Korean J. Math. 18 (2010), No. 4, pp. 395–407
STABILITY OF QUADRATIC FUNCTIONAL EQUATIONS IN RANDOM NORMED SPACES Seung Won Schin, DoHyeong Ki, JaeWon Chang, Min June Kim and Choonkil Park∗ Abstract. In this paper, we prove the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of the following quadratic functional equations à n ! à n ! n X X X cf xi + f xi − (n + c − 1)xj i=1
= (n + c − 1) f (x1 ) + c
à n X
! di xi
n X
X 1≤i 0 such that if a mapping h : G1 → G2 satisfies the inequality d(h(x.y), h(x) ∗ h(y)) < δ for all x, y ∈ G1 , then there exists a homomorphism H : G1 → G2 with d(h(x), H(x)) < ² for all x ∈ G1 ? In the other words, under what Received October 25, 2010. Revised November 15, 2010. Accepted November 19, 2010. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46S50, 46C05, 39B52. Key words and phrases: random Banach space, quadratic functional equation, generalized Hyers-Ulam stability, quadratic mapping. This work was supported by the R&E program in 2010. ∗ Corresponding author.
S. Schin, D. Ki, J. Chang, M. Kim and C. Park
condition does there exist a homomorphism near an approximate homomorphism? The concept of stability for functional equation arises when we replace the functional equation by an inequality which acts as a perturbation of the equation. Hyers [13] gave a first affirmative answer to the question of Ulam for Banach spaces. Let f : E → E 0 be a mapping between Banach spaces such that kf (x + y) − f (x) − f (y)k ≤ δ for all x, y ∈ E and some δ > 0. Then there exists a unique additive mapping T : E → E 0 such that kf (x) − T (x)k ≤ δ for all x ∈ E. Moreover, if f (tx) is continuous in t ∈ R for each fixed x ∈ E, then T is R-linear. Th.M. Rassias [23] provided a generalization of the Hyers’ theorem which allows the Cauchy difference to be unbounded. Gajda [8] answered the question for the case p > 1, which was raised by Th.M. Rassias. This new concept is known as generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of functional equations (see [1]–[3], [6, 9], [14]–[16], [24, 25]). The functional equation (1.1)
f (x + y) + f (x − y) = 2f (x) + 2f (y)
is called a quadratic functional equation. In particular, every solution of the quadratic functional equation (1.1) is said to be a quadratic mapping. The generalized Hyers-Ulam stability problem for the quadratic functional equation (1.1) was proved by Skof for mappings f : A → B, where A is a normed space and B is a Banach space (see [28]). Cholewa [5] noticed that the theorem of Skof is still true if relevant domain A is replaced by an abelian group. In [7], Czerwik proved the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of the functional equation (1.1). Grabiec [10] has generalized these results mentioned above. The generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of different functional equations in random normed and fuzzy normed spaces has been recently studied in [17] and [20]–[22]. It should be noticed that in all these papers the triangle inequality is expressed by using the strongest triangular norm TM .
Quadratic functional equations in random normed spaces
The aim of this paper is to investigate the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of the following quadratic functional equations ! ! à n à n n X X X (1.2) cf xi + f xi − (n + c − 1)xj i=1
= (n + c − 1) f (x1 ) + c à (1.3) Q
n X i=1
n X i=2
! di xi
f (xi ) +
n X i 0 if and only if x = 0; t (RN2 ) µαx (t) = µx ( |α| ) for all x ∈ X, α 6= 0; (RN3 ) µx+y (t + s) ≥ T (µx (t), µy (s)) for all x, y ∈ X and all t, s ≥ 0. Every normed space (X, k.k) defines a random normed space (X, µ, TM ), where t µx (t) = t + kxk for all t > 0, and TM is the minimum t-norm. This space is called the induced random normed space. Definition 1.3. Let (X, µ, T ) be an RN-space. (1) A sequence {xn } in X is said to be convergent to x in X if, for every ² > 0 and λ > 0, there exists a positive integer N such that µxn −x (²) > 1 − λ whenever n ≥ N . (2) A sequence {xn } in X is called a Cauchy sequence if, for every ² > 0 and λ > 0, there exists a positive integer N such that µxn −xm (²) > 1 − λ whenever n ≥ m ≥ N . (3) An RN-space (X, µ, T ) is said to be complete if and only if every Cauchy sequence in X is convergent to a point in X. Theorem 1.4. ([26]) If (X, µ, T ) is an RN-space and {xn } is a sequence such that xn → x, then limn→∞ µxn (t) = µx (t) almost everywhere. This paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we prove the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of the quadratic functional equation (1.2) in RN-spaces. In Section 3, we prove the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of the quadratic functional equation (1.3) in RN-spaces. Throughout this paper, assume that X is a real vector space and that (Y, µ, T ) is a complete RN-space.
