VOL. 60,
NO. 1,
State of the Journal Albert Y. Zomaya ✦
T is with great privilege and honor that I take up my term as Editor in Chief of IEEE Transactions on Computers. TC is one
of the most prestigious and highly respected publications in the field of computing. However, what makes this more exciting is that the start of my term coincides with the 60th anniversary of TC, which makes it the oldest publication of the IEEE Computer Society and one of the oldest in the field of Computing, if not the oldest. Throughout the years, the position of EIC has been held by distinguished computer scientists and engineers. The list includes luminaries such as Fabrizio Lombardi, Viktor Prasanna, Jean-Luc Gaudiot, Jane W.S. Liu, E.E. Swartzlander, M.T. Liu, Tse-Yun Feng, Taylor Booth, Richard Merwin, Robert A. Short, and Harry D. Huskey. The 60th anniversary will be marked by a number of celebrations by the IEEE Computer Society over the next year which will be announced on TC’s web page in due course. Over the years TC has maintained its esteemed status through a rigorous review process and the tireless efforts of many present and past editors in chiefs, associate editors, reviewers, and IEEE Computer Society staff. Of course, one should not also forget the large legion of loyal authors and readers. TC has had an impact on the professional lives of many computer scientists and engineers. This momentum will be maintained because we will strive to keep TC balanced, current and relevant by engaging the right expertise and supporting new and emerging themes in computing. This, of course, emphasizes the need to continue selecting visible and high caliber researchers (from academia, industry and research laboratories) to serve on the editorial board who are able to cover the full spectrum of computing research today, even though that might not be an easy task. TC will to continue its mission to remain the lead publication in the field with the help of of all stakeholders (associate editors, authors, readers, staff members, and discipline leaders). We will aim for more successes by keeping up with the rapid developments that we are witnessing in the field of computing. Today we are seeing a new revival in the field made possible by new technological advances which are heralding an exciting time for researchers and developers in the discipline. Some of these are advances in petascale computing, cloud computing, cell processors, graphics processing units, multicore systems, green data centers, and many more. More concerted efforts will be needed by supporting more special sections that target these and other areas through focused high quality submissions. TC is the perfect incubator for all new ideas and opportunities and can be the initiator of many more. I would like to convey my sincere thanks and appreciation to Professor Fabrizio Lombardi who made my transition very smooth and provided great advice and insight into the different operations of TC. I am sure that I will be calling upon his help every now and then. Fabrizio has left an indelible mark on TC over his long involvement in different roles over a period of 15 years. He leaves the TC in a very healthy state. I also have to say that during my brief interactions with the IEEE Computer Society staff, I have been very impressed by their professionalism and friendly disposition. I look forward to our continued cooperation over the next few years. Finally, please feel free to send me your suggestions and recommendations. I will be very interested to receive your ideas on ways by which we can improve TC and launch it into the next 60 years.
Albert Y. Zomaya Editor-in-Chief
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[email protected]. 0018-9340/11/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE
Published by the IEEE Computer Society