through the Bible, chapter by chapter and book by book ... Options for Launching
Your Bible College. Option One: School founded as a satellite of Pillsbury. 1.
Start a Bible College in Your Own Church What?
Satellite of Pillsbury College & Seminary, St. Louis, offering Associate, Bachelor, and Master's degrees (or a new independent school)
Pastor of the church becomes President-Founder of new school
Many Christians desire a deeper, in-depth study through the Bible, chapter by chapter and book by book, which is Pillsbury's core curriculum
Local church offers classes for mature members and other persons interested in a degree in Bible
Monthly classes could be ready to start almost immediately, or classes could be offered weekly
Sign a Satellite School agreement, enroll at least 10 students, purchase curriculum, teach the 20 courses
For further information contact: Dr. Curt Scarborough, Chancellor Pillsbury College & Seminary E-mail:
[email protected] Phone: 314-739-1121 (Office)
Options for Launching Your Bible College Option One: School founded as a satellite of Pillsbury 1. Church petitions Pillsbury College & Seminary to become a Satellite School, listing members of the new Board of Regents and authorizing the pastor (or other minister) to serve as President and another qualified person to serve as Dean and/or Bible teacher. 2. The Satellite School advertises classes, enrolls new students, and orders the curriculum books from Pillsbury. 3. Satellite School collects the Registration fees ($50) and forwards $25 per student to Pillsbury. 4. Classes begin meeting, completing one course per month for 20 months, at the tuition rate of $30 per 3-credit hour class, leading to the 60 credit hour Associate of Biblical Studies degree. 5. Financial agreement continues throughout the 20 month Bible study: Plan A Plan B * Pillsbury prints and delivers * Pillsbury provides a master copy of the Curriculum books to the of curriculum books for Satellite School Satellite Schools for $15 each to print and distribute * Satellite School pays $5 per * Satellite Schools pays Pillsbury $5 per student (tuition fee ) student (book fee) plus $5 per student (tuition fee) Student's $30 monthly fee is divided: Plan A Plan B Pillsbury - $20 Pillsbury - $10 Satellite - $10 Satellite - $20 6. Satellite collects a $50 per student Graduation fee; forwards $25 to Pillsbury. 7. Pillsbury provides diplomas and transcripts to graduates issued jointly in the names of Pillsbury College & Seminary and the Satellite School.
Option Two: School founded as an independent institution 1. Church founds new independent school not officially connected to Pillsbury. 2. New independent school appoints administrative officers and faculty members. 3. New independent school administers its own program including compliance with the State's regulations regarding non-profit ministries, and petitioning the Department of Higher Education for a special exemption to operate as a Christian post-secondary school. 4. New independent school pursues accreditation outside any association with Pillsbury College & Seminary. 5. New independent school sets its own fee schedule and tuition rates. 6. New independent school furnishes graduates with diplomas and transcripts not connected to Pillsbury. Note: Pillsbury is available to assist you in any or all of the items listed above. 7. New independent school may choose to purchase printed Bible study curriculum from Pillsbury at the rate of $15 per book (or the school may choose to print its own curriculum duplicating the master copies of the 20 course books supplied by Pillsbury; in this case, the school will be charged a $5 royalty fee for each book printed by the independent school.)