Stat 224 Probability and Statistics for Engineers

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Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences (8thEdition) by Jay L. Devore. Website: Grading Scheme: Assignments.
Stat 224 Probability and Statistics for Engineers Instructor: Office: Phone: Course Time: Office Hours:

Ammar Sarhan The Annex 21A Semester: Winter 2012 867-5732 E-mail: [email protected] Tue 12:15-01:05; Wed 07:00-08:40; Thu 11:15-12:05; Fri 01:15-02:05 Mon 12:15-1:05; Tue 1:15-2:05; Wed 11:15-12:05; Thu 02:15-03:05

Course Goals:

This course covers probability laws and the interpretation of numerical data, probability distributions and probability densities, functions of random variables, joint distributions, characteristic functions, inferences concerning mean and variance, tests of hypotheses, linear regression, and time series analysis. Engineering applications are emphasized and statistical computer packages are used extensively.


ENGR 122.


Credit will be granted for only one of STAT 224 and STAT 201, 231. Three credits and two-hour problem session


Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences (8thEdition) by Jay L. Devore


Grading Scheme: Assignments Quizzes Midterm (Feb 14) Final Exam Assignments:

15% 10% 20% 55%

Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date. If you miss this deadline, you may turn in your assignment any time before the solutions are posted, but with a 25% per day or part thereof deduction from the grade. No assignments will be accepted once the solutions are posted.

Important Notes:    

More Help:

The Midterm February 14. The final exam will be scheduled by the Registrar's Office. Check course website for dates for quizzes/tests, assignments, and midterm exam. As assignments and practice problems are valuable part of the learning process, all assignments are to be attempted and handed in for grading. Collaboration on assignments is allowable (and beneficial) to a point that does not violate the authorship of the work and cross over into plagiarism (see Section3.8 of the 2011-2012 Academic Calendar).

Meeting with me


Students should refer to the Academic Integrity Policy (Section 3.8, Pg 13) of the Academic Calendar. There will be no make-up of quizzes, and a midterm makeup will only be considered if a doctor's note or other suitable documentation is submitted. Policies governing final exams are in Section 3.9 (Pg 14) of the Academic Calendar.

Contents: Chapter 2: Chapter 3: Chapter 4: Chapter 5: Chapter 7: Chapter 8: Chapter 9: Chapter 10:

Probability Discrete Variables and Probability Distributions Continuous Variables and Probability Distributions Joint Probability Distributions & Random Samples Statistical Interval based on a single sample Tests of hypotheses based on a single sample Tests of hypotheses based on two samples Simple linear regression