May 12, 2016 - Twitter. If you are tweeting about the symposium please use the hastag #SOTWP. .... T. Moles, John Dickie, Andrew N. Gillison, Amy E. Zanne, Jérôme Chave, S. Joseph ...... Hargreaves, S.1, Murray, L.1 and Williams, E.1.
State of the World’s Plants Symposium Climate change | Protected areas | Extinction risk | Useful plants | Plant health | Invasive plants
11 – 12 May 2016
New Phytologist publishes high-quality, original research in plant science. Falling within four sections – Physiology & Development, Environment, Interaction and Evolution – articles cover topics from intracellular processes to global environmental change. Average time to decision in 2015 80% global coverage by 2015 we were able to describe and quantify, for the first time, the biogeographic, taxonomic and phylogenetic patterns of naturalized alien plants worldwide. We revealed that ~12,000 plant species, corresponding to ~4% of the extant vascular flora, have become naturalized somewhere on the globe. While Europe and North America have accumulated the largest numbers of naturalized species, we showed that the Northern Hemisphere is a major donor of naturalized plants to other parts of the world. Thus, at the global scale, naturalization processes are not random phenomena, but exhibit clear phylogenetic and biogeographic patterns. The GloNAF database has served as a unique data source for testing various aspects of invasion ecology, including models describing the flow of invasive plants as a function of trade, testing Baker’s law at a global scale, the role of apomixis in invasions, and whether alien plants can be used as an indicator for hotspots of other alien species. We outline further ways in which GloNAF can be a key tool to better understand changes in plant diversity around the world as a result of human-mediated introductions. Reference: van Kleunen M. et al. (2015). Global exchange and accumulation of non-native plants. Nature 525: 100–103.
Identifying potentially invasive garden plants: utilising gardeners’ knowledge
Dehnen-Schmutz, K. Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience, Coventry University, Priory Street, Coventry, CV1 5FB, UK
Most non-native plants including the plants with the highest negative impacts have been introduced as ornamental plants. Long delays from the introduction in a garden to the recognition of a problematic invasive plant in the wild make effective control strategies very difficult and often impossible. Gardeners will notice first if ornamental plants show characteristics, e.g. vigorous growth, spread and difficulty to control, that may contribute to their potential to become a problematic invader. This project explores if the reporting of early warning signs from gardens could help to design more effective prevention strategies at the first stages of the invasion process. An online reporting form was developed and botanists and professional gardeners in Britain were asked to report ornamental plants that are spreading and difficult to control in their gardens. Results show that the most frequent plants reported are also frequently recorded outside cultivation. However, the list of reported plants also includes species with a recently increasing distribution and species not reported outside cultivation. The results provide evidence that gardeners’ knowledge could help to identify potentially problematic invasive plants early in the invasion process. The main obstacle for the expansion of the approach to the wider gardening public is the potential difficulty with plant identification. At the same time, however, raising awareness for the problem by actively involving gardeners could be of equal importance for the prevention of ornamental plant invasions.
Invasive synergy in an ant-plant mutualism
Devenish, A.J.M.1, Sumner, S.1 and Newton, R.2 1School
of Biological Sciences, Life Sciences Building, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1TQ, UK Science, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Millennium Seed Bank, Wakehurst, Ardingly, West Sussex, RH17
South Africa is home to one of the world's six floral kingdoms, with over 6200 endemic plant species; yet this unique region is threatened by a number of invasive plant and animal species, including the notorious Argentine ant (Linepithema humile). This ant species threatens not only the native ants’ community structure, but also the seed dispersal services they provide. This study explores the seed dispersal ability of invasive and native ant communities in the Jonkershoek Nature Reserve. Through the use of cafeteria experiments, ant dispersal preferences were determined for both native fynbos and invasive Acacia plant species. Three ant communities were identified in this study. The community invaded by Linepithema humile were able to disperse a range of smaller seeded plant species, with the highest rate of removal recorded for three invasive Acacia plant species. In contrast, the native community dominated by Anoplolepis custodiens showed a preference for larger native seeded species, with the lowest removal rates recorded for Acacia plant species. Whereas the native community dominated by Pheidole capensis showed no clear preference for either native or invasive plant species. In conclusion the invasion of Linepithema humile is likely to facilitate the invasion of Acacia plants, whilst at the same time limiting the dispersal of native fynbos species, in particular larger seeded species, such as Leucospermum. This invasive synergy highlights the need for plant conservationists to consider a wider number of influential factors when estimating at-risk species.
