Std. 10 Sanskrit - SSC Sanskrit (Maharashtra Board) - Target ...

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Sanskrit is a historical Indo-Aryan language, one of the liturgical languages of Hinduism ... 10. Potential Passive Participles. 240. 11. Present Participles. 244. 12.
Based on New Paper Pattern of Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Pune.

Std. X

mebmke=Àle - cevoeefkeÀveer (For Sanskrit Entire Course)

Salient Features : • • • •

Coverage of Entire Syllabus in Activity Based Format Adequate Activities based on Vocabulary and Grammar Appropriate Translations of all the Lessons and Poems Separate Section on Writing Skills

Printed at: Jasmine Art Printers Pvt. Ltd, Navi Mumbai © Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, C.D. ROM/Audio Video Cassettes or electronic, mechanical including photocopying; recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the Publisher. P.O. No. 22856


PREFACE Whenever you read a good book, somewhere in the world a door opens to allow in more light. – Vera Nazarian. Sanskrit is a language, so ancient and so full of history that it lies at the heart of India. It is in the very ebb and flow of Hinduism and Buddhism, old and culturally rich religions. Most Indian languages have their roots buried deep in Sanskrit. Upheld as the language of Gods, Sanskrit transcends and persists throughout history. There is a popular belief, however, that Sanskrit is a challenging language to master. If you manage to overlook this, you will see the beauty of this historical language. Through Target Publication’s Std. X: SanskritMandakini, based on Maharashtra State Board’s new paper pattern, I have tried to ease the mammoth task of learing Sanskrit. It is critically analysed and extensively drafted to boost the student’s confidence. The book is divided into six parts keeping in mind the new paper pattern. The textual extracts have been carefully translated and explained. A range of all possible questions concerning the text have been constructed and duly answered. This book comprises of extensive notes on all the sections of the new paper pattern. These notes are meticulously structured so that they cover every aspect of a question, providing students with answers to any type of question frameable. The book also includes uesKevekeÀewMeueced (Essays, Kathapurti, etc.) and

DeHeefþleced-DevegJeeokeÀewMeueced (Unseen Translations). Moreover, this book efficiently deals with sizeable explanations of complex textual matter. I express my deepest gratitude to I.E.S. Sanskrit Kendra, Dadar for their support and cooperation. I’m thankful for the valuable insights of my ex co-author Vidnyapana Gokarnakar and Shreehari Gokarnakar. I am greatly indebted to Mrs. Ashwini Damle for her exemplary support in the making of this book. This book would not have come into being without her constant and unwavering assistance. I also owe thanks to Mrs. Tarangini Khot for her moral support, encouragement and constructive guidance in the preparation of this book. She has bestowed all her knowledge in making this book preeminent. And finally, I am thankful to all my dear students, who are my true inspiration for teaching Sanskrit. A book affects eternity; one can never tell where its influence stops.

Best of luck to all the aspirants! Author, Maithilee Potnis

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