Quadratic functional equations in random normed spaces
2. Generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of the quadratic functional equation (1.2) in random normed spaces For a given mapping f : X → Y , consider the mapping P f : X n → Y , defined by à n ! à n ! n X X X P f (x1 , x2 , · · · , xn ) = cf xi + f xi − (n + c − 1)xj Ã
−(n + c − 1) f (x1 ) + c
j=2 n X
f (xi ) +
i=1 n X i 0. Let v = 2 − c − n > 1. If ¡ ¡ ¢¢ ∞ (2.2) lim Tk=1 ρ0,vn+k−1 x,0,0,··· ,0 v 2n+k (v − 1) t = 1, n→∞
lim ρvn x1 ,vn x2 ,··· ,vn xn (v 2n t) = 1
hold for all x, y ∈ X and all t > 0, then there exists a unique quadratic mapping Q : X → Y such that ¡ ¢ ∞ (2.4) µf (x)−Q(x) (t) ≥ Tk=1 ρ0,vk−1 x,0,0,··· ,0 (v k (v − 1)t) for all x ∈ X and all t > 0. Proof. Putting x2 = x and x1 = x3 = x4 = · · · = xn = 0 in (2.1), we get (2.5)
µf ((2−c−n)x)−(2−c−n)2 f (x) (t) ≥ ρ0,x,0,0,··· ,0 (t)
for all y ∈ X and all t > 0. Replacing 2 − c − n by v in (2.5), we get (2.6)
µf (vx)−v2 f (x) (t) ≥ ρ0,x,0,0,··· ,0 (t)
for all y ∈ X and all t > 0. Thus we have
¡ ¢ µ f (vx) −f (x) (t) ≥ ρ0,x,0,0,··· ,0 v 2 t v2
S. Schin, D. Ki, J. Chang, M. Kim and C. Park
for all x ∈ X and all t > 0. Hence
¢ ¡ µ f (vk+1 x) − f (vk x) (t) ≥ ρ0,vk x,0,0,··· ,0 v 2(k+1) t v 2(k+1)
v 2k
1 for all x ∈ X, all t > 0 and all k ∈ N. From v−1 > v1 + v12 + · · · + ( v > 1 ), it follows that µ µ ¶¶ (v − 1) t n (2.7) µ f (vn x) −f (x) (t) ≥ Tk=1 µ f (vk x) f (v(k−1) x) − 2(k−1) vk v 2n v 2k v ¡ ¡ ¢¢ n ≥ Tk=1 ρ0,vk−1 x,0,0,··· ,0 v k (v − 1) t
1 vn
for all x ∈ X and all t > 0. In order to prove the convergence of the n x) }, replacing x with v m x in (2.7), we obtain that sequence { f (v 2n v (2.8)
µ f (vn+m x) − f (vm x) (t) v 2m v 2(n+m) ¡ ¡ ¢¢ n ≥ Tk=1 ρ0,vk+m−1 x,0,0,··· ,0 v k+2m (v − 1) t .
Since the right hand side of the inequality (2.8) tends to 1 as m and n n x) tend to infinity, the sequence { f (v } is a Cauchy sequence. Thus we 2n v f (v n x) may define Q(x) = limn→∞ v2n for all x ∈ X. Now we show that Q is an quadratic mapping. Replacing xi with v n xi (i = 1, 2, · · · , n) in (2.1), respectively, we get (2.9)
µ P f (vn x1 ,vn x2 ,··· ,vn xn ) (t) ≥ ρvn x1 ,vn x2 ,··· ,vn xn (v 2n t). v2 n
Taking the limit as n → ∞, we find that P f (v x1 ,vv2xn2 ,··· ,v xn ) (t) tends to 0, which implies that the mapping Q : X → Y is quadratic. Letting the limit as n → ∞ in (2.8), we get (2.4). Next, we prove the uniqueness of the quadratic mapping Q : X → Y subject to (2.4). Let us assume that there exists another quadratic mapping R : X → Y which satisfies (2.4). Since Q(v n x) = v 2n Q(x), R(v n x) = v 2n R(x) for all x ∈ X and all n ∈ N, from (2.4), it follows that (2.10) µQ(x)−R(x) (vt) = µQ(vn x)−R(vn x) (v 2n+1 t) ≥ T (µQ(vn x)−f (vn x) (v 2n t), µf (vn x)−R(vn x) (v 2n t)) ¡ ¢¢ ¡ ∞ ¡ ≥ T Tk=1 ρ0,vn+k−1 x,0,0,··· ,0 v 2n+k (v − 1) t , ¡ ¢¢¢ ¡ ∞ Tk=1 ρ0,vn+k−1 x,0,0,··· ,0 v 2n+k (v − 1) t for all x ∈ X and all t > 0. Letting n → ∞ in (2.10), we conclude that Q = R.