Research, response, result – a scientific approach to local action on INNS
Morris, N.J. Cornwall College Newquay, Wildflower Lane, Newquay TR7 2LZ
The Student Invasive Non-Native Group (SINNG) is a Local Action Group based at Cornwall College Newquay. Since 2010 SINNG has been raising awareness of, and taking action on, invasive species. From the outset there have been several strands of the project and students have an impact through outreach, education, control and monitoring. Student research informs awareness and action. Research on the oxygenating properties of Lagarosiphon major (an invasive aquatic plant currently sold as an oxygenator) is showing that a native counterpart is not only a better oxygenator, but also supports more biodiversity than the invasive. Such research can change awareness of the species and contribute to policy making. SINNG’s actions often involve removal of invasive waterweed, raising the issue of safe disposal. Current research on Myriophyllum aquaticum indicates that existing removal and disposal methods should be reviewed due to the regeneration potential of fragments. The results of this study will help guide management principles and control programmes. Ichthyosaura alpestris (Alpine newt) have been introduced to the wild in the UK through intentional and accidental release of pets. The control of this species poses particular problems. The potential for adverse publicity regarding control of vertebrates needs to be approached in a careful manner. Maintaining good public relations is essential and can be achieved by providing evidence of impacts. Research is showing direct competition with native amphibians backing up their role as disease vectors informing public awareness campaigns. Genetic analysis combined with geographic profiling enables exploration of invasion sources and the potential for spread.
The impact of Impatiens glandulifera (Himalayan Balsam) on the pollination of native plant species in the UK
White, L.M., Pérez-Barrales, R. and Horn, G. University of Portsmouth, School of Biological Sciences, King Henry Building, King Henry 1 Street, Portsmouth, PO1 2DY
Biological plant invasions have devastating effects on the biodiversity. Management of invasive species can be costly, with 900 ‘alien’ plant taxa in the UK since 2000. In-depth understanding of invasive species and what native ecological processes they disturb can help manage an invader’s spread. The invader species Impatiens glandulifera (Himalayan Balsam) was introduced to Britain in 1839 and is now well established in natural environments. In the present study, we aimed at studying the impact of I. glandulifera on the pollination ecology of native species, with focus on Stachys sylvatica. Specifically, we observed bee visitation and pollen load on the stigmas in pristine and invaded localities. Secondly, in pristine sites, I. glandulifera was introduced to study the initial biological invasion on pollination services. Visitation rate to I.glandulifera was not direct competition for native species, and even facilitated visits. In contrast, the pollen load from native species carried by bumblebees decreased in the presence of the invader. The probability of invasive pollen transferred varied depending on where pollen was placed on insects and specialisation of bumblebees’ fit with native and invasive flower morphology. The probability of finding conspecific pollen on S. sylvatica stigmas decreased up to 80% after the invader’s introduction. These results suggest that the invader had a negative impact on pollen transfer to S. sylvatica stigmas, resulting in decreased female fitness. This study highlights
how biological invasions can modify the function of natural environments by changing insect behaviour and disrupting the pollination flow of native flowering species.
Genome sequencing of Fraxinus species to identify loci relevant to ash dieback and emerald ash borer
Sollars, E.S.A.1,2, Kelly, L.J.1, Swarbreck, D.3, Clavijo, B.3, Kaithakottil, G.3, Zohren, J.1, Boshier, D.4, Clark, J.5, Lee, S.6, Koch, J.7, Carlson, J.E.8, Kjaer, E.D.9, Nielsen, L.R.9, Crowther, W.1,10, Rossiter, S.J.1, Joecker, A.2, Ayling, S.3, Caccamo, M.3,11 and Buggs, R.J.A.1 1School
of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK Aarhus, Silkeborgvej 2, Prismet, 8000 Aarhus C., Denmark 3The Genome Analysis Centre, Norwich Research Park, Norwich, NR4 7UH, UK 4Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, OX1 3RB, UK 5The Earth Trust, Little Wittenham, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 4QZ, UK 6Forest Research, Northern Research Station, Roslin, Midlothian, EH25 9SY, UK. 7U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Northern Research Station, Delaware, OH 43015, USA 8Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA 9Department of Geosciences and Management of Natural Resources, University of Copenhagen, Rolighedsvej 21, Frederiksberg, Denmark 10Current address: School of Life Sciences, Gibbet Hill Campus, The University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK 11Current address: NIAB, Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, CB3 0LE, UK 2Qiagen
Fraxinus (ash) species are highly threatened by emerald ash borer (EAB) in North America and ash dieback (ADB) in Europe. Their future may depend on genomically assisted breeding for low susceptibility to these threats. We have produced a de novo reference genome from a lowheterozygosity British F. excelsior (European ash) tree (N50 = 99Kbp, total length = 875Mbp; see, and sequenced 38 further trees from this species across Europe, including a Danish tree with low susceptibility to ADB, which we are comparing. We are now sequencing the genomes of 35 other Fraxinus species from around the world. Genome size in Fraxinus varies from c. 750Mbp to c. 4Gbp (1C-values), encompassing diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid taxa. Preliminary evidence suggests that Asiatic Fraxinus species have low susceptibility to EAB and ADB, which we are testing with genus-wide experimental EAB inoculation experiments in Ohio, and genus-wide field exposure to ADB in Britain. We aim to find loci relevant to low susceptibility to ADB and EAB by detecting genes in the genus Fraxinus that yield phylogenetic trees incongruent with the “species-tree” for the genus, but congruent with patterns of low susceptibility among species. If successful, this method will be applicable to other tree pest/pathogen interactions.
