Still getting our kicks on Route 66 - Sunland Springs Village

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Aug 11, 2014 - Labels for Schools. Donna Stelter. 699-1642. LDS Social. Ralph Stokes. 354-9100. Library. Jan Orr. 612-24

Sunland Springs Village Voice

August 2014 Vol. 10 No. 4


August 2014 1


Sunland Springs Village Homeowners Association, Inc. • An Active Adult Community

8 Pages

Summer Survivors Party

Still getting our kicks on Route 66

+ Thursday, August 28 • 7:00 PM • Auditorium $7 Tickets on sale in the Activities Office until August 25 Multimedia Presentation A unique “road trip” across Arizona with breathtaking seenery, curious facts persistent myths and enduring legends. Hosted by: Sunland Springs Village and Village Playhouse Players

What’s Inside • Around the Village...................................................... 3

• On the Manager’s Mind............................................... 3 • Clubs . ......................................................................... 4 • Sports . ........................................................................ 4 • Activities ................................................................. 4-5 • Classified Ads . ........................................................... 6 • From the Board . ......................................................... 7 • Activities Calendar...................................................... 8

September VILLAGE VOICE Articles are due by noon on Monday, August 11, 2014. Attach your word document to an email and send it to [email protected]. All pictures and flyers must be submitted in “jpg” format.

2 August 2014

Sunland Springs Village Voice

Coordinators and Contacts for Activities GROUP Adopt-a-Street Aerobics (Low Impact) Bible Study Billiards, Mens Billiards, Ladies Bingo Birders Bocce Ball Book Club Bridge – Partners (Thurs PM) Bridge – Partners (Fri. Night) Bridge – Ladies Social Bridge – Mens Bridge – Open Bunko – Saturday Canasta – Ponytail Partners Canasta – Ponytail Ladies Car Club Cards – “500” Ceramics Computer Club Dominos Cribbage Euchre Game Night Genealogy Golf I HOA Golf – Couples 18-Hole Golf – Fun in the Sun Golf – Ladies 18-Hole Golf – Men’s Golf Club Golf – Roadrunners Couples Golf Pro Shop Hiking Group Investment Club Karaoke Club Labels for Schools LDS Social Library Lions Club Low Impact Aerobics Machine Embroidery Mah Jongg – Natl. Mah Jongg – Intl Mah Jongg – Intl Men’s Breakfast

CONTACT PERSON Joe & Kathy Fellhauer Rita Vautrin Sylvia Hansen Linda Bisted, Pres Bob Briggson Barb Harvey Gene Lutter Karl Koch Belle Myers Roger Kexel Nancy Olson Paul Leber Betty Carey Karen Myers Larry Granquist Rosalie Taylor Joe Fusaro Maureen Coniglio Maureen Coniglio John Vanderhaag Jim & Carol Moore JoAnne Chapin Pat Miller Lucy Freeman Nancy Patterson Marv Karst LaVonne Ballhorn Judi Taylor John VandeSteeg Bob & Karen Bushaw Jane Gilbertson Barb Shaw Joe Castelli Gloria Swanson Gary Humprey John Tibbels John Horan Jim Hazel Donna Stelter Ralph Stokes Jan Orr Gerri Peterson Rita Vautrin Kathy Anderson Roger Berge Sharon Carpenter Pam Politiski Paul Leber

TELEPHONE 835-6052 634-4784 984-4347 654.0496 659-1996 357-1720 357-7193 354-3798 354-2019 584-4718 837-5702 231-8818 380-3541 354-4349 833-2023 357-7674 951-3674 962-0660 962-0660 712-490-5102 380-2561 380-2302 602-321-6619 507-323-5036 636-8361 357-2440 981-2946 354-1708 357-3548 612-709--2323 380-0239 288-2609 664-7278 219-7683 984-4209 360-241-0401 656-2205 641-3010 699-1642 354-9100 612-240-2396 981-7614 634-4781 699-6342 696-4259 380-0535 621-5910 231-8818

Motorcycle Club Needle Crafters Newcomers Orientation Pet Pals P.E.O. Social Group Photo Club Pickle Ball Pinochle – Double Deck Poker – Texas Hold’em Prayer Group Quilt Club Round Dance Club Scuba & Snorkeling Shuffleboard Softball – Mens Softball – Ladies Stained Glass Springs Chapel Choir Springs Chapel Chairman Tai Chi Table & Chairs Tennis Club Terra Travel Textile Arts Center Village Playhouse Village Voices Chorus VOICE Distribution VOICE Editorial Board Water Aerobics – AM Water Aerobics – PM Water Exercise Water Volleyball Weight Watchers Winter Water Aerobics – ST Woodshop Writers Club Writing Your Story Yoga Zumba HOA COMMITTEES: Architecture Committee Buildings Committee Communications Committee Finance Committee Landscape Committee Recreation Facilities Comm Security Committee

