Nov 8, 2015 - (St. Mary) Ruth Madden. (St. Mary) KC Memorial Mass. Wed. Nov. 11. 8:30 a.m. (St. Mary) Bob Ries. Thurs. N
837 Parkview Drive Milton, Wisconsin Parish Web Site Parish E-mail Address
Fr. Dave Timmerman, Pastor After Hours Emergencies, please call: Vicki Kersten, Office Manager Sabrina Elsen, Faith Formation Coordinator Angie McNally, Coordinator of Liturgy and Music Paul Schultz, Administrative Assistant Faith Formation Faith Formation Attendance Line Fax Number
Sat. Nov. 7 Sun. Nov. 8 Mon. Nov. 9 Tues. Nov. 10
Wed. Nov. 11 Thurs. Nov. 12 Fri. Nov. 13 Sat. Nov. 14 Sun. Nov. 15
4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m.
Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time November 8, 2015
[email protected]
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
868-3338 868-2338 868-3337 868-3334 868-3335 868-3336 868-3336 868-3345
(St. Mary) Neale Zimmerlee (St. Joseph) Ray Connolly (St. Mary) St. Mary & St. Joseph Parishioners (St. Joseph) Jeff & Mark Ogle No Mass (St. Mary) Ruth Madden (St. Mary) KC Memorial Mass (St. Mary) Bob Ries (St. Joseph) Mary Jane Condon (St. Joseph) Joseph Hickox
4:00 p.m. (St. Mary) Ralph Hunsader, George Riesen 5:30 p.m. (St. Joseph) Deceased Members of the Fanning & Hanauska Family 9:00 a.m. (St. Mary) Dennis Sitter 10:30 a.m. (St. Joseph) Pepper Johnson and St. Joseph & St. Mary Parishioners
4:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
Reader One Reader Two
Helen Dickinson Val Crofts
Lynn Gardinier Kent Shea
Pat Mosher
Don Roberts
Joe Zanter
Bob Berger
Mary Jo Bergs
Kayla Dugenske
Chuck Lilla Katie Lilla
Jaime Scherdin Justin Scherdin Ryan Scherdin Ashley Wagner
Extraordinary Ministers
Karen Cain Jerome LaBrie Dodie Weberpal*
Pat Starr* Mike Sessler Michael Goedert
Barbara Anderson Steve Schuh Molly Harris Jonathon Crofts
Milt Wendler Tom Reed Tom Westrick Steve Wagner Bill O'Leary
*Denotes Check-in person
Mon. Nov. 9: Interfaith Community Outreach Commission will meet at 7:00 p.m. Sat./Sun. Nov. 7/8: in the Ark. Camillus Ministry Blood Pressure Tues. Nov. 10: screening in the center after all masses. Pastoral Care Commission will meet at Ark Library will be open after all masses. 10:15 a.m. in the Ark. Sun. Nov. 8: K-6 FF classes at 4:00 p.m. “Seeds” Ministry at 9:00 a.m. Liturgy Commission will meet at 7:00 Footprints of God: Peter DVD series at p.m. in the Ark. 10:00 a.m. or 6:30 p.m. in the Ark. KCs will meet at 7:00 p.m. in the center. Family Ministry will meet at 10:00 a.m. in Wed. Nov. 11: the center. K-6 FF classes at 4:00 p.m. High School class at 10:00 a.m. or 6:00 Children’s choir will meet from 5:15-5:45 p.m. in the lower level. p.m. Middle School class at 6:00 p.m. in the Finance Council will meet at 7:00 p.m. in center. the Ark. Festival Hash Meeting at Culver’s in Newville at 6:00 p.m.
Sat. Nov. 14: Optimist Play try-outs at 9:00 a.m. in the lower level RCIA will meet at 10:00 a.m. in the Ark. Sun. Nov. 15: St. Mary Choir will sing at 9:00 a.m. in church. “Seeds” Ministry at 9:00 a.m. Footprints of God: Peter DVD series at 10:00 a.m. or 6:30 p.m. in the Ark.
Heartfelt prayer and sympathy to the family and friends of Sue Wisniewski who recently passed.
