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Copyright © 2002 by Karl E. Wiegers. Permission is granted ... Software Requirements Specification for . Page ii ..... Appendix B: Analysis Models. N/A.
Software Requirements Specification for



Version 1.0 approved

Prepared by William Edwards & James Ferris

CS 490- Senior Project


Copyright © 2002 by Karl E. Wiegers. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.

Software Requirements Specification for

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Table of Contents Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................... ii Revision Histor y ............................................................................................................................ ii 1. Intr oduction ..............................................................................................................................1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

Purpose ............................................................................................................................................ 1 Document Conventions.................................................................................................................... 1 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions .................................................................................. 1 Project Scope ................................................................................................................................... 1 References........................................................................................................................................ 1

2. Over all Descr iption ..................................................................................................................1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7

Product Perspective ......................................................................................................................... 1 Product Features .............................................................................................................................. 2 User Classes and Characteristics ..................................................................................................... 2 Operating Environment.................................................................................................................... 2 Design and Implementation Constraints .......................................................................................... 2 User Documentation ........................................................................................................................ 2 Assumptions and Dependencies ...................................................................................................... 2

3. System Featur es........................................................................................................................2 3.1 System Feature 1 .............................................................................................................................. 2 3.2 System Feature 2 (and so on)........................................................................................................... 3

4. Exter nal Inter face Requir ements ...........................................................................................3 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4

User Interfaces ................................................................................................................................. 3 Hardware Interfaces ......................................................................................................................... 3 Software Interfaces .......................................................................................................................... 4 Communications Interfaces ............................................................................................................. 4

5. Other Nonfunctional Requir ements .......................................................................................4 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4

Performance Requirements .............................................................................................................. 4 Safety Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 4 Security Requirements ..................................................................................................................... 4 Software Quality Attributes ............................................................................................................. 4

6. Other Requir ements ................................................................................................................4 Appendix A: Glossar y....................................................................................................................4 Appendix B: Analysis Models .......................................................................................................5 Appendix C: Issues List .................................................................................................................5

Revision Histor y Name


James Ferris & Will 10/15/10 Edwards

Reason For Changes

Ver sion

Initial Version completed


Software Requirements Specification for

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1. Introduction 1.1 Pur pose Our project, titled Anatomy3 (Anatomy Cubed), will make use of a device called a Cubee in order to display a 3D simulation of various anatomical structures. A Cubee is a system consisting of five screens oriented in a cube shape with the bottom screen of the cube missing. The end goal of the project is to have a Cubee that can display various anatomical structures in a simulated 3D environment using the five separate screens in unison to show the structure from five different angles.

1.2 Document Conventions N/A

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions Since this project is being created for our senior project course some potential readers of this document include both our professors and our classmates. Also, because we are intending to make this an open source project anyone who comes across it can be included in the intended audience. This could include developers, potential computer science students, and faculty from other universities.

1.4 Pr oject Scope Please refer to the vision and scope document for this project.

1.5 Refer ences 3

Vision and Scope-Anatomy (version 1.0), Will Edwards & James Ferris, 9/10/2010,

2. Over all Descr iption 2.1 Pr oduct Per spective The Cubee we are developing is essentially for research only. It builds off of the idea of existing Cubee systems, but is stand-alone in the sense that we have no access to prior implementations and only borrowed the idea of the screen orientations. The final product will be self-contained as one functional system.

Software Requirements Specification for

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2.2 Pr oduct Featur es FE-1: Display a model in simulated 3D on the system. FE-2: The ability to manipulate the displayed model.

2.3 User Classes and Char acter istics User (favored) :

The only user class for the Cubee’s final release is that of a basic end-user. There will be no special privileges that would warrant additional user classes. The user should be able to bring up a 3D model and manipulate it in 3D space.

2.4 Oper ating Envir onment OE-1: The Cubee will be powered by 5 individual PC’s that are all running Windows XP. Synergy is installed on all of the PC’s to allow the use of one mouse and one keyboard to operate easily.

2.5 Design and Implementation Constr aints CO-1: We are limited by the PC’s available to use to power the system. They are several years old and their processing power could be limiting.

2.6 User Documentation TBD.

2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies AS-1: It is assumed that models of at least decent quality can be obtained freely from the internet. DE-1: Models will be needed for the Cubee to be successful.

3. System Features 3.1 Client/Ser ver Networ k 3.1.1

Descr iption and Pr ior ity The system will be run from a server machine that broadcasts what model to display and the rotations/translations that need to be applied to it to the client machines. This part of the project will be as automated as possible. Priority = High.


Stimulus/Response Sequences Stimulus: System launches the model viewer.

Software Requirements Specification for

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Response: The server and clients form a connection so that packets may be transferred. 3.1.3

Functional Requir ements REQ-1: The server and clients must be able to find each other on the network

3.2 Model Viewer 3.1.1

Descr iption and Pr ior ity This is the interface to display the 3D models. The user will mainly be interacting with this feature. Priority = High


Stimulus/Response Sequences Stimulus:

Model viewer is launched.

Response: A GUI is displayed allowing the user to select a model. Stimulus:

A model is selected

Response: The selected model is displayed on the Cubee system. Stimulus:

The user performs a rotation or translation on the model (buttons or mouse movement TBD)

Response: The model is rotated or moved around accordingly.


Functional Requir ements REQ-1: Some sort of GUI to allow the selection of models REQ-2: The ability to manipulate the model in 3D space

4. Exter nal Inter face Requirements 4.1 User Inter faces User interface will consist of a Main menu that gives the option to select a model from a list or to exit the program. When a model is displayed buttons may be used to control the manipulation, but this may also be mouse based (undecided at the time of this writing).

4.2 Har dwar e Inter faces The system will be controlled via keyboard / mouse. Synergy has been installed on each PC so that only one keyboard / mouse is needed to control all 5 PC’s. The PC’s are all connected together using a network switch.

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4.3 Softwar e Inter faces The only component that will be necessary will be the client / server architecture to allow the machines to communicate. This will be developed by us during the project.

4.4 Communications Inter faces As of now, we are planning on using a TCP/IP connection for our networking needs. The PCs will be connected through a router, creating its own small network. This should allow our host PC the capability to communicate with the applications on the client PCs.

5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements 5.1 Per for mance Requir ements N/A

5.2 Safety Requir ements The only safety requirement that we are concerned with is that the Cubee system be placed on a flat, sturdy surface with space to also hold the keyboard and mouse. It would be very dangerous to have this large cube on surface that could potentially cause it to fall off and injure the user or damage itself.

5.3 Secur ity Requir ements Security and privacy are not issues that we will have to deal with in this project. There is no need for user identity authentication.

5.4 Softwar e Quality Attr ibutes Initially our project will only display the models that we load into it. Our goal is to possibly give a user the option to load their own models if they have any but this feature will only be included if time permits. Reliability should be relatively high since the success of the Cubee system is determined by the success of its PCs networking with each other. If our networking schema does not hold up correctly then the screens will not be able to display the correct image from the correct perspective.

6. Other Requirements Appendix A: Glossar y Cubee- A Cubee consists of five screens oriented in a cube shape in order to display an image in simulated 3D using each of the five screens for a different perspective.

Software Requirements Specification for

Appendix B: Analysis Models N/A

Appendix C: Issues List • • •

TCP/IP Networking between PCs Programming platform still being discussed Internet not yet working on PCs

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