srf Oulfure - Staff UNY - Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

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rle Enlgpek, Tebak-tebakan, Lompat Tali, Dam Daman, etc. (3) Emotion Freshness (Emostional ess) that"is existence of calmness tiste and free of family ...
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Foculvot SporfSclence YogD-ul€riqSioie Unlv€''lty



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cProcee[ing of Internationaf (onferenceon Sport 2009 |D1t

THE OPENING SPEECH The honourable,minister of youth and soprt,who is representedby Prof. Dr. dr. JamesTangkudung, the memberof minister'sexpertsstaffs. The honourable,headof yogyakartaStateUniversity,Dr. RahmatWahab,M.Pd,M.A

o 1.

The Honourable,headof centralboard of Indonesiansport bachelorassociation(ISORI), Prof Toho CholikMutohir, Ph.D


The distinguishedguestand the participantsof internationalsport seminar.


Assalamu'alaikumwarahmatullahi wabarakatuh SalamOlahraga...!



It's great pleasurefor me to be given the opportunity to deliver a speechon this international sport seminar.Let's expressour welcometo our campus. This international sport seminar is held by the cooperation among Sport Sciencefaculty of yograkarta StateUniversity, Indonesian Sport BachelorAssociationin yogyakarta,Ministry of youth and Sport, and forum of Deansof sport sciencefaculty in Indonesia. The theme of this international seminar is "The developmentof sport culture towards the civilization of Indonesia". Theseday, sport is a social phenomenawhich cannot be separatedfrom its moral and culture relationship. The aim of the seminar is at discoveringstrategic attempts to developsport culture towards the civilization of Indonesia.This seminar will be held on Saturday,rz December2oo9. The spokesmenin this seminarare:

P 1. Prof. Dr. dr. James Tangkudung, one of the expert's staffin ministry of youth and sport. His presentationwill be about "strategic developmentof sport in Indonesia". 2. Kostadin Angelov, a sport practitioner from Bulgaria. He will deliver a presentation about "the comparisonstudy on sport establishmentin statesin Asia. 3. Prof. Toho Cholik Mutohir, Ph.D, head of central Indonesian sport bachelorassociation.His presentationwill discuss"the role of Indonesian sport bachelor associationin the development of sport in Indonesia." 4. Lauren, an athletic coachfrom France.Her presentationwill be about "sport establishment systemin France." 5. Charlotte Peeters,a sport activist from Netherlands Regards, Sumaryanto,M.Kes. Dean of Faculty of Sport ScienceYogzakartaStateUniversity

(og1afunaStute'Universitl,Ministry of {outfi an[ Sport,ISON, Infonesia In co[faioration of Qacu[t1of SportScience AeanForumof SportScience f acuft1



Sroceefingof Internatianaf gonferenceon Sport 2009


THE OPENING SPEECH The honourable,minister of youth and soprt, who is representedby Prof. Dr. dr. JamesTangkudung, the memberof minister'sexpertsstaffs. The honourable,headof yogyakartaStateUniversity,Dr. RahmatWahab,M.Pd,M.A

o 1.

The Honourable,headof centralboard of Indonesiansport bachelorassociation(ISORI), Prof Toho CholikMutohir, Ph.D


The distinguishedguestand the participantsof internationalsport seminar.


Assalamu'alaikumwarahmatullahi wabarakatuh SalamOlahraga...!


It's great pleasurefor me to be given the opportunity to deliver a speechon this international sport seminar. Let's expressour welcometo our campus. This international sport seminar is held by the cooperation among Sport Sciencefaculty of yog'akarta StateUniversity, Indonesian Sport BachelorAssociationin yogyakarta,Ministry of youth and Sport, and forum of Deansof sport sciencefaculty in Indonesia. The theme of this international seminar is "The developmentof sport culture towards the civilization of Indonesia". Theseday, sport is a social phenomenawhich cannot be separatedfrom its moral and culture relationship. The aim of the seminar is at discoveringstrategic attempts to developsport culture towards the civilization of Indonesia.This seminar will be held on Saturday,rz December2oo9. The spokesmenin this seminarare:

P 1. Prof. Dr. dr. James Tangkudung, one of the expert's staffin ministry of youth and sport. His presentationwill be about "strategic developmentof sport in Indonesia". 2. KostadinAngelov, a sport practitioner from Bulgaria. He will deliver a presentation about "the comparisonstudy on sport establishmentin statesin Asia. 3. Prof.Toho Cholik Mutohir, Ph.D,headof centralIndonesiansport bachelorassociation.His presentationwill discuss"the role of Indonesian sport bachelor associationin the development of sport in Indonesia." 4. Lauren, an athletic coachfrom France.Her presentationwill be about "sport establishment systemin France." 5. Charlotte Peeters,a sport activist from Netherlands Regards, Sumaryanto,M.Kes. Dean of Faculty of Sport ScienceYogyakartaStateUniversity

(ogafutrta State't)niversitl,Ministry of {outfr an[ Sport,ISOft!, Infonesia In coffafioration of facuft1 of SportScience (Facu[t1 DeanForumof SportScience

tProceeding of Internationaf Qonferenceon Sport 2009

THE OPENING SPEECH ON INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON SPORT DECEMBER rz, eoog-12_2g AT INDOOR STADIUM OF YSU Assalamu'alaikum wr wb The honorabrespeakers,Mr. prof

Dr d1{u-g: Ta_ngkudung,M.pd, (Minister Sport), Mr. Kostadin of youth t;;l;;;i,".r. Tohocrroril.-rvr.rtohir, ph.D,iueaa or lsoRr), and {]Belov, ur. F;;;"t;;'ihar]otte


(sp;;;;iffi ,from Netherrand),

Ladiesand Gentlemen.

Firstof all' on behalfof the president ' of YSU,let me express.great thankto God(A1lahswr) wnogrvesus opportunitiesand healih, so tharwe c;l;il#Pvery important internationalseminar

,iH:'lji;lia"r'"i"i"i;,;;;ffi'."i1":ffi,'"'ffillff ,p";;;;i;;; :;X*iillt*ffi secondly'it is:ny g-rea-i pleasani

io ilpr"rs my warmwercomingto al audiences, especialyMr. t;;;'(vrinirt.r"off;;;d T"lg-kgar;,*, si""t), ;;"?;"din (Bulgaria), mr.Tohocholii< Angetov, u"t"fiir, in.i, cn:ra.IrsoRd;il;.Lu'r"r, andCharlotte(SportActivist,fr;-iilh;;land), raii,r"ti" c*ii' from France), who ar;;;"&;g-gome this o""uri*.fo, sharingall Prof Dr. dr. James

ttrardis ioir; r"*#*rur"u"""H.i"i *Tff.f!il:i,i11i,'li,i*3$i:Y,:*"ct #lu oro,, notonry

Thirdly' let me express my thank ' -to the audiences who are interested in joining this very xnportant seminar' r do hbpe thai all audiences;;"i;";# advanraggs,then implement soml relatedideas in imoroving.tir" qt"iitv -thank'to in g"n";;i;-u;J^tie quarity of sport Besidethat also wint education for an. "?l!ort ."tiu"r. ot;;;;i"J, lg l"r," spent muih time in preparing, "ri this"Tr*""i":t"";:lling

cin have-lr"^"""a"micaland """ot'l-"ut"r"t"rv-r'"p"'iir"T,i."v

Iadiesand gentlemen, sport is veri important in our life, because, personcan do evervthing what -sport can make rs be healthy and fresh. Healthv he/she wants. g"urtitv p"rron -or" p-arrctive resurt than goodh;"hh,;;;t"i,"'*or" ideas. "urr_ao saying, ..A,aqlus L":t#;rasuruuah



By having u*T:l::t

of the importance of sport, we haveto practice any kind of sport. Let us

uouuauto*;hil;;h;d;;il;;;;""ns that ;:T.'il3:f;ffi:'#lht;fiffffffil#ffi;tb,' teach

Even thoueh the contribution" of sport for our health is-so clear, but in peopleare still relu"ctantto ao the fact that most community, we have a responsibility sport' How to make a sport as ""etcis"rla""po* to socializethe culture? w;d;;i;;;;H;'#using more effective'strategies.First, physically'we have to prepare various facilities i*i*;#i"s. se_condly, give the user with non-expensive economically,we have to rate,rhirdly,;;"i-"ur;ffi;to be reiay,;:;; coachesfor anv kinds of sport communit5ras ."j,"r;ir" *d;".';;;;rop sport and the curture. I do hope hat thii seminar ""ti"iti"., ' -i *-g some importurrt - -E'^r ^,.rort v! which can be more beneficial for rmprovingof sport education develop fy vsu, erpe"i"-tlf Ladiesand genllement, once asain' l:t-me.elpress {nY gratitude to all audiences,especiallythe honorable speakers and the distineirishedsu-est,16. pryrog?ttentio-n. I Jr"r,rt-."ry rrope that this seminar will run well.