Monday, November 9 Ezekiel 47:1-2, 6-8, 17 Psalm 46:2-3, 5-6, 16-17 1 Corinthians 3:9c-11, 16-17 John 2:13:22 Tuesday, November 10 Wisdom 2:23-3:9 Psalm 34:2-3, 16-17, 18-19 Luke 17:1-10 Wednesday, November 11 Wisdom 6:1-11 Psalm 82:3-4, 6-7 Luke 17:11-19
Collection from last Sunday (November 1, 2015) Envelopes 7,878.00 ACH Auto-Debit 2,330.00 Offertory 337.90 Education 85.00 ACH Education 20.00 Loaves & Fishes 20.00 Catholic Herald 0.00 Special Collections 0.00 Collection from last year (November 2, 2014) Envelopes 8,239.00 ACH Auto-Debit 2,175.00
Thursday, November 12 Wisdom 7:22b-8:1 Psalm 119:89, 90, 91, 130, 138, 175 Luke 17:20-25 Friday, November 13 Wisdom 13:1-9 Psalm 19:2-3, 4-5ab Luke 17:26-37 Sunday, November 15 Daniel 12:1-3 Psalm 16: 5, 8, 9-10, 11 Hebrews 10:11-14 Mark 13:24-32
This week the Traveling Chalice will be in the home of
Bob & Joan Urban Please pray for Vocations
ARK LIBRARY: The Ark Library is open this weekend following all Masses. Join us to browse through the many books and videos that our Ark Library has to offer. BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING: Camillus Ministry blood pressure screening is held this weekend in the parish center after all Masses. ST. MARY KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SOLIDARITY CROSSES: The Knights of Columbus at St. Mary, Milton are selling Solidarity Crosses in support of persecuted Christians in the Middle East. The cross is a symbol of suffering, unity and hope. Each 5” olivewood cross is made by Christians in the Holy Land. Proceeds go to Knights of Columbus Christian Refugee Relief Fund. Please contact Brian Cowan at 754-2618 for more information and to order.
MILTON FOOD PANTRY HELP NEEDED: The Milton Food Pantry is looking for one or two people to work the desk on Wednesday afternoons from 2:004:00 p.m. every other month starting in the month of January. Please call Gail Slepekis at 868-7461.
Think about it …
A rhinoceros is simply a chubby unicorn...
Stewardship: A Way of Life Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time “I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury. For they all contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, her whole living.” Mark 12:43-44 Jesus gets right to the point—we are all called to give money to support the mission of the Church, regardless of our circumstance. No gift is too small or insignificant! Giving money to support the mission of our local parish is a matter of our faith, just like praying and participating in parish ministries. When you make a financial offering, is it from your “first fruits” or from what is “left over?”
Please keep these parishioners and family members in your prayers: Ruth Berger Bob Dibble Jim Jenkins Jeff Kneiert Austin Martin Julie Miller Scot Nelson Val Pakes Gayle Reed Kathy Roberts Brett Urban Ed Windle WORD OF LIFE: “Within the family each member is accepted, respected and honored precisely because he or she is a person; and if
any family member is in greater need, the care which he or she receives is all the more intense and attentive.” Pope Saint John Paul II Evangelium Vitae
Lily’s Column with Fr. Dave: To enlighten the World, Father, you sent to us your Word as the sun of truth and justice shining upon mankind. Illuminate our eyes that we may discern your glory in the many works of your hand. Jeremiah 15:15-16
ST. ELIZABETH HOME IS HIRING! CNAs, LPNs and RN wanted. Work close to home. Good pay and benefits plus flexible hours. Call 608-752-6709 today. GIFTS DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR NEEDED: The GIFTS Men’s Shelter Board of Directors had identified the need to hire a part-time Development Director. This is an exciting time in their ministry as they follow the direction where God is leading. Interested individuals should submit a cover letter and resume to Stephanie Burton, Executive Director via email at
[email protected]. AT THE HOUR OF OUR DEATH— Information about Catholic funerals: This informational session is for those who wish to learn more about Catholic funerals and related rituals, and who may even wish to consider a plan for their own funeral. Each participant will receive a copy of Now and at the Hour of Our Death. Thursday, November 12 at Nativity of Mary Parish, Janesville, Church Hall from 1:00-2:30 p.m. This informational session is free of charge. A donation of $3 to offset the cost of the participant booklets will be appreciated if you are able. To ensure enough materials,
please register by November 8 by calling Nativity at 608-752-7861. MILTON HIGH SCHOOL INTERACT CLUB: Once again, the Interact Club at the high school is raising funds for Christmas gifts for teens. Each year our community generously raises money for holiday meals and gifts for needy families. Unfortunately, our teens are often overlooked. At MHS, Interact Club has taken on the task of raising funds to make sure that Milton teens have a gift they can be excited about. We need the help of local community businesses and families to make this effort successful. Would you be willing to make a donation to help give a Milton teenager a better Christmas this year? We will spend approximately $25 on each teen. Please call Jeanne Hergert or Jennifer Ramsden with any questions or to donate at 608-868-9300.
