StAgnes CHSNewsletter29July - St Agnes Catholic High School

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Jul 29, 2016 - email:[email protected]. A member ..... Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv will preside at a Mass a
St Agnes Catholic High School p h: 8 88 2 0 70 0

fa x: 8 88 2 0 79 0

e mail: sta gn es @ pa rr a.c ath o lic.e du .a u


to truth through love

Follow us on FACEBOOK: StAgnesRootyHill

Diary Dates 9 August Yr 8 Shabbat Demonstration 10 August Yr 9 Science Incursion

29 July 2016

In Sundays Gospel reading of Luke 11: 1-13, it explores a recount of Jesus’ response to the disciples’ request to teach them to pray like John did to his Disciples’. This simple but beautiful response focused on praising God and praying for our most basic necessities, both physical and spiritual. He said to them,“When you pray, say: Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, Give us each day our daily bread Forgive us our sins, For we also forgive everyone who sins against us, And lead us not into temptation”.

11 August Loyola visit re Yr 10 Subject Selections 12 August PDSSSC Dance Competition 16 August Yr 7 Science Incursion 17 August PDSSSC Athletics Carnival Yr 10 Science Incursion 19 August Yr 7 Brainstorm 19-21 August World Vision 40 Hour Famine

From a humble beginning this simple prayer has grown to become one of the most global prayers, recited daily in countless different languages by countless different people throughout the world for thousands of years. What a remarkable prayer. Each time you recite the Lord’s Prayer, apart from thanking the Lord for giving us such a beautiful prayer, I encourage you to reflect on its global nature as it helps us to connect with people from all over the globe. We currently have three members over at World Youth Day in Krakow who will be joining millions of young adults on their faith journey and will be reciting this same prayer in their own language. Please keep Miss Nikki Valleri, Mr Harry Sadsad and Martin Mangahas in our prayers as they represent us at World Youth Day. Our Father, Who art in heaven Hallowed be Thy Name; Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

22 August PRC General Meeting 26 August Yr 9-10 Dance Excursion 30 August Yr 10 Geography Excursion 31 August Yr 9 Bline English /Drama Aladdin Excursion

Peter Regan Peter Regan Principal

A me mbe r o f th e C hr ist Ca th olic C olle g e Co mmu n ity of Sch o ols

C H R IS C AT H O LIC C OL LEG E C OM M U N I T Y OF S C H OO L St Agnes C atholic H igh School Evans Road Rooty Hill Ph: 02 8882 0700 Fax: 02 8882 0790 St Clare’s C atholic H igh School 175 Buckwell Drive Hassall Grove Ph: 02 9835 2466 Fax: 02 9835 2539

Loy ola S enior H igh S chool 91 North Parade Mt Druitt Ph: 02 9832 4455 Fax: 02 9832 1839

FROM THE ACTING ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Focus on school and studies Students have just returned from a long and restful holiday break. I hope they have been able to relax and participate in activities they enjoy. Now that the new term has begun students are expected to focus significantly on their learning. Term 3 is a time for learning new content and consolidating knowledge and skills acquired throughout the year by building on what has already been learned. Even though it is early in the term, many students have participated in extra-curricular events that strengthen their personal and inter-personal skills, and build their connections and service to their school. We congratulate students who have been involved in the semifinal round of the debating competition, the chess competition and those who represented St Agnes at the SALSA day. Attendance at school This term we have been looking closely at student attendance patterns. Most students’ attendance at school is excellent, with students missing school only when they are genuinely ill. Students who have continued and regular absences have been asked to take home a letter explaining the impact this has on their education, and parents will be asked to sign and return this letter. If you have received a letter expressing concern over your sons’/daughters’ absence, please sign and return it immediately to your child’s Assistant Stage Coordinator. If you are concerned by your child’s absences, or wish to discuss the letter with anyone, please contact your child’s Learning Advisor. Students can only learn when they are at school, in their regular classes. Uniform I would like to thank families for the efforts they make to ensure their children are dressed in their school uniform every day. When this happens students are unified in their pride for their school; they publically state their willingness to be part of a community that has common goals, aspirations and behaviours. Having said this, students are reminded that when they wear incorrect items of jewellery, school bags or hairstyles, they are stating that they are not completely at one with the St Agnes School Community. Students who continue to take liberties with the school uniform will have incorrect jewellery, clothing or bags confiscated. Students with incorrect hairstyles, including boys who have shaved in side parts, will need to discuss these with their Stage Coordinators. Please note that earrings should be plain gold or silver sleepers or studs only, which are illustrated to the right. Incorrect earrings, including gold hoop earrings, will be confiscated from students wearing them. I wish all families a settled term and encourage all students to be the best person they can be in their relationships with family and friends and in their studies.

