Spring - Silkstone Parish Council

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victim this time is Gilly Walker. Gilly is a keen sportsman and one of the founding fathers of Silkstone Cricket. Team. He was for sometime the. Hello everyone.
Silkstone Parish Council Newsletter Issue 58 Spring 2012

Silkstone clerk - new email address Please note that our clerk, Karen Canadine has a new email address. It is [email protected]. Her phone number is unchanged 01226 391343.

Chairman’s Letter Spring 2012 Prayers Just when a court decides that it is illegal to have prayers as part of the formal council agenda, the Secretary of State turns that on its head by Read more on page xx

Silkstone Parish Community Centre Update Just a short note to update you on the progress of the plans to build a new centre for the Silkstone Parish Community. Read more on page 10

Contents - a selection Heritage Silkstone News




Contact details


Twinning Association


Dog Fouling


Silkstone Charities


Local Organisations


Hello everyone Welcome to your spring 2012 Parish Council Newsletter. The newsletter has had a bit of a revamp I hope that you agree that the new format is more eye-catching than the old one. Thanks are due to Linda Marsh who kindly sets out the newsletter for us who decided that the old format was looking a bit tired and needed a boost.

grounds man at the recreation ground and has lived in the parish for over 50 years. I find it a very enjoyable task to interview people for the newsletter especially when they are as lively as Gilly! If you have any ideas about future celebrities who you think we should know more about then please let me know.

2011 ended on a high note when Terry Daniel founder of the Good Companions received the honorary freedom of this parish. Terry is the first person to receive this award, the event was held at the Lodge and according to my Mum and Dad it was an excellent do and everyone enjoyed it. More details of this event are included in this edition. We also have our usual celebrity interview and our willing victim this time is Gilly Walker. Gilly is a keen sportsman and one of the founding fathers of Silkstone Cricket Team. He was for sometime the

I have news of my own to impart as over the Christmas holidays I emigrated to Hoylandswaine. My partner and I have been looking for a project for some time and we have bought a property that needs a bit of renovation. I was very sad to leave Stainmore Close after 27 years and on the day I moved I was a blubbing wreck! I would like to thank all my friends and neighbours for their support and kindness over the years, particularly when I was going through my bad times. Those kind words and glasses of wine were much Continued on page 2

Archaeological survey of Silkstone Waggonway We would like to thank all the landowners who most kindly trusted us to walk their land during the initial survey stages, and we have a final appeal to make to everyone. We know of Silkstone residents who have bits and pieces from the waggonway found on their walks in the area. One length of rail found its way to Cawthorne Museum, where it still resides in their safe-keeping. Such finds tell us something about the waggonway, about the design of stones, rails and wheels. During the survey an extra piece of the jig-saw was found - a corf wheel of solid iron, a wheel from one of the underground tubs used at the time, matching a drawing in the report of the Commission of Enquiry. There may be other artefacts out there. We now know that various designs of rails were used on the network. If you have a scrap of rail in your keeping, we would like to know about it, so that the location of the find can be recorded on the master map of finds which creates the full picture for this first of British waggonway surveys. Please contact Colin Bower, 01226 790416 or [email protected] or Jim Ritchie, 01226 790695 Colin Bower… Views expressed in this newsletter are those of the contributors not necessarily the views and policies of the Parish Council.

Silkstone Parish Newsletter

appreciated. I will continue as both the Internal Auditor and Newsletter Editor for as long as I am wanted and I will be about as usual visiting friends and family including the monthly ladies only sessions in the Bells! So you can’t get rid of me so easily! I was also sad when Julie and Lynne left the Lodge. Most Friday’s my partner Ken and I meet my Dad Jim and brotherin law Glen in the Lodge. Apparently the Farmers Blonde there was the best around and every week after their first drink of their beer there would be the same appreciative comments about the quality of it , “Smashing pint “ or “ I look forward to this all week”. Julie and Lynne were always so friendly and welcoming and sadly our Friday nights won’t be the same. We wish them all the best for the future. I don’t think it will have escaped anyone’s notice that this year the Queen will celebrate her Diamond Jubilee (60 years on the throne). In case you get asked this in a pub quiz Queen Victoria was the only other British monarch to celebrate a Diamond Jubilee (in 1897). According to early applications the Jubilee will see more street parties than last year’s Royal Wedding. Chris White, Chairman of the Culture, Tourism and Sport Board of the Local Government Association, said: "It really seems as if Britain’s street party tradition has been well and truly resurrected and people are already planning to dust down their fold-out tables and unpack the bunting.” If you do arrange anything let me know and we will give it a mention in the newsletter. Please remember that this is your newsletter so any comments and suggestions are always welcome. My email address is the same [email protected]. My new address is Netherlea Farm, Cat Hill Hoylandswaine S36 7JB, or ring me on 07970084560. Best wishes, Diane

Church Notes Silkstone Bells. The bells are once again ringing at All Saints Church after a short break to carry out urgent repairs. Many thanks to all who have helped to raise money to fund the repairs and to all those who have donated so generously. There is still a small amount of money to be raised so the collecting boxes will still be around for a short time. Many thanks also to the bell-ringers who helped to dismantle and assist with the installation. This has helped to keep down the cost. Enjoy the sound of the bells on Monday evenings, Sunday morning and during special occasions.

Waiting for a new vicar. The process of appointing a new vicar is still moving along. The latest news that we have is that the vacancy is now to

be advertised nationally (Church Times) with (subject to suitable applicants) interviews taking place at the end of May. We will keep you informed of the progress. Meantime many thanks to Rev Malcolm Reed and Rev Terry Robin for ensuring that all services, baptisms, weddings and funerals are being carried out and that the life of the Church is continuing.

