May 16, 2017 - Resilience Project you can visit: ... SOBS open for Parent Teacher interview ... must now be made online,
Term 2, Week 4 - Tue, 16 May, 2017
St Anne’s News
St Anne’s School, Cnr Curlew Cres. & Lowry St. Nth Albury Ph: 6025-1281 Email:
[email protected] Website:
THIS WEEK Wednesday, 17 May School Board meeting, 5.30pm Friday, 19 May Walk Safely to School Day
COMING EVENTS FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Parents, I hope all our mums, grandmas and special ladies had a wonderful Mother’s Day. One of God’s greatest gifts to us is our mothers and their love. It really is a generous love that no matter what daily challenges present, a mother puts the needs of her children before her own. Sunday was an opportunity to remember and honour mums and show our appreciation, something which we should do every day! Friday began with an early start and our Mother’s Day breakfast was very well attended. It was wonderful to see so many mums, grandmas and special ladies sharing breakfast with our children. Thank you to Jo Dykes for co-ordinating this occasion and to all her helpers, particularly the many dads who volunteered their time. Another example of the committed community to which we belong. Following breakfast, we celebrated a beautiful Mass where we recognised our mothers. As I mentioned last term, we are in the process of looking at, and revising our Homework Policy. Mrs Jones has worked with students in Years 4-6 to gain their insights, the staff have provided their thoughts and shortly we will be asking for parent’s views on homework. Save the date: Monday 19th – Wednesday 21st June: As part of our 2017 Annual School Improvement Plan, in the area of Pastoral Care and Well-being, we are very excited about hosting workshops during Term 2, run by the Resilience Project- helping young Australians to be mentally healthy. We are sharing this initiative with St Patrick’s School and Holy Spirit School and the PD incorporates a Staff Meeting for the 3 schools on Monday 19th @ St Patrick's from 4pm-6pm, Parent Meeting for the 3 schools: Tuesday 20th June 7pm-8.30pm @ St Patrick’s, and our student workshop at St Anne’s on Wednesday 21st June. More details will follow in the coming weeks but if you would like to read more about the Resilience Project you can visit: Enjoy your week Liz Johnston
Scan the QR codes to access our Apps on the various platforms
Tuesday, 23 May Walkathon sponsorship forms due (please include correct money) UNSW ICAS exam — Digital Technologies Wednesday, 24 May Walkathon (11.40am)
Friday, 26 May Deanery Athletics Carnival Tuesday, 30 May UNSW ICAS exam— Science Thursday, 1 June Xavier High School ‘Taste of High School’ for Yr 6 students (9.30am1.30pm) Xavier High School ‘Open Day’ (12pm-6.30pm) Tuesday, 13 June UNSW ICAS exam— Writing Wednesday, 14 June UNSW ICAS exam— Spelling Monday, 19 June SOBS open for Parent Teacher interview bookings (details inside) Tues. 27 June & Wed. 28 June Parent Teacher interviews Tuesday, 1 August UNSW ICAS exam— English Tuesday, 15 August UNSW ICAS exam— Maths
2017 BUS PASSES Bus Pass applications must now be made online, go to
Our Uniform Shop is now open Tuesdays and Fridays 3-3.30pm. Pre-loved winter uniforms are now available. Children are expected to now be wearing their full, correct winter uniform. Please note that children may wear either their school tracksuit jacket or school jumper with their formal uniform.
The Walkathon will be held on Wednesday 24th May between recess and lunch. (from 11.40am) Sponsorship forms have been sent home (spare copies are available from the office). Children may choose ONE PRIZE from the category that matches the amount of money they have raised
(or 1 prize from any lower category).
Please circle prize AND write the name of the prize on the front of the form. The colour of prizes will depend on availability. We cannot guarantee a specific colour. Product brand & prize specifications subject to availability (please note that Typo vouchers are no longer
Please return all sponsorship forms and correct money to school by Tuesday, 23 May. Prizes will be distributed within one month of the Walkathon. LIBRARY NEWS They’re here! Book Club orders have arrived and will be distributed tomorrow. Next week is ‘Library and Information Week’ and to celebrate we are holding a competition for our students -
‘Can you guess how many books are in our library?’
Any correct guess will win a $20 Scholastic Book Club voucher. If there are no correct guesses, then the student with the closest guess will win a $15 voucher. An entry form with a big hint and more details will be sent home this week. Entries close next Wednesday, 24 May. Good luck! CANTEEN NEWS Our Burrito & Taco Day held last Thursday was well received by our students. Our Canteen Special Days often pose numerous service delivery challenges due to the larger quantities of lunches being prepared. The success of these days would not be possible without the hard work of our truly wonderful volunteers. A Big thank you to Jason O'Keeffe, Nikki Summerfield, Judy Murray and Katie Keeping for their energy & enthusiasm last Thursday. New Term 2 & 3 menus went home last week. Additional copies are available from the office. THIS WEEKS TASTY TREATS
Garden lime & coconut cakes Macaroni & Vegetable Bake
80 cents 60 cents
VOLUNTEERING AT SCHOOL We are very grateful for all the help that we receive during the school day from our parents and grandparents. We just want to remind everyone that it is essential to sign our visitors book every time you come into the school to help (this includes all tuckshop and classroom helpers). We have visitor books in both the office and the tuckshop. LOST One brand new, tracksuit jacket, clearly labelled as belonging to Christian Moncrieff. Pair of prescription sunglasses (possibly left in the hall on the Eucharist information night) Pandora rope bracelet with a pink floral charm. If found, please return these items to the office so that we can return them to their owners Thankyou.
UNIDENTIFIED SCHOOL FEE PAYMENT We received a payment into the school bank account of $38.89 on 21 April. There is no reference name or account number given for this payment. Please check your records and if this payment belongs to you, please call the office as soon as possible. SCHOOL FEES Term 2 school fees will be sent home this week. LABELLED CLOTHING Please check that all of your child’s school clothing is clearly labelled. We have recently had a number of items in our lost property basket with very faded names that we were unable to read. Therefore, please check that all labels are still legible. NOTIFICATION OF EARLY PICK-UP Please be aware that the app absent notification is only to be used to inform the school if your child is absent for an FULL DAY. Please do not use the app to notify us of early departures. If you will need to collect your child before the end of the day, please send a note into the teacher in the morning, then collect your child from the office where you will also need to fill in an ‘early departure note’. FETE COMMITTEE Our annual Fete is one of the major fundraisers for our school. To ensure that this year’s event is another great success, we are looking for additional Committee members to help share the load. Your involvement can be as big, or as small, as you would like and you can even team up with a friend or two to share one of the many roles available. A separate note with more details will be going home this week.
PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS Interviews will be held on Tuesday 27th and Wednesday 28th June, between 3.30-6pm. Interviews are to be booked online via SOBS (School Online Booking Systems) at Parent/Carer access to SOBS for bookings will open at 6am on Monday, 19th June and bookings will close promptly at 2pm on Tuesday, 27th June.
SCHOOL PHOTOS School photos were sent home yesterday. XAVIER HIGH SCHOOL Our Year 6 students will attend Xavier’s ‘Taste of High School’ on Thursday 1 June. They will walk to and from Xavier with St Anne’s staff. Please see below for details of the Xavier Open Day.
Please do NOT send nuts or nut products to school.
Mother’s Day Celebrations at St Anne’s School