spring 2018 newsletter - Baruch Wall Street Club

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Letter from the President. Dear Reader,. The Wall Street Club (WSC) is proud to present our Spring 2018 newsletter. This
SPRING 2018 NEWSLETTER Published May 2018

Table of Contents Letter from the President ....................................................................................................................................................... 2 Meet the Board ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Our Meetings .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Events ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Co-Sponsorships...................................................................................................................................................................... 8 WSC Accelerator Program..................................................................................................................................................... 10 Our Future ............................................................................................................................................................................. 11

Baruch WSC Spring 2018 Newsletter


Letter from the President Dear Reader, The Wall Street Club (WSC) is proud to present our Spring 2018 newsletter. This semester has been jam-packed for us and we are pleased to share a compilation of our events and accomplishments in the following pages. We hope you are able to gain a comprehensive understanding of our club’s functions, inner workings, and culture. This semester we hosted the second cohort of our WSC Accelerator program, our semester-long developmental program, and various financial training events, all while delivering our weekly meetings. Although we had a very successful semester, we are always striving to improve ourselves. This semester we consistently took in feedback from our audience, to make sure our material aligned with their needs. In the coming semesters we hope to expand our reach at Baruch, and become known as students’ go-to place to develop their knowledge on the financial services. WSC has always produced top performing individuals, who have been placed at reputable firms across street. We would like to continue this tradition by increasing the groups’ overall aptitude, knowledge, and skill to shape the next generation of Baruch’s finest in the financial services industry. WSC is a community of highly motivated, career driven students who strive to excel academically and professionally. We have cultivated this through having a close-knit familial culture, where members are encouraged to ask questions and explore their genuine interests. We believe that if one of us fails, we all fail, which pushes us to ensure that every member is performing at their full potential. This, in my opinion, is what makes WSC unique. All of these factors has made being president of this club the most challenging, but most rewarding task I have ever taken on. Seeing the growth of our e-board and accelerators over the past year has made this demanding job well worth it. Without the support of both current and past members, I can confidently say I would not be the person I am today. WSC has made my Baruch experience, and I would like to thank its members for allowing me to head such a great organization. All the best,

Mikayla Ramnanan, President

Mikayla Ramnanan | E: [email protected] Mikayla is a junior majoring in Finance and minoring in Art History. She joined Wall Street Club in the Spring of her freshman year and started on the board the following semester. She spent her sophomore summer at Deutsche Bank as an Investment Banking Summer Analyst in the Mergers and Acquisitions group, where she will be returning this year. In her free time, she enjoys cake decorating and hopes to one day open a bakery.

Baruch WSC Spring 2018 Newsletter


Meet the Board Vice President Steven Espaillat | E: [email protected] Steven is a junior majoring in Economics and minoring in Psychology. He holds previous experience in the hedge fund space, wealth management, markets, investment banking, and corporate banking. Last summer Steven rotated through markets, investment banking, and corporate banking as part of the Sophomore Leadership Program at Citigroup. This summer he will be joining Accenture.

Vice President of Professional Development Andrew Lubrino | E: [email protected] Andrew is a senior studying Finance and Mathematics. This past summer, he interned as an Investment Banking Summer Analyst at RBC Capital Markets in their TMT group, where he will be returning full time upon graduation. Andrew is also the captain of the men’s swimming team at Baruch College.

Vice President of Professional Development Joungmin Park | E: [email protected] Joungmin is a senior in the Macaulay Honors Program, majoring in Finance and minoring in Law & Policy. Joungmin will be joining JPMorgan Chase & Co. as an Investment Banking Credit Risk Analyst upon graduation. In her spare time, she enjoys road trips, photography, and volunteering.

Vice President of Operations Yazmi Miah | E: [email protected] Yazmi is a sophomore majoring in Finance and minoring in Literature. She first started attending WSC in the Fall semester of her freshman year and later joined the Accelerator Program. This summer Yazmi will be joining Wells Fargo as an Investment Banking Summer Analyst in their San Francisco TMT group. In her free time, she enjoys attending music festivals, practicing mindfulness, and giving back to the community. Baruch WSC Spring 2018 Newsletter


Vice President of Operations Andrew Zhang | E: [email protected] Andrew is a sophomore majoring in Finance and minoring in Art History. He first started attending WSC during his senior year of high school and has been involved since. During his freshman summer he interned at Katalyst Securities as an Investment Banking intern, and will be joining Marwood Group this summer as a Healthcare Financial Advisory / Consulting Summer Analyst. In his free time, he enjoys exploring New York City’s architecture.