Church Roof Many of you will have noticed that the church roof has been a victim of theft of lead once again. The cost of the loss this time is approx £5,000. By the time you read this, hopefully the roof will have been repaired and made watertight, but it is a worry and burden to the church. Insurance companies now have a limit to the amount of cover they will provide for loss of metal each year. We are looking at whether we can start a programme of covering the more accessible areas with alternative materials but, as the Church is a listed building we must discuss this with English Heritage as well as the Diocese. Also we looking at the security system on the Church and considering the installation of CCTV cameras and linking the alarm to lights and bells. We would welcome any comments on these considerations, especially from our neighbours. Claud Bills, Churchwarden

Open all day Monday to Saturday Sunday 12-3 7-11:00 Meals served 12 noon to 2 pm Traditional lunch on Sundays (booking advisable) Private parties catered for Buffets and hot meals Mark and Julie invite you to enjoy good food & drink in your comfortable local

Tel 01226 790248 2

Spring: Issue 58

The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Weekend. The main programme will take place from Saturday 2nd June to Tuesday 5th June with celebratory activities throughout the United Kingdom and across the Commonwealth.

Monday 4th June, 2012 BBC Concert at Buckingham Palace: There will be a televised Diamond Jubilee Concert at Buckingham Palace with tickets being available to UK residents by public ballot. The musical programme for the concert is still being planned and is expected to feature British and Commonwealth musicians. Details on how to apply for the concert will be available in due course. This event is being organised by the BBC.

Saturday 2nd June, 2012

The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Beacons: A network of 2,012 Beacons will be lit by communities and individuals throughout the United Kingdom, as well as the Channel Islands, the Isle of Sunday 3rd June, 2012 Man and the Commonwealth. As in 2002, The Queen will The Big Jubilee Lunch: Building on the already popular Big light the National Beacon. The beacons project is being Lunch initiative, people will be encouraged to share lunch with organised by Diamond Jubilee Beacons Ltd. neighbours and friends as part of the Diamond Jubilee Tuesday 5th June, 2012 celebrations. This may take the form of a traditional street party or a picnic lunch in small or larger groups. This event is Service of Thanksgiving and Carriage Procession: There will being organised by the Big Lunch, be a Service of Thanksgiving at St Paul's Cathedral and a http://www.thebiglunch.com/ formal carriage Procession by The Queen. The Queen will attend the Epsom Derby.

The Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant: This event will take place on the Thames and consist of up to 1,000 boats assembled from across the UK, the Commonwealth and around the world. The Queen will travel in the Royal Barge which will lead the flotilla. This event is being organised by the Thames Diamond Jubilee Foundation, http://www.thamesdiamondjubileepageant.org/

Commonwealth Realms and other Commonwealth nations will be creating their own events in celebration of the Diamond Jubilee. In addition, they will be represented at, and involved with, the events taking place over the central weekend, including the Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant on 3rd June and the Service of Thanksgiving on 5th June. There is a dedicated Diamond Jubilee Directgov website www.direct.gov.uk/diamondjubilee - which will feature regularly updated public information about the Diamond Jubilee.

Terry Daniel - presentation We, the Chairman and Members of Silkstone Parish Council, on behalf of the residents of the said Parish hereby confer the first honorary freedom of the Parish of Silkstone upon Terry Daniel in recognition of his many years service to Silkstone Common Good Companions and the community. 7th December 2011


Silkstone Parish Newsletter

Ivy ‘stolen’ from Conroyd Wood


Can you help solve the mystery of the missing ivy from Conroyd Wood, Cone Lane Silkstone? During a regular weekly inspection of the wood it was discovered that 12 trees were missing a 1 ft band of ivy from around their trunks. The Parish Council checked with our Woodland Management inspector to see if he had removed the ivy to inspect the trees - NOT I SAID HE! So the Parish Council checked with the CARE group who carry out work in the woods - NOT US THEY SAID! Who would do such a thing? Ivy is beneficial to wildlife in the woods and does not harm the trees. The result of removing this ivy is to kill it off above the removed band. Maybe whoever did this thought they were helping the trees. The mystery of the Ivy thief continues....... Since writing the above the same problem has occurred in the wood between Towngate and Manor Park which is owned by Noblethorpe Estates and Barnsley MBC who have been advised. The Police have also been informed.

Heritage Silkstone news. HLF and EPIP grant money is tranforming the Parish Church in Silkstone. Already the west window has been removed, conservation work completed and the window replaced. Some of the windows on the south side will be the next to be conserved over the next weeks.

BarnsleyBEST is a new volunteer scheme, for anyone 16 years old or over who wants to volunteer at one day events and sports clubs in Barnsley. There are opportunities for everyone. Whether you want to meet new people, develop new skills, or just do something you enjoy in your spare time, BarnsleyBEST will help you find something you want to do.

Events Volunteering You choose what type of events you want to volunteer for. There’s no commitment and you can sign up to as many or few events as you want!

Sports Volunteering You don’t need to be sporty to volunteer for sports clubs and with Barnsley BEST you can volunteer for a number of vital support roles such as web design, promotions as well as umpring, coaching and groundsman.