i#;* .;BiiliiL;;',u'ii,uu,,i" rahiim,,,

Wabillahittaufiq wal hidayah. Wassalamu'alaikum o*.*b

Pt H. RochmatWahab,M.pd., MA. Rektor of Yogyakarta State Urrirr"riW



(os1atuvta state'()niaersity, %inistryof (outfianrsport,rsoqr,


Sroceefrngof Intemationafgonference onSport 2009

THE OPENING SPEECH The honourable,minister of youth and soprt, who is representedby Prof. Dr. dr. James Tangkudung, the member of minister's experts staffs. The honourable,head of yoryakarta State University, Dr. Rahmat Wahab, M.Pd, M.A The Honourable,head of central board of Indonesian sport bachelor association(ISORI), Prof Toho Cholik Mutohir, Ph.D The distinguishedguestand the participants of international sport seminar. Assalamu'alaikumwarahmatullahi wabarakatuh Salam Olahraga...! It s great pleasure for me to be given the opportunlty to deliver a speechon this international sport seminar. Let's expressour welcome to our campus. This international sport seminar is held by the cooperation among Sport Sciencefaculty of yog'akarta State University, Indonesian Sport BachelorAssociation in yograkarta, Ministry of youth and Sport, and forum of Deans of sport sciencefaculty in Indonesia. The theme of this international seminar is "The development of sport culture towards the civilization of Indonesia". These day, sport is a social phenomena which cannot be separatedfrom its moral and culture relationship. The aim of the seminar is at discovering strategic attempts to develop sport culture towards the civilization of Indonesia.This seminar will be held on Saturday,tz December2oo9. The spokesmenin this seminar are: 1. Prof. Dr. dr. James Tangkudung, one of the oryert's staffin ministryof youth and sport. His presentationwill be about "strategic developmentof sport in Indonesia". 2. Kostadin Angelov, a sport practitioner from Bulgaria. He will deliver a presentationabout "the comparisonstudy on sport establishmentin statesin Asia. 3. Prof. Toho Cholik Mutohir, Ph.D, head of central Indonesian sport bachelorassociation.His presentationwill discuss"the role of Indonesian sport bachelor associationin the development of sport in Indonesia." 4. Iauren, an athletic coachfrom France.Her presentationwill be about "sport establishment systemin France." 5. Charlotte Peeters,a sport activist from Netherlands Regards, Sumaryanto,M.Kes. Dean of Faculty of Sport ScienceYoryakarta State University

In coffafiorationof facutty of SportScience{ogyafurta State'University,%.inistryof {outfr an[Sport, ISORLIntonesia (Dean(Forumof SportScienceSacu[t1

(Procee[ing of Internationa[gonference onSport 2009


Opening Speech 1. Dr.H. RochmatWahab, M.Pd.,M.A. Rektorof YogyakartaStateUniversity.. 2. Sumaryanto, M.Kes. Deanof SportScience FacultyYogyakarta StateUniversity..............

I ll lll

Keynote Speakers t Pengembangan BudayaOlahragaMenujuIndonesiaMadani Prof.Dr. JamesTangkudung, Sportmed,M.pd. 2


StaffAhli Kementrian Negara Pemudadan OlahragaRI.. Reuitalisasi ,ISORISebagai Organisasi profesional Prof. Toho Cholik Mutohir. Ph.D. Ketua Umum ISORI Pusat Comparatiue StudAin Sport (Football) in Bulgarian and Indonesia CostadinAngelov SoccerCoachofPro Duta From Bulgaria. Multilateral D euelopment in Athletie Laurent Athletic Coachform France How To BecomeAt The Top In The World Of Hockey Charlotte Peeters Hockey Coachfrom Netherland.