Quadratic functional equations in random normed spaces
Theorem 2.2. Let f : X → Y be an even mapping for which there is a ρ : X n → D+ ( ρ(x1 ,x2 ,··· ,xn ) is denoted by ρx1 ,x2 ,··· ,xn ) such that (2.11)
µP f (x1 ,x2 ,··· ,xn ) (t) ≥ ρx1 ,x2 ,··· ,xn (t)
for all x1 , x2 , · · · , xn ∈ X and all t > 0. (Let v = 2 − c − n, 0 < v < 1) If µ µ ¶¶ (v − 1) t ∞ x lim Tk=1 ρ0, n+k (2.12) = 1, ,0,0,··· ,0 v n→∞ v 2n+k−1 ¶ µ t (2.13) lim ρ x1 , x2 ,··· , xvnn =1 n→∞ vn vn v 2n hold for all x ∈ X and all t > 0, then there exists a unique quadratic mapping Q : X → Y such that µ µ ¶¶ (v − 1) t ∞ (2.14) µf (x)−Q(x) (t) ≥ Tk=1 ρ0, xk ,0,0,··· ,0 v v k−1 for all x ∈ X and all t > 0. Proof. Putting x2 = x and x1 = x3 = x4 = · · · = xn = 0 in (2.11), we get (2.15)
µf ((2−c−n)x)−(2−c−n)2 f (x) (t) ≥ ρ0,x,0,0,··· ,0 (t)
for all x ∈ X and all t > 0. Replacing 2 − c − n by v and x by (2.15), we get (2.16)
µf (x)−v2 f ( x ) (t) ≥ ρ0, xv ,0,0,··· ,0 (t) v
for all x ∈ X and all t > 0. Hence µv2k f ( x )−v2(k+1) f ( vk
x v k+1
µf (x)−v2n f ( xn ) (t) v
) (t) ≥ ρ0, vk+1 ,0,0,··· ,0
for all x ∈ X, all t > 0 and all k ∈ N. From ( 0 < v < 1 ), it follows that (2.17)
x v
1 1−v
t v 2k
> 1 + v + · · · + v n−1
³ ¡ ¢´ n ≥ Tk=1 µv2(k−1) f ( x )−v2k f ( x ) v k−1 (1 − v) t v k−1 vk µ µ ¶¶ (v − 1) t n ≥ Tk=1 ρ0, xk ,0,0,··· ,0 v v k−1
S. Schin, D. Ki, J. Chang, M. Kim and C. Park
for all x ∈ X and ¡ x ¢all t > 0. In order tox prove the convergence of the 2n sequence {v f vn }, replacing x with vm in (2.17), we obtain that (2.18)
n µv2m f ( xm )−v2(m+n) f ( x ) (t) ≥ Tk=1 m+n v v µ µ ¶¶ (v − 1) t x ρ0, k+m . ,0,0,··· ,0 v v k+2m−1
Since the right hand side of the inequality ¡ ¢ (2.18) tends to 1 as m and n tend to infinity, the sequence {v 2n f¡ vxn¢ } is a Cauchy sequence. Thus we may define Q(x) = limn→∞ v 2n f vxn for all x ∈ X. Now we show that Q is a quadratic mapping. Replacing xi with vxni (i = 1, 2, · · · , n) in (4.1), respectively, we get µ ¶ t (2.19) µv2n P f ( xn1 , xn2 ,··· , xnn ) (t) ≥ ρ vxn1 , vxn2 ,··· , xvnn . v v v v 2n ¡ ¢ Taking the limit as n → ∞, we find that v 2n P f vxn1 , vxn1 , · · · , vxn1 tends to 0, which implies that the mapping Q : X → Y is quadratic. Letting the limit as n → ∞ in (2.18), we get (2.14). The rest of the proof is similar to the proof of Theorem 2.1. 3. Generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of the quadratic functional equation (1.3) in random normed spaces For a given mapping Q : X → Y , consider the mapping DQ : X n → Y , defined by à n ! X X DQ(x1 , x2 , · · · , xn ) : = Q di xi + di dj Q(xi − xj ) i=1
