Facilitate better engagement between companies, businesses, and organisations within ... Inclusion of your company in th
Staffordshire Business
Festival Overview & Partnership Opportunities Key Facts • Two week business festival running from 7 to 18 November 2016 • Over 60 events across the county organised and marketed under the Staffordshire Business Festival brand • Seven key event categories including: Made in Staffordshire, Digital & Creative, Finance & Investment, and New Market Opportunities • A wide range of events including: showcase tours, high profile speaker seminars, workshops, training & recruitment, networking, food & drink celebrations, and a headline business summit • Over 6,000 forecast to attend one or more of the festival events • Forecast direct communication reach in excess of 500,000 • Run in conjunction with the Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce • Partnership & sponsorship opportunities available
Festival Objectives The Staffordshire Business Festival is being launched by the Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce in conjunction with a number of public and private sector businesses and organisations from across the county. The three objectives of the festival are: 1. Facilitate better engagement between companies, businesses, and organisations within and across Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent 2. Showcase Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent products, services and talent to a national and international audience 3. Promote Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent as a place for businesses to locate, grow and prosper
Festival Overview The festival will run for 12 days from Monday 7 November to Friday 18 November. These dates also cover the Stoke & Staffordshire International Trade Week and the nationally organised Global Entrepreneurship Week, both of which will give added impetus and focus to the festival. We are aiming to organise and promote around 60 events over the 12 days. These will be based at various locations around Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent, and include a diverse range of event types including showcase tours of successful businesses, high profile speaker seminars, workshops, training & recruitment events, networking opportunities, food & drink celebrations, and a headline business summit.
Festival Event Categories The festival and events will focus on seven key themed categories, namely: 1. Made in Staffordshire 2. Innovation & Technology 3. Digital & Creative 4. Culture, Leisure, Tourism & Sport 5. Finance, Investment & Growth 6. New Market Opportunities 7. Skills, Training & Re-Training There would naturally be significant category overlap for many of the events and the headline business summit too.
Partner & Sponsor Opportunities The size and scope of the Staffordshire Business Festival presents a range of excellent partnership & sponsorship opportunities for companies, businesses and organisations. We are expecting in excess of 6,000 people to attend at least one event, and the wider communication strategy to directly reach in excess of 500,000 people. A number of opportunities exist to become partners and sponsors at a headline level, for each of the category themes, and individual events. There are a wide range of measurable benefits including media exposure across print, digital and social channels, opportunities to host an event, and priority registration for showcase events. Expressions of interest have already been received, and we are expecting most of the opportunities to be secured before the formal announcement of the festival in June.
For more information Please contact Dave Bryon
07792 985056
[email protected]
Partner & Sponsor Packages Headline Sponsor: £15,000 plus vat • Exclusive Headline Sponsor for the 2016 Staffordshire Business Festival • Place on the Staffordshire Business Festival Steering Committee • Inclusion of your logo on all media in association with the festival brand • Inclusion of your company in the print and digital marketing campaign • Opportunity to host three events at your premises or other venues • Three priority places for all events • Opportunity to give short five-minute intro and welcome at three events (in addition to the three hosted events) • First refusal for headline sponsorship for 2017 Category Sponsors: £3,500 plus vat • One of only two sponsors directly associated with each category • Inclusion of your logo on all media linked with events in your category • Inclusion of your company in the marketing campaign for all events in your category (c. 10 per category) • Opportunity to host an event at your premises or another venue • Three priority places for all events linked with your sponsored category • Opportunity to give short five-minute intro and welcome at your hosted event plus one other in your sponsored category • First refusal for category sponsorship for 2017
Event Hosts: £500 plus vat • Opportunity to host an event at your premises or another venue • Opportunity to give short five-minute welcome at your hosted event