Spurious Interactions, and Their Correction, in the

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Jan 21, 2002 - ory for excited states contains an unphysical (“ghost”) interaction which has to be ... of atoms, molecules, and solids in the ground state. How-.


21 JANUARY 2002

Spurious Interactions, and Their Correction, in the Ensemble-Kohn-Sham Scheme for Excited States N. I. Gidopoulos,1 P. G. Papaconstantinou,2 and E. K. U. Gross3 1


Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Isis Facility, Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0QX, United Kingdom Institute of Materials Science, National Centre for Scientific Research Demokritos, 153 10 Agia Paraskevi Attikis, Greece 3 Institut für Theoretische Physik, Freie Universität Berlin, Arnimallee 14, D-14195 Berlin, Germany (Received 19 March 2001; published 7 January 2002) We observe that the direct Coulomb (Hartree) term appearing in the ensemble-density-functional theory for excited states contains an unphysical (“ghost”) interaction which has to be corrected by the ensemble exchange and correlation functional. We propose a simple additive correction to the conventional ensemble exchange energy in the form of an orbital functional. By treating this corrected exchange energy functional self-consistently within the optimized effective potential method one finds a significant improvement of atomic excitation energies. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.88.033003

PACS numbers: 31.15.Ew, 31.25.Jf, 71.15.Mb, 71.15.Qe

Modern density functional theory (DFT) [1–3] is often the method of choice to calculate the electronic structure of atoms, molecules, and solids in the ground state. However, there is no unique generalization of DFT for excited states. Many different DF schemes dealing with excited states have been proposed, some focusing on a single excited state [4–9], some focusing on ensembles [10 –19], and some relying on time-dependent DFT [20]. In the latter approach, excitation energies are determined from the poles of the frequency-dependent linear density response [21 –23]. In spite of its tremendous success, the timedependent DFT scheme has the computational disadvantage of requiring, in one way or another, the calculation of the linear density response near the poles, or, alternatively, the time propagation of the time-dependent Kohn-Sham equations [24]. In this Letter, we shall focus on the DFT for ensembles which is computationally simpler and conceptually closer to the ground state formalism. The ensemble DFT, first proposed by Theophilou [10,11], derives from a generalization of the Rayleigh-Ritz principle [10,14,25]: Consider, for simplicity, a two-state ensemble consisting of the ground state C0 and the first excited state C1 of the N -electron Hamiltonian [26] H 苷 T 1 Vext 1 Wee ,


where the operators on the right-hand side represent the kinetic energy, the external potential, and the mutual Coulomb repulsion of the electrons. Then, the variational principle states that the functional E 共v兲 关C, C 0 兴 苷 共1 2 v兲 具CjHjC典 1 v具C 0 jHjC 0 典 , (2) with orthonormal functions C and C 0 and 0 , v # 1兾2, attains its minimum value when C 苷 C0 and C 0 苷 C1 . This statement holds true for any value of v in the interval 共0, 1兾2兲. For v 苷 1兾2, any two orthonormal functions lying in the space spanned by C0 and C1 minimize the functional (2). On one hand, one can use this ensemble 033003-1

0031-9007兾02兾 88(3)兾033003(4)$20.00

variational principle directly by inserting trial wave functions for C and C 0 . If C and C 0 are chosen to be Slater determinants F0 , F1 one obtains the ensemble-HartreeFock (eHF) scheme by varying the ensemble energy 共v兲