Sports Training Opportunities Ever wanted to volunteer at a sports club but don’t have any skills or qualifications to do what you want? After attending a set number of events you can sign up to gain a range of basic qualifications For more information Call: 01226 77 3596 Email: [email protected]

A new staircase will soon be installed to give access to the 'roof' space over the kitchen, already a load-bearing structure, where a heritage resource centre, to be known as the Bramah Gallery will be established. This will be open to the public for research into church, local and family history using the files now being assembled. The dismantling of the Wentworth Monument originally installed in the Bretton Chapel in 1675 when Sir Thomas Wenworth died, will allow access to the rusting fixings causing damage to this fine marble scupture. Sir Thomas was a Cavalier who fought on the side of King Charles I in the Civil War. He is dressed in his Civil War suit of armour. The inscription records his achievements for the King. As a reward for his services King Charles II knighted him and created him Baronet. When his wife died in 1698 she was buried with him and the monument shows their two figures lying side by side. When the monument has been dismantled the iron pegs will be replaced by stainless steel, making it safe into the future. Please keep your eyes on the church noticeboard for news of displays and restoration events. Colin Bower


Spring: Issue 58

Paper towel dispensers

PRECEPT 2012/2013 Silkstone Parish Council has set their budget for the next financial year which starts on 1 April 2012. The precept for Silkstone & Silkstone Common which will be paid to the Parish Council by Barnsley MBC will be £62,500. This is an increase of 3% on last year’s parish precept which had remained the same for 3 years. The impact on each home in the Parish will be an increase of £1.50 per home for the Parish element of the Council tax bill.

Silkstone Parish Council has recently installed hand dryers at the Silkstone Pavilion which has left the paper hand towel dispensers redundant. Two of the dispensers have been gifted to Broad Close Farm. If anyone knows of any local groups/community buildings that would like one or all of the remaining 5 dispensers please contact the Parish Clerk

Cartoon of the month

In addition to the £62,500 payment from Barnsley MBC, the Parish Council estimates that additional income from allotment charges, newsletter advertising, and contributions towards grounds man’s costs from Silkstone Football and Cricket Clubs and bank interest will equate to £4,178 giving a total income of £66,678 This table shows how the £66,678 income will be spent by the Parish Council during 2012/2013 :

Budget Heading




Silkstone Recreation Ground & Pavilion includes Utility Bills, Handyman, Grounds man, Pavilion contractor works and Recreation Ground Contractor works and Machinery repairs and maintenance)


Recreation (this is a broad budget covering allotments, handy man’s work around the parish, benches maintenance, War Memorial area maintenance, hanging baskets & Jubilee planting and woods maintenance)


Grants paid to local groups to help with purchase of new equipment or travel costs Administration covering necessary business expenses such as insurance, audit fees, membership of professional bodies, newsletter printing costs, office telephone, office consumables, chairman’s allowance and miscellaneous contingency) Conferences & Training (for the Clerk and members of the Council to be up to date with developments and legal requirements for our sector) Total expenditure

4,700 10,000



Hanging baskets Last summer in an attempt to save money and keep the precept the same as the previous year the Parish Council decided not to have hanging baskets in the villages as this created a saving of around £2,000. Following comments from Parishioners the Parish Council have decided to re-instate some hanging baskets.


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Silkstone Parish Newsletter

Foul deed at Silkstone, The scene was set, I had constructed a substantial stable in the garden at Silkstone common Methodist church ready for the Christmas celebrations. Life-size models of Mary and Joseph were in residence for the big event. Cawthorne brass band were entertaining the crowd throughout the evening, Santa arrived, switched on Christmas lights and placed baby Jesus in his manger before taking up residence in his grotto.

PS as of 31 January, Joseph was discovered is skulking in the bushes at Broomfield house, Ben Bank Road. Despite intensive questioning he remained silent and would not disclose the whereabouts of the infant. He has therefore been committed to a dark cellar for 12 months to try and persuade him to shed some light on the matter.

Star Map looking North April - June

However, peace and harmony did not last very long as the innkeeper who owned the stable informed his wife that Mary was giving Joe loads of grief due to the fact that he had dragged her across the desert on a donkey and her in a delicate condition. To cap it all the dozy happorth had forgotten to book any accommodation. On top of that the storm had played havoc with the stable and left them exposed to the elements. Joseph told Mary that women rare eputed to be able to multitask and took himself of to the station pub for a pint of Herod’s wrath, brewed at the Bethlehem microbrewery whilst she got the stable back in order, besides looking after Jesus’s welfare at the same time. On his return. Joe was firmly put in his place. Mary had put her foot down with a firm hand informing Joseph that from now on he had to take on the responsibility of night feeding and nappy changing, whilst she had a well deserved rest. He also had to make sure that Jesus was kept safely in the manger and firmly wrapped in swaddling bands.

1. Can you find Cassiopeia? In Greek mythology, this Wshaped constellation represents the wife of King Cepheus who sits nearby. 2. Have a look for Vega, a star in the constellation Lyra (the Harp). This is one of the brightest stars in the night sky and, in 1850, it became the first star other than the Sun to be photographed. 3. The constellation of Draco the Dragon wraps around Ursa Minor, the Little Bear. The head of the dragon is marked by four stars in a pattern known as The Lozenge.

I don't know what sort of music that a swaddling band plays but I would like to book them for this year's Fire Festival at Cawthorne. It would seem that all this aggro from Mary was really rubbing Joe up the wrong way. In the week prior to the New Year. I noticed that the trio were absent from the stable and assume that they have returned home by another route. On closer examination it was found that Joseph had upped sticks and was missing along with baby Jesus. For Mary was well and truly done for as she had been decapitated. Had Herod finally caught up with them? Had Joe flipped his lid and committed the deed and done a runner. Police are looking for a rather wooden looking man with a painted beard dressed in an old dressing gown and tea towel on his head. Public asked to keep their distance as he may be armed and dangerous. They are unsure as to what he used to cut off Mary’s head. It is thought Joe may have had an accomplice to help him on his way as he had been firmly restrained in the stable. Happy New Year to you all Elvin