a diverse community learning together

Mary Refalo Assistant Principal


FROM THE TEACHING & LEARNING COORDINATOR On Friday 22 July the Semester One Academic Awards Ceremony was held in the San Damiano Centre for students in Years 7-10 who excelled in their academic studies. I would like to congratulate all award recipients for their diligent and consistent efforts in attaining such pleasing results in their studies throughout Semester One. These students have put in the extra effort, commitment and work that have led to their achievements. Below is the list of award recipients.

Lawrence De Martin Teaching & Learning Coordinator Christina Abi Chemouni


Micah Fernandez


Chrystal Aquilizan


Jordan Ferry


Molly Auld


Selenna Fuimaono


Alexi Bonete


Anthony Gagliardi


Dominique Byrne


Jesse Gonzalez


Caitlin Carriglio


Dillan Goro


Therese Clarke


Maddison Harris


Marc Cuasay


Jonathon Israel


Stephanie Derjani


John Jadulco


Sarah Farrugia


Callandra Jane


Alecksandra Favor


Katelyn Leonardo


Kaira Francisco


Jacob Luatuanuu


Prince Martin Gonzales


Nathan Luk


Ida-Laura Ioane


Mikaella Manalo


Lily Kotarac


Emily Moyse


Simran Krishna


Elyse O'Brien


Maddison Loughton


Jericho Quiroz


Mikko Martin


Anella Saco


Grace Napret


Milla Sagurit


Ruth Nool


Natalie Salloum


Ninno Austral Obrero


Elijah San Pascual


Jeyda Ozturk


Claudia Sanaty


Steven Payuran


Julian Sarmiento


Ashley Pineda


Priyanshi Sharmi


Ashneel Prasad


Rhiannon Soans


Holly-Anne Ramos


Falefaoaoteroa Tafau


Isabella Sadler


Ellyse Tecson


Jordan Schembri-Judd


Evan Tecson


Jamieson Sukkarieh


Katalina Vave


Benjamin Toohill


Kiara White


Elly Turney


Alyssa Willis


Emma Yousif


Andy Yassine


Mary Yousif


Deakin Ball


Farida Zaheer


Petar Barisic


Vanie Barcelon


Kristina Bonic


John Belocura


Cayla Cadiente


Angelene Concepcion


Anastasia Cardines


Jaden Diaz


Paige Carriglio


Yustina El-Rab


Kimberlie Casal



Alyssa Chua


Kiera Everingham

Kirsty Conna


Sofia Gabarda


Rafael Corpuz


Adrien Gaerlan


Caleb Cunningham


Sheryl Galacio


Ma Francesca De Castro


Kristy Goodwin


Mikaela Diocera


Bryan Hobourn


Sheldon Dominguez


Amy Keryo


John El-Ghossein


Angela Koroneos


Skye Fernando


Jamye-Lee Laing


Rayanna Franco


Kristy Lambert


Ashley Galea


Amelia Lamositele


Hannah Harvey


Edmond Luk


Hana-Marie Kayrouz


Dana Mallouk


Taylah Lee


Martin Mangahas


Ebonie Loudoun


Carle Mansbridge


Angelique Mangahas


Valanteina Mekhail


Evana Mansour


Bethany Mendoza


Eiriz Merjudio


Aerianne Mojica


Mylyn Mesina


Simran Murthi


Alyanna Nuque


Gabrielle Norton


Bianca Pace


Joy Odemwengie


Jordan Petersen


Miles Ponce


Monique Portelli


Shamone Prasad


Armin Ramazanzadeh


Lynecee Purificacion


Michelle Reddy


Olivia Putt


Eric Regalado


Rose Putt


Cristina Soriso


Ruby Putt


Natalie Sukkarieh


Czarina Quiaem


Lavita Taulia


Piadora Rahme


Jazmin Taylor


Brianna Raymond


Patricia Tolentino


Erica Reddy


Shiani Vimalathasan


Raelyn Prasad


Jasmine Ward-Underhill


Georgia Sabellico


Brittany Adema


Shanel Schuster


Adau Aher


Madeline Sultana


Alyssa Alcala


Kaela Tavares


Phoenix Amiatu


Jasmine Thomas


Noor Anton


Mariam Toma


Kylee Ball


Angela Truong


Mary Barcelon


Monica Vave


Carl Blando


Sharon Cabasag


Jomiko Cabigting


Olivia Carroll


Erica Cunan


Angelika Cutajar


Reinier De Leon


Mitchell Dodds


Tony El-Ghossein


FROM THE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COORDINATOR Pace e bene! Welcome back to Term 3. May Term 3 be a productive and fulfilling term for all!! Last Sunday’s gospel offers three little cameos about praying: two teachings on prayer sandwiching a strange parable. In the first cameo, Jesus is at prayer and one of the disciples asks him to teach them to pray. Jesus responds as any devout first century Jew might respond, evoking the words of the Jewish Kaddish prayer:

