamela & Steven Kielhack in memory of August Eberle Helen F. Whiting & Sally M. Cross Albert Wolf in honor of Karen Wolf Bob & Lisa Koch Rod Kuhn in honor of Eighth Note ($1 - $49) Denali Neuenschwander Dean & Alvina Affolter Thomas Langer Kim Anderson Richard & Sengaroun Marohl Alicia Baumann Maryse Mathieu Ruth Bettenhausen Michelle & Chris Nyhus Alison Black Everett Nels & Mary Olson in honor of Harold A. Bond Megan Stroh John & Shirley Brandvold Richard J. Riha Kathy Brandvold Maria Roll-Schlecht in honor of Heather Churchill in honor of Jordan Roll & Six Appeal Sophia Churchill Karmen Siirtola Beth & Keith Demke Lizzie, Paul & Colette Sukut Renae Gall Mark & Stephanie Swenson Laura & Will Gardner Wayne & Lois Swenson Brenda Goettle Barbara Tietz Paul Gurholt in memory of Marcia Gurholt J. Patrick Traynor Autumn Hagen John & Janice Warner in honor of Sheila Herman Jordyn Warner Nancy Joyce, d’Joyce Photography Dick Weber George & Kathy Keiser Tim & Michelle Wiedrich Dawn Kopp Mary LaDuke Quarter Note ($50 - $99) Edwin & Gloria Landeis Marv Abraham Kay Larson in honor of Emma Larson Cindy Anhorn in honor of Ashten Anhorn Jerri Mann Shaylee Meyer


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Angela Morford Susan Mormann Ivan & Nataliya Nychyporuk Hannah Olson Beni Paulson Donna Poling James Quirk Karen Rose in honor of Anna Roaldson Robert & Caryl Rutten in honor of Lucas Rutten Kraig & Gerri Sarsten Dave Schaaf in memory of Peggy Schaaf Courtney Schaff Cameo Skager Steve & Jenn Sletteland Krislyn Thompson in honor of Karen Traeholt Pamela Thompson Wayne & Cindy Thompson Kendra Weigel Linda Weiss Carina Whalen Harold & Roni Wilde Jerry Carlson Memorial Jana & Mike Abel Dave & Cazanne Fitterer Gerald & Joyce Hansen Brian & Jana Jesperson

In-Kind Contributions Attitudes Bismarck-Mandan Civic Chorus Bismarck-Mandan Symphony Orchestra Bismarck Public Schools Bismarck State College Dakota Media Access Dakota Stage LTD Dave DeRung D&N Cinematics d’Joyce Photography Eckroth Music Extreme Sales Flash Printing Harlow’s Trailways Hometown Moving Sheila Herman J. W. Pepper Legacy High School Legacy United Methodist Church Nightlife Limousine Nyhus Tax Services, PLLC Odney Old Navy Quality Printing Scheels Simle Middle School Steven Glaesmann Piano Tuning

Inspiring Tomorrow’s Voices

2016-2017 Corporate Contributions Benefactors ($1000 and up) Dakota West Arts Council Knife River Corporation MDU Resources Foundation North Dakota Community Foundation Holt & Prchal Family Charitable Fund North Dakota Council on the Arts Starion Bank Tom & Frances Leach Foundation, Inc. Sustainers ($500 - $999) American Family Insurance - Shane Splonskowski Bliss Law Firm Century 21 Morrison - Tom Wellin Dakota Community Bank & Trust Edward Jones Hometown Moving Patrons ($250 - $499) Bisman Online Chiropractic Care Centre PC Concordia College Music Department Dakota Travel Nurse Home Care Gate City Bank Henke Psychiatric Services Karmin’s Kitchen Table Kupper Automotive Martin Luther School Nemecek/Winkler Chiropractic Ryan Dodge Thursday Music Club University of Jamestown University of Mary Wells Fargo Bank

Supporters ($100 - $249) Ace Sprinkler Systems AE2S Anderson & Associates Arrowhead Plaza Drug Bismarck Elks Bismarck Lions Club Bismarck State College BNC National Bank Bormann, Myerchin & Espeseth, LLP Bridal n’ More Capital Trophy Central Dakota Optimist Club Connecting Point Computer Center Dakota Carrier Network Eckroth Music Extreme Sales Flash Printing Grand Theatres J.W. Pepper Leingang Home Center Mark’s Heating & Cooling North Dakota League of Cities Northern Improvement Northland Concrete & Excavation Northwest Contracting Outdoor Services Inc. Puklich Chevrolet Pure Country Inc. Roots Boutique & Salon Roto-Rooter Schweitzer Tree Service Studio North Designs Theo Art School US Bank Contributors ($1 - $99)

Congratulations Class of 2017 CDCC would like to acknowledge this year’s seniors and thank them for their contribution to choir: Birgen Black Kyra Schmidt Gabe Brannan-Gerhardt Joe Smith Marissa Doll Lynnlee Voeller Ty Farnsworth Sam Wolf Hunter Fox Dane Wolfgram Ronnee Glatt Madelyn Klee Katie Kraft Emma Larson Katie Leary Kyra Lind Mikayla Moszer Lexie Rusch Hayley Schaefbauer

Contribution Form You can inspire tomorrow’s voices. Your gift will help provide music, tuition waivers, free educational concerts, and other choir needs. No gift is too small and every dollar you send makes a difference in the life of a child. If you would like to help CDCC, please complete this form and return to CDCC, 1810 Schafer St., Suite 4, Bismarck, ND 58501. Thank you for your generosity!

Name _________________________________________________ (As you would like it presented in the program)

Enclosed is my gift of $____________

Address _______________________________________________ City, State, Zip _________________________________________ A gift to CDCC is a thoughtful way to remember or pay tribute to a family member, friend, or colleague. This gift is: ____ in honor of ____ in memory of ______________________________________________________ (Name of individual you wish to honor or remember)

Please send notification of my gift (excluding amount) to: Name _________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________ City, State, Zip __________________________________________

To use your credit card, please complete the information below. ___ Visa ___ Mastercard ___ Discover Acct. No. _________________________________ Expiration Date ____________________________ Signature _________________________________

Donations can also be made online at www.aboutcdcc.org www.aboutcdcc.org

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Inspiring Tomorrow’s Voices

1810 Schafer Street, Suite 4 Bismarck, ND 58501-1218 (701)258-6516 [email protected] www.aboutcdcc.org

This newsletter is a quarterly publication published by Central Dakota Children’s Choir

Join us for our Spring Concert


17 0 2 , 0 2 & May 19

Tickets: Adults $13 Senior/Student $10 Children 5 & Under Free Tickets Available At: Eckroth Music CDCC Office - 701-258-6516 Online - aboutcdcc.org Also available at the door

7:30 pm Belle Mehus Auditorium Sponsored by