SRM UNIVERSITY Faculty of Engineering and Technology

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Coughlin & Driscull, Operational Amplifiers & Linear Integrated Circuits, 6th ed.,. Prentice Hall ... Gayakwad A.R., Op-Amp and Linear Integrated circuits, 4th ed.
SRM UNIVERSITY Faculty of Engineering and Technology DEPARTMENT OF EIE Course Code Course Title Year& Semester Course duration Location

: : : : :

EI0202 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS II& IV semester Even semester (December - April 2014) Tech Park

Faculty Details: Name of the staff


Ms.K. Prema


Mr. Joselin Retna Kumar


Ms. V. Sujatha


Ms. P. Punitha


Office Tech Park 15th floor Tech Park 15th floor Tech Park 15th floor Tech Park 15th floor

Office Hours

Mail ID

08.30- 4. 00 pm

[email protected]

08.30- 4. 00 pm

[email protected]

08.30- 4. 00 pm

[email protected]

08.30- 4. 00 pm

[email protected]

Required Text Books: 1.

Roy Choudhury and Shail Jain, Linear Integrated circuits, Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1995


Coughlin & Driscull, Operational Amplifiers & Linear Integrated Circuits, 6th ed., Prentice Hall Of India, 2003


Gayakwad A.R., Op-Amp and Linear Integrated circuits, 4th ed. Prentice Hall of India, 2003

Web Resource: · · · · · ·

Prerequisite : Electric circuits & Networks Objective: 1. To Understand the fundamentals of Integrated Circuits and to understand simple circuits like amplifiers using Op-Amps 2. To analyze simple circuits like amplifiers using Op-Amps 3. To analyze waveform generating circuits

4. To understand simple filter circuits for particular application 5. To gain knowledge in designing stable voltage regulators

Tentative test details and portions: Cycle Test - I: Cycle Test –II: Model Exam:

07. 02. 2014 07. 03. 2014 17. 04. 2014

Unit I & II Unit III & IV All five units

Assessment details: Cycle test I Cycle test II Model Exam Surprise test Attendance TOTAL

10 marks 10 marks 20 marks 5 marks 5 marks 50 marks

Outcomes: Course outcome  To

Program outcome

design simple circuits amplifiers using Op-Amps

 To

design circuits


like A: The student will be able to design circuits like amplifiers using Op-Amps

generating B: The student will have a broad knowledge in developing waveform generating circuits

 To design simple filter circuits for

particular application

C: Student will be able to analyze filter circuits for particular application

 To gain knowledge in designing D: Student will be able to design stable voltage

stable voltage regulators


Detailed Session Plan: Day


Name of the topics

UNIT-I: Ideal Op-amp characteristic DC characteristics, AC characteristics Analysis of data sheet of IC 741 Linear application - Basic Op-amp applications Instrumentation amplifier, AC amplifier, Summer


Roy Choudhury, Gayakwad Roy Choudhury , Gayakwad Roy Choudhury , Gayakwad Roy Choudhury , Gayakwad Roy Choudhury

DAY 6 DAY 7 DAY 8 DAY 9 DAY 10 DAY 11 DAY 12 DAY 13 DAY 14 DAY 15 DAY 16 DAY 17 DAY 18 DAY 19 DAY 20 DAY 21 DAY 22 DAY 23 DAY 24 DAY 25 DAY 26 DAY 27 DAY 28 DAY 29 DAY 30 DAY 31 DAY 32 DAY 33 DAY 34 DAY 35 DAY 36 DAY 37 DAY 38 DAY 39 DAY 40

Integrator, Differentiator, V to I and I to V converter Non linear application -rectifiers, clipper, clamper Sample and hold, log & antilog amplifiers, multiplier, divider Programmable transconductance amplifier UNIT II: Basic comparator operation Regenerative comparator Monostable multivibrator Astable multivibrator (square wave generator) Triangular wave generator Sawtooth wave generator Sine wave generator Wein bridge Oscillator Phase shift oscillator, Surprise Test -I UNIT III: RC active filter - Low pass Filter High pass, Band pass Filters Band reject and notch filters Butterworth & state variable filter PLL - Description Applications - Frequency multiplier Frequency divider AM detector FM demodulator UNIT IV: Digital / Analog converter Basic concepts, Analog switches Types - weighted resistor R-2R ladder and inverted R-2R ladder DAC Analog / Digital converter- Basic Concepts Types of ADCs- Flash, Counter type ADCs Successive approximation ADC Dual slope ADC General ADC specifications DAC specifications, Surprise Test -II UNIT V: Op-amp voltage regulator Series Regulator Shunt and switching regulators Three terminal voltage regulator

Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury

DAY 41 DAY 42 DAY 43 DAY 44 DAY 45

723 general purpose voltage regulator Timer (IC555) - Timer functional diagram Monostable operation Astable operation Schmitt trigger and their applications

Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury Roy Choudhury