“May the great name of God be exalted and sanctified, throughout the world…. May God’s kingship be established in your lifetime and in your days....” In this context, Jesus calls God “father”, a metaphor or image denoting the power of God over against the power of the Roman emperor. The prayer continues:

“Keep giving us each day the bread we need.” It is not a prayer for more than we need, but for just as much as we need. The parable that follows will demonstrate how this might happen. The final petitions in the prayer that Jesus teaches are for forgiveness for sin

“as we forgive each who is in debt to us” and freedom from testing, both recurring themes in Luke’s gospel. We cannot live without “bread” just as we cannot live without the peace of mind that comes from forgiveness and the knowledge that God is with us in times of trial. The second cameo has raised questions for interpreters. Is this parable about persistence or shame? These are two very different concepts, but both have been suggested as the motive for the sleeping neighbours response to the friend in need and as the proper rendering of the Greek anaideia. The literal meaning of ‘anaideia’ is shamelessness or avoidance of shame. Avoidance of shame makes sense in a culture where one would be shamed by refusal to help a neighbour who is unable to meet the demands of hospitality, especially where one could well find oneself in similar need some time. No one would dream of refusing such a request for help, whether for the sake of friendship or to avoid being shamed, not even those who let it be known that they resent having to get out of bed in the middle of the night. The translation persistence seems to derive from association with the repetition of seeking and searching and knocking, in other words with the sayings that form the third little cameo: “Ask and it will be given you….” Persistence in prayer is a desirable quality but it has nothing to do with the parable of the friend in need who asks only once for “three loaves” and can expect to receive them. Just so, God cares extravagantly for those in need and does so without too much prompting. Let us take this into consideration as we approach the new term. As a strong and loving community may we, as Disciples of Christ, work harmoniously together for the greater good and take time in prayer to reflect on the many blessings that we have been afforded in this wonderful part of the world. May we focus on those things that are most important, reject the desire to lead a life of worthless materialism and consciously work for the justice of all people, just as Jesus Christ did.

Julie Atkins Religious Education Coordinator

To Truth Through Love

STUDY ON OPTIMISING TEACHING AND LEARNING WITH MOBILE-INTENSIVE PEDAGOGIES Last week academics at the University of Technology, Sydney visited our classroom as part of a study on Optimising Teaching and Learning with Mobile-intensive Pedagogies. Prof Peter Aubusson, Prof Samdy Schuck, Assoc Prof Matthew Kearney, Assoc, Prof Paul Burke, Prof Didar Zowghi and Prof Theo van Leeuwen observed learning experiences with classes of approximately 45-60 minutes each. The research is to find out about the factors' that help or restrict good teaching and learning with mobile technologies (tablets, laptops) in secondary schools. It will support the development of effective teaching practices and school initiatives that use mobile technologies to improve education outcomes in maths and science. Students were asked to participate in three focus groups for up to 20 minutes each, about your use of mobile devices for learning. Their identity will be kept confidential. The research team viewed students work products.

Mikaella, Carlos and Natalie were busy during their holidays creating a model of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre for the Year 8 "The Play's the Thing" English unit.

Parenting Courses and Workshops - Term 3, 2016 Having  one  of  those  days?  Tired  of  yelling  at  the  kids?  Or  just  want  to  know  more? FREE  Prac cal   ps  for  everyday  paren ng

Ac vity

Day,  Date  &  Time  

Wednesdays:  6  sessions 27th  July  to  7th  Sept Break  -  31st  August Need  some  more  tools  for  your  paren ng  toolbox?  How  to  build  a  strong   founda on  of  posi ve  paren ng  based  on  rela onship,  encouraging  desirable   10am  to  12:30pm   behaviour  and  skills,  and  se ng  boundaries  and  limits.  6  sessions  over  7   weeks.  You  must  come  to  the  first  session.      Limited  child  minding  available.