Gene Lutter Flo Bird Effie Leatherman Maureen (Mo) Serva Giovanna Richardson Marge Stofferan Rita Vautrin Rick Briggs Judi Taylor Harlan Steinle Sylvia Hansen Mary Stolze Ken & Sue Davis Jim Palfini Jim Thrasher Ron Weisenburger Dave Chase Patti Finney Harley Lemmon Judy Herr Marshall Poling Bob Jelley Belle Myers Diane Thompson Bob & Ginny Gray Mary Stolze Monica Rae Stein Judy Herr Al & Myra Lillie Jane Harrel Janet Will Brian Balzarini Mary Obligato Rusty Haller Steve Bromberg Karen Rodgers Rose Seminoe George Bonas Nan Miller Mary Tasto Christine Marcus Grace Guilfoyle

357-7193 984-1878 986-3196 984-8380 986-6952 350-7089 634-4784 319.269.3390 354-1708 982-3567 984-4347 358-0122 209-5755 610-2171 515-201-9623 584-6136 838-5687 861-4513 984-7514 659-7026 899-4344 984-6611 354-2019 354-7897 986-2331 358-0122 668-3753 659-7026 892-2490 214-5264 380-8700 380-5287 602-647-0904 380.1617 303.882.2385 357-0335 354-7990 288-8367 984-1852 984-6526 986-6092 695-3305

Becky Burch Rod Hoflick Dick Simmon Bob Neilson John Caldwell Dale Miller Ed Leahy

962-9298 984-8917 949-1110 789-3727 380-9833 215-9763 357-3586




Sunland Springs Village Voice is published on the first of each month by Miller Media Services for the Sunland Springs Village Homeowners Association. For content information contact the Sunland Springs Village Homeowners Association office (480) 354-8758. For advertising information call Miller Media Services (480) 361-4431 / Fax (480) 347-9167 or email to [email protected]

The Sunland Springs Village Voice is provided to the community by Miller Media Services at no cost to the community association or residents through the support of its advertisers. Due to the limited amount of available space, all submitted material may be edited or omitted as deemed necessary by the publisher and community representatives.

Any changes to the above list should be submitted to [email protected]. Thank you.

Access to Facilities and Services

6am-10pm 6am-10pm 6am-10pm 9am-Noon 9am-Noon

Springwood Pool & Fitness Center San Tan Pool & Fitness Center Library, Card Rooms, Billiard Room Assoc / Act Office Woodshop / Open M-F

(480) 380-2712 (480) 361-0378 (480) 354-8758

8am-5pm 9am-5:30pm Night 24 hrs 24 hrs

Farnsworth Customer Service Manager (480) 986-1972 Farnsworth Sales Office, Mon-Sat (480) 984-4999 Security (602) 434-0940 First Service Residential (480) 551-4300 First Service Residential Emergency (480) 336-2700

Sunland Springs Village Voice

[email protected]

[email protected]

Many thanks . . . . . . to all of you that donated blood at July’s blood drive. We had 18 donors contribute 20 units of blood. Each contribution becomes three units of valuable, life-saving blood for those in need. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing a part of YOU. YOU ARE TRULY HEROES. Ladies, time is . . . . . . running out to get your ticket for our Ladies Salad & Dessert Luncheon on Thursday, August 7 at Noon. You bring the salads and desserts. We will provide rolls, coffee and table service. Tickets are only $3. Go to the Activities Office to buy your ticket today!!! Summer time . . . . . . is “Sips and Dips” Social time at the San Tan Center on August 11 at 4:00 PM. Bring snacks to share and beverages of your choice. What a great time to make new friends. And it’s FREE. See you at the San Tan on August 11. Still getting our kicks . . . . . . on Route 66 at the August 28 Summer Survivors Party. Fresh strawberry shortcake will be prepared and served by the Playhouse Players, and followed by a

August 2014 3

Around the Village multimedia presentation by Bill J. Harrison. This is a unique Arizona Route 66 “road trip” filled with breathtaking scenery, memorable people, curious facts, persistent myths, friendly ghosts and enduring legends of Arizona. Come journey through the Petrified Forest National Park, Winslow, Flagstaff, Williams, Seligman, Kingman and finally explore the once booming gold mining town of Oatman. Tickets are on sale now for $7 in the Activities Office. (Tickets will NOT be sold at the door.) Keep ON . . . . . . pulling OFF those aluminum tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. Every tab and every dollar you turn in helps provide lodging for families of sick children that are confined to hospitals for long tern treatments. Get your friends to save tabs. Get your neighbors to save tabs. Get your families to save tabs. Bring your tabs to the Activities Office. It’s FREE, it’s EASY and it helps so many SO much. . . . bringing your old eyeglasses to the Activities Office for the Lions Club. . . . dropping off your old cellphones in the Activities Office for Community Alliance against Family Abuse. . . . donating personal care items (toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, tissue, lotion, shampoo, etc.) for the new and soon to open Ronald McDonald house in Mesa. Mark your calendar . . . . . . August 28 – Summer Survivors Party. . . . BINGO - resumes on Thursday, October 2.

