Like us on Facebook @. CCW â St. Martha Parish ... reflection and business agenda followed by a speaker, service ... D
St. Martha Parish CCW The Council of Catholic Women exists to unite the women of St. Martha Parish for the spiritual, social and educational enrichment of its members, and for the welfare of the parish community.
CCW Board 2016-2017: Stacey Tadgerson, President Annie Bennett, Vice President Kathleen Mills, Treasurer Deb Barantchouk, Recording Secretary Michelle MacBane, Corresponding Secretary
Council of Catholic Women
St. Martha Parish 1100 W. Grand River Ave. Okemos, MI 48864 517.349.1763
Visit our Parish Website: Like us on Facebook @ CCW – St. Martha Parish
2016-2017 Faith, Hope and Love
CCW Event Sign-Up I am interested in helping with:
“Are you looking for a group that will help you grow in faith, friendship, and service? …Come check out the CCW!” - Annie Bennett, CCW Vice President (2016-2017)
□ Food Baskets □ Food Bank □ Martha’s Meals □ Funeral Brunches □ Holiday Craft Show—November 19 □ Giving Tree □ St. Martha’s Historian/Photographer □ Lenten Baby Drive
□ RCIA Reception
The Board of the Council of Catholic Women would like to extend a warm invitation to all women of the parish to participate in our activities & meetings this year. Our organization focuses on the social, service and spiritual needs of the female members of the parish. All registered women of St. Martha Parish are already considered members. Our monthly meetings consist of a spiritual reflection and business agenda followed by a speaker, service activity or social event. It will be an opportunity to enjoy refreshments and social time together, and childcare will be provided.
Schedule of Meetings
Come join us as often as your schedule allows!
May 8 – Volunteer Appreciation w/ Pizza Dinner and Elections
Second Monday of the Month Rosary 6:00pm, Meeting 6:30pm September 12 – 40 Days for Life October 10 – Respect Life November 14 – Giving Tree Project December 12 – Christmas Auction & Party January 9 – Human Trafficking/Health Ministry
□ Lenten Fish Fries—begin March 3 □ Father/Child Dinner □ Women’s Retreat—February 25 □ Spring Women’s Brunch—March 19 Please complete this form, detach, and drop it in a collection basket.
February 25 – Women’s Retreat March 19 – Spring Women’s Brunch