Store attributes as drivers of store choice and loyalty ...

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an extensive list of store attributes in an under-studied context. ... As in other countries in sub-Sahara Africa, the grocery retail sector in Botswana has.

Prof R Makgosa

Research Assistant: Department of Marketing University of Botswana

Department of Marketing University of Botswana

[email protected]

[email protected]

$%675$&7 This study examined the role that convenience, merchandise, promotion, service, physical facilities and store atmosphere play as drivers of store choice and loyalty in Botswana. A sample of 160 female shoppers whose ages IDOOEHWZHHQDQG\HDUVUHVLGLQJLQWZRRIWKHODUJHVWFLWLHVLQ%RWVZDQDEHLQJ*DERURQHDQG)UDQFLVWRZQZDV used. A structured questionnaire was personally administered to respondents from convenient locations such as VKRSSLQJFHQWUHVWKH8QLYHUVLW\DQG&ROOHJHFDPSXVHV5HVXOWVVKRZWKDWFRQYHQLHQFHLVWKHRQO\VWRUHDWWULEXWHWKDW VHUYHVDVDVLJQL¿FDQWSRVLWLYHGULYHUIRUERWKVWRUHFKRLFHDQGOR\DOW\0HUFKDQGLVHDQGVWRUHDWPRVSKHUHHPHUJHG DVVLJQL¿FDQWSRVLWLYHGULYHUVIRUVWRUHOR\DOW\&RQWUDU\WRH[SHFWDWLRQVVHUYLFH\LHOGHGDVLJQL¿FDQWQHJDWLYHHIIHFW on store choice. This study makes a contribution to the knowledge of female grocery shopping behaviour by studying an extensive list of store attributes in an under-studied context. Additionally, both store choice and loyalty are used for conceptualizing female grocery shopping behaviour while most of the available studies focus on each concept RQHDWDWLPH7KH¿QGLQJVRIWKLVVWXG\FRXOGEHXVHIXOIRUJURFHU\UHWDLOHUVRSHUDWLQJLQGHYHORSLQJFRXQWULHVDVWKH\ seek ways to ensure competitive advantage in the retail marketplace that experiences radical change and intense competition. Keywords:


,1752'8&7,21 Convenience, merchandise, promotion, service, physical facilities and store atmosphere, have emerged as store DWWULEXWHV WKDW JURFHU\ VKRSSHUV FRQVLGHU LPSRUWDQW ZKHQ PDNLQJ GHFLVLRQV WR FKRRVH -DQWDQ DQG .DPDUXGGLQ  7ODSDQD  =XOTDUQDLQ =DIDU DQG 6KDK]DG   RU WR EH OR\DO WR D SDUWLFXODU UHWDLO VWRUH +X