By: Buffy Lewis, Association Manager Each month when I sit down to write my article, I am amazed that another month has passed us by so quickly. This summer has been one full of many projects around the community. I wanted to thank you all for your patience during our ongoing projects. The Springwood pool renovation turned out very lovely, along with our tennis court resurfacing. Soon, we will have a beautiful new awning added to the snack bar at the San Tan facility, and the Pickleball lights are up and shining! It’s been exciting seeing so many great additions to our community this summer. Our friends who have been away for the summer should all be pleasantly surprised when they return. Often times I send out reminders to all of you on various items, including watching out for our pedestrians, bicyclers, joggers and

Paper Recycling A Word from the Communications Committee

By: Dick Simmon Let’s all remember to bring our newspapers, junk mail, used computer paper, flattened cardboard, etc., to the RECYCLING BIN between the HOA Office and the Auditorium.

Village Snapshots LindaR e sand Rich Carey i d e n t s creating decoupage on plates. Rich attends

since August 2012, Linda and Rich Carey moved to Arizona from LaGrange, Illinois (a Chicago suburb). In LaGrange, Rich taught health education and sports medicine from 1976 to 2005 at Lyons Township High School. He was a certified and licensed athletic trainer for the school’s teams. Linda, from 1986-2001, did home care and hospice at LaGrange Memorial Health Care and Hospice. From 2001-2007, she was a case manager for Aging Care Connection Senior Center. They started visiting Arizona in the summer of 1995 to visit SSV residents Ray and Marilyn Baldner. Marilyn had taught with Rich at the high school. Linda currently volunteers at the Activities Office usually on Fridays but also when needed to fill in. She also serves on the committee for the Midwest States Party. She enjoys woodworking, wood refinishing, and

Men’s Breakfasts and is part of the Village Voices and the Chapel Choir. During his spare time, he sings Barbershop for the Mesa Lamplighters Chorus including participating in quartets doing singing valentines. He has collections of stamps, movies, and DVDs. Born in Pierre, South Dakota, Linda moved to Seattle at age five. She received her B.A. in human services and psychology from National Louis University in Wheaton, Illinois. Rich hails originally from Aberdeen, Washington. He graduated from Aberdeen’s Grays Harbor Junior College and the University of Washington in Seattle. He obtained his M.S. from Penn State in physical education with an emphasis on health. Married for 38 years, the Careys don’t have any two-legged children. Rich instead became a set of ears for his student athletes to come and talk about their problems. The Careys remain in contact with at least 25 former students and have attended 83 weddings of those he helped. The Careys thoroughly enjoy being parents to their four-legged daughter, Holly, the cat.

scooters, while driving around in our community. It is easy to breeze through a stop sign just out of familiarity, but it is important that all vehicles, including golf carts, observe our stop signs. Above all, children under the age of 16 should not be operating/driving a golf cart in the community. Our monsoon season is definitely upon us. Wind, blowing dust and rain, affects our community in different ways. Please let the office know if you encounter any damage to our landscaping, so we can report it to our landscape company right away. These storms can cause a lot of mayhem, so please let us know if there is anything that needs immediate attention. The rain is going to bring out the weeds in your yards, so please get out there and treat your yards as soon as possible. I hope everyone has an amazing August!

There are over 2,000 homeowners here producing a lot of waste paper that could be recycled. This would be an easy and painless way to procure more funds to spend on Sunland Springs improvements. LET’S ALL PITCH IN THE BIN

Jim Hazel

Jim Hazel, president of the Karaoke Club, has lived at SSV since 2005. He is an octogenarian who gives new meaning to the term “active senior adult.” Since 2001 Jim has been a substitute math and science teacher at least 100 days a school year mostly at Skyline High School. “I truly love teaching,” Jim said, “because the need is there for students to awaken themselves to their own potential. Some of them just need a push.” Born in Niagara Falls, New York, Jim lived with his family in Western New York until a move to Mesa in 1992. After serving with the U.S. Army 1952-1955, Jim attended and graduated with a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering degree from Clarkson University in Potsdam, New York. He also has received a Certificate of Management from the University of Pittsburgh. In the Western New York area, near Buffalo, he worked in multiple positions in industrial operations and technical manage-

ment. He has obtained a number of patents for industrial coated substrates. He has numerous accomplishments in the fields of statistics and math. In 1997 he retired as a chemical engineer from Olin Electrochemical Corp. In his spare time, Jim extensively reads on American history and the U.S. Constitution. He is a student of the American Civil War, owning more than 100 volumes about this subject in his library. He has visited and studied numerous battle sites. Jim considers marrying Marilyn, his wife of 53 years, his greatest achievement. Marilyn keeps busy with the Computer Club, Karaoke Club, and women’s luncheons. The Hazels enjoy traveling and have taken cruises to South America, Europe, the Caribbean, Hawaii, and Panama Canal. They have planned an extensive European cruise for this fall. They have three sons and six grandchildren. “My pride and joy, of everything in my life, are Marilyn and my three sons,” Jim said.

