Three different layouts available to view your Listings; basic List view, detailed Card view, .... Bulk & Single Tag
storeFUZE Quickstart Guide - Etsy
Custom Listing Sort
See Listings in a meaningful ascending or descending order by Title, Expiring, Price, or Stock.
Store Selector
Change Your View
Change your default view of Listings and the change will automatically be saved. Choose from 3 different views: List, Card, and Table.
Quick Information
View Filtered result count, number of Selected Listings, and number of Listings with Pending Changes at a glance.
Edit Listings
After selecting Listings to edit, choose from Single Editor or either Bulk Editors (by Field or Bulk Edit in Groups Inline) with Save and Continue.
preview edition Configure Application
Choose the appearance/theme or change settings for each Sales Channel.
Notifications and Hub
Quickly see current active store plus select or add a new sales channel store from the drop down. Work on a store when one or more are busy.
As you choose tasks and make changes, storeFUZE shows notifications cards and tracks them in the Logging Hub that slides out for viewing history.
Quick Tool
Sync’ing Listings
Selection shortcuts, details view, review pending changes, & edit tools right where you work on Listings to reduce clutter and save valuable time.
Expand/collapse, & quickly look up Listings; or identify those that require attention. Some filters have counts, & others you can search within the filter.
Status bar
Indicates if a store is busy updating; and shows the state of the AutoUpdate or requiring restart after updating.
Exclusive Fast Sync and Intelligent Conflict Resolution will Retrieve &/or Send Listings only if there are changes using minimal CPU and time.
Review Changes
See the summary of Pending Changes waiting to be made to each individual Listing before sending to Etsy.
Quick glance Pending and Listing State indicators. Hover over the Pending indicator and see which fields have changes.
Document for app version [PREVIEW]
storeFUZE Quickstart Guide - Etsy View Listings Connect Your Store You can use storeFUZE as soon as you select your Sales Channel and authorise access to your data. When you start the application click on the ADD NEW STORE button and select the Marketplace – Etsy. Once connected, Store Listings and data will automatically be downloaded to your computer.
preview edition
Three different layouts available to view your Listings; basic List view, detailed Card view, and simple Table view. Once you select a view, storeFUZE will automatically remember and each time. The Quick Tool Magnify icon displays detailed Listing information when the mouse is hovered over the icon.
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storeFUZE Quickstart Guide - Etsy preview edition Filter & Sort Quick Contextual Tools Expandable Filter Groups for finding and working and with Listings instantly. As you select options, the filter Headers will change color and display a clear button. Change the order of Listings displayed using the Sort drop-down button – Sort ascending/descending by Title, Expiring, Price, or Stock.
Common tools overlay Listings where you work to save valuable time to hide and not clutter the screen when not in use.
Pending Changes
When changes are made and saved, the Pending Changes indicator is shown on the Listing. Hovering over the indicator will show what is pending.
Text Search Filter
Filter Listings Titles &/or Descriptions by partial/full & select either Contains or Without the search text from the Filter options drop down selector.
State Filters
See at a glance total number of Listings, by state, & filter result count. State filters work with the main filters – Text, Quick, Section, Tags, & Materials.
Bulk Edit
Click to open the last used Bulk editor for all selected Listings. If Listing is not selected, it will be added to the selected Listings automatically.
Quick Filters
A unique set of Filter & Range options for finding or checking Listings that require attention; or see Listings with Variations or Pending changes.
Single Edit
Click to open Listing or selected Listings in the Single Listing Editor. If Listing is not selected, it will be added to the selected Listings automatically.
Tag & Material Filters
Quickly identify Listings with SEO spelling problems; and/or find Listings with specific Tags. Each Filter Tag with the number of Listings associated.
Filter Search
Tag lists can get quite large. Type in the partial name of the Tag that you want to search for; plus other Scopes and options
When a Filter Group is active, the title will change and an ‘X’ reset Filter Group button will be displayed - see Quick filter graphic above. Click on the Header name to expand or collapse a Filter Group. storeFUZE will remember which Filter Groups are expanded or collapsed and will restore on application restart.
View Listing Details
TIP: Mouse Right-Click:
Same Menu as above Also includes Single a& Bulk Edit options Selection Hot key shortcuts: CTRL Key – Toggle Selection on click SHIFT Key – Select Range – Click, hold SHIFT Key, click again CTRL-A – Select All
Hovering your mouse cursor over the magnify glass will show key Listing details including all 5 Photos.
Select Listing or Group
Check box to select/deselect or click the dropdown to select by Group – Section, State or Category. Description information shown on option hover.
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storeFUZE Quickstart Guide - Etsy preview edition Bulk Listing Editors Single Listing Editor The editor layouts are designed to feel familiar to what you are currently using. The individual Field editors are crafted and logically grouped in tabs based on functionality. Where there are fields like Categories and Tags, additional search filters are used to make finding specific information quick and easy. Field Selectors
Like the Bulk Editor, the Single Listing Editor layout mimics what you are used to. Fields that already have edits are highlighted with a Pending Indicator and the Field Title color is set. The editor won’t let you lose changes when navigating and will give you the option to save, don’t save, or cancel.