EeHF 关F0 , F1 兴 苷 共1 2 v兲 具F0 jHjF0 典 1 v具F1 jHjF1 典 (3) with respect to the orbitals contained in F0 , F1 [27,28]. On the basis of the ensemble variational principle, Hohenberg-Kohn (HK) and Kohn-Sham (KS) type theorems have been formulated, where the ensemble spin densities s s 共r兲 1 vrC 共r兲, r s 共r兲 苷 共1 2 v兲rC 0 1

s 苷 ", #


s s serve as the basic variables. rC 共r兲 and rC 共r兲 are the 0 1 spin densities associated with the ground state C0 and the excited state C1 of the interacting system. In the KS scheme, the interacting ensemble is mapped onto an ensemble of noninteracting particles whose ensemble spin densities s s 共r兲 1 vrF 共r兲, r s 共r兲 苷 共1 2 v兲rF 0 1

s 苷 ", #


reproduce the ensemble spin densities (4) of the interacts s 共r兲 and rF 共r兲 are the spin densities of ing system. rF 0 1 the ground and first excited states, F0 and F1 , of the noninteracting system. Taking the case where F1 differs from F0 by a single-particle excitation of a pspin-up electron, " F0 and F1 will have the form F0 苷 共1兾 N! 兲 det关w1 , . . . , p # " # " " wN " , w1 , . . . , wN # 兴 and F1 苷 共1兾 N! 兲 det关w1 , . . . , wN "21 , " # # wN "11 , w1 , . . . , wN # 兴, where N " 共N # 兲 is the number of spin-up (spin-down) electrons and N 苷 N " 1 N # . The orbitals satisfy the ensemble KS equations æ Ω =2 s " # 1 ys 关r , r 兴 共r兲 wis 共r兲 苷 eis wis 共r兲 . (6) 2 2 These equations have to be solved self-consistently with the ensemble spin densities (5) which, for the above © 2002 The American Physical Society



determinants F0 and F1 , take the explicit form "

r 共r兲 苷

" NX 21

21 JANUARY 2002




s yss 关r " , r # 兴 共r兲 苷 yext 共r兲 1


nj 共r兲 1 共1 2 v兲nN " 共r兲 1 vnN " 11 共r兲 ,


(7) N# X



d3r 0

r共r 0 兲 jr 2 r 0 j

v 关r " , r # 兴 dExc dr s 共r兲


of the ensemble KS potential. The success of any DFT crucially depends on the availj苷1 ability of good approximations for the xc energy functional. The standard functionals of ground-state DFT are with the local density approximation (LDA) and the generalized gradient approximations (GGAs). Despite their impressive s 苷 ", # . (9) njs 共r兲 苷 jwjs 共r兲j2 , success, LDA and GGAs have one deficiency in common: For notational simplicity we have omitted the obvious deThey are not free from spurious self-interactions. Selfpendence of wjs 共r兲 on the ensemble parameter v. The interaction corrections are most efficiently taken into actotal energy of the interacting ensemble is given by count by explicitly orbital-dependent functionals. By virtue of the HK theorem, orbital functionals are implicit Z X s functionals of the spin densities and the functional derivaE 共v兲 关r " , r # 兴 苷 Ts共v兲 关r " , r # 兴 1 d 3 r yext 共r兲r s 共r兲 s tives of the latter can be calculated by the so-called optiZZ 0 mized effective potential (OEP) method [29–31]. With 1 r共r兲r共r 兲 1 d3r d3r 0 self-interaction free functionals, especially with the exact jr 2 r 0 j 2 exchange energy, the KS orbital energies are significantly 共v兲 " improved over the LDA and GGAs: The KS band gaps 关r , r # 兴 , (10) 1 Exc are in close agreement with experiment [32], and in finite where Ts共v兲 denotes the kinetic energy functional of the systems the Rydberg series is obtained [30]. Likewise, in 共v兲 is the ensemble exnoninteracting ensemble and Exc the ensemble formulation, the first successful implementachange and correlation (xc) energy. r共r兲 苷 r " 共r兲 1 r # 共r兲 tion [15] used an LDA-type functional [13] derived from a is the total density. Minimization of the total energy (10) uniform electron gas at finite temperature. A crucial step with respect to r s yields the explicit representation forward was made by Nagy who introduced the OEP idea in the ensemble formalism [16] and applied it successfully to the Hartree-Fock-like functional XZ 1 ZZ 3 3 0 r共r兲r共r 0 兲 共v兲 s d 3 r yext d rd r ENagy 关r " , r # 兴 苷 Ts共v兲 关r " , r # 兴 1 共r兲r s 共r兲 1 2 jr 2 r 0 j s 1 X ZZ 3 3 0 jr s 共r, r 0 兲j2 d rd r , (12) 2 2 s jr 2 r 0 j where " " ZZ " 0 21 NX 共v兲 " # 3 3 0 nN " 共r兲nN " 11 共r 兲 " " " 0 0 0 G d 关r , r 兴 苷 v共1 2 v兲 r d r H r 共r, r 兲 苷 nj 共r, r 兲 1 共1 2 v兲nN " 共r, r 兲 jr 2 r 0 j #