Home security: It begins with you and your neighbor. By Ed Leahy, Chairman, HOA Security Committee Our HOA Home Security Program is made up of three elements: 1. The Mesa Police. 2. A paid security company. 3. A Mesa Police Neighborhood Watch Program built on the fundamental principal that when neighbors look out for neighbors, we can improve our home security. If we all keep a sharp eye on each other’s homes when any of us are away, we can help keep things from happening. We can take door hangers off each other’s door knobs, newspapers out of driveways, or any other tell-tale sign that no one is home. The simple fact is, a vast majority of break-ins occur when nobody is home. This neighborly security program should

have special appeal for seasonal visitors who are away from the community for months at a time, and anyone when they are simply away on vacation. More importantly, while you are at home, keep your garage door closed. Never leave your car in your driveway with the keys in the ignition or with valuables visible on the car seat. In fact, never leave your keys in your ignition or valuables on the seat--even in the garage and the door is down. What is more, if you do not have a security screen door, consider getting one. Standard front doors have been known to be kicked in by intruders. The Neighbors Looking Out for Neighbors Community Watch is most effective when we all participate.

4 August 2014

Sunland Springs Village Voice

Activities/Sports Chapel Tidings By Springs Chapel Board Springs Chapel offers Sunland Springs Village residents a Christian community worship service each Sunday at 9:00 AM in the Auditorium followed by a coffee and fellowship hour. Communion is offered the first Sunday of each month. This is a non-denominational, Bible-based ministry. Pastor Anthony Bryant and Pastor Lanny Barringer serve as its pastors. Residence in Sunland Springs Village is not a condition for attendance or membership – everyone is welcome to attend regardless of place of residence. Services continue throughout the summer months. While not a full-fledged church, Springs Chapel does offer opportunities to participate in a mixed choir, men’s and women’s breakfasts, Christian women’s reading groups, and special social events sponsored by the Chapel.

The choir does not practice or perform during the summer months but will resume in the fall. Chapel men’s and women’s groups meet once a month on Thursday mornings. For further information on these groups, contact Bud Dighton at 480-380-7733 (Men’s Group) or Julia Hoon at 509-679-8009 (Women’s Group). The Women’s Reading Groups meet once a month. Contact person for the reading group is Sylvia Hansen (480-984-4347). Special events are coordinated by Tony and Donna Mills (480-946-7344). “God is our refuge and strength, an everpresent help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging”. “Selah” Psalm 46:1-3 NIV

Just Breathe By: Christine K. Marcus Focusing on your breath is a major part of a YOGA class. Learn to connect the breath with movement -- creating meditation in motion. YOGA is a great way to stretch, tone, tune into your body and connect the mind, body and spirit. Exercise is an incredibly valuable part of a healthy lifestyle. “If you want to be peaceful, live in the

now” according to Gaiam. YOGA encourages us to be present-minded. Come enjoy YOGA in August....relax, strengthen, breathe. We meet Monday and Wednesday mornings at 8:30 in the Auditorium. Cost is $3.50 per class. Class is from 8:45 - 10:00 AM. If you have questions, please contact Christine by email: [email protected]

Community Bible Study


By: Ardella Burtman A community Bible study is held every Friday morning at 9 AM in the Springs Card Room.  The Bible study is open to anyone who wishes to attend and is not restricted solely to residents of Sunland Springs Village. This is an interdenominational study, open to men and women. There is no charge and no book to buy – the Bible is the study guide with use of commentaries by trusted Christian writers. Bring any translation of the Bible you prefer to use.  The sessions continue throughout the summer months. Beginning the second week of August Sylvia Hansen will lead the group in a study of the Parables. You are invited to join the Bible study group for its Friday Bible studies. Obviously, for various reasons, not everyone can attend every Friday; and even though there is some building of content one session on the next, in a sense, each session stands alone. If you have any questions about the Bible study, please call Ardella Burtman at 480.993.3102. “This is why I speak to them in parables: Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.” Matthew 13:13 NIV

By Karen Copeland The Pickleball Club recently added another improvement -- lighted courts! The inaugural games were played on Saturday night, July 12. Players from nearby parks were invited to help celebrate the new lighting. Everyone enjoyed the new experience and all are very excited about being able to play Pickleball on summer evenings, when it is cooler. Playing under the lights in the winter months, when it gets dark so early, is something to which we will look forward. Anyone interested in learning more about Pickleball may contact Mitch Johnson at (602) 740-2446. Introductory lessons are available Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7:30 to 9:30 AM by appointment. Check out our web page at for more helpful information. Tip of the Month: GETTING BACK INTO POSITION - When your partner is pulled out of position by a well-placed shot on the edge of the court, your responsibility is to move to the middle of the court and to cover the court until he/she can get back. When that partner gets back in position, quickly move back to your side of the court. Also, try to slow the game down by hitting the ball soft and low, giving your out-of-position partner time to get return to their proper position.