A strategy to save the Caicos pine forests
Sanchez, M.D.1, Corcoran, M.R.1, Manco, B.N.2, Blaise, J.2, Green, P.W.C1, Martinez-Suz, L.1, Barlow, S.1 and Hamilton, M.A.1 1 2
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3AB, UK Department of Environment and Maritime Affairs (DEMA), Turks and Caicos Islands
Pine forests in the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) have been under extreme threat of disappearing since the non-native, invasive and pine-specific pine tortoise scale insect (Toumeyella parvicornis) was accidentally introduced to the islands over a decade ago. This invasive species has killed the vast majority of the Vulnerable and endemic Caicos pine, Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis, in TCI, altering the pine’s population structure. However, action by the TCI Government in partnership with the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew (Kew) have ensured a genetically diverse ex situ collection with locally grown Caicos pines and built local capacity to manage the TCI pine forests. A recent Darwin Plus project (2014–2016) led by Kew with local partner DEMA applied Kew’s expertise in genetics, mycology, chemical interactions, restoration ecology, seed physiology, horticulture and biogeography to enhance the knowledge on the Caicos
pine, its habitat and threats. It was observed that chemical composition changed and water stress levels increased in pines with scale infection. Essential mycorrhizal fungi for the pine’s establishment have been identified, the ex situ collection expanded and the local pine seed orchard genotyped. Core conservation areas for the pine forests in TCI were identified and a restoration strategy developed to guide future management and restoration needed, while enhancing the species resilience to invasive species and climate change.
More than 50% of the world’s natural history collections do not have the correct name
Goodwin, Z.A.1, 2, Harris, D.J.2, Filer, D.1, Wood, J.R.I.1 and Scotland R.W.1 1Department 2Royal
of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3RB, UK Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 20A Inverleith Row, Edinburgh, EH3 5LR, UK
Specimens of plants and animals preserved in museums are the primary source of verifiable data on the geographical and temporal distribution of organisms. Museum datasets are increasingly being uploaded to aggregated regional and global databases (e.g. the Global Biodiversity Information Facility; GBIF) for use in a wide range of analyses. Here a detailed examination of recently revised genera of African gingers (Aframomum) and morning glories (Ipomoea) demonstrates that more than 50% of natural history collections may not have the correct name.
Using big data to measure tropical Africa's botanic hotspots
Marshall, C.A.M. and Hawthorne, W.D. Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3RB
A plant biodiversity hotspot analysis is a useful tool for land-use planning, particularly in areas with high conservation value. Existing botanic hotspot analyses for tropical Africa have either limited geographic resolution or taxonomic coverage, or focus on species richness or local rarity. Such gaps hinder their application in many practical scenarios. Here, we present a 'big data' botanic hotspot map for tropical Africa, with full taxonomic coverage for vascular plants and a flexible geographic resolution interface, derived from > 3 million taxonomically and geographically cleaned and geolocated records of >30,000 taxa and their global distributions. We measure biodiversity 'heat' using the categorised global ranges of all the lowest named taxonomic units recorded from a sample area, so that an area where a high proportion of the species have small global ranges achieves a high hotspot score. These results can already serve as a practical and globally-sensitive framework for local and regional land-use planning in tropical Africa. Moreover, we provide the tools and methods to allow the framework to be extended to the rest of the world, and to provide more detail to resolve the tropical African picture further.
Environmental niche differentiation between CAM and C3 species in the montane genus Puya (Bromeliaceae)
Beltrán, J.D., Harris, S.A. and Smith, J.A.C. Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3RB, United Kingdom
Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) is a photosynthetic pathway characteristic of succulent plants regarded as a very effective water-saving mechanism, as CO2 uptake from the atmosphere is largely restricted to the night, when evaporative demand is much reduced. A number of valuable crops are CAM plants, such as Agave, Aloe, Ananas, Opuntia and Vanilla, that are well suited to cultivation in semi-arid regions. Identification of further potential CAM crops would be facilitated if the environmental niche of CAM species could be more precisely defined. To differentiate the niches of CAM and C3 species, we have studied the monophyletic genus Puya (Bromeliaceae, approx. 230 spp.), which has a predominantly Andean distribution, extending from Chile and Argentina in the south to Costa Rica and the Guiana Shield in the north. Approximately 20% of Puya species are CAM plants, of which at least 10 taxa are found at elevations above 3,000 m. Using information on photosynthetic pathway from 13C/12C isotope analysis, combined with the georeferenced locations of 147 Puya species, we analysed 30 climatic variables by means of principal component analysis and random forest ordination. The variables that most strongly differentiated the environmental niches of CAM and C3 species of Puya were related to water availability, namely precipitation seasonality, soil water content, ratio of actual to potential evapotranspiration, and aridity index. Surprisingly, elevation and annual mean temperature were not significant distinguishing variables, indicating that CAM species are not necessarily restricted to low-elevation habitats and may be suitable for cultivation in arid upland sites.