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Spring: Issue 58

Parish Council Meetings for the rest of 2012

Contact details: Silkstone Parish Councillors Derek Liddell (Chairman) 15 Black Horse Drive, Silkstone Common Tel:790509 or e-mail [email protected] Richard Leech (Vice Chairman) 17 Towngate, Silkstone Tel: 791679 or e-mail [email protected] Richard Brocklehurst 25 Lady Royd, Silkstone Common Tel: 794280 or e-mail [email protected] Jonathon Charlesworth Broad Close Farm, Cone Lane, Silkstone Tel:790900 or e-mail [email protected] Mrs Pat Gallamore 38 Towngate, Silkstone Tel: 791716 or e-mail c/o [email protected] Peter Handley 24 Guest Lane, Silkstone Tel: 790784 or e-mail [email protected] Meryl Liddell 15 Black Horse Drive, Silkstone Common Tel:790509 or e-mail [email protected] Patrick Smith 27 Moorend Lane, Silkstone Common Tel: 790596 or e-mail [email protected] Ron Stier 5 Beech Avenue, Silkstone Common Tel : 790074 or e-mail c/o [email protected] Parish Clerk Mrs Karen Canadine 40 St Andrews Drive, Darton, S75 5LX Tel : 391343 or e-mail [email protected] Parish Website http://www.silkstoneparishcouncil.gov.uk

All meetings are on Mondays in Silkstone Sports Pavilion. All Parish Council meetings are open to the public and include a public question time at 6.45pm for 15 minutes. If you would like to attend a Council meeting but do not have transport, please contact the Parish Clerk who will arrange transport. Date


02-Apr-12 16-Apr-12



Annual Council Meeting

11-Jun-12 02-Jul-12 03-Sep-12 01-Oct-12 12-Nov-12 03-Dec-12


The Statutory Annual Parishioners' Meeting (APM) was held in Silkstone Common in 2011 and so will be held at Silkstone in the Sports Pavilion in 2012.

The Red


Contact details for Ward councillors Cllr John Wilson: [email protected] Telephone: 01226 770770 (BMBC) or 01226 243497 (Home) or 07772 730878 (mobile) http://johnwilson.yourcllr.com Cllr Robert Barnard: [email protected] Telephone: 01226 770770 (BMBC) or 01226 382861 (Home) or 07811 430948 (mobile) http://robertbarnard.yourcllr.com Councillor Paul Hand-Davis: [email protected] Telephone: 01226 770770 (BMBC) or 01226 767968 (Home) or 07814 615497 (mobile) http://paulhanddavis.yourcllr.com The postal address for all three is the office address: Barnsley MBC, P O Box 634, BARNSLEY S70 9GG 7

69 High Street, Silkstone Rob and Yvonne offer a warm welcome to all Small parties catered for: Birthdays, Engagements, Funeral teas etc Beer garden, children's play area, large car park Monday – Quiz night } Cash Saturday – Open the box } Prizes WATCH OUT FOR OUR SPECIAL FUN NIGHTS + BBQS

Tel: 01226 790455

Silkstone Parish Newsletter

Celebrity Interview with Gilbert "Gilly" Walker My local celebrity interview for spring 2012 is the one and only Gilbert Walker better known as Gilly. Gilly is a very sociable and lively person and I spent a very enjoyable hour talking to him and his wife Bet. They made me feel very welcome in their home and we talked about all sorts most of which is not included in this interview! Gilly loves sport and is passionate about cricket. He started Silkstone Cricket Club in 1968 and was part of the committee which revamped the sporting facilities at the recreation ground by taking down the old wooden hut and replacing it with a cricket pavilion. This has of course been since replaced by the current building, at this time the cricket pitch was next to an old tip and the cricket balls would quite often land on it and had to be carefully retrieved. For many years he was the grounds man at Silkstone Recreation Ground and has lovely memories of picnics with his wife Bet, their two children and family dog who would join him whilst he was working there. They were happy times and both he and Bet are very proud of both their children and four grandchildren. In 1983 the pitch that Gilly had so carefully tended was torn up and no-one was as pleased as him when eventually some years later we had new sporting facilities. Gilly was at one time both the captain of the cricket and football team. He only stopped playing cricket two years ago and now enjoys playing golf. Gilly’s son Darren is the current cricket captain of the first team and the tradition continues with Gilly’s grandson Daniel being the captain of the second team for a while.

The Maria Penrose School of Theatre Dance Silkstone Scout & Guide HQ Established since 1994 M.I.D.T.A Qualified Lessons taken in all subjects Ballet, Tap, Theatre Craft, Modern Jazz, Gym, Street, Irish, Musical Theatre. Melody Bear Dance Classes, every Friday 2.15 – 2.45

For more info please call Maria on 01226 756661/ 07966445679

Gilly was born and brought up in Honeywell Street Barnsley. He met his lovely wife Bet (short for Betty) at a dance at Barnsley Baths. Younger people may be surprised to learn that in those days in towns and cities swimming baths would double up as dance halls where in the evenings a dance floor would be laid over the pool. Bet and Gilly married in 1957 and will have been married 55 years this year. They moved to Silkstone in 1958 living in Rose Cottages which have since been demolished on the High Street. They moved to Rose Cottages as Bet's auntie, Elsie Tattersall who lived on High Street saw that one of the cottages was empty. She alerted our newlyweds and it was a lovely first home which they rented for ten bob a week. At this time Silkstone was a much smaller place with only properties on the High Street, Packhorse Green and Manor Park. As you can imagine they have seen a lot of change in the 54 years they have lived here. Both their children were born whilst they lived in Rose Cottages and they moved to a bigger house on Martin Croft, Silkstone to accommodate their growing family in 1964. Twenty years ago they did a house swap with their son and they now live back on the High Street where they feel very settled. Gilly was a miner for 35 years working at both Barrow and Dodworth pits, he says it was a hard cruel 8

Spring: Issue 58

trade and he remembers one awful day when a fellow worker Les Kaye was buried under rubble and broke his back. He was only 21 and would spend the rest of his life disabled. Gilly himself did not escape unscathed and had many an injury the worst being when he lost the ends of two of his fingers. Being a miner could be one of the reasons why he has always loved sports and being in the open air. He remembers being only a young lad barely in his twenties and working nights down a cramped and dark mine shaft, it was very depressing and he never wanted his son to be a miner.