In the “Tabbed Bulk Edit” mode, fields are separated into individual Field Tabs to reduce the amount of information displayed.
Buttons enable/disable as you work to indicate Actions available. Review changes, Undo changes for selected Listings, Save, Cancel edits.
No more guessing if changes will be accepted. View LIVE as changes are entered how many listings will change BEFORE Process, Save, & Send.
Field Groups mimic the grouping & layout on Etsy. Other logically grouped edit scenarios are also selectable via the labelled Tabs.
Buttons enable/disable as you work to indicate Actions available. Review changes, Undo changes for selected Listings, Save, Cancel edits.
Quickly see at a glance which fields already have pending changes. This lets you know that you are resuming editing changes already saved.
Field Groups mimic the grouping & layout on Etsy. Other logically grouped edit scenarios are also selectable via the labelled Tabs.
Helpful visible warning explanations as you enter changes explaining the requirements to ensure information won’t be rejected when sent to Etsy.
Group Selectors
Preview Count
Pending Indicator
Field Validation
Group Selectors
storeFUZE will remember which Bulk editor layout you prefer and will automatically use every time when selecting bulk edit. To change Bulk Editor Layouts, select the drop down on the Editor Button in the Listing toolbar. Undo Changes can only be actioned before sending changes to Etsy.
Field Edit Modes
Editing functionality for each Listing field is selectable via the field editor tabs. Some fields also have filters for quickly search.
Like the Quick Contextual Tools, hovering your mouse cursor over the Listing Photo in the selected Listings on the left, there is a magnify glass where you can view the current Listing details.
Field Edit Modes
Editing functionality for each Listing field is selectable via the field editor tabs. Some fields also have filters for quickly search.
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storeFUZE Quickstart Guide - Etsy preview edition Tag Field Editor Photo Field Editor Bulk & Single Tagging Editors are Etsy SEO contextually aware. Tags can be created in bulk by copying a CSV (comma separated values) set of Tags into the Add Tags tab.
Bulk Editor Mode
SEO Tag Indicator
See at a glance if the Tags being added/removed are title tags or nontitle tags with how the tag is being applied.
Placement Modes
Add new, In-use, & selected Listings. Choose how the new Tags will be applied to your Listings – Fill, replace last, replace to fit new, and replace all.
Single Editor Mode
Photos can be added individually or in bulk via drag and drop. The Photos can be a folder, a group of Photos, or individual Photos dragging in from another application, web browser, desktop, or File Explorer. Traditional Add Photo Dialog Window can also add an individual Photo, multiple selected Photos, or a folder of Photos. Like Tagging, Photos can be re-ordered using Drag’n’Drop.
Drag & Drop
Select and Drag Photos directly into the editor, then Drag’n’Drop to reorder Photos with a drop position indicator.
Add Mode
Photos are added to either the beginning or the end of the current Listing Photos.
Add/Remove, Drag & Drop
Inset before or after the selected Photo position.
Editing functionality for each Listing field is selectable via the field editor tabs. Some fields also have filters for quickly search. Quickly Add or Replace Tags by clicking a left-set ‘+’ or ‘-‘ Button. Tags can also be reordered with a drop position indicator.
Auto-Generated Best-Fit
Tags are automatically generated as you enter the title showing new tags (not in use) with “best fit” 20-character algorithm.
Insert Mode
Replace Mode
The chosen Photo position will be replaced with one or more Photos.
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storeFUZE Quickstart Guide - Etsy preview edition Title/Description Editors Review Pending Changes All text entered in storeFUZE Bulk & Single Listing field editors have Spell Check enabled including Titles and Descriptions. Titles & Description also work with Special Hidden Characters that trip up most bulk editors. So you can copy text from your favourite app or web browser and storeFUZE knows what to do.
Bulk Editor Mode
Bulk Title
Apply multiple changes to titles in a single bulk edit. Supports Spell Checking and Hidden Character Removal.
Bulk Description
Work with sections of text or paragraph blocks. Supports Spell Checking and Hidden Character Removal.
Single Editor Mode
Counters and Spell Check
Track position when editing Titles & Descriptions and see spelling mistakes that require fixing quickly.
Special Hidden Characters
Filters & corrects when moving blocks of text from your favorite app or web page.
As you apply changes and save, storeFUZE keeps track of them, highlights Fields in the Single Listing editor, and adds an Indicator to Listings. You can then continue editing or close the app and the changes will be there waiting for you. So you can keep editing and Reviewing the changes and send only when you are ready and not when the app needs you to.
Quick Single Edit
If a mistake is spotted or more changes are required, a Listing can be quickly selected for edit.
Changes be sent as Send Only or Sync & Send - the changes are sent and the Listings refreshed if there were any changes on Etsy.
Quick Hover Comparison
Hovering the mouse cursor over a field with changes will show in place the original information before editing and when it was last sync’d with Etsy.
Listing Detail Information
Current full Listing information can be compared with the changes by viewing the Listing Detail Information via mouse cursor on the selected Listing.
Document for app version [PREVIEW]