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Page 1 of 1. Taka '000. Third quarter ended. Particulars. July' 01 2012 to. March 31' 2013 July' 01 2011 to March 31' 20
Statement of Cash Flows For the third quarter ended March 31, 2013 (Provisional & Unaudited)


Taka '000 Third quarter ended July' 01 2012 to July' 01 2011 to March 31' 2012 March 31' 2013

A. Cash Flows from Operating Activities: Collection from Turnover & Others Payment to Suppliers,Employees & Others Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities

896206 (808040) 88,166

710,256 (657,657) 52,599

B. Cash Flows from Investing Activities: Acquisition of Fixed assets Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities

(132094) (132094)

(32,648) (32,648)

C. Cash Flows from Financing Activities: Long Term Loan Received/Repaid



Net Cash Flow from Financing Activities



D. Net Increase/ (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents: 19,897 (A+B+C)


E. Cash and Cash Equivalents at Opening of the period



F. Cash and Cash Equivalents at Closing of the period52,899

Sd/Managing Director

Sd/Asst. General Manager, Accounts