Silkstone/ST. Florent Twinning Association The next meeting of Silkstone/St. Florent Twinning Association will be held on Friday 20 April 2012 at 7.30pm in Silkstone Pavilion, followed by a faith supper. The meeting is open to anyone wishing to be involved with the twinning association or who would just like to get to know more about twinning. Plans are already being formulated for a visit to Silkstone by the French in 2013.

Gilly is a well known television star having been on both Family Fortunes and the Price is Right. He did not win anything on the Price is Right but the Walker Family won enough money on Family Fortunes for a lovely family holiday in Ibiza. I remember watching that edition of Family Fortunes as my neighbour Derrick Parker rang me to say Gilly was on the telly!

Watch this space for further details.

Gilly's sporting legacy lives on through his children and grandchildren who have all inherited his love of sport .He has also taught others in our community in the correct way to properly mark out the square on the cricket pitch. Whenever he is at the ground he checks to make sure that his protégées have done it right! We wish him, Bet and his family all the best for the future with lots more family holidays, celebrations and of course the much enjoyed golf days.

The Twinning Committee of Silkstone Parish Council will be holding a French themed fair on Bastille Day 14 July 12; to raise awareness of the activities of the Twinning Association and to raise funds for the 2013 Twinning visit when visitors from St Florent – des – Bois will be visiting the Parish.

Diane Brown

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Bastille Day 14 July 2012

They are inviting any other local groups who would like to have a stall or run an activity to join in to raise funds for their own group. ! The Scout Hut user groups will also be involved on the day to raise funds for the new Community Building. ! The Silkstone Band Contest will also take place on the 14 July 12 at Silkstone Lodge. The fair is likely to take place at Broad Close Farm and the Scout Hut. The times of the fair are yet to be agreed and will be published in the June edition of this newsletter. If you are interested in involving your group in this community fundraising day please contact the Parish Clerk on 01226391343 or e-mail [email protected]

Five French Phrases French you probably didn’t learn at school

Monday to Friday 9.15am - 6pm

Ah, la vache! (lit: oh, the cow!): oh my god!

Late night appointments available

à l’eau de rose (lit: with rose water): sentimental/soppy

1 Gunthwaite Lane, Upper Denby !"##$%&'$(# HD8 8UL Tel: 01484 868249 9

Anyone wishing to know more about any the twinning association, please ring Yvonne Dinsdale on 01226 790583.

avoir le cafard (lit: to have the cockroach): be down in the dumps; have the blues avoir le démon de midi (lit: to have the midday demon): to have a midlife crisis c'est la fin des haricots (lit: that's the end of the beans) : it's the last straw/its hopeless or that's the end of it

Silkstone Parish Newsletter

Silkstone Parish Community Centre - Update

Do you like Art, Wildflower Meadows and Poetry?

Just a short note to update you on the progress of the plans to build a new centre for the Silkstone Parish Community.

This is the third year of the poetry fireside nights held in the Monkey Pub, Thurgoland. February the 29th was the third year anniversary of these very popular evenings. They are held on the last Wednesday of every month and all are welcome.

I am sure you are all aware of the current poor state of the Scout and Guide hut where we have recently had to spend more money on repairs to make the building watertight, legal and acceptable for the short term. In the last year the new committee has been fundraising in order to raise funds towards creating this new building which will ultimately provide two activity rooms, toilets, a kitchen/meeting room and storage. The activities last year involved a spiritualist evening, a Take That night, a race night, sponsored walk, Envelope appeal, car boot sale, Xmas fayre and bag packing at both Morrisons and Tescos, to name but some !! The good news is we have nearly £20, 000 in the bag! In addition- We have been granted Charitable Status and are fully registered. This will enable us to proceed with grant applications and approaches to local businesses who may be able to match fund what we have already raised.

If you have ever wanted to learn to draw or paint then we are fortunate to have a renowned artist living in Silkstone Common. Danny Clarke runs the Granville D Clarke School of Painting and has an excellent reputation as an art teacher. If you would like to look into this please contact Danny and arrange your lessons. Danny will also provide all the artists materials you will need. For further details contact Danny on line at www.granvilledclarke.co.uk or telephone him on 07966-507626 The wildflower walks at are being held again at Pye Flatts Wildflower Meadow at Hoylandswaine from April onwards, the walks are sponsored by Natural England and are free. To book your walk or to find out more about the poetry evenings and learning to draw contact Danny Clarke.

What do we need from you? 1

Do you have any skills or contacts in the building trade, equipment supply, legal, or any other relevant areas?


Do you have any local/national contacts we could approach- with a view to community funding?

Please get in touch with your name and contact details if you can help in any way. Thanks in advance for your help, I am sure everyone will benefit from this great opportunity to provide somewhere for young people and the whole community to use that we can all be proud of. Linda Jackson 07956 110 161 Maria Penrose 01226 756 661 or 07966 445 679 Maria and Linda

Brainteaser Monica is carrying ten 3-cup bottles of vinegar that are one-quarter full. Her friend William is carrying five 4-cup bottles of red wine that are one-quarter empty. How much more liquid does William carry than Monica?