Parallel Presentation r Motiuation:FuelOfAchieuement



10 11


38 Heny Setyawati,SemarangStateUniversity............... TheEffict Of Anaerobic Interual Training And Arm Power On The Front Craut SfuIe Of too Meter-Swimming Speed 4r Heri Pendianto, UTP of Surakarta Load CeIITechnologicalResearchTo Hitting Power AssessmentOn Badminton Game 47 HermawanPamot Raharjo,SemarangStateUniversity................ The Contribution And The Exploitation of The Bedugul Natural ResourcesIn Tabanan In Opening The Outbound Sport TouismBusiness 53 I KadekHappy Kardiawan& suratmin, Ganeshauniversity of Education........................ ImplementationTraining Of Candidate Instructor GgmnasticAerobic At Semarang atg (study In st Anna Gymnastic, Astuti Aerobic DanceAnd.Dian GgmnasticAt 57 Semarang Afu) Ipang SetiawanSemarang StateUniversity............... Increasing ThePotential Motion Cerebral Palsy ChildsThroughAdapted Physical EducationAnd Sport 6z Ismaryati,UniversityOf SebelasMaret.......... Endurance InAthlete 6B MusyafariWaluyo,SemarangStateUniversity................ TheDeuelopmentof computer Media For senior High school sport Education TeachingAnd Learning Actiuities 7o Titik Nur Haida & Nur Sita Utami, YogyakartaStateUniversity.............. TheEffect of Teaching,stgle And Friends conformity on TheImprouement of Basic Technique Skill Of Volleyball Playing 74 Nur RohmahMuktiani, YoryakartaStateUniversity.............. Sport Industry DeuelopmentAs A National Industrial Strength Basic Bo Nuruddin Priya Budi Santoso,YogyakartaStateUnivers1ty................ Sport Industry DeuelopmentAs A National Industrial Strength Basic BZ Putut Marhaento,Yoryakarta StateUniversity... OutboundAs One Of The Outdoor Education In Elementary School 9o Yudanto,YogyakartaStateUnivers1ty................ Contribution Anredera Cordifulia In SportMedication 94 Sri Sumartiningsih,SemarangStateUniversity................

In co[fafioration of Facuftyof SportScience {ogyafutrtaState'Unir.,ersit1, n4.inistry of {outfr ant Sport, IS}R!, Infonesia AeanlForumof SportScience lFacu[t1


cProcee[ing of InternationafConference on Sport 2009 14 15 76

18 19 20

22 23 24 25 26


zB 29

3o 31 32 33 34 35 36

37 gB

Form ChildHealthyLiuing Behaue SriSwan,YoryakartaStateUniversity.......... -_.. VolleyballGame: Empoweing fhb Auilization Sujlrwo,YoryakartaStateUniversity............... Maintain PhgsicalFitnessWith Healthy Lifestyle Sumintarsih, UPNVeteran-loryakarta. :.................. Deuelop_ment of social skillsBasedMini BasketballGameModel - ToI;p";; i;;i;I" S^ki//s.tutgyol ayd PhysicalFitnessIn Elementary SchoolAge Supriy. adi, Malang StateU-niversity........ Building TourismAnd BalineseCultureThroughTheDeuelopiint of Sportroiisi-Suratmin,Ganesha UniversityOf Education................. GuideFor SportTourism SyarifHidayat,Ganesha UniversityOf Education................. StrategiesFor TheDeuelopmentOf National SportsIn&sW Tomoliyus,YogyakargStateUniverstty............... '---water GameModel ToIncreasechild Brauing In Aquatiks Learning Anaioi"i Actiuity

101 106


]'2r L25

r29 133

Tri Winarti Rahayu, ^UniversityOf SebelasMaret.......... Exercise To Reduce StressInThe Worlqlace

