Jan 18, 2018 - across Wales are being put at risk accessing emergency care. We recognise that ... parts of the NHS, and
STATEMENT ON A&E PRESSURES IN WALES It is very concerning to hear from front line staff that people across Wales are being put at risk accessing emergency care. We recognise that demand on services is higher than expected this winter and that this is putting increased pressure on all parts of the NHS, and particularly A&E departments. Health boards must act now to ensure services are safe and to reassure people about the safety of their local emergency care services For people waiting in A&E, every action must be taken to ensure they are fully informed, supported and cared for. Anyone needing support to raise individual concerns about their own experience (or the experience of someone they care for) can contact their local community health council.
Community health councils across Wales will be visiting A&E departments to hear directly from people about their experience in the coming weeks. Their stories will be key to ensure NHS services learn from this difficult winter and improve services for the future.
Note The Board of CHCs represents the collective voice of the seven CHCs in Wales, provides advice, support and National Standards to underpin the work of the CHCs and monitors their performance. The CHCs are independent statutory bodies that exist to represent the interests of patients and the public in the planning and delivery of NHS services. For further information / interviews please contact: Clare Jenkins or Alyson Thomas Chief Executive Officers, Board of CHCs in Wales, on 02920 235 558.