SRP Brochure English.pdf - Google Drive

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Please encourage your. child NOT to use their cell phone during an. emergency. This can jeopardize their safety,. overlo
Blaine County School District

Safety Drills Schools will not announce drills ahead of time. It’s important to “perform as you practice” and students and staff will not be told whether or not an event is a drill when it occurs. Unplanned drills are a more accurate representation of our level of preparedness.

IN CASE OF SCHOOL EMERGENCIES • Stay Put, Stay Tuned • Monitor • • • • Local Media • Check email and text for urgent messages • Avoid calling or visiting schools, unless instructed

Reuniting With Your Child In rare instances when children are held or relocated for safety: • Wait for official word before attempting to pick up students • Avoid arrivals that can impede emergency response and slow reunification • Students will only be released to individuals listed on their emergency card • Be sure to bring proper identification


Talk to Your


Emergency Information Guide for Parents and Guardians

Remind your child to follow instructions for their own safety. Reassure them that principals and teachers have been trained and know what to do in an emergency. Please encourage your child NOT to use their cell phone during an emergency. This can jeopardize their safety, overload the phone system, hamper the ability of first-responders to effectively handle the emergency, and cause delays in releasing official communication to parents, guardians and the community.

Following an emergency: Listen to and acknowledge your child’s concerns. Reassure your child that they are safe. Assure your child that additional prevention efforts are being put into place. Seek help from your school social worker or mental health professional if concerns persist.

Blaine County School District #61

Our mission is to inspire, engage, educate, and empower every student. Blaine County School District #61

Cover photo: Rex Squires, Brad Gelskey, and John Blackman during a 2016 safety drill. Written and Produced by the BCSD Communications Office.


(208) 578-5000

What You Need to Know Emergencies are rare, but we can be prepared if we work together.

Be Prepared for a School Emergency Ensure that your child’s emergency contact information is accurate, current and updated as needed. To update this information, please contact your child’s school directly. Set up Skylert notification in Skyward Family Access. If you need help, please contact your child’s school directly. Cut out the Emergency Procedure Card and carry it with you at all times. Become familiar with BCSD’s emergency communication procedures. The district’s goal is to provide accurate and timely information in the event of an emergency. Subscribe to the BCSD Weekly Update, a weekly email newsletter. To subscribe go to Become familiar with the district and school websites at: Talk with your child about how they can report emergencies and respond if they are in an emergency situation. Create a family emergency plan by going to location/home-family.

In Case of a School Emergency Official BCSD news sources will share information and updates as quickly as possible. Avoid rumors and speculation; they cause undue concern. Remember, students and staff may not have accurate information right away. Stay calm. Remember, most emergency actions are precautionary. Monitor, BCSD Facebook/Twitter and local news. Remember to refresh your browser when viewing our website. Check your email, voicemail and text messages for urgent messages. Avoid calling or going to your child’s school, unless instructed. Phone lines and staff are needed for emergency response efforts. Do not inadvertently interfere with emergency response crews. Do not phone/text your child. Staff and students are discouraged from using cell phones during emergencies.

School may be the safest place for students. In the case of an actual emergency BCSD will be working with emergency officials and local law enforcement to ensure that students are safe inside their schools.

New Emergency Terms and Procedures In the event of an emergency at your child’s school, it is important to know the terms and procedures that students and staff will be following. Our district is expanding the safety program to include the Standard Response Protocol (SRP). In the event of an emergency, the action and appropriate direction will be called on the public address system.


SECURE THE PERIMETER Lockout is called when there is a threat or hazard outside of the school building.


LOCKS, LIGHTS, OUT OF SIGHT Lockdown is called when there is a threat or hazard inside the school building.


TO A LOCATION Evacuate is called to move students and staff from one location to another.


FOR A HAZARD USING SAFETY STRATEGY Shelter is called when the need for personal protection is necessary.