Writer’s Club

Photo Club

By: Nan Miller ATTENTION: Writer’s Group We will not meet during August. Looking forward to seeing you Thursday, September 4, at 10:00 AM. In the meantime if you have any questions, please call Charles at 480.634.1821, or Effie at 480.986.3196. Nan Miller will return the first of October

By: Karen Lowery Images displayed are pictures that were used in our monthly Show and Learn during the 2013-2014 season. Other images are shown in a rotating display in the Superstition Room.

Computer Club

By Pat Miller, President We are happy to see the great attendance at our summer sessions, especially the new faces. We hope everyone will join us as we begin our new season on October 1, 2014. This summer we have covered topics on both PC and Apple products via instructional videos, followed by individual and group breakout sessions. All residents are welcome to our summer meetings. No attendance is taken or fees collected. We do ask that you wear your nametag however. Bring your laptop, tablet or phone and someone should be able to answer any questions you may have. We can help on almost any issue or device. Please contact our Vice President in charge of Programs, Diana Grubb (510-673-0248), or me, Pat Miller, President (602-321-6619), with your questions or problems. If we know ahead of time, we will attempt to have someone available to help. We hope to see you on the first and third Wednesdays for the rest of the summer. During the summer season we meet at 10:00 AM in the Superstition Room -- that will be August 6 and 20.

By: Bob and Ginny Gray, terra-travel, 480-986-2331, [email protected] We just returned from summer adventures starting with the International Barbershop Chorus Contest in Vegas where Spirit of Phoenix placed 16th in the world. From Vegas we traveled to the Northwest where we spent time with family and friends, and then drove back via the coast highway so we could enjoy the beautiful scenery. We never get tired of watching the ocean, eating seafood, or stopping in the quaint little towns along

Circus Time, by Bruce Stofferan

Calico Cat, by Vern Rolf

Crater Lake, by Mel Eichhorst

LaPosaca Hotel – Winslow, by Karen Ward

Bride and Groom, by Marjorie Card

Driftwood, by Dick Lund

Md Beach, by Jayne Rolf

Pretty Doll, by Isabelle Esposito

Vagabond Club News - Trips & Tips the way. We are so blessed and happy to be home in Arizona. Most of us receive mailers from Cruise Lines and/or Tour Companies which display unbeatable specials. Did you know that if you bring in the flyer with the “promo code” and let us book the trip for you through Terra Travel, you get the special price and the Enhancement Fund gets commission? How awesome is that! The Hot August Nights are here, and that’s a good time to start making plans for

your next trip with your friends. Wayne and Judith Konz have the Canadian Rockies by Motor Coach and Rail tour, and their ten or twenty Day Caribbean Cruise in January of 2015. Also check out the Ama Waterways River Cruise from Amsterdam to Budapest on June 10, 2015. We have just added a group tour with Collette for ten (10) days, nine (9) nights, “Heritage of America” September 25 to October 4, 2015. Two nights in New York City, two in Lancaster, PA, one in Shenandoah Valley, two Williamsburg PA, and two

in Washington DC. Pre and Post nights are also available in New York and Washington DC. February 2016 will be our Panama Canal Cruise on Princess from Los Angeles to Fort Lauderdale. TIP: Carry On Bag size change: Three major airlines — American, Delta, and United -- have reduced the size of an acceptable carry-on bag. The new regulation size is 22 inches long by 14 inches wide and 9 inches high, skimming a collective 5 inches from the old size limit of 24 X 16 X 10-inch.

Sunland Springs Village Voice

August 2014 5





6 August 2014

Sunland Springs Village Voice

Ads are paid in advance: $15 for 30 words, 20¢ per word over 30. Add a border for $3. Deadline is 15th of month for the following month’s publication. Send ad and check to Miller Media Services, P.O Box 31533, Mesa, AZ 85275 or email to [email protected].

Alterations Vera’s Sewing Nook Tailoring and Alterations of any type. Window Treatments, Upholstering & Pillows. Call for appointment 480-634-1735.

Cleaning Services CARPET CLEANING Fast Drying and Residue Free! Much Better Than Steam! Vac, pre-treat, scrub, thoroughly clean, rinse and vac. Open areas Only $20 to $25 per room!   Owner/ operator 30+ yrs. Dennis Coats 480-354-0866. Windows Squeegee Clean: No puddles-no mess-24 hr service. You will be delightedguaranteed. We clean sun screens, rain gutters, ceiling fans, light fixtures & more. We repair/replace sun screens and do power washing. Call Rich 480-205-2082. House Cleaning & Windows Honest, dependable and reasonable. 10+ years experience. Ref. Roxie 964-0922. KK’s Cleaning Svcs. What a “great” feeling coming home to a clean house. One time cleanings, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly whatever fits your needs. I charge by the job… Call Today 480-299-3878. Home Cleaning Years of experience. Weekly or biweekly. Honest, dependable and reasonable rates. I charge by the job. Yes, I do windows. I am a Farnsworth resident. Call Ann 480-981-6868. Caroline’s Cleaning Service Free estimates, weekly, biweekly, monthly. Licensed, references. I provide all cleaning equipment and supplies. I have been cleaning houses and commercial offices since 2008. Call 480-208-0031.