Special THANK YOU to parishioners Gail & John Nordlof for the donation of altar wine. Northleaf Winery, LLC 232 S Janesville St Milton WI 53563 608-580-0575
[email protected]
GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH FESTIVAL: Good Shepherd Parish Fall Festival (at our St. James Site—1204 St. James Ct., Madison) will be Sunday, November 8 from 9:30 a.m.—4:30 p.m. Chicken dinner, kids games, bakery, trash-ntreasure sale, raffle, pfeffernuesse cookies and more! Trash-n-treasure sale will have a preview sale on Saturday, November 7 from 9:30 a.m. to noon. $5 admission.
and deacons. The Catholic Herald also keeps readers up to date locally with coverage of events happening around the Diocese of Madison. Learn more about your Catholic faith by reading the Catholic Herald. If you do not subscribe but wish to receive the Catholic Herald in your home, contact the parish office at 868-3337.
DEEPEN YOUR FAITH WITH THE CATHOLIC HERALD—Issue of November 12: This week’s Catholic Herald will include the annual Diocesan Directory with information on diocesan offices, parishes, priests,
“...this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors…” Mark 12:43
To mark the beginning of the Year of Consecrated Life, the Vatican’s Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life released a letter to consecrated men and women entitled Rejoice! with the subtitle, “A message from the teachings of Pope Francis.” The document compiles homilies and speeches Pope Francis addressed to consecrated men and women. Great delight and happiness is what ought to fill those who have encountered Christ, whether dedicated to consecrated life or just plain ol’ baptized Christians. This personal relationship with Jesus provokes joy. That is the overriding theme underscored by the pope in his first apostolic exhortation Evangelii gaudium (“Joy of the Gospel”) and one which it is hoped will play a key role during this time of contemplation. Joy is the beauty of consecration and it is contagious, so the religious can share the values of the Gospel with the world. This year is devoted to those who have answered the call of God to consecrate themselves in the religious life, so they rediscover and renew their vocation. At the same time, it is a year for all the church to reflect on the value of consecrated life in
our times. It is interesting to note how many things this letter offers for consideration that can apply to us all. Its two main sections draw on biblical subjects of exultation and consolation: “Be glad, rejoice, radiate joy” (Isaiah 66:10-14) and “Comfort, comfort my people” (Isaiah 40:1-2). As adults, are we an example of consistency and authenticity to young people? Think about our degree of comfort. Do our personal interests impel us to do everything for love of ourselves, or do we retain restlessness for God which causes us to step out of our comfort zone toward others? Avoid speaking badly of others and strive for brotherhood and fraternal love to all. An authentic faith always involves a profound desire to change the world. Are we pursuing it with zeal (Psalm 69:9) or mediocrity? These queries are posed toward the end of the letter where questions by Pope Francis are assembled. For a closing meditation, here is a portion of Francis’ homily in Rome for the opening of the General Chapter of the Order of St. Augustine, August 28, 2013: Look into the depths of your heart, look into your own inner depths and ask yourself: do you have a heart that desires something great, or a heart that has been lulled to sleep by things? Has your heart preserved the restlessness of seeking or have you let it be suffocated by things that end by hardening it? God awaits you, he seeks you; how do you respond to him? Are you aware of the situation of your soul? Or have you nodded off? Do you believe God is waiting for you or does this truth consist only of “words”?
REMINDER: Please contact the parish office (868-3337) when: A member of your family is in the hospital; You would like to have home communion; You have a prayer request; A family member dies or gives birth; Your home address, phone and/or email changes; You would like a call or visit.
FUNERAL DISHES: Just a reminder for all that donated food for recent funeral lunches: Your dish/serving tray is clean and waiting to be picked up from the parish kitchen! Thank you for your generous donation!
Euchre Tournament
Hosted by Knights of Columbus 9230 *November 14th St. William’s Parish Hall 1822 Ravine, Janesville Entry Fee $10.00 Cash Prizes and 50/50 Raffle Registration starts at 5:15 p.m. Cards start promptly at 6:00 p.m. Beverages and sandwiches available for purchase *75% net proceeds from this will go to the Lara E. Meidl Smith Family For more info contact Bill Slatter 608-774-6023
Advent Adventure Child Registration
St. Mary Youth Ministry presents...
Advent Adventure: Serving others while Waiting for Jesus…
________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Allergies or medical conditions _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian (Name/Phone #)
Could your parents use a few hours of FREE free-time getting ready for the holidays or hunting, baking, prayer and reflection or sleep? Or are your parents looking for something fun that will remind you of what Advent is all about? Children are invited to join us for crafts, storytelling, games, music and more! The Works of Mercy are the focus!! St. Nick may be stopping in for a visit, too!
________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Lunch order: ___ $1 Hot Dog Combo ___ Lunch from home
Saturday, November 21 9:00AM to 1:00PM 3 years-4th grade (Big brothers/sisters can help)
Return form by November 15!!