1≤i 1. If (3.1)
µDQ(x1 ,x2 ,··· ,xn ) ≥ ρx1 ,x2 ,··· ,xn (t)
Quadratic functional equations in random normed spaces
for all x1 , x2 , · · · , xn ∈ Xand all t > 0, and (3.2)
lim ρd(n−1) x,··· ,d(n−1) x ((d2 − 1)t) = 1
for all x, y ∈ X and all t > 0, then there exists a unique quadratic mapping R : X → Y such that (3.3)
∞ (ρdk−1 x,dk−1 x,··· ,dk−1 x (d2 − 1)) µR(x)−Q(x) (t) = Tk=1
for all x ∈ X and all t > 0. Proof. Putting x1 = x2 = · · · = xn = x in (3.1), we get (3.4)
µQ(dx)−d2 Q(x) (t) ≥ ρx,x,··· ,x (t)
and so (3.5)
µQ(dx)/d2 −Q(x) (
t ) ≥ ρx,x,··· ,x (t) d2
for all x ∈ X and all t > 0. Let ψx (t) = ρx,x,··· ,x (t) Replacing x by dn x and t by d2(n+1) t in (3.5), we get µQ(dn+1 x)/d2 −Q(dn x) (d2n t) ≥ ψx (d2(n+1) t), (3.6)
µQ(dn+1 x)/d2(n+1) −Q(dn x)/d2n (t) ≥ ψx (d2(n+1) t)
for all n ∈ N , x ∈ X and all t > 0. It follows from (3.6) and 1 ≥ 1 (d2 − 1)( d12 + d14 + · · · + d2n ) that µQ(dn x)/d2n −Q(x) (t) = µ(Q(dn x)/d2n −Q(d(n−1) x)/d2(n−1) +···+Q(dx)/d2 −Q(x)) (t) ¶¶ µ µ 2 (d − 1)t n (3.7) ≥ Tk=1 µ(Q(dk x)/d2k −Q(d(k−1) x)/d2(k−1) d2k ¡ ¢ n ≥ Tk=1 ψd(k−1) x ((d2 − 1)t) ¡ ¢ n = Tk=1 ρd(k−1) x,d(k−1) x,··· ,d(k−1) x ((d2 − 1)t) for all x ∈ X and all n ∈ N . Thus we have (3.8)
µQ(dn x)/d2n −Q(dm )x/d2m (t) ¡ ¢ n ρd(k−1) x,d(k−1) x,··· ,d(k−1) x ((d2 − 1)t) . ≥ Tk=m
Since the right hand side of the inequality (3.8) tends to 1 as m, n tend n x) to infinity, the sequence ( Q(d ) is a Cauchy sequence. Thus we may d2n Q(dn x) define R(x) = limn→∞ d2n for all x ∈ X. Then ¡ ¢ ∞ (3.9) µR(x)−Q(x) (t) = Tk=1 ρd(k−1) x,d(k−1) x,··· ,d(k−1) x ((d2 − 1)t)
S. Schin, D. Ki, J. Chang, M. Kim and C. Park
Now we show that R is a quadratic mapping. Putting x1 = x2 = · · · = xn = dn x in (3.1), we get µ DQ(dn x,dn x,··· ,dn x) (t) ≥ ρdn x,dn x,··· ,dn x (t). d2n
Taking the limit as n → ∞, we find that R : X → Y satisfies (3.1) for all x, y ∈ X. Since Q : X → Y is even, R : X → Y is even. So the mapping R : X → Y is quadratic. Letting the limit as n → ∞ in (3.9), we get (3.3). Next, we prove the uniqueness of the quadratic mapping R : X → Y subject to (3.3). Let us assume that there exists another quadratic mapping L : X → Y which satisfies (3.3). Since R(dn x) = d2n R(x), L(dn x) = d2n L(x) for all x ∈ X and all n ∈ N, from (3.8), it follows that (3.10)