Free Range Rare Breed Pork, Home Bred Lamb, Grass Fed Beef Come and visit us and see the animals in their natural environment and you can also keep the kids entertained in the pets corner. Shop and Coffee shop open: Tue-Fri 9:00-5:00 Sat 9:00-4:00 Sun 11:00-4:00

Answer on page 12

Broad Close Farm, Cone Lane, Silkstone, Barnsley. S75 4LY Tel no (01226)790900 10

Spring: Issue 58

Dog Fouling The Parish Council have received a number of complaints recently regarding dog fouling. The Barnsley MBC officer responsible for our Parish recently wrote to the Parish Council with the following information: The Council takes the problem of dog fouling extremely seriously. The law applies to all land in the open within the boundary of Barnsley to which the public have access, with some statutory exceptions (including woodland, moorland, farmland). It is an offence for a person in charge of a dog to fail to clean up immediately after their dog fouls on designated land. Dog faeces are unpleasant, they can carry harmful bacteria which can cause stomach upsets, headaches, and in some cases blindness. Plain clothes and uniformed officers regularly patrol the Borough. If we witness an offence then the Council will take formal action against the person responsible. This may result in a fixed penalty fine of £50, and/or prosecution in the Magistrates Court, where a maximum fine of £1000 may be imposed. If you witness anyone allowing their dog to foul in a public place then please do report them to Barnsley MBC at [email protected] or phone 01226-772468

Malcolm Kendall Same Day Denture Repairs Tel 01226-790140 Mobile 07804-362470 Collection & Delivery If Requested

New York, Paris, London, Sydney, Penistone (Mainly Penistone)

House Martins and swallows are on their way back. Next month the skies over Silkstone wll see the first arrivals of swallows and house martins after their long journey from Africa, where they have spent the winter. A few years ago we spent a morning in spring watching swallows flying into a force five northerly wind approaching the southern coast of France near Arles. They battled against the wind, having already crossed a few hundred miles of the Med, dropping down into the troughs of the waves to escape its full force, and arrived over the beach where we were standing at full throttle. Expecting them to take a breather and begin to feed amongst the acres of reed-bed there, we turned and followed their flight to the north, amazed to see them continue northwards without even a pause in their pace. They swirled past at knee height and disappeared over the low vegetation towards their target territories to the north. They had already crossed the Sahara, the most formidable of barriers, one which kills nearly a third of large hawks in their first year crossings. We know that the hirundines (swallows, house and sand martins) also have a high mortality, especially during periods of dust storms frequently met in the Saharan skies. So when, or if, you have the good fortune to have a house martin or swallow attempt to nest on your property, please consider what they have gone through to get here, and treasure the experience of seeing them raise their young for the hazardous journey back to Africa. Knocking down an active nest or preventing birds access to their eggs or young is illegal and attracts potentially high penalties. Colin Bower

Bird quote Did St Francis preach to the birds? Whatever for? If he really liked birds he would have done better to preach to the cats. Rebecca West


Silkstone Parish Newsletter

Chairman’s Letter – Spring 2012 Prayers Just when a court decides that it is illegal to have prayers as part of the formal council agenda, the Secretary of State turns that on its head by enacting part of the Localism Bill that will allow councils who qualify for the General Power of Competence to include them! Let’s be clear, church and parish councils were separated by an act of parliament over one hundred years ago. This action by the Secretary of State once again throws into confusion as to what a Parish Council is. There are still far too many people think of it as part of the church. To have prayers as part of the formal agenda, ie, that part of the meeting that councillors must attend as part of the summons to the meeting, regardless of their own religious views, I think is divisive and exclusive. It brings into question the motivation of serving councillors. Are they serving the community or serving the church? Thankfully, it is not compulsory as I know many Parish Councils would loose a very large number of excellent councillors whose only motivation is the good of their community.



Volunteers Many people are dependant on the services provided by the volunteer groups within their community. Some of these groups such as mother and baby groups, by their nature have a transient membership. Others are more long term and require a certain amount of continuity. But what they all need is people coming forward to make them sustainable. Have a look at the groups towards the back of the newsletter and see if you can help them in any way but especially by giving some time to one of them.

Broadband The government want to develop a very expensive rail link from Birmingham to London to save commuters about twenty minutes per journey. Apart from the ridiculous amount of money being wasted it will also compromise many areas of beautiful countryside for benefit of very few people. The money would be much better spent improving broadband connections not only in more rural areas but country wide. This would almost certainly negate the need for people to have to have jaunts around the country for meetings which could be conducted over the Internet. Derek Liddell

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Call 01226 243300 for our other special offers and promotions or call in and see us at 168 Huddersfield Road, Barnsley, S75 1HA BABTAC registered ITEC qualified 12

Spring: Issue 58

Silkstone Charities Did you know that this Charity gives out small grants to any student taking part in further education (vocational, academic and apprenticeships) and who live in the Parish? The grants are to enable students/apprentices to purchase books or equipment needed for their studies. Grants are awarded twice each year in in January and October. If you are in full-time education/apprenticeship post 18 why not apply for a grant—it is only the price of a stamp and all applications are considered. Please send your applications to reach the Clerk by the end of December or end of September. Write to the Clerk of the trustees giving your name, address and the course/apprenticeship you are doing. The Clerk to the Trustees, Alan Duffin, 107 High Street, High Street, Silkstone, S75 4LT

Why not help this fund grow? The charity distributes the interest earned from the fund, So the amount it can distribute varies from year to year. To help maintain the value of the grants it can make please consider donating or leaving a legacy to this local cause. The charity fund was set up many years ago in relation to the old Town School, which is the reason for its name. Cheques should be made payable to "Town School and Clarkson Foundation" and posted to the Clerk to the Trustees (see address above) If you are tax payer you can increase the value of your donation at no cost to yourself by completing the gift-aid form below.