National Vocations Week Chat with Fr. Dave
ADULT CATHOLIC SPIRIT CLUB: We will meet on Wednesday, November 11 at St. John Vianney Marian Hall. A potluck dinner will be served—please bring your own table service and a dish to share. Because of member interest, our program will be on “Genealogy”, presented by Nikki Bolka, Reference Librarian for Hedberg Pulbic Library. Blood pressure screenings are offered from 11:30 a.m. to noon. Plan to join us for a short “get-
away” from your daily routine to enjoy good food and a good program. For more information, call Ginny at 608752-4442.
DID YOU KNOW: The speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second. So, what is the speed of dark?
MILTON FOOD PANTRY HELP NEEDED: The Milton Food Pantry is looking for one or two people to work the desk on Wednesday afternoons from 2:00-4:00 p.m. every other month starting in the month of January. Please call Gail Slepekis at 868-7461. BABES PROGRAM VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: The Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) is looking for volunteers 55 & older to assist with the BABES Program (Beginning Alcohol and Addiction Basic Education Studies). This is a puppet show educating 1st through 3rd grade students in Rock County about substance abuse, peer pressure, coping skills; while promoting good decision making skills and positive self-image. This 5-week program meets once a week for 45 minutes in the fall and spring. Please Call Laura or Mikki at 608-362-9593 or email Mikki at
[email protected]
MERCY HOSPICE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Mercy Hospice is seeking volunteers to visit with patients, including veteran volunteers, music volunteers and a variety of other needs. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please call 608-754-2201. We would love to have you share your talents with our team!
AMERICA READS: Seeks volunteers to help students who struggle with reading. Please call Laura Anastasi at 608-362-9593 to volunteer. CEDAR CREST: Seeks volunteers to spend time with residents during oneon-one visits. Activities vary. For more information, call 608-373-6327. HEDBERG PUBLIC LIBRARY: Several volunteers opportunities are available, including data entry, mailing and shelf reading. For more information, call 608-758-6588. RESPITE CENTER: A new respite center in Janesville is looking for 12 to 15 volunteers to help children with physical and mental disabilities. Duties include changing diapers, feeding, playing and general housekeeping. Those interested should call 608-2010697 or 608-289-3618. SALVATION ARMY MEAL HELP NEEDED: Their current cook is having hip surgery on November 25 and will not return until after Christmas. Help is needed to make lunches. Please call Julie Cunningham at 608-757-8300 if you are interested
Ah, yes… that moment when you are participating in the holy sacrifice of the Mass, that mystical union of the Trinity and humanity, where Christ offers Himself to God in an unbloody manner under the appearances of bread and wine, and… “I have to remember to pick up the dry cleaning.” Or, “What’s up with that lady’s hair?” Or, my favorite, a song stuck in my head: “Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, we don't even have to try, it's always a good time!” It’s going to happen. It takes an almost heroic amount of effort to keep our minds from wandering away from the most important thing happening in our world in that moment—Jesus Christ coming to us in the flesh. Sometimes when the ritual has become routine, it’s easy to take for granted.
“If Your Mind Wanders at Mass” might be a good title to put on your reading list. Thomas Howard explains how the Mass is the center of the Christian life, how we carry that worship out into the world at its conclusion, how we “assist at” Mass and aren’t just spectators, and how this act intersects heaven and earth, the seen and the unseen. Then he steps you through each part of the Mass and uncovers its significance. If we fully understand what is taking place we are likely to deepen our commitment to participate and not be distracted by extraneous thoughts. This and many other interesting books can be found in the Ark library and can be checked out. There are sections marked Prayer, Spirituality, Mary/Rosary, Saints, Morality/Family Life, Children’s Stories, Media, Catechesis/Youth Resources, Theology, Bereavement, Crises, Sacraments/ Seasons, and Miscellaneous. Handouts has materials you are free to take. — Paul Schultz
Education Commission The primary work of the Education Commission is to develop policies, help plan and continue to develop Catholic Christian formation for students from pre-school through junior year in high school.
Meetings Education Commission meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Ark Library. The chair, recorder and prayer positions are rotated each month.
Program Focus The center of all the Faith Formation programs at Saint Mary Parish in Milton is Sacred Scripture. The teaching of the Scriptures leads students towards the everyday living of the Scriptures through actions. These actions bring the students from the very young through high school to doing good things for others which is centered on the Scriptural command to love God and neighbor as self.
The pastor and coordinator are available for the development of the catechists and their students during the faith formation sessions, as well as other times as needed. Current Members: Joyce Albright, Deb Krausse, Lisa Meyers, Rod Montanye, Mike Sessler
Wednesday, November 11
837 Parkview Dr. Milton, WI 53563 608-868-3338