r 共r兲 苷


nj 共r兲 ,





1 vnN " 11 共r, r 0 兲 r # 共r, r 0 兲 苷

N# X



nj 共r, r 0 兲



with njs 共r, r 0 兲 苷 wjs 共r兲wjs 共r 0 兲ⴱ ,

s 苷 ", # .


In this energy functional, the usual self-interaction terms contained in the ensemble Hartree energy [the third term on the right-hand side of Eq. (12)] are canceled by the corresponding self-exchange terms, similar to the ground state. In this Letter, we propose a new orbital functional, to be used in the ensemble OEP formalism. It arises from the central observation that the same ensemble Hartree term contains an additional spurious (self-like) interaction 033003-2

not present in ordinary ground-state DFT. This term will be called ghost interaction. It is easily found by inserting the ensemble spin densities (7) and (8) in the Hartree energy functional. The ensemble exchange energy term [the last term on the right-hand side of Eq. (12)] contains a similar ghost interaction ZZ Gx共v兲 关r " , r # 兴 苷 2v共1 2 v兲 d3r d3r 0 "


n " 共r, r 0 兲nN "11 共r 0 , r兲 . 3 N jr 2 r 0 j


Unlike ordinary self-interaction terms, the ghost-Hartree and the ghost-exchange terms do not cancel each other. They correspond to the direct and exchange interaction of 共v兲 共v兲 " " the orbital wN " with the orbital wN " 11 . GH and Gx are 033003-2



unphysical because wN " and wN "11 are never occupied in one and the same determinant. We propose to employ the exchange-energy functional 1 X ZZ 3 3 0 d rd r Ex共v兲 关r " , r # 兴 苷 2 2 s 3

jr s 共r, r 0 兲j2 2 G 共v兲 关r " , r # 兴 , jr 2 r 0 j





共x兲yx# 共x兲

# NX 11

# nj 共x兲

21 JANUARY 2002




d r

# nj 共r兲yx# 共r兲



G 共v兲 关r " , r # 兴 苷 GH 关r " , r # 兴 1 Gx共v兲 关r " , r # 兴 .


With this exchange-energy functional, the total ensembleenergy functional E 共v兲 关r " , r # 兴 is rendered ghost共v兲 interaction free. Naturally, the eHF energy EeHF 关F0 , F1 兴, in (3), is also ghost-interaction free. The full OEP scheme [16], applied to the exchange functional (18), leads to an integral equation for the local ensemble exchange potential yxs 共r兲. We solve this equation within the popular approximation by Krieger, Li, and Iafrate (KLI) [33–37], leading to

# 11 NX Z d 3 r jr # 共x, r兲j2 ZZ d 3 r d 3 r 0 # # 1 n 共r, r 0 兲r # 共r 0 , r兲 2 nj 共x兲 0j j jx 2 rj jr 2 r j苷1


and r


共x兲yx" 共x兲

" NX 11 ZZ d 3 r d 3 r 0 Z d 3 r jr " 共x, r兲j2 " " 1 nj 共r, r 0 兲r " 共r 0 , r兲 苷 aj nj 共x兲 d r 2 0 jx 2 rj jr 2 r j j苷1 j苷1 ZZ d 3 r d 3 r 0 关nN " 共r兲nN " 11 共r 0 兲 2 nN " 共r, r 0 兲nN " 11 共r 0 , r兲兴 2 v共1 2 v兲 关nN " 共x兲 1 nN "11 共x兲兴 jr 2 r 0 j Z d3r 1 v共1 2 v兲 关nN " 共x兲nN " 11 共r兲 1 nN " 共r兲nN "11 共x兲 jr 2 xj " NX 11

