Stakeholder Meeting - Constant Contact

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Jun 20, 2018 - School District of Philadelphia | 440 North Broad Street|Room 1075 ... A new partnership with Benjamin Fr
Stakeholder Meeting June 20, 2018| 5 p.m. to 6 p.m..

School District of Philadelphia | 440 North Broad Street|Room 1075 Philadelphia 19130 Overview: The North Broad Renaissance (NBR) will provide updates on strategic plan. In addition, the team from the Streets Department will be in attendance to provide information about this year’s Philly Free Streets Attendees:. (See sign in sheet) Agenda Item



Time Allotted

Welcome. Intros and Overview of the NBR

Shalimar Thomas

5 p.m.

5 minutes

Updates on Strategic Plan

Shalimar Thomas

5:10 p.m.

10 Minutes



5:20 p.m.

5 Minutes

Philly Free Streets

Charlotte Castle (Streets Department)

5:25 p.m.

20 Minutes

Tara Woody – OTIS Waffiyyah Murray – OTIS Questions


5:45 p.m.

10 Minutes

Next Steps

Shalimar and PFS Rep

5:55 p.m.

5 Minutes

Meeting Adjourned

6 p.m.

NOTES: Meeting started at 5:10 p.m. Welcome/Introductions Shalimar welcomed everyone to the stakeholder meeting and provided an opportunity for everyone in attendance to introduce themselves. Overview of the NBR Shalimar gave a brief overview of the NBR and its four strategic areas of focus (Clean and Safe, Marketing and Communications, Maintenance and Landscaping and Economic Development)

Update on Strategic Plan/Year in Review Shalimar provided the following updates and accomplishments: Clean and Safe • • • •

A visible cleaner and safer corridor. A Litter Index that has improved by one point on several litter items, including paper, cans and plastic bottles. A 16% decrease in the pounds of trash collected, which means less people are littering. Because of successful litter efforts, the NBR was recognized as a best practice, featured in the City’s Don’t Waste This Idea newsletter, and recognized as a “Civic Superhero”, earning the organization a grant from Keep Philadelphia Beautiful.

Maintenance and Landscaping • • •

A new program that will help create employment opportunities for one of Philadelphia’s most impoverished communities. A new partnership with Benjamin Franklin High School to the high school’s culinary program via an urban farm. A new partnership with Francisville CDC and the Fairmount CDC to create the proposed “Stoop” at the intersections of North Broad Street, Fairmount Avenue and Ridge Avenue which will help provide an active gateway and connect three Philadelphia communities. Continued maintenance of 61 planters

Marketing and Communications • • • •

An increase in engagement from local stakeholders. Connections for new relationships and new development. Increased visibility across media platforms North Broad sought as a location for key events, including Philly Free Streets.

Economic Development • • • • • •

NBR connected with new donors, securing 8 new sponsorships – including a new sponsorship from Temple University, Tower Investments, PNC Bank and Keep Philadelphia Beautiful. Real estate value along the corridor increased and is now assessed at more than $2.1 billion. Jobs along the corridor increased from 24,903 in 2016 to 29,107 in 2017. More than 20 development projects being proposed, recently completed or currently under construction. Strategic placemaking efforts to attract the right businesses to the corridor, create sustainable employment, and fight poverty. Create a program where we can hire residents from the community to help maintain our 61 planters (as opposed to contracting the services out)

North Poles The lights are noticeably brighter when the sun sets and the organization has received very positive feedback from others. However, the organization is still working out last minute tweaks. The NBR will announce a press conference and date once everything has been updated. Next Steps The NBR will start working on a 10 Year Strategic Plan. The same process will be followed, and staff will begin meeting with stakeholders to get input so we can continue building on the foundation.

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One effort is to start a Business Improvement District (application made available to attendees). If in support, attendees were asked to sign the application. Corridor Enhancement Grant The NBR is applying for a city grant to help execute the beach on North Broad. Details were provided in a letter to community stakeholders. The letter was passed around during the meeting and attendees who wanted to support signed. Philly Free Street Presentation Representatives from the Streets Department provided an overview on Philly Free Streets and ways to get involved. Highlights from the presentation were as follows: • • • • • • • • •

Philly Free Streets is a people-powered initiative that temporarily closes streets to cars, inviting people to walk, bike, and play in the street. Philly Free Streets is a family-friendly program that is fun for people of all ages and physical abilities. In 2016, 30,000 people attended Philly Free Streets on South Street. In 2017, 40,000 people attended Philly Free Streets between Old City and Fairhill neighborhood of North Philly. In both years, people came from across the city and the region. August 11, Philly Free Streets will be on North Broad Street between 8AM – 1PM! There’s no formal start or stop, join the fun anywhere along North Broad Street between Erie Avenue and City Hall! Stay tuned for more details about programming and street closures. Philly Free Streets temporarily closes streets to cars. Come ready to walk, bike, hop, skip, or roll your way down North Broad Street!

How to get involved: • •

• • •

Dress up your stoop facing North Broad Street. Have a business on North Broad Street? Learn how you can expand your business to the sidewalk during Philly Free Streets with this resource: Organize your neighbors for group walks or bike rides! Philly Free Streets is a chance to see the city in a new way with friends. Get your friends together and organize a walk or bike ride. Philly Free Streets is a chance for seniors to organize group walks, too. Sign up to volunteer: Apply to lead a program activity that highlights North Broad Street community. For more details, see link. In addition, the NBR will have volunteers who will canvas the corridor and provide businesses and residents within their boundary information and promotional items. To sign up and volunteer and be a part of the NBR’s volunteer outreach, email

A representative from the Streets Department will work with Beech Community Services to ensure the setup for the “Jazz on the Ave” Music Fest is not impacted by road closures. Meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m.

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