Staying Safe Online Brochure.pdf - Google Drive

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What did we learn? Test your knowledge with this quick quiz!

Staying Safe Online  Report anything that makes you feel unsafe to an adult. They can help you.  Don’t go onto any new websites without an adult’s permission.  If an online friends asks you to send pictures or video chat with you, tell an adult. Don’t follow these requests.  Adults should never ask to meet children online. Tell a trusted adult if this happens.

1. What should we do if someone is bullying us online? ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ 2. What are two things we can share online? ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

Have any more questions? Phone: (801)123-4567 Email: [email protected] Additional Resources Disney Web Safe Kids

WEB SAFETY swellisland/ NetSmartz

Let’s learn how to be safe when we browse the web!!

Online Sharing It can be fun to talk to friends online. We can have fun and stay safe if we follow these simple tips!

What can we put online? Check the boxes that you think we can post online!     

Real Name Phone Number Our favorite sport Address Screen Name

 Age  Favorite Color  Favorite Food  School Name  Favorite School Subject  Email Address

 Your friends online should be your friends in real life. Don’t add anyone you don’t know or talk to in real life!  Never open anything that comes from someone you don’t know.  Don’t share personal information on the web like where you live, your number, what school you go to or your real name.  It is okay to share things you like, your screen name, or your favorite sports team online.  Anything posted online is there forever. Think before you post!

Cyberbullying Sometimes people can bully other people when they’re online. It can be hard to find who is doing it while they’re hiding behind a username.

 Never say anything online you wouldn’t say in real life. It’s not okay to say mean things to other just because you have a screen name.  What if you are getting bullied online? You need to tell an adult immediately so they can help.  Block or report anyone who is saying harmful things to you or others online.  Never respond to bullies online.  Keep a record of anything harmful that is said to you online.