BM.WaraKushartanti,YcgyakartaStateUnivers1ty............... Cveatiuity For SportsManpower lvasti Danardani,GangshaUliversity of Education... play MethodFor gasic schoil student {gtiuati4q Learning Ta Athletics Sriawan.lory1karta StateUniversity............... -'-'-' T:":!r:r 9"ytiui1v In spgytusing ForDeuelopmentEarly chitdhoodtutoioo Nofli Piri, ManadoStateU_nivers!ty............... Taelaaondo:APractical SeIfDefenseFor Maintening end rmpousering Soao Clttiiat JVorms fgvr liltgwrSfa.VoSrakarta StateUniversity... Rfseo/Nouice PhysicalEducators-Professionalism €h" n^iigence of t esiii i;i;j yoryakartaStateUniversity..............._..-:_....... {erka MayaJatmika, computer Base Learniw In pencak silat (compTehensifLearning p erspectiues ) NurRohmahMuktiani,!o5lakartaStateUniveiSlty.............. CYttshingC\tltural Barriers: ExperiencingWith S;cial Sport 1"'B^YlvuJatmika,YoglakartaStateUiriversity............'.. le EfficiengvQf rendgngan sabit' TechniqteIn-pencaksilatKategoi Tanding(A BiomechanicalAnaly sis) Awaa Hariono,Yoryakartl StaleUniversity... '---"-" students Inuestmentrlatignltlism_rhrough physical Edu"ittii era sp,irt Adj, YograkartaStateUnivers-iry................. !gnu. Setf_o physical EniluranceA;e w;;i i;"ductivitg Nutrient ProblemsRelated_To Rismayanthi, Yog'akarta StateUniversrty................................... 9:ril.t HealthgBy PracticingHathayoga yogyakartaStateUniversity... !h. Fajal Sriwahyuniati, Design_Andlmplementationof ProgrammesThatWillAttract,i"n it, lacto.rslnThe RetainAnd DeuelopYoungAthletes Yogyakarta StateUniversrty............... lukuB Pahalawidi, PracticalstrategiesToImprouecharacter Bittat g rhrougislo"t }*yuti, YoryakartaStateUniversity............... TheDifferenceof InfluenceBenaeenIntermittenttxeraciserypi;;;';'i;;;r;;;;;""' lxeryis_elyne lI Toward Thespeed,Timeof Reaction,tnd"inierobic Threshiia or BasketballAthlete gka lfoyi! -Indra,YoryakartaStateUniversiry... ltqnole of PhysicalEducation-Andsportiealth sciencein Ciiro"t", auilding Endang,Srillanani, Semarang StateUniversity........................-.........

737 L4r r45 r49

$8 163 167 L71

r77 182 186 1Bg 794



Sport Nutrition For Athlete




niverity Listyqrini, Yog'akarta State

zoB 210


2'.4 47

Widiyanto, Yogyakarta State University In coffa^orationof Facuttyof Sportscience{og1afurta State'1,)niversity, %.inistryof {outfr antsport, ISoqI, In[onesia (DeanlForumof SportScienceFacuttl


on Sport QroceefingoJInternationaf Snference


Educotion TeQcher Proposal forPre-seruiceProfessional CurriculumDeuelopment) C'idcal (ABacktua,aourig' i)i'lo"i"ni' r.ta s tate uniuersitv" " " " " " aka o Y n o, o o'i s v s ;*;; i ei; ; ;; sport culturerhroushschoot ";A sportEducati"r, 7'";;;;;;7 C;;;;"itu t"-"'i;fi;; Negeri w"hy"di,Universitas llir;s 'it, i ii"'i,,-s (;i;;;';:;;';;;;:;;;;i;;; Enhant fffriirrness of Concentration otThe Principteof SwimmingMouement irlriiis "adt"d.t-ptiyanto,-YogvakartiStateUniversity'-;;:;';';;;;'r';;;;;;a';;;i;; 'Eil;t t i"'B oost Teiiherpr ofessionalismT "dir ptiv""to, ISORIDIY"" " """ " " "" " ""'i" "' o" InstituteHisher EducationIn Reality sportscien"""Ep;;:;;';1"'iu i"raiiiiit


96 97 98 99

Indonesia -li-vutl, Yogyakarta StateUniversitY"" "' : " "' aotrFffieoat, ' what Piiiiicl'al EducitionTeachers Need? Univer'sitv" " " " " " "' il'"ti; n R'"rtiun u, Seriarang State Learnins Education Phssical



103 104


contenti;";;:i":is;" In The contribua",or i"iiii6ii"t zoo3 cif Fiinstudy lygralnInYear zoozDan ForGraducttedreachel NegeriYogyakarta"" "' " " " "''' " " " " f lttl" O* -tndriya"i, Universitas of Performance of Uiii';i;;;i;;"f;a'dra"Exrrctse ro Improue rheDifferenrn, Junioi-Male Lifters In SemarangLltA