" aj nj 共x兲



" nj 共r兲yx" 共r兲

2 nN " 共r, x兲nN " 11 共x, r兲 2 nN " 共x, r兲nN "11 共r, x兲兴 , where aj 苷 1, 1 # j # N " 2 1, aN " 苷 1 2 v, and aN " 11 苷 v. We have calculated the total ensemble energies of various atoms with and without the ghost-interaction correction (G 共v兲 fi 0, or 苷 0). In Table I, we present the results, exchange only (x only) as well as correlated (CS), through the ground-state Colle-Salvetti [38] approximation for the


correlation energy, which is also an orbital functional. An equiensemble 共v 苷 1兾2兲 has always been chosen. An OEP calculation (within the KLI approximation) is employed in all cases, also when we set G 共v兲 苷 0. The states in each ensemble are proper eigenfunctions of the total spin [39] and consequently we had to use a different potential

TABLE I. Equiensemble total energies for various atoms in eV units. The ensemble configuration and dimensionality are shown in the second and third columns. No. of states in ensemble

x only G 共v兲 苷 0

x only G 共v兲

CS G 共v兲 苷 0

CS G 共v兲


兵1s2 其 1 S; 兵1s2s其 1 S








兵1s2s其 3S; 兵1s3s其 3 S








兵1s2s其 3S; 兵1s2p其 3 P








兵1s2s其 3S; 兵1s2p其 3 P








兵1s2 2s其 2 S; 兵1s2 2p其 2P








兵1s2 2s其 2 S; 兵1s2 3s其 2S







兵1s2 2s2 其 1 S; 兵1s2 2s2p其 3P










C 21 a

The total energy of the subspace or equiensemble is Pnshown. In the case of an n-dimensional subspace with Ei , 1 # i # n, the Ei . n lowest eigenvalues, the total energy is equal to n1 i苷1 b We ignore the threefold degeneracy due to the triplet spin part of the wave function. c We have chosen one out of the three degenerate 2p orbitals.





for each ensemble. These potentials were derived in a similar way to Eqs. (20) and (21). The experimental data in the eighth column are taken from the NIST database for atomic spectroscopy [40] and Ref. [41]. Comparing the results in columns 4 and 5, 6 and 7, without and with the ghost-interaction correction, we observe that the correction always lowers the energy as expected. Note that the x-only results give upper bounds to the experimental values, since they are actually upper bounds of the eHF energy (3). Comparison with experiment shows that in all cases incorporating the correction G 共v兲 significantly reduces the error. When not properly subtracted, the ghost interaction terms (19) lead, in the ensemble KS equations (6), to a " (direct and exchange) potential of orbital wN " 11 which acts " on orbital wN " and, likewise, to a (direct and exchange) " " potential of orbital wN " acting on orbital wN "11 . Terms similar to the latter (but not to the former) also appear in ground-state HF theory if one associates the unoccupied HF orbitals with excited electrons. It is the appearance of these terms which causes the virtual orbitals of groundstate HF theory to be too diffuse. Various remedies to cure this problem within the context of ground-state HF theory have been suggested [42–44]. In contrast to the groundstate HF case, the ghost interactions identified in this Letter contribute to the total (ensemble) energy to be minimized. The elusive exact ensemble KS potential should, of course, be free from the spurious ghost interactions. The central message of this Letter is that, in the necessary construction of approximate ensemble KS potentials, it is essential to properly subtract the spurious ghost interactions to improve the excitation energies obtained from ensemble DFT. This work was supported in part by a Marie Curie Research Training Grant, Contract No. ERBFMBICT983514. We thank S. W. Lovesey for a spirited suggestion.

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