Jennifer’s Housekeeping Call today for a cleaner tomorrow. Weekly, biweekly, monthly, move-in, move-out. Quality professional cleaning. Supplies included. To make an appointment, please call 480-259-0287.

Home Services B&B Maintenance Repair More than just a Handyman! Residential & Commercial. Electrical, Plumbing, General Maintenance, Interior Painting, Ceiling Fans, Security Lighting & Doors, Carpentry, Hot Water Tanks, Drip and Sprinkler Systems and Evaporative Coolers. Affordable, License ROC #198734 and Insured. Mesa resident over 30 years experience. Work guaranteed, friendly, clean and professional Call Buddy at 480-352-9677. Small Jobs Welcome. Call with questions about your type of small repairs that you’re not sure of. Andy’s Handyman Service Fast, Friendly, Dependable, No Job Too Small. Plumbing, electrical, interior painting, doors, locks, fixtures, drywall, stucco, masonry, concrete, fencing. For free estimate call 602-828-0245. Bonded and Insured. Ludwig the Handyman Licensed, Bonded, German craftsmanship, over 25 years; rebuild, remodel, roofing, carpentry, concrete, plumbing, painting, tile work. 480-288-1685 or cell 480-225-8793.

--- CLASSIFIED ADS --- CLASSIFIED ADS --Mazon’s Air Conditioning & Heating Service Only $18.95 for a complete A/C system check-up. Includes 20 point check plus service complete unit. Expert service and repairs or unit replacement. Licensed & Bonded. 480-966-7794 or 602-579-1012. Mazon’s Plumbing Expert service and repairs. Free water heater inspections. All plumbing repairs. Sewer and drains unclogged. Water heaters, faucets, garbage disposals, toilets, water leaks. Licensed & Bonded. 480-966-7794 or 602-579-1012. Home Remodeling and Rain Gutter Specialist AZ Rooms, Dual Pane, Replacement Windows, Aluminum & Vinyl Siding & Trim, Seamless Raingutters-30colors. Very Reliable-Licensed & Bonded. LIC #114475 George – 480-820-8711 We love small jobs. Garage, Patio & Driveway Coatings Epoxy, Flagstone and Chip Coatings. Ugly concrete? We can fix that! A+ BBB Member ROC 165692. Family Owned and Operated since 2011. www. Free Estimate 480-890-1141. Garage Door Repairs Free Service Calls. $20 Off Any Repair. Always Open Garage Door LIC# ROC 182785 Bonded/Insured 480-703-9963.



Computer Services

Designing Arizona Landscape Specializing in complete desert landscape and sprinkler install/repair, trimming, blowing, removal, rock, lighting. Low Prices for Seniors. Accredited member of The Better Business Bureau. Perfect record with the Arizona Registrar of Contractors. Arizona License #243110. Bonded & Insured. Free estimates: 480-380-9966.

MCCARTY PAINTING SERVICES. Professional quality work with outstanding customer satisfaction since 1984. Trust your interior or exterior painting needs to someone who cares. Free Estimates and Color Consultation. Call Loren, owner at 480-985-2754 or 602-397-0158. LicensedBonded-Insured. Your satisfaction begins with our integrity.

A+ Computer Services. PC/Wireless Network Setup, Troubleshooting/Fix, PC Optimization/Clean-up, Virus and Spyware Removal, Tutoring-Windows, iPad, iPhone, etc. Very Reasonable Rates. A+ Certified PC Technician. Call Marc 480-277-1313.

Urgent Affordable Tree and Total Clean-up Service: We do all trees, trim, removal, prune, top, shape, haul away, clean-up, weeds, anything. You name it! Do it today! Vuna 480-600-7357.

Tom the Painter. Over 10 years as Farnsworth’s top painter I am now available to paint the interior or exterior of your home with the same quality and craftsmanship that Farnsworth Homes has provided for an economical price. Call for free estimates. 602-571-9014.

Sprinkler Repair Full Service Irrigation Repair and Installation Drip system specialists, valves, timers, leaks, seasonal system checks, 2 year warranty, free estimates. ROC#243662. Licensed-Bonded-Insured. Mike 480-233-1009. Designing Arizona Landscape Specializing in all phases of Sprinkler Repair, PVC, Drip Systems, Trouble Shooting. Low prices for Seniors. Accredited member of The Better Business Bureau. Perfect record with the Arizona Registrar of Contractors. Arizona License #243110. Bonded & Insured. Free Estimates: 480-380-9966.

