Employees shall use the Student Information System (SIS) for grades (gradebooks), behaviors, interventions, medical. rec
Standard School District Technology Acceptable Use Agreement The Information Age brings with it a host of educational opportunities and potential problems. It is important that you understand your rights, privileges, and responsibilities when using Standard School District (“District”) resources. This agreement describes the computer, telephone, electronic devices, software, peripherals, network, and other information resources (collectively, “Technology”) made available by the District and your responsibilities and obligations in the use of these resources. All District employees, contractors, consultants, and other people that have been given special privileges to the District Technology (“Employee”) are required to read and sign this agreement. An electronic version of this document is available at http://district.standard.k12.ca.us/. Thank you for your time and cooperation. District Technology The District has created extensive Technology networks for staff and student use. These resources are provided to allow you and others in the District to perform your tasks effectively in meeting the goals and needs for which the District was established. While security controls are in place to prevent or reduce unauthorized access to these resources, the primary responsibility for maintaining the security of Technology lies with you. Improper use of resources can cause problems related to the needs of employees and students in the District. Violating local, State, and Federal laws may call for prosecution under the law, including fines and imprisonment. The District may take disciplinary action against the employee for misuse of Technology. Privacy of District Records – Student, Staff, and Business Information Both student and employee records are protected by various State and Federal laws: ● State Statutes: o Education Code Section 49073 et seq. o Information Practices Act of 1977 (Civil Code Section 1798 et seq.) o Public Records Act (Gov. Code Section 6250 et seq.) o Penal Code Section 502 ● Federal Statutes: o Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 o Privacy Act of 1974 o Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 ● Board Policy: o Employee Use of Technology (AUP): BP 4040 o Employee Acceptable Use of Technology: AR 4040 o Social Media: BP/AR 1114: During your tenure with the District, you will have access to either student or employee and business information that is confidential. It is your responsibility to safeguard this information from unauthorized persons. Employees shall not use confidential information for personal use or gain. Employees must take reasonable precautions to ensure privacy is maintained while handling information in any form, including but not limited to voice, electronic (for example, disk file, thumb drives, removable hard drives, email, network storage, digital cameras, portable media devices (such as iPods, MP3 players, tablet computing devices, etc.) printers, copiers, fax machines, photograph, and microfiche information. Employees shall use the Student Information System (SIS) for grades (gradebooks), behaviors, interventions, medical records, and attendance. No Privacy. Employees have no privacy whatsoever in their personal or work-related use of District Technology or to any communications or other information that may pass through District Technology. The District retains the right, without cause or notice to the Employee, to remotely monitor, physically inspect, or examine District Technology, and any communication or information stored on or passing through District Technology, including but not limited to software, files, Internet use, emails, text messages, and voice mail. Ownership The District’s Technology is District property provided to meet District needs. It does not belong to an Employee, and is only “loaned” for the purposes required for your position while you are employed or authorized by the District. This specifically means that you MAY NOT use District Technology for personal, commercial, or non-District purposes, except as described below. For example, you may not use District Technology to store or maintain your personal business. Use of District Technology or supplies for personal work may be permitted where pre-approved by Superintendent or Designee when it is done outside your normal work hours.
Standard School District Technology Acceptable Use Agreement Use of Telephones, Cell Phones, and Voicemail Telephones and cell phones may be provided to conduct the business of the District. In many cases, voicemail is also provided. These services are intended to provide a means of communication for Employees to contact parents and students, agencies, vendors, other institutions and government officials. When using these services, your comportment should be businesslike and professional. Private use of a phone should be kept to a minimum unless you have agreed to pay for personal use of a District cell phone. An Employee may be responsible for any charges incurred when using District phones or cell phones for purposes not directly related to their job duties or assisting in emergencies. Cell phones should never be used while operating a vehicle. Employees with assigned cell phones are expected to take appropriate precautions to prevent damage, theft, and exposure to moisture and extreme temperatures. Use of District Technology District Technology may be issued to specific Employees. Technology is provided for the purpose of preparing/delivering lessons, keeping classroom records and other District related business. With the convenience of portability comes an increased risk of theft, loss, or damage. Employees are expected to take all reasonable precautions to keep devices issued to them safe and secure. When transporting devices off campus, please avoid leaving them in unattended automobiles, hot or damp places, or where there is an increased risk of damage or theft. Employees are to follow established District checkout procedures for taking a device home overnight, on weekends, and over holidays and breaks. Employees who choose to take a device home must have insurance covering damage or loss of the equipment (e.g., homeowner’s or renter’s insurance). As a safeguard a device in an employee’s vehicle should be hidden from view. Devices should only be in a vehicle while the Employee is in the vehicle. District insurance is in force only while the Technology is on campus. Misuse, abuse, neglect, willful damage, or violation of this agreement while using District Technology shall be grounds for discipline, up to and including termination. Use of Personally Owned Technology The District attempts to ensure that all hardware and software meet specific standards which will operate without causing disruption of District Technology. Therefore, the use of personally owned software or software that can be downloaded from the Internet is not permitted. No one may attach to the District network any wired or wireless device without prior approval of the Director, Technology and Information Systems. This includes, but is not limited to: wireless computers, iPads, Chromebooks, tablets, wireless hubs, base stations or smart phone devices. Copyright Law Violations of copyright law have the potential of