Town School and Clarkson Foundation Gift Aid Declaration (For tax recovery on a single gift) This Declaration will enable the charity to recover income tax and should only be completed if you are a taxpayer. Declaration I confirm that I am a taxpayer and authorise the Town School and Clarkson Foundation to recover Income Tax on my gift of

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Silkstone Parish Newsletter

Local Organisations Music


Silkstone Common Ladies Choir Singing for pleasure. Meets Mondays, Silkstone Common Methodist Church 7:30pm Contact: Sandra Blackburn 791141

Silkstone United Football Club Contact: Andy Horsfield 791929

Old Silkstone Band Meets twice a week, Monday and Thursdays Contact: David O'Connor on 0776 644 2081 or 01226 790669 Stuart O’ Connor on 01226 791388 or 07921261804 Silkstone Bell Ringers Meet every Monday Silkstone Church 7:30pm-9:00pm Contact: Carolyn Charlesworth 01226 791595 Shake Rattle and Roll Children’s Music Group Babies to 4 year old children welcome. Singing, dancing, playing musical instruments, puppets and story time. A music group which helps to develop children’s personal, social and emotional development. Please come along and bring along mum, dad or carer to join in the fun. We meet every Friday from 10 am until 11 am including some school holidays at Silkstone Common Methodist Church, Ben Bank Road, Silkstone Common. Tea, Coffee, Juice and Biscuits included. Contact: Tracy 01226 790240 Millhouse Green Male Voice Choir. Practice night is Mondays in Millhouse Green Institute at 7.30. Secretary: Melvyn Dyson Tel No 01226 766286. Web site www.mgmvc.co.uk White Rose Organ Society Professional Electronic Organs Concerts and Social Events. Meet fortnightly on Tuesdays at Silkstone Lodge, Cone Lane, 7.30pm. All visitors welcome. Contact.: Mr. Frank Wensley, 01226 383513 or see village notices. Visit also our website www.wros.talktalk.net

Churches All Saints Parish Church Morning service and Eucharist 9:15am 1 st, 3 rd and 5 th Sunday, 10:45am 2 nd and 4 th Sunday. Evening Service 6:30 pm 1 st and 3 rd Sunday Contact The Vicarage 01226 790232 Silkstone Common Methodist Church Sunday Services at 10-30am (Second Sunday in the month at 10-15am at Dodworth Methodist Church) Sale of "Fairtrade" produce and light lunches bi-monthly on 3rd Saturday of the month. Please see notice board outside the church for details. Contact for Methodist Church bookings Tel: 01226 790461.

Silkstone United Junior Football Club U12's Steve High 07970 24911 U13's Adrian Birkinshaw 07771 635539 U14's Kevin Grimshaw 07973 918716 U15's Shane Jackson 07821 061712 U18's Alan French 07772 126209 Please phone the relevant manager for details. Silkstone Junior Football Coaching Silkstone Junior Football Coaching meet at the SHOOT 5 indoor football pitches in Silkstone Common every Sunday between 10:00am and 11:00am. The session is for 5-7 year olds (Years 1 and 2) and costs £2.50. Roy Savage (07903147083) and Mike Horsfield (07584072585) Silkstone United Cricket Club Headquarters: Ring o’ Bells, Silkstone Coaching / Practice night 7-11 / U11 / U13: Mondays 6 - 8 pm U15's / U17's / Adults: Tuesday's 6 - 8 pm Contacts: Team Managers U11's Kevin Taylor 790703 / 07771 940 733 U13's Owen Dyson 790956 / 07950 267 678 U15's & Club Secretary Stephen Chambers 387412 / 07932 954519 U17's & 1st XI Darron Walker 791203 / 07887 518 980 2nd XI Nick Armitage 732186 / 07411 149 039 Website: www.silkstoneutd.play-cricket.com . Silkstone Lodge Bowling Club Secretary: David Harris on Barnsley 790051 Barnsley BSAC Divers Meets every Tuesday 7:30 onwards in the Rigby Bar at the Metrodome. Anyone interested in diving is welcome whether already qualified or wanting to learn. Try Dives can also be booked. Contact :Trevor on 07783 291955 or visit the website www.barnsleybsacdivers.co.uk

Penistone Safer Neighbourhood Team Golden line 01226-736387 Call this number to report Anti Social Behaviour such as fly tipping, littering, grafitti, burnt out cars etc Police Contact Numbers 101 for all non emergencies and enquiries 01142-196761 use this number if you have hearing difficulties 0800-555-111 for crimestoppers and report a crime anonymously 999 in the event of an emergency, if a crime is ongoing or if there is danger to life. 14

Spring: Issue 58

Environment/Local interest


Silkstone – St Florent Association The Parish of Silkstone is twinned with St Florent des Bois in the Vendee in France. Exchange visits are organised along with a variety of social and fund-raising events throughout the year. Contact: Yvonne Dinsdale 790583

Silkstone Pre-School Playgroup Ltd Ofsted registered offering Full Day Care and Sessional Care for children aged from 2 - 5 years. Open from 8 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday for 50 weeks of the year. Phone for details. Contact: Kathryn Goulding, Manager on 01226 792294 or email [email protected]. Visit us at www.silkstonepreschool.co.uk

Silkstone Parish CARE Group Aims to improve the natural environment. Activities include planting hedges, trees, bulbs. Carries out litter- picks. Tools available on loan to volunteer groups. Promotes caring for the environment. Next meeting: See notice boards for details