Robak Painting LLC Paint exterior, interior. Small jobs welcomed. Paint popcorn ceilings, block walls, drywall repair, wallpaper removal, epoxy garage floor. Free window washing with any complete exterior or interior paint job. Senior discount. Call Frank 480-981-6868 cell 480-586-1090. Lic #ROC 104337 Bonded & Insured. Visa accepted. Farnsworth resident.

Now offering remote support and repair. Serving Online Senior Computer Repair. Serving seniors since 2000. Over 8,000 happy customers. New computer/printer setup & repair. Virus/spyware removal. 7435 E. Main St. 480-218-4960.

Miscellaneous D2U Shuttle Service Sunland Village Resident. D2U offers Airport Shuttles, $40 a trip (one way). Call 480-289-1156 or 503-810-1277. MARY KAY...The best in skin care. Are you looking for a dependable, friendly consultant that delivers for free! Call 480-699-6679, e-mail PeneMathisonmk4u@ Mary or check out my website penemathisonmk4u. “You will love the way you look!” Pene Mathison, Independent Beauty Consultant. Diversity Singles Club (age 60 plus) meets Mondays, 8 a.m. at the Golden Corral in Mesa for breakfast. Weekly activities. Newcomers welcome!

Sunland Springs Village Voice

August 2014 7

Sunland Springs Village Homeowners Association Minutes of the Meeting Superstition Room June 24, 2014 The meeting was called to order by HOA Manager Buffy Lewis at 9:35 AM. She announced that an error had occurred on the Financial Summary May 31, 2014, and it would be amended. She also stated that the Springwood Pool looks wonderful and the work is proceeding with the interior restrooms being painted, beautiful tiles in some places in the pools, new landscaping. The work is ahead of schedule and the pool will be open no later than July 4, 2014. Ms. Lewis also stated that the pickleball lighting was in progress. The poles are manufactured locally but the lights are not. They will be going up soon. The benches for the Pet Park need to be assembled and concrete pads poured. She is working closely with Mo Serva on the placement of the benches. Ms. Lewis’ next project will be the budget for the 2015 year. The Cox revenue share will be shown on the June Financial statement, and she is in negotiations for a good price on propane. The landscaping was pruned severely, and it is already growing back. Mr. Jeff Decker, Vice President of the HOA, reported that sales are continuing with a few each week in Golf III and the Town Homes. The fence is up around Copperwood where 11 homes may be built,

they last with golf course views. Phase 8 will be a few more weeks before building can begin, but they already have nine lots reserved. He said that no new models would be built. He also reported that the Fry’s Marketplace proposed for the northwest corner of Signal Butte and Guadalupe will be coming sooner rather than later. It should not take more than a year to get the site done. Nothing to report on the other two corners, but the road will have to be widened. In response to a question about Guadalupe being connected to Meridian, Mr. Decker stated that it would some day. There are several government agencies involved: Pinal County, Maricopa County, Apache Junction, and theArmy Corps of Engineers. In closing, Mr. Decker stated that the Tennis Courts, the Springwood Pool and the landscaping have improved our Village. It is good to have these expenses paid for out of the reserves and still maintain a balance in excess of $1,000.000. There being no further business to come before the assembly, the meeting adjourned at 9:45 AM. Respectfully submitted, Jane E. Harrel Recording Secretary

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8 August 2014

Sunland Springs Village Voice

August 2014

Clubs, Classes & Activities




7:00 Tai Chi, Part 1 – AUD 7:30 Water Aerobics – SPR POOL 7:30 Water Aerobics – SPR POOL 7:30 Low Impact Aerobics – ST 8:00 Men’s 18-Hole Golf/Shotgun 7:30 Women’s 18-Hole Golf/ 8:30 Men’s Bridge – SPR Shotgun 8:30 Men’s Billiard League – BC/ 8:30 Water Exercise – SPR POOL Hosp 9:00 Ceramics – 4PK Water Exercise – SPR POOL 9:00 Needlecrafters – RMT 9:00 Springs Chapel Service 8:30 8:45 Yoga – AUD 9:30 Pickleball Lessons - ST – AUD 9:00 Shuffleboard – SC 9:00 Coffee Time – SR 9:00 Quilt Club – RMT




7:00 Tai Chi – Advanced – AUD 7:30 Water Aerobics – SPR POOL 7:30 Men’s 18-Hole Golf/Shotgun 8:45 Yoga – AUD 8:30 Water Exercise – SPR POOL 9:00 Mah Jongg Int’l – SPR 9:00 Quilt Club – RM 9:00 Shuffleboard – SC 9:30 Pickleball Lessons – ST 10:00 Computer Club – SR (1st & 3rd Wednesday Only)

7:30 Low Impact Aerobics – ST 7:30 Water Aerobics – SPG POOL 7:30 Women’s 18-Hole Golf/ Shotgun 8:30 Water Exercise – SPG POOL 9:00 Ceramics – 4PK 10:00 Writer’s Club – SUM (No Meetings in August, 2014)