Triple  P  (Posi ve  Paren ng  Program)  paren ng for  parents  of  children  aged  2  to  12  years  

Loca on South  Penrith   Neighbourhood   Centre   South  Penrith

If  you  are  not  currently  caring  for  your  child/ren  and  you  have  a  FACS   caseworker,  a  referral  will  need  to  be  made  through  the  caseworker.

Triple  P  paren ng  course  (Posi ve  Paren ng  Program)   for  parents  of  children  aged  2  to  12  year-olds Need  some  more  tools  for  your  paren ng  toolbox?  How  to  build  a  strong   founda on  of  posi ve  paren ng  based  on  rela onship,  encouraging  desirable   behaviour  and  skills,  and  se ng  boundaries  and  limits.  You  must  come  to  the   first  session.      

Mondays:  4  sessions 29th  Aug  to  19th  Sept 10am  to  1pm

Floribunda   Community   Centre   Glenmore  Park

Mondays:  4  sessions 1st  Aug  to  22nd  Aug 10am  to  12:15pm

Floribunda   Community   Centre Glenmore  Park

A  fast-paced  course  for  parents  who  can  accommodate  a  lot  of  informa on  in   a  short  amount  of   me.  Homework  and  extra  reading  will  be  required.   If  you  are  not  currently  caring  for  your  child/ren  and  you  have  a  FACS   caseworker,  a  referral  will  need  to  be  made  through  the  caseworker.

Teen  Triple  P  parenting  course  (Positive  Parenting  Program)   for  parents  of  teens  (11  to  16  years)   Tips  and  tricks  for  living  with  teens  and  making  the  experience  more  posi ve   for  everyone.  You  must  come  to  the  first  session.  

OU R PA R IS H SC H O OL S St Aidan’s Primary 1-5 Adelaide Street Rooty Hill Ph: 02 9625 3181 Fax: 02 9625 5612

Sacr ed H ear t P rimary 23 Nelson Street Mt Druitt South Ph: 02 9625 8733 Fax: 02 9832 2258

H oly Family Primary Weber Crescent Emerton Ph: 02 9628 9232 Fax: 02 9628 9589

St John Vianney’s Pr imar y 17 Cameron Street Doonside Ph: 02 9831 1817 Fax: 02 9831 6430

HAS YOUR CHILD GONE POKEMON WILD? By Michael Grose Pokémon Go! What a craze! Beats just about any fad I’ve seen including yo yos, swap cards and the original Pokémon Gameboy way back in the good old days – remember the 90’s? While Pokémon Go is geared towards adults and teenagers, it’s taken off among primary aged children – even some pre-school kids – as well. Both genders are playing the game, but a rough count among colleagues and friends indicates that it’s boys more than girls that are hooked on the game. Pokémon Go has plenty of psychological hooks to make boys love it. The roam and search nature of the game appeals to the hunter-gatherer that exists in most boys. There are plenty of things to collect which appeal to a boy’s fundamental need to put order and control in his world. And the competitive element embedded in the game makes it almost irresistible to many boys who love nothing better than to better someone else. How can we approach this craze? Many parents have asked me how they should approach the Pokemon Go craze, particularly when their children are besotted by it. Start by accepting that Pokemon Go, like all fads, has captured your child’s interest. It’s hard to fight against or even stop your child from being involved in games that ’everyone is playing’. That leads to two parenting requirements. Firstly, find out all you can about the game so you know what you are up against. Ask your child to explain what it’s all about. Figure out which parts of the games are age-appropriate and which parts are going to present you with headaches. Once kids are old enough to have their own phones and transportation, they’re certainly old enough to play the game without help. Pokemon Go gives users plenty of chances to spend real money, so you probably will want to limit in-game purchases. Lures, an aspect of the game, can present tricky situations for parents. A player can set out a lure to attract Pokemon, but because these lures can be seen by any nearby player, you’re not sure who they are attracting. Revisit those Stranger Danger lessons with your kids. Secondly, you need to meld your existing family technology rules with the expectations and opportunities that Pokemon Go presents. These include, how much time children are allowed to spend on technology; consider what activities Pokemon Go takes kids away from (including homework); and be aware that it’s not healthy for your child to be hooked on one activity at the expense of everything else. Keep you Pokemon Go player safe Pokemon Go gets kids outside roaming and exploring their neighbourhoods, which on the surface, is a good thing. However, as one Mum told me her son’s Pokemon Go experience was leading him to a local quarry, which had some obvious risks attached. So if your kids are old enough to wander unsupervised, some quick reminders of safety rules may be in order, such as crossing a street with a phone in their pocket and only playing the game with kids their own age. If you join the craze, then be prepared to drive your players around, as many Pokemon stops are in interesting places such as parks, historical landmarks and other gathering spots. Different places have different Pokemon things to collect … yes, it can get complicated, which is the intrinsic nature of the craze.