:"" " " " " " " "' ii^Ji s"-"rarig StateUniversity"' TochoracterBuilding physicatEducotioniii'ipiit A"d Its contriburton Santosa Cww, SemarangState.U:riversiw" " " " il;; speedForswimmins5oM Bv contributionof rheil;ii;i1rnngtnro-iri'rnu Craul StrokeOn FemaleSwimmer University" " " " " " " Setiawan,Semarang Stat-eitii""gg"f in"nat

oivr"rtriii;,,i ;;ii;-;;"; of Exercise' rnfluence In Salatiga Ptayers PPLP of Glmes Takiou iii"t

StateUniversitY""":"""j iti Aii, Semarang o7 rr's'i" aI E ducationF acilities ;;;;;;it ;;;i; ro6 i;t A"iffi tuti, universitasNegeriYogyakarta' Siirt tn"r"osesChildBody Stamino . -, gvakarta " " " "' UniveisitasNegeriYo ;5til;L;ttvuti"i,

{og\afuu'ta 'lt(fie In coffaioration of Qacuttl uf .sport science Facuft1 (Deanf orunr of .|port '9t:ience

TounderseruiceIn rhe

470 479 483 49r 498 506 51r 518 524 530 537 54r 547

'onioersitl' )4inistry of {outft anf sport' ISORJ' Inf,onesia vl1

on Sport 2009 cProceefrng of lnternationafConference

By A. Erlina ListYorini Yog g crkortts St st e uniu et sitg ABSTRACT

oo^"7"i ii"'*t" f""\::::!:!']f,,!:!:, abouttraditionat Thisarticlestudies T:i,f'":X!, and soul orphvsicat'

;*;;; iii-*'i!:!^""i Tn#n:;""'Iifi,ti2xi"';:";ii:;;"i;;; b;;;"**;i' t9ii 'y"t'.i7i tni' of'"#n:;';;;;;";;r'it^iioi"t or

I'resnness Freshness chitd' chitd. wh (sogiglFitness), "'tt'*.i'^,:fq::::X1'-7"yfqy!' sociarhreshness Fitness), (o":"-':"':i:':::.:i:i::;;';l;;;ii Enlonol lresnness. Fitness), (Bounces (r":eati more ;i is child k of childof r" deuelipment influenceand sameii"""gi',iii';i;;y11'.giryi

purpose thePut LtLv serue vvre o7"''iirii"t[iia, uame sel'uv Game Tradtnonal rraditionat of childlogic, deuelops'intellegence " "niii'tii';iyyt,:;:^Wi*i::l*:*:'"T:::i:fr::::.Yg p of emotionbettpeen ievelopsintellegence musica[intt i"i"t"pi i""iila',' tnit{niu" fnt"lt"g"ni" at chitd''Deuelopsintelleg.ence i- snnohnoec ontnnonent o "!::Y:: etc' Patak Umpet' , Ular Nag",Egi""g, B6nteng-Bentengan, Ealap Korung,foAf iliiiig

ofbods 0;i;;"!t tnI;,'r,n"'icornponent ffiiir;:;:x:':;l:x##;{;::;"'#;y"i'i*"':,i,7i"i, Keywords: Traditional game,Boily ft eshness'

t*33J"flt':*n! vlrY-rare traditioTr qla"i1"i.l-YY:i#.,::i:*:f"TfiLX*'i3Jf; over.Because ispuued almost wehave heritase _*-o"JilTrf"i!iii"|1Jrl#;uio"ffiffi-.irt*" t uaito;",#i9 eenerition adult / old, we seldomt"u"t,

our chilclrenso thaf childrendoesn'tkn

;t"*:f 3,"*:: t "ditiil'qi ;;;;il;ii- -"i;'ffie;;attraditional form I model andpresen -*:1tfr1'J"hiTn3 introduce to game, :##;;H'pr,i*'i"-pi"v ff/T#Xffi,'r#, i"el p.*":t:t#if alotorareatusetul contains "t"t Eiffiffil,taffi; actuauy :!i"* :t"*ri'H modern' *nicnmore ro'.'r'"'bvgame tnil-s";rik"rv

Hftt1'lif'":nTffi::3-:fii:iff-;;H;J;;, "nou, ;;;;facebook, ".*

like Video game, b";;.

is traditional game b-esidest-ravingthe benefit

i^,-a1ri*q a1court'empathvtasteto humanitv' upperalsohasq.riteaioi ffil