eHALOPH. Halophytes: plants for the future
Santos, J.1, Aronson, J.2,3, Al-Azzawi, M.4 and Flowers, T.4 1Centre
for Functional Ecology, Departamento de Ciências da Vida, Universidade de Coimbra, 3000 456 Coimbra, Portugal 2Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive (UMR 5175 – CNRS Campus) 1919, Route de Mende, 34293 Montpellier, France 3Missouri Botanical Garden, P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO. 63166-0299, USA 4School of Life Sciences, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, BN7 9QG, UK
The salt-laden water that covers about 71% of the surface of the earth has, over the millennia, led to the presence of large areas of salt-affected land. In the future, expansion of ocean waters following global warming will have consequences for the hinterland of significant areas behind 356,000 km of coastline. Saline flood-waters together with the salinization that can follow forest clearance and poorly managed irrigation will have consequences for world agriculture, as nearly all our crops are salt-sensitive. Less than 400 plant species can grow in seawater and less than 3,000 plant species tolerate the equivalent of 80 mM NaCl. eHALOPH ( is a database of these salt-tolerant plants. Records in eHALOPH of these halophytes contain information on plant type, life form, ecotypes, maximum salinity tolerated, the presence or absence of salt glands, photosynthetic pathway, antioxidants, secondary metabolites, compatible solutes, habitat, economic use and whether there are publications on germination, microbial interactions and mycorrhizal status, bioremediration and of molecular data. eHALOPH can be used to analyse traits associated with salt-tolerance and for choosing species that might be valuable for saline agriculture, bioremediation or other ecological services.
Conservation of Brassicaceae seeds: water content effect on seed longevity
Mira, S.1, Estrelles, E.2, Martínez-Laborde, J.B.1 and González-Benito, M.E.1 Departamento de Biotecnologia-Biologia Vegetal, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria s/n, 28040 Madrid, Spain 2 ICBIBE-Jardí Botànic, Universitat de València, Quart 80, 46008 València, Spain 1
Numerous useful species belong to the Brassicaceae: vegetables, oleaginous, condiments … There is increasing interest in this family due to an antitumor activity of glucosinolates and isothiocyanates from these plants. The family comprises over 3,500 species and many remain unexplored, but could have a direct potential use or may serve as a source of genes for cultivated plants. In order to conserve this remarkable germplasm, long-term seed storage is crucial to develop plant ex situ conservation strategies. Water content and temperature are critical factors contributing to seed longevity during storage. The effect of water content on seed ageing was studied for a storage period up to eight years in seven (wild and cultivated) species. Seeds were stored at different environments comprising a factorial combination of temperatures and eight water contents. Storage temperatures ranged from 45ºC to ca. -170ºC. Seed longevity showed high variability among species. Extreme desiccation at 45ºC showed damaging effects to seed longevity for some species, while for others no effect was detected. Lipid content could be related to longevity, but only in some storage conditions. The relative longevity of a species at high water contents did not correlate with that observed at low water contents. The relative position of some of the species as long- or short-lived varied depending on the humidity at which the storage behaviour was evaluated. Therefore, predictions of survival under desiccated conditions based on results obtained at high humidity might be problematic for some species. Acknowledgement: This work was supported by the project RF2012-00014-C02-02
Supporting reforestation through seed conservation of useful native trees
Ulian, T.1, Téllez-Valdés, O.2, Jiménez Rodríguez, F.3, Way, M. 1, Pritchard, H.W.1 and Mattana, E.1 Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3AB, UK Nacional Autónoma de México, F.E.S. Iztacala, Mexico City, Mexico 3 Jardín Botánico Nacional “Dr. Rafael Ma. Moscoso”, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 1
2 Universidad
Forest ecosystems play an important role in biogeochemical processes of the earth, and are crucial to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Trees also provide many benefits to humans, such as the production of timber, firewood, ritual aspects, etc., as well as vital ecosystem services such as clean water provision and prevention of soil erosion. The Global Tree Seed Bank Project is one of Kew's major projects, funded by the Garfield Weston Foundation, aiming to secure in safe long-term storage seeds of at least 2,000 tree species from across the world, among them the world rarest, most threatened and useful plants important for the livelihoods of rural communities. In Latin America the project started in 2015 and it focuses in Mexico and Dominican Republic. In Mexico, the expected outputs are: (1) a list of tree species of Mexico with information on distribution, conservation status and uses and a map of tree species biodiversity hotspots; (2) seed conservation of 200 tree species; (3) seed germination and plant propagation protocols for at least 25 priority useful tree species; and (4) a predictive model on seed desiccation tolerance. In the Dominican Republic, the project aims to protect the forestry diversity in Hispaniola by (1) activating seed conservation of at least 200 tree species; (2) screening seed desiccation
tolerance for at least 100 tree species; and (3) propagating 25 priority tree species to support reforestation activities.