Vice President of Marketing Katharine Filipovic | E: [email protected] Katharine is a sophomore majoring in Finance who started attending WSC during her senior year of high school. Last summer she interned for Skadden, Aprs, Slate, Meager and Flom, LLP as a Planning and Analysis intern. Prior to attending Baruch College, she interned in Janney Montgomery Scott’s Public Finance division and Moody's Investor Relations division. In her free time, she enjoys vacation planning, traveling, tennis, golf, and documentaries.

Treasurer Adina Turabayeva | E: [email protected] Adina is a sophomore, majoring in Finance and minoring in Entrepreneurship. She started attending WSC during the Fall of her freshman year. During the following semester she joined the Accelerator Program, which helped her gain rigorous exposure to the financial services industry. In her free time, Adina enjoys watching soccer, practicing yoga, and volunteering for animal welfare.

Advisor Patrycja Gorska | E: [email protected] Patrycja is a senior majoring in Finance and double-minoring in Economics and Real Estate. She joined the WSC in the Spring of her freshman year. She spent last summer at Goldman Sachs in the Sponsor M&A group, helping advise financial sponsors on acquisitions and various exit options. She will be joining the group full-time upon graduation in May 2018 and is currently a part-time intern in the Financial & Strategic Investors group.

Baruch WSC Spring 2018 Newsletter


Our Meetings Wall Street Club strives to educate the Baruch community on different fields in the financial services through presentations, workshops, and networking opportunities. Our weekly meetings are held on Friday nights from 6pm to 8pm. The first hour contains presentations on weekly financial news, and a special topic in finance. For the second hour we bring in guest speakers from various industries and firms across Wall Street.

Our meetings start with a 15-minute presentation on understanding the week’s major economic and financial news. The next 40minutes of are geared towards educating our audience on applicable financial topics that can be used to achieve success in the industry. These presentations are designed to help our members conduct outside research with the resources we provide.

The last hour-long section of our meetings offer attendees the opportunity to meet working professionals from various industries in finance (i.e.: Investment Banking, Sales and Trading, Consulting, etc.) and get a better understanding of different career paths. Many of our guest speakers are alumni within our networks who are invited to share their college and career experiences, offer professional advice, and motivate the audience to achieve success in the financial services industry.

Our Spring 2018 Meetings Included…

Baruch WSC Spring 2018 Newsletter


Events BrainCeek: Investment Banking Simulation

The Wall Street Club would like to thank Professor Kolev, BrainCeek, NABA, Hillel, ALPFA, and all of the attendees for making this event possible and a huge success.

Wall Street Club, NABA, ALPFA and Hillel partnered to host our second Investment Banking Simulation with BrainCeek. Jason Fan, a Baruch alumni and founder of BrainCeek, returned to Baruch to give students the opportunity to experience and understand what a day as an investment banking analyst consists of. The workshop focused on developing key skills needed to survive on the desk. We invited 22 students to attend this one-day workshop, during which they were trained on financial modeling and PowerPoint techniques. The day began with presentations on the basics of what investment banking is and the role an analyst plays in the office. Throughout the day, participants researched data, with the use of the Capital IQ database, built models on restructuring, M&A transactions, and IPO deals, and put together a pitchbook. Although students were required to work individually, the BrainCeek team created a comfortable environment to ask questions. Students managed to juggle “fire drills” and shortened deadlines while still creating the expected work-product, which was sent to the BrainCeek team to analyze and assess their performance. Throughout the day, participants were able to pick up a wide set of skills and information, including Excel shortcuts, understanding the importance behind doing in-depth research, and the fundamentals of financial modeling.

Baruch WSC Spring 2018 Newsletter


Pillars of Wall Street: Financial Training Workshop

Wall Street Club ended the Spring semester by hosting our annual financial training workshop. The event was provided by Brian Clark, an educator from Pillars of Wall Street. Pillars of Wall Street is a leading provider of real-world financial training for students and professionals of all levels. This two-day workshop took 40 students through training on technical interview questions, modeling best practices, and three-statement financial modeling. Day one began with an intense overview of the financial statements and how they are linked together. Brain gave real life examples on how to apply the information during interviews and on the job. He then broke down the importance of accounting and how to analyze the schedules that go into building a threestatement model. On day two, this information was applied in Excel. Students learned how to navigate through Excel via keyboard shortcuts and learned step-by-step how to build a three-statement model. Along the way, they were able to create projections from the given data and build out the schedules. Brian went through this process in-depth, making sure no one was left behind. As a result, all participants were able to successfully complete a working model without ever touching the mouse. The workshop was very successful in teaching students skills necessary to succeed in the financial services industry. It went beyond model building by also showing students how to maximize their time and effectively present their models.