µR(x)−L(x) (2t) = µR(dn x)−L(dn x) (2 · d2n t) ≥ T (µR(dn x)−Q(dn x) (d2n t), µQ(dn x)−L(dn x) (d2n t)) ¡ ¢ ∞ ≥ T (Tk=1 ρdn+(k−1) x,dn+(k−1) x,··· ,dn+(k−1) x (d2 − 1)d2n t) , ¡ ¢ ∞ (Tk=1 ρdn+(k−1) x,dn+(k−1) x,··· ,dn+(k−1) x ((d2 − 1)d2n t)
for all x ∈ X and all t > 0. Letting n → ∞ in (3.10), we conclude that R = L. Theorem 3.2. Let Q : X → Y be an even mapping for which there is a ρ : X n → D+ (ρ(x1 , x2 , · · · , xn ) is denoted by ρx1 ,x2 ,··· ,xn ) satisfying Q(0) = 0 and 0 < d < 1. If (3.11)
µDQ(x1 ,x2 ,··· ,xn ) ≥ ρx1 ,x2 ,··· ,xn (t)
for all x1 , x2 , · · · , xn ∈ X and all t > 0, and (3.12)
lim ρ dxn , dxn ,··· , dxn ((1 − d2 )t) = 1
for all x, y ∈ X and all t > 0, then there exists a unique quadratic mapping R : X → Y such that ´ ³ ∞ (3.13) µR(x)−Q(x) (t) = Tk=1 ρ xk , xk ,··· , xk ((1 − d2 )t) d
for all x ∈ X and all t > 0. Proof. Putting x1 = x2 = · · · = xn = x in (3.11), we get (3.14)
µQ(dx)−d2 Q(x) (t) ≥ ρx,x,··· ,x (t)
Quadratic functional equations in random normed spaces x d
Replacing x with (3.15)
in (3.14) µQ(x)−d2 Q( xd ) (t) ≥ ρ xd , xd ,··· , xd (t)
for all x ∈ X and all t > 0. Let ψx (t) = ρx,x,··· ,x (t) Replacing x by
x dn
and t with
t d2n
in (3.15), we get
t t x ( ) ≥ ψ dn+1 ), 2n d d2n t x ( x (3.16) µQ( dxn )d2n −Q( n+1 ) )d2n+2 (t) ≥ ψ dn+1 d d2n for all n ∈ N , x ∈ X and all t > 0. It follows from (3.16) and 1 ≥ ( d12 − 1)(d2 + d4 + · · · + d2n ) that µQ( dxn )−Q(
x )d2 dn+1
x µQ( dxn )d2n −Q(x) (t) = µ(Q( dxn )d2n −Q( (n−1) )d2(n−1) +···+Q( x )d2 −Q(x)) (t) d d µ ¶¶ µ 1 n 2k x (3.17) ≥ Tk=1 µ(Q( xk )d2k −Q( (k−1) )d2(k−1) ( 2 − 1)d t d d d ³ ´ n ≥ Tk=1 ψ xk ((1 − d2 )t) d ³ ´ n 2 x x x = Tk=1 ρ k , k ,··· , k ((1 − d )t) d
for all x ∈ X and all n ∈ N . Thus we have ³ ´ n ρ xk , xk ,··· , xk ((1 − d2 )t) . (3.18) µQ( dxn )d2n −Q( dxm )d2m (t) ≥ Tk=m d
Since the right hand side of the inequality (3.18) tends to 1 as m, n tend to infinity, the sequence (Q( dxn )d2n ) is a Cauchy sequence. Thus we may define R(x) = limn→∞ Q( dxn )d2n for all x ∈ X. Then ´ ³ ∞ 2 x x x (3.19) µR(x)−Q(x) (t) = Tk=1 ρ k , k ,··· , k ((1 − d )t) d
Now we show that R is a quadratic mapping. Putting x1 = x2 = · · · = xn = dxn in (3.11), we get µDQ( dxn , dxn ,··· , dxn )d2n (t) ≥ ρ dxn , dxn ,··· , dxn (t). Taking the limit as n → ∞, we find that R : X → Y satisfies (3.13) for all x, y ∈ X. So the mapping R : X → Y is quadratic. Letting the limit as n → ∞ in (3.18), we get (3.13). The rest of the proof is similar to the proof of Theorem 3.1.
S. Schin, D. Ki, J. Chang, M. Kim and C. Park
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