Collection, handling and quality seed processing of crop wild relatives (CWR) for ex situ conservation in Malaysia
Mat Ali, M.S.1, Awang, K.1, Abdul Rahman, S.N.2, Tahir, M.1, Ghazalli, M.N.1, Bustam. S.1, Mohd Nordin, A.R.1 and Mohamad, S.S.1 1Genebank 2Genebank
and Seed Centre, MARDI Headquarters, 43400 Serdang, Malaysia and Seed Centre, MARDI Seberang Perai, 13200 Penang, Malaysia
As one of the twelve mega-biodiversity countries, Malaysia has rich diversity of flora and fauna that needs to be conserved and sustainably utilised for food and agriculture. However, not much studies are being conducted on conservation and utilisation of crop wild relatives (CWR) in Malaysia. In this study, few expeditions to collect several species of CWR including wild rice (Oryza sp.) and wild banana (Musa sp.) were conducted in Peninsular Malaysia. The targeted areas were selected based on the secondary data mainly reports and publications. The collecting strategies were carried out by interviewing local people at the targeted areas and through field observation. For O. officinalis, the seeds and life samples were collected and brought to MARDI Rice Genebank in Seberang Perai, Penang for seed processing, (herbarium specimens-di HQ) and for conservation at the nursery. The seeds were dried to below 10% moisture content and kept in medium term cool storage (3–5ᵒC). For Musa spp., few samples from different species i.e. Musa acuminata ssp. truncata, M. violascens, M. acuminata ssp. acuminata, M. acuminata ssp. microcarpa, M. balbisana ssp. balbisana, M. acuminata ssp. flava, M. acuminata ssp. malaccensis and M. gracilis were collected. Only few samples collected with matured seeds. The seeds were tested for initial moisture content, seed cut and embryo rescue test. Passport data and characterisation data were taken in situ. Other data consists of GPS coordinates, site descriptions, sample descriptions as well as photos of each sample and collection sites were taken. Plant samples including vegetative and reproductive parts and herbarium specimens were taken for further evaluation and processing. This paper describes the whole processes from collection to ex situ conservation at the genebank. Several issues and challenges are discussed such as species extinction, environmental changes and threats during the project implementation.
Cultivated Plants: threats and conservation
Nadarajan, J., Pitman, L. and Leguil, S. Plant Heritage, 2 Home Farm, Loseley Park, Guildford, Surrey GU3 1HS
Cultivated plants have been selected, sometimes over millennia of domestication efforts, to fulfil the needs of mankind for food, medicine, or aesthetic pleasure. They encapsulate unique combinations of genetic traits which are essential to be preserved in order to ensure future sustainability and to face global challenges such as climate change or emerging diseases. However, just as their wild relatives, cultivated plants have been facing a range of threats, for example habitat loss with development of agricultural land. Plant Heritage, previously known as the National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens, is a UK and Ireland based charity formed in 1978 to address the ongoing loss of cultivated plant diversity and promote the conservation of species and cultivars through cultivation. Its highly successful network of 630 National Plant Collections©, “living libraries” safeguarding over 100,000 taxa has set an example for many other organisations worldwide.
In 2009, Plant Heritage set up the Threatened Plants Project (TPP) with the aim of identifying all known cultivars in British and Irish horticulture, then to establish those which have become rare or threatened (in tandem with the IUCN Red List criteria for species). The project aims to provide a more robust estimate of cultivated plant scarcity, amassing data indicating their heritage value, a measure of conservation worthiness and promoting practical conservation through a network of individual and institutional partners. The TPP is also used to prioritise conservation efforts, for example by allowing for a targeted recruitment of National Collections.
