HOLIDAY HOMEWORK. CLASS: L.K.G. Dear Parents,. Holidays are the most
awaited period in a student's life as it gives them enough time to do whatever
they ...
ST. JOSEPH’S SCHOOL , GREATER NOIDA HOLIDAY HOMEWORK CLASS: L.K.G Dear Parents, Holidays are the most awaited period in a student's life as it gives them enough time to do whatever they want. It is a good practice to make them do some interesting homework. Here below are some homework / interesting activities. Kindly make them do these, during holiday. 1. Plant a seed / sapling : Take a small plastic pot fill it with the mixture of potting soil and manure. Let your child plant any sapling or a seed in it and watch its growth. Be sure to explain him /her how to take care of the sapling. A good substitute for plastic pot can be “Dahi” containers but please let your child plant and then decorate them. Do remember to make a hole at the bottom for drainage. 2. Try to take your child to visit :
Zoo Any Park Collect or make a collage of photographs of places you visited on a drawing sheet. 3. Give your child opportunity to do : Free hand drawing (shapes, fruits etc.) Paper tearing (balloon, ball, apple etc.) Colouring (Fruits, vegetables, shapes etc.) Collect all the sheets made by your child and put it in a paper folder made by you and bring it to the school (at least 5 sheets) 4. Make your ward read and write alphabets (small and capital) and numbers 1-15 in a note book at least 5 times. 5. Its summer time and there are lots of juicy fruits to keep us cool. You can make lots of yummy things with them like juices, milk shakes, salads, ice-creams. Make a puppet of your favorite fruit for eg: Mango, Pineapple, pear, Water melon Apple, Papaya, Orange and Strawberry etc. 6. Story :
Please read a short story every day . Repetition is something children enjoy so do repeat the story after a couple of days . Learn the story –“Three little Pigs” 7. Kindly make your ward learn the following sentences in day-to-day conversation. Please take out your book. Please put away your copy /book. Please keep this copy inside your bag. Please show your copy / school diary to your mom. Please walk one behind the other. Please do not turn around. Look in front, all of you. Please fold your arms. Please listen carefully. Please don’t scribble. Please use an eraser. Please ask mummy to sharpen your pencil. Please keep your bag at the side of your table. Please do not fidget. Please do not touch the other child.
Be careful, do not hit someone. Please keep your feet together. Put your hands by your side. Please lift your feet and walk. Please do not drag your feet. Please speak softly. May I go and wash my hands. I saw a bird / butterfly today. I like my school garden. I like my teacher very much. My van driver will not come today. Mam has taught me a poem /story/song today. Please close my umbrella, mam. I am feeling thirsty / hungry. It is very hot today. It is raining outside. May I go and wash my hands? I have finished eating my tiffin. My diary is not in my bag. I have completed my work. I have not brought my tiffin. Mummy has given me tasty tiffin.
What is tomorrow? Tomorrow is a holiday. What do you want to say? Please eat slowly. Please close your mouth and eat. Please do not drop food on the floor. Please do not spill water. Please wipe the table. Please wipe your hands clean. Please take small bites of food. Please use your handkerchief. Please climb the steps carefully.
NOTE: Conversation and storytelling test will be taken by the teacher in the month of July.