1 -. STAGE #1 Bay 1. Beer Barrel Polka. RULES: IDPA with concealment garment
. Course Designer: Unknown, revised by Steve. Ormeroid. STARTINGÂ ...
STAGE #1 Bay 1 RULES: IDPA with concealment garment
Beer Barrel Polka Course Designer: Unknown, revised by Steve Ormeroid
STARTING POSITION: P-1 SCENARIO: While walking past a beer distributor, you happen upon a gang of thieves’ intent on stealing kegs of beer. They have started stacking the barrels waiting for their getaway truck. Seeing you, they intend to leave no witnesses. Take care of their armed lookout and seek cover while defending yourself STAGE PROCEDURE: Start at P-1, gun loaded to Division capacity, arms at side, facing left berm. At the signal, turn, draw and engage T-1 from low cover. Proceed to P-2 and engage all threat targets T-2 to T-6 in tactical order (close to far) using available cover. Note-no shooting on the move. All targets to be engaged from cover. Watch out for the employees being forced to carry the kegs. Safety & Stage Notes: Targets T2 to T6 are placed a minimum of 3 yards behind each other. Place Non-threats so as to avoid shoot through. T1 and T2 to be 5 yards from barrels. Target T1 to be covered with a T-shirt. SCORING: Vickers Count ROUND COUNT: 12 rounds minimum SCORED HITS: Best 2 on each target RELOADS: Any IDPA reloads behind cover. START-STOP: Audible & Last shot