a diverse community learning together

So my advice to parents is to approach Pokemon Go positively and intelligently. Discover about it as much as your time, your current circumstances and your kids will allow. Join them if possible. Remember, it’s a lot of fun. It gets kids exercising more than their thumbs and there are some great learnings (Maths, nature and even history) built into the game. On the other hand, ensure that kids keep a balance in their activities so that a fun craze doesn’t become an absolute, all or nothing obsession – which can easily happen with boys.

OU R P AR ISH ES St Aidan’s 9 Adelaide Street Rooty Hill Ph: 02 9625 8404

Sacred Heart 23 Nelson Street Mt Druitt South Ph: 02 9625 8847

Holy Family 254 Luxford Road Emerton Ph: 02 9628 7272

St John Vianney’s 17 Cameron Street Doonside Ph: 02 9622 3426

FROM THE BISHOP’S OFFICE Launch of the Way of Mercy: 8 August The Way of Mercy will be launched on Monday 8 August in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta. Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv will preside at a Mass at 10am, which will be followed by a procession with the Cross of Mercy and Relics through Parramatta CBD to the town hall. Everyone is welcome. The Cross of Mercy, provided by Richmond Parish, and the Relics of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop and Blessed Teresa of Kolkata will journey around our Diocese from 8 August through to 13 November. For more information about the Way of Mercy and the journey of the Cross and Relics, New Diocesan Ministry Centre at Blacktown The diocesan Office for Worship and Social Justice Office have moved from the IFM to the new Diocesan Ministry Centre in Mary, Queen of the Family Parish, 51-59 Allawah St, Blacktown. Their new contact details are: Office for Worship, tel (02) 8838 3456, [email protected] Social Justice Office, tel (02) 8838 3460, [email protected] The Family & Life Office, Pastoral Planning Office and Catholic Youth Parramatta will be relocating to the new Ministry Centre in coming weeks. Position vacant Diocesan Financial Administrator: Applications are being considered for this position in the Catholic Diocese of Wilcannia-Forbes. For further information please or contact Anthony Spata at REACH Human Resources, tel0402 210 055. PROCLAIM 2016 registration closes: 1 August Register now for this conference on the New Evangelisation to be held at Chatswood from 1-3 September. Organised and hosted on behalf of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference by the Diocese of Broken Bay, PROCLAIM 2016 will draw together more than 500 participants to discuss, exchange and learn fresh ways in which parishes can become evangelising communities. Sponsored by the Diocese of Parramatta. Register at Celebration to honour God the Father, 1st person of the Holy Trinity: 7 August From 1.30pm with concelebrated Mass at 3.30pm. St Andrew the Apostle Parish, 40 Breakfast Rd, Marayong. Holy Octave of Consecration: 31 July 11.45am, 1-3, 5 August 9.30am; 4 August 8.30am; 6 August 10.15am. Details: [email protected] Liturgical Ministry Formation Courses: bookings close 8 August Liturgical Ministry formation courses will commence on 15 August. The formation sessions are for parishioners interested in serving at the altar as Ministers of the Word, Communion and Communion to the Sick and Dying. Sessions are held at 7pm at the Diocesan Assembly Centre, 15 Marion St, Blacktown. Please download an application form from the diocesan website: For more information, send an email to:[email protected] Sacred Heart Parish Shopping Coach Trip: bookings close 12 August The inaugural Sacred Heart Parish Shopping Coach Trip on Saturday 27 August will visit more than 15 factory outlets on a shopping extravaganza that includes morning & afternoon tea, bistro lunch, on-board raffle and lucky door prizes. Departs 7.30am from Sacred Heart Parish, 14 Ralph St, Westmead. Cost: $62 adults, $52 concession, $22 children 5-17. Bookings: Virginia Knight tel (02) 9635 9262, [email protected] St Philomena Association Holy Mass: 13 August St John Vianney was very devoted to St Philomena. Pope Gregory XVI called her “the great wonder worker”. Mass at noon with Confession from 11.30am. St John Vianney's Church, 17 Cameron St, Doonside. A short walk north from Doonside station, the one past Blacktown. Please bring a snack to share. Elizabeth tel or text 0423 15 44 63, [email protected] Facebook: Libby Peoples (events)