Indigenous vegetables: a case study from Papua New Guinea
Seta-Waken, P. 1, Solberg, S.O.2 and Paul, T.3 1 National
Agricultural Research Institute, Papua New Guinea – The World Vegetable Center, Taiwan 3 Charles Darwin University, Australia 2 AVRDC
Many food plants are classified as minor or underutilized, as they are used only by a minority of people or occur in a limited geographical area. We surveyed five plants consumed as vegetables in Papua New Guinea: Amaranth (Amaranthus spp.), black nightshade, (Solanum nigrum L.), vegetable fern (Diplazium esculentum (Retz) Sw.), and tree leaves from Ficus copiosa Steud. and Gnetum gnemon L. Amaranth and nightshade are fast growing annual crops; they are suitable for small plot cultivation and have high nutritional value. Vegetable fern and tree leaves are widely enjoyed but commonly harvested from the wild, usually by women and young children. Occasionally people are lost in the forest in the search for these ferns and leaves; cultivation would help avoid such incidents. A first step would be access to germplasm. We used the Global Gateway to Genetic Resources (GENESYS) to survey germplasm conserved around the globe and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility to check georeferenced occurrences. No accessions of fern or the two tree species were found in GENESYS. Occurrences were concentrated in Oceania. Our search revealed 180 accessions of black nightshade and 6380 amaranth accessions worldwide; 0 and 7 from Papua New Guinea, respectively. The results highlight that except for amaranth, indigenous vegetables identified as relevant for Papua New Guinea are not part of the global food plant conservation system. To move forward, an interdisciplinary collaboration including botany, agronomy and conservation should be initiated and local germplasm collection and cultivation trials should be conducted.
Developing switchgrass as a better biomass fuel source
Twigg, P.1, Donze-Reiner, T.2, Kodin, K.1, and Bartunek, K.1 1 Biology Department, The University of Nebraska-Kearney, Kearney, NE 68849, USA 2 Department of Biology, West Chester University of Pennsylvania, West Chester, PA 19383, USA
Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a perennial warm season clump-forming grass native to North America from Canada to Mexico. Lowland varieties are more highly productive and native to the southern portion of the range, whereas the more hardy upland varieties are native to the northern portions. Switchgrass is useful in animal forage, providing wildlife habitat, and for erosion control in many critical areas. Many groups have begun to study switchgrass as a possible biofuel resource especially in the production of cellulosic ethanol. These efforts in the U.S. have been hampered by the lack of hardiness in the more productive lowland varieties. Our research group has sought to produce new varieties that combine the hardiness of the upland varieties with the higher productivity of the lowland varieties. Towards this end, we have developed elite high yielding crosses of these varieties and have used RNA-seq to analyze the transcriptome to better understand what makes a variety more hardy, establish more quickly, highly productive, or insect resistant. We would like to highlight the pathways involved in lignin production and a large-scale up-regulation of transcription factors belonging to the NAC, WRKY,
and MYB classes as being especially important. Our ongoing work continues to analyze these aspects with emphasis in illuminating the targets of the primary transcription factors indicated by the RNA-seq. It is our goal to make switchgrass a more useful and less environmentally damaging biofuel source. This work is funded by USDA-NIFA grant numbers 2011-67009-30096, 2011-67009-30026 and a grant from the NU Foundation.
Useful plants conservation across Africa and Mexico through the MGU – Useful Plants Project
Ulian, T. Hudson, A., Gomez Barreiro, P. and Mattana, E. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3AB, UK
Many inhabitants in developing countries depend on natural vegetation for everyday needs such as food, medicine, fuel and building materials. At the same time, these plants face a range of threats that include climate change, over-exploitation, droughts, habitat loss and invasion of exotic species. Since 2007 the MGU – the Useful Plants Project (UPP) has been working with partners in Botswana, Kenya, Mali, Mexico and South Africa to conserve and sustainably use indigenous plants which are important to local communities. This has been achieved through their conservation in seedbanks, propagation in community nurseries and planting in community gardens, woodlots and forests, supported by research. In 2010 a new phase was started, the project was scaled up by doubling the number of communities involved and by the inclusion of additional useful plants. Seed collections of useful plants have been made, seed lots stored in the partner country, duplicated and tested in the Kew’s Millennium Seed Bank (MSB). The capacity of communities to conserve and sustainably use a wide range of plant species has been enhanced through training workshops and the improvement of local facilities. Research has been carried out on plant species including ethnobotanical, phytochemical, plant physiological, plant population studies, DNA profiling and in vitro propagation. The UPP could be a significant model for succeeding biodiversity conservation at the local level, integrated with activities to improve livelihoods.
