SSC Jobs Preparation Guidance -

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The main responsibility of SSC is recruitment of Group C (non-technical), Group B ... Junior Engineer ... question paper is divided in to four parts, they are -.

SSC Jobs Preparation Guidance The main responsibility of SSC is recruitment of Group C (non-technical), Group B (technical & nontechnical) non-gazette lower cadre posts in departments of Government of India. The commission is also assigned to conduct departmental tests. It has a network of nine regional/sub regional offices located at Allahabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Guwavati, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi and sub regional offices at Chandigarh and Raipur. SSC is attached to the office of Department of Personnel & Training. It’s headquarter is New Delhi. Function of SSC: 1. Recruitment of Group-B, Group-C posts in various departments of Govt. of India. 2. To conduct examinations (or) interviews 3. Conducting Open competitive examination for the recruitment of following posts: Lower Division clerk (Various Departments), Stenographers, Assistants in Various Departments, Inspectors of Income Tax, Central Excise, Sub-inspectors (in CBI & Central Police Organization, Junior Engineer (civil, mech & Electrical), Tax Assistant, Section Officer etc. Name of Examination

Posts to be Filled

Combined Graduate Level Examination

Assistants in MHA, AFHQ Inspectors in (Central Excise Income Tax) Sub-Inspector (CBI) Auditor, etc.

Tax Assistant

CBDT & Income Tax Department

Sub Inspector

In central police organisation

Junior Engineer

CPWD, Department of Posts, Military Engineering Service.

Combined Metric Level Examination

Steno Grade-C, D & LDC

Scheme of Combined Graduate Level Exam It consists 3 Tiers Tire I

Written Exams (Objective Multiple Choice)

Tire II

Main Written exam (Objective Multiple Choice)

Tire III

Personality Test (or) Skill test for posts of sub-inspectors in CPO to undergo (PET) after Tire-I

Tier I: It will be common for all categories of posts. Scheme of Tier I: It consists of 200 questions for 200 marks. The duration of the examination is 2 hrs. And question paper is divided in to four parts, they are Part A

General Intelligence & Reasoning

50 Q

Part B

General Awareness

50 Q

Part C

Numerical Aptitude

50 Q

Part D

English Comprehension

50 Q 200 Q

Syllabus General Intelligence & Reasoning: The questions appeared in this section from Verbal & Non verbal type series, Analogy, Classification, Direction test, Number test, Ranking, test, Coding-Decoding, Statementsconclusions, Statements, Assumptions, Decision making etc. General Awareness: In this part questions mainly appear from Current events (National and International), History, Polity, Culture, Geography, Economy etc, Numerical Aptitude: The questions designed mainly on the topics of number system, fractions, simplification, profit & loss, S.I & C.I, Time & work, Time and distance, Average etc. English Comprehension: Concept of parts of speech, synonyms, Antonyms, correction of sentence, spellings, articles, preposition etc

Tier II It will be in objective type and consists of three different Papers / subjects and depending upon the category of posts applied for. For the posts of Assistants, Inspectors (Income tax), Inspector (central excise), Sub- inspectors (CBI), Inspector (posts), assistant enforcement officer, Tax assistants, UDC’s the examination consists of two papers Paper I

Arithmetic ability

200 Marks (100 Qs)

2 hrs

Paper II

English language

200 Marks (200 Qs)

2 hrs

For the posts of Statistical Investigator, Compilers the examination will Consists 3 papers Paper I

Arithmetic ability

200 marks (100 Qs)

2 hrs

Paper II

English language &

200 Marks (200 Qs)

2 hrs

Comprehension Paper III

Commerce, Mathematics

200 Marks (200 Qs)

2 hrs

Statistics, Economics For the Posts of S.Is in Central Police organization, the examination consists of only one Paper. Paper I

English language &

200 Marks (200 Qs)

2 hrs

Comprehension Syllabus Arithmetical Ability: Questions are from Numbers, use of tables and graphs, pie charts, ratio, Proportion, percentage, Average etc. English Language & Comprehension: Fill in the blanks (verbs, prepositions, Articles) Vocabulary, Spelling, Grammar, Synonyms, phrased and Idiomatic use of words, comprehension passages The syllabus for statistics, Economics & Math’s also mentioned by the SSC. Junior Engineers: Qualification: Diploma in Mechanical, civil or electrical Scheme of examination: Objective type Paper I

Objective test

200 Marks (200 Qs)

Part A

General awareness,

100 Marks

Arithmetic, Reasoning, English Part B

Mechanical or

100 Marks

Civil, or Electrical Combined Metric Level Examination: Stenographers (Grade C&D) Qualification: 10th class Scheme of Examination: there are two stages in this test Stage I - Written Examination Stage II - Skill test.

The Written Examination question paper is divided into three parts Part A

General Intelligence & Reasoning

50 Marks

Part B

General Awareness

50 Marks

Part C

English language

100 Marks 200 Marks

One who qualified in written examination will only called for the skill test.

Reference Books: English Language & Comprehension: One Good Grammar Book, Regular news paper reading, previous papers Arithmetic Ability: Quantitative Aptitude by RS Agarwal Quantitative Aptitude by Tyra Reasoning Ability: RS Agarwal, Pandy Books General Awareness: General Studies Spectrum or TMH

By, J Balajee, Senior Faculty