Baruch WSC Spring 2018 Newsletter



ALPFA hosted this event which gave students a deep insight into Sponsors for Educational Opportunity (SEO). SEO is a preprofessional developmental program that provides educational and career opportunities to young people of diverse backgrounds. During the session, SEO representatives reviewed their various career route programs (Ex: Investment Banking, Sales & Trading, Asset Management, Law, etc.) and exactly what they entail.

ALPFA brought representatives from Citigroup on campus to help students understand the day-to-day functions of various roles at the bank. The panelists represented many lines of businesses including Corporate Banking, Sales and Trading, Citi Cards, Commercial / Consumer Banking, and Human Resources. The event was geared towards helping students understand the firm’s recruiting timeline, and the range of opportunities available at Citi.

ALPFA spearheaded this event which allowed Baruch students to understand the importance of networking. Representatives from Management Leadership of Tomorrow (MLT), a career development institution for minorities, reviewed critical do’s and don’ts of networking and relationship building with professionals.

Baruch WSC Spring 2018 Newsletter


ALPFA brought professionals from Morgan Stanley’s Internal Audit division to give students and opportunity to learn about its function, and network with junior and senior professionals in the space. This event helped students with interview prep for the position and informed them about upcoming opportunities and events at Morgan Stanley.

Alpha Phi Omega hosted their annual carnival which helps raise awareness and donations for various charity organizations through carnival games.

ALPFA hosted its annual business banquet, which allowed students to network with ALPFA Alumni, and build relationships with current students and professionals alike. In addition, the event provided students with an overview of the club’s accomplishments and co-sponsorships over the past semester.

Baruch WSC Spring 2018 Newsletter


WSC Accelerator Program The WSC Accelerator Program encourages its members’ intellectual curiosity to gain a deep understanding of corporate finance and capital markets. The program allows them to explore their interests within the financial services, by developing skills necessary to break into and excel in the industry. It is a highly selective, rigorous, semester-long developmental program through which our Accelerators are exposed to a broad variety of skillsets.

“Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” WARREN BUFFETT

The program starts off with a bird’s eye view on the vast world of finance, and progressively narrows its scope to thoroughly encompass the range of knowledge and skills vital to the industry. Members train their technical and soft skills through the various workshops and assignments required by the program. Along the way they are supported by the entire e-board and are assigned an e-board mentor to streamline their questions. Activities of the program include: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Weekly meetings / phone calls with e-board members to discuss current news, and ask any questions Saturday workshops that emphasize research, industry knowledge, accounting, and financial analysis Assignments that reinforce the information and skills learned during the workshops End-of-program case study competition

Spring 2018 Accelerators After launching the program in Spring 2017 to expand our Friday night platform, we are proud to say our second cohort has successfully completed the program this semester. “The program has provided me with better analytical, presentation, and time management skills. The e-board has guided me in several ways, from understanding the markets to navigating recruiting. They encouraged questions and made sure none went unanswered.” – Scarlett Rodriguez, Spring 2018 Accelerator “The Accelerator program houses a rich and diverse environment where you have the support of your peers and the e-board. They are a family that advocate for your success.” – Eileen Barros, Spring 2018 Accelerator “This opportunity gave me the knowledge necessary to jumpstart my career in finance” – Allysa Tangco, Spring 2018 Accelerator

Baruch WSC Spring 2018 Newsletter

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Our Future Over 10 years ago the first 7 members of WSC came together with the simple mission of furthering their knowledge of the financial services outside of the classroom. Since then the organization has grown dramatically, reaching a membership roster of over 150 students, and establishing itself as a powerhouse for professional development at Baruch. Currently we see need to make changes in our platform to enhance our members’ experience, as the landscape at Baruch has changed and the recruiting timeline has been drastically shifted. In the coming semesters we hope to be more collaborative with other on-campus organizations to widen our reach within the Baruch community and provide more opportunities to our members. We also plan to have more large-scale career focus events and meetings, to allow students to fully explore their options when it comes to choosing a path in the financial services. Thereafter, we will equip them to break into that space.

The Wall Street Club is consistently trying to improve its platform to better serve the Baruch community. Please contact [email protected] with any of the below: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Feedback / suggestions for our presentations, guest speaker series, events, etc. Becoming a guest speaker Sponsoring on or off campus events Sharing internship / job opportunities Getting involved with our Accelerator Program


THANK YOU! We greatly appreciate you taking the time to read our newsletter. baruchwsc.com Baruch WSC Spring 2018 Newsletter


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