12:30 Ladies Social Bridge – SPR 1:00 Ladies Billiards – BC 1:00 Mah Jongg National – MAJ 1:00 Prayer Group - SUM 2:00 Bocce Ball – SC 4:00 Water Aerobics – SPR POOL 4:30 Chapel Choir Practice – SR 6:00 Texas Hold’em – SUM/MAJ 7:00 Euchre – SPR

1:00 Needlecrafters – RMT 1:00 Town Homes Ponytail – MAJ 2:00 Bocce Ball - SC 2:00 Water Volleyball – ST POOL 4:00 Water Aerobics – SPG POOL 6:00 Yoga - ST 6:15 Partners Bridge – SPR 6:30 Cribbage – MAJ/SUM 6:30 Bocce Ball - SC



7:00 Tai Chi, Part 1 – AUD 7:30 Water Aerobics – SPR POOL 8:00 Couples Golf - GC 8:30 Water Exercise – SPR POOL 8:45 Yoga – AUD 9:00 Bible Study – SPR 9:00 Village Quilters – RMT



7:00 Partner Ponytail Canasta – SPR

1:00 Ladies Ponytail Canasta – 1:00 Open Bridge (Men & Women) – SPR SPR/MAJ 1:00 Needlecrafters – RMT 1:00 Photo Club – SR 4:00 Water Aerobics – SPR POOL (1st Monday Only) 6:30 Bocce Ball - SC 2:00 Water Volleyball – ST POOL 4:00 Water Aerobics – SPR POOL 7:00 Double Deck Pinochle – SPR 4:00 Monday Evening Sew-In - RMT 7:00 Game Night – SUM/MAJ 6:00 Ceramics – 4PK 7:00 “500” Cards – SPR

7:30 Low Impact Aerobics – ST 7:30 Open Softball Practice – Men and Woman - BF 9:00 TAC – RMT 9:00 Shuffleboard – SC 10:00 Bocce Ball - SC

1:00 Mah Jongg Int’l – MAJ 4:30 Couples Golf Social – SR 6:30 Billiards All Comers – BC 7:00 Bridge Partners – SPR

1:00 Mah Jongg Int’l – SPR 2:15 Bunko – MAJ (2nd Saturday Only)


Children’s Pool Hours 12-2 PM SPG POOL and 4-6 PM ST POOL


9:00 AM – NOON 1 – 4 PM M–F




AO – Activities Office APL – Activities Parking Lot AUD – Auditorium BC – Billiards Center BF – Ball Field

CONF – Conference Room CY - Courtyard FIT – Fitness Center 4PK – Four Peaks Room HOSP – Hospitality Room


SIL – Silversmith/Stained Glass SPR – Springs Card Room SPR POOL – Springwood Pool SR – Superstition Room ST – San Tan Rec Ctr A, B, &/or C

ST POOL – San Tan Pool SUM – Summit Card Room TC – Tennis Court WOOD – Woodshop



LIB – Library LP – Lap Pool MAJ – Majestic Card Room RMT – Red Mountain Room SC – Sports Court, Shuffleboard, Bocce Ball







1 2 7:00 PM Karaoke Party – ST

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

9:00 AM Springs Chapel Service – AUD

1:00 PM Recreational Facilities Committee – ST 1:00 PM Men’s Golf BOD – SUM

8:30 AM Architecture Committee – MAJ 9:00 AM Coffee Time – SR

8:30 AM Buildings Committee – MAJ 9:30 AM Landscape Committee – MAJ 12:00 PM Ladies Salads & Desserts Luncheon – SR

8:00 AM Mens Breakfast – AJ Feedbag

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

9:00 AM Springs Chapel Service – AUD

9:00 AM Security 9:00 AM Coffee Time – SR Committee – SUM 1:00 PM Communications Committee – SUM 4:00 PM Couples Golf BOD – MAJ 4:00 PM Sips & Dips Social - ST

Get your tickets for “Get Your Kicks on Route 66.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 9:00 AM Springs Chapel Service – AUD

1:00 PM Finance Committee – SUM 6:00 PM Summit Support Group – SR

8:30 AM Architecture Committee – SUM 9:00 AM Coffee Time – SR

1:00 PM Advisory Committee - SR

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 9:00 AM Springs Chapel Service – AUD Last Day to buy tickets to Summer Survivors

9:00 AM Coffee Time – SR 9:30 AM Master HOA Meeting - SR

7:00 PM Summer Survivors “Get your Kicks on Route 66” – AUD

31 1 2 3 4 5 6 9:00 AM Springs Chapel Service – AUD

Auditorium closed for annual cleaning Auditorium Closed all Septemer Labor Day – Office Closed

8:30 AM Architecture Committee – SUM 9:00 AM Coffee Time – SR

8:30 AM Buildings Committee – MAJ 9:30 AM Landscape Committee – MAJ

7:00 PM Karaoke Party – ST