Delegate List Marcus Agius
RBG Kew and Foundation Trustees
Alessandro Allegra
Royal Society of Biology
Arit Anderson
Garden Designer
Felicity Anderson
Centre for Middle Eastern Plants, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
Alexander Asen
The Great Green Wall Initiative
Khadijah Awang
Steve Bachman
David Baines
Bill Baker
Sharon Balding
Hannha Banks
Abigail Barker
Richard Barley
Sara Barrios
Joanne Barton
University of Western Australia
Juan D. Beltran
University of Oxford
David Benz
University of Oxford
Antony Berry
Kew Foundation
Moira Black
Sandra Botterell
Joan Bovarnick
Kathryn Bray
Cambridge University Botanic Garden
Samuel Brockington
Cambridge University Botanic Garden
Sarah Brotherton
University of Brighton
Yvonne Buckley
Trinity College Dublin
Andrew Budden
Niki Bunch
JNCC Defra
John Burke
Queen's University
Ryan Burke
University of Oxford
Stuart Cable
Catia Canteiro
Sandra Cappelletti
University of Toronto
Julia Carretero
Nora P. Castañeda Álvarez
Helen Chadburn
Neil Chalmers
University of Oxford
Martin Cheek
Richard Choksey
Cambridge University Botanic Garden
Colin Clubbe
Laura Cole
Geographical Magazine
Endymion Cooper
Queen Mary University of London
David Cope
Quentin Cronk
University of British Columbia
Francesco DAdamo
Franziska Dahlmeier
University of Leicester
Iain Darbyshire
Sarah Darrah
Alexandra Davey
Marc Davies
New England Biolabs
Patricia Davila
Aaron Davis
Paul Davis
Hansatech Instruments Ltd
Wayne Dawson
Durham University
Manuel De La Estrella
Katharina DehnenSchmutz
Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience, Coventry University
Sebsebe Demissew
Addis Ababa University
Christopher Dennis
Fera Science Ltd
Adam Devenish
University of Bristol
Richard Deverell
Aisling Devine
Swansea University
Alessio di Capua
Kew Foundation
Sandra Diaz
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
John Dickie
Michele Dominy
Bard College
Jonathan Drori
Wolf L. Eiserhardt
Joanna Ellams
Kew Foundation
Julia Fahrenkamp
Science magazine
Aisyah Faruk
Claude Fauquet
Global Cassava Partnership for the 21st Century (GCP21)
Suzanne Featherstone
Plant Heritage
Eduardo Fernandez
Richard Field
University of Nottingham
Maria Fitzpatrick
Tim Flowers
University of Sussex
Felix Forest
Alison Foster
Gary Foster
University of Bristol
Ib Friis
Natural Hustory Museum of Denmark
Lauren M. Gardiner
Lord Gardiner of Kimble
House of Lords
Roberta Gargiulo
Shahina Ghazanfar
David Gill
Fauna & Flora International
Peter Giovannini
Elizabeth Gladin
University of Kent
M. Elena González-Benito
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Zoe Goodwin
Department of Plant Sciences, Oxford
Olwen Grace
Pat Griggs
Zigmantas Gudžinskas
Nature Research Centre, Lithuania
Sarah Gurr
University of Exeter
Martin Hamilton
Serene Hargreaves
Simon Harold
Nature Ecology and Evolution
Bryan Harty
Botanic Garden
Yvette Harvey-brown
Kay Havens
Chicago Botanic Garden
Sarah Havery
William Hawthorne
University of Oxford
Charlie Heatubun
Charlotte Heffernan
Oxford University Parks Department
Tom Heller
Oriane Hidalgo
Pete Hollingsworth
Elizabeth Howard
Alex Hudson
Philip Hulme
Lincoln University
Kigge Hvid
INDEX: Design to ImproveLife
Ed Ikin
Lance Ingram
Ivis Chan
Vololoniaina Jeannoda
University of Antananarivo
Paul Jepson
University of Oxford
Ben Jones
Oxford University Harcourt Arboretum
Diego Juffe-Bignoli
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Noor Juna
Rachel Kaleta
Eden Project Learning
Ian Karet
Laura Kelly
Queen Mary University of London
Tony Kirkham
Adam Kleczkowski
University of Stirling
Tiffany Knight
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Jill Kowal
SK MD Kudrot-E-Khuda
Plant Health
Nicola Kuhn
Phil Lambdon
William F. Laurance
James Cook University
Sophie Leguil
Plant Heritage
Ilia Leitch
Marta Lejkowski
Kew Foundation
Peter Long
University of Oxford
Jon Lovett
University of Leeds
Pete Lowry
Missouri Botanical Garden
Yadvinder Malhi
University of Oxford
Jennifer Mark
Bournemouth University
Cicely Marshall
University of Oxford, Dept. Plant Sciences
Ian Martin
Eden Project, Tropical Agriculture Association and Society for Economic Botany
Kristin Martin
Kew Foundation
Mohd Shukri Mat Ali
Siti Munirah Mat Yunoh
Efisio Mattana
Ben Mccarthy
Plantlife International
Kevin McGinn
Jill McLaughlin
Justin Moat
Nicola Morris
Cornwall College
Keith Morris Ross Mounce
University of Cambridge
Jonas Mueller
Pablo Muñoz-rodríguez
Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford
Lynda Murray
Jayanthi Nadarajan
Plant Heritage
Ruth Neiland
Heriot-Watt University
Rosemary Newton
Luiseach Nic Eoin
Nature Plants
Eimear Nic Lughadha
Camilla Nordheim-Larsen
The Great Green Wall Initiative
Ian Owens
Natural History Museum
Paul Pearce-Kelly
Zoological Society of London
Jaume Pellicer
Raquel Perez Rubio
Sarah Perillo
Gillian Petrokofsky
University of Oxford
