Staying Safe & Avoiding Trouble - Peel Regional Police

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ADDICTION & TREATMENT SERVICES. Fire, Police ... Addiction Counselling Services of Peel .......905-796-3005 ... INTE

Staying Safe & Avoiding Trouble

What Every Teenager & Parent Should Know In today’s busy, complex and two income world, it is often difficult for parents to properly monitor their children’s comings and goings as they progress through life. This combined with curiosity, peer pressure, and natural desire by both parents and their children to give them more space as they grow up, can result in teenagers being exposed to problems and wrong choices being made. In order to protect you and your child against these potential dangers, it is important to be aware of what they are, what they can lead to and how to prevent, spot and deal with them should they occur.


Dangers: - Delinquency - Criminal activity - Criminal victimization - Drop out - Limited job prospects Warning Signs: - Disinterest in school - Sudden, unannounced schedule changes - Declining/failing grades Prevention: - Set a good example - Avoid pulling a child from school without a generally accepted reason i.e. illness - Daily communication - Show interest in curriculum/ homework etc. - Involvement


Dangers: - Addiction - Health risks including exposure to HIV/injury/sexual assault - Delinquency, truancy (see associated dangers) - Impaired driving - Related criminal activity (i.e. burglary, theft) - Criminal record - Death Signs of Use / Behavioural Changes: - More secretive - Less co-operative - Increased appetite beyond what’s normal for them - Red eyes - Excessive drinking of water - Change in friends and interests - Less concern for appearance - Excessive money needs/money disappearing Suspicious Objects: - Roach (marihuana cigarettes) clips - Rolling paper - Visine



Fire, Police, Ambulance........................................... 9-1-1 Poison Information Centre......................1-800-268-9017 Caledon Dufferin Victim Services................519-942-1452 Credit Valley Hospital Crisis Team...............905-813-2200 Distress Centre Peel...................................905-278-7208 Distress Centre Peel (Toll Free)................1-800-268-5209 Interim Place.............................................905-403-0864 Kids Help Phone.....................................1-800-668-6868 Mobile Crisis of Peel..................................905-278-9036 Peel Children’s Centre Crisis Response.......416-410-8615 Rape Crisis Centre of Peel..........................905-273-9442 Nexus Youth Centre...................................905-566-1883 Telecare Distress Centre Brampton.............905-459-7777 Victim Services of Peel...............................905-568-1068

Addiction Counselling Services of Peel........905-796-3005 Alateen / Alanon........................................416-410-3809 Centre For Addiction & Mental Health.... 1-800-463-6273 Credit Valley Hospital Alcohol & Drug Treatment Program..................................905-813-4402 Drug & Alcohol Info Line........................ 1-800-565-8603 Mississauga Addiction Clinic......................905-279-4848 Narcotics Anonymous............................ 1-877-414-4464 Ontario Problem Gambling Help Line..... 1-888-230-3505 Peel Addiction & Assessment Referral.........905-629-1007

- Breath Freshener - Scales - Aluminum foil - Unidentified pills - Pipes - Small black (film) canisters/vials - Empty baggies with unknown residue Environments where drugs are readily available: - Schools - Graduation parties - Dance party/sometime known as raves Prevention/Intervention: Teen: - “NO” is an answer Parent: - Modelling responsible alcohol use and drug abstinence - Daily communication with children including details of where they are going and with whom


PEEL REGIONAL POLICE Crime Prevention Services 7750 Hurontario Street Brampton, Ontario L6V 3W6

Dial............ 905-453-2121 ext. 4021 Fax.............................905-456-5910 Online.................

Peel Partners For A Drug Free Community (Crisis Line)...........................416-543-1092

@PeelCrimePrev PRP 52 REVISED – NOVEMBER 2014


Fact: - Approximately 1 in 5 received sexual solicitations or approaches over the internet - 1 in 33 received an aggressive sexual solicitation - 1 in 4 had an unwanted exposure to pictures of naked people or people having sex - 1 in 17 was harassed or threatened - only 1 in 4 youth encountering a sexual solicitation approach their parents Dangers: - Runaway - Sexual assault - Risks to personal safety - Death Warning Signs: - Does your child become nervous or turns off the computer monitor or changes the computer program whenever an adult comes near? - Does your child suddenly seem withdrawn? - Has your child suddenly stopped seeing his/her friends or seems preoccupied? - Is your child spending excessive amount of time communicating via the internet? Prevention/Intervention: - Maintain open lines of communication between you and your child - Watch for and encourage balance in your child’s activities - Locate the internet access computer in a high traffic area of the home - Be sensitive to the actions of your child on the internet - Teach your child to stop immediately if they see or read something that upsets them - Restrict access to the internet when there is no supervision available - Monitor long distance telephone bills for unknown telephone numbers - Consider drafting a contract with your child for the privilege of using the internet - Obtain your copy of the Cyberproofed pamphlet - Check out the following web-sites: - - - (childfind) - (illegal content/ISP’s) -


Fact: - Problem gamblers are significantly more likely to start gambling early in life (often as early as 8) - Youth are 2 to 3 times more likely than adults to develop moderate to severe problem gambling behaviour Dangers: - Poor academic achievement - Delinquency, truancy (see associated dangers) - Drug sales and use - Progression to further problematic gambling behaviour - Stealing/Prostitution/Criminal record Warning Signs: - Loss of interest in other activities - Argumentative, irritability, restlessness, anxiety, depression and/or suicidal - Increased spending, alcohol or drug use - Lying, stealing - Promising to stop but continuing to gamble - Money appearing/disappearing Prevention/Intervention: - Gambling abstinence/modeling responsible gambling behaviour - Family communication and support - Addiction Counselling Services of Peel 905-796-3005 - Ontario Problem Gambling Help Line 1-888-230-3505 - Responsible Gambling Council 416499-9800 / - Centre for Addiction and Mental Health 416-599-1322


Dangers: - Delinquency, truancy (see associated dangers) - Exposure to drugs and alcohol - Injury - Criminal activity, victimization and record - Death Warning Signs: - Obsessed with one particular colour of clothing, gangster-influenced music, videos and movies - Withdraws from family/change in demeanour - Associates with undesirables and breaks parental rules consistently - Develops an unusual desire for privacy and secrecy - Uses hand signs while with friends/ practices them at home - Gang graffiti written on books, clothing

- Sudden drop in school per-formance - Wears sagging pants and/or excessive jewellery with unusual design ($, gun) on either the right or left side of the body while exhibiting other signs - Physical injury (consistent with fighting or being beaten) - Admits to gang involvement Prevention/Intervention: - Spend quality time with your children - Daily communication - Get involved in school activities - Listen to what your child says, especially to others - Respect your child’s feelings and attitudes and help them develop selfesteem - Establish rules, set limits and be consistent, firm and fair in punishment - Watch for negative influences - Advise your children they should not identify or communicate with gangs


Dangers: - Unnecessary risks (accessing difficult to reach structures) - Health problems (inhaled paint) - Civil liability (restitution of damages) - Criminal record Warning Signs: - Heavily “tagged” (personalized symbol or marking) personal property including rooms and furniture - Possession of a piece book (where graffiti ideas are sketched) - A collection of “Krylon” spray cans, nozzles and black markers often kept in a backpack - Spray paint residue on fingers and clothes, particularly after regular dawn or dusk outings with friends - An interest in graffiti magazines and videos Prevention/Intervention: - Daily communication - Demonstrate an on-going interest in your child, their interests and monitor their activity


• Victim Services of Peel Victim Services provides 24 hour crisis counselling and emotional support. Ph: 905-568-1068; email: [email protected] website: www.