May 18, 2016 - To make one thing clear, I run this server to enjoy myself, and have a fun, drama-free work environment f
Staff Rules, Minestyria: General Last Update: 18 May 2016 Welcome to Minestyria. If you're reading this, you've made it to a staff position, and I want to congratulate you. Hopefully, you'll stay with us a while, but if you don't, I wish you the best wherever you go. If you do stay, we'll do the best we can to nurture your skills, and make you a better player / staff member. We might not always succeed, but that's always our goal. To make one thing clear, I run this server to enjoy myself, and have a fun, drama-free work environment for everyone involved. Rather than have an environment unlike that, I'd rather just not run a server, and go play Minecraft on other servers. If you're looking for an environment where you can be in the middle of daily drama, or any drama for that matter, this is NOT the place for you. Just a fair warning. The rules below may seem a bit harsh at first, but consider that I provide multiple ways for you to contact me directly, or any senior staff, if you have a problem. That's probably the biggest mistake and violation you can make around here, so please ... read carefully, and if you EVER have a question ... just ask. Alright, so let's get down to the nitty gritty:
1. My IGN is CrainBramp, and I own, pay for, and run this server: the hardware, the bandwidth, the server racks ... down to the last screw and nut. That means any decisions I make are the law of the land until I say otherwise. That said, I'm not perfect; I've made mistakes in the past, and I will in the future ... I promise you that. So what happens if you don't like something? Well, you have three choices if you don't like a decision I've made, or you think I've made a bad decision or mistake: (a) resign ... no one's forcing you to stay, (b) get over it, or (c) come to me or Darkstripe (the co-owner) personally, and privately, and discuss it with one of us. If you decide to air a grievance in public (chat, Skype, Discord, or anything else), get into an argument with someone, question someone's posting to a job position, or ANYTHING else I've done, without taking one of the above three options, then I'm going to take it as a direct challenge to my authority and will ban you. Don't like it? *shrug* Start your own server. I've given you three options to address any issues you might have and made myself approachable ... use that. 2. As a subset of #1, there is a strict no-drama rule on the server. This also means to keep your interactions with both staff and players family-friendly and nonargumentative. Also, never question senior staff's decisions or actions in public; it only breeds negative chat topics: there are ways to voice your concerns in the rule above. There's an old saying that you can either keep your mouth shut and have people think you a fool, or open it and remove all doubt. It's not hard to say "I really don't want to argue about it; let's discuss it with CrainBramp or just wait until we're both more calm."
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or just keep your mouth shut and do one of the options in #1. If it IS hard, this is not the right server for you. AGAIN: I've given you three options to address any issues you might have and made myself approachable ... use that. 3. Darkstripe is my co-owner. You can approach him with anything related to the server, and have the same three options in #1 as you have with me, but understand that unless it's an emergency (someone hacking, or doing other bad things that need to handled immediately), he will not make decisions on the spot. He'll come to me, we'll discuss it and make a decision. 4. Know your position and the scope of your power. There are job descriptions below for each of the positions we hand out. Read them. If you go outside of them, you'll be subject to discipline. If you're not sure ... ask ... simple. I'm not going to ban you for something stupid or a minor infraction, but charging ahead and ignoring any of these rules is a sure prescription for discipline. 5. Keep your language clean and respect all staff members: don't try to call them out on their job, make accusations of them not putting in enough time, call them names ... come on, you know the drill. Doesn't matter if they're new, a trainee, an old hand, or what ... everyone deserves to be treated with respect.
Discipline and Strikes The discipline system is simple. Any violation of the above rules are a strike, at my discretion. Any strikes vanish in 30 days at a rate of one per 30 days, if you haven't gotten any more strikes. Three strikes and you're gone. As a clarification, I will never ... never ... give a strike for something in a rule that's made up, I haven't warned you personally about, or isn't in these rules. If I update the rules, I will en devour to post an update. If for some reason I haven't and you violate a "new" rule, I won't strike you, but rather direct you to the new rule.
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Staff Groups
Owners: Crainbramp and Darkstripe SeniorStaff:"Senior" has to do with authority, NOT time. The Community Manager and Staff Manager are the two people in this group. Staff: "Full" staff. These are the people who have made it through the Junior ranks and are now full-fledged staff. Again, this has nothing to do with time ... a person could end up here after 24 hours or 6 months. Includes Admins, Mods, and Architects. Jr Staff : People who haven't made it through the Junior ranks. Includes Jr Admins, Jr Mods, and Craftsman.
Senior Staff
Community Manager: Answers directly to CrainBramp and Darkstripe. Handles the forums, moderators on the forums as well as their training, advertising, running contests, and so on. Only responsible for the forums. May also do specific work for the owners outside of their normal duties that may or may not be posted on our task boards. Staff Manager: Answers directly to CrainBramp and Darkstripe. Handles all on-server staff. Scheduling, training, creating manuals, internal KBs and wikis, assignments, and so on. Only responsible for server staff. May also do specific work for the owners outside of their normal duties that may or may not be posted on our task boards.
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Staff Tracks There are three basic "tracks" or general "jobs" you can have at Minestyria: Admins, Mods, and Builders. All staff, unless SPECIFICALLY hired to a management position, starts as a Junior level of one of these three tracks. From there, you work your way up. If you feel like you're entitled to a higher rank, and don't feel like working your way up ... I'm sure there's some awesome server that'll take you on as Co-Owner or Head Admin.
Admins: Do primarily configuration work; setting up servers, working on configuration files, and so on. We'll also, if you wish, train you to write plugins, and even provide you a virtual server to work on of your very own. You start as a JrAdmin and work your way to Admin. There's no specified time: it's all about abilities and when we decide to make you one. You will answer to both the Staff Manager, and the owners. Mods: Work with users directly ... helping them on the server, catching hackers, banning and muting people, and generally enforcing server rules. You'll also help write server documentation, FAQ's, moderate the forums, and so on. You start as a JrMod and work your way to Mod. There's no specified time: it's all about abilities and when we decide to make you one. You will answer to both the Community Manager (for forum-related items) and the Staff Manager (for on-server stuff) Builders: Build maps, build creations, fix griefing and corruption, and so on. You'll also work with the admins on plugin and minigame setup when needed. You start as a Craftman and work your way to Architect. There's no specified time: it's all about abilities and when we decide to make you one. You will answer to both the Community Manager (for forum-related items) and the Staff Manager (for on-server stuff).
Task Board We use an application called "MeisterTask" to track all of our tasks assigned to StaffMembers, as well as the time you put in each week. MeisterTask has apps for PC, Mac, iPhone, and Android, which you can download here: You will need to be invited to MeisterTask. Please PM me, Darkstripe, or Elai your email address and we will invite you to the task board for your "Track" We en devour to hand out tasks evenly, and you should not look at the Task board as a representation of how work is being handed out. In fact, that's covered in a rule above. Many times, I'll hand out tasks specifically to people and not put it on the board. The primary thing you should be worried about with the Task board is whether YOUR work is done and whether you are performing adequately. Works a lot better for you.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Owner, CrainBramp
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