Edward Bear Baby & Toddler Group The playgroup meets at the Methodist Church, Silkstone Common on Monday & Wednesday Mornings 9am to 11.30am £2 per parent/carer includes refreshments children free. Under 4's and their parents/carers welcome Contact: Emma 790551

Silkstone in Bloom Adds floral colour for public enjoyment. Donations gratefully Silkstone Scouts, Guides and Brownies accepted. Contact:: Janet 790994 or Elaine 790674 for Silkstone Common Headquarters Silkstone Rec. or Keith 791412 or Trudy 792218 for Silkstone. Cubs: youngsters 8-11 yrs, 6:30om-8pm Tuesdays Scouts: boys and girls 10 ½ - 15 ½ yrs 7pm-9pm Hadrian’s Drystone Walling Mark Slater: Group Scout Leader 29th Barnsley (Silkstone) Drystone Walling in South Yorkshire 01226 767546 [email protected] Website: www.hadriansdrystonewalls.co.uk Guides: girls 10-15 yrs Tel :Freda Hope 01226 282645 General Brownies: girls 7-10 yrs Tel: Tracey Hinchliffe 01226 790055 Silkstone Common Good Companions Provides companionship, entertainment and recreation for the senior citizens of the village. Meets fortnightly on Wednesdays 2-4pm in the Methodist Church Hall. New members are very welcome. Varied programme including theatre trips, visits, entertainments, Helpers welcome. Annual subscription £10 including refreshments, except on some special occasions. Contact: Mrs Brayshaw 790196, Terry Daniel 386755 Royal British Legion Silkstone Branch Meets on the second Friday in each month at 7:30pm Branch HQ Silkstone Lodge Contact: J.D. Mathews, 16 Stanhope Avenue Cawthorne

Childminders For details of registered childminders please ring Families Information Service on: 0800 0345 340.

Schools Silkstone Common Junior & Infant School Moorend Lane, Silkstone Common. Educates children 4-11 yrs Contact: Mr Evans 790471 Silkstone Primary School Educates children 4-11 yrs. The school is interested in developing the use of the school outside normal school hours. Contact: Mrs P. Skillbeck 790333

Little giants out of school & holiday club Silkstone Common W.I. Silkstone Primary School for children aged between 4 and 11 We have a wide variety of events and speakers. New members years. Monday to Friday and visitors always welcome. Meets second Friday each month Phone 0785 4710299 at 7:15pm Silkstone Common Methodist Church Contact Christine on 792580 or just come to one of our History meetings! Roggins Local History Group (Silkstone) & Silkstone Silkstone Luncheon Club for the over 60s Waggonway Restoration Group Meets every Monday at 12 o'clock in the Ring O’Bells. The group exhibits at local history fairs. We can set up small New members always welcome. Please call 791670 displays and talk to small groups. Tuesday club Website : www.roggins.co.uk Contact: Jim Ritchie 01226-790695 A social afternoon held 2pm to 4pm weekly in Silkstone Common Methodist Church. Learn new skills and share your e-mail [email protected] skills with others. Bring your knitting, sewing, crochet etc. Heritage Silkstone or just bring yourself along for a relaxing afternoon and maybe Contact: Colin Bower 790 416 or [email protected] make some new friends. We will be pleased to see you. Admission £1.00 including refreshments. Contact Sue on 01226 791394 15

Events: April to July 2012

Month & Date




22nd April


Silkstone Church

Annual Parish Meeting of the PCC

9th April (Easter Monday) 3/4 June


Broad Close Farm

Family fun day

10.00 - 17.00 Stainborough Castle

8/10 June

Annual Open Weekend / Jubilee celebrations


Silkstone Church Heritage Weekend

30 June


Silkstone Church

Silkstone Church Church Garden Party

26 June (Tuesday)


Methodist Church, Silkstone Common

22 July


Silkstone Church

Silkstone Common Ladies Choir Summer Concert. Let the Ladies of Silkstone Common serenade you! At their summer concert. Tickets will be £4.00 and can be obtained from any choir member, or ring Sandra Blackburn on 01226 791141. All welcome, come along for a lovely evening. Silkstone Church Silkstone Sing

Silkstone In Bloom Silkstone in Bloom continues to keep our two villages “in Bloom”. They pick up when the Care group stops and carry out a range of activities to maintain the flowerbeds and shrubberies around the parish. They are always happy to welcome anyone who would like to join them. As this year is the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee the Village in Bloom Group in conjunction with the Parish Council have decide on a patriotic red, white and blue planting theme. We are hoping to receive some extra funding from the Parish Council and from our own fund raising activities .. (Details will follow - keep an eye on the parish noticeboards)

Please contact the Parish Clerk on 391343 or [email protected] if you wish to add your group to the local organisations or amend any details of your local group on the Local Organisations pages. Please email the editor on [email protected] with details of events you want to have on this page.

If anyone can give a hand with planting and fund raising ideas please contact Janet Barret on 01226 790994 Elaine Walton 01226 790674 Trudy Ritchie 01226 8792218.

Appeal for Photos Does anyone have any photos of the Queen's Silver or Golden Jubilee for us to include in the June newsletter or maybe memories of the Silver and Golden Jubilee's in the villages so that we can do a Jubilee feature in the June edition (red, white & blue !) Please contact the Parish Clerk

Newsletter publication dates Deadline for articles Distribution dates First week of March Last week of March First week of June Last week of June First week September Last week of September First week November First week of December. There may be reasons outside our control which cause this to vary, but we expect that to be the exception rather than the rule. Articles and events cut-off date for the next issue is 8pm Friday 1st June Printed by Spin Print Solutions Tel: 01226 390449 www.spinprint.co.uk