costing the District millions of dollars. The District requires all Employees to abide by applicable laws and to respect the copyrights and intellectual property of others. Violators of this policy are subject to disciplinary proceedings, up to and including termination. In accordance with federal law, the District may terminate system privileges of users who are found to be repeat infringers of the copyright laws. See Title 17 United States Code, Section 512(i)(1)(A). Employees may not utilize singular licensed cloud or web based resources for one workstation on multiple devices. Employees should be aware that if, for example, a new device is purchased, the District must purchase additional software licenses to be installed on the device. If the device is being replaced it may be retired from use, and the digital resources may or may not be installed or allowed on the new workstation (not all digital resources will run on newer operating systems). The District reserves the right to restrict access to curriculum materials not approved by the Director of Educational Services. Use of the Internet While it is hoped that Employees will enjoy the use of Internet resources, it must be emphasized that these resources are provided at District expense to enhance your job function and maximize your job effectiveness. Employees are not to let personal use of the Internet encroach on or displace time spent performing their work duties. Personal use of the Internet should be restricted to breaks, lunch periods, or before or after work hours. Inasmuch as every transaction you complete on the Internet represents our District, it is imperative that employees not use the Internet in such a way as to bring civil or criminal liability or public reproach upon the District. Materials obtained from the Internet may be copyrighted and, with proper citation, limited educational use may be permitted for face-to-face instruction and fair use. Materials may not be redistributed on the Internet or in any other manner without written consent of the copyright owner. Materials are protected by copyright whether they bear copyright information or not. Access to the Student Information System (SIS) and student data management systems, though accomplished through a web browser, is to be guarded as you would guard access to your bank account. Never leave a session in the student system without logging out.
Standard School District Technology Acceptable Use Agreement Use of Technology The District Technology is used by thousands of students and employees. In order to ensure that these resources are available and working properly, your personal use of these resources must not negatively impact others. For example, you may not attempt to break into Technology to which you have not been granted authorization. You may not attempt to maliciously alter, erase, damage, destroy or make otherwise unusable or inaccessible any Technology. Attempts or actions of this nature are a felony and may result in any combination of disciplinary action and prosecution and fines including litigation costs and payment of damages under applicable local, State, and Federal statutes. Security on any digital device or system is a high priority. If you identify a security problem, notify an administrator at once. Do not demonstrate the problem to other users. District Accounts In order for you to utilize District Technology, you will be assigned a “user id” and password. Based on your position and your supervisor’s authorization, you may be provided with access levels which allow you to view, create, alter, delete, print, and transmit information. You are responsible for maintaining the security of your personal account, and must not release it for use by any other employee. Releasing your information to another employee may result in disciplinary action. There are a number of dos and don’ts when creating and managing your passwords, but there are some basics guidelines you can follow. ● Use both upper- and lower-case letters ● Incorporate numbers or punctuation marks ● Use at least one of these special characters: ! @ # $ % * ( ) - + = , < > : : “ ‘ . ● Make it at least 8 characters long. ● A strong password does NOT, in any way, use your personal information, such as name, phone number, Social Security number, birth date, address or names of anyone you know. ● Come up with something you can remember easily, but would be virtually impossible for anyone else to guess. If you need help choosing a secure password, please contact the District Technology department. All of the above provide an easy way for a “hacker” or “identity thief” to break into a computer system and cause damage and destruction. If you must write down your user id or password, you must store it in your personal possession or a secure location. Even then, you should write it in such a way that no clue is given as to the purpose for its use. Please contact the Technology & Information Systems Department at the Educational Services Center if you suspect someone else may have accessed your account. It is a simple matter to change your password in a few seconds, but may take days to reconstruct damaged records or computer systems if someone breaks in with your account rights. Where you have the ability to change your own password, make a habit of periodically changing passwords for these accounts. Employees should never leave their workstation unattended while signed on to any account; doing so allows anyone to sit at your workstation and, using your rights and privileges, perform destructive acts. This has been the most common method used in the past for students to make changes to their own or others’ records. Group ID’s and passwords should be held in confidence and never shared with students. If you suspect that the security of such information has been compromised, immediately notify the Technology & Information Systems Department at the Educational Services Center. Those who assume responsibility for posting student work must never delegate this responsibility to students or colleagues. Do not store passwords where students may access them. Malware Despite the development of new technologies to combat malicious software that attack computers and networks (“Malware”), these problems persist. The District attempts to maintain anti-malware software in order to minimize the impact of these viruses, but it is your responsibility to take precautions to protect your computer and all others throughout the District. For example, avoid opening email messages from people you do not know. If you are not sure, you may also “hover” your curser over the address to be sure it’s really from who you think it is from. SPAM The District maintains a system for limiting the amount of unwanted or offensive email received. Known as SPAM, much of this email is automatically generated by computer programs and is often used to propagate malware, or distribute pornography and fraudulent business offerings. The email may appear to have come from a trusted address and others may receive such messages that falsely appear to have come from you. The District’s email filtering system may not eliminate all SPAM, and it is possible that benign messages may occasionally be blocked. If you believe that expected mail has been blocked, please check your spam summary report, which is sent to your account daily.