Lukas Petrulaitis
Nature Research Centre, Lithuania
Rosalía Piñeiro
Elaine Porter
Gerhard Prenner
Hugh Pritchard
Alison Purvis
Kew Foundation
Elizabeth Radford
Tom Reader
University of Nottingham
James Richards
Kew Global Ambassador, Kew Foundation
David Richardson
Stellenbosch University
Vanessa Richardson
University of East Anglia
Alex Roberts
Carla Romeu-Dalmau
University of Oxford
Laura Rozario
Paula Rudall
Michele Sanchez
Lassina Sanou
CNCNSF Research Institute
Kazi Mohammad Abu Sayeed
Plant Health
Alistair Seddon
University of Bergen
Marion Seier
Sadaf Shadan
Tushar Shah
Autumn Sharp
University of Kent
Oliver Shiell
Benno Simmons
University of Cambridge
Julian Smith
Fera Science Ltd
Lisa Smith
Matthew Smith
Noeleen Smyth
Stewart Snape
Forestry Commission
Svein Oivind Solberg
AVRDC -The World Vegetable Center
Nicola Spence
Alex Stephenson
Kew Foundation
Andy Stott
Tim Stowe
Richard Strange
University College London
Wolfgang Stuppy
Andrew Sugden
Science magazine
Tony Sweeney
Mimi Tanimoto
Adam Taylor
Skye Instruments Ltd
Anastasiya Timoshyna
Carolina Tovar
Liz Trenchard
Coventry University
Clare Trivedi
Janet Turner
Kew Guide
Ann Tutwiler
Bioversity International
Paul Twigg
University of Nebraska at Kearney
Tiziana Ulian
Rebecca Upson
Gerda A. van Uffelen
Hortus botanicus Leiden
Sonal Varia
Sarah Veniard
Montserrat Vilà
Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC)
Lize von Staden
South African National Biodiversity Institute
Adrian Washbourne
Michael Way
James Wearn
Eleanor Webster
RHS Climate Scientist
Laura White
University of Portsmouth
Paul Wilkin
China Williams
Emma Williams
Kathy Willis
Suzy Wood
Sasha Zavjalova
Kew Foundation
Cover photo: J Eden
Leading Plant Science Research
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Impact Factor: 7.672
Plant, Cell & Environment Impact Factor: 6.960
Published in association with the Society for Experimental Biology
Plant Biotechnology Journal
Molecular Plant Pathology
Impact Factor: 5.752
Published in association with the British Society for Plant Pathology
Published in association with the Society for Experimental Biology and the Association of Applied Biologists
Launching May 2016! Current Protocols in Plant Biology Published in association with the American Society of Plant Biologists
Curtis’s Botanical Nordic Journal of Magazine Botany Published on behalf of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Impact Factor: 4.724
Published in association with the Nordic Society OIKOS
Featuring contributions from experts around the globe, Current Protocols in Plant Biology is an essential tool for anyone involved in plant science research today!
Current Protocols in Plant Biology – Coming in 2016! CURRENT PROTOCOLS in Plant Biology
Plants provide, either directly or indirectly, all of our food, as well as the clothes on our backs, the material for our homes and the energy that fuels our society. The progress in plant science research has been spectacular over the past 50 years, with many fundamental discoveries occurring only in the last few years. The advancements cannot come too soon because the planet faces significant challenges with respect to increasing population, climate change, and limitations of natural resources. In most areas of science, advancement in knowledge is driven largely by the development and application of new methods, either invented de novo or adapted from other disciplines. Plants clearly provide their own challenges, as well as unique characteristics that require, at a minimum, modification of current methods to optimize their utility. Indeed, it is often necessary to develop unique methods that are applicable to one or a select group of plant species. The aims and scope of Current Protocols in Plant Biology are to provide a curated compilation of current methods that cover all aspects of plant biology with the goal of advancing the progress of plant science research. As with all of the Current Protocols titles, experts from around the globe, many of whom have invented the methods described, will provide their step-by-step protocols and expert advice to ensure that even novice plant biologist can confidently apply these methods to their own research. Edited by: Gary Stacey, Editor-in-Chief; James Birchler, Joseph Ecker, Cathie Martin, Mark Stitt, Jian-Min Zhou
Publication Date: May 2016
Published jointly with the American Society of Plant Biologists
Areas Covered in Initial Launch Include: •
Extraction of DNA, RNA, Proteins
Metabolite Analysis
Chromosome Analysis
Plant Enzymology
Transcriptional Analysis
Protein Expression Analysis
Plant Genetic Transformation
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State of the World’s Plants Symposium Climate change | Protected areas | Extinction risk | Useful plants | Plant health | Invasive plants
11 – 12 May 2016