Standard School District Technology Acceptable Use Agreement Email - Cautions The nature of email makes it susceptible to misuse. Users need to be aware that sensitive or private information can be easily forwarded to other employees the originator never intended, both within the District as well as externally throughout the world. In addition, while email accounts are password protected, it is up to the employee user to ensure that a password is set and that the password is one that cannot be easily guessed by a “hacker” or “identity thief”. Users of the District’s email services need to be aware that use of these services is a privilege granted with the expectation that it will be used for business purposes and in a professional and courteous manner similar to other forms of communication. All email sent or received by employees through a District issued account is the property of the District and may be requested by your supervisor and examined with just cause. There is no guarantee that email received was sent by the purported sender, because a sender’s identity may be disguised. Furthermore, email that is forwarded may have been modified by the forwarder. Reply-all should be used sparingly. Email – State, Federal, & Copyright Laws In addition to this agreement, use of the District’s email services is subject to all applicable Federal and State communications and privacy laws as well. In particular, users need to be aware that attaching programs, sound, video, and images to email messages may violate copyright laws, and data files containing employee and/or student information is subject to all privacy laws. Email – False Identity Employees shall not employ a false identity in sending email or alter forwarded mail out of the context of its original meaning. Email – Representation Users shall not give the impression that they are representing or otherwise making statements on behalf of the District unless they are explicitly authorized to do so. Where appropriate and based on context, an appropriate disclaimer would be, “These are my own statements and views and do not represent those of the Standard School District.” Email – Personal Use Private or personal non-commercial use of the District’s email is permitted as long as it is not excessive and does not interfere with the District’s normal business practices and the performance of the employee’s tasks. Employees should exercise sound judgment and sensitivity to others when exchanging personal messages in the workplace. Email – Misuse Email services shall not be used for purposes that could reasonably be expected to cause, either directly or indirectly, excessive strain on District Technology or cause interference with others’ use of Technology. For example, attaching large files over one megabyte and sending these to multiple users or repeatedly to the same user may be a violation of this agreement. The District’s email system is not to be used for file storage. Email may not be used for: ● Use that violates this agreement or local, State, or Federal laws ● Commercial purposes, such as for personal financial gain ● Promotional activities ● Political purposes ● Harassment ● Chain letters, sending or forwarding ● SPAM, that is, to exploit list servers or other broadcast systems which amplify widespread distribution of unsolicited email ● File storage ● Mail bombs, that is, to re-send the same email repeatedly to one or more recipients with the intent to interfere with the recipient’s use of email ● Personal fundraising, product parties, or home-based business ● Personal online shopping ● Non-District-related activities ● Any other use which interferes with District or its employees Email – Archiving and Retention The District archives emails for 36 months. Each user is responsible for his/her email and how long it is kept.
Standard School District Technology Acceptable Use Agreement Acceptance of the Rules of this Agreement I understand that Standard School District uses a content filter on its Internet access; however, I know I may encounter inappropriate material, which includes content that may be pornographic, violent, obscene or offensive. I will always preview content before using it in class or for group display, and will immediately close the window on the screen if inappropriate content is displayed. I will only stream video, audio, and other high-bandwidth applications for essential educational and administrative purposes. I will always logout or lock the computer, telephone, electronic devices, software, peripherals, network, and other information resources (collectively, “Technology”) when I have finished using it or when leaving it. I acknowledge and accept that any actions done on Technology when I am logged in are traceable to me and may be the subject of disciplinary action. I will comply with the Standard School District Technology Acceptable Use Agreement. I acknowledge that I have read and understand the agreement and may be subject to disciplinary action or limitations in using technology, digital curriculum, and web browsing should I violate this agreement. This agreement applies to all District employees and other individuals granted use of District Technology, whether the employee or individual has signed the agreement or not.
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Please PRINT) First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature
____________________ Date
__________________________________ School/Location
_________________________________ Position
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Home E-Mail Address
_______________________________________________________________________________ Copy: Personnel File